Simple tips will protect your crop from freezing and rotting:

  1. Dried leaves. In order to be stored for a long time and at the same time remain fresh and not rot, it is necessary to dry the top leaves a little. This method will be especially effective if the cabbage is uprooted. There is no need to cut the spine. Just hang the cabbage by it in some place with sufficient air access (but not bright sun). When the top leaves wither and dry, you can remove the heads of cabbage and hang them in the same position in the cellar, where they will be stored all winter.
  2. Dust with chalk. For long-term storage, you can sprinkle the crop with crushed chalk.
  3. Clay. For this, it is also convenient to take heads of cabbage with roots. We hang the cabbage and coat it with a solution of clay and water. It should not be too thick, no thicker than sour cream. When the head of cabbage is coated, hang it in a draft to dry. After the crust has dried, you can hang the cabbage in the cellar.
  4. Storage in boxes. Boxes can be taken either wooden or plastic. Don't put too many heads of cabbage in one box. Ten will be enough. It is very important that all the stalks are hidden inside the box, that is, we place the lower stalks with the stalks up, and the upper ones with the stalks down. Do not place the box on the ground. You need to hang it or place it on a flat surface such as a shelf, this way you will protect the crop from rotting.
  5. Paper. It is convenient to store cabbage without roots wrapped in paper. Just take blank paper, without any text printed on it. Printing ink contains harmful substances that will interfere long-term storage harvest. Wrap each head of cabbage in paper, and then put it in bags, but do not tie it, leave access for air.
  6. Cling film. This is very effective method cabbage storage Regular cling film, which can be purchased at any store, use as a wrapper for each head of cabbage. The cling film fits tightly to the sheets, does not allow air and moisture to pass through, and therefore prevents rotting.

Storing any vegetables requires compliance with certain conditions that slow down the decay process. There are several rules, the observance of which will ensure you a fresh harvest practically all year round:

  • The cellar must be prepared in advance. Check for fungus, mold, dry, whitewash, prepare boxes. Be sure to ventilate the cellar before storing the crops there.
  • Cabbage loves cool weather, but not frost. Ideal temperature– 0 degrees, plus or minus 1 degree. If the temperature is above this limit, the cabbage will crack and the heads of cabbage will begin to sprout.
  • Humidity should be quite high, about 90%.
  • Be sure to inspect the crop before placing it in the cellar. Select only dense and healthy heads of cabbage, without signs of rotting, cracks or damage.
  • If storing cabbage heads without shells or wrappers, be careful not to let them touch each other. Then, if one head of cabbage rots, the rest will not suffer.
  • No matter how you store cabbage, if you sprinkle it with sand, it will remain fresh, since the sand will prevent rotting. Sand absorbs moisture very well, just make sure it is dry.
  • For long-term storage cabbage must be provided with sufficient air. Heads of cabbage contain a lot of moisture, so do not place boxes of cabbage on the ground; it will rot. Whatever surface you place the cabbages on, it must be completely dry.
  • Cabbage is not stored for long in closed bags and boxes. Due to excess moisture and lack of air, it begins to rot. When heads of cabbage are in close proximity, rot quickly spreads from one head of cabbage to another.

If there is a lot of crops and not enough space for hanging, stack the crops in a pyramid. With this method, not a single head of cabbage will be completely closed. Air will pass through the gaps between them, which means the cabbage will be stored for a long time and will remain fresh.

If you are using plastic wrap or bags, it is advisable to remove all air from the wrapper.

Of course, you won’t be able to achieve a complete vacuum, but it is quite possible to remove most of the air with a vacuum cleaner. After this, the cabbage will last even longer.

How to properly harvest cabbage so that it lasts longer?

To keep cabbage fresh for a long time, do not skip the preparation stage. The seed packaging will tell you when to harvest. Each variety has its own time: for early summer, for late autumn.

You need to dig up cabbage in a warm place and in the presence of sun. Carefully dig up the roots with a shovel and knock down lumps of earth. There is no need to cut off the root right away, as the cabbage will last longer this way. If you want to store it without the root, cut it off immediately before storing it in the cellar.

Before packing cabbage, inspect the crop several times for damaged heads.

Also separate small and unripe heads of cabbage and place them separately, since this is the type of cabbage that should be eaten first. It will not be stored for long. Any damaged heads do not need to be thrown away or eaten immediately. It can be salted for the winter. So it will stand all year. Before cutting off the root, air dry the cabbage, but under cover to prevent rain from soaking the crop. You need to dry the cabbage for at least a day. Never pack raw cabbage straight from the ground; it will quickly begin to rot.

Be sure to check the cellar for rodents. Mice love cabbage. If found, make sure to remove them before storing your crop there. Remove any leftovers from last year's harvest. Old cabbage leaves will rot and create an unfavorable atmosphere for storing the new crop.

Don't pick cabbage ahead of time. The “let it sit and ripen” method will not work here. Cabbage harvested too early will not be stored for long; it will wither early. Overripe cabbage also cannot last long in the cellar. Overripe heads will burst, and frozen ones will be too wet for storage. You need to let them thaw and then dry them thoroughly.

Do not cut the root close to the head, leave a stalk of 2 cm.

This should be done in a dry place or after that dry for some time. Do not rush to remove the top sheets. If left on, they will protect the head of cabbage from damage.

If you do not have a cellar or you live in a part of our country where there is enough snow in winter, cabbage can be stored outside.

To do this you can:

  • Dig a trench in the area about 30 cm deep.
  • We fold the cabbage, already prepared and dried, into a house, that is, like a gable roof.
  • Place cabbage leaves, regular or straw, on top.
  • When snow falls, cover the trench with snow at least 1 meter thick. Then the cabbage will not freeze and will be perfectly preserved.

There is another option. We make a trench deeper and wider, about half a meter deep and a meter wide. Place the cabbage in a row, side to side with the stalk facing up. There is no need to completely cover it with soil. The first layer is 10 cm. When the frost intensifies, it will be necessary to add another 25 cm of soil.

You can make a pile instead of a trench and lay straw on the bottom.

The cabbage should be placed in it in a checkerboard pattern so that the heads of cabbage have minimal contact with each other. The stalks must be hidden, that is, all layers are placed with the stalks up, and the last one, upper layer– stalks down. You can sprinkle each layer with earth or leave it like that. From above, all this needs to be covered with a sufficient layer of snow.

If there is too much cabbage and the hole is larger, dig several hollow pipes into the ground. There should be plugs on top. Open them periodically to provide the crop with enough air. This way the cabbage will not rot in the ground. Cabbage can be sprinkled with pine needles. Its smell will repel mice and other pests.

You can store cabbage directly in the snow without holes or trenches. The cabbage is simply laid out on the snow, sprinkled with a layer of snow about half a meter thick on top, and mats are placed on top. This option is for colder regions where underground storage is not practical.

More information can be found in the video.

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator? How long can she stay in a cold place? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Cabbage is a food that everyone loves. It is familiar, relatively cheap, and extremely common. Cabbage is suitable for pickling, stewing, baking delicious casseroles, and making first courses. That's why every modern housewife wants to know how to properly store cabbage in the refrigerator. We will find out all the nuances of this process below.

A little about cabbage

Cabbage was considered the main vegetable in Europe before the potato was discovered. It does not apply to overseas vegetables. The past of cabbage is very bright and rich. She was even depicted on ancient paintings. This vegetable began its journey from Ancient Greece and then spread throughout Europe. Cabbage dishes can be found in any European national cuisine.

Cabbage contains a lot of protein, much more than other vegetables. Proteins are considered essential amino acids. They are necessary for the growth and reconstruction of tissue, the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and kidneys, and hematopoiesis.

Cabbage has a long shelf life, so the vitamins it contains can last up to next harvest. This vegetable contains an attractive vitamin U, with the help of which colitis, intestinal sluggishness and gastritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers are treated. It contains no less vitamin C than citrus fruits. And vitamin K heals wounds, normalizes metabolism, forms healthy teeth and bones, and helps the liver function.

Saving conditions

What are the storage periods and conditions for white cabbage? This vegetable can be stored for 4 to 5 months in suitable conditions. Most best temperature considered to be from -1 to 0 °C, stable air humidity should be 90-95%.

If cabbage is stored at above-zero temperatures, then the air moisture content should be 80-85%. During storage, you need to occasionally check the vegetable and remove spoiled leaves. If you wrap the cabbages tightly in newsprint, they can be kept in a cool, dry area. They need to be placed at a short distance from each other.

The lifespan of cabbage depends on the storage conditions and its variety. Whatever storage method you choose, it is recommended to leave the stalks longer.

How to store in the refrigerator?

Few people know how to store cabbage in the refrigerator. Due to the low temperatures, this method of preserving it is considered the most optimal. Cabbage can be stored in cold conditions for a very long time. In this case, it is only important to protect it from moisture. We invite you to learn some small tricks:

  • It is preferable to store cabbage in plastic on the top shelf of the refrigerator, since the real cold reigns there.
  • Choose springy heads with strong leaves as they store better.
  • Send only dry heads of cabbage for storage. You need to wrap them tightly with cellophane in 2-3 layers, leaving no air spaces between the leaves and the film.
  • Before saving, cut off damaged areas and dents, cut off the stalk so that it is flush with the leaves.

If you prevent water from getting on the surface of the cabbage, it can remain fresh in the refrigerator for a long time. If you wrap cabbage in cellophane, it will be stored in the refrigerator for 20-30 days; without film, it can only last 2-3 days in such conditions.

In the freezer

We continue to figure out how to store cabbage in the refrigerator. When choosing this storage method, you need to remember that frozen cabbage is used only for some types of dishes. The benefits of freezing are:

  • ready semi-finished product;
  • fast defrosting;
  • storage duration;
  • preserving the healing qualities of the vegetable.

The disadvantages of freezing are:

  • slight loss of the primary appearance;
  • the vegetable loses its crunch.

How to freeze?

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator or freezer? You can freeze the vegetable in small pieces, whole heads of cabbage and pre-chopped ones. When freezing cabbage in pieces, you need to peel the top leaves, rinse, cut off the stalk, and divide into pieces. If you are storing leaves, boil them and dry them in advance. Next, the finished portions are placed in containers or bags and sent to the freezer.

Do you want to freeze whole heads of cabbage? Choose only undamaged ones, healthy vegetables, no insects. Then remove the top leaves from the cabbage, rinse it with water and dry it. The head of cabbage can be wrapped in cellophane and then placed in the freezer.

Many people ask: “Can cabbage be stored in the refrigerator?” Yes, of course you can. Shredded cabbage is the most popular way to save. The vegetable must be washed and cleaned of damage and upper layers, chop, put into bags and put in the freezer.

How long can cabbage be stored? The vegetable can be stored there from 9 to 12 months at a temperature no higher than -18 °C.

Storage at home temperature

The issue of storing cabbage at home interests many. After all, not every thrifty person has a cellar. What if there is no refrigerator? Room temperature is far from the best condition for preserving cabbage. In this case, the vegetable will lose faster appearance and deteriorate, so its shelf life is significantly reduced.

At home, you can save cabbage on a well-insulated balcony or in a pantry. The vegetable can be left unchanged, or you can wrap it in paper or plastic to protect it from external influences.

When storing this way, do not place the forks tightly together; there should be a small distance between them to ensure air circulation. At home temperature The shelf life of cabbage is 4-6 months. The temperature should not be higher than +15 °C.

But in the cellar it can last from 6 to 7 months. Early varieties can be stored for no more than 3 months.

Harvesting cauliflower

How to store cauliflower in the refrigerator? This vegetable is the second most popular species grown in Russia. Of course White cabbage It ranked first. An important point The best time to save cauliflower is when it is harvested. It is important to remember several canons here:

  1. You need to collect the heads while they are still growing. When their diameter reaches 8-12 cm, the weight will be approximately 300-1200 g. If the vegetable is overripe, it will lose most of its flavor and useful properties. Such a plant will be crumbly and yellowed.
  2. During harvesting, cauliflower must be carefully cut with a knife, leaving 2-4 leaves. If it has shoots, you can try to grow new inflorescences. To do this, leave a couple of strong shoots and eliminate the rest. You need to care for the vegetable in the same way as with simple planting.
  3. Do not leave cut heads in direct sunlight. Otherwise they will turn yellow and cannot be eaten.

Cauliflower in the refrigerator

If you decide cauliflower store it in the refrigerator, first remove its leaves and roots, and then place it in plastic bag. One head must be in one package. You can wrap cauliflower heads in plastic. Unfortunately, this option will extend the life of the vegetable by only a week.

It should be noted that in a cellar at 0 °C and 95% humidity, cauliflower can be stored for up to seven weeks. It just needs to be placed in polymer or wooden boxes and covered with cling film. In a suspended state at the same air humidity and temperature, cauliflower can be stored for up to three weeks.

Freezing cauliflower

Freezing is the longest and most reliable way to preserve cauliflower. Of course it's not fresh vegetable, but you can eat delicious dishes for at least six months.

You can freeze either lightly cooked cabbage or fresh cabbage. First, the heads should be washed and disassembled into smaller inflorescences. Then drain the water and dry the cabbage. The method for boiling (blanching) cabbage is the same as for kohlrabi.

Cauliflower prepared in this way can be stored for 6 to 12 months in a separate bag in the freezer.

Saving other types of cabbage

Peking cabbage at home can only be stored in the refrigerator. It needs to be wrapped in cellophane and sent to the vegetable department. You can also store kohlrabi cabbage in the refrigerator. However, she is not able to lie like that all winter. This type of cabbage “goes stale” very quickly, so it has a minimum shelf life of fresh.

Broccoli has a very short shelf life in the refrigerator, and its storage method is not the same as others. It is forbidden to wash broccoli before placing it in the refrigerator; it is better to do this immediately before use. In this case, follow these steps:

  1. Place each unit in a separate bag. Don't close it.
  2. Place a damp cloth in the bottom of the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.
  3. Opened packages Place with broccoli on a cloth.

Thus, in the place of saving it is created high humidity, thanks to which the broccoli can last longer. Remember that storing cabbage in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic, is the most reliable way, and at home temperature - the most carefree.

Kohlrabi can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month, Chinese cabbage and broccoli - for a maximum of 15 days. Frozen cabbage of any kind can be stored for up to 10 months, and dried cabbage for up to 12 months.

To keep cabbage in polyethylene longer, check for condensation inside the film. If droplets of water appear between the cellophane and the head of cabbage, change the cling film. To do this, you need to unwrap the cabbage, throw away the plastic, dry the cabbage and wrap it in new film. Do this every time condensation appears.

White cabbage is a common crop grown in industrial scale. It can be purchased in stores and markets all year round. But if you set out to stock up on this vegetable for a long time, find out how to properly collect, store, and make cabbage preparations at home. Some tips and simple recipes will be useful to every housewife.

Storage options

You can store white cabbage at home fresh, just in heads, providing the plants certain conditions. This method is available to residents of private houses and city apartments.

Cabbage can also be processed. Some recipes allow you to use the vegetable for 2-3 weeks, others – 1-2 years. The most common ways to store cabbage:

  • pickling or pickling;
  • pickling;
  • freezing;
  • drying.

How to store cabbage at home is up to you, but first let’s find out which varieties are suitable for this, how and when to harvest.

Varieties and their purpose

All varieties of white cabbage are divided into early, middle and late.

  • Vegetables early varieties ripen quickly. You can harvest them from mid-June, but they won’t last long. They can be stored fresh in a cellar or refrigerator for up to 1 month.
  • Mid-season varieties begin to be cut in July or August. Most of them won't last long. They are intended for fresh consumption and, with rare exceptions (the Zosya variety), for short-term maintenance of 2-2.5 weeks.
  • For fresh storage in winter, choose mid-late and late-ripening varieties. They can last 6-8 months, that is, until a new harvest of early vegetables appears.

The best varieties cabbage for storage are given in the table:

Varieties with a shelf life of 6-8 months (according to the State Register of the Russian Federation). Click on the image to enlarge (opens in a new window)

Tip of the day

Cabbage is a highly zoned crop. Before choosing a variety or hybrid for planting, find out if it is recommended for your region.


Late cabbage varieties have a long growing season. There is a danger in this. If you do not have time to harvest from the garden before frost -5 ° C, then the frozen vegetable will not be stored.

But there is no need to rush through this procedure. The heads of cabbage must be fully formed and mature. The holiday of Intercession (October 14) is the time when you need to harvest cabbage from the garden.

Remove late cabbage on dry, sunny days when the air temperature does not rise above 5-7 °C.

  1. When ready for harvesting, carefully separate the heads of cabbage from the stalk with a knife or hatchet, leaving 5 cm. Or pull out the plants by the roots. Try not to damage the waxy coating that protects them from premature deterioration.
  2. Place the cut or plucked heads into bags, baskets or boxes and take them away from the garden. If you plan to store cabbage for a long time, it is better not to tear off the top leaves - they will gradually fall off on their own.
  3. When the crop is harvested, carefully inspect each head. Healthy, dense heads of cabbage weighing 2 kg or more are suitable for winter storage. Small specimens are best used for canning.
  4. The heads must be free of mechanical damage, cracks and traces of pest activity. Set aside heads of cabbage that are cut too high or poorly for processing and consumption first. Immediately place selected copies in storage.

We answer the question: When to buy cabbage for winter storage?

For storage, it is better to grow it yourself. This way you will be confident in the product. But if this is not possible, you should purchase vegetables for the winter during the period of mass harvesting of late-ripening varieties, that is, not earlier than the end of September.

Fresh storage

You should decide on the method and place of storage before harvesting.


To ensure your vegetables overwinter safely, follow these rules:

  1. Provide the cabbage heads with a temperature range from 0 to 1 °C.
  2. Maintain storage humidity at 90-95%.
  3. Equip the room with good ventilation or ventilate it.
  4. Store varieties with different terms keeping quality separately.
  5. Periodically review your bookmarks and promptly remove damaged copies.

When the storage regime is not created correctly, the plant either quickly withers or rots just as quickly.

We answer the question: Is it possible to store cabbage at sub-zero temperatures?

In the cellar and apartment

Here are 3 ways to store cabbage in the cellar:

  1. If there are few heads with roots, hang them head down from the ceiling of the storage room. Plants should not touch each other. Use slats, ropes or hooks to secure vegetables.
  2. Store larger quantities in mini-containers. Large slatted boxes or bulky plastic containers are suitable. Place a few vegetables in each and put them in storage.
  3. Keep large harvests on pallets. Stack the heads of cabbage, leaving gaps between them for ventilation. Layer the rows with polyethylene so that a vegetable that has begun to rot will not infect neighboring ones.

Support in the apartment ideal conditions much more difficult. At room temperature, the heads of cabbage will not last even a week, and you will still notice the smell from them. All that remains is to store cabbage on the balcony if it is glazed and insulated.

Vegetables can be placed on shelves or kept in drawers. To prevent the heads of cabbage from spoiling for a long time, wrap them tightly in cling film, leaving no air bubbles.

Watch this short video on how to store cabbage in garbage bags:

We answer the question: how to store red cabbage?

Red cabbage can be stored fresh in the same way as white cabbage. The principles are the same. Other red varieties last even longer than white ones.

In a refrigerator

It is better to store fresh cabbage whole heads in the lower compartment of the refrigerator or in the freshness zone. It is specially created best conditions for vegetables, fruits and berries: temperature about 0 ° C and optimal humidity.

To store vegetables:

  1. Take strong, healthy heads of cabbage. There is no need to remove the top leaves; when putrefactive microflora appears, they will be the first to take the blow, and you will have time to notice it.
  2. Place each head of cabbage in a plastic bag or wrap tightly in cling film to prevent condensation.
  3. Place the vegetables in the refrigerator.

With this storage method, the heads will remain fresh for 1-2 months, and stored varieties for up to 6 months.

You can do the same with unused halves and quarters of forks. Wrap them in packaging and put them in the refrigerator.

Cut vegetables are stored no worse than whole heads of cabbage - up to 3 months. However, the cut area dries out, so dried areas will need to be cut off before use.

Canned storage

Canning is convenient, tasty and healthy. Its main ingredient will be substandard plant specimens. The easiest way to prepare cabbage for the winter is in jars. They can be stored both in the apartment and in the house. A cellar or refrigerator will do.

The fresh cabbage selected for processing should be pre-prepared - remove the top dry outer leaves, remove the stalk and cut out the damaged areas.

Do you know that…

U pickling varieties thick fleshy leaves. They have a lot of juice and few veins. These are the ones that need to be selected for conservation. Dry and low-juicy varieties for long-term storage are not suitable for preparations.

Varieties that are suitable for fermentation (according to the State Register of the Russian Federation). Click on the image to enlarge (opens in a new window)


Considered a classic of the genre sauerkraut. It's the easiest to prepare. You will need these ingredients:

  • cabbage – 2 kg;
  • - 1 PC.;
  • – 1-1.5 tbsp. l.

Chop the cabbage and place it in a bowl. Add salt and stir. To make the cabbage crispy, you don’t need to mash it. Leave the slices for 0.5 hours so that the juice comes out. Add grated carrots and mix everything again. Then pack everything tightly into 3-liter jars and place them in warm place. Periodically pierce the contents with a stick reaching to the bottom to remove carbon dioxide, otherwise the cabbage will taste bitter.

After 2-3 days, place the jars in the refrigerator to continue cold fermentation, and after another 2-3 days the dish will be ready. Store it in a cool, dark place.


Pickled cabbage “pelyustka” turns out to be very tasty. Loose, unformed heads of cabbage are ideal for its preparation. Watch the recipe in the video:

Do you know that…

Sauerkraut is a unique product. She does not lose vitamin C for a long time. And it does not spoil thanks to lactic acid, which appears during the fermentation process and blocks the development of harmful bacteria.

Practical freezing

Freezing vegetables is a labor-intensive technology for preserving food. In this way, you can prepare greens, some vegetables and fruits for the winter. But is it possible to freeze cabbage in the freezer? Yes, as semi-finished products for preparing first and second courses.

The easiest way to prepare sliced ​​cabbage is:

  1. Take fresh, tight heads of cabbage, remove the outer leaves, and cut out the stalk.
  2. Rinse the head under running water and let it dry.
  3. Cut the vegetable into small strips.
  4. Place the prepared cuts in plastic containers or plastic bags.
  5. Place the workpiece in freezer refrigerator.

Cabbage can be stored in the freezer longer than in the vegetable compartment - from 6 months. up to 1 year. You can use it immediately; there is no need to wait until the product thaws.

Frozen cabbage is not suitable for salads, as it loses its appearance and crunch. But for preparing hot dishes - just right

You can also freeze cabbage individual leaves. Such preparations are suitable for preparing cabbage rolls. To do this use summer varieties or loose loose heads of cabbage late date maturation.

  1. For whole cabbage, remove the top leaves and the stem.
  2. Rinse and dry the vegetable.
  3. Carefully separate the heads of cabbage into individual leaves.
  4. Place the workpiece into bags in portions.
  5. Place the cabbage leaves in the freezer.

Frozen cabbage must thaw before cooking. To do this, place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When it softens, the dish can be cooked.

A big plus in favor of freezing cabbage for cabbage rolls is that the vegetable does not need to be boiled first. The leaves are quite soft after defrosting.

Note to the hostess

Not all varieties behave “persistently”. Some spread out after defrosting, and you won’t be able to roll the cabbage rolls. If you don’t know how cabbage will behave, then immediately roll up the cabbage rolls and freeze them.

Economical drying

To prevent cabbage from taking up space in the refrigerator, you can dry it. Heads of cabbage that are not suitable for fresh storage are suitable. Late varieties are preferable - they contain a minimum of moisture and a lot of dry matter, so the workpiece will be of higher quality.

To quickly and properly dry cabbage, use an electric dryer. But before starting the process, prepare the vegetable:

  1. Take the heads of cabbage, peel them and wash them under running water.
  2. Let them dry completely.
  3. Cut the heads of cabbage into 4 pieces.
  4. Take a shredder and grate all the cabbage on it.
  5. Spread the chopped mass in an even layer on the trays of the electric dryer.

Dry the shredded cabbage at a temperature not exceeding 60-65 °C for at least 12 hours. 6 hours after the start of cooking, mix the shredded cabbage well and dry it further.

Cabbage is dried sufficiently and not excessively when, when pressed, its pieces do not release juice and do not crumble into dust.

Place the finished shavings in dry glass jars, close them tightly with lids. Or use plastic sealable containers. Dry cabbage will last for about 2 years without loss of quality.

Put it in the refrigerator. Periodically remove containers and open them to ventilate the contents. Use for preparing first courses.

It is also allowed to store dry vegetables at room temperature, in kitchen cabinet, table or closet.

Tip of the day

At the first suspicion of mold (the workpieces are damp, a musty smell appears), get rid of the product. Molds release mycotoxins that remain in the product even after heat treatment.

Storing cabbage at home is very easy. Choose which method suits you and use the product all year round.

Store correctly and be healthy!

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White cabbage and cauliflower, along with potatoes and carrots, form the basis of our vegetable table. However, it is almost impossible to find a fresh and dense head of cabbage on sale at the end of winter. Due to improper storage conditions, cabbage loses most of its vitamins, becomes loose and tasteless, and rotten forks lying sadly on the counter are not pleasing to the eye.

You should only buy cabbage in the store at the end of winter if absolutely necessary; therefore, it is much better to stock up on cabbage in the fall (buy at the market or collect own harvest) and take care of storage during the cold period. Therefore, it is so important to know how to properly store cabbage in a basement or cellar in winter.

Best varieties for storage

Mid- and late-ripening varieties of cabbage are ideal for storage; their growing season (time of development and ripening) ranges from 90-100 days or more. Early ripening varieties that ripen in early to mid-summer are not suitable for storage in the cellar; they have loose heads of cabbage and will not lie well. It’s good to pamper yourself with this cabbage when there are practically no other vegetables on the table. Early ripening varieties are eaten within 2 - 3 months after cleaning. Usually this cabbage is eaten fresh.

To store cabbage for long-term storage, you need to choose the right variety. Ideally stored varieties will be those that ripen in late summer or autumn (this vegetable is less dependent on length daylight hours, if you compare it with, say, carrots, photoperiodism is much lower - less than 12 hours). Such varieties will be well stored in the cellar, and they can also be used for home canning.

Late ripening varieties (well stored):

  • Wintering.
  • Moscow late.

Mid-season and mid-late varieties (can be stored, suitable for home preparation):

  • Golden hectare 1432.
  • Hope.
  • Present.
  • Kharkov winter.

Early ripening varieties (should not be stored, they are eaten fresh):

  • June
  • Precocious.
  • Number one Gribovsky 147.

If you don't know what type of cabbage you have (for example, you bought it at the market), pay attention to the shape of the head. Dense, round and slightly flattened medium-sized heads of cabbage are best stored, while loose and elongated forks will spoil much faster.

Harvesting and cellaring

If you are growing cabbage garden plot, then for you its storage will begin with correct collection harvest. It is recommended to dig up cabbage in late summer or mid-autumn, depending on the variety.

The harvest is harvested in dry, sunny weather.

  1. We harvest correctly. It is advisable to choose a warm sunny day. The cabbage is carefully dug up with a shovel; the roots and stalks do not need to be cut off immediately, they only need to be cleared of lumps of earth.
  2. We remove the “substandard”. Harvest need to go through and clean again damaged sheets, leaving 2 - 3 coverslips. You can immediately sort out small, unformed heads of cabbage, since they will be eaten first. If the stalk has rotted or been chewed by pests, we remove the plugs. Don’t worry, if there’s quite a lot of “substandard” stuff, we won’t throw it away, we’ll just ferment it for the winter. In this form, it can be successfully preserved until spring.
  3. Dry it. Before storing the cabbage in the cellar for storage, the heads of cabbage need to be dried for a day or two indoors or under a canopy, and then, depending on the future storage method, you can either cut off the roots with a sharp knife or leave them as they are.

In order for cabbage to be stored correctly in a cellar or basement and not rot for a long time, it is necessary to provide an appropriate microclimate. The temperature in the cellar in winter should not go beyond -1 - +2 degrees, and humidity should be maintained at 90 - 98%. In such conditions, the cabbage will remain fresh and juicy for a long time, and the leaves will not rot.

Make sure there are no rodents in your cellar. They will never refuse to eat cabbage. The walls, as well as the shelves in the basement, need to be thoroughly dried before storing the crop. It also doesn’t hurt to treat them with an antiseptic; you can use whitewashing with a solution of quicklime, but fumigation with sulfur at the rate of 30 - 40 grams per 1 m2.

Don't forget to remove any debris and old remains of cabbage leaves, otherwise it will be much more difficult to keep the vegetables of the new harvest unspoiled.

Methods for storing cabbage

Let's look at several popular and accessible methods that you can put into practice.

In boxes

This is the easiest way to store cabbage in a cellar or caisson, although it is not the best in terms of efficiency. We completely cut off the stalks of the heads of cabbage, remove the spoiled leaves and put the cabbage in large wooden boxes. It’s good if the boxes are not solid, but with holes - then the air will circulate well. There is no need to close the lid. It is better to place the boxes not on the floor of the cellar, but on a small stand.

The drawers should have slots for air circulation.

Vegetable pyramid

If you decide to choose this method, you will need to build in the cellar wooden platform height 7 - 10 centimeters from the floor. There should be small gaps between the deck boards. We lay out the largest and best heads of cabbage on this area in a rectangle, lay out smaller heads of cabbage on them in a checkerboard pattern, and so on. You should end up with a cabbage “pyramid”. With this storage method, air will circulate well between the heads of cabbage.

You need to consume vegetables gradually by disassembling the pyramid, starting from the upper levels. You will immediately notice if one of the outer heads begins to deteriorate, however, to get it, most likely, you will have to disassemble the entire structure above it.

Cover with sand

One of the best ways to preserve vitamins and nutrients, although it is a little messy. In this case, the cabbage is placed in wooden boxes and sprinkled with sand, or a thick layer of sand is poured onto the floor of the cellar, and the heads of cabbage are placed in it.

Paper wrappers

In order to store cabbage in this way, each head of cabbage needs to be wrapped in several layers of soft paper, for example, newspaper. A layer of paper will prevent the heads of cabbage from touching and will create additional thermal insulation, protects from light and moisture. If you have a bunch of unnecessary newspapers accumulated at home, this is a great reason to use them, however, you should take into account that printing ink contains lead and substances harmful to health, so for the first layer that comes into contact with the head of cabbage, it is better to use plain white paper. Heads of cabbage wrapped in paper can be placed in bags and stored in a basement or underground.

Each head of cabbage is wrapped in several layers of paper.

Cling film

The most effective way to store cabbage in winter is in a cellar or basement. You need to buy several rolls of food at any hardware store. polyethylene film, then each fork should be tightly wrapped with several layers of film. Polyethylene adheres well and allows you to pack each vegetable carefully and efficiently, and is also characterized by hygiene and good moisture resistance. Place the heads of cabbage wrapped in film in a box or place them on shelves - In this form, cabbage can be preserved until spring.

Cling film in rolls is sold in many stores.

On a rope under the ceiling

This is the most effective and environmentally friendly way. If you are going to store cabbage in this form in winter, you do not need to cut off the roots. Nail a thick one under the ceiling of the cellar wooden board, and the distance to the nearest wall should be at least 30 centimeters. Next, in lateral surface drive the boards with nails at equal distances from each other average size. The largest head of cabbage should go between the nails.

The heads of cabbage can be hung on a rope, or you can pierce the stalk and thread a wire through it.

Tie a rope to the stalk of each head of cabbage, and tie the other end of the rope to a nail. One nail - one head of cabbage. This storage method is ideal for cabbage - all the heads are well ventilated and do not touch each other, and you can remove any of them at any time, and if something starts to deteriorate somewhere, it is immediately visible to the naked eye. There is only one drawback to this method. How many heads of cabbage can be properly stored without touching in an average cellar? 10 pieces - 20?

You can use any of the above methods for storing cabbage in winter, but do not forget to properly prepare the cellar before planting the crop. This will allow you to enjoy fresh, juicy vegetables throughout the year!

Cabbage can be stored for a long time in an extremely small temperature range from +0 to +5 °C. Ideal temperature– from +0 to +2 °С.

Cabbage is extremely picky about storage conditions.. At low temperatures it quickly freezes and loses its taste and benefits. If it is too high, it quickly deteriorates. Optimal humidity ranges from 80 to 90%.

Terms and Conditions

How to store cabbage in the basement in winter? Despite strict conditions, it is possible to store cabbage in the cellar. The main thing is to choose the right variety, correct cellar and comply with all conditions.

Early cabbage, ripening in early to mid-summer, is not suitable for winter storage.

In order for cabbage to lie in the cellar for a long time and successfully, you need to choose late-ripening varieties. They ripen only towards the end of summer - beginning of autumn.

The best for storing cabbage varieties:

  • Moscow late;
  • Wintering;
  • Amager;
  • Valentina;
  • Orbit;
  • Glory;
  • Turkiz.

These are late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties of cabbage. Their ability for long-term storage has been tested by many gardeners. How to store cabbage in the cellar in winter?

Declared shelf life suitable varieties in the cellar from 3 to 4 months. If you follow all the recommendations, cabbage can last a little longer.

Preparing the vegetable

Cabbage harvesting should begin when cold weather sets in and temperatures drop below zero at night. To avoid studying extra work , it is better to harvest cabbage in dry weather. If the rains become frequent, then the heads of cabbage need to be dried.

When is cabbage supposed to be stored? in limbo, you need to dig up the crop with a leg. No need to remove many layers top sheets. This can lead to rapid deterioration, since the surface layers of the leaves serve protective layer. For winter storage unsuitable:

  • very hollow, underdeveloped heads of cabbage;
  • cracked or rotting heads of cabbage;
  • frostbitten, severely damaged by pests or diseases.

Places and methods

It is better to store cabbage:

  • in the basement;
  • in the cellar;
  • in the basement of the house;
  • in the garage caisson.

There is not much difference between these places. The main thing is that the storage conditions are suitable.

Except temperature regime and air humidity, important absence of rodents. and - frequent guests, especially in the basement of a private house or cellar. Cabbage is their favorite delicacy.

How to properly store cabbage in the basement? You can learn about the method of storing cabbage in bags from this video:

How to store cabbage in the cellar until spring? There are as many ways to store cabbage in the cellar for the winter as there are for no other vegetable. Cabbage is stored:

IN cling film

How to store cabbage for the winter in the cellar in cling film? To store cabbage in film, you need to wrap each head of cabbage several layers. She tightly grips the cabbage, creating a kind of vacuum, waterproof. Moisture does not get on the head of cabbage, and it is stored longer.

How to store cabbage in the cellar until spring in paper? Each head of cabbage is wrapped in several layers plain paper. This allows them not to touch each other. However, if the paper will get wet, the cabbage will quickly begin to deteriorate. The wrapped heads of cabbage are placed in boxes or on shelves in the underground.

It is better not to use it for wrapping cabbage. old newspapers. They are suitable for these purposes, but the harmful substances that printing ink contains can be absorbed into the cabbage during storage.

In the clay layer

How to store fresh cabbage in a cellar for the winter in clay? Original and labor-intensive method storage Every head of cabbage coated with clay(diluted with water) and dried until it hardens. The cabbage ends up in a “clay ball” that protects it from external influences. The heads of cabbage are placed in boxes or on shelves in the cellar.

How to store fresh cabbage in the cellar in winter in boxes? The easiest way. The heads of cabbage are placed in wooden boxes and stored in the basement. The boxes must be wooden, with holes and open. This is not the most reliable way, since the heads of cabbage come into contact with each other and can easily begin to deteriorate.


The heads of cabbage are stacked on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern, forming "pyramid".

The point of the method is to pile the cabbage in a heap, but in such a way as to ensure minimal contact and maximum air flow.

Disadvantage of the method- if the head of cabbage spoils bottom row, you will have to dismantle the entire “pyramid”.

Cabbage is stacked in boxes, but the space between the cabbages covered with sand. The method of storing cabbage in a cellar with sand is effective, but complex. Firstly, with the appearance of sand, dirt in the basement is guaranteed. Secondly, with a rich harvest need a lot of sand place it in the cellar, which is not always easy to do.

One of the most reliable ways. He has proven his worth many times efficiency.

Cabbage for storage in this way is dug up with the roots. By this very root-stalk they hang her on a rope to the ceiling of the basement. To do this you need enough high ceilings and specially prepared fastenings (hooks, beams, etc.).

An option for hanging cabbage in this video:

On shelves

A simple and uncomplicated way. Cabbage is laid out on shelves in the basement so that the heads of cabbage didn't touch.

How best to store cabbage in the cellar is up to you.

One of the options for preserving cabbage for the winter is to use it. On our website you will find a lot of proven recipes for preparing this product. For example, as well as cabbage, and.

Neighborhood with other products

A cellar designed for storing vegetables most often accommodates more than just cabbage. Everything that was grown during the season is stored in one place. Is it possible to store potatoes and cabbage together?

The most common is the neighborhood of cabbage:

  • co ;
  • with others .

Ideally, cabbage should be stored separately from other vegetables, but in practice this is difficult to achieve.

Shared Storage Rules cabbage with other vegetables:

  • the cabbage lies separately from them;
  • it is advisable to maintain a maximum distance between them;
  • You can’t put different vegetables together or mix them;
  • You cannot store healthy and disease-infected vegetables in the same room.

Step by step instructions

Storing cabbage in a garage pit:

  1. Dry if necessary and treat to remove unsuitable leaves.
  2. Wrap each head of cabbage in cling film.
  3. Place it in the garage pit.

Storing cabbage in a caisson:

  1. Harvest cabbage.
  2. Trim the stems, leaving only the heads.
  3. Peel off the topmost layer of leaves.
  4. Place in wooden boxes.
  5. Sprinkle with sand if possible.
  6. Place the boxes on the floor of the caisson.

To store cabbage in cling film you need:

  1. Dry the collected heads of cabbage if necessary.
  2. Peel the top one layer of leaves.
  3. Wrap each head of cabbage with several layers of film.
  4. Place in any convenient container or on shelves.

Storing cabbage with roots:

  1. Dig up the cabbage by the roots.
  2. Tie a rope to each head of cabbage by the leg.
  3. Hang the heads of cabbage from the ceiling of the cellar using it.

How to hang cabbage with roots - photo:

Storing cabbage heads:

  1. Harvest cabbage.
  2. Remove the stems, leaving only the heads.
  3. Remove the top layer of leaves.
  4. Place the heads of cabbage in boxes, on shelves or in a pyramid, and wrap in film if desired.

You will learn how to store cabbage in the cellar using a vacuum cleaner by watching the video:

Features for individual varieties

Most often, white cabbage is stored for the winter. However, there are many other types of cabbage that can be stored for the winter. Each of them has your secrets storage in cellars (subfloors, basements).

White cabbage

The most common variety of cabbage. It is grown with a large quantitative advantage over other species. Storage Features in the cellar:

  • Only late-ripening varieties are suitable for storage;
  • storage temperature from +0 to +2 °C;
  • demanding on storage conditions;
  • stored different ways: from placing in boxes to covering with clay and is best stored in wooden boxes, sprinkled with wet sand;
  • can be stored for a maximum of 4-5 months.


All winter, unfortunately, the cauliflower collected in the cellar it's unlikely to be saved. It is not intended for such long-term storage.

However, a basement (subfloor) is a good option to extend the life of this type of cabbage.

Features of storing cauliflower:

  • stored in wooden boxes, covered with polyethylene (up to 2 weeks);
  • for long-term storage, it is grown in the cellar in specially prepared containers;
  • ideal storage temperature is from +0 to +2 °C.

Chinese cabbage

Storing this type of cabbage is complicated by the fact that it fades quickly. There is too much moisture in it, which can only be replenished with increased relative humidity air.

You can store Chinese cabbage in plastic bags, placed in boxes that need to be lowered into the cellar. At a temperature from +0 to +2 °С Chinese cabbage can be stored for about 3 months.

Red cabbage

How to store red cabbage in forks for the winter?

Cleaning should be done closer to the beginning of October. It is considered a good variety from a storage point of view. late-ripening "Gako - 741".

This type of cabbage is stored in much the same way as white cabbage. The best way to store it in the basement - hang it from the ceiling by the leg.

Thus, almost all types of cabbage can be stored in the basement (cellar). This method is considered one of the best. If you follow all the storage rules, the cabbage will lie in the cellar all winter and end up on the table fresh and tasty.

General rules storage in the basement for all types of cabbage:

  • temperature mode from +0 to +5 °C;
  • humidity air within the range from 80 to 95 ° C;
  • absence mold, fungi in the cellar;
  • variety of storage methods;
  • safety from 2 weeks to 4 months depending on the type.

Storing cabbage sometimes involves a labor-intensive process of processing and preparation.

Bottom line worth the effort, because cabbage is tasty and healthy vegetable required for use in winter time of the year.

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