A beautiful body is of great importance not only in terms of aesthetics, but also self-confidence. Let's look at how to remove back fat, which exercises are the most effective, as well as nutrition tips for this problem.

Why do folds appear on the back?

Excess weight is the cause of an unhealthy lifestyle in 80% of complaints: little activity, poor diet, sedentary work, etc. The back is one of the most problematic areas of the body, because... in most cases, she does not receive the necessary physical activity on her muscles.

Just as fat settles around your waist, it can also settle on your back. Side folds, roundness around the bra and ridges on the lower back begin to appear (especially with an apple-type figure). It doesn't make any girl attractive. If liposuction is not an option for you, then you need to first adjust your diet, and then focus on exercise.

Advice from nutritionists on nutrition for back weight loss:

  1. Instead of buying expensive Goji berries and other drugs, simply reduce the amount of fat in your daily food;
  2. Avoid starchy foods and light carbohydrates (sweets, ice cream, soda);
  3. Completely eliminate smoked and fried foods from your diet;
  4. Eat as much fresh greens, vegetables and fruits as possible per day. This is possible at any time of the year;
  5. Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day - the liquid will help flush out excess fats and cholesterol from the body.

Video: upper back workout

Exercises to remove back fat

Bodybuilding offers the most effective physical exercises, but it is not suitable for everyone in terms of physical fitness and health status. We offer an easier set of effective aerobic exercises that will help you quickly remove fat from your waist, abdomen and back. Before starting training, you need to make a clear plan, otherwise the result will be delayed a little:

  1. You need to do 5 workouts per week, the average time they should take is from 150 to 300 minutes. Yes, a lot, but quickly - in a month the back will tighten and muscle relief will appear;
  2. In addition to regular physical activity, devote enough time to additional ones. Cycling, running, boxing, swimming work well;
  3. Twice a week you need to massage the fat folds. Massaging with a simple medical glass or silicone jar will be an indispensable assistant here. If you don’t have one, then at least actively wipe the problem area with a massage washcloth in the shower made from hard natural materials;
  4. The house is not only a haven for body and soul, but also an excellent free gym. A great workout for your arms and shoulders is washing windows; even once a week, such exercises will help you tighten your fat deposits. The same goes for ironing and mopping the floor.

At home, simple steps will help remove excess fat in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, arms and back pushups. You need to lie parallel to the floor, transfer your weight to your hands. Now you need to go all the way down. Stay in this position for a while, then return to the starting position. Repeat 12 – 20 times depending on your preparation. Make sure that a straight line is formed from the neck to the lower back.

If it is difficult for you to perform classic push-ups, then you can simplify them a little. Get on your knees, lower your body to the floor, lean on your hands. Now lift your upper body on your arms, repeat 20-25 times. Make sure your knees don't leave the floor.

After this you can start row with your hands. Rowing is a great way to relieve tension in your arms after doing push-ups. Actively swing clockwise and counterclockwise (alternately) for 3-5 minutes.

Fitball– an excellent home way to remove subcutaneous fat in any area of ​​the body. You need to put the ball and lie face down on it. Then reach the floor with your toes, feet together, arms hanging freely. From this position, try to lift your upper body. The exercise should be done slowly, pausing a little at each point. It is quite difficult, but you need to repeat it at least 12 times, do two approaches.

Photo – Fitball against back fat

The good old fashioned way will help you lose weight mill. To do this, you need to stand in the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands free. Now, simultaneously with bending, you need to make circular movements with your hands, repeat for a minute.

Photo – Exercise mill

For this exercise you will need light dumbbells, at least half a kilogram each. Take them in your hands, stand in a shoulder-width position, and then lift the dumbbells to the ceiling. Repeat 15-20 times, do two approaches.

Another option using dumbbells– get on your knees, place one hand on the floor, and take a dumbbell with the other. Then raise your arm from the dumbbells up so that a right angle is formed between your back and arm, repeat 10-12 times on each arm. This method will not only help pump up your back, but also give strength to your biceps and improve the condition of your chest.

A good way to remove back fat is exercises with expander. There are two options for using this simulator: stretch it between your hands as in the photo, or fasten it to the bed, support yourself with your feet and pull the elastic band towards you. Repeat 20 to 25 times, two approaches.

Photo – Exercises with an expander

In a short time, you can pump up your abdominal muscles and remove folds from your back with a simple exercise: lie on the floor, face down. Now you need to raise your torso to the maximum height you can. Hold your body in this position for a few seconds, repeat 10 times. Preferably with several approaches.

In addition to the above complex, we also advise you jump rope- This is a great way to quickly tone your muscles and lift your spirits. Just to get results you need to jump for at least 3 minutes.

Photo – Exercise for the back

Other methods remove fat from shoulder blades and lower back:

  1. Make seaweed wraps;
  2. Walk a lot, you need to walk at a fast pace from 2 to 5 kilometers a day to achieve our goal;
  3. Sign up for dancing, at any age, such training will help you tighten your skin and body, remove cellulite and develop stretching;
  4. Use anti-cellulite scrubs and oils in the shower - they will speed up the process of resorption of fat folds.

All classes must be regular, otherwise there will be no effect. Write in the reviews your recommendations on how you were able to remove fat from your back.

Back fat is an unpleasant phenomenon that prevents you from wearing tight-fitting clothes, as well as feeling discomfort while wearing bras and swimsuits. In this case, you need to think about how to remove the folds on your back, choose the most suitable method for yourself and become beautiful and attractive again.

The reason for the appearance of fat and folds on the back

This problem is always accompanied by an increase in overall body weight. There are no known cases where folds of fat near the shoulder blades and spine were formed in the presence of an elastic, toned abdomen. The most common reasons for the appearance of extra centimeters on the back are:

  • Improper, irregular nutrition, consumption of harmful, fatty foods;
  • Lack of exercise;
  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Weak muscles;
  • Smoking, alcohol;
  • In women with large hips and folds on the sides;
  • In men and women, the presence of back fat is explained by a hereditary factor (the same problem was observed in close or distant relatives).

Lack of exercise most often leads to the appearance of ridges on the sides and back. Over time, this leads to the accumulation of fat in the neck, which further spoils a person's appearance.

Proper nutrition or sports: which method is more effective and faster?

Having noticed folds on your body, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to make every effort to get rid of them. Physical activity will be most effective if you combine it with proper nutrition, rich in all the necessary vitamins and microelements. This is how the weight loss process will go faster, without leaving stretch marks and sagging skin.

Important! According to experts, the body always gets rid of extra centimeters on the back first, so removing fat in this area will not be difficult.

Exercises to help you lose weight in your back

A set of special exercises will help you add beautiful texture to your back, make it more toned and neat. Depending on the place where you play sports, as well as physical fitness, it can be adjusted based on many related factors.

A set of exercises for the gym

  1. Treadmill;
  2. Stepper;
  3. Exercise bike;
  4. Elliptical trainer.
  5. Rowing machine

Important! All exercises that will help remove fat from the back and sides can be done only two hours after eating.

Exercises to do at home

At home, to achieve the desired result, you can perform the following set of exercises:

  1. Push-ups on a flat surface. You need to lie parallel to the floor, leaning on your straight arms. When bending your elbows, try to get as close to the floor as possible, making sure that your back and knees remain straight. Perform at least 15 repetitions 3-4 times a day;
  2. Swing your arms in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise. The exercise is performed while standing on the floor for 4 minutes;
  3. Movement of the body in a circle with different amplitudes. Feet are shoulder-width apart, hands are placed on hips or locked behind the head. Repeat at least 20 times in one direction and the other;
  4. Lie on your stomach, straightening your legs and arms, simultaneously raise them and lower them, trying to stay in the air for a few seconds. During this exercise, the arms can be placed along the body, head, placed to the sides, placed below the shoulder blades;
  5. While lying on your stomach, straighten your legs and arms along your head. Take turns raising your right leg and left arm. Actions are performed diagonally 10 times on each side.

Do push-ups slowly

Reference! If your physical fitness level is too low, it is acceptable to perform push-ups on your knees.

This is a more difficult version of exercise 5

Dumbbells will help make your workouts more varied:

  • Stand straight, bend your knees slightly, holding dumbbells in your hands, straighten them parallel to the floor (one forward, one back). Change hands, holding them in the air for a few seconds;
  • Kneeling, we rest one hand on the floor, and lift the other hand from the dumbbells to the side as high as possible. We perform repetitions 10 times for both sides;
  • We take an even position, take dumbbells in our hands, lift them up and rotate them clockwise along the body 10-12 times.

Exercises with dumbbells for the back

If you want to remove back fat, regularly ride a bike, run in the mornings or evenings, go swimming, dancing. Make it a habit to walk at least 3 km a day.

Poll: How do you combat back fat?

Video exercises

Removing folds and fat from the back with nutrition

The main principle of the diet in question is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet.

Attention! Carbohydrates are converted into subcutaneous fat in the body. The key to successful weight loss is the complete exclusion of sweets.

Prohibited foods and drinks:

  1. Pasta;
  2. Potato;
  3. Loaf, cakes, buns;
  4. Candies, other sweets;
  5. Coffee, tea with sugar;
  6. Carbonated drinks;
  7. Fatty varieties of fish, meat;
  8. Smoked, highly salted, peppered dishes;
  9. Mayonnaise, ketchup, fatty sauces.

Care should be taken to make the menu varied, nutritious, and healthy. Fill it with vegetables, cereals, lean meat, fish, fruits, and berries. The body should never feel hungry.

Proper nutrition is the key to a strong and beautiful body

Among the acceptable food products, it is allowed to leave buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge, bread with bran, and boiled meat dishes. Fermented milk products are required. They will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating stagnant processes in the body.

Important! The daily diet should consist of at least 5 or 6 meals, which should be consumed in small quantities.

Other methods

Among the safe methods of getting rid of folds on the back are body wraps, sea salt scrubs, exercises with skipping ropes, a fitball, a roller, and an expander.


If you are thinking about how to remove fat folds on your back, try performing an anti-cellulite massage with a special sponge in the bathroom or seek help from a professional massage therapist. After each session, do not forget to use moisturizing lotions and creams.

Massage is not a very effective way to lose weight on your back.

When doing a massage at home, do not forget that too intense rubbing can injure the skin. The first procedures should be performed no longer than 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time with each subsequent time.


Liposuction of the back is an expensive but effective method of getting rid of excess fat. After preparatory measures, it is pumped out using a vacuum method, without injuring the skin and preventing skin sagging.

When planning to get rid of unsightly folds under the shoulder blades, do not forget that there is a group of people for whom this method is contraindicated:

  • With oncological and infectious diseases;
  • Hepatitis;
  • If you have problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Children under 18 years of age;
  • Pregnant;
  • People with poor blood clotting;
  • Elderly.

To prevent the formation of folds on your back, lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. Do not forget that only a set of such actions can make your figure slim and beautiful.

Photos taken from wikihow, google

Fat deposits are not always evenly distributed throughout the human body; there are areas in which fat accumulates in larger quantities and more quickly. Usually this is the stomach, sides, butt and thighs, but often the most problematic area is the back, on which completely unattractive folds form. This is very visible under clothes, the folds clearly stand out and negatively affect the appearance. It is possible to fight back fat, and this is done both using standard methods and using specialized exercises and tools.

Why excess fat is deposited on the back: reasons

Observing fat folds on the back in some (or in yourself), the question involuntarily arises: how do they appear and why is fat deposited in this particular area? It is worth noting that such accumulation of deposits is one of the signs of obesity, and this is not observed in thin people. This area suffers the most during sedentary work, since in such a situation the back becomes the most vulnerable area due to the lack of normal load on this area. These deposits look like “wing” folds on the sides, on the lower back, and under the arms. Women often develop unsightly ridges when fastening their bras.

The causes of any obesity can be the following factors and various combinations of them:

  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • poor diet, rich in sweets, baked goods, fatty and fried foods;
  • incorrectly constructed diet and drinking regimen;
  • disturbances of normal metabolism in the body;
  • hormonal imbalances (back fat often appears in women during menopause);
  • severe and frequent stressful conditions.

Deposits can form in different volumes in different parts of the body; for some, folds on the back form first, and for others only after a strong increase in the area of ​​the abdomen and hips - these are individual characteristics of the distribution of adipose tissue. Sometimes there may be sagging skin on the back - this often occurs after severe weight loss. When stretched skin is simply unable to recover on its own.

Diet will help you lose weight and remove fat deposits

In order for fat to actively disappear, physical activity alone is simply not enough. By pumping up your muscles, but without adjusting your lifestyle and nutrition, you can achieve an even greater increase in volume due to the growth of muscle mass. To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to a healthy diet. Strict systems will not work here; you should not put too much stress on the body.

An excellent solution would be a low-carbohydrate diet, which involves reducing carbohydrate intake and eating them only in the first half of the day. Allowed sources of carbohydrates include whole grain bread and pasta, bran, and fiber. You need to eat in small portions, 5 times a day, excluding all foods harmful to the body, including fatty, smoked, fried, flour, etc. The last meal should be taken no later than two hours before bedtime, and consist of proteins .

Cardio at home will make your waist look slimmer

Any good workout should include a block of cardio exercises; these are the exercises that help, while strength exercises are necessary to tone the muscles. Only in combination will it be possible to achieve a toned body and beautiful relief. The group of cardio exercises can include everything that involves active and intense exercises that force the whole body to constantly work and breathe properly and deeply. For the back, first of all, regular jumping rope will be useful. In addition to fighting fat, this exercise improves your mood, which is very important when losing weight. For a good result, you need to jump every day for at least three minutes, gradually increasing this period.

Another effective method is running, and you can implement it both in the fresh air and on a treadmill in the gym or at home. In the second case, it is better to give preference to mechanical track models, since you will have to make more effort to move, and this is useful. A good cardio-type workout would be dance workouts (for example, Zumba, which is popular today) and swimming in the pool.

How to remove fatty foods with exercise

Getting a good result in losing weight is a long and persistent complex work, which involves the use of several mandatory approaches at once, including, of course, targeted exercises necessary to work the muscles of the back and waist. The following exercises are perfect for this and can be successfully performed at home:

  • classic push-ups perfectly work the arms and shoulder blade area. To get a good result, while lowering a straight body, you need to stay in this tense position for a few seconds, and only then rise. If this is too difficult to implement, then first you can hold the body not on your toes, but on your knees;
  • exercises on a fitball. The most effective exercise for working out your back is the following: you need to lie on the ball approximately in the middle of your body, touch your toes to the floor, and lower your face and upper body down. With your hands behind your head, you need to lift your body from this position, lingering at the highest point. This is a difficult exercise, but very effective. It must be performed at least 10 times;
  • the mill is familiar to everyone - feet shoulder-width apart, body tilted forward, arms straightened in different directions, you need to alternately touch the opposite foot. Recommended execution time is one minute;
  • back stretching exercise with an expander. You need to stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and fix one side of the expander with your feet. The second part is in the hands, and in this position you need to carefully lean forward as you inhale, and as you exhale return to the starting position. You should try not to round your back, this will reduce the load. The number of repetitions is 20, several series can be made;
    twisting turns of the body alternately to the right and left;
  • yoga exercise called locust. You need to lie face down on the floor, straighten your arms along your torso and legs. It is necessary to simultaneously raise both the legs and the front part of the body as high as possible, and stay in this position for as long as possible.

Video training for back fat under the shoulder blade

This video demonstrates specialized exercises for the arms and upper back that will help overcome fat deposits in the shoulder blade area. Just 10 minutes - and you will have the most valuable knowledge to combat the problem.

Video: removing cellulite from the back, shoulders and arms

To cope with fat deposits on the back and in the upper body in particular, and at the same time also work on the legs, we recommend watching this video. The short master class is full of information about the most effective exercises that will allow you to quickly get in shape.

How to go to the gym to lose fat

For those who are going to the gym, it is important to understand that you shouldn’t just go there and try all the machines. The training program must be structured correctly, taking into account all problem areas that must be worked out first. To do this, it is recommended to order the development of such a program from a professional, or sign up not just for training, but for training with a trainer.

The most effective exercises to combat back fat are:

  • pull-ups;
  • exercises with dumbbells. For example, put one knee on a bench, take a dumbbell in the opposite hand and lift it while bending the elbow upward - in this position the area of ​​the shoulder blades should be well worked;
  • renegade craving. To perform this exercise, you need to sit in a standard push-up position. The right leg is placed slightly to the side, the left hand rests on the dumbbell, and the right hand takes a device of the same weight. The dumbbell should be lifted up with the elbow bent to the maximum level. This method gives an extensive load and allows you to target your back;
  • pull of the block to the stomach.

You shouldn’t bypass the cardio room; you can safely visit the exercise machines, the benefits of which have already been described above.

Massage will help burn fat on the back near the armpits

Massage when losing weight is extremely important to achieve noticeable results from your workouts. Such procedures increase blood flow in the problem area, stimulate the outflow of excess fluid and improve the condition of the skin. In combination with warming wraps, this is simply an irreplaceable method. Anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage or vacuum massage can be performed in every good massage parlor, the main thing is that the procedure is carried out by a specialist - this way you can minimize any harmful consequences.

You can perform a self-massage at home using a roller track massager. It should be placed on the desired area of ​​the back (the neck area can also be treated) and pulling movements should be made in both directions alternately. It is not only simple, but also pleasant.

Swimming will remove fat from the lower and upper back

Swimming generally has a positive effect on the body, even if a person does not have a goal to lose weight. In any case, such an activity will lead to the expenditure of a large number of calories, the activation of metabolic processes and the load on the muscles. If you use the pool as one of the ways to remove fat folds from the back, then the goal will undoubtedly be achieved.

The swimmer experiences a significant load on his back, which allows him to quickly tone his muscles and acquire beautiful relief. This method has a huge advantage over other physical activities: water evenly distributes the load across the entire spine, which allows even those people who are significantly overweight, which is contraindicated for other sports, to exercise. And due to the effect of so-called hydro-weightlessness, performing exercises in water will be easier. To get good and quick results, you need to exercise in the pool for an hour and a half at least a couple of times a week.

How to remove back fat in women? It is difficult to get rid of fat deposits in the back area. The fat folds under the shoulder blades, which girls jokingly call “cupid's wings,” are one of the most difficult to reach problem areas.

For women, pregnancy becomes the main concern. During this period, to protect the fetus from the cold and as an additional supply of nutrition. But there are other prerequisites for the appearance of extra pounds.

Insufficient physical activity

The main reason for the appearance of fat on any part of the body is the lack of physical activity on the muscles. Back fat is deposited in women who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Due to the fact that the back muscles are rarely used during sedentary work, excess weight quickly appears in this area, and then folds form.

Poor nutrition

Due to the abundance of sweets, flour and fatty foods in the diet, excess weight accumulates quickly, and coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, various heart problems develop, the appearance of fat deposits in the back, abdomen, and sides. This spoils a woman’s appearance and has a detrimental effect on her health.

If you are overweight, the load on your joints, heart, and kidneys increases. Overeating and late-night snacking further aggravates the situation.


Diseases of the adrenal glands can cause the formation of back fat. Disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands, which secrete hormones and support protein-fat metabolism, lead to the formation of a hump. This is very dangerous, you need to get rid of the hump, otherwise it will lead to serious consequences.

How to remove back fat?

Based on the reasons that provoked the accumulation of fat, complex therapy for excess weight is developed. The emphasis is on organizing proper nutrition, and exercises and massage tighten the skin and tone the muscles.

In particularly advanced cases, they resort to liposuction.


  • Of course, the first step in getting rid of fat in the desired area of ​​the body is to pay attention to exercise, preferably cardio. Removing fat from the back will help the whole body, because if there are fat deposits on the back, then they are probably present on the stomach and sides.
  • An excellent way to get rid of fat on the back and sides is. The effect will come quite quickly, and you can perform this exercise without looking up from watching your favorite series or show. This method is well suited for women who do not have time to go to the gym.
  • Swimming will help remove fat from your back and belly. And if in the cold season it is quite problematic, then you can go there all year round.
  • You also need to stretch your back with exercises. Familiar slopes are best suited for this. You need to perform the exercises while standing on the floor, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend your torso in different directions until strong tension appears in the muscles of your back and abdomen. This will help in women and reduce the waist.


No exercise will bring instant results without proper nutrition. Flour is excluded from the diet, because only flour products affect the accumulation of fat in the back area. You can remove fat from your back and abdomen only by following a properly formulated diet. If you do not want to get saggy skin or an overly inflated body, then you should lose weight gradually by doing exercises to maintain your body shape.

The number of calories consumed per day is reduced. Replace bread with crispbread, sweets with fruit, add fresh vegetables to your diet, write down each meal in a notebook and count calories.


By doing exercises and following a diet, you can additionally apply. To perform a massage correctly, it’s a good idea to know a couple of rules:

  • You only need to perform a massage for weight loss in a clockwise direction;
  • During the massage, you should feel a slight burning sensation and redness in the area performed;
  • Massage using special modeling creams will increase the effect of the procedure;
  • There should be no pain during the massage;
  • You need to massage your stomach and back only an hour or two after your last meal; it is better to do the exercises on an empty stomach in the morning, so you will achieve the best results;
  • The massage is performed while lying down, relax your whole body and start kneading the fat; it is unlikely that you will be able to do a massage on your back on your own; it is better to ask someone close to you or contact a professional massage therapist;
  • The massage can be performed using pinch movements for 10-15 minutes, as well as using cups that are attached to the body and rotated clockwise for 5 minutes;
  • In the shower, you can use a washcloth to rub in circles for a few minutes on areas where oil accumulates to increase blood flow.


Surgery is a last resort in getting rid of fat; without diet and exercise, the effect will last a short time. helps visually get rid of fat, but does not affect the cause. The operation requires the woman to be in good general health and have firm skin. It is present, so recovery after surgery and wearing compression garments is mandatory.

Your feedback on the article:

You've lost fat on your sides, toned your arms, and even an Olympic runner would envy your legs... But what about those folds of fat on your back that stick out and give the impression that you're wearing a bra that's too small?

I have prepared several exercises that will make your back slender, graceful and toned.

Their main advantage is that they do not require expensive training equipment.

Well, it's time to say goodbye! hated fat folds!

1. Push-ups

My personal trainer once called push-ups “the ultimate exercise.” And although they are best for training your arms, they are also great for tightening sagging skin on your back.

The main thing is to follow the execution technique.

Keep your body straight from your heels to your head and do not raise your hips.

Try to do 12-20 repetitions in 2 sets.

2. Rowing machine

If you use a rowing machine correctly, it will become an excellent assistant in working on a slender back.

As with push-ups, the key to success is proper technique: don't lean your body back while performing the exercise.

Pull the handle of the exercise machine towards the middle part of the body - this will allow you to work the muscles of the abdomen, core and arms.

3. Raising your arms on a fitball

The exercise is not difficult, but it won’t seem like an easy walk either!

Lie face down on the exercise ball so that it is under your chest. Bring your legs together and place your toes on the floor.

Lower your arms freely in front of you, and then slowly raise them so that your body takes on the shape of the letter “Y”.

Hold the position for 10 seconds and then return to the starting position.

Do 12 lifts in 2 sets.

4. Chest Pull-Ups

This is a truly difficult exercise, but if you want to get rid of fat folds on your back, then you can’t do without it!

When performing pull-ups, hold the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing you), and bend and cross your legs to prevent them from swinging during the movement.

Try to do 12 reps in 2 sets, although I barely managed 10.

5. Bent-over dumbbell flyes

Take a pair of light dumbbells, stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Lean forward at a 45° angle.

Without bending your arms, slowly raise them to the sides.

You should feel tension in your shoulders and upper back.

Do 2 sets of 12 reps.

Muscle burning is guaranteed!

6. Reverse push-ups

I use a coffee table for reverse push-ups, but you can also do them against any other solid, stable object.

Sit with your back to the table and rest your hands on its edge, thus supporting your body weight.

Slowly extend your arms to rise up, then bend again to lower your torso.

The exercise will work your triceps, tone your forearms, shoulders, and also tighten the hated fat folds on your back.

Perform 12 push-ups in 2 sets.

A very fun exercise that my daughter loves to do with me.

Lie on your stomach and stand up completely with your arms extended forward. This is the "I" position.

Bringing your shoulder blades together, lift your arms off the floor about 15 cm, hold them in this position for 10 seconds, and then slowly lower them.

Now spread your arms to the sides so that your body takes the shape of the letter “Y”, lift them again from the floor the same distance, hold for 10 seconds, and then lower them.

Have you already guessed what the “T” position will look like? Well done! Place your arms to the sides and do the same movements.

Repeat the above cycle 6-10 times.

Let's adjust the classic plank a little so that the emphasis shifts to the back muscles.

Lie on your stomach and get into a plank position, supporting yourself on your toes and forearms.

Keep your body in a straight line without raising or lowering your pelvis.

Now spread your forearms slightly to the sides and bring your shoulder blades together.

Hold the position for as long as possible. Do you feel tension in your upper back and core muscles? Great!

Do the exercise 3 times.

9. Boxing punches

Don't worry, you don't have to learn boxing or buy a punching bag!

All you have to do is simply imitate the blows, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in your palm.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your hands to chest level, holding the selected apparatus in one of them. Throw your “weighted” arm forward as if you were punching a punching bag.

Do 12-15 repetitions and then perform the movements with the other arm.

Over time, as you get stronger, increase the weight of the equipment to maintain your results.

10. "Superman"

Feel like a real superhero, ridding your back of unsightly fat folds!

Lie face down on the mat. Keeping your head level with your shoulders, lift your arms and legs off the floor a few inches, hold for 2 seconds, and then return to the starting position.

This is one repetition.

It's all very simple, isn't it?

11. Raising your arms against the wall

Stand with your back to the wall, pressing your buttocks, shoulders and head firmly against it. Place your arms straight out to the sides at shoulder level, lift them up above your head, hold for a few seconds, and then return to the original position.

12. Bar with body lowering

There are a huge number of plank options, and all of them are great for training your back.

Take the starting position of a classic plank, then lower your torso slightly, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.

Repeat several times.

13. Hyperextension

The exercise is not easy, but it guarantees amazing results!

Incorporate hyperextensions into your training program once you get a little stronger.

Lie face down on the floor, place your arms along your body, palms up, and pull your stomach in.

Lift your head and chest off the floor (your gaze should be directed downward throughout the entire exercise), raise your arms and place them behind your back.

Maintain the position for 20 seconds.

Repeat 3 times.

Now you know what exercises to include in your training program so that your back becomes slim and sexy, and you can wear the most daring and revealing dresses without embarrassment!

Which exercise will you try first?

How are you going to show off your graceful back to others?

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.