A clogged sink is an unpleasant phenomenon that brings severe discomfort. When a pipe becomes clogged, water flows through drain hole It goes away slowly or doesn’t go away at all, but accumulates in the sink. In addition, it appears bad smell. In this article, we will look at how to clear a clogged sink.

Causes of blockage

Before you unclog your sink at home, it is important to determine the cause of the clog. It could be corrosion metal pipes. IN metal devices Mineral buildup and rust gradually form. Only an expert can clean such pipes. However, many houses now have modern pipes made of plastic, which is not subject to corrosion. Therefore, they will not face such a problem.

The cause of the blockage may be wear and tear of old pipes or other equipment. In this case, replacement of the siphon, wiring, riser and other devices is required. Sometimes a blockage occurs due to the accumulation of small solid particles of flowing water inside the pipeline. It means yours is too polluted tap water which requires additional cleaning. What to do if the flow is dirty or rusty water, look .

In addition, clogs are formed due to debris and grease plugs that form when washing dishes. Various small debris gets into the drain, including food and soap or detergent residues, threads, hair, animal hair and other elements.

This is the most common reason that the sink in the bathroom or kitchen is clogged. In this case, we can flush the drain and pipe ourselves. Let's take a closer look at how to unclog your kitchen or bathroom sink.

First aid: four easy ways to clear a blockage

  1. At steel pipes Pour boiling water into the clogged sink. If the pipes are plastic, turn on the tap with hot water and leave for twenty minutes. If the plug is not too tight, it will drain down the drain along with the water. After the procedure, turn on a small stream of water from the tap and check if the drain is clear;
  2. Lemon will also remove light clogs. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the drain hole, and after two hours, rinse the sink or bathtub with hot water;
  3. Accumulated fat in pipes is effectively removed by salt and soda. To do this, pour half a mug of salt and a mug of soda into a glass of water, stir and pour the mixture into the clogged sink. Leave for five to ten minutes and then clean with a rag or plunger and finally rinse the pipes with a stream of water;
  4. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a blow back or air blow function. Wrap the device pipe tightly with a rag, place it in the drain and turn on the blower. A powerful air flow will push through the stagnation.

Clear the blockage using a plunger

If the above methods do not help, the sink is severely clogged and requires more decisive action. The most popular remedy for dealing with a clogged sink at home is a plunger. To use the device, fill the sink one third full with hot water and press the plunger firmly against the drain hole. To make it fit as tightly as possible, first lubricate the rim of the hole with Vaseline.

Press down on the plunger and make sharp, intense movements up and down. As a result, a hydraulic column is formed, under the pressure of which the blockage disintegrates. Pull out the plunger and repeat the procedure. Repeat until the drain is completely clear.

If you have a sink with two sections, you will need two plungers, which must be used simultaneously. When there is no second plunger, close the second drain with a wet rag and press it with your hand. However, a plunger will not help with very dense, deep and old blockages. In this case, you can use a special plumbing cable.

Cleaning a sink with a cable

The plumbing cable is made of elastic steel. There is a handle at one end of this device, and a special spiral or brush at the other. By the way, you can make such a cable with your own hands. Take a flexible metal wire, wrap fabric at one end and make a handle, and bend the other into a hook.

The cable is placed in the pipe and scrolled clockwise, while the product is pushed inside or directed towards itself. In the first case, debris is pushed deep into the pipe. In the second, it goes outside. Before cleaning, remove the siphon and rotate the cable only clockwise, otherwise the device will break. In addition, periodically turn on the water to wash away any released contaminants.

Using wire rope cleaning is more suitable for metal pipes. Since they are more resistant to deformation and mechanical pressure. Moreover, the cable also removes rust. Plastic pipes must be cleaned in this way very carefully so as not to damage the material. In addition, you can use professional and folk remedies.

Folk and professional remedies

A common folk remedy for clogged sinks is cleaning with baking soda and vinegar. In this case, pour 150 grams of soda into the drain hole, and then pour vinegar in the same volume. The hole is closed with a stopper for half an hour, after which the pipe is washed with boiling water. Baking soda and vinegar form a caustic foam that quickly and effectively eats away any blockage.

When your kitchen or bathroom sink is clogged, you can use Alka-Seltzer tablets. Throw two tablets into the drain hole and pour a glass of vinegar. After two minutes, turn on the hot water full power. This method helps remove moderate blockages and eliminates unpleasant odors.

To prevent and clean blockages, household chemicals are used. Choose products that are suitable for the type of contamination and the type of material from which the pipes are made. Be careful, as such compounds are aggressive. When working, be sure to wear gloves, follow the instructions, keep the drug away from children and animals!

The best household remedies for blockages

Preparation Description Price
Popular accessible remedy with effective but slow action; removes blockages in 1.5-2 hours; removes bacteria and unpleasant odors

20-60 rubles1 (gel, 0.5-1 l)

A universal, inexpensive product for any type of pipe with a delicate effect; clears blockages in an hour, removes unpleasant odors and has a child-proof lid

55 rubles (gel, 500 ml)

A popular gel for cleaning pipes of any kind, it works in 5-30 minutes, but does not always cope with difficult blockages; soft safe composition and high price

200 rubles (500 ml)

Affordable and effective remedy in the form of powder and gel; does not form dust, but has a pungent odor; clears clogs in 15-20 minutes 30 rubles (powder), 80 rubles (gel)
Powerful gel for plastic and polypropylene pipes, not suitable for aluminum pipes; Available in convenient packaging with a locking lid; clears clogs in an hour

130 rubles (gel, 500 ml)

Aggressive drug with powerful action and highly effective, does not have a pungent odor and disinfects; manufactured in granules, operational and easy cleaning blockage 40 rubles (microgranules, 60 g)
Baghi Pothan An expensive and fast-acting composition removes blockages in three to five minutes; characterized by convenient packaging and economical consumption; not suitable for old and worn pipes; Available in granules and tablets 100 rubles (1 tablet), 290 rubles (granules, 250 ml)

Selena anti-clogging

An affordable product with a slow cleaning effect in one to two hours; Suitable for both sink and toilet; no dust, no pungent odor 100 rubles (gel, 1 l), 15-30 rubles (powder, 90 g)

To avoid clogging the sink, do not pour liquids containing cooking oil into it. Before washing, clean the dishes from food debris; do not throw threads, wool, vegetable skins and other small debris into the sink. To protect the drain hole and pipe from foreign objects, use a special mesh.

Regularly clear the drain of hair and clean the siphon once a week, clean the sink with hot water, and rinse the hole with boiling water. Wash the sink daily and periodically clean the siphon, replace parts and devices in a timely manner.

Problems with home plumbing are the most unpleasant thing that even the most tidy housewife will sooner or later encounter.

It is known that clogs occur when water gets into the sink drain hole. fine particles of various origins.

Even if all conceivable precautions are taken, they accumulate in the outlet pipe and prevent the free flow of water. Most problem area– a water seal, that is, a curved section of pipe.

If such a problem does occur, it is not necessary to urgently call a plumber. You can unclog your sink yourself.

There are methods for this that have been repeatedly tested by many people who have suffered from plumbing surprises.


First, let's remember the good old method, used by many generations - the plunger. It cleans the bath with the same ease.

This necessary item is a construction made of a dense rubber cap with a handle. Its action is based on the creation of a water hammer, under the influence of which the waste that has clogged the pipe moves into the sewer riser.

The cap is pressed tightly against the drain hole and the drain is cleaned with sharp upward and downward movements of the handle. Usually 3 to 5 pushes are enough.

If the water does not go away or goes away very slowly, the procedure should be repeated until a visible result is achieved. Contamination that appears from the drain must be immediately removed from the sink to avoid re-clogging.

Traditional methods

Another common one folk way clearing clogs in the sink - using soda.

The recipes are different, but they are all based on the property of soda to dissolve the fatty component of blockages, thereby reducing their density and volume.

So, let's prepare a solution according to one of these recipes:

  • pour the same amount of soda into a glass of vinegar and leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the drain is also washed with hot water. Happening in the pipe chemical reaction, the result of which will be the dissolution of fat - and therefore easier passage of the blockage;
  • components similar to the previous ones are enriched with any washing powder: soda and powder in equal quantities pour into the drain and fill with vinegar. After 20-30 minutes, the sink drain is flushed with plenty of hot water.
Baking soda and vinegar are often used when cleaning the kitchen sink, since it is in the drain that greasy clogs most often form that need to be dissolved.

Special means

In addition to using available chemicals, you can use special preparations for removing blockages, which are sold in departments household chemicals.

Dealing with them is quite simple: the amount of product indicated in the instructions is poured into sewer drain and after some time is washed with water. As a result, the blockage dissolves and is removed very quickly.

But due to their high aggressiveness, these drugs have a significant drawback - active reagents can corrode rubber gaskets and also damage the integrity of sewer pipes, especially plastic ones. Therefore, you should not be too zealous when using special means; it is enough to use them no more than once a quarter.

The listed recipes for clearing clogs are good for kitchen sinks; for other sinks and washbasins it is optimal to use mechanical methods.

Mechanical cleaning

Manual cleaning is not the most pleasant operation, but in order to effectively clean the drain, as well as maintain the integrity of pipes and gaskets, its use is fully justified.

Under the sink there is a siphon - a kind of sump in which dirt settles. This prevents them from getting into the pipes, otherwise cleaning can be seriously complicated.

If the siphon is plastic, it is disassembled and cleaned, after draining the water from the sink. After removing debris from the bottom of the siphon, check the cleanliness of the corrugated outlet and wash it. After these manipulations, all parts of the siphon are screwed into place.

The task can be complicated if a cast iron siphon is installed under the sink, secured with bolts. It is a non-separable structure, so it needs to be cleaned with a cable and washed. Only after this will it be possible to install it back.

You can clear a clog in the sink at home without dismantling the siphon using plumbing cable, which is inserted into the drain and rotated there in different directions. In this way, the sink drain is reliably and efficiently cleared of contaminants.

As a rule, these methods allow you to completely remove the blockage in the sink or washbasin. If you cannot get rid of the blockage on your own, the most reasonable solution is to contact a specialist from the housing department.

There is hardly an adult who has never had to unclog a clogged sink. Such troubles happen to almost everyone, and usually at the wrong time - at moments when it is not possible to call a specialist, and you need to use the device urgently.

In this article we will figure out how to remove a blockage in the sink with minimal costs time and how to handle plumbing so that such problems do not arise again. Why consider 5 the best tools for mechanical removal of blockages, and also name the most effective and popular among users chemicals.

A blockage is a mechanical obstruction that prevents water from flowing normally into the sewer system. Typically, such an obstacle occurs due to the accumulation of debris (dirt, hair, grease) that forms in the siphon or pipe.

Determining that a sink is clogged is very simple: water slowly flows down the drain, and over time an unpleasant odor appears in the room.

Errors when installing sewerage elements

Blockages can form if the elements sewer system installed incorrectly. When the angle of inclination of the pipes is insufficient, they remain particulate matter.

Gradually they accumulate, mix with grease and detergent residues, stick to the inner surfaces of the walls of sewer pipes, narrowing their diameter.

Water can be retained in the sink not only due to a blockage, but also if the drain hole in the pipeline of the gravity sewer system is displaced. This occurs due to a change in its inclination

Incorrect use of the sink

If the siphon does not have a mesh installed to filter the waste, solid particles, debris, hair, sand and even small objects get into it along with the water.

Gradually the siphon becomes clogged. Sooner or later, a plug of dirt forms, which practically blocks the pipe, reduces the clearance and retains water.

Using cast iron sewer pipes

Frequent blockages - “disease” cast iron sewer. The inner surface of the pipes is rough, which promotes the adhesion of grease and dirt. Gradually, a thick layer of deposits forms, which becomes the cause of blockages. To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out regular prevention.

To determine exactly where the blockage has formed - in the siphon or pipes, it is advisable to immediately disassemble it and, if necessary, clean and wash the siphon. If everything is fine with it, you need to pour water into the sewer pipe and check how fast it flows

Blockages do not appear instantly. This is usually a lengthy process and determining the cause of problems is not always easy. The first thing to do is to remove the blockage, but if the sewer becomes clogged frequently, you will still have to diagnose the system and take measures to prevent problems in its operation.

In addition to the sink, other plumbing fixtures, as well as pipes, may suffer from blockages. We talked about the problem and solutions in more detail in our other articles:

TOP 5 tools for mechanical cleaning

All sewer cleaning methods can be divided into two types - mechanical and chemical. The first involves destroying the cork using special devices or improvised means. Methods of the second type are based on the use of household chemicals or “folk recipes”.

The most popular tools for mechanical cleaning sewer pipes - cable, flexible shaft, metal tape or just a long stiff wire

Both types of products have their own characteristics, and they should be taken into account when choosing how to clear a clog in a pipe or sink.

Tool #1 - sink plunger

If you are in doubt about how and what is the best way to break through a clog in the sink, choose a plunger. This is one of the safest and most reliable drain cleaning tools. It is an elastic hemisphere made of rubber or silicone attached to a handle.

When purchasing a tool, it is important to choose a device with a nozzle that will completely cover the sink drain hole. The larger the nozzle, the greater the compression effect it will have on the blockage, which means it will break through it faster and more efficiently.

In addition to the usual plungers, there are also pneumatic ones. They look similar to bicycle pumps. Such tools are easy to use, convenient and reliable. Their only drawback is their high price, which is why they are most often purchased by professional plumbers.

Tool #2 - plumbing cable

It is metal (usually steel) with a handle that you can use to rotate the tool, pushing it into the sewer pipe. The device is ideal for clearing blockages, but you should be careful when using it, because... can be easily damaged plastic elements systems.

You can buy the cable at a hardware store or make it yourself. If you handle the tool with care, it can last for several decades. All you need to do is wash it after use, wipe it and lubricate it with machine oil. A rolled instrument takes up minimal space; the main thing is not to store it in damp areas.

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If for some reason it is difficult to unscrew the siphon fasteners or a blockage has formed in it and cannot be cleaned, a homemade plastic cable from a bottle can be a way out of the situation.

It will not damage vulnerable parts of the sewer system and will do a great job with minor blockages. This tool is easy to make yourself.

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When using a rope from a bottle, you need to be careful and rotate very carefully so that the tape does not break. Otherwise it may get stuck in sewer pipe, and the situation will only get worse.

After use, do not throw away the homemade cable. It is washed, dried, rolled and stored. He can help out more than once.

Tool #3 - flexible shaft

A flexible shaft is an improved analogue of a cable. It is thicker and longer, suitable for cleaning wide pipes. The tool is made of a thick cable with a diameter of at least 9 mm, wrapped along the entire length with a spiral spring about 5 mm thick. The total diameter of the tool can reach 20-28 mm, and its length – 60 m.

The end of the tool has a spiral attachment that can be used to remove accumulated dirt from the pipe. The cable is suitable for breaking large and old plugs

The device is used to deal with complex blockages if a plug has formed in a bend in the pipe where plumbing tools of a more “modest” length cannot reach.

Tool #4 - cleaning wire

The blockage can be removed using a special wire with an attachment. It is used in the same way as a cable. The features of the tool are its smaller thickness and the ability to be equipped with various attachments.

The device is universal, suitable for both cleaning sinks and removing objects that have fallen into a hole or well.

A wire with a nozzle is inserted into the drain hole of the sink. When it reaches the blockage, it is rotated, pushing it further. It is important not to use excessive force so as not to damage the device.

The main disadvantage of wire is that it deforms during use. Due to rotation, the straight tool gradually acquires a spiral shape, which makes its subsequent use difficult. Therefore, metal wire is considered a less reliable and durable tool than a cable or flexible shaft.

Tool #5 - metal tape

Another useful tool for clearing clogs is steel tape. The device is designed for long pipes. It represents flat strip metal 2.5-3 cm wide, at the end of which a small “peak” is attached.

The advantages of the device are convenience and durability. There are tapes of various lengths on sale (from 7 to 30 m), and every owner of an apartment or house can choose a tool suitable for his sewer system.

For ease of use, the tool is equipped with a comfortable handle that fits well in the palm of your hand. The tape is easy to hold in your hand

The list of mechanical tools that can be used to unclog a sink is extensive. The devices described are considered the most convenient, but there are other options. You can always find exactly the tool that is most suitable for a particular system. You should definitely buy it and keep it at home in case of problems with the sewerage system.

Chemicals for removing blockages

Household sewer chemicals make life much easier for people who do not have the opportunity to use mechanical cleaning tools. Advantages of funds industrial production are undeniable: they act quickly, effectively, and you don’t need to make any effort to use them. special effort. Household chemicals are used not only to eliminate, but also to prevent blockages.

U chemical compositions there are disadvantages compared to mechanical tools. Too aggressive products can cause damage plastic sewer. Another disadvantage is that they are harmful to environment. These are good reasons to consider their use.

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The principle of action of chemical compounds is simple: they dissolve organic matter. Fat and hair caught in the drain soften and are easily washed off with hot water. After using the funds internal surfaces There are no deposits left in the pipes that make the use of the sewer difficult. The walls become smooth and allow wastewater to pass through well.

Household sewer chemicals may contain acids or alkalis. The former cope well with grease and are better suited for kitchen sinks, while the latter should be used in bathrooms and toilets, because... they dissolve hair, residues of detergents and cleaning products deposited on the pipes.

When choosing chemicals, pay attention to their composition and purpose. Some drugs are too aggressive, and they permanent use may end up replacing sewer pipes

The products vary in release form. They can be liquid, free-flowing or gel-like. It is believed that powders and granules are most effective, but if used incorrectly they can damage plastic pipes. Action liquid products- the softest, but they are not concentrated enough.

Commonly accepted ideas about efficiency various forms products are not always confirmed in practice, so it is wise to select chemicals according to trademark and description on the packaging. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with anti-clogs.

Neglecting safety measures when using chemical cleaning agents is unacceptable. Allergy sufferers and people with illness respiratory tract without protection they may feel bad

There are several general rules points that should be observed when cleaning the sink with chemical compounds:

  • Be sure to open windows and doors to increase air flow. It is advisable to cover your mouth and nose with a mask. If not, then at least try not to inhale the caustic fumes.
  • Hands should be protected with gloves. If the composition gets on the skin, it should be washed off immediately under a powerful stream. cold water. Hot water and detergents not recommended to use.
  • Use chemicals carefully and leave it exactly for the period specified in the instructions. During this period, water should not be drained into the sink.

Some housewives neglect the instructions and leave household chemicals in the sink drain overnight, believing that this improves the result. If you have plastic pipes, such experiments are dangerous, because... caustic compounds damage materials. The sewer may leak, and then you will have to seal it or even replace a section of the pipe.

Soda is used to clean drains either as an independent active ingredient or in combination with vinegar. It disinfects pipes well, removes blockages and odors.

For people who are concerned about the state of the environment and do not want to use aggressive chemicals, alternative (“folk”) remedies are available - citric acid, soda and vinegar.

These substances do not clear blockages so quickly and efficiently, but they are safe and perfect for preventive measures. You can see how to use them in the video below.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

There are different types of blockages. Some are easy to get rid of simply by flushing the drain, but there are cases when dirt plugs become a real problem. There are many methods to get rid of them. We offer a short video review that will help you choose best ways and funds.

Is it possible to get rid of blockages forever? The hero of the next video is sure that this is possible. His method:

Frequent blockages are a good reason to seek help from a professional plumber. The problem may arise due to displacement or depressurization of elements of the sewer system.

If the sink does not clog often, then choose any of the proposed methods for solving the problem and use it. It is not difficult to clean the sewer with your own hands, and you will succeed.

Have you encountered a complex blockage and just can’t deal with it? Ask your questions below the article, describing your situation in detail - our experts and site visitors who have experience in removing blockages with their own hands will definitely tell you suitable options solutions to your problem.

The sink is an important attribute in the kitchen. This is where fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, dishes and kitchen appliances are washed. Fat, food, and debris get into the drain hole. different sizes which leads to blockage. What to do if your kitchen sink is clogged?

What clogs can you clean out yourself?

Without preventive measures, sooner or later it will clog. In this case, it is impossible to use the sink: water simply accumulates in the sink bowl. You shouldn’t despair right away and call specialists. Most clogs can be cleared out yourself, and you can save a lot of money on plumbing costs.

If your sink is clogged, don’t despair, most clogs can be easily removed.

What are the types of clogged kitchen sinks?

  1. Operational– without preventive cleaning, they form in every drain over time. Reason for formation: long-term accumulation of deposits of fat, dirt, food waste, and debris on the walls of pipes.
  2. Mechanical– are not so common, but they are more difficult to eliminate. Cause of formation: large debris entering the drain.
  3. Technical– simple cleaning will not help in this case, you will have to completely change drainage system. Reason for formation: malfunction of the drain system, defect, incorrect installation.

You can remove large debris from the siphon by completely unscrewing it.

If any housewife can cope with the first two types of blockages, then technical reasons Only a specialist or owner with “golden” hands can eliminate it.

Cleaning a sink with a plunger

The plunger is the most common and easiest to use tool for cleaning sinks. He has been known to almost everyone since childhood. The design of the plunger is very simple - a wooden stick with a rubber cap.

It is advisable to have a plunger in the house in case of a blockage.

Operating principle of the plunger:

  • using a rubber cap, a tight adhesion of the plunger to the surface of the sink is created;
  • translational power movements of the tool handle create a water hammer effect in the system;
  • dirt and plaque in the siphon or elbow is set in motion by water hammer, rising to the level of the sewer pipes;
  • water easily washes away the raised debris.

Important! If the design of the sink provides an overflow hole, it must be closed (for example, with a gag made of wet rag). Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

Anyone can work with a plunger. Just a few movements and the accumulated water will go down the drain, forming a water funnel in the sink.

After using the plunger, flush the drains with plenty of water.

Working with a plunger:

  1. Press the plunger firmly onto the surface of the sink. The edges of the rubber cap can be lubricated with any cream. This will make the plunger’s adhesion to the surface tighter.
  2. Fill the sink with water until the rubber cap is covered.
  3. Make several forward movements with the handle with force.
  4. Remove the plunger. The water should drain quickly.

Important to know! To clean a double sink, you need to use two plungers. In one part of the sink, the drain hole is simply blocked with a plunger, and in the second it is cleaned with forceful movements.

Method for complex blockages - a cleanser in combination with a plunger

If you fail to clean the sink with a plunger on the first try:

  • you can add a glass of a mixture of soda and salt in a 1:1 ratio to the drain hole;
  • then pour a glass of hot water;
  • stand for 10-15 minutes;
  • apply a plunger.

Sometimes when using a plunger, some of the debris and sludge comes out into the sink. They must be removed immediately to prevent re-clogging.

Folk remedies for cleaning sinks

In cases where the blockage has formed due to the accumulation of fat and small fractions of food waste, you can do without using a plunger. Here it will be enough to use available tools available in every kitchen.

A very simple and equally effective means for cleaning kitchen drains is baking soda.

Removing operational blockages using soda:

  • pour a glass of soda into the drain hole (technical soda is better, but baking soda is also suitable);
  • pour a glass of vinegar on top, this will enhance the effect of soda;
  • wait up to 15 minutes until the chemical reaction has completely passed;
  • rinse the drain with a liter of boiling water, and then with a generous stream of tap water.

Advice. The drain hole must be closed during cleaning in this way so that the resulting foam and gases do not escape outside.

For better effect, you can add to soda washing powder or bleach (3-5 tablespoons). Another trick - you can rinse not just with boiling water, but with fresh potato broth. This eliminates the unpleasant odor.

You can replace soda with Alka-Seltzer anti-hangover tablets, using them according to the same principle. The tablets will help not only remove the blockage, but also get rid of the unpleasant stagnant odor.

Folk remedies can be used both to remove blockages and as preventive measures.

Chemicals for cleaning sinks

Household chemical stores offer a wide range of chemicals for unclogging kitchen sinks. They can be liquid, powder or granular. They are made on an aggressive (alkaline or acid) basis.

Algorithm for working with household chemicals:

  1. Pour a small amount of boiling water into the drain hole.
  2. Add cleaning agent and leave for several hours.
  3. Rinse the sink with plenty of cold water.

Advice. The effect of the product is designed to last for several hours and you cannot use the sink during this period of time. Therefore, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed.

Chemicals help not only clear pipes of blockages, but also get rid of rust if the sewer system is metal.

Chemicals for cleaning drains can be purchased at any store.

Chemicals must be used very carefully, observing safety precautions. Contact of aggressive substances on the skin or mucous membranes causes a chemical burn, so you only need to work with gloves, avoiding splashing of the product.

Cleaning the drain using mechanical methods

When a plunger, folk and special chemicals do not cope with a clogged sink, you have to resort to radical cleaning methods. They can be done using a plumbing hook or cable, and even using a washing vacuum cleaner.

To use a vacuum cleaner for these purposes, you will need a special attachment. Outwardly, it looks like a plunger cap. The nozzle is pressed against the drain hole, and the vacuum cleaner starts blowing. A few seconds will be enough to clear the blockage. You can also use a home car wash. After cleaning, the drain is rinsed with cold water.

Cable for cleaning the drain hole

Plumbing hooks and cables must be used very carefully so as not to damage the siphon and pipes.

  1. The cable is lowered into the drain hole until it hits the accumulation of debris.
  2. When the movement of the cable is limited, it begins to rotate while simultaneously making pushing movements.
  3. When the blockage is cleared, the drain is washed with plenty of water.

In some cases, you will have to disassemble and clean the siphon. This is not difficult to do, but you need to remember that there is always water in the siphon, and the dirtiest and most stinking one. Before unwinding it, you must place it in a bucket or other container.

Preventing sink clogs

Timely prevention helps to avoid many serious problems. Preventing kitchen sink clogs is no exception.

A removable drain screen in the kitchen sink will prevent debris from entering the system.

  1. Install an additional removable fine-grained screen at the drain hole.
  2. Clean the dishes thoroughly beforehand to remove any remaining food and grease with a napkin.
  3. Wash dishes with hot water and fat-dissolving agents.
  4. Flush the drain with boiling water regularly.
  5. Clean your sink once a week using the folk remedies described above.

If you follow the recommendations, the kitchen sink will not become clogged and cause unpleasant troubles. If the blockage could not be avoided, do not despair, but boldly get down to business. The services of a plumber will only be needed in the most difficult cases.

Removing a clog in the kitchen sink: video

Self-removal of clogs in the sink: photo

Clogged kitchen pipes are not that uncommon these days. Almost every housewife at least once in her life has encountered a situation where water does not leave the sink and stagnates. You can also recognize clogged kitchen pipes by the specific smell of rotting. Often the causes of blockages need to be looked for in kitchen waste - leftover food, grease, but it also happens that it is caused by corrosive particles released over time metal elements water supply That is why, even if you use a special mesh and do not allow debris to penetrate the pipes, a blockage may still appear in your kitchen - neither plastic nor steel plumbing elements are immune from it.

Basic ways to unclog a kitchen sink at home

There are many ways to clean pipes from clogged elements. You can use it yourself:

  • By chemical means: Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret;
  • Mechanical procedures: plunger, cable, vacuum cleaner;
  • Traditional methods: soda, vinegar, salt.

How to unclog a kitchen sink using a cable

The most common and simple method of getting rid of a blockage is a plunger. This is a device that allows, using a hollow rubber semicircle, to clean the sink mechanically. The plunger is able to cope with only minor blockages, creating a small force in the pipes and helping to push and split the plug that is clogging the sink.

Attention! If your sink consists of two sections, you need to use two plungers at the same time, or tightly close one of the holes, so that the pressure created in one of the drains is not reduced by the free circulation of air in the other.

To remove a blockage using a plunger, you must first fill the sink cavity with boiling water, or, if plastic pipes are installed, with as hot water as possible. The plunger must be pressed tightly to the drain hole and worked like a pump, swinging the rubber part up and down.

Important! Using a plunger can only deal with minor blockages. There is no point in trying to break through stagnation when the water does not leave the pipes at all!

If the contamination is more serious, it is better to use a special plumbing fixture. How to unclog a kitchen sink with a cable? The cable is a flexible solid cord about three meters long. The end of the cable consists of a special pointed hook, which reduces the density of the lump of debris clogging the pipes.

This mechanical device It perfectly overcomes blockages of even the most complex, but there are contraindications to its use. Firstly, it is not advisable to use the cable on dilapidated pipes, pipes with a strong corrosive coating and rust - you risk simply piercing them with a sharp hook. Secondly, you should not try to clean siphons made of plastic, chrome or brass with it.

If at the time of discovery of the blockage there was no plumbing equipment, you can create a cable with your own hands. To do this, you will need ordinary metal or wire hangers, or just a coil of thick flexible wire. At the base of such a cable it is necessary to leave a pointed peak or hook.

How to unclog a kitchen sink using special products

You can get rid of blockages using various drugs containing acid or alkali. These include specialized lines “Mr. Muscle”, “Tiret”, “Mole” and others. The form of release of such products varies from dry and loose powders to gels and liquids of various concentrations. Basically, each such product is based on sodium hydroxide, which is popularly called alkali.
In order for the product to have an effective effect on the blockage, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions before use and take safety measures.

Attention! To avoid chemical burns, be sure to wear protective gloves before using any alkaline product!

It is also necessary to remember that the use of ordinary alkali, or products containing it, is not suitable for aluminum plumbing fixtures, as well as for thin plastic pipes economy class. Such equipment will be corroded when the alkali reacts.

More universal are acid agents, they are used for highly complex blockages, are suitable for any type of pipe, and, unlike alkaline ones, do not damage them.

For anyone chemical preparation There are a number of precautions to protect pipes from damage.

  • Twenty minutes before using the product, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the pipes;
  • After soaking the product, the pipes are washed generously with cold water;
  • It is necessary to strictly observe the holding time of the product in the pipes.

There are several of the most popular anti-clogging products:

  • Mister Muscle. Sold both in gel and foam form, and in powder form. The action is based on sodium hydroxide. The price is quite high, but the effect is noticeable immediately after use. An additional advantage are antibacterial components that, in addition to blockages, also remove pathogens in pipes. The product is poured or poured into the pipe, left for about thirty minutes and washed off generously.
  • Bagi Pothan. Not the most popular, but one of the most effective means. Sold in the form of granules, in canisters of 600 g. Active ingredient- alkali. To use, you need to empty the sink and drain of water, pour one hundred grams of the drug into the hole and wait 3-5 minutes. Then you need to pour a glass of boiling water or hot water into the pipe. Then you need to wait a few minutes again and rinse the pipe with warm water. running water. The product works instantly. The disadvantages of the drug are its high cost, terrible smell and high degree danger. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to protect the skin as much as possible. After use, you need to ventilate the room as thoroughly as possible and wash the sink with gentle soap solutions.
  • Tiret. The Tiret line of anti-clog products contains both acid- and alkali-based preparations. If the latter are more effective, then the former can be safely used on cheap and thin plumbing fixtures. The use of the drug is extremely simple - one third of the contents of the bottle is poured into the pipe, depending on the degree of complexity of the blockage, it is kept for five to thirty minutes, then it is poured into the drain running water under high pressure.
  • Mole. Perhaps the most common remedy for blockages. In addition to standard sodium hydroxide, it contains ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and potassium hydroxide, which is very dangerous to humans. Before using the product, it is recommended to ensure a flow of air into the room, put on protective elements - a mask or respirator, goggles and gloves. This is indeed a very serious chemical that can damage the skin or mucous membranes. About three hundred milliliters of the product is kept in the sink for at least an hour, preferably ninety minutes. Only after this, putting on the protective elements again (to prevent splashes from getting into your eyes and skin), rinse the sink. The product is very effective and cleans pipes for a long time, but can easily corrode aluminum or low-quality, thin plastic. After use, rinse the pipes thoroughly.

Important! Almost all alkali-based chemicals are not suitable for use on low-quality plastic and aluminum plumbing fixtures.
If you doubt that your pipes will withstand the effects of such drugs, choose products based on acids rather than alkalis.

How to unclog a kitchen sink: folk remedies

If chemicals are not suitable for you due to dilapidated pipes, you can resort to other drugs.

You can remove clogs caused by grease using homemade ingredients. How to clear a clogged kitchen sink with baking soda?

It is necessary to make a solution of soda and water, in a ratio of one to one, pour it into the pipe and clean it with a plunger. The space around the drain can be smeared with Vaseline or cream so that the plunger fits more tightly to the hole. You can pre-heat the soda in a thick-walled frying pan and only then add water. Baking soda also produces an alkaline reaction, which can clear clogs.

You can also fill the pipe with baking soda and pour a glass of regular vinegar into it. How to clear a clogged kitchen sink with baking soda and vinegar? After the pipes stop hissing and gurgling, you can rinse off the solution with a running water warm water high pressure. It is important, after the vinegar has been poured, to firmly close the drain with a stopper or rag to avoid getting burned from splashes from the pipe.

Also, if the blockage is formed by ordinary cooking fat, you can use a mixture of soda and salt.
How to unclog a kitchen sink at home using soda and salt? Half a glass of salt and a whole glass of soda are dissolved in a glass of water, the mixture is poured into the pipes and after ten minutes the pipes are cleaned with a plunger. Then you need to rinse the drain with warm water.

A siphon that is not too clogged can be saved by a few aspirin tablets, such as Alka-Seltzer. You need to throw them into the drain and fill them with vinegar, tightly covering the hole with a rag. After such cleaning, you need to rinse the pipes with strong pressure. Not only will the clog disappear, but also the sewer stench.

How to clear a clogged kitchen sink at home with acid? Forty grams needed citric acid pour three liters of boiling water and pour this liquid down the drain. If the pipes are made of plastic, you should cool the water a little.

If you have a vacuum cleaner at home with blowing capabilities, you can try cleaning the pipes with it. Simply blow out the clogged pipe maximum power. But this one the method will work only for minor blockages or in combination with other methods.

Preventive actions to prevent sink clogging in the future

In order to avoid repeated kitchen blockages, you must follow some rules for using the sink:

  • Do not drain fat-containing liquids;
  • Throw away leftover food from plates before washing them;
  • Protect the drain hole with a mesh;
  • Every week, rinse the pipes with boiling water, clean them with a plunger or soda solution.

In order to forget about the problem of blockages, you can purchase special device, crushing garbage in pipes. The garbage grinder shreds the waste that gets into the pipe, after which it is easily washed away with a stream of water. It is important that such a device has a separate chamber and cannot damage the pipe. In this case, you can use the shredder without cleaning it or especially caring for it. Such units operate silently, allowing food waste to be discharged directly into the sewer. However, you cannot “feed” it with polyethylene and threads, so as not to damage the device.

Important! Before you purchase a disposer, you need to make sure that it will fit the diameter of your kitchen sink drain.

The cost of such a unit is from three to twenty-five thousand rubles. But after purchasing, you will no longer have to regularly spend money, effort and nerves on dealing with blockages!

How to unclog a kitchen sink at home: video

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):