Most often, buttons on jeans are presented in the form of metal rivets, which do not come off as quickly as classic ones. However, if the rivet has come off, then the process of repairing the fastener becomes a real problem. Today we will tell you how to put a button on jeans, because, you see, you won’t be able to simply sew it on with a needle and thread. What can be done in this situation so as not to buy new pants because only the fastener is worn out?

Types of Jeans Fasteners

If the torn button is not lost, then take it to the store and buy the same one. Denim fasteners can have the following diameter sizes:

  • 14 mm.
  • 17 mm.
  • 19 mm.
  • 20 mm.
  • 22 mm.
  • 25 mm.
  • 26 mm.
  • 30 mm.
  • 40 mm.

Important! If the button is lost, measure the length and height of the loop to approximately determine the diameter and height of the fastener.

Depending on the type, denim fasteners can be installed on a special nail (hairpin). Jeans carnations can be of the following varieties:

  • Smooth all metal. The length of the standard part is 10-12 mm.
  • Smooth tubular metal. The length of the tubular product is 8 mm.
  • With a circular notch.

Important! To put a button on jeans with your own hands, nails made of aluminum are most suitable. They are easy to process and are as strong as steel ones.

Depending on the type of fastener for denim, there are:

  • On a stable leg without a central hole. As a rule, the metal shell of the button is filled with impact-resistant plastic. This fastener is installed on a nail with a circular notch. Rivets on a stable rod are the most durable and easiest to install.
  • On a stable leg with a recess. Fastener manufacturers recommend installing them on smooth studs (all-metal or tubular). However, installing a button on jeans using solid metal studs is quite difficult, as it requires precise alignment. Therefore, it is better to use parts with a circular notch.
  • On a broken leg without a hole. The button is installed on a denim pin with a smooth shaft or on a metal tubular nail.
  • On a broken rod with a hole. This type of rivet is installed on a smooth all-metal or tubular denim nail.
  • On a double heel. Distinctive feature details - a solid bottom of the leg, which is pierced with a double nail. The hairpin antennae are subsequently bent towards each other. The disadvantage of such fasteners is that one of the fastening tendrils often breaks off.

How to install a button on jeans?

Each type of fastener requires its own approach to installation. However, there are many similarities in repair methods.

  • It is very difficult to make a button on jeans if it has a convex or concave top shape. With the inevitable hammer blows on such a part, its shape may change, and not in the same way. better side. We recommend not to buy such rivets at all or to install them in a special workshop.
  • Immediately choose a set consisting of a button and a stud for denim.
  • If the pin is longer than necessary, it can be cut or bitten off using a side cutter or pliers. Or you can put a gasket under it on the wrong side.
  • Before attaching the button to the material, you need to decide and mark its future location.
  • Make punctures for nails with a punch, an awl, or a thick needle so that the sharp ends of the hairpin do not cause puffs.
  • All types of pins are inserted into the recess from the wrong side of the fabric, and the button itself is adjusted from the front.
  • It is best to fasten a rivet by hand without a central notch and on a nail with a circular notch.

How to insert a button into jeans - installation methods

Having understood a little basic rules performing this work and possible variations of fasteners, we will consider how to repair a button on jeans, depending on its type.

Rivet on a stable rod without hole

The easiest way at home is to put a flat button without a notch and on a hairpin with a circular notch.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Decide and mark the location of the fastener.
  2. At the installation site, pierce the fabric with a hand punch, awl or nail.
  3. Insert a nail into the hole on the wrong side of the fabric.
  4. Place the button head on the pin from the front side. The button will be installed evenly and correctly if the nail enters the hole in a strictly vertical line.
  5. Press the button head against a horizontal hard surface.
  6. Hit the head of the stud with a hammer, driving it into the clasp. The blow must be clearly directed, but not with all force, so as not to damage the part.

Important! Buttons on a plastic base without a metal shell require special attention during installation. When hammering in a stud, precise alignment must be observed, otherwise the rivet may simply break. It’s better not to purchase such parts so as not to take risks.

Denim rivet (with hole) on a stable leg

Such buttons are installed in the same way as the previous type, but with some additions:

  1. If the special nail has a circular notch, then hammer it in and the fastener will be attached to the fabric - just like a button without a central notch.
  2. If the studs are solid metal or hollow tubular, then they will easily fit into the hole on the support, just insert them there. If the nail “fits” into the hole with difficulty, then push it with a hammer.

After installation, the tip of the pin must be flattened:

  1. Use pliers to shorten the smooth nail to the required length.
  2. Place a flat metal object, such as a hammer, under the button on the wrong side.
  3. Insert a bolt of suitable diameter (for example, 5 mm) into the recess on the front side of the part.
  4. Give the nail a few blows with a hammer to flatten the top.
  5. The pin will spread out and secure.

Denim buttons (without hole) with a broken leg

Place a button on jeans on a smooth surface wooden surface. Since it is difficult to maintain alignment when driving a special nail with a hammer, you may additionally need:

  • A tube with an internal diameter of 9-10 mm and a length of 0.3-0.4 cm. If you have a socket wrench (9 mm in diameter), then use it.
  • A bolt with a smooth head with a diameter of 9 mm and a length of 0.6 cm.

Install the rivet as follows:

  1. If you are attaching the button to a metal tubular nail, then use a 10 mm diameter tube or a socket wrench.
  2. Drive the stud in with a hammer.
  3. Install the button cap.
  4. Tug and check the installed product.

Important! Consider the length of a standard nail depending on the thickness of the fabric where the fastener is installed. The thinner the fabric, the shorter its length should be. If necessary, shorten the nail using pliers.

Denim buttons (with hole) on a broken support

Buttons are usually installed on a solid aluminum or metal tubular nail. Work on a flat metal or wooden surface:

  1. Punch the fabric at the installation site with a punch, awl or thick needle.
  2. Insert the special pin.
  3. If it is long, then bite off the excess with pliers.
  4. File the top of the nail.
  5. Insert the rivet head.
  6. Insert a bolt of suitable diameter into the hole on the front side of the part.
  7. Hit the nail a few times with a hammer to flatten the top, thereby securing it in the recess.

Important! To make it easier for you to make a button on your jeans, consider these tips:

  • If the nail is smooth with a tube-shaped top, then it top part you must first “unfold” it with a dowel with a tapered end (or something similar). After the tube top has its petals spread out to the sides, hit the bolt inserted into the hole of the button to secure the pin.
  • The installation process can be simplified if you use a denim nail with a circular notch. In this case, it is necessary to hammer in the pin in the same way as in the case of a button on a stable leg.

Double heel buttons

Installing this type of rivet manually is quite simple:

  1. Punch two holes with an awl reverse side buttons.
  2. Pierce the fabric with a nail.
  3. Place a rivet cap on a denim nail.
  4. Bend the ends of the pins into the buttons with a narrow screwdriver.

How to fix a button on jeans?

Very often the rivets on the broken rod break on jeans. Under increased load, such products simply jump off the rod. This is their disadvantage. To replace the rivet, it is necessary to remove its remains.

This can be done with a side cutter or pliers in one movement. And you already know how to put a button rivet on jeans. Here are just a few tips:

  • If there is no damage to the fabric, then buy a new fastener, then insert the leg of the button into the recess and attach the metal cap to it. Turn the jeans over and press the hat onto a horizontal hard surface. Hit the rod with a hammer to secure it.
  • If the fabric is damaged at the location of the rivet, first apply a denim patch and completely cover the damaged area. Sew the patch by hand or by machine several times. After this, install the rivet on the leg.
  • Breakage or loss of a denim button is not a reason to part with your favorite item, because now you know how to install a button on jeans at home. And if you have any problems, remember that this work can be done efficiently and professionally by specialists in the workshop using special equipment, so if necessary, contact them for help!

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: find a workshop and replace a riveted button on your jeans. This service costs about 20 rubles. and is done in a few minutes in comprehensive sewing and clothing repair centers, in places where bags and belts are repaired. But such a service cannot always be found nearby. Then you'll have to fix your favorite jeans yourself.

Device and types of buttons

General Feature denim buttons- metal pins (rods) with a cap, which are driven into the leg of the button and are:

With one or more notches;
smooth, without notches, all-metal;
without notches, hollow inside.

Metal - aluminum or steel. Aluminum pins are much easier to work with, and they are as strong as steel pins.
A set of buttons and pins costs from five rubles. The legs and heads of the buttons themselves vary in configuration. The method and complexity of their installation depends on this.

If there is no previous practice, for self-replacement You should buy buttons with stable, fixed legs.
The easiest way to install buttons is with a straight, stable stem and a hollow metal body filled with special plastic. The notched pin is easily driven into the filling and holds securely, the button does not dangle.
Hollow aluminum buttons without filler have much thicker stem walls. A rod with several notches is driven into them tighter, fits less tightly, and the button can dangle.
The body of the button is completely plastic, and only the front part is trimmed with metal. When hammering a pin, there is a risk that the leg may split. Such fittings are installed with great care.
Buttons with a through hole in the head and leg, according to the rules, are placed on smooth solid or hollow pins, which are riveted inside the hole. It is difficult to do this without a special tool, so it is better to use a short pin with several notches from another kit.
In buttons with a broken (slightly inclined) stem, with a through hole or not, a smooth steel pin is driven in and riveted with noticeable effort. It is difficult to handle such fittings without the proper tools, maintaining perfect alignment of the rod. Using a notched pin positioned absolutely exactly at the moment of impact, the button can be successfully changed independently. True, at the end of the work the angle of the cap may disappear.
The front side of the buttons can be voluminous, semicircular, or have rhinestones on it. Then, in order not to damage and to ensure that the surface is exactly the same, the button at the moment of driving in the pin is placed not on a plane, but on a suitable ring. This could be a round depression in the middle of the pliers, a large washer from a nut, a notch made with a nail on wooden board, where the rhinestone will fit.

Installing a button

If there is a broken pin left on the waistband of your jeans, you must carefully remove it by biting off the remains with side cutters or the biting part of the pliers. The rod cap can then be easily removed.

On wooden block, tablet or kitchen board The button is placed face down. A pin is inserted into the previous hole on the waistband of the jeans so that its head is on the wrong side. The sharp part of the rod is inserted into the leg of the button and driven in with a hammer. It is necessary to drive in the pin by hitting its head more than once. swipe, but for several small ones, not sweeping ones. It is very important that the position of the rod is vertical, without distortion.


When the entire button falls out and there is a hole in its place, you need to make a patch. A circle of smaller diameter than the width of the belt is cut out of a thick piece of leather. In the middle of the leather patch, a hole is pierced with an awl or a thin nail, a pin is threaded through it, and a button is then placed on it. The payment remains with inside belts You can grab it with threads so that it doesn’t curl up later. But this is not necessary.

Nothing lasts forever, including denim buttons. The button itself is intact and undamaged, but the fastening point has come loose or the fastening nail has broken off and the button has fallen out. It's good that I didn't get lost. Let's help your favorite denim button return to its place.

Option A: Denim button with a stable foot made of cast metal.
The base of the denim stud broke off.

We clamp the button with pliers and carefully drill out the remains of the denim stud with an electric drill.
Drill Ø 2mm.

Result - the remaining cloves were removed

The denim button is ready to be reinstalled.

We do the same with a plastic button in a metal shell with a broken fastening.
The shaft of the denim stud remained inside the button shank. We drill it out with an electric drill.
If the inner hole turns out to be a little larger than a denim stud, don’t worry.
Use a toothpick or match to fill the hole.
or use a holniten part Ø 9mm.
Then carefully install the button.
- If a denim button simply fell out due to the destruction of the fabric, and the denim stud remained inside the button, proceed as follows:
A. Drill out an old denim nail. First, we use a center punch to make a notch for the drill.
We clamp it with pliers and carefully drill it out with an electric drill.
Continue as described above.
B. We take out the denim nail using two side cutters:
One side cutter works as a support, the second as a lever
Result Next: install as described above.

Attention: Should not be used this method removing a denim button stud with a broken leg, you will get this result:
Buttons with a broken stem can only be repaired using an electric drill.
Next, install as described above.
We also drill denim buttons made of cast metal with a through hole,
and depending on the diameter of the internal hole, we install it either on a holnitene part or on a tubular denim-holnitene stud
The fact is that when crimped, these parts increase in volume and firmly fix the denim button.
If these details are missing, you will have to use a simple denim nail or a nail, which is not advisable, since it does not guarantee a strong fixation of the denim button.

Denim buttons with a through hole made of thin metal are difficult to repair. You need to drill the hole very carefully so as not to touch the walls of the button.
Do not press the button too hard to avoid damaging it. Etc. Therefore, in most cases, it is easier to install a new button than to repair an old one. But if the need arises to restore an old denim button, then you will successfully cope with this task.
Please note: For ease of work, purchase side cutters with as flat cheeks as possible, such as in the photo. Unfortunately, most of the side cutters on sale are these side cutters, with a deep notch. You will have to remove excess metal on a grinding wheel and make the surface of the side cutter flat.

Often there is a need to rearrange denim buttons.

For example: in order to reduce the volume of a jacket cuff or increase (decrease) the volume of jeans in the belt. Carefully remove the button, being careful not to damage the fabric. If the denim stud does not want to come out, we bite it, then drill out the remaining stud. Punch a hole in the marking area and install the button. We cover the place where the denim button was previously installed with a suitable color and size holniten.

Buttons on jeans are most often made in the form of a metal rivet. This, of course, protects such a button from quickly coming off, however, if such a rivet has come off, this sometimes becomes a real problem. Not only can you not sew such a button simply with a needle and thread, but they also often not only come off, but are literally torn out “with meat”, which, of course, also complicates the process of repairing a denim fastener.

Find out how to put a button back in place and repair the damage to your favorite trousers in this article!

Instructions for replacing the rivet button

If the torn button is not lost, that’s good; you can take it with you to the store to show the consultant and buy exactly the same one. If the button is lost, you need to measure the length and height of the loop: such measurements will give you at least an approximate understanding of what kind of button, what diameter and what height you will need to purchase.

If the rivet button just fell off without damaging the fabric of the jeans, and both parts of the button are present and not damaged, take the end of the button, insert it into the button hole on the waistband of the jeans (the place where it fell out). After this, you need to attach its metal cap to the stem of the button, then turn the jeans over, pressing the button cap to a horizontal hard surface, and hit the stem with a hammer, hammering it into the cap. The blow should be clearly directed, but not strong, so as not to deform or damage the button.

If the button flew off “with meat” and the fabric of the jeans waistband itself is damaged, then first you need to put a patch “on the wound”. Using a patch cut from a piece of denim fabric (preferably the same as your jeans), we completely cover the damaged section of the belt on both sides and stitch it several times by machine or by hand. Then we carry out the manipulation of installing a rivet button on the leg on the belt.

If you have no luck with these metal buttons or you just don't like them, you can try matching a regular button to your jeans. Properly sewn, they last quite a long time, are easier to fasten, and in the event of an “accident” they are easy to replace. My only wish: be careful about the size when purchasing such a button - it must be exactly matched to the size of the buttonhole. A button that is too small will not hold the jeans fastened, especially if it is not a loose-fitting model. Too much big button will cause daily discomfort.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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