Few ordinary workers do not dream of becoming a manager. Wouldn't someone be happy at the prospect of being a boss, handing out tasks to subordinates, pointing out their mistakes and enjoying their new position?

However, as you know, a new position of responsibility means not only unlimited power, but also new responsibilities, greater responsibility and the need for constant monitoring of the work of the team.

How to learn to lead correctly? How to find an approach to each employee so that the atmosphere in the team is calm and harmonious, and everyone listens to your opinion without exception? Below we will talk about ten golden rules on how to become a successful leader?

One of the negative traits of many managers is the inability to clearly formulate and convey a task to a subordinate. When a manager does not know what he wants, then, most likely, it is unclear what he will get as a result, unleashing his anger on a bad employee, in his opinion.

Clearly defined goals, as well as the order in which tasks are completed, will significantly facilitate communication between the boss and subordinates and speed up the process of completing work.

Scold only in private

If a person has not coped with the task, then under no circumstances should you reprimand him at a general meeting or in front of other subordinates. This move can significantly ruin your relationship with him and offend the person. Be sure to express all your complaints to him, but face to face. In addition, this will allow you not to make an enemy in the team.


Most managers very generously scold their subordinates for misconduct and poor quality work, while at the same time forgetting to praise them for good results. Meanwhile, we all know that praise is usually a better incentive than blame, and makes a person do his job much better. If there is something for it, be sure to praise your employees and you will see how their attitude towards you and their work will change.

Friendly atmosphere in the team

The manager sets the tone for the development of relationships between employees. You will definitely achieve success if you create a warm and friendly atmosphere in your team, in which there is no room for squabbles and intrigues. In addition, employees will be very happy if you hold scheduled weekly meetings with coffee and cookies or pizza.

Teach employees to independently monitor their work process

First, set a rule: every day at the end of the working day, each employee of the company must make a short report of his work, so that both he and you can understand what he did that day. You shouldn't force people to write tons of explanations. A verbal answer will be sufficient. Soon this will become a habit, and work will be more productive.

Clear organization of the work process

Your subordinates should know that with a boss like you, they need to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Let them know that you intend to control all stages of the work, and if there are any problems, you are ready to help.

Keep calm

There is nothing worse at work than hysterics and shouting from a manager at his subordinates. Often it is not entirely justified, and in almost 100% of cases it is absolutely unnecessary. Everything can be settled through calm dialogue. This will help maintain good relationships with people and clarify the situation correctly.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility for the failures or mistakes of your subordinates

In the end, it was you who controlled how the work was done, and since you could not monitor the quality, then you need to be held accountable for it. You will significantly add points to yourself in the eyes of your subordinates if, when talking with your superiors, you take full responsibility upon yourself, and later, at a meeting with the team, you work on your mistakes. Nobody likes people who shout about their importance, and when it comes time to be responsible for work, they hide behind the backs of the workers.

Be an example for others

When a person sees in a boss not only a leader, but also an intelligent, developed, charismatic person, he is doubly pleased to work with him. It is very important that authority is earned not only through position, but also through personal qualities. When employees are proud of their boss, they will try to do better work.


Do not allow yourself to be addressed in a familiar manner at work. You are a leader, period!

Constantly improve

If you really want to become a successful leader, you must constantly develop as a person, improve your leadership skills, and you must become a team leader who takes responsibility for the productivity and successful work of his subordinates.

Be sure to read business books, books for managers, books on the psychology of relationships - a manager is also a psychologist who knows how to find the right approach to his subordinates, knows how to properly motivate his employees, and create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Below are courses and trainings for managers:


  1. Secrets of motivation. 15 ways to retain a valuable employee. Go.
  2. Three tools for targeted motivation. Go.

Personnel management

  1. Secrets of personnel management in a large company. Go.
  2. How to manage staff engagement. Go.
  3. Development of company personnel at minimal cost. Go.
  4. Creation of an effective management team. Go.

For managers

  1. Maximum managerial effectiveness. Go.
  2. Leadership skills 3.0. Go.


  1. Innovation leadership. Go.
  2. Vertical development of leaders. Go.

Vision of negotiations

  1. Verbal Aikido. How to use your opponent's power in negotiations. Go.
  2. How to conduct constructive negotiations: strategy and analysis of mistakes. Go.
  3. Games and scenarios for tough negotiations in sales. Go.
  4. Effective commercial negotiation skills. Go.
  5. The art of negotiation. How to get the most out of your opponent? Go.

Email correspondence

  1. Business email correspondence: rules of the game. Go.
  2. Problem correspondence from A to Z. Go.

Becoming a successful leader is not easy, however, by listening to some advice and your team, you can find an approach to each employee.

What skills, knowledge and personal qualities do you think a successful leader should have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

The leader's behavior influences the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. In some teams, specialists idolize their leaders, while in others they feel fear when entering the office for the next meeting. Some departments work like good clockwork, even when the manager is absent from the workplace. While employees of other departments drink coffee and discuss personal news. Let's figure out which management skills of heads of departments and services influence the organization of effective work teams, and which ones actively ruin them.

Rules for communication between a manager and subordinates

Communication with subordinates is an art that needs to be learned. By managing an organization's most valuable resource—its employees—you can either achieve outstanding results or fail to perform simple work tasks well.

The most effective managers are able to communicate with their subordinates in such a way that employees are enthusiastic and interested in their work and value the achievements of the entire team.

The basic rules of communication for such leaders are based on several basic principles:

  • Self-respect and respect of subordinates.
  • Targeted impact on employees.
  • Assessment of achievements.
  • Providing feedback.
  • Regular monitoring of task completion.

Both managers and subordinates, when gaining work experience, acquire a lot of stereotypes along with it:

  • bosses believe that their employees are not much different from everyone else;
  • Employees often expect criticism rather than praise.

It’s bad that a manager can afford to tell a subordinate that he has not lived up to his trust and is not much different from others. Such phrases greatly reduce employee motivation.

It is important to carefully study the results achieved and use constructive criticism aimed exclusively at work or tasks performed incorrectly, and not at your attitude towards mistakes in general.

It should be remembered that any unfounded generalization leads to a deterioration in mutual understanding between the boss and the subordinate.

Let's get into the situation

One of the mistakes managers make is considering the work situation as a typical one, which was once already in their experience. This gives rise to a large number of stereotypical decisions, instructions and orders that are distributed to subordinates.

As a result, there is not a single leader who would not say at least once in his career: “How did I miss... Why didn’t you tell me...”. This happens because the situation is assessed inattentively, without taking into account the nuances and influence of new conditions.

Therefore, in order to form effective ones, it is important study the situation before taking action or motivating employees to take action.

We weigh decisions

Solving a problem quickly is often considered a necessary skill. But in fact, high speed does not always guarantee the most positive effect. This is especially true for decisions related to punishing subordinates for failure to complete or poor performance of assigned tasks.

If emotions run high, then there is a high probability that the chosen punishment will be unnecessarily harsh.

Therefore, before making a decision, you need to calm down and check for yourself whether what is supposed to be a punishment is adequate for the offense.

We give feedback

Feedback and the ability to provide it is one of the most important skills of any leader. The responsible employee is interested in receiving an assessment of his actions - both right and wrong. Understand how satisfied the company is with his work.

Feedback allows

  • analyze the results of work together with a subordinate;
  • understand the reasons for failures;
  • praise for high performance;
  • create motivation for change and development;
  • correct the employee's actions.

Basic principles of feedback transmission

  1. Timeliness. The assessment should be provided soon after the event or task is completed, not a week or month later.
  2. Specificity. It is necessary to discuss specific actions, and not the entire work experience of the specialist.
  3. Feedback is a dialogue between a subordinate and a manager, and not a monologue from a boss. It is necessary to ask the subordinate’s opinion about what happened, his vision of the situation, and the solutions that he himself could propose to correct it.
  4. Prohibition on discussing the personality of a subordinate. Only a specific action or fact can be discussed, but not the person himself and his professionalism as a whole.
  5. Focus on obtaining a specific result, and not on the process of discussing the situation itself.
  6. With the doors closed. Communication must be strictly individual, without the presence of third parties. If criticism is made during the delivery of feedback, the presence of strangers will sharply reduce the subordinate's motivation to change behavior.

Clear position of the leader

The manager’s inability to adhere to his point of view and constant changes in attitude towards work situations worsen relationships with subordinates.

Employees consider such a boss to be inconsistent, unsure of himself and his decisions.

If, for some reason, the manager has not yet formed an opinion, then it is better to first understand the situation, and only then voice his point of view to employees.

Team management is not only about setting tasks and monitoring their implementation. Not all employees have sufficient experience to complete the task efficiently. Taking this into account, you need to be ready to help the employee with advice and give additional time. In some cases, temporarily assign a more experienced employee.

We set specific goals

A clear statement of the goal is the key to obtaining a quality result. Aimless work gives rise to the feeling of useless work without end and beginning, going to work for the sake of the process, not the result.

To increase employee motivation, it is important that goals helped the professional development of specialists. Showed how employees work allows the company to solve ambitious problems.

If completing a task involves achieving several goals, you need to prioritize, showing which ones are the most important.

Assessing the consequences

When making any management decision, the manager is obliged to assess how it will affect not only the overall production process, but also the further interaction of subordinates with each other. This is especially true for rewarding and punishing employees, resolving situations and internal contradictions in the team.

It is also important to assess the influence of the leader’s behavior and his management style on the general climate in the department: Does the boss add enthusiasm and motivation to work, or discourages the desire to complete tasks?.

We control the results

Lack of control over task completion breeds irresponsibility. Each employee must know that the task assigned to him will be checked. Any result, even the most ineffective, can be regarded as satisfactory if there is no control.

But even if the deadlines for completing a task are determined, and in the end there is no control on the part of the boss, then employees get used to the fact that their work is not checked. The department will show poor performance in the future.

We evaluate ourselves soberly

At some point in time, individual managers develop the illusion of permissiveness, since only the result is important, and the people performing the tasks are a variable value.

There is only one cure in this situation - healthy self-criticism. And subordinates will quickly signal to such a leader that he is going beyond what is permitted: more complaints from employees arise against the boss, refusals to obey orders appear, specialists openly declare that they deserve respect, and not constant prodding and criticism addressed to them.

Effective managers always define their development horizons and strive to learn new technologies for personnel management and production processes.

By following the basic principles of business communication, the manager will be able to achieve high results in the work of the department, and employees will be happy to come to work and complete assigned tasks.

If you have more than one subordinate, then you will understand what I mean. Even if there is none, you still had to do something together with other people. Sometimes it works out easily and naturally, and sometimes everything goes awry and you only get in each other’s way. It also happens that employees who are entrusted with an important task quarrel with each other, and when the time comes to present the result, they begin to nod at each other. This, they say, should have been done by someone else. It also happens that you plan to receive from one of your employees some intermediate result (for example, a draft contract), creatively refine it with a file and pass it on. You wait and wait, but the result is neither borscht nor the Red Army.

To understand the reasons for this blatant disgrace and completely eradicate it, we will have to figure out how to properly coordinate the work of subordinates.

The simplest option where it all starts is direct control. We clearly and in detail assign tasks to each of our subordinates. You - stay here, you - go there, and you - take this box and drag it to the warehouse. And everything would be fine, but this coordination mechanism can be effective if two conditions are met:

1. A manager must know what to do better than any subordinate, because it is better for the most competent person in a particular issue to make decisions.

2. The number of subordinates should not exceed 9 ± 2, since with a larger number of them the manager does not have time for anything else.

When a manager goes beyond these limits, the quality of management declines sharply. Either the teams are late, or ill-considered decisions are made, and the authority of the manager falls, or the manager spends 24 hours a day at work, which is also unacceptable.

The following coordination mechanism is process standard. The manager creates the rules by which employees must work, including when the manager is absent from the workplace. These rules may be contained in oral orders, regulations, instructions, technical processes, and so on. Using this mechanism, you can coordinate the work of an almost unlimited number of people, which is valuable in itself. However, this mechanism also has problems:

1. Regulations and rules can only describe what is regularly repeated; they are not suitable for unique cases.

2. Over time, any rule becomes outdated: the more regulations were created, the more will have to be redone.

Process standardization is almost not applicable to activities related to organizational development. Attempts to strictly standardize all processes turn the organization into a semblance of the Prussian army of the late 18th century: it looks beautiful at the parade, but for some reason others win in a real war.

In some cases, it makes sense to shift the burden of coordination onto the subordinates themselves: here is a task for you and figure out how you will carry it out yourself. This coordination mechanism is called mutual agreement and has several useful properties that we need to use whenever possible. Firstly, this way we reduce our management burden. Secondly, each employee has his own strengths and weaknesses that allow him to perform certain parts of the job most effectively, and no one knows these features better than the employees themselves. Let everyone take part of the task according to their strength. Thirdly, group members will control and motivate each other - after all, no one wants to do the work for another.

But there are limitations that need to be taken into account:

1. The group that will have to coordinate its actions should not be larger than the same 9 ± 2 people, otherwise the employees simply will not agree among themselves, or it will take too much time.

2. The group must be ready to work together, spontaneously or with the help of a leader, having gone through team building.

3. A task performed together should not last long.

If the group is not ready, then eventually its members will simply quarrel among themselves. And the less “team-oriented” the employees are, the faster this will happen. The consequences of such a conflict can be much more serious than simple failure to complete the assigned task.

You can avoid conflicts if you use result standard. This means that each employee receives an individual task and decides for himself how best to complete it. At the same time, the employee relies on his abilities, chooses the most effective way to solve the problem, and receives additional pleasure from freedom of choice. Of course, this is only if he sees the choice, knows how to solve the problem, and is able to do it. Otherwise, he will immediately give up and, instead of hard work, he will be busy with the painful anticipation of the coming reprisal and/or looking for a new job. Moreover, if he had been given direct instructions, he would most likely have solved the problem.

At the moment when the manager gets tired of guessing and guessing whether an employee can or cannot perform this or that task, a new coordination mechanism appears on the scene: qualification standard. The manager recruits employees with more or less confirmed qualifications in some area. For the position of chief accountant they hire a person who graduated from a financial university, a law school graduate is appointed as a lawyer, a mechanic is hired from a vocational school, and only for the position of general director it is not clear who to hire: either a former military man, or a graduate of a culinary college, or an MBA graduate. It is understood that if a person was taught something for five years, and then he worked somewhere for a couple of years, then there is some chance that he himself will figure out what he needs to do in a particular place.

Theoretically, there is a chance. But in practice, everything comes down to the lack of real standards in the education system. Not only do different universities produce fundamentally different specialists with the same name, but the quality of training is below par. To some extent, international qualification standards in the form of various professional certificates help out, but there are relatively few of them.

There is another interesting effect of the real qualification standard. It can be difficult to force a professional to do things that go against his ethics or the consequences of which he (as a professional) is well aware. For example, you ask an accountant to sign a document, and he says: No way, I’m not going to sit in jail for this! You tell him: it’s for the good of the company! And he: I don’t care, I have children! Whether this is good or bad from the manager’s point of view depends on the situation.

Ideally, we would like employees to place company goals at least on the same level as their personal goals. A coordination mechanism in which all employees know, understand and consider the company’s goals as their own is called indoctrination. History knows such examples. The USSR in the post-war years, when the country was sincerely building communism, or the Japanese (until recently). It is long, expensive and difficult, but very tempting.

In practice, no manager uses only one coordination mechanism; most often he has to use several at once or even all at the same time. The task of the leader in this case is consciously choose the most appropriate coordination mechanisms and learn how to implement them efficiently.

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“Just be sure to tell me how to do it correctly and give me some tools!” – media editors always warn consultants and clients always ask. Everyone really wants to believe that there are “human consultants” who have the “secret knowledge” of “right decisions” and “reliable tools”, despite the fact that the world is constantly becoming more complex and more and more factors must be taken into account in order to make optimal decisions . We see the main contradiction in the current situation in the fact that in the production of goods and services, since the middle of the last century, an ever-accelerating technological revolution has been observed, while management is lagging behind and does not create adequate mechanisms for managing organizations.

Management was created at a time when physical labor predominated and a person was a functional addition to a machine. Currently, mental work predominates; business risks are increasingly associated with the selection and management of personnel. The cost of error in this area of ​​management is constantly increasing. Unfortunately, this problem is associated with various myths.

The first myth: “magnificent personnel”, “miracle workers”, who by their very appearance change the state of affairs in the organization. First there were marketers, then – “managers with Western education”, now – “IT specialists”, “accounts”, etc. Disappointments are almost always inevitable, because such “symbolic people”, no matter how professional in their fields they are, are likely to increase business risks, thereby reducing them, and not out of ill will, but because of the inability to replace the entire management system.

The second myth: “reliable people.” This myth is especially common in commercial and financial organizations. As if there are people whose reliability is an objective characteristic, like weight and height. Such people are objectively reliable and are not capable of stealing. On the contrary, they are called upon to act only in the interests of the company, forgetting about personal interests.

The third myth: people who see right through a person know how to “promote” an employee for information, and also appreciate the person. Hence the love for tests - they are seen as an objective way of checking. But there are things that cannot be counted. Trust is not counted in numbers, it can only be realized. And no matter how many different tests and certifications are used, the manager receives 90% of the information about the employee through personal communication with him; everything goes at the level of feelings: yours or not, whether you trust him or not.

There is an Eastern parable: a competition has been announced to fill the vacant position of a wife in the khan’s harem. As it should be, a city competition is held, then a regional one, then a republican one. Testing, intelligence assessment, 90-60-90. Finally, at the final competition, the khan's sages were tired: all are smart, all are beautiful, how to choose? Here the wisest of them says: “In the end, we do not choose a wife for ourselves. Let the khan come and have a look!” Khan came and asked one of the girls: “What is two and two?” - “Four, my lord!” He asks another. “I don’t know, my lord!” He asks the last one. “How much did you want, my lord?” Which of the girls do you think the khan chose? The one with wider hips.

Anecdote after anecdote, only in most of our organizations the manager selects personnel “in his own image and likeness.” Among Russian companies, some are formed around the PCB, others - around the judo section, most of the top and middle managers of others are classmates or even classmates, these people speak the same language, they have the same basic values. Remember how similar the Komsomol leaders of past years were to each other - it was as if they were selected according to a certain template. But there is also a great danger in this. All “ours”, all understandable. But somehow everything is not as good as it should be when we are all united? Why?

What you need to know about the other

In order to successfully manage his subordinates, every manager must first understand that the subordinate is an “other.” In Russian culture there is no understanding that another person has the right to be different. “Other” causes rejection and aggression. Therefore, many managers interact with subordinates, as in the old song Edita Piekha: “If I invented you, become what I want.” But in an organization, everyone cannot be the same; “different” is a managerial necessity. If all employees are creative people, then who will do the routine? Who will create relationships in the team? If all employees are the same, then there is no resource for development.

In order for a team to be successful, it is necessary to select its employees not “for themselves,” but in accordance with the task. It would be good for every manager to remember that even in the Old Believer construction teams there was always a person who communicated with “outsiders” - negotiated contracts and could temporarily violate the Old Believer rules: to be among people who smoked and drank alcohol. This need for coexistence in the organization of “others” is an important resource for development.

What should a manager take into account when he realizes that his employee is “different”?

In the 20th century There is a persistent myth that a good manager or businessman is a walking computer, a sexless, emotionless creature, at least at work. It is desirable that the employees are the same. In practice, the opposite is true: often a good businessman or manager senses the market and intuitively chooses the right decisions. Market analysis and calculation of optimal solutions take a lot of time, and the market requires a quick response. The statement that everything should be “reasonable” leads to the fact that decisions are made according to “feelings,” and then a rational basis is provided for such a decision: “reason is sufficient to justify any stupidity, but only after that.”

The idea that subjective experiences are secondary in a system consisting of subjects, that is, in an organization, is a fallacy. Feelings not only signal whether the needs that matter to a person are being met or not being met, but often paint a clear picture of how much that particular person is getting what they really want in life. Ignoring the feelings of people in organizations is always dangerous, as well as neglecting any real facts, any information. Therefore, for any manager, both their own emotions and the feelings of their subordinates should be the object of attention.

The challenge is to help ourselves and others transform feelings from a disadvantage that makes a person weaker and less efficient than a machine into a resource that helps him surpass the robot. Depending on the chosen management strategy, the manager will treat his employees differently: in one case, attention to the feelings of subordinates is necessary, since this gives one a very effective tool of manipulation; in the other, feelings become one of the forms of feedback, an indicator of the state of the organization . The opportunity for a regular open exchange of feelings in the organization is necessary for the manager to timely adjust his actions.

One of our clients once stated: “I created a company, worked in it for 4 years, and only after 4 years I realized that the people who work with me want something different!” The “other” - any employee - really did not come to the organization for what his manager would like. An organization is a union of people who have a common goal(s) that cannot be achieved by any of them without the help of others. At the same time, any person achieves his personal goals: to provide himself with the necessary income, career growth, to participate in solving problems that fully reveal his own potential.

For many years, people have been taught that it is not good to have personal interests that differ from public ones. It was customary to sacrifice them for common goals. But the property of the human community is that all people are unique, they have different motives and goals, which means that with any form of association, personal interests will be objective facts in any organization. But the unawareness of these interests and the inability to formulate them leads to instability in behavior and problems in business interaction.

Each person has many personal goals and interests. And the interests of each employee of the company cannot be described by a motivation system, even the most ideal one. Moreover, at every moment, each employee builds a certain hierarchy of personal interests.

What to do with these interests? Since the personal goals of some people may coincide, groupings of employees may arise. But goals can also be contradictory to each other, then interests collide and a conflict of interests arises. Even if people have the same goals, their interests may be conflicting if the positions they occupy in the organization do not allow them to simultaneously achieve their goals.

For example, employees may strive to earn as much as possible, they have the same interest in getting a high-paying job, but the number of such jobs is limited. To get it, you must either establish a special relationship with your boss, or win a competition, or get rid of competitors. As long as such a conflict is in the nature of competition, it can help improve the quality of work of employees, but as soon as it moves into the plane of the desire to destroy a competitor, it becomes destructive.

One of the common methods of managing subordinates is the artificial creation of a situation in which a conflict of interests of employees may arise. The danger of this tool is that the balance of forces can only be maintained for a limited time, so it must be constantly monitored and adjusted. This can lead to the fact that the manager’s job is reduced to creating and maintaining a balance of power; he simply does not have enough resources to make decisions in other areas, and the solutions that competing parties tend to propose in such a situation tend to be risky. The problem is that the personal goals of employees do not always coincide with the goals of the organization.

But there are other tools. With the same ease with which a conflict of interests arises, one can find something that would unite people. If a conflict of interests easily arises when distributing orders, money, power, then the general interest, as a rule, is in the sphere of production or income generation. You can compete over the distribution of profitable orders, or you can jointly come up with a way to increase their number and agree on the rules for their distribution.

So, if you take into account the interests of your subordinates, then their management in the organization can be built on the “win-lose” principle, or it can be “win-win”. The main thing here is to identify these interests and pay attention to them.

It is also important to note that since people's goals change over time, the only way to keep a motivated employee is to set a deadline in which goals are revised. And discuss the end of the contract. A specialist must know exactly whether he can realize his goals in a given organization, and his manager must know his goals so as not to risk losing this employee. Management based on attention to feelings, consideration and coordination of interests allows the organization to be more open and less conflictual. But concealing interests leads to “playing in the dark.”

The modern approach to managing subordinates should be to allow two people - the manager and the subordinate - to make informed choices.

To determine what principle should be used to build relationships with his subordinates, the manager must first understand his personal goals and interests, answer the question: “Why do I need this organization, what do I want from it,” and then help his employees understand their goals and choose a way to manage them in order to more effectively realize your goals, theirs, and the goals of the organization as a whole. Unfortunately, unconscious stereotypes, rules and guidelines are very difficult to change; this is impossible without the help of a “stranger”: a person cannot be neutral towards himself. In order to see himself, a person needs a mirror or... another person.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):