To grow hyacinth at home, you need to place its bulbs initially in a cool, dark place (for example, a cellar). Then, when the flowers begin to grow, into the light. You need to choose large bulbs so that they are in

more than 5 centimeters in diameter, without damage, dense and with scales. When the plant's flowers bloom, they can be kept at room temperature, which should be no higher than 18-20 degrees, and at good lighting. To plant a flower you need soil mixture, drainage and sand. Growing hyacinth at home should be done in suitable containers - in boxes, wide pots, bowls. They must have drainage holes.

It is best to start growing hyacinth at home in August or September, planting the bulbs in the soil to a depth of 15-20 centimeters. To improve flowering, it is recommended to add fertilizer to the holes. Plants should be 15 centimeters apart from each other. It is preferable to plant hyacinth at home in open sunny or partial shade places. They should be protected from the wind and have a light structured soil of humus and

sand with good water permeability. Planting a plant in a container should begin by placing a thin layer of drainage in it. Then you need to sprinkle it with sand and fill the container with soil so that the elevation of the top of the bulb above it is about 2 - 3 centimeters. The distance between plants in containers will be less than when planted in the garden, approximately 2.5 centimeters. They should be located closely, but not touch each other. It is recommended to knead the soil around the bulbs to compact it, then water it. Planted hyacinth at home should be wrapped in polyethylene with holes for ventilation.

The flower must be placed in a cool, dark place. Optimal temperature to accelerate growth and the appearance of the first shoots - from +5 to +7 º. So hyacinth should be kept at home for 6 to 10 weeks. At the same time, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. When the height of the shoots (leaves) reaches 2-2.5 centimeters, you need to move the container to a shaded place with a temperature of 10-12º. After a few days, you need to place the bulbs closer to the window. If proper care for the hyacinth is provided at home, then at this stage the active release of leaves will begin, and buds should appear in a couple of weeks. Then it is worth placing the flower in a well-lit place with a temperature of 15-20º, but direct sunlight should not touch it. Drafts must not be allowed, air humidity, drying out of the soil and proximity to heating devices. In order for hyacinth to bloom long and lush, you need to feed it liquid fertilizers. If necessary, supports can be installed. After the flowering period ends, when the leaves die, caring for hyacinth at home ends with digging up and drying the bulbs. After this, they need to be stored in a cool, dry place until the next autumn planting.

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How to grow and care for hyacinth at home?

How to care for hyacinth room conditions? Many beginning gardeners ask this question, because turning a plant adapted for outdoor cultivation into an indoor one is a very interesting experiment.

Hyacinth is beautiful flower, which is one of the first to bloom in flower beds in the spring with the onset of warm rains. The word “hyacinth” is translated from Greek as “flower of rain.” Luxurious, lush caps of flowers and an intoxicating aroma announce to everyone the awakening from winter sleep and the beginning of spring. Observant breeders have noticed that hyacinth is a fairly “disciplined” plant, and it is possible to calculate the exact time of its flowering after planting. This property is now happily used by gardeners to grow hyacinth at home. They bloom for 2-3 weeks and can be planted for a specific holiday. Therefore, for the New Year, bulbs are planted in early September, and by March 8 - in mid-October, for flowering in May they are planted in early November.

How to grow hyacinth?

Hyacinth bulbs should be planted so that they look 2-3 cm above the ground.

Preparation seed material. First you need to select suitable bulbs. They should be dense without signs of rot or external damage. Please note proper storage bulbs before sale. The most successful specimens for forcing at home will be bulbs measuring 5 cm in diameter. Such planting material capable of producing a powerful and healthy peduncle. Before planting, it is advisable to keep the bulbs in the lower compartment of the refrigerator for several days.

Preparing the pot and soil. The planting container should be wide and shallow. It is acceptable to use boxes, pots, etc. Hyacinths require nutritious, light soil. The easiest way to purchase universal primer is at flower shop. Before planting, it is necessary to pour expanded clay or other small stones into drainage containers.

The bulbs should be planted so that they look 2-3 cm above the ground. Blooming hyacinths will look beautiful if the distance between the bulbs is 3-5 cm. To prevent the planting material from rotting during forcing, lightly sprinkle the soil on top with sand.

For successful rooting, the container is placed in a dark place with a temperature of only 5-7°. Can be covered plastic film with holes for ventilation. It is necessary to check the soil periodically to prevent it from drying out. Future hyacinths should spend 2-2.5 months in such conditions. If the plant is brought into the heat immediately, there will be no flowering.

After the first leaves have appeared, the container can be moved to a place with a temperature of 15°C.

After the bulbs hatched and their first leaves appeared, approximately 2-3 cm tall. The container can be transferred to more warm place. At temperatures up to 15° they will continue to grow until buds appear. During this period, they do not yet need bright lighting. You need to make sure that the soil is moist, but not sour. To form even peduncles, you need to periodically turn the container with the sprouts towards the light source different sides. For a more curvy and long flowering You can feed hyacinths with fertilizers.

When flowers begin to bloom, hyacinths should be placed on permanent place, being careful of hot radiators and bright sun. The hardest part is behind us! Now you can enjoy the beauty of the flower only by watering it periodically. Avoid getting water on the bulb and leaves. Winter evenings and cloudy weather can lead to the dropping of buds, so it is necessary to extend the daylight hours with artificial lighting.

Stately and spectacular hyacinth is a real decoration of the garden. early spring. Appearing one of the first in the flowerbed, when there is still snow in places, it delights those around with large and fragrant flowers of the most diverse range of shades and shapes. Such splendor on a miniature scale can easily be repeated in winter, delighting yourself, your loved ones and friends with a magnificent gift for the New Year or Christmas. About how to force a plant at home - recommendations in our article.

Hyacinth: botanical description

Hyacinth is a genus belonging to the Asparagus family and includes only three species. They all have characteristic appearance and fragrant flowers. The plant's bulb is dense, consisting of fleshy leaves, the bases of which occupy the entire circumference of the bottom. The stem is thick and dense, with an inflorescence at the top. After flowering ends, it dies off along with the leaves along with it. Very fragrant flowers collected in a raceme, the perianth is brightly colored, in the form of a bell-shaped funnel with bent blades. The fruit is a three-lobed capsule. Three species are known: Hyacinthus transcaspicus, Litvinova and eastern. The most common and famous is the latter, which has become the basis for the development of many varieties and hybrids. It is possible to care and plant hyacinth at home in a pot or in open ground.

Eastern hyacinth: description

It is considered to be the type species of the genus, that is, acting as a nomenclature species. If any controversial situation arises, he acts as the sole bearer of the generic name from an objective point of view. The plant’s homeland is the Mediterranean and, however, at the moment it is cultivated everywhere, not only in decorative quality, but also in medicinal. The plant is perennial, bulbous, up to 30 cm high and stele up to 0.5 cm thick, the leaves are fleshy, linear, and have a bell-shaped flower. at home it is quite simple to care for; it blooms in early spring and is one of the first in the garden. It became especially popular in culture in the 15th century in Europe; since then, more than three hundred high-quality and proven varieties have been bred. The Netherlands, especially the Haarlem region, is famous for the cultivation of hyacinths, from which millions of bulbs of these flowers are supplied to the world market every year.

Popular varieties

It is difficult to say in a few sentences about the huge range of hyacinth varieties. When choosing one of them for your home or garden, pay attention to the manufacturer, seller, and also botanical characteristics(height, flowering time, suitability for forcing, etc.). Planting and caring for hyacinths at home involves choosing a specific hybrid. We offer a conditional division of varieties according to flower color.

  • White: Argentina Arendsen (up to 28 cm, diameter individual flower up to 4 cm), L "Innosance (early old variety, created in Holland in 1863, height up to 26 cm), Carnegie (medium height - up to 22 cm, inflorescence cylindrical), Edelweiss (medium early, up to 25 cm, with a wide brush).
  • Pink: Anna Marie (late, up to 25 cm high), Fondant (industrial variety with large 20 cm inflorescences, photo above), Pink Pearl (early, cone-shaped inflorescence with characteristic long bracts), China Pink, Marconi.
  • Blue: King of the Blues (old Dutch variety 1865, late, pictured below), Delft Blue (up to 20 cm, suitable for forcing, long flowering period), Maria (up to 25 cm, deep blue, one of the most common hybrids), Myosotis (early, pale blue).
  • Purple: Amethyst (short flowering period, unpretentious, pale lilac hue, height up to 25 cm), Bismarck (early, up to 30 cm light purple inflorescence, ideal for forcing and cutting), Menelik (purple-black, compact, late) .
  • Yellow: City of Haarlem, Orange Boven, Yellow Hammer.

Lush, spectacular flowering, bright colors and unique thick and rich aroma- these are the main reasons why in the pot. Care at home is quite simple, but requires forcing, which results in some peculiarities. As a rule, people try to get a flowering plant for a certain holiday: New Year, March 8, etc.

What is forcing?

This process involves comprehensive measures to accelerate plant growth. It is widely used in greenhouse cultivation and floriculture. The plant is placed in conditions with elevated temperature environment, humidity and additionally illuminated, thereby stimulating them to active development, flowering and fruiting. This is how tulips, daffodils, lilies and hyacinth are grown in a pot at home. How to preserve the plant after such a procedure, read further in the text.

Selection of bulbs

In essence, forcing mobilizes all the forces of the plant and short terms allows you to get beautiful flowers. Only healthy and strong specimens can withstand this. Choose high-quality planting material, large, dense bulbs without damage, grown in open ground. Pay attention to the weight; it should not be too light and give the impression of emptiness inside. In addition, as mentioned above, it makes sense to pay attention to the variety; there are hybrids specifically designed for forcing.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Preparation of hyacinth bulbs begins at summer period, at the moment when you decided that you will grow hyacinth in a pot (home care - below). As soon as the foliage withers, the planting material must be dug up and washed in warm water and dry in a draft shady place, and then store it in a cool and dry basement or cellar. Experienced flower growers know one secret. As soon as hyacinth flower stalks appear in the flowerbed in the spring, they notice the largest and most powerful ones, but they are not allowed to bloom and are cut off. This allows the plant to devote all its strength to the development of the bulb, which can then be successfully driven out in the winter.

Landing dates

The timing of planting bulbs in the ground depends directly on when exactly you want to get blooming hyacinths on your window. Care and cultivation at home in the future are quite simple; it is important to do everything correctly at the initial stage. Cooling period for distillation in early dates is 10-13 weeks, for late varieties increases to 12-16. The start date can be set as follows. Determine the day when you need to get the flower and subtract the number of established weeks from it in reverse order, plus another 3-4 for growth for early and late varieties, respectively.

In order to strengthen the immune system, the bulbs should be placed for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or the drug “Hom” (concentration - 4 g per 1 liter of water) before planting.

Planting bulbs

In accordance with the planned flowering time in the fall, soil bulbs should be planted in soil (purchased or prepared independently). Use individual pots or group planting - depending on your own preferences. Hyacinth in a pot requires minimal care at home, but its flowering is magnificent. Fill the pots with soil almost to the top, then plant the bulb so that its top is level with the edges of the container. When planting in groups, maintain a distance of 2.5-3 cm. Cover the top of the pot with dark polyethylene, making holes for ventilation. Move the plants to a dark and cool place on deadline, the content temperature should be within 5-8°C.

As it dries earthen coma moisten it slightly, the soil should be slightly moist. During this time, small sprouts appear on the hyacinth; when they reach 3-5 cm in height, the plants should be brought into the house. The initial temperature should not exceed 12°C; choose a shaded place for a few days, and then move them closer to the window (but not to radiators). The pot is placed in a permanent place at the moment when buds appear on the plant.

Hyacinth in a pot: care at home during flowering

To make the plant please you beautiful flowering, he needs to be provided with stable conditions of detention. After the buds appear, the pot with hyacinth is moved to a permanent bright place, protected from drafts. The temperature should be between 15-20°C, keep the soil constantly moist, not allowing it to dry out. Apply a one-time feeding with complex mineral fertilizer, strictly observing the dosage and concentration indicated on the package.

What to do with the bulb after flowering?

The hyacinth bulb used for forcing cannot be reused. However, you can plant it in open ground in a flower bed in the garden, where it will delight you with natural flowering in early spring. After the forcing is completed and the desired result is obtained, leave the bulb in the ground - this is necessary in order to preserve the flower. Hyacinth care in a pot at home requires the same care as in the ground. Continue watering the plant and feeding it with fertilizer until the leaves begin to wilt. Once they are dry, carefully separate them. Remove the bulb from the ground, dry it and store it in a cool and dry place. Plant in the ground late autumn: mid to late October, when soil temperatures drop to 5-10°C. Thus, the hyacinth will have time to take root before severe cold weather.

Remember that the plant prefers sunny and open place, perhaps with light shading, protected from the wind and excess moisture. The soil is recommended to be loose, containing sand, humus, and having good moisture permeability.

Hyacinths are very beautiful plants with bright and colorful flowers that look like little bells. Flowers can be simple or double with a variety of colors and have pleasant aroma And early period flowering. This garden plant, but if you create conditions close to natural, you can successfully grow hyacinths at home.

Hyacinth is interesting because it can be grown both in garden conditions, and at home. But it cannot constantly grow in some container and delight you with flowering. During the forcing process, the bulbs are greatly depleted, and they do not have enough strength to re-blooming. Therefore, it is necessary to buy bulbs that have already been prepared and have gone through a dormant period. If all conditions are met correctly, you will receive wonderful fragrant hyacinth inflorescences.

When to plant hyacinth at home?

Most often, they expect to receive a flowering plant by a certain holiday or date. On average, 14-15 weeks pass from planting to flowering, so you need to calculate this period in advance and start planting the plant on time.

How does hyacinth grow at home?

The plant grows best on windows facing south or southeast because it loves the sun very much. During the day, the flower must be under lighting for at least 15 hours, in winter time You can additionally illuminate the hyacinth using fluorescent lamps.

But, despite all the plant’s love for light, it must be protected from direct exposure. sun rays, so in the midst of a sunny day it is better to remove the flower from the window or shade it with something. To prevent the plant from leaning to one side, it must be rotated periodically.

The temperature should be from 20 to 22 degrees, there should be no sudden temperature changes or drafts.

You can also grow hyacinths without soil - in water. This method is called hydroponics. The water must contain dissolved mineral fertilizers. You need to make sure that the onion is only partially immersed in the container - bottom side. At first, the plant is placed in a dark and cool place, and when roots appear, it is transferred to a bright room.

Breeding hyacinths at home

Thanks to the success of breeders, at this stage time, there are many varieties of hyacinths. Many of them can be grown at home. All home hyacinths belong to the same species - oriental.

To grow beautiful and healthy hyacinths at home, you need to properly prepare:

  • choose high-quality planting material;
  • select the appropriate container;
  • buy or prepare the soil.

It is recommended to use healthy bulbs, without damage or rot, with a diameter of at least 5 centimeters; it is advisable to take them from a specialized store. A small bulb may not bloom in the first year. It is best to purchase bulbs at the end of summer, after a natural dormant period.

Before planting, it is necessary to treat it with special disinfectants.

Next, you need to choose a suitable container for planting. It shouldn't be very deep. It doesn’t matter what material it’s made of, as long as there are drainage holes.
The soil can be purchased at the store (but it should not have an acidic environment) or you can make it yourself by mixing components such as turf, compost, leaf soil and humus in a 1:1 ratio, and adding a little peat and sand.

Hyacinth must be constantly fed and fertilized. Universal fertilizer for indoor plants perfect for this.

How to plant hyacinths at home?

A drainage layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container. Lay out a small layer of soil and cover with a thin layer of sand. One or several bulbs are placed on the sand to form a whole bouquet of flowers.

When placing several bulbs, you need to make sure that they do not come into contact with each other or with the container.

Gently press the bulbs into the ground and cover them with soil; the top of the bulb must remain exposed to the air, one and a half centimeters. You can cover the top with a thin layer of sand, this will protect the plant from rotting.

After planting, it is necessary to moisten the soil, wrap the container in an opaque bag and place it in a cold room, for example, a cellar or garage, it can also be a refrigerator. The bulb should be kept in the cold for 6 to 10 weeks. The temperature should not be higher than 5 degrees and there should be no lighting at all.

For hyacinth, such conditions serve as an imitation of winter; without them, it will not be able to bloom. During this period, care is kept to a minimum; you only need to occasionally remove the plant and check that the soil does not dry out.

As soon as a sprout appears, no more than 5 cm high, the plant must be moved to a bright or more warm room, create a “spring” effect. There the flower remains until the first buds form, then raise the temperature to 20-22 degrees. Change temperature regime should be smooth, otherwise the plant may get sick and not bloom.

How to care for hyacinths at home?

Hyacinth is unpretentious plant and at proper care it can be grown by flower growers with different levels skills.

At improper care behind hyacinth, the following problems may arise:

  1. The flower stops blooming. Most often this is due to unsuitable temperature conditions.
  2. . This can happen when improper watering or due to drafts.
  3. Wilting of leaves. With a lack of natural light.
  4. Falling buds. This is due to improper watering.
  5. Flower rotting. This happens when watering too often or too much.

Hyacinth: how to water at home?

You need to ensure that the soil around the bulb does not dry out. It must be watered regularly and carefully, and care must be taken to ensure that water does not get on the plant itself (leaves, flowers), as this can cause them to rot. Water should be poured onto the edge of the container or into a tray. Excess water must be poured out to prevent rotting of the root system. Water should be settled or filtered, at room temperature.

The plant does not need spraying.

Once every two weeks, feed the flowering plant with liquid complex fertilizer For flowering plants, according to the instructions.

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