You may need to make the screen smaller simply to ensure the banal convenience of working at the computer, as well as to correct the consequences of some errors or program actions. So what should you do if your computer screen gets bigger? This needs to be sorted out, and this article can help you.

Reducing the screen

Go to your computer or laptop. Right-click on a place free of shortcuts, programs and gadgets. A drop-down menu will appear in front of you, from which you need to select “Screen Resolution”. A window will appear. In it you can change the following operating parameters:

  • select the monitor with which this system unit is working;
  • change computer screen resolution;
  • you can select the display orientation;
  • configure additional operating parameters;
  • change the size of icons placed on the desktop.

For the purposes of this article, screen resolution is of greatest interest. Typically, this indicator is set to the recommended value, which allows the monitor to function optimally in terms of energy costs/performance. But if you click on the “Resolution” drop-down button, then all possible options for the operation of the visualization device will be presented to your attention. And now you can either pull the slider down (decreasing the screen resolution) or up (increasing it). Here is the answer to the question of how to make a computer smaller. But there are still certain aspects and nuances that also need to be discussed.

Reducing the work area

But what if you want not to change the resolution itself, but only to work in separate text documents? For example, do you need to reduce only the working area of ​​a Word file? Of course, there is a standard zoom tool, but you can do the same using your keyboard and mouse. The latter must have a wheel.

So, we point at the area that we want to reduce/enlarge (but this step is not required), hold down the Ctrl button and turn the wheel toward you to scale and away from you to detail. Of course, this method will not work everywhere - in games or programs where such functionality is not provided, it will not be able to help you. Here's a computer in literally two movements.

What could lead to this?

So, we know how to reduce the screen size on a computer, now we need to talk about what could be the reason for the need for such actions. The reasons for unauthorized changes in screen resolution are:

  1. The influence of various programs that I work in When switching between running windows, due to an internal error, the resolution will not be selected as it should be.
  2. A conflict between the monitor and another software/hardware component of the computer (most often with a video card or its drivers).

In both cases, you will have to deal with problems that cannot be easily resolved. Finding an answer to the question of how to make the screen on a computer smaller after another failure is good, but here you need to look at the root. It may be worth reinstalling drivers or individual programs, or perhaps you even need to look for a new machine to work on. Of course, the latter can often be difficult to accomplish, so you shouldn’t discount the possibility of buying a new device (for example, a video card).

What not to do?

We know how to make your computer screen smaller and what can cause problems. But when cases arise where something is not working correctly, people often take actions that cause inconvenience. Very often you can hear advice to roll back settings using a restore point or use various software tools. Regarding the first option, we can say that this is a really effective tool, but, as a rule, when applications are destroyed due to virus attacks or various damage to the system shell. Therefore, if you do not want to discover over time that something has suddenly disappeared, then it is recommended to “roll back” again to its former state, and the screen can be adjusted before or after this moment - the resolution will still remain unchanged. We can say about software that in this case (and in a single precedent) they are unnecessary. But if the situation repeats, then you can resort to them to try to establish and eliminate the cause of such problems.

After updating Windows to version 10 or reinstalling the OS, the appearance of the desktop on your computer or laptop may change. This is due in 92% of cases to an increase in screen scale. In such conditions, working with equipment is extremely inconvenient, since program and game shortcuts actually cover the entire desktop area. There is no sharpness and clarity in the menu of opened applications and toys. Working with incorrect screen parameters is extremely unsafe and inconvenient. And it’s not necessary, because it’s very easy to reduce the scale of shortcuts and the screen. The procedure can be carried out in several ways, and it will take a few seconds.

Using Windows 10's built-in Display Settings

The increase in scale is due to incorrect monitor settings. The Windows operating system corrects them independently through drivers, but sometimes it may fail. To correct the situation, we do this:
The specified Windows 10 OS settings are saved automatically. This method will help you reduce or increase the size of applications and text on the screen, as well as desktop elements.

Setting label sizes on the monitor

Windows 10 OS allows you to configure the most comfortable work with desktop elements. Sometimes, even after correct installation of drivers or updates, icons appear excessively large to the user. You can reduce their dimensions in a few clicks:

Shortcuts and desktop elements will be replaced automatically. There is no need to do any additional operations. You also don't need to restart your computer after editing icon sizes.

Changing the browser window scale

There are cases when the dimensions of the desktop elements and its appearance itself are perceived normally by the user, but the windows in the browser are unnecessarily enlarged. Large text leads to incorrect display of information on the monitor and to unreadable website pages in general. The situation can be corrected by reducing the size of the browser window on the computer screen as follows. Method number 1:

1. Open a browser;
2. Find the Ctrl key on the keyboard (the lowest row of the keyboard) and “-” or “+” to increase;

3. Press them simultaneously several times until the dimensions of the letters and elements take on a size that is pleasant to read.

Changes made to the size of the browser window are performed automatically and saved after the computer is turned off. There is no need to reboot the equipment.

Method No. 2
Regardless of which browser the laptop or computer user uses, changing the scale of the page (or window) can be done using its own settings. Since Google is considered the most popular browser today, we will use its example to consider the procedure for scaling a window.
Proceed as follows:
The parameters specified by the user will be displayed immediately on the screen. The Google Chrome browser provides automatic saving of changes. There is no need to reboot the device. The changes made are saved even after the computer is turned off.

If after specifying the required screen sizes and parameters nothing happens, restart your laptop or PC. Try again. Sometimes updates are not installed correctly, so changes are not displayed without a reboot.

As Jesus departed, he said to his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth.” Outside of the religious context, the logic and essence of what was said is clearly visible. We are talking about the psychological balance of human society.

We are accustomed to statements about political, ideological, and economic balances. But we rarely think about the fact that there is an objective balance of coexistence of various psychological entities - individuals who make up this or that society.

In addition, Jesus accurately and succinctly defined the essence of the representatives of humanity, which, in his opinion, are very important. He didn’t call them “the glory of the earth”, “the strength of the earth” and similar loud metaphors.

Everyday observations show that in reality there is a type of person who is inconspicuous, but very necessary. At the same time, its value is absolutely not striking. Well, actually, it’s like salt in food. Couldn't have said it better.


It seems to us that we are afraid of life. No - that's wrong. We are afraid of the pain of our soul. Knowing this is very reassuring. Once we received pain from a situation reminiscent of this life event, and a feeling of anxiety instantly arises.

The idea itself is banal, but the conclusions are very encouraging. The physical pain from touching something hot or sharp is the same for everyone. The mental pain from contact with life is individual for everyone.

What once seemed “sharp” or “stabbing” to us is not so to others. And what is scary for others is “seeds” in our emotional perception.


Family life, no matter how much we try to embellish it, is, at its core, a simple series of ordinary days. The period of mutual courtship has passed, which certainly requires pre-nuptial “garments” that hide our “ordinariness.” The wedding celebration took place, bringing internal vanity to the young people themselves and those around them. And then the usual family routine began.

Family everyday life - a clash of habits and psychological regimes

First stage can be designated period of solving pressing social problems. More often it is decided jointly, with noticeable passion. And, as a rule, it remains in the memory of the spouses as the happiest days. And this is not accidental.


Steady maternal instinct comes forward the basis of a woman’s desire to preserve her family. The scope of caring for children also includes her desire not to deprive the child of his father’s care and attention. Moreover, the husband himself gradually finds himself in the sphere of her “maternal care.”

And the recognition of many women that “a husband is another child” is not without foundation. It's not that a man is helpless or unreasonable. The woman herself, in a boundless desire to care, gradually “covers” him with her “wing” of attention.

Based on observation of real events and people, it seems that, with proper maternal mentality, a married woman gradually changes her sexual profile. Her sexual aspirations seem to begin to be transformed by motherhood. It’s as if motherhood, like a meat grinder, transforms a heterogeneous product into the appropriate mass, with the addition of many other ingredients.

There are two ways to reduce the screen scale. The first one is suitable if you need to change the size in a separate program. For example, in Word or Chrome. And the second method changes the size everywhere on the computer.

Zooming out via keyboard

1 . Open the program in which you need to zoom out.

2. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and roll the mouse wheel down.

With each turn of the wheel the size will decrease. If you need to increase it, on the contrary, then turn the wheel up.

You can do this without a mouse, but only with a keyboard. To do this, hold down Ctrl and press the minus sign (-) key. To increase everything is the same, but with the plus (+) key.

But to reset the scale, that is, return it to the initial value, press Ctrl and the number zero (0).

Changing the scale through the program menu

Most computer programs have a tool that resizes the page. Usually it is located in the program menu - at the top of it.

In Google Chrome:

In Yandex:

In Mozilla Firefox:

In Word and Excel:

And in Word and Excel you can change the scale through the bottom of the program. There is a slider for this.

How to Zoom Out on Your Entire Computer

You can change the scale not only in one computer program, but also in the entire system. Then the size of all screen elements will change: icons, program windows, buttons.

1 . Right-click on an empty area of ​​the screen. From the menu, select “Screen Resolution”.

If you have a Windows 10 system, you need to select “Display Settings”, then “Advanced Display Settings”.

2. In the window, in the “Resolution” section, select a larger value from the list. Click “OK” and “Apply”.

You can also play around with the size of the icons. To do this, right-click again on an empty area of ​​the Desktop and select “Screen Resolution”. At the top of the window, click on “Screen”.

In Windows 10 it’s a little different: Display settings -> Additional display options -> Additional changes to the size of text and other elements.

And there choose the appropriate size of the elements.

Then you will need to apply the settings and log out. Just before doing this, close all programs that you had open.

The size of the interface depends on the resolution of the monitor and its physical characteristics (screen diagonal). If the image on the computer is too small or large, the user can change the scale independently. This can be done using built-in Windows tools.

If the image on your computer becomes too large or small, make sure that your computer or laptop has the correct screen resolution. If the recommended value is set, you can optionally change the scale of individual objects or pages on the Internet in different ways.

Method 1: Third Party Programs

Using special programs to resize the screen may be important for a number of reasons. Depending on the specific software, the user may have several additional features that simplify the zooming process. In addition, it is recommended to use such programs if for some reason you cannot change the scale using standard OS tools.

The advantages of such software include the ability to simultaneously change settings in all accounts at once or, conversely, personal settings for each monitor, change bit depth, use hotkeys to quickly switch between percentage sizes and have autoloading.

Method 2: Control Panel

You can change the size of desktop icons and other interface elements through the control panel. However, the scale of other applications and web pages will remain the same. The procedure will be as follows:

Windows 7

  1. Via the menu "Start" open "Control Panel".
  2. Sort icons by category and block "Design and personalization" select "Setting Screen Resolution".

    There is another way to get to this menu. To do this, right-click on a free area on the desktop and select the item in the list that appears "Screen resolution".

  3. Make sure that opposite the column "Permission" the recommended value is set. If there is no sign next to it "Recommended", then update the drivers for your video card.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, click on the blue inscription "Make text and other elements larger or smaller".
  5. A new window will appear asking you to select a scale. Specify the desired value and click on the button "Apply" to save your changes.
  6. On the left side of the window, click on the inscription "Different font size (dpi)" to select a custom scale. Specify the desired ratio of elements from the drop-down list or enter it manually. After that click "OK".

For the changes to take effect, you must confirm logging out or restarting your computer. After this, the size of the main Windows elements will change according to the selected value. You can return the default settings here.

Windows 10

The principle of scaling in Windows 10 is not very different from its predecessor system.

Unfortunately, recently in Windows 10 it is no longer possible to change the font size, as it was possible to do in older builds or in Windows 8/7.

Method 3: Hotkeys

If you need to increase the size of individual screen elements (icons, text), you can do this using the shortcut keys. The following combinations are used for this:

  1. Ctrl + [+ ] or Ctrl + [Mouse wheel up] to enlarge the image.
  2. Ctrl + [] or Ctrl + [Mouse wheel down] to make the image smaller.

The method is relevant for the browser and some other programs. In Explorer, using these buttons you can quickly switch between different ways of displaying elements (table, thumbnails, tiles, etc.).

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