Garlic represents perennial. If you decide to grow winter garlic, then it’s better to take care of it in the fall. Planting it bulbous plant for winter, for next year you will get garlic of excellent quality and size.

Did you know? Garlic has gained wide popularity and has more than 70 varieties..

Varieties of winter garlic

Let's look at what varieties there are and how to choose garlic for planting before winter. Varieties of winter garlic are divided into those that can shoot arrows and those that cannot do this. Below are the most common varieties:

  • "Gribovsky anniversary". This popular variety garlic was bred in 1976, it is characterized by good fertility. It matures completely in 105 days, the head of this garlic has 7-10 cloves. The average weight of the head is 33 g. The variety adapts perfectly to weather conditions.
  • "Dungan local". This is a bolting garden variety. It was bred in 1959 and was intended for cultivation throughout the country. Scales on the cloves purple, the number of cloves varies from 2 to 9. One pod can have up to 135 bulblets.
  • "Gribovsky 80". Very spicy variety. From 7 to 11 cloves with lilac shade. This is a shooting variety that adapts well to all weather conditions. At proper care can be stored for a long time.
  • "Large-toothed Kiseleva". Another representative of the bolting variety of winter garlic. White cloves with white scales are large in size and correct form. On average, one head contains 5 cloves.
  • "Otradnensky". The variety was bred in 1979, tolerates low temperatures well. There are about 6 cloves in one head. It has good immunity to diseases.
  • "Scythian". Bright representative winter variety garlic It was bred in 1993 specifically for the conditions of Siberia. One head has no more than 5 cream-colored cloves. Has high immunity to diseases.
  • "Hermann". A shooting variety of garlic. Round shape There are 7 cloves in the head. Can be stored for 9 months.
  • "Doctor". This variety of shooting garlic was bred relatively recently. The color of the cloves is pale pink. The weight of one head is 65 g. The head contains up to 18 cloves.

  • When to plant garlic before winter

    Many gardeners are interested in the question of when and how to plant garlic before winter. Winter garlic is usually planted in the fall. The area where garlic is planned to be planted must be cleared of vegetation no later than the end of July.

    Garlic itself is planted a month and a half before the onset of frost. Before winter fully takes hold and the soil freezes, garlic will have time to develop a strong root system about 11 cm long, but green shoots will not appear.

    How to prepare garlic before planting for the winter

    If your garlic is poorly stored or its leaves turn yellow early during the growing season, the heads begin to rot, and so on, then preparation for planting should be carried out as follows:

  1. Select planting material . For these purposes, a healthy and large garlic. Pay attention to the number of cloves in the bulb; if there are not many of them, do not take them for planting.

    Be sure to make sure that all the cloves are healthy; the health of the entire crop directly depends on this. Examine each clove carefully and remove any that are rotten or stained.

    Please pay attention special attention the bottom of the clove. It should be free of defects and have a uniform gray color.

    Important! If there are too many infected cloves, then it is better to completely discard this batch, since there is a high probability of not getting a harvest from such material

  2. Treat garlic before planting in beds. This should not be neglected. It is thanks to processing that garlic will be more resilient and viable.

    Garlic can be processed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate . You need to soak for about 10 hours.

    Also you can use regular ash. One glass of ash is dissolved in a liter of hot water and left to infuse until the liquid separates and cools completely. Then you need to drain the light liquid and soak the garlic in it for one hour.

    If painful cloves have not been identified, then you simply need to treat them with Fitosporin-M solution 2 weeks before planting.

    Important! You need to disassemble the cloves immediately before planting, otherwise they will dry out and not grow..

    How to prepare the soil for planting garlic for the winter

    Proper planting of garlic for the winter is the key good harvest. Garlic is a light-loving plant; it needs a lot of sunlight and non-acidic sandy loam soil.

    The soil must be manured before planting the previous plant, since fresh manure is destructive for garlic; pests and pests will spread from it to the garlic. various diseases.

    If there is still a need to fertilize the soil for garlic after the previous crop, then this should be done no later than two weeks before planting the plant.

    First, dig up the soil, add to each square meter 6 g of humus, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt. Then you need to water the area with a solution of copper sulfate diluted in water (1:10). After this, cover the treated area of ​​the bed with film.

    After what crops is it best to plant garlic?

    Thoughtful fruit replacement plays an important role in growing any plant. Planting garlic before winter requires correct set substances in the soil.

    If there was a plant growing in this area before him, necessary set whose minerals coincide with garlic, you will not get a good harvest.

    Plants with a long root system are considered the best option. They will deplete the soil in the lower layers, which means the upper layers will remain untouched and are ideal for garlic.

    Representatives of such crops can be grains. Moreover, grain crops themselves are green manures. But there are exceptions - oats and barley are not suitable for these purposes.

    Did you know? Green manure - plants, root system which affects the accumulation of nitrogen compounds.

    Garlic grows very well in place of zucchini, cabbage, beans and peas. He also feels great around berry crops. If the garlic is small, it can be planted in areas where strawberries, raspberries, and wild strawberries grow.

The nutritional and medicinal value of garlic is difficult to overestimate. By adding this vegetable to your dishes, you can once and for all get rid of problems with digestion and assimilation of food. Moreover, he is prophylactic from many diseases. Knowing the basic rules, you can get it at any time of the year. The vegetable feels great personal plots, in gardens, vegetable gardens and even on the windowsill. It can be planted in open ground both in autumn and spring. Garlic is also very good at controlling numerous pests that attack currants, tomatoes, and strawberries. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it next to fruit, berry and vegetable crops.

Features of growing winter garlic

At the end of October or beginning of November, when the gardens have already been more or less harvested, summer residents begin new job- preparing areas for new residents. Not knowing how to properly grow winter garlic, novice gardeners are afraid to plant the crop for the winter. Although seedlings planted in autumn are stronger and more resilient. The most important thing is to guess the weather. The cloves need to be planted about a month before prolonged frosts. If this is done ahead of time, the garlic may germinate and lose its cold resistance. At late boarding the vegetable does not have time to create a reliable root system.

Popular varieties

To get a good harvest, it is important not only to know how to grow garlic, but also to choose the right seed. The bottom of the cloves should be free of suberized crust, because it retards the growth of the crop. There are several of the most popular varieties of garlic that tolerate low temperatures. "Komsomolets" and "Otradnensky" are suitable for planting in cold regions. They taste sharp and throw out arrows. The Komsomol bulb weighs up to 30 g and forms about 8 cloves. "Otradnensky" refers to large varieties, its scales are purple.

It is also worth noting the excellent taste qualities and cold resistance of “Gribovsky Jubilee”. This garlic forms a bulb with a large number cloves, its weight reaches 40 g. Also among summer residents, the “Poretsky” and “Danilovsky local” varieties are very popular. They form large number cloves, sharp, cold-resistant.

Planting winter garlic

To get a good harvest, you should choose a suitable plot with fertile soil. About a month before planting, the soil needs to be dug up, organic matter added and complex fertilizers However, you should not use fresh manure, because it is a source of fungi. The width of the beds should be about 75 cm and the height - 8 cm. It is recommended to change the planting sites for garlic annually. Large bulbs will grow in areas where zucchini, cucumbers or cabbage grew.

Beginner gardeners do not know how to grow good winter garlic. There is a little trick here - you need to calibrate the teeth. Too small, rotten, soft ones should not be taken at all. It is also not recommended to plant specimens with double fruiting bodies or several tops. Planting material should be disinfected in a 1% solution of copper sulfate. The cloves need to be planted to a depth of 5 cm, with an interval of 10 cm, the distance between the rows is recommended to be 20 cm. Garlic does not like density, because otherwise it will have to fight for space and will not be able to gain the required weight.

Garlic care and harvesting

In autumn, it is recommended to cover the area with the crop with agrofibre, leaves or spruce branches. As soon as the snow melts, the shelter should be removed. In early spring, it is important to make two fertilizings with urea; they are necessary for active vegetation. If the soil itself is poor, then for the bulb to grow, fertilizer should be applied 2 times a month throughout the growing season. As soon as the height of the arrows reaches 20 cm, they need to be pinched at a level of 5 cm. In order for the garlic to ripen faster, you need to scrape a little earth away from the bulbs.

There is no need to delay harvesting the crops; it should be done as soon as they turn yellow. lower leaves. It is very important to know how to properly grow winter garlic, because if you do not have time to dig it up in time, the scales will come off and expose the cloves, and this will affect the quality of storage of the vegetable. The bulbs should be placed under a canopy for natural drying for a week, and when the root lobe begins to crumble into dust under your fingers, you can transfer them to permanent place storage

Features of growing spring garlic

Fertile loamy and sandy loam soils are most suitable for planting bulbous crops. Knowing how to grow onions and garlic, you can achieve a good harvest. These vegetables are not demanding, but still have some growing features. Garlic is a light-loving plant, so it should not be planted in the shade of trees. It can be given a separate bed or placed next to fruit and berry crops or vegetables. Garlic feels good near strawberries, potatoes, raspberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, black currants, onions, gooseberries, roses, gladioli, tulips. It can be planted in areas where cabbage and legumes used to grow, but it is not recommended to combine them in one bed.

Beginner gardeners do not know how to grow summer garlic healthy and big. To do this, you need to choose good planting material, remove diseased and small teeth. It is worth updating varieties from time to time because they can degenerate. To make spring garlic grow faster, it is sprouted. The teeth are placed in a wet cloth bag and placed in plastic bag for a couple of days. But it is not at all necessary to do all this.

Planting summer garlic

The crop must be planted in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up to +7 °C (somewhere in early or mid-April). Dry soil requires abundant watering; if it is wet, then watering the beds is not necessary. The garlic is planted to a depth of about 6 cm, it should be twice the height of the clove. Germinated seed must be planted carefully, without damaging the root system. The beds need to be mulched. The rows should be made about 20 cm wide, the cloves are planted at intervals of 10 cm. Spring garlic is not afraid of frost, its shoots appear at +3 °C. The initial growing season for the crop takes place at +10 °C, the bulb is formed at +15 °C, and it matures at +25 °C.

Crop care

Many people wonder how to grow large garlic, especially if the summer is hot and it is not possible to constantly water the beds. In this case, it is necessary to mulch the soil, and it is better to choose light mulch. During the growing season, you need to try to provide garlic abundant watering, because at this time it is actively growing. When the bulbs ripen, moisture is needed in smaller quantities. In rainy weather, the area should not be flooded with water at all. Overmoistening should not be allowed under any circumstances, because it provokes the development of fungi and damage to the bulbs.

For spring garlic, it is recommended to carry out two feedings: early spring water the ground with a solution of bird droppings or rotted cow manure, and in mid-summer - with a solution of ash. Mineral fertilizers are not used for crops; they do not benefit either vegetables or human health. Recommendations on how to grow garlic also include weed control and periodic loosening of the soil. Thanks to mulching, you can make caring for the crop much easier, avoid weeding and reduce the number of waterings.

What is the difference between spring and winter garlic?

Crop varieties are divided into two large groups: bolting and non-bolting. Before growing garlic, you should decide on the variety and its type. Gardeners claim that only winter varieties produce shoots, but in some cases they can also appear on spring crops. It all depends on climatic features region. Winter garlic has large cloves located around the stem. The spring variety is smaller, its bulbs are dense. Winter crops are frost-resistant and their yield is extremely high, but in terms of shelf life they are significantly inferior to summer crops, which are preserved intact throughout the year.

What does garlic need to grow?

This is an incredibly cold-resistant plant, withstanding temperatures down to -45 ° C, so residents of temperate latitudes have nothing to worry about. The bulbs are perfectly preserved under snow cover, and in the spring at +3 °C they begin to grow. The culture develops normally at +18-25 °C. In the question of how to grow large garlic, the quality of the soil plays a big role. The plant feels best on loamy and sandy soils, but does not tolerate acidic and saline soils.

Garlic responds well to feeding, but mineral fertilizers and fresh manure should be excluded. Loves moisture, but waterlogging can have a detrimental effect on the bulbs. For spring garlic, the site must be prepared in the fall, and for winter garlic, a month before planting. The bed should be dug up and about 5 kg of humus added per 1 m2.

Planting large garlic

You need to immediately decide which crop to plant - winter or spring. There are several secrets to the question of how to grow large garlic. Larger bulbs are easier to obtain from the winter variety. Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, it is planted at the end of September or in October. The teeth should take root before the onset of frost, but not grow. Spring garlic is planted in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. It is not afraid of frost, the main thing here is to gain time, because before the heat sets in, the bulb must form. Otherwise, the garlic will turn out small.

In order for the vegetable to grow large, you need to make wide rows (25 cm) and plant the cloves at a distance of 12 cm from each other. It is important to guess the planting depth; it should be equal to twice the height of the planting material. This rule does not apply to spring garlic; its cloves are buried 3 cm. The soil should not be made too loose, but it is not recommended to press the planting material into the ground. After planting, you need to cover the beds with mulch.

Garlic on the windowsill

Many housewives worry in advance about the availability of greenery during the cold season. If everything is more or less clear with onions, because they sprout incredibly quickly, then few people know how to grow garlic on a windowsill. And garlic greens are required in many dishes. If you simply plant the cloves in a pot of soil, they will germinate closer to spring. It's very easy to speed up the process. To do this, it is necessary to place containers with garlic outside late in the fall so that they can undergo cold treatment. Then you should take the boxes home and water the soil warm water. At a temperature of +17 °C, greenery will appear within a week. Even those who did not know how to grow garlic at home can easily get it in the cold season. Fragrant greens on the windowsill when a blizzard is raging outside, what could be more comfortable?

Garlic diseases

Despite the undemanding culture, it can still be affected by various diseases during the growing season. The most common is bottom rot; the fungus causes the bulb to rot, the roots to die, and the leaves to turn yellow. If it appears on the leaves gray plaque, this means that the garlic has been attacked by downy mildew. This disease threatens the under-ripening of the bulbs. White rot provokes the death of leaves and the formation of mycelium on the roots. The disease leads to tooth decay. Leads to very unpleasant consequences bacterial rot. Because of it, brown ulcers with a rotten smell appear on the teeth. To protect the crop from pests, it is necessary to treat the garlic with an ash solution before planting. You can also plant the plant next to calendula and chicory, they save you from nematodes.

The garlic harvest is obtained by planting with cloves, aerial bulbs, single cloves, planting before winter or in early spring. An unpretentious, valuable vegetable grows in any region, and to get marketable heads densely filled with cloves, just follow simple recommendations.

Pre-planting treatment of garlic

An important role in successful cultivation garlic plays a role in the quality of planting material and its correct processing from diseases and pests.

Only healthy teeth, bulbs and single teeth are suitable for planting - without damage:

  • pink-red spots of fusarium,
  • fluffy coating of mycelium at the bottom,
  • insect-eaten areas,
  • brown dust on the scales due to mite infestation.

Small, overdried, sprouted, rotten onions are discarded. It is worth remembering that large cloves produce the best heads of garlic. The same applies to bulbs, which should not be less than 0.3 cm in diameter.

Immediately before planting, planting material is disinfected by soaking it in a 40% formalin solution for 1.5–2 hours, after which the dried cloves and bulbs are dusted with foundationazole, and if there is a risk of root mite infection, with colloidal sulfur powder.

An effective way to treat garlic against fungal infections, mites and thrips is to warm the cloves and bulbs before planting in hot water(50°C) for 15 minutes or in dryers at 40–42°C for 8–10 hours.

Landing Features

Garlic grows well on fertile, moderately moistened, light loam and sandy loam. It is undesirable to allocate salt marsh soils and too acidic soils, areas with stagnant melt water.

Depending on the timing of planting, in garlic culture there are two large groups:

  • spring (long-term), planted in spring,
  • winter (fruitful), which is planted in late autumn.

Garlic is returned to its original place no earlier than after 3–4 years, and if the bottom is infected with rot, after 6–7 years.

Advice. If the site has been infected with fungal infections, treat the soil with a 3% solution of copper sulfate: for spring planting - as soon as the snow melts, and for winter planting- immediately after clearing the area of ​​plant remains of the previous crop.

How to plant spring garlic

They are predominantly non-shooting and do not form aerial bulbs, so the planting material for these varieties is cloves.

In the spring, one-toothed garlic is also planted - a set obtained last season from sowing aerial bulbs of bolting forms of garlic. This planting material is considered elite, produces the best yields and is valued above all else.

Stages of work at spring planting the following:

  1. Before plowing the plot in the fall, humus or compost is added in a volume of 4–6 kg per 1 sq. m. m, as well as 5 g of superphosphate and 3 g of potassium salt.
  2. Garlic is more cold-resistant than onions, the roots grow already at a temperature of 1–2°C, and the planting period of this resistant crop is correlated with the beginning field work, timing may vary from year to year in each region.
  3. Both cloves and single cloves are planted according to a pattern of 6–8 × 40–45 cm. Wide row spacing will simplify soil cultivation and enable plants to form high-quality heads.
  4. Before planting, the area is marked by cutting rows with the required distances, and then the cloves are planted to a depth of 4–5 cm.

How to plant garlic before winter (winter)

Form larger product heads and display better yield than spring garlic, but at the same time they are more demanding on agricultural technology.

During winter planting act like this:

  1. Carefully remove weeds and carry out deep plowing of the area - up to 25–27 cm, best predecessors– cucumbers or early cabbage, under which organic fertilizers were previously applied, in this case additional soil filling is not carried out.
  2. If fertilizers were not applied to previous crops, 30–45 days before planting, humus is scattered over the site in a volume of 3–5 kg/sq. m, having previously mixed with wood ash in the proportion of one glass of ash per bucket of humus.
  3. The cloves are planted 25–30 days before the soil freezes so that rooted plants do not push the sprouts to the surface. For middle zone this period falls on September 20 – October 5, optimal timing For southern regionsOctober 10–20.
  4. The layout of the beds is the same as for spring varieties in the spring. Optimal depth planting of cloves is 6–8 cm from the bottom to the soil surface.
  5. Immediately after planting, the area is mulched with peat crumbs, humus or compost with a layer of 5–10 cm. In the spring, as soon as the weather permits, the mulch is removed, facilitating access to sunlight for the sprouts.

Advice. If the cloves are planted early and the plants with leaves go away before winter to preserve root collar, with the onset of frosty weather, the beds are hilled with humus, peat chips or soil to a height of 6–8 cm. In spring, the area is harrowed across the rows, removing excess soil.

To obtain an abundance of high-quality garlic planting material without wasting valuable cloves of marketable heads, propagation of bolting varieties by aerial bulbs is used.

Planting garlic with bulbs (aerial bulbs) is beneficial because:

  • eliminates the need for labor-intensive disassembly of heads into teeth;
  • facilitates the planting process, allows the use of seeders;
  • plants from seedlings are more viable and productive;
  • when an area is infected with a root nematode, using bulblets, you can obtain healthy planting material and preserve the variety.

Sowing bulbs carried out in three ways:

  • biennial culture with transplantation,
  • two-year culture without transplantation,
  • annual winter crop, which is only possible in the southern regions.

At two-year cultivation garlic from bulbs, the following stages of work are performed:

  1. To obtain planting material, the shoots on the mother plants are cut off as soon as the outer wrapper holding the bulbs begins to burst. The arrows are tied into bunches and hung in a cool place to ripen.
  2. The material is calibrated by selecting well-made, dense bulbs with a diameter of 3 mm or more.
  3. Sowing is carried out manually or using seeders to a depth of 2–4 cm, at the same time as winter garlic, in rows with row spacing of 45–50 cm.
  4. After sowing, the beds are mulched with humus or compost with a layer of 8–10 cm.

At direct route the bulblets are sown every 2–3 cm in the row and left to overwinter in the same place, carrying out the usual regular care, and next autumn large heads with 4–6 cloves are harvested; sometimes a large one-claw can be obtained.

Traditional, but also more labor-intensive method - growing with transplantation, in this case, aerial bulbs are sown at distances in a row of 1–1.5 cm, and at the moment of lodging of the leaves, the one-toothed bulbs are dug up, calibrated, kept in a cool room and planted in the fall, at the same time and in the same way as the cloves of winter varieties .

At constant cultivation garlic through bulbs, the year-long race in time that traditional planting of cloves gives will become irrelevant in the second year.

Video: planting garlic

Garlic is a must-have crop in the garden; this unique, versatile vegetable is widely used in cooking and folk medicine, finding application for the entire plant - from young leaves and arrows to succulent cloves.

Careful selection and preparation of planting material, plowing and fertilizing the site, timely correct landing– main components great harvest this healthy aromatic vegetable.

In order for garlic planted before winter to not only overwinter in the open ground without loss, but also to produce excellent results, it is necessary to approach the issue of choice with all responsibility. seed material. You can learn how to choose the right garlic for planting before winter from our article.

What kind of garlic can be planted before winter?

As you know, winter garlic can be planted in two ways: cloves and single cloves grown from airy bulbs. Planting garlic with seeds (bulbs) implies a two-year cycle for obtaining seed, that is, if you plant them before winter, you cannot expect a quick harvest. But at the same time, this method of planting garlic also has its undeniable advantages. Firstly, air bulbs do not contact the ground, therefore, they are not infected by diseases or pests living in the soil. Secondly, this great way renew the seed and avoid variety degeneration. Thirdly, planting garlic bulbs before winter can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing seed, because when planting garlic cloves, quite a lot of them are consumed.

Which garlic is best to plant before winter?

When choosing garlic for planting before winter, it makes sense to buy only local planting material collected within a radius of no more than fifty kilometers from the planting site. In this case, special attention should be paid to purple-striped varieties, since they are less whimsical, have better winter hardiness and ultimately give best harvest. Heads planting garlic They should be large, have no damage or signs of deterioration, and all the teeth in them should be approximately the same size. You should not plant heads that have only 3-4, even very large cloves, as this indicates the degeneration of the garlic.

Planting garlic depends on several determining factors. Let's consider the features of planting this vegetable crop:

  • Garlic varieties have two large groups - spring and winter. They differ in properties and planting methods. Spring garlic is moderately hot, contains up to 25 cloves in the head, and the stem is soft. It is famous for its keeping quality and is planted in spring. The winter variety has large teeth and a dense stem. Gives large harvests, which come at the time of home harvesting. Planted in autumn. It is not stored for a long time (read more about whether winter garlic can be planted in spring).
  • Planting garlic depends on climatic conditions terrain. Early snowfalls will help to insulate the crops, the need for shelter will disappear; in the northern regions, covering is mandatory.
  • Planting agricultural technology includes: compliance with crop rotation, planting dates, the presence of a sunny area, loamy soil, non-use fresh manure, pre-sowing work, mandatory mulching when planting before winter.
  • To obtain a large amount of high-quality planting material, bulbous seeds of bolting varieties are used.

Compatibility with other summer crops

When planting garlic, you need to consider compatibility with other vegetable crops. We can distinguish the main groups of plants, which for garlic will be:

  • Compatible– carrots, cucumbers, parsley, potatoes, salads, tomatoes, beets.
  • Incompatible– beans, broad beans, peas, cultivated parsnips.

How to choose material?

Garlic for planting is carefully selected - it depends on the planting material future harvest: Teeth, bulbs and single teeth must be:

  1. Healthy, dense, not damaged by pests or diseases.
  2. Not overdried, not rotten.
  3. Medium size or large (bulbs at least 0.3 cm).

The variety of garlic to be planted is purple with stripes. It is unpretentious and frost-resistant, can be stored for up to 9 months, and the heads weigh up to 150 g.

How much is needed to sow 1 acre?

The amount of garlic per 1 acre depends on the planting scheme. If you leave 40 cm between the beds, and 20 cm between the bushes, then about 350 heads will be needed per hundred square meters, or from 10 to 13 kg of garlic with large heads, and 7 kg if they have one clove. The sowing rate for seeds (bulbs) is 200 g per 10 m2.

Working hours

The timing of planting garlic depends on the following factors:

  • Climatic zone. In some areas, the plant is planted twice a year: in spring and autumn (before winter). The air temperature should be up to +10°C. In the south, it is November, in temperate latitudes, starting in September. Frosts must be at least two weeks away. The root system should develop, but the sprout has not yet appeared. Otherwise, the plant will not survive the winter.
  • Embedment depths. If you plant to a depth of up to 20 cm, then it is more advisable to plant at the end summer period, and provide care in the fall. When planting (up to 8 cm) - two weeks before stable frosts.
  • Varieties. Winter vegetables are planted in autumn, spring vegetables in spring.

Sometimes gardeners use the lunar or sowing calendar for the year to calculate exact date planting vegetables.

What tools are used?

There are various devices for planting vegetables. A smart choice will make the work easier. Tools for planting garlic:

You can find out more about the types of garlic planters.

All about how to plant in open ground

At home, as well as in open ground, winter and spring varieties are used for planting garlic. But the difference is that in the first case, garlic is planted at any time of the year, creating artificial optimal conditions for the growing season. In spring, boxes with crops are kept on glazed balconies and window sills.

Unlike at home, when planting garlic in open ground, the plant should be planted in such a way that it does not have time to germinate before frost and die. Then, how at home you can control the planting process: place the boxes with sown garlic in a bright, cool room with optimal temperature (you can learn more about growing garlic at home).

The difference in caring for planted garlic:

  • Vegetable crop demanding on soil moisture. At home, the plant needs to be watered rarely, but abundantly, since the soil in pots (due to its small volume) dries out faster than in the garden.
  • When planting garlic in containers, the soil should be well fertilized with humus, liquid or granular flower food. Since the root system of the plant quickly depletes the soil in pots.

Is it possible and how to properly grow from seeds?

In addition to cloves and cloves, you can plant garlic using seeds (bulbs), which bolting varieties of plants form on flower stems.

The following planting methods exist:

  1. Growing plants in seedlings with transplantation. The principle is that the seedlings are planted in the same year before winter, or next spring. Then he moves to a new place.
  2. Seedless. Garlic is grown this way by planting seeds in the soil. If the garlic is winter, then use full cloves, single clove bulbs and bulbs. It will take two seasons to grow a finished onion from a bulb, and one from a clove. With this method, the bulbs are not dug up, but are left to overwinter. A year later, a larger onion is taken out from this place.

You need to choose a planting method based on the climatic conditions of the area, the availability of planting material, and the variety.

How should one root a sprouted one?

Garlic sprouted in spring can be planted in the garden both in April and May. By autumn, large bulbs (single bulbs) will appear. They can be left in the ground (to be harvested next year), or dug up and used as seed.

Planting sprouted garlic in boxes at home is as follows:

  1. Sort through the heads, remove unsuitable ones.
  2. Divide into parts, discarding diseased teeth.
  3. Carefully trim dry roots.
  4. Soak the sprouted teeth in 0.5 percentage solution potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. Solution temperature up to 40°C.
  5. Plant the softened and disinfected cloves in a container and fill the bottom with garden soil.
  6. Water the plants moderately, not until they become soggy.
  7. Before rooting, take the box with garlic to a cool place (no more than +12°C).

Step by step instructions

What is the soil and sowing depth?

If it is possible to prepare the site in advance, it is better to do this a month or a month and a half before planting. Fertile soils are suitable for garlic culture loamy soils, acidity – neutral. Salt marshes and acidic soils, places with stagnant water should not be allocated for garlic.

Soil preparation is as follows:

  1. The area is thoroughly cleared of weeds.
  2. If fertilizers were not applied under the predecessors, then a month before planting, scatter humus (4-5 kg/sq. m) mixed with wood ash (1 cup). Before sowing, fertilize with superphosphate and potassium salt.
  3. On the eve of planting (12–14 days before), carefully dig up the soil. Depth - spade bayonet.
  4. Cover the dug area with film.


To plant garlic you will need the following tools:

  1. Divide the heads into separate cloves, calibrate them, choosing large ones - they will give a more powerful harvest.
  2. Reject sick and damaged ones, carefully examine the bottoms for the presence of a root system.
  3. Disinfect.
  4. Dry.

Attention. If you separate the bottom of the cloves, rooting will go faster, but it is not necessary to peel the garlic from the outer dry parts.

Planting material can be disinfected in several ways:

  • soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate for a day;
  • treat with ash-alkaline or saline solution;
  • soak for two hours in a 40% formaldehyde solution;
  • treat with the herbicide “Totril” to increase immunity and prevent weed growth;
  • warm the cloves for 15-20 minutes in hot water or (40C) to prevent fungal diseases.

Preparing bulbs for planting:

  1. At the moment when the caps on the peduncles open, carefully remove the plants from the soil along with the heads.
  2. Shake off the soil, tie it to dry in a cool place with the roots up.
  3. After drying, carefully remove the bulbs.
  4. Select dense bulbs with a diameter of at least 3 mm.

Bulbs are used for healing seed material. Otherwise, garlic may degenerate in 4-5 years.

Watch the video on how to properly prepare and process garlic before planting:

Selecting a location

You should choose a dry, well-lit place. Predecessors can be green manure, legumes and melons. These vegetable crops nourish the soil mineral elements, which has a beneficial effect on the growing season of garlic. It is not advisable to plant after potatoes, as they deplete the soil.

Scheme of how to form rows

Plant garlic in rows, leaving wide row spacing (40-45 cm) for the formation of high-quality heads. And also to simplify weeding and tillage. The vegetable planting scheme depends on the size of the seed and climatic conditions.

When choosing optimal scheme are guided by the following criteria:

  • Large cloves and single cloves are planted at a depth of 15 cm, in increments of 15-20 cm.
  • For small ones, the embedding depth is 6-8 cm, the pitch is 8 cm.
  • For bulblets, sowing depth is 3-4 cm, row spacing is 3 cm, row spacing is 15 cm.

With a large sowing depth, the cloves will take root more easily and avoid freezing. But with such deepening, the growth process of garlic is inhibited.


To get a high-quality harvest, you must follow the rules of planting vegetables. consists of the following actions:

  1. The prepared area should be watered beforehand.
  2. In the prepared area, grooves are formed (the distance between the rows, as well as the pitch and planting depth of the cloves are set according to the diagram).
  3. Use clean water as drainage river sand and ash.
  4. Plant the teeth vertically (do not lay them on their sides).
  5. Do not water, mulch the top with straw, leaves, sawdust, peat crumbs (height 5-10 cm). The mulch should be removed in the spring as soon as it has established warm weather, to sunlight penetrated to the sprouts.
  6. In snowless winters, cover the beds with roofing material or film, insulate them with spruce branches and sawdust.
  1. The site is prepared in the fall, compost (5 kg per 1 sq. m), superphosphate (5 g), and potassium salt (3 g) are added.
  2. At the beginning of field work, when the snow melts, there is no threat of frost, garlic (since its root system is already formed at a temperature of +2°C) is prepared for planting.
  3. The land is marked by outlining rows with the required distance between rows.
  4. Place drainage in the marked grooves.
  5. Cloves and single cloves are planted vertically according to a given pattern.

Bulbs are sown manually or using special seeders according to a given pattern. Having completed sowing, I mulch the rows with compost or humus.

When planting, you do not need to press or screw the cloves into the soil too much, otherwise the growth of the roots will slow down or the garlic will come out.

In addition to the planting technology itself, it is also important to take into account time. Read information about when.

Further care

If a vegetable crop manages to take root before the steady cold weather and overwinters, it will no longer need special care. In terms of agricultural technology, winter varieties are more demanding, but with proper care their yield is higher and the heads are larger.

Plant care is as follows:

  1. Cleaning the beds. With the arrival of spring, remove protective film, rake the mulch with a small layer of surface soil (up to 2mm) to make it easier for shoots to break through.
  2. Watering. Young plants need to be watered regularly (once every 10 days). From the moment the heads form, reduce watering. Water more frequently during dry seasons. Vegetable crops do not like excessive watering. This can lead to fungal diseases and rotting.
  3. Loosening. The next day after watering, you need to weed the garlic and loosen the soil near the bushes.
  4. Feeding. Vegetable crops respond well to organic fertilizers. At the beginning of the growing season, add a solution wood ash(200 g per 10 l), bird droppings.
  5. Removing arrows. In June, bolting plants produce flower stalks. They need to be removed by breaking them off. If you leave the arrows, the garlic heads will form small, because the flower stems take a lot of energy from the plant. A few plants can be left with seeds for propagation.
  6. Pest control. Potassium and other trace elements in fertilizers help control pests. If you water the plant with a yeast solution, it will saturate the soil with useful substances and increase immunity against fungal diseases. Can be treated against insects with fugincides.

Attention. At seedling method planting, when the first leaves appear, the plants need to be fed organic fertilizers, when flower shoots appear - complex mineral ones (3 tbsp. l per 10 l of water).

Ways to get a harvest

There are two effective ways growing garlic.
How to plant a plant correctly?

  • When planting with cloves:
    1. How to grow seedlings? In the garden where the garlic grew, in the spring bushes appeared that grew from heads that were not dug up during harvesting. They can be planted in a bed prepared in the fall. It is not advisable to leave it in the same place for the second year. The plant tolerates transplantation well. In this case, the roots need to be slightly trimmed so that they do not bend.
    2. The seedless method. Garlic is grown this way by planting seeds in the soil. If the garlic is winter, then use full cloves, single clove bulbs and bulbs. It will take two seasons to grow a finished onion from a bulb, and one from a clove. Spring grass reproduces only by cloves.
  • When planting bulbs:
    1. Seedling method. This method is considered traditional, but labor-intensive. The bulblets are sown in rows with a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. When the foliage withers, the bulblets are dug up. Calibrated planting material is stored in the cold and planted in the fall.
    2. The seedless method. The collected bulbs are sown on the beds (every 2-3 cm). They are left for the winter in the same place. The harvest is harvested in the fall - single-claws or heads with 4-5 cloves.
  • When planting sprouted garlic:
    1. Seedling method. Garlic sprouted in spring is planted in beds in the garden or at home in pots. In the fall, one-toothed ones will grow in this place.
    2. The seedless method. Garlic sprouted in the garden can be left in the same place. But you need to know that the arrow is made from seeds or cloves. If from cloves, then in the summer such garlic is dug up, if from bulbs, then the harvest is harvested the next year.

Possible problems and difficulties

When planting garlic, the following problems may arise:

  1. If the plant begins to grow after autumn planting, it may die from frost.
  2. If the plant does not have time to take root before frost, it may rot or freeze in the future.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the plantings in the spring are not flooded with autumn rains and melt water.
  4. If the planting area is infected with fungal infections, treat the soil with copper sulfate.

Precautionary measures taken at the planting stage can help avoid the following diseases:

  • Corrupted by rot. This is expressed in rotting of the bulbs, death of the root system, and the leaves turn yellow. It may also appear on the roots white coating. Choosing a quality product will help prevent this planting variety and processing disinfectants the day before landing.
  • If garlic plants are affected onion flies, then treat the bushes with a mixture of wood ash (1 tbsp), tobacco dust (1 tsp) and black pepper (1 tsp). After processing, loosen the soil.
  • The appearance of nematodes can be prevented at the stage of preparing the seed by soaking it in a saline solution.

Having become familiar with the technology of planting garlic and applying it in practice, you can grow abundant and healthy harvest already in the next sowing season. The main thing is to strictly adhere to planting dates and use high-quality seed material.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):