Rats are carriers dangerous diseases, damage property, and can even cause a fire by damaging the insulation electrical wires. Solution unpleasant problem- rat poison. Rodent control products have no high degree toxicity, and can be used in residential, medical and educational institutions. As a result, poisoning from rat poison sometimes occurs. In this case, the health and life of the victim may depend on the measures you take.

Causes of rat poisoning

Owners summer cottages In private homes, in order to save money, they often prefer to deal with rodents on their own. In this case, poisoning with rat poison can occur for the following reasons:

  • A toxic substance enters the body with food due to non-compliance with safety measures. At independent execution deratization work, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the drug, not forgetting about the methods personal protection(gloves, respirator). Even microscopic particles remaining on the hands after contact with poison can cause poisoning.
  • The toxin can enter the human body through the lungs when inhaled. This is likely when using highly concentrated products. To prevent poisoning from rat poison, you should carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer of the drug you choose.
  • Open wounds and cuts in contact with a toxic substance can also become a source of infection in the body. In this situation, the toxic impact will be the least, but also requires taking appropriate measures.
  • Intentional poisoning with the drug occurs quite rarely, but the availability of the drug in retail sales sometimes lead attackers to such rash actions.

Rat poisoning occurs among young children. The drug granules may have a bright color that can attract the baby’s attention. If you carry out pest control at home, take care of the safety of your own child.

Drugs included in rat poison

Rodenticides, or rat poisons, are a group of substances with varying degrees of toxicity and principles of action. By chemical structure The following categories are distinguished:

Preparations of inorganic origin. The best known of these is zinc phosphide. When in contact with acids, it forms poisonous phosphine gas, which causes suffocation in the rodent. It enters the blood through the capillaries of the lungs, causing paralysis nervous system and disrupting metabolic processes. Zinc phosphide is characterized by a rapid and also extremely acute effect on the body.

Preparations of organic origin. They have a chronic effect, accumulating in the tissues of the animal and slowly destroying the body from the inside.

Rodenticides of organic origin:

Anticoagulants block thrombin, causing blood clotting problems and bleeding. internal organs. There are first-generation anticoagulant drugs - "Izoindan", "Ethylphenacin", "Warfarin", which are characterized by a lower degree of toxicity, and modern analogues - "Difenacum", "Brodifacum", "Flocumafen".

Highly toxic rat poisons can be used for deratization, including mixtures of lead and arsenic, strychnine, white and yellow phosphorus, and thallium sulfate.

The forms of preparations can be different - granules, blocks, briquettes, gels or powders. They are available ready-made or require further mixing with bait. Gray rats are smart and cunning creatures, so several methods are used to completely destroy them.

Lethal dose rat poison depends on both the type and form of the drug. For example, the common “Warfarin” is fatal if only 60 mg is ingested; the less concentrated Brodifacoum will cause the same effects at 300 mg. Death occurs due to profuse, continuous hemorrhages.

Symptoms of rat poison poisoning

The nature and intensity of the manifestation of signs of the toxin are influenced by the following factors:

  • dose of poison received;
  • method of entry into the body;
  • chemical composition of the product;
  • concentration;
  • individual characteristics.

Since anticoagulants have become the most common method of killing gray rats and mice, the effect of toxins does not manifest itself immediately, but after 3–5 days.

In this case, the following signs of poisoning by rat poison are observed:

  • weakness, apathy, lethargy;
  • dizziness and severe headaches;
  • pallor skin and mucous membranes;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse and frequent vomiting;
  • nosebleeds;
  • the appearance of traces of blood in urine and feces;
  • visual and hearing impairments.

This is the result of the action of the poison, so if you have the slightest sign of rat poison poisoning, you should consult a doctor. Even a small dose of rat poison can cause significant harm to the body. Determine the degree of poisoning and take action effective measures Only a competent medical specialist can do this.

First aid for rat poisoning

To reduce the level of toxins in the body, you need to take the following measures if you are poisoned by rat poison:

  • If a child has been poisoned, examine oral cavity for the presence of drug residues - perhaps you will have time to remove the dangerous toy at the last moment.
  • Give the patient 2–3 liters of water to drink. This is necessary so that he can induce vomiting by pressing his finger on the root of the tongue.
  • After ingesting poison, toxins enter the bloodstream and quickly spread throughout the body. To remove them, the victim should take adsorbents - activated carbon (2-3 tablets for every 10 kg of the total body weight of a person) or its more modern analogues.
  • Part harmful substances can accumulate in the small and large intestines not only during primary human poisoning with rat poison, but also as a result of taking adsorbents. It is necessary to cleanse the intestines using a syringe or an Esmarch mug.

Accurate diagnosis and complete cleansing of poison residues are possible only in clinical settings. Even if the patient feels better, this is not a reason to refuse hospitalization.

Examination and treatment in hospital

To eliminate the consequences of rat poisoning in the hospital, the victim will be prescribed a number of procedures:

  • wash the stomach and intestines;
  • they will introduce an antidote - vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting;
  • will provide maintenance therapy to help restore liver function;
  • If necessary, a plasma transfusion will be performed to improve blood clotting.

The duration of treatment for poisoning depends on the severity of rat poisoning. It is determined by conducting a blood test to assess coagulability according to Sukharev. On average, taking vitamin K to completely restore the prothrombin index lasts from 15 to 30 days.

Complications of rat poisoning

Even after discharge from the hospital, it is important to monitor the well-being of the victim after poisoning with rat poison, especially if it Small child. If dangerous symptoms poisonings were ignored, and assistance was provided untimely, unpleasant complications are possible. Possible consequences of rat poisoning include various disorders of the kidneys and liver.

The most terrible consequences of poisoning with rat poison are acquired hemophilia (chronic insufficiency of the prothrombin index). It can be expressed in systematic bleeding from the nose, gums, mucous membranes, characterized by increased duration. Internal hemorrhages are also common, posing a serious threat to human health. To improve a patient after poisoning with rat poison, he is prescribed a course of vitamin K for a year after the event.

How to prevent poisoning

If you fight gray rats and mice on your own, follow the safety rules. Be sure to wash your hands after performing work, or better yet, use disposable protective equipment. If you have small children in your apartment or house, try to protect them from the poison.

When choosing a means for deratization of a living space, it is recommended to use drugs with a weak toxic effect. Don't forget to consider and alternative options extermination of rodents. Perhaps you should just get a cat?

Rat poison is usually called a group of drugs that are aimed at killing rodents. If previously such chemicals were created on the basis of arsenic, lead, strychnine, today they are discontinued due to the threat to human health. After using the substances warfarin, coumatetral and brodifacoum, it was decided to launch the production of new generation drugs - Bromadiolone, Difenacoum and others like them. Today we will tell you what to do if, for some reason, accidental poisoning with rat poison occurs.

When a large population of rodents is discovered on one’s territory, which not only spoils food products and things, leaving traces of their vital activity everywhere, but also transmits infections, a person has a natural desire to fight the enemies with radical methods. Poisoning of people with rodent poisons is extremely rare, since everyone uses protective clothing and a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage during processing. And, basically, only the rat always suffers.

Sometimes toxic substances can enter the body even of someone who does not poison pests and does not work at an enterprise that produces poisons in various forms. For example, a person's body may be at risk if he decides to eat and drink something at a nearby eatery (including alcohol). For example, in Russia over the past 10 years there has not been a single case of fatal, which would involve rat poison.

In 2007–2011, mass minor poisonings of children occurred school age(as the newspapers reported to the population). Everything ended well, as doctors were quickly able to provide assistance to the victims. It was established that the schoolchildren ate poisoned seeds. There are also several cases of poisoning of a child who inadvertently bit off or managed to swallow rodent tablets. In China, from 2002 to 2011, there were blatant cases of deliberate poisoning of people with poisons.

There are also cases where poisoned kebabs were eaten (it is assumed that they were made by the owners of the establishment from the meat of dead rats and foxes). As a result, death occurred in only 10% of the total number of victims.

Video “The effect of poison on humans”

From the video you will learn how poison acts on the human body.

Types of rat poison and its effect on the human body

A poison that helps poison rats is called a rodenticide. It belongs to a special group of pesticides. Experts currently identify types of rodenticides that differ in their effects on pigs and other animals, as well as on humans.

"Ratsid" based on naphthylthiourea and zinc phosphide are currently limited in use due to increased toxicity. They cause 100% death of rodents literally a couple of hours after they start eating the bait. Its use is carried out under strict control in those places where other poisons are powerless.

Lead and arsenic compounds, thallium sulfate, white and yellow phosphorus are prohibited today. These are obsolete poisons, moreover, capable of causing irreparable harm to human health even when they poison rodents.

Almost all modern approved drugs that neutralize pests are produced today on the basis of zoocoumarins. The result is the death of rodents from internal bleeding. First generation anticoagulants can be called Ratindan, Warfarin, Ethylphenacin, Izoindan and others. They do not tend to accumulate inside. Each of these poisons, acting slowly, is excreted within 3 to 4 days through the kidneys. The invention of second-generation anticoagulants began when scientists discovered that many species of rats over time develop persistent immunity to the drugs used. The second group includes “Difenacum”, “Bromadiolone”, “Flocumafen”, “Brodifacum” and others.

How dangerous is rat poison, the lethal dose for humans depends on the amount that enters the human body and the state of his health? Poison tends to destroy important substances that are necessary for proper blood clotting. If a child has eaten rat poison or it has been consumed by an adult with liver problems, the consequences will be extremely severe. For example, the lethal dose of Warfaron is 60 mg per kg, and Bromadiolone is 300 mg. That is, it is possible to die only if 3–4 grams of the drug are ingested, which is about 150 grams of the substance, which is quite a lot. Soft briquettes - anti-rat tablets - contain about 0.005% toxic substance. Those who work on preparing baits should be careful, as some poisons can penetrate the skin.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning by rat poison usually do not become noticeable immediately, but only 3 to 4 days after the poison gets inside. Further, the disease becomes chronic. Signs of poisoning by rat poison are severe weakness, nausea and loss of appetite, persistent headache, pale skin, bleeding gums, possible diarrhea mixed with blood and excruciating pain in the abdomen.

In rare cases, if a huge dose of poison is taken, the development of signs of bleeding disorders can be observed after 12 to 24 hours. The poison breaks in human body the production of vitamin K, necessary for normal blood clotting. To avoid severe intoxication, the victim should be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

First aid for poisoning

In case of accidental poisoning with rat poison, a person must be given at least 3 liters of water before the ambulance arrives. clean water. A solution of potassium permanganate will also help clean the insides, after which you must call for water. Effective method first aid to the victim is to give him sorbents (for example, about 5 tablets of activated carbon). At the same time, the use of a saline laxative is also indicated.

If poison gets on your skin, wash it off warm water with soap. If the poison gets into your eyes, which after a while turn red and a burning sensation appears, you should also wash them with plenty of warm water and soap. It is advisable not to delay a visit to the ophthalmologist after this. It is important not only that the victim inside is at least a little cleared of the poison, but also do not let him sleep until the ambulance arrives. It is important to immediately consult a doctor in case of poisoning so that the victim does not die from excessive bleeding.

If a specialist prescribes mandatory treatment in a hospital setting for a patient with poisoning, then most often it is based on the administration of an antidote - vitamin K1, that is, phytomenadione, for 15 - 30 days. Maintenance therapy is also carried out using hepatoprotectors and forced diuresis. In severe cases, blood plasma transfusion is used to quick recovery its normal coagulability. The recovery process is monitored by studying the prothrombin index. This is the name of a laboratory assessment of the degree of coagulation.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Rat poison is a name given to drugs that are used to kill rats, mice, beavers, squirrels and other rodent-type animals. These animals often interfere with people's lives in remote populated areas(villages or hamlets), especially rodents cause harm in agricultural enterprises, and sometimes it is impossible to get rid of them in the city, rat poison comes to the rescue. But, unfortunately, people are also often poisoned by rat poison, it doesn’t matter whether it was done on purpose or accidentally, the important thing is that it is necessary to act urgently.

When rat poison enters the body, blood clotting is impaired, resulting in heavy bleeding and the rodents die from blood loss. Previously, there were drug formulations in which, active ingredients were eliminated from the body within two days, today you can find drugs that accumulate in the body and destroy it from the inside. The drug accumulates in the internal organs - the kidneys, as well as in the liver, gradually disrupting the functioning of these organs and leading the person to a terrible state.

Everyone knows how dangerous rat poison is, the lethal dose for a person of such a drug depends on what is included in its composition, but in order for the result to be fatal, you need to take a large number of drug, it is impossible for an adequate adult to take such a dose by chance. A fatal outcome is possible, but if you seek help in time, treatment will help avoid such consequences. Understanding how rat poison works, we can predict what symptoms will accompany poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning

After rat poison enters the human body, gradual poisoning of the body occurs, but symptoms of rat poison poisoning do not appear immediately. From poisoning with rat poison, symptoms can appear within a few hours, or perhaps even after a few days, and the longer the poison quietly poisons the human body, the more dangerous the harm done to the body will be.
Symptoms include:

The symptoms also include internal bleeding, but, unfortunately, not every person can notice it. Rat poison is a strong poison that leads to intoxication of the body, but death is usually caused by internal bleeding, which may not be noticed, and pain may not be paid attention to, which should not be done. Signs of poisoning from rat poison will make it clear that you need to see a doctor or an ambulance as a matter of urgency.

What to do if you are poisoned by rat poison

Considering that the composition of such drugs is poisonous, when providing first medical care you need to act as in case of standard severe poisoning. There is no need to panic, you need to act calmly and carefully.
If poisoning with rat poison is detected, the following procedures must be carried out:

These actions will help avoid dire consequences. You should not wait for an ambulance to arrive; in such cases, it is necessary to act urgently, because in a person who has been poisoned by rat poison, the symptoms may intensify, worsening the person’s condition.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, it is necessary not to give the victim food, not to let him fall asleep, if the person is in a state close to loss of consciousness, then do everything to prevent this. You can only give him water to drink. Already in the hospital, after examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment, and medical staff will carry out therapeutic measures.

For the first few days, the doctor will insist that the victim be in the hospital in order to monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, change treatment methods.

What is in rat poison?

The first drugs for killing rodents were created a long time ago, but they caused great harm to the owners of the house themselves, because they contained very dangerous chemical elements. Today, rat poison contains more gentle chemical elements; they are also dangerous, but do not cause as much harm as the original releases. Many people know that poisoning a person with rat poison is very dangerous, but only a few know exactly what part of the drug is dangerous. The following can be found in rat poison:

These substances can prevent blood clotting, as a result of which they can provoke bleeding and irreversibly disrupt the functioning of internal organs. Due to the fact that the composition contains substances that are very dangerous to human life, it is necessary to find other ways to destroy rodents, especially for those who have other pets at home - dogs, cats, and so on. Also, if small children live in the house, it is necessary to keep rat poison away from accessible places, because for a child, even a small dose of such poison can cause irreversible effects.

You can get poisoned by rat poison as a result proper storage drugs, children small age they often put into their mouths everything that comes into their hands, especially something that they have not seen or held in their hands until that moment.

If you want to remove rodents from your home, then you should invite specialists in catching or exterminating rodents, because independently removing rodent pests from your home using rat poison can be dangerous for your entire family. If it is not possible to call specialists to your home, then at least consult with professionals; they will tell you what dose of the drug to use and what type of drug is best to use to exterminate rodent pests.

Poison Rat Death – modern poisonous drug, designed to control rodents. Used for large-scale extermination of pests, extermination of several dozen rodents in the private sector and apartments. The drug Rat Death is produced by the Italian company Dr Tezza. There are representative offices in other countries.

Composition of the drug

Rat Death poison is available in two forms - Rat Death 1, Rat Death 2. The main difference is in the active ingredient. The first drug uses brodifacoum, the second - bromadiolone.

Brodifacoum is more toxic, not large dose it is enough for the animal to get poisoned. Bromadiolone acts more slowly, but the results are impressive.

The first drug is released in blue-green tones, the second one resembles pieces of meat. The following are used as auxiliary components:

  • flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • flavorings.

The toxic substance does not reveal itself in any way. Rats eat the bait with great eagerness and a huge appetite. Since the product does not begin to act immediately, pests do not see anything suspicious in the treat. All that remains is to add more quantity and wait for the result.

Release form

The effectiveness of a poisonous agent largely depends on the form of release. Rat Death is produced in the form of a gel-like substance. It is given the appearance of a briquette and packed in filtered paper. Placed in a polymer film. Poison in bags is stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture.

On a note!

A special gel base prevents the product from losing its properties while remaining on the floor surface for a long time. Does not affect the appearance of the drug Sun rays, heat. The recommended period for using printed briquettes is 2 weeks.

An effective rat repellent can be purchased at any specialty store at an affordable price. The package contains 8 briquettes weighing 100 g, or 16 pieces with a total weight of 200 g. Active composition, a successful release form, made the poison in demand on the market for similar products.

Rat death, according to customer reviews, is one of the best rodent repellents in the world. modern market. Secret positive result lies in the active components.

How the poison works: brodifacoum and bromadiolone are anticoagulant rodenticides. Once in the animal’s liver, the substances interfere with the production of vitamin K, which is necessary to ensure normal blood clotting. A large dose of anticoagulants causes internal bleeding.

Death occurs within 3 days from the moment of eating a large dose of the drug or within a week if the drug is taken in small doses. The active components are not excreted in urine and accumulate in the animal’s body. Having reached a lethal dose, bleeding begins.

On a note!

Rat death belongs to the second generation coagulants. Unlike its predecessors, it is not addictive in rodents; death can occur when a small dose of poison enters the animal’s body. The lethal dose from Rat Death 1 for mice is 0.24 g, rats - 2 g. To kill pests with Rat Death 2, mice need to consume 0.6 g, rats - 6 g.

During the day, an adult rat eats 50 g of food, a mouse - 5 g. It is highly likely that a hungry animal will eat a lethal dose in 1 day.

Terms of use

The instructions for use clearly describe the requirements and possibilities for using the product. It is necessary to follow the recommendations exactly. Violation of instructions leads to negative consequences, health problem.

  • Think about where you can place the bait indoors so that rodents will immediately notice it. Prepare required amount cardboards measuring 10*10 cm. Instead of cardboards, you can use a tin lid.
  • Wear rubber gloves, arm yourself with a toothpick and tweezers.
  • Use your tools to remove the filtered bag of poison and place it on the prepared surface. There is no need to unfold it; rodents can easily cope with this task on their own. To kill mice, add 1 briquette; rats need 2 briquettes.
  • The prepared mixture of poison and additives is placed near rodent burrows, in possible places of movement. An effective location for killing mice is 2-5 m from each other. Rat baits are placed at a distance of 4-15 m.

Pests intensify their activity in dark time days. In the morning you should check all the baits. Place a fresh briquette in place of the one eaten.

On a note!

The death of rats occurs somewhat later than that of mice. You will have to wait 1-2 weeks for the results. You can understand that rodents have been exterminated by appearance bait. If, after active devouring in the previous days, the briquette remains untouched, it means that the remedy has begun to work. Pests are dying en masse.

The remaining poison is collected in plastic bag. Close tightly and bury in the ground to a depth of at least 0.5 m. It is strongly recommended not to throw it in trash cans, since yard dogs, cats, wild animals, and birds can detect the toxic agent. The discovered corpses of rodents should also be buried so as not to poison other animals. The disadvantages include the fact that it is impossible to predict where a rodent will die, and not so easy.

Safety regulations

Rat poison does not harm humans correct use. When working with a toxic product, you must wear rubber gloves and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. After work, throw away gloves and wash your hands with soap.

The active components are not released into the air and do not affect the well-being of people or pets. Negative consequences are possible if Rat Death enters the stomach. If the minimum dose of the drug is accidentally injected, the liver will deactivate the effect of the poison on its own.

A threat to life occurs when the product is purposefully consumed. This situation is typical for young children who are left unattended by their parents. Rat poison is not excreted through the kidneys, so there is a risk of internal bleeding.

Symptoms of poisoning in humans:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • pale skin;
  • increased or slowed heart rate;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • nose bleed;
  • blood on the gums, red urine, stool.

The antidote to Rat Death is vitamin K or Vicasol. It is administered intravenously on an outpatient basis for 15-30 days. The complexity of the situation depends on the person’s age, presence chronic diseases, immunity, liver and kidney health. Providing timely medical care can save a person from death.

Efficiency according to reviews

Rats appeared in the garage, began to slowly enter the house, and were noticed in the chicken coop. They avoided it and were able to catch only one person. We bought a poisonous drug - Rat Death. I had to wait a week for the result. Over the next 10 days, dead rodents were found in the yard. We managed to get rid of the pests.

Inna, Voronezh

For the dacha - the best remedy. The mice ran freely and were not even afraid of people. They treated me to poison. A week later we arrived, there was no movement, only the smell of a corpse appeared. They collected the bodies and buried them in the ground. We use it periodically during the cold season.

Denis, Kyiv

Convenient release form, the bait smells like meat. Attracts the attention of rodents well. Remains in a capable state for a long time. At first, the rodents attack it with great appetite. After 3 days, activity subsides. The poison begins to take effect. After 10 days, the briquettes are not touched, no mice are heard. Works quickly!

Maxim, Moscow

Poison from rats and mice is the most common means in the fight against rodents. Rat death allows you to quickly destroy small mice, large rats, such as, exterminate for short time an entire population. The only rule when using poison is to strictly follow the instructions and safety recommendations. Customers periodically leave reviews about the product on forums.

Poisoning with rat poison (ICD code 10-X48) is rarely reported, but can lead to tragedy. When intoxicated, almost all body systems are affected. Therefore, store dangerous substance Keep away from children and be careful. If, after using the chemical, someone in your household feels unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of rat poison and its effect on the human body

There are specific drugs that kill rodents. It is based on substances capable of poisoning unwanted “guests”, but threatening health of people and pets. The main component is often a rodenticide, a substance from the group of pesticides:

  1. Ratside and zinc phosphite. They are used limitedly and under strict control, as they are characterized by a high degree of toxicity. Recommended if others are powerless in the fight against mice. Death of rodents occurs within 2 hours after etching as a result of damage to the blood vessels of the lung tissue and respiratory arrest.
  2. Zookoumarin. The high ability of the drug to poison rodents is provoked by a blood clotting disorder, which results in internal bleeding.
  3. 1st generation anticoagulants. Poisonous agents also affect hemostasis, but have a gradual effect and take time to kill rodents. Popular ones are Ethylphenacin, Ratindane, Izoindane.
  4. Anticoagulants 2nd generation. In this case, the substances accumulate and the effect manifests itself faster. A common drug is Warfarin.

These drugs are used both in industrial scale, and at home.

Rat poison is deadly to humans! The degree of intoxication depends on the dose active ingredient. In case of accidental use of Warfarin, 4.8 grams is enough to cause death.

Causes of poisoning

It is difficult for an adult to take poison without noticing. But if chemicals are neglected, there is a threat to children and animals.

How rat poison enters the body:

  1. Along with food. Components from gastrointestinal tract are absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the tissues.
  2. With air. In this case, the inhalation of particles becomes a provocateur.
  3. Through the skin. Caution is needed for people with damaged skin, unhealed wounds, ulcers, and scratches.

According to statistics, there have been no cases of fatal poisoning on the territory of the Russian Federation for 10 years. But severe intoxication from rat poison still occurs.

Symptoms of poisoning

Knowing the clinical picture of the lesion, measures can be taken to alleviate the condition of the victim. Call doctors immediately to prevent the risks of death and complications.

The following signs of rat poison poisoning are noted:

  1. Cephalgia. Analgesics eliminate headache, but it will soon resume.
  2. Nasal and intracavitary bleeding. Since the majority chemicals anticoagulants against rodents, blood clotting in humans worsens. Among the manifestations are clots in the urine.
  3. General malaise, dizziness, body aches, loss of appetite.
  4. Problems with vision and hearing. These symptoms of poisoning are more pronounced the greater the degree.
  5. The skin turns pale, the pupils dilate.
  6. Gastrointestinal disorders. Characterized by nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Typically, the effects occur 2–4 days after accidental poisoning. With severe intoxication with rat poison, the clinical picture develops on the first day. In a child, symptoms appear more quickly.

Giving help

If affected by a toxic substance, doctors are immediately called. Therapy for serious cases takes place in an inpatient department.

First aid

At home, you can relieve symptoms and prevent complications. But, you should not resort to any drugs, it is so easy to additionally poison a person without identifying the poison that has already penetrated the body.

Preventive measures:

  1. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. The patient is given salted water. If there is no vomiting, artificially provoke. It is necessary to continue the procedure until clear liquid begins to come out of the stomach. To reduce absorption, it is recommended to take at least 1.5 liters.
  2. Sorbents are used. Poisoning by poison is “contained” with the help of Activated carbon, Polyphepan. Medicines absorb toxic components and prevent their absorption into the bloodstream.
  3. If the damage occurs through wounds, eyes, or inhalation, these areas are washed generously.
  4. You can take a laxative to quickly remove rat poison from the intestines.

The victim should not sleep or eat until the medical team arrives.

Hospital treatment

Hospitalization is indicated for severe poisoning by rat poison. The patient stays in the hospital for 3–4 weeks. Urgent diagnostics are carried out to determine the type of toxin. The medical therapy program contains the following stages:

  1. Rinse the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Use Phytomenadione. Vitamin K is an antidote to most types of chemicals, as it improves blood clotting.
  3. Laxatives and diuretics are used, which remove the components of the anti-rodent drug from the body.
  4. Herbal hepatoprotectors or those made on an animal basis are prescribed, reducing the load on the liver and cleansing its blood vessels.
  5. In case of serious damage, they resort to plasma transfusion.

During the rehabilitation period, you need to take more walks and rest. The effectiveness of treatment is assessed by performing a test on the prothrombin index - the number of platelets in the blood, important for coagulation, is determined.

Antidote for mouse poison for humans

The antidote is vitamin K, but it is administered to the victim in case of severe injury in a hospital setting. In case of mild intoxication with anti-rat drugs, it is recommended to include more foods containing this component in the diet:

  • barberry;
  • blackberries;
  • rose hip;
  • hawthorn;
  • rowan;
  • cabbage;
  • soybean oil;
  • cereals;
  • green tea;
  • cow's milk.

Such products strengthen a weakened body.

Possible complications

The negative consequences of exposure to rat poison include:

  1. Hemophilia - decreased blood clotting. It is characterized by heavy bleeding from cuts, gums, nose, and internal organs.
  2. Deterioration of the liver and kidneys, which are forced to remove toxins.

To prevent poisoning, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug and consult with a sanitary and epidemiological station employee.


To prevent poisoning, it is enough to follow basic safety precautions:

  1. Keep medications out of the reach of children.
  2. If you have a cat, it is advisable to send it to relatives for a while. An animal that hunts weakened mice can also be poisoned by the chemical.
  3. When processing premises, use protective equipment - respirators, overalls or a change of clothes, gloves.
  4. After completing the procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse the skin.

But it’s better not to do it yourself, but to seek the help of professionals who will take into account all the nuances of processing the premises.


If there are rodents in the house and you decide to use rat poison, it is important to prevent the slightest risk of poisoning. The consequences are chronic and can be fatal.

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