
At one time, tariffs for public utilities were low and none of the consumers thought about installing water and heat meters. Now the prices have risen so much that a significant part of it is spent on paying for them. family budget. Especially a large amount The receipt includes the heating fee. Therefore, property owners, trying to save money, decide to install heat, gas and water meters. The fact is that payments for supplied services are calculated by utilities in accordance with approved standards, and not based on consumption.

Why do you need a heat meter?

Of course, installing a heat consumption meter is beneficial, since the monthly amount for heating will be calculated according to current tariffs and based on readings taken from an individual meter. Thus, the consumer who has installed a heat meter pays only for the services received without any attributions from the utility companies supplying the heat (read also: " "). In addition, owners have the opportunity to regulate the heating temperature of the rooms or utility rooms manually or automatically (subject to installation electronic system control).
Consumers should know that a heat meter does not save energy; it allows you to pay for the energy actually consumed, and not according to approximate calculations obtained as a result of the theoretical development of state standards. Individual heat meters, such as in the photo, allow you to save a significant amount of money on paying for heating services, it can be up to 60%.

Types of modern heat meters

Available for sale heat meters for heating in an apartment are not one device, but a set of devices.

The set may include:

  • sensors;
  • calculators for the amount of consumed thermal energy;
  • flow, pressure and resistance transducers.
The components included in a specific kit are determined and approved for the object individually.

According to the area of ​​application, heat meters for heating are:
  • brownie (industrial);
  • apartment (individual).
Based on the operating principle, heat metering units are divided into devices:

Water is usually used as a coolant, heated to the desired temperature.

An apartment heat meter consists of two complementary devices:
  • heat calculator;
  • hot water consumption meter.
Operating principle of the heat meter individual look is as follows: a heat meter is installed on the water meter and 2 wires are routed, which are equipped with temperature sensors. One wire is connected to the supply pipeline, and the other is also connected to the pipeline, but leaving the room. Using a hot water meter, the volume of coolant used for heating is recorded. With the help special technique calculation, the heat meter calculates the amount of heat consumed.

Household (industrial) heat meters

Household or industrial heat meters for heating are used for installation at production facilities and in apartment buildings. To account for heat, one of three methods is used: electromagnetic, turbine or vortex. The main difference between industrial and residential appliances is their size. The diameter of house meters ranges from 25 to 300 millimeters. The range for measuring the amount of coolant is about 0.6-2.5 m³/h.

Mechanical heat meters

Mechanical (or tachometer) heat energy meters shown in the photo are simple units. They usually include a heat meter and a rotary water meter. The principle of how this type of heating meter works is as follows: for convenience and accuracy of measurement, the translational movement of the coolant liquid turns into a rotational one.

A mechanical (tachometer) meter is a very economical purchase, but the cost of filters should be added to its price. As a result, the kit will cost the consumer about 15% less than other types of heat meters, but provided that the pipeline diameter does not exceed 32 millimeters.

Mechanical devices have a significant drawback - they cannot be used when the coolant (water) has high degree hardness and, if it contains particles of rust, scale or scale, as they clog filters and flow meters.

Ultrasonic heat meters

Manufacturers offer consumers large selection models of ultrasonic heat meters. True, the principle of operation for all of them is almost the same: two devices are installed opposite each other on the pipe - an emitter and a device that receives ultrasonic signals. The emitter sends a special signal through the coolant flow and after a while the receiver receives it. The time interval between emission and reception of the signal depends on the speed of movement of water through the pipeline. When the time is known, the coolant flow is calculated.

In addition to its main functions, an ultrasonic heat meter can regulate the supply of thermal energy. These thermal energy metering devices are distinguished by greater accuracy of readings, they are more reliable and durable than tachometer devices.

Installation of heat energy meters

According to experts, the best solution The question of where it is better to install a meter is the installation of a common house heat meter. Then all consumers living in the house will not have to pay for thermal energy, which was not actually supplied to the building. But the cost is high. True, if you divide it by the number of apartments, it will be quite affordable.

To install a common house heat energy meter, you will need, first of all, to hold a general meeting of residents and document decision made(draw up and sign a protocol) and submit an application to the management company with a request to connect the unit. After the heat meter is installed, you will need a person from among the consumers responsible for timely taking readings from the device and issuing receipts for each apartment.

If not all residents of the house or entrance agree to install a heat meter, then the apartment owner should think about how to significantly reduce financial costs on individual heating own home.

Installation of an individual heat meter

Before installing the heating meter in separate apartment multi-storey building You will need to perform a number of measures and actions, otherwise connecting the device will not be appropriate or legal.

Step one . It is necessary to eliminate existing sources of heat loss, including cracks in windows, insufficiently insulated entrance doors, and frozen corners. Only after this the installation of a heat meter will result in significant savings.

Step two . The management company (housing office, homeowners' association) must provide the owner of the apartment with technical conditions (TU) - they contain the requirements that must be met in order to connect. Typically, the text of the conditions takes up an A4 sheet. It certainly contains information about the temperature and pressure of the coolant entering the pipeline of a particular house.

Step three . Knowing these parameters, you can start purchasing a heat meter from a company that operates legally. When purchasing a device, you must request a sales and cash receipt, certificate confirming quality, rules and operating instructions.

Step four . Based on the technical specifications provided by the management company, you should order from the design organization design solution on . The design company must have a license to this type works

Step five . The measuring device is being installed thermal device by employees of a licensed organization specializing in this type of service.

When choosing a company, it is advisable to pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • for the availability of information about the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • for the availability of a package of necessary documentation, including certificates, SRO approvals;
  • availability of qualified specialists;
  • for the availability of special equipment;
  • to perform a full list of installation works;
  • for the availability of a free specialist visit to the client’s apartment to inspect communications;
  • for the presence of warranty obligations for the work performed.
Step six . When the installation of the heat meter is completed, the representative management company(Housing Office, Homeowners' Association) must seal it and sign the acceptance certificate for the device.

To make his life easier, the apartment owner has the right to order all of the above work in one place - from a company that provides this type of service for professional level, however, you will have to pay a considerable amount for this. If you have the desire and free time, you can prepare the installation documents yourself.

Checking heat meters

Typically, new devices are sold with an initial test, which is carried out at the factory that produces them. Proof that the verification of heat meters has been carried out is the presence of a special sticker corresponding to the entry, a special mark, both on the devices and in the documents attached to them.

During operation, verification of heating meters is carried out at the expense of apartment owners once every 4 years; to carry it out, you must contact a number of organizations and institutions:

  • to the Rostest department;
  • to a company that has the appropriate authority to carry out the inspection;
  • V service center manufacturing company.

They independently take readings from the heating meter in the same way as from the electric meter. The difference in readings is indicated on the payment receipt and multiplied by fixed tariff and make payments, for example, in one of the Sberbank branches. The recipient of the payment is the heat supply organization.

Heat meters - installation advantages, detailed video:

Restrictions on installing a heat meter in an apartment

Many consumers are interested in whether heating meters are installed individually in each apartment? The fact is that in most domestic apartment buildings When creating a heating system, vertical riser wiring is used, which prevents the installation of one apartment meter.

In such a situation, there is only one solution - to install meters on heating radiators, but such a solution is difficult to implement for the following reasons:

  • installing several heating appliances in one apartment will cost its owners a tidy sum, since each meter for a heating battery costs a lot of money;
  • Taking readings from each device is made difficult by the fact that utility workers are not able to walk through all the rooms in the apartments of the house every month to record the data. When doing this work yourself, you can get confused in the numbers and make mistakes in the calculations;
  • presence of maintenance problems - several devices are much more difficult to control and verify their correct functioning;
  • The meter for a heating radiator has poor accuracy, since the difference at its input and output is so small that the device is often unable to record it.
A way out of this situation could be installation special distributors, measuring the flow rate of the coolant fluid based on the temperature difference between the surface of the radiator and the air in the room. The cost of one such device is quite affordable for the consumer.
In buildings erected after 2000, horizontal distribution of the heating system is used, so in such apartments it is enough to install one heat energy consumption meter, and no distributors are required.

As a result of the above measures, it is possible to significantly reduce monthly payments for services provided by utility companies through the installation of heat meters.

Why are many people now thinking about installing a heat meter in their apartment? For the simple reason that payment for consumed heat has now become almost the most significant part of family expenses. If you don’t know yet, we hasten to enlighten you: if the heat meter is installed correctly, your heating bill can be reduced by 25-50 percent!

We would really like for visitors to our site to also have the opportunity to ease their financial burden, which is why we decided to tell you how to install your own heat meter in an apartment while living in an apartment building. However, any task is made easier if there is an understanding of its essence. Therefore, we would like to preface the description of the device installation process with some general information about him.

How does a heat meter work and what can it do?

If you install an individual heat meter, you can use it to determine the values ​​of the following parameters:

  • duration of operation of devices;
  • average daily and average hourly coolant temperature;
  • the amount of thermal energy consumed in the apartment;
  • the volume of coolant entering and leaving the apartment;
  • the volume of coolant required to recharge the system.

The most important thing for users is that having decided to install a heat meter, they get the opportunity to register really the amount of heat consumed in the apartment. The device is able to provide this thanks to the temperature sensors included in its composition.

The very determination of the amount of heat consumed is carried out by a special computer that receives information about the flow rate of the coolant, as well as about the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the apartment heating system. Having processed the information received, the heat meter displays the final information on the screen. The error of the device readings does not exceed 6%.

How to install your own residential heat meter

If you have already realized that a heat meter can really reduce your heating costs and if you decide to install it, you are not at all obliged to contact any specialized office. You can totally do this and with my own hands, having previously received all permitting documentation to carry out installation and prepare everything necessary for the work:

  • the heat meter itself;
  • connection kit, which must include a check valve;
  • heat-conducting paste;
  • filter and collets;
  • a set of special taps equipped with heat sensors;
  • if your pipes are metal, use an adjustable wrench; if they are metal-plastic, use a welding device.

When everything is ready, install the heat meter in the following order:

  • flush the pipeline where the device will be installed. This operation will eliminate the possibility of blockages and reduce the error in meter readings.
  • During installation, it is necessary to act so that there is always water in the cavity of the device and that the direction of the arrow on the body coincides with the direction of movement of the coolant. Modern models can be installed in pipeline branches oriented in any direction;
  • before starting work, you should make sure that there is no pressure or coolant in the system;
  • install ball valves containing heat sensors;
  • When installing the heat meter, be especially careful not to damage it;
  • one of the thermal converters included in the kit should be installed in the cavity of the measuring cartridge, the second - in the sleeve, having previously coated its surface with heat-conducting paste;
  • Finally, install the heat meter heat converter so that it ensures that two-thirds of the pipe is blocked.

After completing the work, the heat meter elements must be sealed by a representative of the heat supply company. This will allow you to begin the legal operation of this metering device.

General characteristics and price of the most popular heat meter models

Now the choice of heat meters is quite large. However, the most popular and sought-after models include:

  • Heat meters of the Elf brand. The convenience of these devices is the ability to remotely read information from them. However, their belonging to the mechanical type results in the need to replace them every 5 years. The cost of these devices is about 7 thousand rubles.
  • Heat meters type ST-10. They are capable of measuring not only thermal, but also electrical energy, and also keep water records. Prices for these devices start from 8,700 rubles.
  • The Russian ultrasonic heat meter ENCONT is capable of recording the thermal energy consumed by two independent circuits at once. Its peculiarity is that the accuracy of its readings is largely determined by the purity of the coolant. Prices for these devices exceed 76 thousand rubles.
  • The Russian electromagnetic heat meter MAGIKA has a digital interface and is capable of working with several flow meters and thermal converters at once. The device requires special care during installation work. It can cost 36 thousand rubles or more.

According to experts and ordinary users, the ST-10 device is considered optimal, which is characterized by high-quality, stable operation and great affordability.

So, we have put in your hands the golden key that opens access to significant savings. Whether to use it or not, install a heat meter or continue to pay your bills is up to you to decide!

Lack of stable heat supplies to apartment buildings gives rise to many problems. Users do not want to pay for cold pipes, quarreling with utility services. And this is quite understandable, since there is no point in paying for missing services. Heat meters for heating solve this eternal problem for our country. Common house or individual counter heat will reduce utility costs, since it will take into account only the real amount of heat supplied.

In this review we will look at:

  • The need to use heat meters;
  • Operating principle of heat meters;
  • Main types of heat meters and popular models;
  • Costs for equipment and installation work;
  • How to install a heat meter in apartment building or in your apartment.

Read the review and find out how you can save on utility consumption.

Why are heat meters needed?

Cold batteries are an eternal Russian problem. It would seem that utility workers are constantly working to improve boiler houses, carry out preparatory work To heating season, change pipes and carry out other procedures to maintain their farm in working condition. But with the onset of winter, everything repeats itself - the pipes are cold, people complain, utility workers either shrug their shoulders or pretend that this does not concern them.

Agree, it’s a shame when you pay a lot of money every month for heating, but the temperature in the apartment remains below normal.

The problem itself is not even cold pipes or their insufficient temperature (not corresponding to the norm), but the fact that utility companies charge subscription fees “to the fullest.” At the same time, they do not care about the temperature in the apartments, but people suffer. Appeals to regulatory authorities often do not help - oddly enough, according to the documents of the utility companies, everything is normal.

The problem with cold pipes and unfair collection of subscription fees is solved by thermal energy metering devices. When installed for heating in an apartment, they will provide an accurate accounting of the amount of heat consumed. If the pipes are cold, the volume of services consumed will be minimal. If the temperature is normal, utility workers will receive money for their work - everything is fair and just.

By installing a heat meter for heating, we will not be able to solve only one problem - if the boiler room does not work, then there will be no heat in the apartment, even with a meter, even without a meter.

Let's see what benefits we get by installing a heat meter in the apartment:

  • Reduced utility costs - if utility companies are “sloppy”, then the payment for heat will be minimal;
  • We will receive a tool to influence the service provider - he will be interested in supplying heat in the amount determined by the current standards and the current weather outside;
  • Savings on monthly fees even when warm pipes– in some cases it reaches 20-30%.

But the main thing is that if there is no heat, we can pay nothing - even if the case goes to court, we will be right.

When installing a heat meter for heating, care should be taken to reduce heat losses. To do this you need to replace front door and install three-layer double-glazed windows.

Operating principle

Apartment heat meters for heating take into account the amount of heat consumed. The hotter the coolant and the greater the volume of flowing coolant, the more numbers on the control panel. This is also convenient when thermostats are installed on the batteries - it becomes possible to save on heating when certain rooms are simply not used.

The thermal energy meter takes into account the following factors:

  • The amount of coolant flowing - for measurement, a module is used that is somewhat similar to a regular water meter;
  • Inlet coolant temperature - for this, the heat meter is equipped with a sensor installed on the heating inlet pipe;
  • The temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the system is set on the outlet pipe.

The received data is sent to the accounting unit, which performs all the necessary calculations. Some heat meters for heating are equipped with mechanical metering units, but in general their essence remains the same.

The accounting unit, displaying the final results, displays them on a mechanical or electronic display. The received data is transmitted to the heat supplier, and payment is made in accordance with current tariffs. If the heat energy meter detects that the coolant is too cold, it will reduce the reading. And in this case, the utility companies simply cannot get away with it - they will receive less money than if the accounting was carried out without a heating heat meter.

Types of heat meters for heating

When purchasing heat meters, you need to decide on the choice of the most suitable model. Industry produces large number heat meters for heating systems, differing in throughput, operating accuracy, type of measuring unit and many other parameters. In stores we can purchase:

House-wide heat meters are larger than their apartment counterparts and have greater throughput.

  • A house-to-house heating meter is a heat meter for house-to-house heat metering. This device takes into account the total amount of thermal energy consumed, after which the obtained values ​​are distributed to all apartments (in accordance with the heated area);
  • Apartment heat meters for heating are designed for strictly individual recording of the amount of thermal energy consumed.

A house-wide heat energy meter (or a house-wide heat meter) is a high-performance device designed for installation at the entrance to a residential building. It carries out general heat accounting, and the resulting data can be taken as responsible person, and by the utilities themselves. Characteristics this device - large diameter inlet and outlet pipes, since a fairly large amount of coolant flows through the equipment.

A heat meter per apartment is smaller than a common house heat meter. Maximum throughput is up to 2-3 cubic meters. m/hour, depending on model. Apartment heat meter for heating is purchased individually. In new residential complexes these devices can be installed by the developer.

A heat meter for a battery is approximately the same heat meter as for the entire apartment. This equipment is placed separately on each battery, which will be discussed in the next section.

Apartment heat meters (as well as general ones for a house) are further divided into several categories, depending on the principle of operation. Here is their list:

Ultrasonic devices are very sensitive to the quality of the coolant.

  • Mechanical - in their design, these heat meters resemble hot water meters, but they are able to take into account the temperature of the coolant. Their main advantage is resistance to poor quality coolant (relevant for residential areas with old boiler houses);
  • Ultrasonic is the leader in accuracy. They are equipped with ultrasonic sensors that measure the level of coolant flow in the heating system. In addition to them, heat meters are equipped with temperature sensors. The main disadvantage is that they don’t like dirty coolant.;
  • Electromagnetic – they work in any conditions and have a fairly decent level of accuracy.

When choosing heat meters, choose electromagnetic or ultrasonic models– they are extremely accurate and easy to install.

Installation of heating meters in an apartment

With vertical heating distribution, installing heat meters will cost a pretty penny.

The process of installing a heat meter in an apartment is complicated by the fact that heating in it can be horizontal or vertical. The easiest way is to install the counter in horizontal system– in this case, all heating radiators in the rooms are connected to one single riser. Accordingly, here we need one heat meter - it will analyze the total heat consumption throughout the entire apartment.

The worst thing is if there are several vertical risers in the apartment - in the kitchen, living room and bedroom. And if the apartment is three- or four-room, then the costs of equipment will be huge. The thing is that we need one heat meter for each battery or group of batteries to calculate the total heat consumption of all heating devices. Accordingly, having installed a meter on the heating radiator in the kitchen, you will have to install another device in the bedroom.

Installation of communal heat meters

The easiest way is to install common house heat meters for heating - they work for the whole house at once. In this case, you will need one device or one for each entrance. Installation of building-type heat meters at the request of residents often involves the need to purchase equipment at their own expense. The consent of all residents will also be required, so the procedure documentation may take a while.

Installation of heat meters - step-by-step instructions

The installation of heat meters in apartments must be carried out by licensed organizations.

Installing a heat meter in an apartment will put an end to the arbitrariness of public utilities and force them to work not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of consumers. Let's see how to install heating meters in an apartment and what is needed for this. Let us immediately note the fact that installation work should be carried out by specialists, since self-installation heat meters are prohibited.

First you need to obtain and carefully study the technical specifications. Here the characteristics of the heating system used in the home are prescribed - coolant pressure, its temperature, pipe diameter and much more. In accordance with the data presented, a heat meter of a suitable model is purchased - its characteristics must comply with the technical conditions.

Please note that together with the heat meter for heating you must receive all necessary documentation for equipment.

The process of installing a heat meter in an apartment continues by contacting design organization– she will draw up a project and carry out installation work. The choice of a design and installation company must be taken with full responsibility. If she does not have a license and permission to carry out installation work, the installation of a heat meter on heating may be refused - they simply will not accept your documents.

On final stage The heat meter is accepted, its functionality is checked, and the next stack of papers is signed. From this moment on, payment for heating will be made not in accordance with the area of ​​the apartment, but in accordance with the data received from the meter. If the meter in the apartment registers low temperature coolant, the heating bill will be small.

Let's see how much it costs to install heat meters and how much you will have to pay for the equipment itself. An apartment appliance will cost you 6-9 thousand rubles. The cost of installation work will be from 10,000 rubles - the estimate is drawn up on an individual basis. Remember that if your heating system has several heat meters, the initial costs will be huge.

If there is one heat meter in the apartment, it will pay for itself quickly enough. For several devices, the payback period can be up to 3-4 years. The calibration interval for all heat meters is 4 years.

Installation of a common house appliance

The installation of a common house heat meter must be agreed upon with all owners.

Let's see how to install a common house heating meter. The procedure here is approximately the same as with apartment metering devices - we get technical specifications, make a project, invite installers, sign everything necessary papers. But before that, you need to hold a house-wide meeting, gather cash, purchase suitable equipment, make payment calculations according to the heated area.

You can find out whether it is possible to install a communal heating meter from the management company or the design organization. But you need to remember that installing such heating is difficult to solve organizational issues– the owners of some apartments may not agree to additional costs.

Sometimes building-wide heat meters for heating are installed for general control of heat consumption if there are individual metering devices in each apartment. Thus, consumers pay not only for their own heat consumption, but also for heat in places public use(for example, in entrances).

Installation general devices accounting often solves the problem of deception of individual meters by residential consumers - as a result, the entire house pays for the theft.

Popular models

Installing a heat meter in an apartment promises certain benefits - if you have a heat meter, you will have to pay less for heating. True, you will have to spend money on installation work. We recommend the following models as apartment appliances:

Avectra TSU-15/3 is a fairly common metering device for spacious apartments.

  • Valtec VHM-T-15/0.6/O/ - can work in hot water supply systems, is equipped with non-volatile memory;
  • Avectra TSU-15/3 is a simple and accurate heat meter that can operate in rooms with a total area of ​​up to 300 square meters. m;
  • Sayany KST-22 Kombik-M Du-15 KT is one of the simplest and cheapest devices.

Also on sale are many other heat flow meters, both for apartment and house metering. Which one to purchase depends on the technical conditions set.


Since the appearance of the heat meter, many residents of apartments and private houses heated by central system, decided to carry out heat supply accounting. The meter is installed directly on the pipe. It makes real measurements of the heat consumed. In this case, it even makes sense to install thermostats that will regulate the flow of hot coolant. Together, this will reduce heating costs. This article will discuss how to install a heat meter so that it complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The heat meter makes measurements based on the following data:

  • Consumption of hot coolant, which is delivered to heating system.
  • Temperature at the inlet to the heating system.
  • Temperature at the outlet of the heating system.

Based on the results of the device’s operation, a heat consumption figure is obtained, which is measured in hectacalories - for the year, month and day.

Advantage modern devices that they are able to store necessary information, namely about heat consumption, up to 10 years. In this case, information can be read from the Internet using a computer.

The unit you choose must be approved for use in the Russian Federation. For this reason, it is better to give preference to a domestic manufacturer. To reduce the risk of measurement error, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Approximate thermal energy consumption.
  • Pipe diameter. The diameter of the place where the device will be mounted is especially important.

Prices for heat meters vary from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles. It all depends on the configuration and number of functions of a particular model.

There are several types of meters, determined by the flow meters that are installed on them:

  • Mechanical. Such devices are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. But despite this, they are not recommended for use in cases where the water is too hard, there is scale and rust. Moreover, mechanical devices do not tolerate sudden changes in thermal energy consumption.
  • Vortex. When installing such a unit, a magnetic mesh filter must be installed. This is explained by the fact that vortex counter sensitive to poor-quality welding and the presence of air in pipes.
  • Electromagnetic. If bad connection wires, there may be large errors in the readings. The readings are also affected by the appearance of impurities in the coolant.
  • Ultrasonic. They work great if the coolant is of high quality.

Before you think about installing a heat meter, you should find out whether it can be installed in your apartment. There are some conventions regarding this:

  1. If you use vertical pipe routing, namely for each radiator there is a separate pipe riser going from bottom to top, then installing a heat meter is irrational. Otherwise, you will need to install several computing devices at once on each heating riser. Plus, you will create additional hydraulic resistance in the system. This will significantly affect the heating mode of the entire building.
  2. If the pipe distribution in an apartment or private house is horizontal, that is, when there are two supply/return pipes and all radiators are connected through them, then installing a heat meter is even recommended.

The second installation case completely eliminates the disadvantages of the first option.

As for the installation stages, there are several sequential steps:

  1. Installation of an automated heating unit.
  2. Balancing the heating system by risers.
  3. Equipping radiators with thermostats.

According to calculations for the transition to apartment-based heat metering, the reconstruction of the heating system pays for itself within 2–4 years.

But before installing the thermal energy meter, you should mandatory fulfill some requirements. Otherwise, the installation will be illegal.

  1. The first step is to eliminate all possible heat loss. Only in this case will this device allow you to save.
  2. Next, you need to obtain specifications (technical conditions) from the management company, homeowners association or housing office. They will indicate exactly what is needed to implement the meter. As a rule, this includes an A4 sheet. It will say what temperature and pressure the coolant passing through your apartment will have.
  3. Based on the specifications, you order a project for installation. To do this, contact a design organization, which must have a license to carry out such work.
  4. As for the installation itself, it is also performed by a licensed company. When choosing one, make sure there are guarantees for the work performed. Is it included free departure engineer to conduct a preliminary inspection? Is it included in the installation? full list work (otherwise you will have to look for additional specialists to carry out one or another stage of work)? Are there qualified specialists and specialized equipment? Do you have all the documents, namely certificates, SRO approvals, certificates? Is there information about the selected company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?
  5. When installation work has been completed, the meter is sealed and an acceptance certificate is signed.

On average, a set of services will cost about 20 thousand rubles. If the price is too high, then you can do all the paperwork yourself. It's up to you to decide.

If we talk about what follows maintenance, then most licensed companies take on this stage themselves. At least this is taken into account when drawing up the contract.

As for private houses, the installation of a heat meter is necessary only in cases where its heating is linked to the central heating system. The operating principle of installing such a unit in a private house is identical to the process described for apartments. Share your experience in working with such a unit. We and our readers will be interested to know whether the expected effect from installing a heat meter is noticeable.


The material provided describes the intricacies of introducing a heat meter into a heating system, as well as the design of the unit itself:


In the diagrams you can see various options for installing a heat meter:

According to Federal law RF 261 Federal Law dated November 23, 2009, owners of living space in apartment buildings are required to install meters for the consumption of resources provided centrally - water, electricity, gas. If possible, then for heating (Resolution 354 of 05/06/2011, as amended on 02/14/2015). How to install a heating meter in an apartment, in what cases should this be done?

The most serious expense item today is energy. In a private house, the owner solves the problem of saving on his own, but in a city apartment building everything is often left to chance. Meanwhile, you can also spend less on heating (as well as on electricity and water supply) in the city - if you pay only your own expenses, and not some average figure. Any modern heating device You can equip and raise/lower the temperature depending on the needs of the family.

A common meter should be installed so as not to pay for heat that did not enter the building in the first place. It is expensive and is bought by residents by sharing.

Whether it is possible to install heating meters in an apartment or not depends on the type of wiring in the house. Development recent years provides horizontal wiring: to each apartment hot water enters one riser, from which it diverges to the heating devices.

A different picture in the houses old building(Khrushchev, etc.). Here the riser serves one vertical row of batteries on all floors. There are as many risers as there are radiators in the apartment. In this case, a meter would have to be installed on each battery separately, which is unprofitable and greatly complicates accounting.

In buildings with vertical wiring installation of individual heat meters is not carried out (according to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation 627 dated December 29, 2011). In such a situation, you can install a distributor in the system, which determines the flow rate based on the temperature difference between the air in the room and the surface of the radiator.

Important: There is a clause in the legislative documents that may complicate your transition to payment using an individual meter. In accordance with RF PP 354 (42-1), if not all apartments in the house are equipped individual devices metering, the service provider has the right to charge fees based on the readings of the common building meter in terms of the area of ​​each apartment. Sometimes you have to put the issue to a vote of the residents of the house.

Selecting a meter

According to their purpose, heating meters are divided into industrial (they are also used as communal meters) and individual (apartment) ones.

The apartment device has channels of small cross-section (within 2 centimeters). The coolant flow measurement range is from 0.6 to 2.5 cubic meters per hour. The package most often includes:

  • heat sensor;
  • the counter itself with a computer;
  • pressure, flow, resistance regulators (optional).

A calculator is installed on the meter, two wires with sensors are connected - one to the supply pipe, the other to the outlet pipe. The temperature difference between them determines the amount of heat consumed.

A common house appliance differs from an apartment one mainly in size: the diameter of the channel is from 2.5 to 30 cm.

According to the characteristics of the device, devices are divided into ultrasonic and mechanical (tachometer). There are also vortex and electromagnetic heating meters, but they are less common for individual use.

The mechanical design includes a calculator and a rotary water meter. The working body is an impeller (screw), which rotates under the influence of the passing coolant. The amount of heat is determined by the number of rotations.

The device is relatively inexpensive. With a pipeline diameter of up to 3.2 cm, the purchase will cost 15 percent less than an ultrasonic meter. Repairs are also inexpensive.

The disadvantages include vulnerability to hard water with rust or scale: particles clog flow meters and filters, which reduces the resource. Installation of magnetic mesh is required. But even in this case, the operating time does not exceed 5 years.

The main working element of an ultrasonic heat meter is a pair of devices: an emitter and a receiver of ultrasonic signals. Signals are transmitted through the flow of water. The transfer time depends on the flow rate: the speed and, accordingly, the flow rate are calculated based on time.

Advantages of an ultrasonic meter:

  • The accuracy of the readings is higher than that of a mechanical one. Accordingly, the calculation of heating according to the meter in an apartment building for these models is more correct;
  • longer working life (service life 10 years).

The ultrasonic device itself is less sensitive to water quality than a mechanical one, but the correctness of the readings depends on the purity of the coolant. Accuracy is affected by dirt as well as air bubbles. To avoid the appearance of bubbles, the meter is installed strictly on a straight section of the highway (not shorter than 1 meter).

Installation of a heat meter

The decision to install a common house meter is made at general meeting residents, is officially documented. Based on the minutes of the meeting, an application is submitted to the housing management company. A person responsible for taking and transmitting readings is selected from among the residents.

How to install an individual heating meter in an apartment:

  1. Make sure installation is possible. Ideal option, in which no questions will arise for you - an inspection report and a conclusion from a professional certified company.
  2. Before installing a heating meter in an apartment, eliminate heat leaks through poorly fitted doors, window frames, freezing corners, leaky facade seams, etc. Otherwise, you won’t be able to save money by using your own appliance. Quite the opposite, since a lot of energy will be spent on heating the street.
  3. Obtain an opinion from your housing department about technical conditions installation (what is needed for installation). To do this, you must submit an application, attaching a copy of the document on ownership of housing and the registration certificate of the apartment to the application.
  4. Call a specialist from a certified installer and draw up an installation project.
  5. Coordinate the project with your management company.
  6. After receiving permission for installation, you can buy a meter. The seller is obliged to provide you with all accompanying documentation: device passport, quality certificate, cash receipt and sales receipt.
  7. Call an installer. He will install, test and commission the device.
  8. The sealing is carried out by a commission consisting of a specialist from the installer company, a representative of the housing office and the owner of the apartment.

What to look for when choosing an installation company:

  • the Unified State Register of Legal Entities must contain information about it;
  • the company has a SRO certificate and approval;
  • it has the necessary specialists and equipment at its disposal;
  • the ability to call a specialist to draw up a project;
  • Providing the client with a guarantee for installation.

The project must indicate:

  • calculation of coolant flow;
  • recommended device model;
  • calculation of hydraulic resistance;
  • installation diagram in the pipeline;
  • calculation of unaccounted heat losses;
  • scheme for calculating payments by meter.

The installation of heating meters in an apartment building is subject to certain rules:

  • the device is installed in strict accordance with the project. If changes are made, the project is re-approved;
  • Typical installation diagram - outside the apartment. Installation in the apartment is agreed upon individually;
  • When installing a heat meter, straight “calming” sections of pipes are left on both sides of the flow meters. The thermal resistance should be aligned with the pipe axis; possible “pockets” and air bubbles should be excluded;
  • It is necessary to install a bypass bypassing the meter so that the device can be removed without draining the water from the system.

Verification and readings

All measuring instruments need regular verification - this way the serviceability of the meter is verified and, accordingly, the correctness of the resident’s transmission of consumption readings.

Initial verification is carried out at the manufacturer. This is evidenced by a sticker or stamp on the heat meter itself and an entry in the accompanying documents.

In the future, verification must be performed every four years at the expense of the apartment owner. To do this, you need to contact:

  • to a company licensed to provide such services;
  • to the service center of the meter manufacturer;
  • to the local branch of Rostest.

Readings are taken in the same way as from other meters - electric, water. The difference between the readings for the current and last month is the actual expense, which must be multiplied by the tariff rate to calculate the amount payable.

The meter can determine consumption in kilowatts, but must transmit readings in gigacalories. To convert watts to calories, the removed figure is multiplied by 0.0008598.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):