Entrepreneurial life is full of exciting events, emotions and interests. In addition, a properly organized business allows a person to feel free and realize almost any dream.

A career as a dealer is a great start in any industry. This is invaluable experience and a moderate initial investment rolled into one. It’s worth noting right away that if there is a clear goal, supported by wild perseverance, then anyone can master this specialty.

Publication plan: How to become a dealer

Who is a dealer

A dealer is a person who acts as an intermediary between end consumers and product manufacturers.

The profession of a dealer has a number of features that skillfully follow from the definition:

· The main responsibility of the dealer is to resell the purchased products.

· The connection with the manufacturer is strong and inextricable, which allows you to have privileges and discounts.

· The goods are purchased using the dealer’s personal capital and sold on his behalf.

· Finding customers and expanding the sales market is one of the main prerogatives of a dealer.

The majority of all dealers organize their activities according to one of three models:

1. Represent the securities market. Professionally participate in auctions on the market. Here, high profit borders on a high level of risk. Therefore, engaging in this area requires specialized training and practical experience.

2. They use the classic wholesale and retail system for promoting and selling the manufacturer’s products.

3. They represent giant companies and at the same time receive bonuses for attracting new consumers and developing new markets for product promotion.

Important! A successful official dealer first chooses his industry, where he will be interested and comfortable working, and then looks for an appropriate company. A mediocre dealer does the opposite.

The main advantages of working as a dealer

· Tremendous support from the manufacturer.

· Training in all business processes, as well as full support at all stages of work.

· Prospects for further development and creation of your own successful business project.

· Large companies are interested in developing new regions and territories, and therefore are happy to provide favorable conditions for mutual cooperation.

· Opportunity to receive quality products at the best prices.

Important! A successful dealer career is 90% dependent on the right supplier. Therefore, the reputation of the company is everything.

Criteria to become a dealer

· Competent business plan.

· Stable financial situation.

· Experience, experience and more experience.

· Demand for selected products in the selected region.

· Technical equipment.

· Staff.

· Investment opportunity.

· Desire to grow and develop.

Minimum package of documents for a beginning dealer

· Dealer charter (for a legal entity).

· Memorandum of association (if any).

· Certificate of registration with the tax service, as well as a document confirming state registration.

· Personal documents of the manager.

· Documentation that grants a person the right to use the premises for the sale of products (purchase and sale agreement, lease, sublease, etc.).

· Bank details.

On the selection of priority territories

Good companies are always interested in reliable partners who are able to competently promote their products. However, as a rule, this interest has a strict geographical criterion. Therefore, a person has every chance of obtaining dealer status if he agrees to develop a priority region for the company and is ready for a change of environment and place of residence.

Naturally, you can develop at your place of residence, but if the dealer network in this territory is well established (the number of active dealers will be high), then it will be problematic to achieve normal results and rapid career growth.

The main stages of becoming a dealer

· General analysis of all market segments and choice of profile.

· Determining demand for a product.

· Diagnostics of free market sectors and undeveloped consumer groups.

· Selection of manufacturer and detailed study of the conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation.

· Study of the dealer's job description.

· Documentary consolidation of partnership relations with the manufacturer.

· Selection and implementation of product promotion and promotion strategies.

· Work on expanding sales and attracting new target audiences.

I would like to note that some companies are so interested in cooperation with dealers that they are ready to provide favorable conditions that practically do not require initial investment investments. The main thing is to have the desire and search a little.

Who is a distributor

The term distributor is usually understood as a large trading company that makes bulk purchases of goods at preferential rates with subsequent sales in regional market territories according to the conditions stipulated in the cooperation agreement with the manufacturer. The distributor is one position below the manufacturer in trading rank, and therefore rarely has a direct connection with direct consumers.

A distributor differs from dealers and wholesalers in that it has a concluded agreement with the manufacturer establishing mutual rights (sole rights to the product in the selected region, use of the manufacturer’s brand, deferred payment, etc.) and obligations (large volume of purchases, warranty service for the product, etc. ).

Distributors arise due to one of two factors:

1. The retail network is developed by the manufacturer and thereby finances the development of a new market.

2. A large dealer or wholesaler company reaches a high level of development that allows it to sell goods to its own target audience.

It is impossible to become a distributor without preliminary negotiations with the manufacturer, since factors such as:

· Share of the conquered market.

· Sales level for various reporting periods.

· Reputation of the dealer in a busy area.

Important!The main value of a distributor is not in its material and technical equipment, but in its established target customer base. Without this, high initial investments can play a cruel joke and not live up to expectations.

How to become a distributor

· Creation of reliable sales channels.

· Submitting an application (resume) for a vacancy describing personal data and work experience in the chosen field.

· Personal meetings and discussion of cooperation details.

· Choosing a method of partnership (remote or regular, carried out within one locality).

· Legal registration of the company and start of work.

In practice, any type of cooperation for a distributor is beneficial if the business plan is correctly developed and the nuances are taken into account.

Who is a sales representative

A sales representative is an intermediary who cooperates with suppliers and consumer outlets at the same time. The whole essence of his work is reduced to the following actions:

· Promotion of goods in a certain territory.

· Development of an existing customer base.

· Expanding the sales market by attracting new consumers.

· Work with orders (control of deadlines, payment and other essential conditions).

Important!A sales representative organizes his activities according to the following principle: more consumers - higher percentage of remuneration. Therefore, you should be especially careful when choosing products and working with clients.

How to become a sales representative

1. Selecting an area of ​​activity where there are key concepts or basic skills.

2. Search for a company working in a suitable direction.

3. Selection of the main product, which can subsequently be supplemented with related products.

4. Documentation of transactions with consumers.

5. Expansion of the sales market and the range of products offered.

The process of becoming a successful sales representative is both simple and difficult at the same time. The point here is that each region, product, supplier and many other key factors leave their mark. To ensure your career development happens as quickly as possible, you should never stop learning and improving your business skills. Good luck!

How to become a dealer: 5 mandatory requirements + tips for choosing a business area + 3 steps to the goal.

How to become a dealer?

Contrary to popular belief, not only “business giants” can ask this question.

Many newcomers to the field of entrepreneurship would not refuse to have stable ground “under their feet” in the form of an experienced and reliable company, and to develop thanks to such support.

It is important to understand an essential detail: the dealer does not simply resell the goods of the employing company.

Its goal is to thoughtfully and efficiently present the products of the “parent” company, properly prepare the client base for the perception of the newly arrived product, and take care of the reputation and promotion of the brand.

Who is a dealer: detailed explanation

A dealer is an employee, often of huge corporations. The purpose of his work is to expand the sales market for products in new regional centers.

An uninformed reader may compare the work of a dealer with the activities of a speculative business. However, this opinion absolutely does not correspond to reality.

The dealer plays the role of an independent entrepreneur in the market segment entrusted to him: he purchases products from only one manufacturer at wholesale prices, and then sells them without changing the brand.

At the same time, be sure to take into account all the subtleties of the marketing activities of the parent corporation.

The work of a dealer has some parallels with politics.

The leadership of a particular region can make independent decisions within their region.

However, regardless of the views and desires of local politicians, decisions on global issues necessarily coincide with national ones.

Likewise, the dealer chooses his own ways of doing business, but his marketing policy is necessarily subordinate to the “parent” entrepreneurial person

In recent years, the number of dealers in Russia has decreased.

First of all, this is due to the increase in the dollar exchange rate. Currency fluctuations are steadily leading to an increase in purchase prices for imported products.

To remain a successful player in the market or open your own dealership, at the current moment of economic instability it is important to have certain qualities.

What qualities should an applicant for the role of a dealer have?

When submitting your resume to the human resources department of a potential job for a dealer position, you need to understand the key question: what do employers expect from applicants?

List of mandatory requirements for dealers:

    Experience in business activities.

    Hiring a newbie is too risky.

    Moreover, if we are talking about reputable companies that require guarantees and the proper level of work performance from the very first days.

    Communication skills and high level of activity.

    A dealer is a very energy-intensive profession.

    To perform his duties efficiently, the applicant must demonstrate the abilities of a “great speaker” in the process of negotiations with partners.

    Also, the profession does not provide a clear work schedule.

    Therefore, you must be ready to perform your duties at any time of the day or night.

    Stress resistance.

    One of the decisive factors in almost any job.

    It is not for nothing that applicants most often indicate this quality in their resumes in the “about themselves” column.

    The work of a dealer will require even greater tolerance and self-control, because it is associated with constant emotional stress.

    Special requirements related to the distinctive features of the product being sold.

    At the same time, any peculiarities of doing business in the region where the future dealer operates are taken into account.

    What could become such requirements?

    The presence of an appropriate material base for placing goods, preparation of documentation for opening an LLC, decisions with sales points - all this can be taken into account by the employer.

    Interest in potential employment.

    This point seems self-evident.

    However, it is just as important as the other factors listed above.

    Enthusiasm sometimes plays a decisive role in solving difficult work-related situations.

If you think you meet all of these points, be happy for yourself!

You have every chance to become a successful dealer and develop both your business and promote your employer’s products.

How to choose the right business area?

In order to become a dealer, you must choose an employer company.

To do this, first of all, you need to determine the market segment that you want to represent.

When choosing a business area, you need to build on your personal experience and priority areas for your region.

There is another option: if you want to work with a specific company, you need to establish what its managers start from when expanding the geolocation of the business.

Let's look at the main potential goals:

Corporation GoalsWhat is required from the dealer?
The new representative office should be located in a region in which the company’s products have not previously been representedAnalysis of the regional sales market, competitors, demand for products sold. The dealer is obliged to take into account, first of all, the interests of the employer. If necessary, it is possible to move to another region, where organizing a business will lead to greater success.
Implement your marketing policy based on the dealership centerThe dealer's initial task is to present the product in accordance with the initial marketing plan. The highest task is to adapt the marketing plan to the client base.
High salesTo achieve such a complex goal, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities. The dealer must ensure uninterrupted supply of goods to properly organized own points of sale. Distribution of products by partner networks will also have a positive effect on sales volume.
Cooperation on an ongoing basisIt is important for the employer to understand that you will not leave him the moment you manage to establish the business at the proper level. Successful dealership activities are based on long-term cooperation and constant support.

Taking into account the features and specificity of the goals of the “parent” organizations, you should be thoughtful about the choice of the business area and company you represent.

Only a clear understanding of your goals and the experience to implement them will make your work as a dealer a success, not a failure.

The third option for determining your “dealer path” is to analyze your own capabilities.

For example, a legal entity that has connections in the desired sales market, points of sale, and authority in the market can apply for opening a dealership of a world-class company.

If you don’t have such a solid “starter kit”, consider a more modest employer that offers support in the initial stages of business development.

How to become a dealer: 3 steps to the goal

STEP 1: Find an employing company

The first step to becoming a dealer is finding an employer.

In this process, it is worth starting from your location; it is also worth taking into account the regional characteristics of doing business.

Instructions for finding an employer:

    Decide on your business area.

    Use one of the three options discussed in the previous section.

    Analyze the competition.

    Once the industry has been determined, analyze the market in your region for the presence of large representations of other top companies from the chosen line of business.

    For example, if you want to represent the automotive business sector, analyze the automobile market of your city (federal region).

    Suppose the selected region is “deprived of attention” by the automobile brand “Audi”. So a potential employer has been identified!

    Contact the company.

    After determining the organization whose interests you intend to represent, you need to contact the personnel department.

    In practice, this is done as follows: you find contacts of the nearest representative offices of the organization in your country, contact them, and clarify the details of cooperation.

    The second stage is contacting directly the main office + providing project documentation for.

    The final stage.

    If the employing company shows interest in you, representatives of the main (management) office will ask you to attend a meeting of responsible employees.

    The main task of the potential dealer is to confidently present his business plan at this meeting.

    After analyzing the possible expansion of business in your region, a final decision will be made.

At the initial stage of interaction, the potential dealer, to a large extent, demonstrates the skills of a marketer (effectively presenting his program for the development of the “parent” business in the region).

The second stage involves real actions to implement plans.

STEP 2: Registering a business

At its core, dealership activity is entrepreneurship.

It is very simple to explain - the dealer organizes his own separate enterprise through which he operates.

That is, a dealer is an employee who organizes a “work office” for himself and sets the rules for internal work in it.

The “paper” component of the process is .

Another form (for example, individual entrepreneur) is unacceptable.

Only a legal entity may be allowed to perform the functions of a dealer.

The dealer receives the status of a legal entity by organizing his own enterprise.

In its focus, it must correspond to the company represented. To do this, of course, the dealer must coordinate each step with management.

This is the only way the employer will be aware of the process of registering a representative business and will be able to control it.

To regulate the process, a cooperation agreement is concluded, which includes:

  • approval of product supply routes;
  • implementation plan + deadlines;
  • product promotion plan;
  • volumes of product purchases;
  • basic description of the cooperation scheme.

Example of a dealer agreement:

Registration of an LLC is carried out in three stages:

  1. The first stage: organizing the composition of the founders and accepting the charter agreement + opening a current account in the bank.
  2. The second stage: submitting an application with all the necessary amendments to the Federal Tax Service, which will register the organization for tax purposes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (register of legal entities).
  3. Third stage: practical implementation.

    This includes renting space, hiring employees, organizing the work process according to the employer’s requirements.

After concluding contracts and registering a legal entity, the dealer can begin selling goods on the market of the Russian Federation.

STEP 3: Sale of goods by a dealer

To ensure high-quality promotion of goods, the dealer can rely on the supplier.

The procedure for carrying out marketing campaigns is often described in the contract.

It is beneficial for every employer to help the dealer get comfortable with promoting products and properly organize the sales process.

At the first stages of supply and sales, the dealer can be assisted by a consultant who has more experience in relevant activities.

The dealer’s task, depending on the goals of the representative activity, may be:

  • In working on the scheme of distribution of products through retail chains, i.e. direct participation of the dealer in negotiations with market representatives.
  • In sales of goods through our own points of sale.
  • In combined activities: selling goods through our own networks + organizing agreements with partners.

Choosing one of these interaction patterns is a key factor in determining your future responsibilities as a dealer.

Some more information about who a dealer is and how to become one in the video:

A dealer is a unique profession, a type of entrepreneurial activity that requires the “employee” to be fully dedicated and interested in his work.

Considering this as a springboard for making a smooth transition to independent entrepreneurship is not entirely the right decision.

Cooperation with a supplier as a dealer involves impeccable obedience to the statutory policies of the parent corporation, without any opportunity to realize one’s ambitions in full.

The path to success as a dealer is to be willing to represent someone else's product with the same care and dedication that you would use to produce your own.

Moreover, the dealer is an important person in any large corporation.

You will become part of a large team, feel support “behind your back,” but will also receive high standards for the quality of your work.

If you have no questions left, how to become a leader, but only more determination has increased, start acting right now!

Thanks to the support of his “big brother,” even a novice entrepreneur is able to conquer heights that seem unattainable at first glance.

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Dealers are people who take goods in bulk for subsequent resale to sellers or stores individually or in small quantities (and not just drug dealers, as many are accustomed to believe). Most newcomers in this business do not want to make special investments: they are afraid of “burning out” if they suddenly don’t buy the product, there is not enough money to start, or other reasons, it doesn’t matter. For product owners, this desire is often not to their advantage, so there are not many options to implement their plans.

How to become a dealer without investment?

Method one - selling to order

Perhaps you have seen the “made to order” mark next to the indicated cost of the product in the price lists of online stores. It means that you must first deposit the full cost of the goods into the seller’s account, and only then, after some time, it will be transferred to you for use. If you look at the situation from a business point of view, it looks like this:

  • The dealer enters into an agreement with suppliers for the delivery of goods at the dealer price (in some cases it is possible to work without an agreement).
  • The product is offered for sale at the dealer's outlet. More precisely, not the product itself, but the lines in the price list and promotional materials.
  • Buyers are charged an advance payment, for which the dealer purchases goods from suppliers.
  • The purchased product is transferred to the buyer.

Please note that if you work according to the “made to order” scheme, it is better to cover the market segment of goods in the middle price group (5-20 thousand rubles). It will be easier for customers to buy cheap goods in a nearby supermarket, albeit at a slightly inflated price, but quickly and immediately. If the goods are too expensive, you will have to spend extra money on renting a good office or store. For example, the same car dealers, in order to impress customers, are forced to rent large areas for showrooms.

Method two - goods for sale

Many manufacturers provide for this type of cooperation. The dealer is given a certain time within which he must sell the product. After the established period, you will need to pay for the goods, and the amount will be 1-2% higher than if you paid everything at once, so the risk of “burning out” does not disappear. If you fail to meet the deadline, you will have to compensate suppliers for losses. Only in rare cases can the goods be taken back from you (the terms of return must be specified in the contract).

Method three - free testing

If the manufacturer with whom you are going to cooperate agrees to send free samples of their products so that you can try them “in combat conditions,” then you are very lucky. Most suppliers do not want to work according to this scheme, so the chance to check a product for free is extremely rare.

Method four – become an official representative of the company

By choosing this option, you will receive advertising, information and consulting support, assistance in development, trade organization and, most importantly, a guarantee that the product you are selling will be of interest to the end consumer. In addition, advertising specialists are involved in promoting the product, which saves you from having to do it yourself.

As you can see, it is quite possible to start a career as a dealer without investments, without risking anything (or almost nothing, as in the case of taking goods for sale) and without being obligated to anyone. Of course, you will have to put in a fair amount of effort, which will eventually have to pay off.

Readers' opinions

I read the title of the topic - “How to become a dealer?”, I don’t know about you, but I immediately have associations with drugs.

Qwer, I think that “test in combat conditions” means testing the product’s ability to arouse interest among consumers and its quality, of course, too. If consumers buy the first small batch of goods and speak well of it, then they can safely purchase an even larger batch (this time with their own money) and sell it without any problems. By the way, the dealer, thanks to free samples, can also study the characteristics of the product offered to him for sale.

The idea is good, but there are also a lot of risks. First of all, I think you should study the market and test the quality of the product. In this case, you need to thoroughly study the product you are selling. And only then offer implementation services. In general, it’s a troublesome task, but worth it.

There are risks everywhere. And even more so, dealers, but here usually dealers are not just ordinary people, but those who have been engaged in some kind of art for years. For example, a person who is a fan of paintings can easily become a dealer in this area, since this is his element, and he will not buy low-quality goods for a lot of money.

If you become a company representative, there will be control from the company, which will not have a very good effect on your desire to sell. But less and less is given for the sale of goods every year. If they provided children's goods for sale, I would open a store myself.

Many trading companies offer to become distributors or dealers only to their regular customers who have proven themselves on the positive side on the basis of an agreement concluded with them, but not a single foreign company will give goods for sale to a supplier they do not know; this is very risky for them.


For my dacha, I ordered different tools from the factory for cultivating the land. After payment, I was offered to become a dealer in my region. Unfortunately, at that time I could not do this, since I had just bought the product, and it was winter, and I did not test it in operation. Then it was already too late. I checked the markets specifically in the fall and they were already selling their goods with all their might.

Before becoming a dealer (that is, making a good investment financially and organizationally), it is wise to work as a sales agent (that is, the “made to order” option or something similar in essence). Thanks to this, sales tools will be formed and a circle of regular customers will be developed. And in general, you can feel confident in this sales market.

Dara, I was also offered to become a distributor through a company that distributes cosmetics, one of the cosmetic lines, but I was not satisfied with their working conditions. They have a sales plan, and hence bonuses and cash rewards, but this is acceptable for those who are free from other work, and this takes a lot of time.


I will be experimenting with different fertilizers this summer. If it works out, I might think about selling it. At the same time, I will conduct an experiment with film and polycarbonate. You can enter into an agreement for the sale of Svetlitsa’s film; this is still rare in our country. But I'm more interested in vermicompost. True, it is expensive and I’m not sure whether they will buy it in the villages.

Dara, why is he so good? It’s just that I also have a problem with flowers, they don’t grow well, they put out leaves, but they don’t bloom. I tried to make different soils, but it didn’t make any sense, they were still capricious. I read a lot of reviews about the HB101 fertilizer, but they do not send one or two packs, but only a batch.


Oh, about the flowers, it’s all chemistry. I bought flowers at the market for planting, they all bloom and are so beautiful and alive. But I planted them from the hypermarket, but they don’t bloom and even grow poorly. I think that initially you need to buy good planting material. Regarding dealership, it’s a good idea, especially now that many products are offered for sale, but it is important to take into account the demand in the region so as not to make a mistake with the niche.

And I have with car dealers. Everyone thinks to the extent of his depravity, as they say. But the “no attachments” label is not entirely appropriate for this topic. You need at least a retail outlet, which is what TS wrote about. And at first, few people will dare to pay you the full amount of the advance payment in the case of “to order” sales.

Angelica, vermicompost, and specifically even vermicompost contain all the necessary elements for plant nutrition. Plus, this soil is clean from all viral and fungal diseases. No pathogen develops in vermicompost. And now about the flowers. Flowering requires different conditions and the soil and its composition are not always to blame. Sometimes a cold winter is needed for flowering.

Zikam Stone, distributors or dealers, are the same sales workers who have their own property (store, warehouse, outlet), who decide to take a large batch of goods for sale, or purchase it immediately. As for sales agents, their task is to offer manufactured goods, conclude a supply agreement, and control the supply of this type of product. Therefore, in many ways, they have different functions. But both of them are united by the fact that they have a common task, which is to sell goods and find new customers.


Don’t think that I’m too picky about the little things, but I’m wondering if there are differences between a dealer and a distributor, I can’t even pronounce this word correctly. Why are the names different if the function is the same? Or is a dealer not a distributor?
I would like to test something for free, a walk-behind tractor for example: rolleyes: .

Dara, this is the same thing, it’s just that now many vacancies are borrowed from other languages, but in fact their meaning and functions do not change, i.e. a wholesale batch of products is taken from the company at one price, and then it is distributed to its clients, but with a preliminary markup . The company encourages those dealers who take an active part in promoting their products and periodically rewards them with a bonus system.


The most normal way is to take the goods for sale. Here the profit will depend only on you. If you simply become a representative of the company, you will receive a percentage of sales. He is usually not that tall. And it turns out that you are not running a business, but working for some company.

Dimcha.k, taking goods for sale may be the best way, but no one will simply, without checking you and making sure of your integrity and business viability, dare to entrust you with such a consignment of goods on which you can earn really good money. This is time, and quite a lot. But through a sales office, you can achieve success much faster, even if you don’t have complete freedom of action, especially if you choose the right product niche to work on.

The profession of a dealer is quite in demand and also allows you to make good money. Many people believe that dealers are full-time employees of manufacturing companies of certain products, but this opinion is erroneous.

A dealer is a business partner of a manufacturing company who promotes its products in a certain territory on a partnership basis.

A dealer can be called a businessman who makes money by selling partners’ products. Later in the article we will look in more detail at how to become a dealer, as well as what is required for this.

The essence of the dealer’s work is to promote the products of a certain manufacturing company, but it differs significantly from simple retail trade.

Unlike sellers, who can trade goods of a wide variety of brands, dealers have the right to act on behalf of the manufacturing company. And also sell products under its brand.

Close cooperation with the manufacturer gives the dealer many advantages, including:

  • Large companies often invest in the business development of their partners.
  • Brand advertising is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer.
  • Employees of the manufacturing company assist dealers in developing their own business, which makes it possible to gain invaluable experience and support, as well as quickly make the business profitable.

In fact, any legal entity that wants to sell the manufacturer’s products under the name of its brand can become a dealer.

At the same time, cooperation with the manufacturer can be carried out in several ways:

  1. The dealer carries out wholesale purchases of manufacturer's products, after which he sells them at an inflated price.
  2. The dealer becomes the official partner of the manufacturer, and also receives compensation for the sale of its products.

It is worth noting that each company sets its own rules for working with partners. Many large companies work precisely according to the second scheme. Small producers, most often, simply sell their products to intermediaries in bulk.

Official dealer of the manufacturer

Many companies engaged in the production of certain products do not have their own sales networks, but use the services of intermediaries called dealers.

In such situations, both the manufacturing company and the person acting as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the buyer benefit.

The company saves money on creating its own retail network by entrusting the sales work to relevant specialists, and dealers get the opportunity to quickly open their own business selling products of a well-known brand.

Although any seller can sell brand products, it is official dealers who cooperate directly with the manufacturer who receive products at the lowest cost, as well as the right to sell products under the manufacturer’s brand.

You can become an official dealer after participating in tenders held by large companies to select the best representative.

Required documents

To participate in the tender, it is necessary to provide the manufacturing company with a whole package of documents that will confirm the seriousness of the candidate’s intentions.

Filling out an application.

To participate in the competition you must submit the following documents:

  • constituent agreement and statutory documents of a legal entity;
  • documents confirming state registration of a legal entity and tax registration;
  • a document confirming that the head of the organization has the appropriate powers, as well as the passport details of the head;
  • certificate of ownership or lease agreement for commercial premises in which the sale of products will take place;
  • bank details of a legal entity.

There is no point in selling cars if a person has a passion for cooking. In such a situation, you can start promoting brands of relevant products.

You need to work only with brands that are close and interesting to a person. In such a situation, sales will grow, and interest in the business will not disappear even in the event of temporary setbacks.

Nowadays, almost anyone can become a dealer. The main thing in this matter is to find a suitable manufacturing partner, as well as to have the desire and ability to invest in your own business.

Modern people increasingly want to become independent from the state and strive to work for themselves. Opening your own business is not an easy task; in addition to collecting the necessary information and documentation, you must have initial capital. However, not everyone has the opportunity to collect the required amount of money; in this case, you can become an official dealer. Many people do not know this concept, but it is a common phenomenon abroad. Let's try to figure out what the word "dealer" means and why it is more preferable to work in this direction than to open your own business?

Who is a dealer?

Types of dealers

  • a dealer who is a participant in the securities market;
  • a dealer who purchases wholesale and sells products at retail;
  • a dealer who is a representative of the company, finds customers and receives a profit for this.

Working conditions as a dealer

To become a dealer , As a rule, it is necessary to have a stable financial position. If the candidate meets the following requirements, then he has the opportunity to be accepted into the team:

  1. Preference is given to candidates with experience in the company's field of activity.
  2. The dealer must have a business plan.
  3. The representative must be interested in the company's services/products and be results-oriented.
  4. The dealer must have the necessary equipment.
  5. The dealer must have the ability to invest in procurement/construction.

The company is interested in promoting its products in different regions, therefore, if a dealer network is already developed in the city of your choice, you may receive a refusal. The solution is to look for a new manufacturing company or move to a region that is not occupied for activities.

Documents required to work as a dealer

You can become a manufacturer's dealer if you have certain documents. For a legal entity this is:

  • Charter
  • If available, the memorandum of association.
  • Certificate of state and tax registration.
  • A document certifying the authority of the manager.
  • Premises rental agreement, if necessary.
  • If there is an agreement with a sub-dealer.
  • Manager's passport.
  • Bank details.

If the dealer is registered as an individual entrepreneur, then you only need to have an individual entrepreneur certificate and tax identification number.

Benefits of working as a dealer

Working as a dealer has many advantages compared to starting a business on your own, the main one being receiving an already advertised product. This means that there is no need to spend money and time on promoting a brand and promoting a new product to the masses; this has already been done by a higher-level partner company.

Another important reason to become a sales dealer is the ability to choose the product you work with. If you have an affinity for sports products, you will have no desire to deal with food products and vice versa. The main component of business success is the desire to do it, and not the need to earn money.

To become a dealer, you do not need to spend money on training; the company offers it for free. This is an excellent chance to learn from a company that has proven itself in the market. The manufacturer, as a rule, trains its dealers in the basics of successful sales, marketing, after-sales service - in a word, it helps to establish all the processes that are necessary to sell the product. This is a significant plus, since achieving the results of a large company on your own is very problematic, and it can take years. Various seminars, trainings, trips to other regions to learn new working methods and other events often take place, because the manufacturer is interested in the quality of the work of its dealers.

Also, the advantages of dealership include the possibility of selling goods at selling prices, which will be supplied by a higher-level company. Thanks to this, there is no need to search for points of purchase of the necessary goods.

Becoming a factory dealer means gaining company experience that has been acquired over the years. This may help in the future to open your own company, a new brand.

Many companies specifically resort to cooperation with dealers, since in this way they can promote goods to completely different regions of the country without spending a budget.

Where to find companies for cooperation?

The desire to become a dealer is not enough; for this you also need to find a company to cooperate with. There are two options here.

You can register on job search sites, publish your resume with an offer of cooperation and wait for a response from companies or send responses to their vacancies.

Another option, the most productive, is to look for companies yourself. First, you need to decide in which area you want to become a dealer, study all the pros and cons of the chosen direction, find the manufacturer and go to its website. 90% of success is the choice of the supplier company, so you need to pay close attention to the choice.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):