To get a good night's rest, you need to go to bed on a comfortable bed. First of all, it should be located on it. Customer reviews indicate that this is not easy to do. The product does not belong to the category of frequently purchased products, so a mistake in selection can be costly.

What are the dangers of choosing the wrong mattress?

In addition to morning stiffness and insomnia, owners of an incorrectly selected mattress can expect chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, and asthma.

Sometimes people suffering from spinal diseases lie down without a mattress at all. But in this case, the body is bent in one direction for a long time. This is harmful and inconvenient. A universal mattress should first and foremost be comfortable.

Manufacturers call their products anatomical, or orthopedic, therapeutic. They indicate that they bend according to the curves of the human body. But the same product is not anatomical for people of different weights and heights. And it should be anatomical only for you.

Functions performed by the mattress

What are the requirements for this desired product?

  • The mattress should support your back strictly horizontally during sleep. The base is responsible for this function. It can be spring blocks or latex.
  • The comfort of sleep provided by the filling and covering.

What mattress to look for

This largely depends on the person's weight. If you are not overweight, soft and medium-soft mattresses are suitable for you. If you can be considered overweight, then hard or medium-hard is more suitable. If you are looking for a children's mattress, reviews advise buying a firmer model.

When shopping for a mattress, carefully measure your bed. The mattress should not be wider than it. The optimal width would be a couple of centimeters less.

Look for a mattress with jacquard upholstery. The cover must have a synthetic padding lining. You can buy a mattress with a cover with a zipper. But customer reviews say that they quickly lose their shape.

If you don't find a suitable one, you can order it.

Mattresses without springs

All mattresses without springs are divided into hard, medium-hard and medium-soft. They usually consist of several layers. The characteristics of each of them determine the quality of the entire product.

Non-spring mattresses can be made from solid latex that is vacuum sealed. Latex can be natural or artificial.

Reviews of mattresses indicate that latex mattresses are softer than polyurethane foam ones, although both types are quite comfortable and have the necessary elasticity. True, a product made from natural latex is much more expensive.

Natural sheets of coir - coconut fiber - are used. But they are quite rigid, so they are not suitable for people weighing over 100 kg.

Liquid and air can be used as filler.

You should not think that such products are worse than spring mattresses. Reviews from many customers indicate that they like this unusual filler much more. Some people don't like the way springs act.

Spring mattresses

In a mattress, the springs are usually connected in blocks. If they are interconnected and intertwined, such springs are called dependent. An example is the Bonnel mattress. It can withstand heavy loads and has a low price. And yet, reviews of mattresses of this type say that these are the most uncomfortable models. That is why medical experts do not advise people with spinal problems to purchase them.

Disadvantages include the accumulation of dust inside the mattress, the appearance of rust on the springs, and sagging. Insects can live there and various microorganisms and even electromagnetic radiation can accumulate there.

In products with independent blocks, each spring is located in its own fabric compartment. Therefore, each of the springs bends under the influence of a specific part of the owner’s body, without dragging the neighboring ones along with it. They, in turn, also bend to a certain depth. Therefore, when resting, the vertebrae do not experience unusual static loads.

The standard number is 256 independent springs per 1 m2. The price of such a mattress is about 10 thousand rubles.

However, not all mattresses are the same. Expensive and high-quality models may have several elastic zones intended for different parts of the body.

Expensive models, the price of which reaches 70 thousand rubles, have up to a thousand springs per square meter. Models with 500 springs. per m2 can be bought for 30 thousand rubles. This mattress allows you to rest and protects your spine from curvature. It is considered optimal for sleep.

The quality is also affected by what types of blocks spring mattresses have. Reviews say that the most comfortable and high-quality blocks are called “honeycomb”, “spring in a spring” and multi-zone. These are the ones that people weighing more than 100 kg need to pay attention to. They are also convenient for double beds.

Springs are usually not felt when using an innerspring mattress. This is due to the presence of layers that help regulate its rigidity and elasticity. Expensive models use Nasa technologies and the viscous and at the same time elastic material created with their help - “tempur”. It not only bends to the shape of the body, but also remembers it.

Assembling such a mattress and adjusting it is not an easy task, requiring certain skills and craftsmanship. Therefore, the price of such high-tech products is usually more than a thousand dollars.

Unfortunately, they are also susceptible to corrosion, collect dust and have the same disadvantages as previous models.


The filling can be such traditional natural materials as felt, wool, horsehair, and artificial ones (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer). More modern latex and coir are also used to fill mattresses. Which to choose? Reviews say that the mattress will be soft if it is made of layers of latex 3 cm high. If there is a layer of coir on the block, then its surface will be quite hard. And if you have 3 cm of latex, one of coir, and then springs, you will get a mattress of medium hardness.

In order for air to move freely throughout the entire volume of the mattress, many models have ventilation holes.

When purchasing products made from such materials, you need to ask for certificates of conformity.

Mattress base

A high-quality base for a mattress consists of a frame to which wooden slats are attached - elastic planks about 1 cm thick. In cheaper models it is made of plywood.

The slatted base is springy, making it more comfortable to sleep on the bed than on a hard surface (like plywood). Air flows better under it.

Still thinking about which one to choose? Consumer reviews advise trying to lie on it in the sales area. Therefore, you need to go there in clothes that are comfortable for this.

But lying on one model is clearly not enough to decide which mattresses are better. Customer reviews say that you need to try at least three models. Only then will you be able to choose the best one or look for more.

The mattress should not be too soft, because your spine will sag while you sleep on it, and in the morning your back and head will hurt.

Maybe you need to choose very hard mattresses? Customer reviews say that they do not get enough sleep on them and do not rest during the night.

You need to determine how long you will have to toss and turn on the mattress to become comfortable. A quality product does not require too many movements.

You need to pay attention to how much mattresses cost. Customer reviews suggest that the cheapest one worth buying should not be cheaper than 12 thousand rubles. Otherwise, you risk getting a thin product made from low-quality materials that will not be able to provide support to your spine.

A high-quality mattress will serve you for at least 10 years and will fully justify itself. A cheap one will soon become unusable, and you will need to spend money again.


Which mattress is better to choose? Consumer reviews advise paying attention to the following manufacturers:

  • Vegast is a Belarusian brand, one of the most popular. Produces mainly budget models. Many people like them. But there are reviews that the quality of the products does not match the price. The main complaints are that the mattress quickly loses its shape and all its characteristics.
  • "Ascona" is a Russian manufacturer. Engaged in the production of orthopedic mattresses. Consumer reviews indicate that company representatives are often negligent in their work, and products are defective.
  • "Ormatek" - produces high-quality springless latex mattresses, cheaper than Askonov's. In addition to products of regular shape, it offers models for round beds.
  • Atmosphere is an English manufacturer of expensive but high-quality orthopedic mattresses.

Where to buy

Modern people are making more and more purchases through online stores, and they also buy mattresses. Customer reviews say that it is fast and convenient. No need to spend a lot of time traveling to the shops. Sitting at home, you can choose the model you like, and even save money.

The only, but very significant, drawback may be that you will not be able to test it before purchasing. And what to do after your mattress turns out to be uncomfortable?

Such purchases may be justified if you already have a mattress from such a company, but you decide to purchase another one or have tested it with relatives or friends.

Types of mattresses

What are orthopedic mattresses? This concept exists only in the CIS. In the rest of the world, they talk about the orthopedic effect, which may be higher or lower, or it may simply not exist. Things are a little different here. Our person only wants an orthopedic mattress and he does not have time to delve into various subtleties and nuances. And they give him what he wants. Any furniture store will assure you that their mattresses are orthopedic, and only some, the most modest ones, talk about an orthopedic effect (it is not 100% orthopedic, but with an orthopedic effect). However, almost no one explains what an orthopedic mattress is and what makes it “orthopedic.” Moreover, some foreign manufacturers of mattresses, especially for the CIS market, supply their products with stickers like: “Ortopedica” or “Superortopedica”.

Because at first they were pestered by various CIS furniture makers, demanding only orthopedic mattresses, but without explaining what they were, and then they themselves realized that the demand needed to be satisfied. This is how all kinds of stickers appeared on ordinary mattresses, indicating their unique properties. Cheaper mattresses are orthopedic, more expensive ones are super-orthopedic.

So, let's try to figure out what an orthopedic effect is. Orthopedics is the field of surgery, not furniture. A mattress cannot cure back disease, but it can help you rest better, relieve tension and fatigue, and relieve stress on the spine. The spinal column should be in its natural position, and this is only possible if it does not experience any additional stress. To do this, the mattress must follow all the contours and shapes of the body. A mattress that is too hard will put pressure on the spine, while a mattress that is too soft will allow it to sag. The closer the spine is to its natural position, the higher the orthopedic effect. Let's look at how this problem is solved technically. Different parts of a person's body weigh differently. For example, the head is much lighter than another, equally important part of the body. Therefore, in order for the mattress to follow the shape of the body, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly along its entire length. Water and air mattresses ideally solve this problem. Water or air evenly redistributes the load and, according to Archimedes' law, the mattress perfectly follows the contours of the body. If the elastic part of the mattress cannot evenly distribute the load, it should have different stiffness zones (this applies to spring and latex mattresses). As a rule, mattresses are made with seven different hardness zones, each of which corresponds to a specific part of the human body (its weight).

In latex mattresses, changes in rigidity are achieved by using different perforations for each zone (holes of different diameters); in spring mattresses, the use of springs of different stiffness (possible only in pocket-type mattresses). Such mattresses have a lower orthopedic effect than water and air mattresses. In mattresses consisting of a spring block, as well as in latex mattresses with uniform perforation, the orthopedic effect is lower than that of the above, because these mattresses do not have different firmness zones. However, the technical solution to orthopedic problems is directly proportional to the cost of such a solution. Accordingly, the “most orthopedic” mattresses are the most expensive.

Mattresses, depending on the elastic part materials used, can be fundamentally divided into the following:

water and air;




cotton wool;


Water and air mattresses

They were developed at one time for hospitals and medical institutions.
However, the high orthopedic properties of these mattresses very quickly made them very popular. However, purely technical difficulties do not allow these mattresses to “conquer” the sleeping market. Air mattresses have a high compressor noise level, while water mattresses have a large mass (up to a ton) and the problem of replacing water every two to three years. Unfortunately, these mattresses still remain exotic, both here and in the West.

Latex mattresses

Latex is a natural material that is a foamed extract of the sap of a rubber tree. Thanks to special processing, it acquires a microscopic configuration similar to the structure of a honeycomb with air cells. The dynamic and static characteristics of latex, its resistance to the external environment and durability make this material an ideal filler for mattresses. Air channels in the latex filler provide good air circulation. This mattress “breathes”, and its elasticity and durability are superior to foam and spring fillers. Today, latex mattresses (made from natural latex) are considered the best. However, the high cost of natural latex is very noticeably reflected in the price.

However, the cost of a latex mattress can range from $500 to $1,500. Mattresses made from artificial latex (foam rubber) are more affordable (at a price). The manufacturing technology is the same as that of foam rubber (foaming method), and the properties are comparable to the natural product. The rigidity and elasticity of a latex mattress depend on the density of the foam rubber, the number of holes and their diameter. The most expensive (and best) latex mattresses have different firmness zones. This is achieved by changing the diameter of the holes in one sheet. The orthopedic effect of such mattresses is maximum. Manufacturers also use various forms and combinations of latex with other materials. These can be mattresses with double-sided hardness (different hardness on the face and back), mattresses with a layer of horsehair or coir, etc.

Spring mattresses

Spring mattresses remain the most common and affordable (in terms of price). Let's look at them in more detail.

Spring block. In principle, a spring block can be made on the basis of a solid block or from individual springs. Spring mattresses made on the basis of a spring block. As a rule, bonell type springs are used - a double-cone spring with 4-5 turns. The spring is the heart of the mattress. Therefore, the quality of the mattress depends on its characteristics. A bad spring will quickly sag, or burst, or simply will not provide the required elasticity and rigidity.

Another option for manufacturing a spring block is based on independent pocket-type springs. Cylindrical springs are used, each of which is inserted into a special bag (pocket). The bags are sewn together. The advantages of such a mattress are obvious. The springs are not attached to each other, which means they do not creak. This mattress does not have a “wave” effect. The technology allows the use of a larger number of springs of smaller diameter. In blocks of independent springs it can be used up to
500 springs per sq. m., and in multi-packages - up to 1200 springs per sq. m. (in conventional spring blocks - about 150 springs per sq. m.).

Using more springs improves point elasticity, one of the main characteristics of a mattress. Point elasticity refers to the property of a mattress to adhere to the body and sag in places of point load. Mattresses with low point elasticity form depressions and cannot support the body, and therefore the spine, well enough. The second important advantage of such mattresses is the ability to use springs of different stiffness, which maximizes the orthopedic effect.

Floor filter. A rigid gasket is installed between the spring block and the flooring materials, which protects the softer flooring materials, as well as the upholstery, from the springs. Previously, burlap folded in several layers was used for this purpose. Some manufacturers still use this material to this day. It is probably pointless to talk about the quality of such flooring. Basically, a material such as spunbond or special heat-pressed felt is used as a filter (or hard flooring). Sometimes a combination of both materials is used.

Filler. The filler is what goes between the box spring and the upholstery fabric. The main function of the filler is to redistribute the load and give the mattress additional properties (hardness or softness). The main materials used as flooring: batting, felt, foam rubber, latex, horsehair, coir. The worst filler is considered to be batting (cotton or wool wool) due to its low elasticity and susceptibility to pilling. Foam rubber has fairly high elasticity and elasticity properties (especially latex-type foam rubber). But very often manufacturers use cheap brands of low-density foam rubber. Such foam rubber quickly “sags” and crumbles. Very often, manufacturers, through the use of foam filling, artificially increase the thickness of the mattress. Another drawback is that foam absorbs moisture well. Until recently, latex and horsehair were considered the best fillers. But horsehair can cause allergies in many people. Therefore, recently, an increasing number of manufacturers are replacing horsehair with coir.

Upholstery. Jacquard fabrics are considered the best (and most expensive) for mattress upholstery. They have a high density of thread weaving. This fabric is strong and durable. Depending on the threads used, fabrics can be: cotton (100%), synthetic (100%) and mixed (in any percentage). Cotton fabrics are more pleasant and comfortable, while synthetic fabrics are more durable and durable. The optimal ratio is 60% cotton and 40% synthetics. It is not recommended to buy a mattress upholstered in synthetic fabrics. Sleeping on such a mattress will not be very pleasant.

Under no circumstances should you buy mattresses that are upholstered with flock. The mattress does not “breathe” through the flock and does not
allows moisture to pass through. Mattresses can be made in two versions: quilted and button. In the quilted version, the upholstery fabric is quilted together with padding polyester and interlining. It can also be quilted and filled (if materials are used whose structure allows migration, for example, batting). In the button version, the upholstery fabric is not quilted, and a lace with two buttons is used to secure the soft layer of filling. The quality of such mattresses is lower due to the fact that the fastening pattern with buttons does not fix the covering material and it can migrate.

How to choose a mattress for a child

A comfortable, correct children's mattress is the key to sound sleep and good posture for your child. Among the variety of children's mattresses, you need to choose one. When choosing a children's mattress, focus on three main criteria: size, environmental safety and orthopedic effect.

The size of the children's mattress should match the size of the bed as closely as possible. If the size is smaller, the mattress will move under the weight of the body, change its position and interfere with a healthy, sound sleep. If the size of the children's mattress is larger, it will slip and the structure will be damaged.

The material from which the children's mattress is made must be well-permeable and breathable. No unpleasant chemical odors! It is also worth paying attention to the environmental friendliness of a children's mattress. And, of course, a cover made of natural cotton.

It is worth purchasing a children's mattress with an orthopedic effect - such a mattress will support good posture and prevent curvature of the spine. If the children's mattress is spring, then using a three-part spring block will not give the child anything. The recommended height of the spring block for children's mattresses is 13-15 cm.

If a children's mattress is springless, you should pay attention to its rigidity. For children up to six months, hard coconut mattresses are excellent. Then you need to make the mattress softer, while not forgetting about the orthopedic effect of a children's mattress. It is better to choose a children's mattress with a standard filling or a coconut fiber filling. Don't forget to turn your children's mattress over once every three months - this will make it last longer.

How to choose a mattress: useful tips

Take your old mattress as a comparison sample and determine what exactly you are not happy with about it. For example, it is too hard (or vice versa).

Pay attention to what position you sleep in - on your back, stomach or side, and how often you turn in your sleep.

A person devotes a considerable part of his entire life to sleep, and experts believe that in order to sleep well and wake up rested, you need to choose the right mattress.

For a mattress to be ideal for a person, it must perform at least three important functions:

  1. The mattress should evenly support the spine. After all, only in this case can the human body completely relax and take the correct position.
  2. The mattress should support the body so that soft tissues and blood vessels are not pinched during sleep. If there is no such effect, the person will toss and turn all night to free the stiff parts of the body.
  3. Throughout its service life, the mattress must maintain its freshness.
    A modern mattress is a complex engineering structure; when developing them, specialists take into account both the laws of physics and the structural features of the human body. Today, the latest advanced technologies and materials have been used in the production of mattresses.

The basis of a mattress is always the supporting system. It has the most important function - it supports the human body during sleep. The choice of a supporting system must be taken very seriously; it is important to consider:

  • height,
  • person's age.

There are several main types of mattresses:

This is the most common type of mattress. Just a few years ago, you could only find mattresses with blocks of continuous weaving, but, unfortunately, during the interaction of the springs, this base very often begins to creak. Today, this system is becoming a thing of the past and its place is firmly occupied by a system of blocks of independent springs.

Such blocks are similar to small barrels, each of which is in a separate case, that is, it turns out that each individual spring performs its function independently of the others, this significantly increases the orthopedic properties of the mattress. The most common fillers for this type of mattress are linen, latex, coir and memory.

This type of mattress is almost as common as spring mattresses. They are distinguished by the fact that they consist of various fillers and are not based on spring blocks. This type of mattress is a good choice for those people who have back pain, as they have a high or medium firmness. In addition, experts recommend that children sleep on such mattresses. After all, their spine is still in the formative stage.

Most often, at the base of this type of mattress there are blocks of polyurethane foam, coconut or latex monolithic slab. In addition, there are mattresses made from blocks with different layers of filling.

This very comfortable type of mattress was invented about 30 years ago, and their difference from other types is that they are rolled into a roll. Such mattresses are easy to transport, and they are also very convenient to use. Such mattresses are made from artificial latex (polyurethane foam), since natural fillers cannot withstand strong twisting. Polyurethane foam is distinguished by its efficiency, but it is durable and has all the same properties as other types of materials. In addition, such structures use the technology of different zones of rigidity, and they provide the necessary supporting effect.

A mattress rolled into a roll is usually packaged in an airtight film. To unpack it, just put it on the bed, remove this packaging, and unfold the mattress. It will quickly take the desired shape, and you can sleep on it in about 6 hours.

Such mattresses are made from natural material created from the sap of the Hevea rubber tree; it is a very soft, elastic and comfortable material. Such mattresses are ideal for older people and those who have spinal diseases, such as hernias. The elasticity of such a mattress prevents the incorrect position of the back during sleep, giving the spine the opportunity to rest.

Its soft layer prevents compression of tissues and ensures free circulation of blood in them. Mattresses made from this material can withstand heavy weight and quickly regain their shape. In addition, they have high wear resistance.

Orthopedic mattresses

Such mattresses are specially designed to ensure that a person’s spine is in an elongated position while sleeping. The main functions of such mattresses are body support and comfort during sleep. This type of mattress provides support for the body, which can be either spring or latex. And layers of fillers that can take the shape of the human body and a quilted plane ensure a constant position for a person while resting.

Most often, the fillers for orthopedic mattresses are felt, padding polyester, wool and foam rubber. In recent years, latex, both artificial and natural, has also begun to be used, as well as horsehair and memory foam material.

In addition to all the other amenities of such mattresses, some of them have ventilation holes, which ensure free circulation of air inside the main structure.

Anatomical mattresses are practically the same as orthopedic ones. The only difference between them is that anatomical mattresses are able to more accurately follow the shape of the human body. Such mattresses are not based on dependent springs, because if they are present, the design is not able to follow the shape of the human body. At the base of such mattresses there are independent blocks of springs; in addition, they have an increased number of these blocks, which allows them to more accurately take the desired shape and distribute the load.

In addition to the above differences, mattresses of all types also have varying degrees of hardness, which also greatly affects comfort during sleep, as does their basic design and filling.

Soft mattresses

Such mattresses have good orthopedic properties, because they provide the necessary support for the human torso. The softest fillings for mattresses are artificial and natural latex. Such mattresses are best chosen by people with spinal pathologies, those with joint and vascular diseases, as well as older people.

Medium firm mattresses

These mattresses combine hard and elastic fillings, which gives them additional elasticity.

Such mattresses have excellent supporting properties, which is very good for the health of the spine, especially if a person has problems with the thoracic region.

Hard mattresses

These mattresses do not contain soft fillers; coconut coir and other hard fillers are most often used in their manufacture. Hard mattresses are very suitable not only for adults, but also for children and teenagers; they provide ideal support for the spine, especially in the pelvic and cervical area.

Choosing a mattress is an activity that should be taken quite seriously, because an unsuitable mattress can not only cause discomfort to a person, but also cause harm to health. And in order to prevent this from happening, a person should first decide on the type of mattress that will ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Answer When buying a new bed, many of us don't think about the mattress at all. But the quality of sleep, well-being in the morning and state of health directly depend on it. Therefore, the selection of a mattress should be given almost the main attention. When considering the types of mattresses for a bed, it has become customary to make your own choosing orthopedic models

Choosing an orthopedic mattress is not easy - the large selection of models is confusing. Therefore, in this review, we decided to consider all the most basic types of mattresses and outline their advantages and disadvantages. Attention will also be paid to fillers and sizes.

Types of mattresses

In our review we will consider the following types of mattresses:

  • Classic spring with Bonnel blocks;
  • Mattresses with independent spring blocks;
  • Springless mattresses;
  • Double-sided mattresses
  • Two-season mattresses.

Let's start with the simplest spring mattresses, familiar to us from childhood.

Mattresses with Bonnel springs

Mattresses with Bonnell spring blocks are the simplest and cheapest. They cannot boast of orthopedic properties, and their surface practically does not follow the shape of the body - there is no anatomical effect. But they have a great spring and are extremely soft. Sleeping on them is quite comfortable, but prolonged sleep often leads to worsening mood, curvature of the spine and sleep disturbances.

In addition, classic spring mattresses are a real repository of dust and linen mites. Therefore, their presence in the house is undesirable - they are harmful to human health. But they have increased endurance - children love to jump on them, enjoying the springy effect. By the way, this effect is manifested due to the design features of the base, which consists of springs connected to each other. This is also due to the lack of orthopedic properties.

The final conclusion is that classic spring mattresses are cheap, durable, but do not have orthopedic properties and are not a way to provide back and body support.

Mattresses with independent springs

Mattresses with independent spring blocks have excellent performance characteristics. Structurally, they are designed in such a way that each spring here moves separately, being in an individual fabric cover. Due to this, the presence of orthopedic properties is achieved - the surface of such a mattress bends only where necessary. The Hillestad mattress from Ikea has 229 pocket springs per 1 sq.m. As a result, we get no abnormal curvature of the spine and decent support for the body and back.

Independent spring blocks do not creak and allow the mattress to adapt to the person lying on it. Orthopedic properties are enhanced by additional fillers - latex, polyurethane foam, coconut coir and many other materials are used (due to them, rigidity is regulated within a fairly wide range). As for the disadvantages of mattresses with independent spring blocks, there are few of them - higher cost and lower reliability.

The final conclusion is quite clear - mattresses with independent springs are preferable to purchase. They have excellent orthopedic properties and various degrees of rigidity, suitable for people of any age from 12 years.

Springless mattresses

The basis of springless mattresses are various fillers, such as polyurethane foam, struttofiber, latex, coconut coir, Memory Foam and many others. But most often, several materials are used here, one of which is the base, and the second forms the degree of rigidity. For example, the base may be polyurethane foam, on top of which there are layers of coconut fiber - this is a typical example of a hard mattress. Springless mattresses are quite popular types of mattresses.

Springless mattresses can be either very soft or very hard - thanks to modern fillers, they can be endowed with any properties. They are quite hardy have orthopedic and anatomical properties, suitable for people of any age, including for newborn babies (of course, with the right selection).

The final conclusion is that a springless mattress will be an ideal purchase for every person. There are many degrees of rigidity to choose from, and there are orthopedic properties. Disadvantages include often high cost (depending on the materials used).

Double-sided mattresses

In this category there are both springless models and mattresses with independent springs. These mattresses are designed for those who get tired of constantly sleeping on a soft or hard surface. If you want regular changes, you should purchase a double-sided model - one side will be soft and the other hard. An example is a mattress with a polyurethane foam base and additional latex fillings on one side and coconut fiber on the other side.

Children's mattresses are also often double-sided - this allows you to avoid the cost of frequent mattress changes. For example, children under three years old need a hard base, and after three years - a softer one. In this case, buying a double-sided mattress will be an excellent attempt to save money in your wallet.

Our final conclusion is the following - double-sided mattresses are well suited for children and for those who do not like constant surface hardness.

Mattresses for two seasons

Two-season mattresses are made from several fillings. One side retains heat well, and the other is easily ventilated, removing excess heat. The basis of such mattresses is made up of modern composite materials. A typical example is struttofiber with various additives. If we add goat fur to it, we will get an excellent “winter” surface that retains heat. As for flax, it will provide good ventilation.

The final conclusion is that two-season mattresses will be an ideal purchase for those who are sensitive to overheating or cooling of their bed.

Mattress fillers

Now we know what types of bed mattresses there are: spring and springless models with a variety of characteristics. Next, we will look at the most popular fillers and give them an assessment.

Cotton wool and foam rubber are the most useless and even harmful fillers. On their basis it is impossible to create a normal mattress with orthopedic properties. These materials are not able to follow the shape of the body, they crumple and deteriorate, therefore they are used only in the cheapest mattresses - they are not worth buying, even if your health condition allows you to sleep on any basis.

Polyurethane foam is a relative of foam rubber that has orthopedic properties. This material not durable, but quite cheap. Therefore, it is often used in orthopedic mattresses. The most important thing is that it accumulates moisture too well, parting with it with great difficulty.

Struttofiber is an unusual filler that allows you to form an elastic surface with excellent orthopedic properties. The fibers in it are located not horizontally, but vertically. Often additional components are introduced into its structure that change the properties of the material.

Memory Foam is a material with a memory effect. Under the influence of heat, it softens and follows the shape of the body well. Restoration of shape occurs within one to two minutes. But many people find mattresses made of this material uncomfortable. And the cost of this filler is quite high - mattresses made from it are expensive.

Latex - this foam material can be natural or artificial. Moreover, the artificial variety is more rigid. Latex does not cause allergic reactions, does not accumulate moisture, and has orthopedic and anatomical properties. Often used in children's mattresses and in composite mattresses made from several fillers.

Coconut coir is perhaps the hardest filler, consisting of real coconut fibers. This material does not deteriorate or rot, prevents the growth of bacteria, is well ventilated and does not accumulate moisture. On its basis, hard orthopedic mattresses and children's mattresses for newborns are created. The fly in the ointment is the high cost of coconut coir.

Various types of orthopedic mattresses contain one or several of these materials. And knowing the properties of these materials, you can always make the right choice.

What sizes of mattresses are there?

Orthopedic mattresses differ not only in fillers and design features, but also in size:

  • 60x120, 62x125 cm – mattresses for cribs;
  • 60x160, 70x160, 80x160 – mattresses for children from 4-5 years old;
  • 70x186, 70x190, 70x200, 80x186, 80x190, 80x200, 90x190, 90x200, 120x290, 120x200 cm and many others - mattresses for single beds;
  • From 140x160 to 200x200 - mattresses for single and double beds.

Besides, There are special mattresses for round beds on sale.– their diameter ranges from 200 to 250 cm.

If you have a bed of non-standard sizes at your disposal, then you should contact a sales company that produces custom-made mattresses. By the way, the optimal length of the bed is calculated very easily - this is a person’s height +20 cm.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.