Frames plastic windows protected with a special film to protect them from dirt, scratches and other damage during transportation and installation. It is very easy to remove film from plastic windows if you do it in a timely manner, that is, immediately after the windows have been installed. If for some reason you delay this, then removing the film can become a big problem. According to the instructions, the film must be removed within ten days after installing the plastic windows. If you increase this period to a month or two, then most likely nothing terrible will happen. If the film remains on the frames for three or more months, it will require a lot of effort to remove it.

Why does this problem arise? The fact is that the protective film consists of two layers and is glued to the frames using a special glue. Under the influence of heat and ultraviolet radiation, the thin inner layer of the film decomposes and firmly adheres to the plastic. Separate upper layer film is not as difficult as internal.

Factors that increase the adhesion of the film to the frame:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays. If the film on windows located on the shady side of the house can be removed after a few months, then sunny side it will begin to absorb into the frame within a few days.
  • Glue quality. The lower the quality of the glue that holds the film, the more difficult it will be to tear it off. If you install cheap plastic windows, you are more likely to encounter low-quality glue.
  • Exposure to heat. If the windows are installed in winter, the film will begin to dry to the frame later. This will happen very quickly in the summer.
So, let's look at how to remove film from plastic windows if it was not removed on time.
  1. Use a hair dryer. This the best remedy to remove film. The main thing is to direct it at the frame, and not at the glass unit, otherwise it may burst due to temperature changes. The film is heated by hot air, dissolves and is easily removed. The only problem is to find a hair dryer. Some try to use normal, in turbo mode. This can only be successful if the film is not stuck very tightly.
  2. Contact a cleaning company. Most of these companies provide a similar service, and they have the necessary equipment for this: a hair dryer, special scrapers and cleaners. And experience in solving similar problems.
  3. Using a professional cleaning scraper glass-ceramic plates. This scraper will not damage the plastic.
  4. Slowly, piece by piece, picking up the edge of the film thin knife, with a blade or scraper, and then tearing it off with your hands. Cutting tools should be used as little as possible, trying to separate the film with your fingers. Any remaining adhesive can be removed with the rough side of a sponge and bathroom detergent.
  5. A weak solvent. When using solvent, you need to be very careful and try on an inconspicuous area first. Solvent may change the color of plastic frames.
  6. An eraser. A regular school pencil eraser can help remove film residue.
  7. A stiff, but not wire brush, and soap solution. The method will work for film on the shadow side.
  8. White spirit. But it should not be applied on top, on pieces of film, but between the film and the plastic. To do this, you need to pry off the edge of the film, pour white spirit into this place, wait a little and separate the film.
  9. "Cosmofenom". In companies that install plastic windows, you can purchase a special product for cleaning plastic – “Cosmofen”. Depending on the degree of activity active substance There are “Cosmofen No. 5”, “Cosmofen No. 10” and “Cosmofen No. 20”. No. 5 is the strongest solvent; it dissolves plastic, so it must be used with great care. However, like the other two. These are potent and dangerous to human health.
Often the film is not removed because the repairs are being delayed and you want to protect the window frames from paint, whitewash and other contaminants. This is the wrong approach and will lead to more big problems. It is better to remove the protective film, and if protection is necessary, stick it on the frames masking tape. It won't be difficult to remove it at all.

At first glance, removing film from window glass may seem like a simple task. The opposite understanding comes when you take on this work.
IN best case scenario You will waste your energy and nerves, but you can ruin the window. This article will help you avoid all this.

First method: How to remove film from window glass by soaking

It will help if the film was attached to the glass using water-soluble glue.
Prepare a canvas such that it bends two centimeters on each side of the window glass.
Soak it in a solution of any dishwashing or window cleaning product, for example, Fairy, Drop, Sorti.
Moisten the film on the window with a cleaning solution from a spray bottle.
Press firmly onto the glass. Wait about an hour. In general, the longer it remains on the glass, the easier it will be to peel off the film. Just remember to constantly moisten the canvas; it should always remain wet.
Using your fingernail (you can use any sharp object, a toothpick, for example), carefully pick up the film from above and pull it away from the glass by two centimeters. Apply the singing solution to the line formed where the film adheres to the glass. The remaining canvas must also be moistened.
Wait five to ten minutes.
Carefully separate the film from the glass, starting from the corner. Do this smoothly, carefully so that the film does not tear. At the same time, do not forget to moisturize the remaining tightly.
If you have a helper, have him or her apply the cleaning solution to the peel line of the fabric at this time.
Do the work intermittently so that the solution applied by the assistant is absorbed as much as possible.
You will most likely still have pieces of film that have not peeled off. Remove them with a construction or office scraper.
Clean the window with any window cleaner you have.
Job is done.

Method two. How to remove film from window glass using a hair dryer

This is a riskier method. Sunscreen film is specially made so that it copes with its tasks perfectly on the hottest summer days. Therefore, you will have to heat it to 50-100 degrees. An ordinary hair dryer is not capable of this. You need to use a construction one. The glass may not hold up and burst. (And this is just before winter).
First, warm up the window with a hairdryer. The device should be kept 10-15 cm from the glass and not pointed at one area for a long time.
For about five seconds, direct the air stream from the hairdryer to the upper corner of the glass. Unhook the corner of the film from the window and begin to separate it slowly, carefully so as not to tear it. If you are with an assistant, then let one of you work with a hairdryer, while the other at this time separates the film, holding it taut, in a tense state. The hairdryer should be 5-19 centimeters from the glass, depending on the temperature of the jet. Due to overheating, the film may become deformed and begin to stretch in threads.
When the film is removed, you need to wash the window.

Method three. Household chemicals

The method is not easy, but, as reviews and own experience, the most effective. If, of course, you choose a suitable solvent.
It’s good if you can find out from the film manufacturer what he recommends for removing it. However, this does not always work out, especially if the manufacturer is, for example, from China.
You'll have to experiment yourself.
Peel off a little film from the glass. Use a pipette to add a few drops of solvent. Wait two to three minutes. If the film begins to peel off and you see a rainbow stripe between it and the glass, then the solvent is working.
Be sure to make sure that the solvent does not damage the PVC profile. To do this, soak a cotton swab in solvent and press it to the profile in an inconspicuous place. If the fleece threads stick to it, then use something else to peel the film off the window.
Especially protect seals from any solvent. If any solvent gets on it, wipe it off immediately.

What solvents to use

You can use 646 or 647, Cosmofen, Domax, Cosmofen, Fenosol. Schumanit helped me specifically.
Remember that solvents are very toxic substances, work when open windows, wearing rubber gloves and a respirator. Be sure to take the children out of the room, remove the aquarium, and remove the pets.
I don’t write how to remove the sun protection film with a scraper or melamine sponge. I tried to get rid of the film this way myself, but it didn’t help. Although maybe someone else has a different experience. Use only a special scraper designed for glass ceramics; with such work, the profile can easily be scratched.

In contact with


A new plastic window will wonderfully protect your home from the interference of unfriendly weather, from the penetration of dust and dirt into the house, from unwanted external influences. When you buy new windows, you may notice that the surface of the glass is covered with a protective film. Why is it needed and is it worth removing it? We will tell you below how to remove film from plastic windows correctly without damaging the glass unit.

Why do you need protective film?

A protective film is applied to the profile to protect it from damage during transportation and installation. It does not affect the properties of the window in any way and was invented solely to protect the glass from mechanical influences.

It is simply necessary to remove the film, and this should be done no later than seven to ten days after installation window profiles. After some time, the material that provides adhesion between the film and the window begins to change its characteristics. By delaying removal, after just a couple of months you risk encountering great difficulties, since the adhesive layer of the product dries very strongly to the glass, as a result of which it can be very difficult to remove it. This is what can affect the drying of the film to the profile.

  • Sunlight. Aggressive rays of the sun contribute to the fact that after a few days it begins to eat into window glass. You should think about quick removal protective coating, if your windows face the sunny side.
  • A lot also depends on the quality of the glue that holds the coating on the glass. Inexpensive glue is much more difficult to remove than higher quality materials.
  • Speeds up the drying process of the glue and heat air, which means in the summer you should also hurry up with removing the film.

Surely you are thinking , how to remove film quickly and easily, immediately after installing window profiles. There are two main methods of coating removal: mechanical and chemical.

How to remove protective film from windows mechanically

Mechanical cleaning methods are considered much more effective. Several methods have been invented to remove it from glass without leaving traces without damaging the surface.

These are mechanical cleaning methods. Their advantage is that such tools are almost always at hand and implementing such methods at home is not particularly difficult. But how to clean old film with chemicals?

Chemical methods for cleaning windows from film

Chemical removal methods involve the use of products designed to get rid of unwanted coating. Let's consider the main and most effective of them.

Do not forget that when working with these substances you should be extremely careful and attentive! Be very careful when choosing cleaning products - some of them can cause irreparable damage to the plastic.

If none of the above methods helps remove the film, then use the services of special organizations, which have much more in their arsenal. wide range potent substances and tools that can rid windows of coating residues.

How to remove sun protection film

There is another type of window film, only it is designed to protect against aggressive sun rays. It is often pasted on during the summer so that the intrusive light does not interfere with being at home and does not blind your eyes. How to remove old film from plastic windows, when sun protection is no longer needed?

  1. The easiest way to remove such film from glass is with a melamine sponge, which is now sold in almost all stores. Wet it and remove the coating.
  2. Any product designed for cleaning glass-ceramic surfaces will help remove the film. Be careful when using such cleaners, you must insulate the plastic frame from them, otherwise it may become deformed.
  3. Another answer to the question of how to remove film from plastic windows is to use a slab cleaner.

When removing protective film from windows, the main rule that you must follow is that the procedure must be carried out very carefully in order to avoid damage to the brand new double-glazed windows. Be careful when removing the coating and beautiful window will delight you for many years.

October 14, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

After installing double-glazed windows, many people ask on forums how to remove film from plastic windows? The fact is that this operation, which at first glance is extremely simple, sometimes becomes a real problem and headache. Therefore, in this article I will introduce you to some of the most effective removal methods. protective film from plastic frames.

A few words about protective film

The film on plastic windows protects the surface of the plastic during the transportation of windows and their installation. Moreover, manufacturers use special ones for gluing it. adhesive compositions so that there are no problems with deletion in the future. However, the coating is not intended to remain on the windows for a long time.

The fact is that gradually the glue under the film dries out and eats into the surface of the plastic. In addition, the coating itself is destroyed in the sun and loses its characteristics. As a result, when removed, the old film begins to tear or even crumble.

From this we can conclude, that it is necessary to remove the film as soon as possible after installing the windows. True, if the windows are cheap, then problems may arise even when removing the recently glued covering, due to the use of low-quality glue.

But, in any case, you shouldn’t despair, because there are quite effective ways to remove old film from plastic windows, even if it is “tightly” ingrained into the plastic. The main thing is to have patience and some tools, which I will discuss below.

In the summer, the glue dries much faster and eats into the plastic than in the cold season.

Film removal methods

So, dried protective film can be removed from the surface in the following ways:

Method 1: using a scraper

First of all, try to remove the film using a scraper or other sharp object, for example, a mounting or even a blade. The only thing, It is necessary to work with sharp tools very carefully so as not to damage the plastic.

Instructions for removing the coating using a scraper are as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to pry off the edge of the protective coating using a scraper or other sharp object. The peeled edge must be large enough to be grasped;
  2. next you need to pull the foam and try to tear it off in one quick movement;
  3. if the tape starts to tear, pry it again, but try to use as little as possible cutting tool and work more with your fingers so as not to scratch the plastic.

A similar method can be used if the protective coating has not yet been destroyed by exposure to the sun. Otherwise, it will not be possible to tear off the film, and it is not advisable to constantly pick at it with a scraper, since it will take a lot of time and will certainly lead to scratches on the surface of the plastic.

Even if you successfully rip off the protective coating in this way, there will likely remain areas of glue on the surface of the plastic. You can remove them in ways that I will discuss below.

Method 2: eraser

If the old coating becomes easy to tear or even crumble, it can be removed with an eraser. True, this method is only suitable for small areas, for example, if there is film or glue residue left in some places after using a scraper.

To clean the surface, choose a rubber band that is as elastic as possible. Simply rub the stained area with your hands, as if you were erasing a pencil from paper. As a result, the remaining glue and protective coating will roll into a roller that can be removed with your fingers.

It is very difficult to completely clean the frames in this way, so it is better to use a less labor-intensive method.

Method 3: hairdryer

If you cannot remove the coating with just a scraper, you can warm it up with a hair dryer before peeling off the film. This is done as follows:

  1. turn on the hair dryer maximum power and reheat thoroughly small area coatings;
  2. then pick up the tape and pull its edge. After heating, the glue should become much more “pliable”;
  3. after this you need to heat the next area and remove it in the same way;
  4. the remaining glue must be heated again and then wiped off with paper towel.

Even more effective method How to tear off the protective coating is to heat it with a steam generator. You can also use a hair dryer, however, work with it carefully so as not to melt the film and especially the plastic frames.

I must say that this method is quite effective. As a rule, it allows you to get rid of even the most ingrained glue into the surface of the plastic.

Method 4: medical or industrial alcohol

Now let's look at how to remove film from plastic windows using alcohol. This method is effective in removing film and adhesive residues.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the contaminated area should be treated with medical 96 percent alcohol or denatured alcohol using a spray or cotton solution. As the alcohol dries, it should be reapplied within a few minutes;
  • Then you can start removing the old adhesive and film residue using a paper towel. As you work, you may need a scraper or other tool to pry off the film.

It must be said that alcohol allows you not only to clean the surface of the old protective coating, but also to bleach the plastic, as well as get rid of other contaminants.

Method 5: vegetable oil

When choosing what to wipe off the remaining coating and glue, you can give preference vegetable oil. The latter could be anything, the only thing keep in mind is that oil will remain on the surface of the window even after you wash it. Therefore it is best to use essential oil which smells nice.

Instructions for removing the coating with this product look like this:

  1. Before washing the surface, you need to apply oil to the contaminated areas using a cotton swab, and then wait an hour. As the oil dries, the surface should be periodically lubricated;
  2. later specified time contaminated areas should be wiped with a paper towel;
  3. At the end of the work, you need to wash off the oil with a non-abrasive detergent.

Method 6: white spirit

White spirit is a fairly potent agent. The only thing is, before using it, wipe a small, inconspicuous area of ​​plastic with solvent. The fact is that not all PVC windows are resistant to this solvent.

If you are sure that the solvent will not harm the plastic, perform the work in the following order:

  1. the edge of the film must be torn off using a scraper or other sharp object, as far as possible;
  2. then the space between the film and the surface of the plastic should be treated with a solvent;
  3. You should wait a few minutes before peeling off the film. After this, the tape should come off easily;
  4. in the area where the film has not begun to tear, white spirit should be applied again.

If vapor barrier tape was used when installing the window, make sure that no solvent gets on it, as it may become damaged.

Method 7: “Shumanite”

"Shumanite" is a powerful detergent, which is intended primarily to remove grease from the surface. However, it also copes well with adhesives that are used when gluing protective coatings. The only thing to remember is that Schumanite contains substances that can react with frames, so you should not apply it for a long time.

Dried film and old glue are removed using this tool as follows:

  1. old glue should be treated with the compound. If there is old coating left on the surface, the area underneath it should be treated, as well as the edges along the tape;
  2. almost immediately after applying Schumanite, the coating should be torn off and the remaining glue should be wiped off with a damp towel;
  3. At the end of the work, the surface of the plastic must be washed with any suitable detergent.

Method 8: "HG Sticker Remover"

When talking about how easy it is to remove old film, one cannot fail to mention such a product as HG Sticker Remover. It is sold in stores household chemicals, as a rule, in bottles with a capacity of 300 ml.

At all, this composition Designed for removing stickers and all kinds of self-adhesive stickers from the surface. However, as practice shows, with the help of Sticker Remover, old protective film can be easily removed.

The principle of its use is similar to working with other solvents:

  1. before tearing off the film, you should pick it up and treat it with a product;
  2. after a few minutes the coating can be peeled off;
  3. then the surface should be treated again with the composition;
  4. after a few seconds, the product with glue residue must be removed using a paper towel or a clean rag.

Method 9: "Cosmofen 10"

If you ask manufacturers of plastic windows to advise you on a means for removing the protective coating, they will probably tell you about “Cosmofen 10”, which is a weak PVC solvent designed specifically for such purposes.

You can also use its analogue, which is called “FENOSOL”. The price of these compositions ranges from 300 rubles per liter.

As in previous cases, the old film is first picked out, after which the composition is applied. These products can also be used to remove glue residue.

Before you wash the surface of the glue, you need to wait a few minutes for the product to react.

Method 10: “P-12”

Finally, I’ll tell you about the “RP-6” product, which is an acrylic solvent. With its help, you can easily remove glue residues.

The only thing is, before doing the work, be sure to check whether the solvent reacts with plastic frames. The fact is that some types of plastic under the influence of RP-6 can change color.

The composition is used in the same way as other solvents. Typically, a few minutes is enough for it to react with the old glue.


As we have found out, there are quite a lot of ways to remove protective film from plastic windows. The choice depends on how much the glue has ingrained into the plastic. In some cases, it is enough to use a scraper, but in others, you simply cannot cope with this task without a hair dryer or special solvents.

See the video in this article for more information. If you have any difficulties removing the old protective coating, ask them in the comments and I will be happy to answer you.

October 14, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, or ask the author something - add a comment or say thank you!

Often the owners plastic structures Do not remove the protective film immediately after installation. But, as you know, if you wait a while with this, then over time the protective coating “dries out” and it becomes very difficult to remove it. Next, we will look at several ways to remove film from plastic windows.

It must be said that removing the film itself is only part of the issue, since an adhesive substance still remains on the surface of the glass unit, which is also very difficult to remove.

Methods for cleaning double-glazed windows from film and glue

There are two main ways to remove old film from plastic windows:

  • Mechanical
  • Chemical.

Sometimes, both methods are combined for greater efficiency.

Mechanical window cleaning options

From cleaning options mechanically There are several most effective ones:

  1. Remains of the protective coating are removed with a special scraper designed for cleaning cooking or glass ceramic panels. Minor scratches and glue residues can then be removed with FENOSOL or COSMOFEN 10 cleaner. If these cleaners are not available, then you can use acrylic solvent, for example R-12.
  2. The second method requires an industrial hair dryer or at least a powerful one. home hair dryer, since it is much easier to remove film from plastic windows after heating it. This method is very simple - you need to heat the film and pry off its edge with a sharp stationery knife or scalpel. In this case, the coating should come off easily; any remaining adhesive can be removed using the method described above.
  3. Similar to the previous method, you can use a steam generator, this method is even more effective.
  4. There is another one interesting advice how to peel off film from plastic windows, which will help solve the problem - the film is erased with a regular office eraser. Glue residues can be removed with white spirit or the above mentioned cleaners.

You should work with the scraper as carefully as possible and, if possible, remove the film with your fingers, since even a safe scraper leaves PVC profile scratches.

Chemical options

And so, we looked at how to remove film from plastic windows mechanically.

However, some chemical cleaning methods have proven to be no less effective:

  • Denatured alcohol should be poured into a water sprayer, for example, for spraying with water indoor plants. Then denatured alcohol must be applied to the surface and wait a few minutes. Before removing the protective film from plastic windows, you may have to pry it off with a utility knife. (See also article.)
  • The “Shumanit” detergent, produced by the Israeli company Buggy, copes well with the task. However, it should be borne in mind that this is very strong remedy, so it should be used with caution. Price for this remedy quite affordable.
  • It is easy to clean glass units using paint remover RP 6. This chemical composition You need to apply it thickly to the surface and wait 10 minutes, after which the protective tape will begin to swell literally before your eyes. Before cleaning plastic windows from film, you should wear glasses and gloves; alkali and glue residues can be washed off with soapy water.

Many owners PVC double glazing They make a grave mistake - they try to remove the protective tape using a solvent.
The fact is that the film will still remain on the bags, but the profile will be hopelessly damaged.

How to wash plastic windows

Moreover, there are also several washing methods, here are the most effective:

  • Using spray, rag and paper;
  • Using a screed and sponge.

Now let's look at each of these methods.

Spray washing rags and paper

This method can be used if the surface is not too dirty.

For it we will need:

  • Clean cotton fabric;
  • Window cleaner with spray nozzle;
  • Water container;
  • Paper napkins.

The instructions for washing windows using this method are quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to take a small amount of warm water into a container and wet a rag. The fabric should be wrung out so that it is damp but not wet.
  • Then use a rag to wipe off the dirt from the window.
  • After this, you need to distribute the spray over the surface in a zigzag motion.
  • Next, the surface should be washed with a dry piece of cloth.
  • The obtained result must be secured by wiping the surface with newspapers or paper napkins.

Cleaning windows with a screed and sponge

This method is especially good if you cannot get to the windows with your hands or need to reach them. In this case, you can use a coupler with a handle 25-30 cm long. With this cleaning, there will be no streaks or stains on the glass.

For this procedure you should prepare:

  • Any dishwashing detergent;
  • Screed with sponge for cleaning windows long handle;
  • Clean piece of cloth;
  • Water container.

Pictured is a window cleaning screed

The cleaning itself is performed as follows:

  • First of all, a cleaning solution is made - a couple of drops detergent for two liters of water.
  • Then you need to dip a sponge into the solution and squeeze it out so that the water does not drain from it.
  • Wash with circular movements, focusing Special attention corners and edges of the product, as dirt and dust accumulate most there.
  • Then you need to take clean water into the container. warm water, dip the screed into it and run it along the entire length of the surface.
  • After this, wipe the clean surface with a dry cloth using horizontal movements from left to right. In this case, it is necessary to remove the water that has collected at the bottom of the window.

Corners and hard-to-reach areas can be wiped with a piece of cloth or paper towels.


All of the above methods have already been tested several times; they will allow you to remove not only the old film, but also the glue from double-glazed windows. There shouldn't be any particular difficulties. You need to finish the procedure by washing the windows, after which they will shine and allow sunlight to pass through unhindered.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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