The bathroom is decorated with ceramic tiles, because they are resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The facing material is easily washed off from traces of toothpaste and shower gel. But one day the apartment owners decide to update the decor of the bathroom and start with the walls. And then you have to look for the answer to the question of how to quickly and with minimal material costs remove ceramic tiles.

Preparing the premises

Dismantling the facing material is a difficult and dusty job. Pieces of tiles fall onto the floor and surrounding objects and can damage the toilet or sink. The bathroom is carefully prepared for renovation:

  • take out the washing machine;
  • remove cabinets and mirrors;
  • cover the windows with oilcloth or old rags;
  • carefully dismantle the plumbing.

If it was not possible to remove the toilet or sink, they are covered with an old blanket. Wrap a protective blanket around the product, and fasten the corners with clothespins or tape. The fabric and layer of cotton wool soften the blows, so the plumbing will remain unharmed.

Place a layer of plastic film on the floor and cover it with newspapers. The paper prevents slipping and protects against household injuries. Construction tape is applied to the baseboards. Carefully fasten the joints of the film so that dirt and dust do not settle on the floor.

Complete removal

It is easier to dismantle tiles if you do not need to worry about their safety. First, remove the grout from the walls:

  • The sponge is moistened in soapy water or a special solution.
  • Soak the seams with liquid and wait until they soften.
  • Clean off loose grout with a spatula, kitchen knife or chisel.

The tiles are carefully tapped with a wooden stick or handle to find areas with voids. It’s good if there are pieces that have separated from the concrete base on their own. The dismantling of the tiled covering begins with them. You will need a stepladder, a spatula with a wide pointed blade and a hammer. Tools can be replaced with an ax or drill.

Start from the top row. A spatula or ax blade is inserted into the gap between the ceiling and a piece of tile at an angle of 45–60 degrees. The handle or wide base is struck with a hammer. Do this carefully so as not to damage the wall. When the blade is two-thirds deep in the cement mortar or glue, press the ax or spatula with your hands, separating the facing material from the brick or concrete base. One or more pieces fall off. It will be easier to dismantle the rest.

The ceramic coating, attached to the wall using tile or mounting adhesive, is pre-soaked. The seams are processed with a grinder or scrapers. After removing the grout, direct a stream of hot water onto the facing material. After 30 minutes, when the base has softened, the first tile is chipped with a chisel and hammer.

The remains of the ceramic coating are placed in thick plastic bags. The damaged tile is separated from the whole one. The latter can be used to decorate a cottage or garage. After each cleaned wall, it is recommended to sweep away construction waste so as not to trample it into the floor and spread it throughout the apartment.

Dismantling of old tiles is carried out during the day so as not to disturb the neighbors. Carefully remove the tiles that cover the water pipes and electrical wiring. A chisel can damage communications, causing a short circuit or a flood.

When removing tiles, you must take the following precautions:

  1. Do not stand under tiles that are to be removed. A piece of facing material may suddenly separate from the wall and fall on your head.
  2. Wear a suit with long sleeves, pants made of rough fabric and boots with non-slip soles.
  3. Protect your eyes from dust and tile fragments with glasses.
  4. Use a respirator or a damp gauze bandage to prevent dirt particles from entering the respiratory tract.
  5. It is advisable to wear a helmet or hat on your head, which will soften the blow if a piece of ceramic tile falls on the worker.

Partial removal

A drill and chisel will help remove a small area of ​​facing material that has cracks or chips. A regular ruler and pencil will come in handy. The work is divided into several stages:

  1. Two diagonals are drawn on the tile, which extend from adjacent corners and intersect in the center.
  2. The straight lines are divided into several small segments and bold dots are placed. The center is marked in a similar way.
  3. Soak and remove the old grout.
  4. Then use a drill to make holes in the marked areas of the tile.
  5. Place a chisel in the center and hit it several times with a hammer.
  6. The facing material splits into 4–8 parts.
  7. The pieces are pryed off with a tool with a thin sharp blade and removed from the wall.
  8. The concrete base is cleaned, plastered and new tiles are glued.

The ceramic covering, which is attached to the wall using construction adhesive, is struck several times with a rubber hammer. The tool creates vibrations, due to which the tiles independently separate from the concrete base. All that remains is to pry it with a chisel and carefully remove it. Do not hit the fragile material too hard to prevent cracks from appearing. You don't have to use a drill, and the tiles will remain intact. To avoid damaging areas that cannot be dismantled, it is recommended to wrap the chisel in a rag.

Working with drywall

The walls in some apartments and houses are insulated with plasterboard slabs, on top of which ceramic cladding is glued. This base has to be removed along with the tiles. It will be possible to remove the tiles without damaging the sheets if the insulation was covered with a layer of plaster before the repair. In such cases, clean off the grout with a kitchen knife. If it was not possible to remove the material, use a grinder to make cuts along the seam line. Cement mortar or construction adhesive is soaked with soapy water. The tile is pryed with a chisel and removed.

It’s easier to crush it with a chisel or hammer drill, and then clean off the remains with a spatula. The facing material is torn off the wall along with the layer of plaster. Before gluing new tiles, plasterboard sheets are primed and treated with special leveling compounds.

If the tiles were glued directly to the insulation, it will not be possible to save the base. The facing layer is removed along with the plasterboard panels.

You can remove several pieces of tile glued to the insulation with a hacksaw. The grout around the area to be dismantled is cleaned with a tool with a thin blade and a sharp tip. Cut out a piece of drywall along with the facing material and, prying it with a chisel, remove it.

The hole that was formed after dismantling the tiles is filled with bars or a profile. Attach a new piece of drywall to the base. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws and chamfer the insulation.

Important: If the tile to be removed is located above the bathtub, cover the plumbing with a shield made of boards or chipboard. A metal sheet will also work. You can cover it with an old blanket or blanket to protect it from damage.

You can dismantle the tiles yourself if you have the necessary tools at hand. The person removing the facing material will need a chisel and drill, as well as protective clothing, a respirator and goggles. After all, you need to protect not only your plumbing equipment, but also your own health.

Video: how to remove old tiles from a wall

Sometimes it is necessary to carefully remove old tiles from the walls in the bathroom, for example, if they may be useful for tiling another room in the future or if you want to leave them for the renovation of individual products. In addition, careful dismantling reduces the likelihood of defects appearing on the vertical structure. As a result, repairs can be made in a shorter period of time, since you will not have to expend effort on restoring the rough surfaces of load-bearing walls.

Before starting work, you will need to complete the following preparations:

  1. Purchase gloves, closed clothing, and a hat. This is necessary to avoid contact with fragments flying off during dismantling.
  2. Respiratory protection is the most important stage of preparation, since when performing work a lot of dust is released, often containing heavy fractions. For this reason, personal protective equipment such as a respirator or multi-layer gauze mask must be used.
  3. Special glasses. Even if you carry out the work as carefully as possible, there is a high risk that small fragments will fly apart. As a result, the organs of vision may be damaged.
  4. If you need to remove old tiles in the bathroom, you should remember that dust appears in large quantities during the work. Contamination will spread to adjacent rooms, which means dismantling should be done with the doors tightly closed.
  5. It is advisable to work with an open window, if there is one in the bathroom.

Preparatory stage

Dismantling of tiles is carried out using various types of tools, these are:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • drill with drills;
  • spatula;
  • scraper;

In addition, prepare sandpaper, a special solvent for the adhesive, a spray bottle and clean water. If you need to maintain the integrity of the tiles, it is recommended to remove the cladding using a simpler tool. Use a hammer, chisel, chisel.

If there is no need to preserve the decorative coating, use a hammer drill, drill or grinder. If the tile is fixed too firmly, you will also have to beat it off using a power tool. Before proceeding with dismantling, it is necessary to cover the plumbing fixtures with dense material. This measure will protect the faucets, bathtub, washbasin, and toilet from possible damage.

The floor covering should also be covered. Thick polyethylene, fabric or cardboard is used. This will not only protect the surface of the tiles laid on the floor, but will also simplify the cleaning process after finishing the work. Simply collect the film and shake it out. The entrance to the room is covered with a thick cloth, it is advisable to moisten it: this way it will better collect dust.

Selecting the removal method

The degree of complexity of the process of dismantling finishing material is determined by a number of factors, including:

  1. glue composition;
  2. type of decorative coating: the more porous the tile was used, the more difficult it is to remove it, because when laying, the mixture penetrates into the structure of the material and adhesion increases.

You can easily and quickly remove the cladding with a smooth back surface. The structure of this material is finely porous. In this case, the adhesion of the decorative layer to the glue will not be strong enough and the tile can be quickly removed. It is difficult to dismantle the floor covering if it was laid on cement mortar in accordance with the technology: the temperature for preparing the mixture was maintained, the humidity level met the standards, and the composition did not change. Then the quality of the solution improves, it becomes stronger.

How to remove tiles without damaging them

It is possible to dismantle the finishing material without damage only if a mechanical tool is used. Use a scraper or scraper. These tools are used to clean seam joints. You should start working from the outermost row. To carefully remove tiles, you need to install a chisel and hit it using a hammer. Such actions are repeated at different points along the perimeter of the tile. Then pry the tile with a spatula and remove it, holding it.

Using a hammer and chisel

Dismantling of tiles that were laid with glue is done using a simple tool mechanically. This method is suitable for cases where finishing was done on top of a rough base of concrete and brick. In addition to the chisel and hammer, a small scraper may be required. It will be used to remove grout between the seams.

Prepare a container with warm water, as well as a sponge. The chisel is used in two versions: with narrow and wide blades. Instructions for dismantling tiles:

  • Wet the coating generously with water and leave to soak for a while.
  • Remove the grout using a scraper and sponge. If it was not possible to clean the seam joints the first time, they are re-wetted.
  • To remove cement-based grout, use a grinder. Select a cutting edge of small diameter and cut the joint along the side of the tile. The depth of the groove must exceed the thickness of the decorative finishing material.
  • To knock down the cladding without chipping, protect the edges of each product with masking tape (2-3 layers).
  • Removal of tiles fixed with glue is done by generous wetting.
  • Then place the chisel between the vertical surface and the finishing material and hit the tool several times with a hammer. The manipulations are repeated in different areas until the tile comes off.


To remove tiles in the bathroom, you should prepare not only the power tool itself, but also a special attachment - in the form of a spatula. The principle of dismantling the cladding is the same as in the previously discussed case with a chisel. Only the speed of work will be much higher. The disadvantage of this method is the increased noise level, large amounts of dust, heavy fractions that are released into the air.

In addition, it will not be possible to carefully remove the tiles in the bathroom using a hammer drill. Power tools have a destructive effect on decorative coatings (tiles, ceramics). For this reason, this method should be chosen only in cases where it is not planned to preserve the cladding. It is necessary to control the level of pressure on the tool, because there is a high probability of destruction of not only the finishing material, but also the upper layers of the rough base.

Using metal hooks

To remove tiles from the wall, you should prepare metal wire or old screwdrivers. The tool must be rigid enough so that it does not deform under the influence of the applied load. First you need to soak the grout. The material is removed from the seam joints using a scraper and sponge.

It is important to completely clean the space between the tiles.

At the last stage, the tool is placed under the tile on both sides, and force is applied to lift it.

Dismantling nuances

When performing work, you should follow the instructions. However, there are a number of subtleties that will allow you to avoid mistakes in the process of dismantling tiles in the bathroom.

From the wall

In this case, work should begin from the top row of cladding. If the surface is only partially covered with tiles, this simplifies the dismantling process. To remove old tiles from the wall in the bathroom, simply place a chisel under the tile in the outermost row of the covering. When dismantling the finishing from the upper areas, you must remember to hold the tiles. This means that the work must be done with an assistant: one person removes the cladding, the second keeps the material from falling. This will keep the tile intact.

From the floor

To tile the bathroom, you should first assess the proximity of the communications, for example, if the room has a heated floor or the pipes are sewn into the rough base. Building codes are not always followed, so when carrying out work it may turn out that the cables/wiring of the water supply system are located closer than necessary.

This factor should be taken into account if you plan to perform dismantling using power tools (grinder, drill, hammer drill). In this case, you can remove the old tiles from the floor only after checking the rough base.

If the walls are made of plasterboard

The adhesion of this material and the adhesive composition is so high that it is extremely difficult to remove the coating layer from the surface of a gypsum fiber board structure. Despite this, it is still possible to remove tiles if the subtleties are followed:

  1. It is necessary to remove one product from the top row using a chisel and hammer. Then, using a spatula, you need to remove the remaining tiles.
  2. Suture joints are pre-soaked with a special solution.
  3. Do not apply intense pressure to the surface of the GVL.

Sometimes the drywall becomes partially warped during the tile removal process. The top layers of material can be removed. Correct the situation using a putty mixture. In some cases, a section of the partition is replaced.

Replacing multiple items

Instructions for performing the work:

  • Clean the seam joints of the tile covering. To do this, use a drill (point holes around the perimeter) and a scraper. The scope of work is determined by the number of tiles that need to be dismantled. Sometimes you need to remove one or two adjacent tiles.
  • Pry the edges of the product with a chisel and hammer it several times.

In cases where there is no need to preserve the tiles, they are broken with a hammer drill.

From time to time, each of us has to renovate our home, completely getting rid of old tiles or replacing individual elements. The process of dismantling tiles itself is not particularly difficult and depends, first of all, on what kind of mortar: cement or adhesive, it was installed earlier.

Tile laid with glue is dismantled using a crowbar.

There are various gentle ways to remove tiles from a wall while maintaining its integrity.

Preparatory work

To remove tiles correctly, before carrying out the main work, it is necessary to carry out high-quality preparation. It consists:

  • in the selection of tools required for work;
  • in the use of protective equipment and materials.

Considering that removing ceramic tiles is a messy and dusty process, you need to take the necessary precautions. To protect your eyes from fragments, you should use special glasses. Durable work clothes will save you from injuries and cuts caused by the complex texture of the material. In addition, you need to use a mask and gloves. To protect the flooring and make cleaning easier, after completing the removal of tiles from the walls, you can lay an old oilcloth on the floor.

To perform work on knocking tiles off the wall, depending on the method, the following tools may be useful:

  • drill;
  • hammer drill with a special attachment;
  • metal spatula;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • bit;
  • steel wire;
  • sharp knife;
  • water and sponge.

After the preparatory work has been completed, you can begin to remove the tiles from the wall.

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Tile removal technology

The easiest way to get rid of tiles should be considered a method of removal without preserving its integrity. The work is performed with a hammer drill with a special attachment, positioning it at a certain angle to the wall surface. As a result, the tile breaks into many fragments that fly in all directions. The remaining cement mortar is knocked off the wall with a hammer or chisel. But this method is rarely used in practice. Most often, options are considered for how to carefully remove tiles from the wall.

Using a sharp knife, the grout can be easily removed from the seams.

To do this, first of all, using a sharp knife and a metal spatula, carefully remove the grout between the tiles, previously softened with water using a sponge. Having removed it completely, you can begin removing the tiles from the wall. All work should be done slowly and carefully, starting from top to bottom.

If a hammer drill with a flat nozzle is used for this purpose, then the algorithm of actions is as follows: shallowly, without pressure, the flat nozzle is driven under one of the tiles and the old mortar is carefully cleaned out. Then the tile is carefully removed. In this case, it is not always possible to maintain the integrity of the tile, especially if it was installed on cement mortar.

Another way to remove old tiles is to use a chisel with a wide working surface and a hammer. After removing the grout in the manner described above, the chisel is inserted as deeply as possible under the surface of the tile and, using a hammer, is slowly and carefully knocked off the wall. At first, actions should be very careful and careful, and in the end - more clear and confident. Before this, you should tap its surface to identify voids, the presence of which will facilitate its removal. It happens that steel wire, successfully inserted between the tile and the wall, helps to get the job done.

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Special cases

Sometimes it is not necessary to dismantle the entire tiled surface, but only need to remove a few tiles. The more important thing in this case is not how to remove the old tile, but how to preserve its neighboring elements. It will be more difficult to remove tiles located in the middle of the wall or in its corner.

In any case, the work begins with soaking the tile grout joints and removing them.

After this, one of the tiles intended for removal is tapped to check for voids. It should be noted that in this case there is no need to use a hammer drill, but rather do all the work manually. The tiles are carefully removed using a chisel and hammer. For the same purposes, you can use steel wire, making a hook out of it. If adjacent tiles are damaged, they are also removed.

If the tile was installed on cement mortar, it will be difficult to remove it using the above method. Then you need to use a drill to drill several holes in the tile being removed in order to loosen its fastening. Then, using a chisel and a hammer, carefully knock off this tile in parts.

A special case of the above work is the removal of old tiles from a plasterboard wall. Here it is important to know the following feature: tiles can be removed in a general manner if they were placed on a high-quality plastered plasterboard wall.

The situation is different if the plasterboard wall was not plastered before tiling. Then the section of drywall with tiles required for removal is dismantled.

The tiles are carefully removed using a chisel and hammer.

For this work you will need materials and tools:

  • wooden beam or metal profile;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • gypsum board hacksaw;
  • ruler and marker.

First, the grout from the tile joints is removed in the right place. Using a hacksaw, the area requiring replacement is cut out. A puncher removes the fastening elements of the sheet to the frame. A sheet of drywall or part of it is removed along with the tile, and a patch is installed in its place, onto which a new tile is subsequently attached.

It should be noted that a beam or profile is installed inside the patch, depending on what material the main wall frame is made of. The entire structure is fastened together using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

It is easiest to free the walls from old tiles without worrying about their safety. It is much more difficult to remove tiles in the bathroom so that they can be reused - in the same or another room.

Where to start dismantling, what method of removing tiles to choose, how to take care of the safety of the process?

We have collected all the nuances and useful tips in this material.

Assessment of the quality of old coating

The duration and complexity of dismantling will directly depend on the quality and method of laying the old tiles. Therefore, first you need to evaluate the previous coating and find out what products were used for installation. If the tiles were laid with an adhesive composition, then there should be no difficulties with removal.

If you make every effort, you will be able to keep all the elements intact.

If the tiles were installed on cement mortar, you will have to tinker - you cannot do it without special equipment and certain skills. The overall dismantling process will take much longer, and the chances of saving the entire tile are minimal.

Advice! To understand how firmly the tile adheres to the base, you can try tapping it with a rubber hammer or the handle of a spatula. A dull sound upon impact will be a sign of voids in the base.

Preparing for the dismantling process

Dismantling tiles is certainly accompanied by increased dust levels and large accumulations of debris and waste. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the premises and minimize the damage that unforeseen situations may lead to.

It is recommended to cover the floor with plastic film or any other material intended for construction work. You need to wrap a soft cloth around the plumbing fixtures. Wall items that cannot be removed can be hung or wrapped in rags.

Don't forget the respirator!

Preparing tools and materials

As a rule, dismantling work does not require complex “exotic” tools - almost all of them can be found in the arsenal of a home craftsman.

What exactly you will need:

  • two hammers - one medium and the second heavier;
  • several spatulas - it is better to choose devices with a narrow but durable blade;
  • chisel - for working with the space between tiles;
  • construction knife with a set of interchangeable blades;
  • chisel - will become a basic tool;
  • a screwdriver with a special handle designed for striking.

If you plan to work with tiles laid on cement mortar, a grinder and a hammer drill may be useful.

For hard-to-reach areas, you need to select attachments for the hammer drill in the form of a chisel, bit, drill or pick.

Dismantling work will be carried out faster if you are well prepared for:

  • moisten the space between the tiles around the entire perimeter with warm water and soap - it is most convenient to use a foam sponge for this purpose;
  • when the contents of the seams become soft and plastic, the old grout can be removed by scraping it out with a thin spatula, knife or chisel;
  • After removing the grout, the edges of the seams are treated with a special brush mounted on a household drill.

If you can’t find a nozzle for sanding the seams, you can treat them again with soapy water, removing any remaining grout.

Dismantling process

The choice of dismantling method will depend on two factors: what material the previous cladding was installed on, and how urgent the need is to keep the tile intact.

How to remove tiles without damaging them

The tiles that were secured with special glue will most likely remain intact. It is recommended to start work by tapping - this will help to identify places where there are voids and where the tiles are weakly held.

These areas should be dismantled first - this way the work will go faster and a sudden collapse of the whole piece will be avoided.

Advice! If “weak” spots and voids are not found in the cladding, dismantling begins from the top row of masonry.

Using a hammer and chisel

Dismantling with a chisel is a universal and reliable method that, with some skill, allows you to partially preserve ceramic products intact. But to do this, you need to “feel” the tool, find the angle at which it will best pry the tile.

As a rule, the optimal angle is 45° - in this case, the chisel will act as a spacer between the plane of the wall and the tile.

The chisel is inserted between two horizontal rows so that it is possible to pry off the top tile. First, make a notch in the center of the tile end, then on the left and right sides at the edges.

When the recesses are ready, the chisel can again be slipped into the central part of the tile - the tile should come off.

If you fail to remove the facing element the first time, you will have to help yourself with a hammer. They hit the chisel several times, each time increasing the force of the blow and trying to break the tiles off the wall.

If the tile does break, it should be cut diagonally with a tile cutter and safely removed with a power tool.


The use of a hammer drill significantly speeds up the dismantling process. However, in this case you will have to forget about the safety of the tiles - the coating is removed once and for all. It is best to choose a chisel from the attachments - this way the tool will work in a similar way to the previous method.

After turning on the hammer drill, the nozzle is gradually driven into the gap between the tile and the wall.

By adjusting the speed of rotation of the nozzle, you can more accurately calculate the impact force without damaging the wall.

Using metal hooks

Even the most convenient and modern hammer drill will not help if you have to dismantle it in inaccessible places. Metal hooks prepared with your own hands, bent in the letter P, will help you cope with the task.

Advice! You can make hooks from old knitting needles, strong wire and even old thin screwdrivers.

Dismantling is carried out after the joint grout has been soaked and removed. One edge of the hook is slipped under the bottom of the tile, and the edge of the second hook is placed under the top. By pulling the hooks towards you, you can easily break off the element and even leave it intact.

But this method is only good for adhesive, high-quality laid cladding.

These are just general principles for working with ceramic tiles. But it is necessary to take into account some nuances regarding the type of base coat and the pitfalls of the dismantling process.

From the wall

When removing tiles from a wall, the most important thing is to follow the direction of movement. Masters advise dismantling with a hammer drill from left to right and from top to bottom. But if the work is carried out manually with a chisel and hammer, they move from right to left, starting from the first row.

This principle is relevant for right-handed masters. Lefties should act in a mirror manner - from left to right, but in any case the top row will start.

Work is carried out especially carefully with mirror tiles - they are more susceptible to damage and leave behind sharp fragments.

From the floor

Floor tiles are usually thicker than wall tiles, which is accompanied by a number of difficulties in removing them. Dismantling work can be carried out in two ways, described above - with a chisel or a hammer drill.

If the base is cement, and the ceramics need to be left intact, use a grinder with a stone disc.

Using a disk, cut the seams to the base, clean and rinse them with water. Then, using a chisel with a wide blade and a hammer, tap the tiles around the entire perimeter, trying to pry and lift each tile.

If the tiles are installed with glue, a regular spatula dipped in water will help. The adhesive layer is scratched around the entire perimeter with a spatula, and the tile is pryed off from below.

Advice! To protect the edges of adjacent tiles from chips and damage, they can be glued in several layers with masking tape.

From a plasterboard wall

A plasterboard wall is an ideal surface for tiling due to its high adhesion ability. But with dismantling there are enormous difficulties. Sometimes the tiles on a plasterboard wall are held so tightly that they have to be removed along with the partition.

The only exception is when the plasterboard sheet has been plastered.

  1. Completely free the seam from the putty with a spatula or knife.
  2. Wet the adhesive mixture or solution well with a sponge and soapy water.
  3. Pry up the ceramic with a chisel and carefully chip it together with the plaster.
  4. Clean the remaining base with a scraper, prime and putty.

If the tile does not lend itself to a chisel, the seam can be cut with a grinder at an angle of 45° to the center of the tile. In this case, the depth of the cut should be a couple of millimeters greater than the thickness of the tile.

At the moment of cutting, it is better to use an assistant who will hold a vacuum cleaner that will suck up flying debris.

Replacing multiple items

Removing one or more tiles may be necessary when repairs of communications, replacement of taps or wiring are required. It is very important here to maintain the integrity of the tiles - after all, choosing a new tone-on-tone can be difficult. Dismantling can only be done with a chisel - a hammer drill or grinder will not work.

The seams must be cleaned of grout and moistened with soapy water. You need to pry the tile with a chisel (spatula) from all sides until it begins to move away from the coating. Another option is to use metal hooks, the same ones used for hard-to-reach areas.

Important! When dismantling with hooks, the force must be applied perpendicular to the wall.

Particularly difficult cases

Particularly difficult cases include work:

  • with drywall - the partition is very easy to damage even using gentle methods;
  • in areas with poor access it is difficult to leave the tiles intact;
  • to remove one or more tiles - high precision of manipulation is important.

For each case, it is necessary to apply an individual approach, test several methods in search of the optimal one.

You need to work very carefully in areas where communications pass through - pipes and electrical wiring.

Safety precautions

How to carry out dismantling work safely:

  • wear a protective suit, shoes with anti-slip soles, thick gloves, a respirator and construction glasses;
  • de-energize the room, cover communication pipes with plywood;
  • It is prohibited to use any power tools in areas with communications;
  • make sure that power tools are in good working order and that the housing prevents electric shock;
  • There should be no unauthorized persons in the bathroom without protective equipment;
  • close the door to the room tightly - if there is no door, the opening can be covered with a wet cloth.

Neglecting safety precautions can be dangerous to health and even life!

How to remove mortar and glue residues from the surface?

After dismantling, you need to remove any remaining adhesive not only from the surface of the wall, but also from the back of the tile. To ensure that the glue comes away from the surface well, it is recommended to immerse the tiles in water for several hours.

If there are a lot of tiles, and cement mortar was used for installation, the easiest way is to use a grinder equipped with a special attachment.

The work will be dusty, so it is better to carry it out outdoors.

You can also remove mortar or glue from the wall with a grinder. An alternative to a grinder is a hammer drill or scraper.

In any case, cleaning cannot be carried out dry - the surface must be abundantly moistened with water. Final cleaning is carried out with a wire brush.

It is not necessary to peel off the thin adhesive layer - it will be enough to prime the wall and smooth out any unevenness with putty or a thin layer of plaster. And finally, one more piece of advice: you can remove tiles in the bathroom efficiently and accurately only if you are not in a hurry.

The more carefully all the work is planned, the higher the concentration of attention at key moments, the more successful the dismantling will be.

Overview of methods

The tiles must be removed either before starting repairs or for surface restoration purposes. It would seem that breaking is not building. However, not everyone knows how to remove tiles from a wall correctly, without damaging that very wall, and, if necessary, leaving the tile intact. After all, sometimes jewelry work is required, especially when it comes to expensive building materials. Next, we will consider all the main methods for removing tiles from both walls and floors.

  1. Bit
  2. Drill with 6 mm drill bit
  3. Hammer
  4. Spatula
  5. Rotary hammer with chisel attachment
  6. Safety glasses
  7. Mask or gauze bandage
  8. Grout scraper

How to remove tiles from walls?

In many ways, the choice of a specific dismantling method will depend on what material is used to attach the tile to the wall, and what result you want to get in the end.

Features of dismantling depending on the material

  1. If the tile was installed with cement mortar, and even by competent, responsible craftsmen, then you are unlikely to be able to remove it without breaking it. You'll have to arm yourself with a hammer drill with a chisel attachment and get ready to work hard.
  2. If the tile is stuck to the wall or floor with adhesive, then there is a high chance that you will be able to remove it without splitting.

Let's consider several basic options for dismantling tiles, depending on the results you want to get in the end:

1. You only need to remove a few cracked tiles without affecting the rest. A careful approach will be required: after all, with one careless movement you can damage the entire adjacent tile, and you will have to remove it too. Sequence of actions:

  • using a special scraper, clean the seams around the tiles that require replacement;
  • to weaken the tile being removed (if it was laid on cement mortar and is held very firmly on the wall), you can drill holes in it using an electric drill with a drill bit;
  • carefully pry up the ceramic piece with a chisel and start tapping the tool with a hammer, trying to break off the entire fragment; do this very carefully so as not to damage the wall;
  • When the tiles can be separated from the wall, begin removing the adhesive.

Pry up the tile carefully

2. You want to remove all the tiles without breaking them for later use. This is only possible if it was applied with glue or placed poorly. Sequence of actions:

  • clean the tile joints;
  • take a chisel with a thin blade or a spatula, carefully move it under the tile, then begin to carefully tap with a hammer;
  • the most crucial moment comes when 2/3 of the tile is knocked off - you need to try to keep the far corners intact.

Important! The tiles are knocked down from top to bottom

3.You need to remove all the tiles, but their safety is not required. Sequence of actions:

  • arm yourself with glasses to protect your eyes from an abundance of dust, and cover surrounding objects and the floor with polyethylene; It is also advisable to use a respirator or gauze bandage;
  • take a hammer drill with a chisel attachment: place it at an angle to the tile, separate it from the wall;
  • then use a chisel and hammer to remove any remaining mortar from the wall.

How to remove tiles from the floor?

This can be done in two ways:

1. Chop 1 tile, and then use a hammer to pry up the rest with a chisel. You can also use a hammer drill.

2. The second method is designed for cases when the tiles need to be preserved. What to do:

  • take a chisel with the thinnest blade, a hammer, a spray bottle with water;
  • moisten the area around the tile with water, wait a while, then moisten again and remove the grout with a scraper;
  • place a chisel on the tile and start tapping along the entire perimeter of the tile;
  • if you feel that the sound in a certain place has become dull, it means that the tile is starting to come off, it must be carefully removed;
  • clean the solution.

Using the simple methods described above, you can remove tiles from the walls and floor surfaces. Qualification and skill are required only when it is important to preserve the tiles; in other cases, only strength and technology are required to most effectively get rid of the outdated coating.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):