Collection and storage of seeds

IN garden stores They sell mainly flower seeds and vegetable crops. Seeds of trees and shrubs, with rare exceptions, are nowhere to be found. Therefore, you will have to collect rosehip seeds yourself. Where to collect them? Yes, anywhere - even in your garden. at least in the next field.

Self-collection has a number of advantages:

1. You will know exactly which plant you are taking the seeds from, and by its appearance you can already assess the resistance of the mother plant to your specific conditions: frost resistance, drought resistance, susceptibility to disease, etc.

2. You have a choice of plants if there are enough of them: of course, the seeds are collected from the healthiest and strong plants. Your seedlings will not necessarily retain everything beneficial features parent, however, the likelihood of this is quite high.

The varieties of rose hips used for rose rootstocks definitely matter, but more so for professionals than for beginners.

Rosa "Laxa"- a fairly popular rootstock, reliable, tolerates replanting well, produces almost no shoots, and has almost no thorns.

Rosa "Multiflora"" - produces strong and powerful plants.

Rosa "Canina"(dog rose) - gives the most hardy roses, although it is “topping”. But it is the most common wild Rose: Grows widely throughout Europe and surrounding areas of Asia and Africa. And with a greater degree of probability you will collect seeds from it.

3. Collecting seeds in best period - it is very important, when to collect seeds to prevent them from going dormant

The dormant state is a special natural biochemical mechanism that controls development and delays seed germination until favorable weather conditions occur. Without delving into all the classifications of seed dormancy, we note one thing: roses (rose hips) have seeds with combined dormancy - waterproof covers and the need for exposure low temperatures

To prevent the formation of waterproof covers and the seeds going into a dormant state. They must be collected unripe and not allowed to dry out. The collection begins. when the rose hips just begin to turn yellow or slightly brown

At this time, the seeds change color from green to light yellow and yellow.

It is during this period that natural mechanisms are activated, putting the seeds into a state of dormancy.

Isolating seeds from rose hips is a boring and rather tedious task. Everyone decides for themselves how to do this. From simple scraping with a fork to various mechanical methods. When using fur. ways to keep an eye on that. so as not to injure the seeds too much, although light scarification will not harm them. After separating the seeds, they must be washed: poured into a suitable container and filled with water. to stir thoroughly. separating floating seeds and pulp

The next stage in interrupting the biochemical inhibition of seed development is exposure to low temperatures (stratification).

The easiest way would be to sow the seeds in open ground, where they will undergo natural stratification over the winter. But in warm winter(what winters we have!) The period of exposure to cold may not be enough and seed germination will be delayed for a year or more. To ensure seed germination, they are subjected to artificial stratification. Rosehip seeds are mixed with wet sand (1:1). The mixture is poured into plastic bag, keep for 2-3 days in a warm room for the seeds to swell. They cannot be stored in such conditions for a longer period of time, especially in a thick layer, since they are capable of “self-heating,” which will lead to damping off and death of the embryo. Then the bag is placed in the refrigerator, where the temperature is lowest (but not negative). Two to three times a week, turn the bag over and shake it. The seeds should not lack moisture; they will have to be monitored periodically. If the seeds a large number of they are divided into small batches, packaged in separate bags.

You will have to keep them in the refrigerator, shaking and turning them over, checking for moisture until the time of sowing in the ground - autumn. There's nothing you can do about it. Moreover, exposure to the cold is not terrible.

Everything you have already read about has a great influence on the viability and germination of seeds, and this should not be underestimated.

Sowing in the ground

In the fall, in October, they begin sowing seeds in open ground. It is advisable to carry out sowing in best conditions- in a well-drained, “airy” bed, easily moistened in cool weather. The soil is well prepared since the summer, which is first of all dug up (without adding fresh manure), then break up the lumps, carefully remove the weed roots and cut the top with a rake. Heavy soils are lightened with sand, etc. Particular attention is paid to weed control , because in the future this will create serious problems, including at the stage of caring for roses. Good result provides cover of row spacing with black landscape fabric, the number of weeds is reduced to a minimum.

The seeds are sown on a carefully divided bed, in grooves to a depth of about 3 cm. The soil should be moist and have a fine lumpy structure. Rose hips have small seeds, so to achieve uniform sowing they are scattered along with sand. After sowing the seeds, press them down to ensure good contact with the ground. Sprinkle on top coarse-grained sand. Coarse sand, in a layer of 1.5 cm, provides good drainage on the surface and a uniform flow of water into the soil. The seeds are well aerated, and weeding is easier. In such a bed the seedlings will grow very “comfortably and pleasantly”.

Finally, the garden bed is watered

Obtaining seedlings and agricultural technology.

In the spring, as soon as they are created favorable conditions environment, the seeds begin to germinate.

Spring sharp changes in external environment, for example, too rapid an increase in temperature, drying of seeds, lack of oxygen, can cause the seeds to fall into secondary dormancy, from which it is extremely difficult to remove them.

At the beginning, germination depends on the moisture supply of the soil, so the soil should always be moist.

As soon as the first green leaves form on the seedlings, they need to be fed with nitrogen and potassium.

We won’t talk about possible frosts, but we will have to monitor the appearance of pests (green aphids) or fungal diseases (powdery mildew or root rot).

If the seed germination is friendly, the seedlings are picked, leaving the best of them at a distance of 8-12 cm. The picking is carried out when the seedlings reach a height of 3-4 cm. If the bed was prepared according to the rules, there will not be many weeds on it.

Under favorable weather conditions and good agricultural technology, it is possible to obtain standard rootstocks (5-8 mm thick) by the time summer budding- end of July beginning of August. Budding is carried out on the same bed, but the distance between the rootstocks is increased to 12-20 cm.

When. if the rootstocks do not reach required diameter root collar, or the spread in diameter is significant, seedlings continue to be grown until autumn. In the fall they are dug up and sorted by quality. diameter of the root collar. The tap root is pruned at a height of 10-12 cm. This technique stimulates the formation of lateral roots and at the same time facilitates subsequent planting. Next, replanting is carried out in the ground at optimal distance for future budding 12-20 cm in a row, between rows 80-100 cm.

See how to carry out budding yourself

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Rose hip - perennial shrub, a genus of plants. Its second name is “wild rose”. Rosehip not only has beautiful flowers, but is also a storehouse of vitamins. On summer cottage it rightfully holds the record for vitamin C content, ahead of apples and currants. When planting shrubs, you need to take into account the composition of the soil, as well as the lack groundwater, because their stagnation can lead to rotting of the roots. Caring for rose hips mainly consists of watering, pruning and feeding the plant. Reproduction is carried out by root suckers, seedlings, and also by growing from seeds. About 100 varieties of rose hips grow on the territory of the Russian Federation. Moreover, many of them are endemic. You can familiarize yourself with the variety of varieties of “wild rose” by viewing the photo gallery.


When choosing rose hips for planting in your summer cottage, it is best to give preference to varieties with a high content of vitamins.

  • Rose wrinkled(R. rugosa). One of the most popular species among gardeners. Its height reaches one and a half meters. It has a huge number of shoots, which facilitates the reproduction process. The species is frost-resistant and is not afraid of soils rich in salts. It can grow in poor soils and windy places. The homeland of the wrinkled rose is the Far East.
  • Rosehip May, also known as Sh. cinnamon (R. cinnamomea L., R.maialis Herrm). In the wild it grows independently in the European part of Russia, right up to Siberia. The height of this plant varies around 2 m. It is distinguished by sparse thorns, and on shoots with flowers there are none at all. The species blooms in May.

Rosehip May

  • Rosehip needle(R. acicularis Lindley). A winter-hardy variety that can withstand very coldy(up to -40 degrees). The height of the bush varies from 1 to 3 m. The fruits of the needle rose are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C, and their size reaches 1.5 cm.
  • Rose Webb(R. webbiana Wall. ex Royle). A perennial plant whose height reaches 1 m. It has sparse, slightly curved thorns. The flowers are red or pink, sometimes white. It grows mainly on the slopes of mountain ranges (in the Himalayas, Pamirs, Tibet and Mongolia).
  • Dog rose(R. canina) is a plant species with low ascorbic acid content. His distinguishing feature– absence of a hole on the top of the head and rapidly falling leaves.

Advice. Rose hips can be easily tested for vitamin content. It is believed that the vitamin species of the plant can whistle. If you blow into the hole at the top of the fruit, you will hear a small whistle.

Among the selection varieties there are:

  • "Vitamin VNIVI"– early middle grade. Requires pollination. Therefore, you will need to plant another bush, but of a different variety. It has massive fruits and a considerable amount of vitamins. The yield of the variety is about 2.5 kg per plant. There are no thorns in the fruiting areas, which facilitates the process of collecting fruits.
  • "Vorontsovsky 1"- a hybrid of two roses: wrinkled and Webb. In addition to vitamins C and bioflavonoids, it has a high content folic acid. The yield of this variety is slightly higher than that of the previous one and is about 3 kg.
  • "Large-fruited VNIVI"– winter-hardy, high-yielding and resistant to diseases and pests. Is different long flowering. Rose hips are usually used to make jam, jam and other preparations.

Rosehip large-fruited VNIVI

  • "Russian 1"– vitamin grade. Grown mainly in the Ural region. Productivity is from 1.5 to 2 kg. Rust resistant.
  • "Globe"winter-hardy variety, high, contains many vitamins.
  • "Finger"– winter-hardy and pest-resistant variety. Grown in the West Siberian region.
  • "Victory". Not much different from the previous variety. In addition to the above characteristics, it has a pleasant aroma.
  • "Titanium"tall bush with fruits growing in 3–5 pieces. Productivity is very high, resistant to diseases and pests.
  • "Apple"- a low shrub with large fruits with a sweet and sour taste.
  • "Sergievsky"– a variety with an average ripening period. The fruits are sweet and sour with a high content of vitamin C.
  • "Ural Champion". A very winter-hardy variety that is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country.

Planting and care

Rosehip – quite unpretentious shrub. It is planted to produce fruits that contain large amounts of vitamins. In particular, vitamin C. In addition, the plant produces incredible aroma during the flowering period.

Rose hips are planted in the fall. The place should be bright. But even in a shaded area it will grow well. But if you want to get good harvest rose hips, it is better to choose an area well lit by the sun.

Planting procedure: step-by-step instructions

  1. Dig a hole the length, width and height, which should be about half a meter.
  2. At the bottom of the dug hole there should be a small mound of soil.
  3. Carefully spread out the roots and cover them with soil.
  4. Water the planted plant with water.
  5. Shelters on winter period not required.

Advice. Planting can be done in the spring, but it is better to do it before buds form. This is done so that the rose hips can more easily endure planting.

Another planting rule is maintaining the distance between bushes. It must be at least 120 cm.
Caring for rose hips consists of watering, pruning and fertilizing. In the first year of life, especially during drought, the plant needs periodic watering. Mature shrubs are watered infrequently, but abundantly. Watering is required during the period when the ovaries appear, provided there is no rain. A young bush requires up to 30 liters of water, and a fruit-bearing bush requires even more – about 50 liters.

If the rosehip bush is trimmed, it will become a worthy element of landscape design

Rose hips are often used as a hedge. To ensure that the plant does not lose its decorative properties, it should be trimmed periodically. Pruning is done in the fall or in early spring before the buds appear. You can also prune at the end of winter, when all the dried and dead branches are visible.


Fertilizing requires special consideration. Root feeding It is produced about four times during the year: before and after flowering, at the beginning of fruit ripening and after harvesting.

For the first feeding, organic fertilizer is required, which is diluted at the rate of 3 tbsp. l per bucket of water.
The second feeding consists of half a glass of Agricola per bucket of water. Sometimes organic fertilizer is added.

The third feeding consists of using only Agricola.

For last feeding take a bucket of water and 2 tbsp. l "Agricolaaqua" products. This solution is used to treat rosehip bushes after flowering has ended three times every 10 days.

Wild rose propagation

Rosehip propagation is carried out in several well-known ways.

Growing from seeds. Seeds are collected for planting in August, when the fruits are not yet fully ripe.

  • The fruits are collected.
  • The seeds are removed and washed.
  • Sowing is carried out in September, deepening the seeds by 2 cm. The distance between the seeds should be at least 5 cm.

Rosehip seeds

By green cuttings. Convenient way with a high percentage of rooting.

  • The cuttings are cut with an oblique cut.
  • Dip into root growth activator.
  • Transplanted into pots.
  • Cover with film and water moderately as the soil dries.
  • Planted in open ground.

Reproduction root shoots. The method is used to preserve the properties of the mother bush. Infrequently used.

Dividing the bush. A shrub about 6 years old is dug up and the rhizome is divided into several parts. Small shrubs are immediately planted in the ground, without waiting for the roots to dry.

Diseases and pests

"Wild Rose" is susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. These include rust, powdery mildew, gray and brown rot, and the damage is caused by rose flies, leaf rollers, spider mites and sawflies.

Using garlic infusion with laundry soap. The shrub should be sprayed with this mixture before flowering and after harvesting the fruits. Topaz will help with rust, and Bordeaux mixture will help with black spotting.

Treat the bushes against pests several times a season.

Rosehip is a high-vitamin plant and perennial. Often used in landscape design as a hedge. Planting and caring for it is not burdensome. Feeding plays a special role. They are held four times a year. Rose hips are used to make tea, decoction, preserves and jam. The shrub contains a large amount of vitamin C and is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Growing rose hips: video

Rose hips on a personal plot: photo

Choosing a landing site

Knowledgeable gardeners It is advised that before planning where to plant on the site, start choosing varieties. After all, one bush is not enough to form an ovary. It will not be possible to harvest from it, since to obtain berries you need at least 2 plants growing nearby. In addition, they must be of different varieties. Crops of the same type and variety are allowed, provided they are grown.

Important! Professionals distinguish between shrubs with a high and low composition of vitamins. In the first ones, the sepals stick up, leaving a round hole on the berries under the calyx. In the second, the leaves of the calyx are directed downwards, falling off, they form a dense pentagon. The low-vitamin variety is popularly called “dog” rosehip.

When you have sorted out the species, you can look for the area for planting. Ideally, this is a well-lit area on some elevation, where there is rich black soil and groundwater does not accumulate. The root system of the shrub is very developed, so it goes far in depth and breadth. Excess moisture can easily destroy the plant.

Some homeowners place wild roses on the border of their yard or near outbuildings. In any case, the culture is famous for its healing qualities and endurance and, like all living things, absorbs toxins from the environment. That's why It is better to plan landing away from busy roads. And to prevent the rosehip from spreading throughout the entire garden, fence it off tree trunk circles a shallow ditch of 20 cm. If such a solution does not fit into the soil, you can dig purchased decorative ones into the soil to this depth.

Did you know? Wild rose flowers open exactly at 4–5 am and go to bed at 7–8 pm.

Rules for planting rosehip seedlings

In the garden, wild roses can be planted in a row or in a curtain. It is important to leave a distance of about 1.5–2 m between the bushes. Two-year-old seedlings that have managed to grow a powerful crown and, accordingly, strong rhizomes are most suitable for planting.
When to plant rosehip seedlings does not matter much. If you plan to root in the spring, be sure to fertilize the soil in the fall. To do this, in mid-October, when digging up the site, add compost or rotted manure to a depth of 30 cm. On square meter About 6–7 kg of organic matter should fall on the ground. When autumn landing seedlings need to be fertilized a month before.

In general, rose hips, according to housewives who have already acquired them, are easy to plant and care for. In order for the seedling to take root well and grow quickly, it is necessary to make a square depression of 30 cm. If the soil has not been fertilized, it is better to dig a hole deeper and wider - about 80 cm wide and 50 cm deep. The bottom is drained, sprinkled with a small layer of substrate on top, the rhizomes are lowered and straightened, and buried with a mixture of the top layer of soil. Some gardeners recommend adding 100 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt as fertilizers. Then the bush needs to be watered abundantly. For this purpose, you will need about 8 buckets of settled water. After everything, you can start making tree trunk circles. Peat chips are an excellent material for this; it is enough to lay out a 3 cm layer of it.

Did you know? Archaeologists during excavations in Switzerland discovered evidence that people ate wild rose berries back in the Ice Age.

Fruiting plants are fed once every 3 years. For this purpose, in the spring, up to 3.5 kg of humus or compost must be added to each one.

Did you know? Professionals use rose hips as a rootstock for roses..

The first pruning of rose hips begins in the spring immediately after planting. Using a sharp pruner, you need to remove all the branches on the seedling, leaving ten-centimeter shoots above the soil. Some gardeners lower the cutting line to 5 cm. This is done so that the plant bushes well.
In the future, there will be a need to thin out the crown every 3 years. In order to increase the yield, immediately form it from 15 shoots. At the same time, make sure that the branches are different years, and it is desirable that among them there are no copies that are more than 7 years old.

Pruning should be done in the spring, although there are also guidelines in the literature for autumn haircuts. In fact, experts believe that wild rose bushes that are injured during the removal of old and excess branches will not be able to survive the winter. It is also important not to reduce this process to illiterate shortening of sprouts, since as a result of such manipulations next spring the bush will produce a lot of young shoots that will not have time to ripen for fruiting.

Important! For good development In shrubs, it is important to regularly clear the soil from the tree trunks and loosen it.

Pest and disease control

Wild rose, unfortunately, is vulnerable to bronze flies, rose flies and sawflies, leaf rollers, caterpillars, beetle and raspberry larvae. These insects mercilessly damage the stems, suck the juices out of them, eat leaves and roots, and harm the berries. Affected bushes look very lifeless and bear fruit poorly.
In addition, bushes are threatened by black and white spot. Take a close look at the rosehip and analyze how quickly it grows. Its sprouts and foliage should be clean, the shoots should be straight without any deformation. Any plaque or stains on sheet plates indicate illness.

You can stop the progression of pests, and from a preventive point of view, it is appropriate to timely remove old and diseased branches, remove fallen leaves and dig up tree trunk holes.

Diseases on rose hips are treated with a 3 percent solution copper sulfate, treating the bushes before the buds open. In cases of severe infestations, sweeping away “Nitrophen” and “Topsin” is effective. This will help get rid of leaf-eating beetles. Experts advise carrying out all disinfection procedures a month before the rose hips begin to ripen.

Did you know? Rose hips contain 50 times more ascorbic acid than lemons.

Frost protection

Prolonged dampness and frosts above 20 degrees are fatal to delicate wild roses. They suffer especially hard after a cold and rainy summer, since weather conditions do not allow the bushes to pass through all necessary steps preparation for winter. Therefore, without human help, rose hips may not survive until spring.

In addition, improper feeding and changeable winter weather with sudden thaws and severe frosts affect its wintering. You can identify sprouts that will not be able to survive the winter as early as October - they are distinguished by dark green leaves at the tops.
Special attention young seedlings require. them in mandatory should be wrapped up before the onset of cold weather. The best material for this professional gardeners count the fallen leaves, sawdust, plastic film and burlap. Not only bush trunks need protection, but also root system. Consequently, tree trunk circles must be mulched.

Important! Fir branches, which are often used to cover young shrubs, do not protect them from frost. Most likely, this is a weak barrier for hungry hares and an accumulator of snow.

Harvesting and storing rose hips

Depending on when you harvest from the bush, useful substances will accumulate in it. Ripe berries turn bright red glossy surface and are distinguished by their soft structure. Therefore, if in your plans, they need to be picked unripe - with a hard, shiny skin. You should also pay attention to the sepals: if their edges are pressed tightly against the berry, the harvest is too early, you still need to wait.
Housewives recommend plucking rose hips along with the stalks so that the juice does not leak out of it during the preparation of medicinal raw materials. As the berries dry out, they will fall off on their own. Plan your work before the onset of cold weather, since low temperatures deplete the vitamin C in fruits.

The collected fruits can be stored in different forms. Some housewives simply dry them in the oven or indoors (away from ultraviolet rays). Others sprinkle cut berries with cinnamon, chopped or citrus zest.
Dry specimens are lightly rubbed in your hands so that the stalks fall off. Then packaged in dry containers with lids or in fabric bags, glass jars. It is strictly prohibited to tightly close the collected raw materials. In such conditions, it can deteriorate and become moldy. It is better to use perforated nylon covers or three-layer gauze.

Important! Rosehips take about a week to fall off after drying. After this time they can be consumed.

Reproduction methods

Methods to acquire thorny bush many: botany lovers can experiment with seeds; constantly busy gardeners will prefer to transplant root suckers or. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of each technology.

Growing from seeds

To get rose hips from seeds, you need to collect them at the end of summer. planting material. Brown, still unripe ones are suitable for this. Experts say that such grains have a higher percentage of germination, since their surface has not yet hardened. Planting can be planned for spring or autumn time, but it is better not to subject the seed to winter tests. The grains must be stratified, and then mixed with 1 part peat and 4 parts river sand. Place the mixture in a box with glass lid and take it to the cellar, periodically stirring the contents of the greenhouse. In spring they put it in a warm place.
You can use another method by embedding the planting material in the ground and sprinkling it on top

Rosehip, or wild rose, is often found in middle zone How wild bush. The plant can have substantial dimensions, its height can be one and a half meters.

In spring, large, light pink flowers appear on spreading branches, and by autumn, bright fruits ripen, which have a number of healing properties.

How to grow rose hips at home, from seeds - sowing features

The option of growing rose hips from seeds is considered the simplest and does not require much power. But it is worth noting that this option has its own nuances, which can be classified as disadvantages.

Sprouts emerging from planted rosehip seeds can be observed no earlier than twelve to eighteen months later.

Gardeners with extensive experience advise collecting to obtain seed material, fruits that have not reached full ripening. Germinating seeds from just such fruits will give the best possible results.

Fruits should be collected for seed material immediately after their color turns red.

Where to buy rosehip seeds, how to collect them yourself

For those wishing to grow rose hips from seeds at personal plot on one's own, experienced gardeners It is advised to purchase them in specialized stores or nurseries.

But self collection seeds are also not difficult.

The process of planting rosehip seeds is quite simple:

  • Planting material is placed in the ground approximately 2 cm deep.
  • Planting is carried out in furrows, which are designed taking into account the upcoming weeding and further processing of planting.
  • Sowing must be done in the autumn.
  • Immediately after completion of work, the planted area is mulched with fallen leaves, humus or other materials of organic origin.

With the arrival of spring, seedlings will begin to appear in the planted bed. At the same time, it is necessary to organize a metal or wood frame over the seedlings and stretch plastic film over it.

This design will allow the soil to quickly warm up to the desired temperature and accelerate the growth of seedlings. The greenhouse should remain above the seedlings until the daytime temperature, on average, begins to reach +17 C. After this, the film awning can be dismantled.

It is also necessary to remember about proper and timely care of seedlings, which consists of thinning. This will enable the plants to receive sufficient sunlight and soil nutrition.

You should not thin out the planting until the third leaf appears on the seedlings.

In addition, seedling care includes:

  • weed removal
  • timely soil loosening, which in turn improves the supply of oxygen to the root part of the plant and, as a result, promotes more active growth
  • Don’t forget about fertilizing and regular watering

It is better to fertilize seedlings with compounds of organic origin adding a small amount of mineral fertilizers.

How to grow rose hips from cuttings

Planning to grow hybrid varieties rose hips, you need to remember that the characteristics of the variety may split, so in this case it would be ideal to use for breeding vegetative method propagation, that is, by cuttings.

It is better to propagate using green cuttings, which were prepared in mid-summer, namely at a time when the intensive growth of shoots began to decline.

The separated shoots are divided into cuttings. The division must be done in such a way that each of the cuttings consists of three nodes. In the node located at the very bottom, the foliage is removed with petioles, and half is left on all the rest.

Both cutting shoots and cuts on cuttings must be done well sharpened garden knife. Only this option will allow the fabrics to avoid creasing.

It is better to treat the cuttings with stimulants, which will accelerate growth and root formation. It is better to purchase stimulants in a specialized store. Consultation regarding their breeding and correct execution works can be clarified there with the sales consultant.

Processing time should last approximately 20 hours. In this case, the lower part of the cuttings should be immersed in the solution by a maximum of 3 cm.

For planting cuttings, prepare a substrate: 1 part peat and 3 parts sand. The treated cuttings are planted into the substrate at an angle.

During the first month, active formation of the root system will occur. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of moisture and ensure that the substrate does not dry out.

It is worth noting that when rooting what is happening in protected soil, it is easier to monitor normal humidity air. When rooted in open ground, you will need daily spraying with water.

You can also use an “artificial fog” installation or a fine spray.

This option for growing rose hips does not require the organization of a greenhouse-type covering. The only thing that may be needed is the organization of shade if the sun is too scorching.

Seedlings grown by cuttings are more hardened, which in turn has a very positive effect on their condition in winter.

In winter, the surface of the earth in the area with cuttings is mulched with leaves and humus.

How to grow rose hips for grafting roses

All gardeners know that growing roses is a very lengthy process and requires a lot of expenses. Rose is a plant that is very picky about the soil, the right temperature, and care. It is much easier to grow a rose on a rootstock, that is, in in this case, on a rosehip.

A rosehip bush that has reached three years of age and was grown from seeds is suitable as a rootstock. The rose is grafted exclusively onto healthy and strong shoots.

The grafting event will take a certain amount of time and will require accuracy, understanding and knowledge of the process. Therefore, you need to choose a free day in advance with suitable weather conditions, prepare everything necessary tools and be patient.

The following must be on hand:

  • grafting knife
  • garden sharp pruner
  • sufficient amount of plastic film
  • shovel and tape

Proper execution of the rose grafting procedure is half the work. For getting desired result it is necessary to produce the correct and timely care behind the plant.

You will learn more about collecting and preparing rosehip seeds by watching the video:

Rosehip is a popular decorative garden culture, which is grown by many summer residents and owners of private houses. Reproduction and planting of rose hips is possible both by root shoots and also by planting seeds. We will tell you exactly how to grow rose hips from seeds in this article.

Rosehip propagation by seeds

It should be said that propagating rose hips by seeds is the least labor-intensive and easiest method of propagation. However, it also has certain disadvantages that must be taken into account when planting seeds.

It is necessary to remember that seeds germinate extremely slowly, so if you plant them in the fall before the cold weather, you will see the first shoots no earlier than in a year or a year and a half.

The seeds have a so-called biological dormancy phase. To pass it, it is necessary to expose the seed material used to low temperatures. You can carry out this stratification procedure yourself, at home, or plant the seeds in the fall, immediately after harvesting.

When choosing one or another variety of rose hips, you should remember that today various hybrids are popular, the planting material from which does not retain all the characteristics of the mother plant. Therefore, in most cases, using seeds from such hybrids will not allow you to get a yield similar to the mother plant.

That is why, if you want to grow one or another variety of rose hips in your garden, we recommend that you purchase the seed material used in gardening stores or special nurseries. At the same time, we note that when planting with seeds, growing ordinary varietal varieties will not cause any difficulties.

How to plant rosehip seeds correctly

The landing itself is not particularly difficult. Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. It is recommended to carry out such planting in small furrows, which are made taking into account subsequent weeding and processing of the plantings. Immediately after sowing seeds in the fall, the bed should be mulched with fallen leaves, humus or other organic materials.

Next spring, from seeds planted in autumn, shoots will appear from artificially stratified and properly prepared seeds. In the spring, with the onset of the first warm days, it is recommended to equip a small wooden or metal carcass with tension plastic film.

This will allow the soil to quickly warm up, which in turn speeds up the emergence of seedlings. As soon as the outside temperature stabilizes at +15 - +20 degrees, such film protection can be removed. To grow your plantings, remember the need for thinning; this will allow the plants to get what they need. sunlight and nutrition from the soil. Thinning is performed as soon as the seedlings have three true leaves.

Proper care of rosehip seedlings

Caring for planted rosehip seeds is not difficult. To grow them, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and periodically loosen the soil, which improves the air supply to the root system of plants, and consequently improves their growth.

Do not forget also about the need for regular watering, proper feeding seedlings. The latter is performed by various organic compounds and a small amount of mineral fertilizers.

Spring sowing of rosehip seeds


It is also possible to sow rosehip seeds in the spring, which allows, provided proper preparation planting material used, obtain in the future excellent harvest. You will need to artificially stratify the seeds you use.

Why, after collection, they are mixed with wet clean river sand and stored in a dark, cold room. Optimal temperature for stratification it is 2-3 degrees.

This stratification is carried out for three to four months, after which, with the onset of the first warm days, it is necessary to dig up the bed, add a small amount organic fertilizers and sow the prepared seeds.


Landing is carried out as follows. It is necessary to make furrows with a depth of about 2 centimeters in the loose soil by hand, or using a small stick. Rosehip seeds are planted in such furrows, after which they are carefully sprinkled with earth.

Immediately after planting, the soil is watered abundantly and covered with mulch of organic origin. You can also recommend covering the bed with plastic film, which is removed after the onset of consistently warm weather.

Subsequent care of the plantings is carried out in a standard way, which will allow you to grow lush bush rosehip.

The rosehip variety Yellow Xanthine, which is distinguished by its decorative properties, is very popular among gardeners. rapid growth and excellent fruiting. Growing this plant from seeds is not difficult.

You just need to purchase high-quality planting material, prepared accordingly, which will allow you to get the first shoots literally two to three months after planting the seeds. Caring for rose hips is not difficult, so a few years after planting you will be able to get your first harvest, and the plant itself will quickly grow the necessary green mass.


Planting rose hips with seeds has both its advantages and certain disadvantages.

Among the advantages we can highlight:

  • Possibility of obtaining rare exotic varieties (it is extremely difficult to propagate them from cuttings);
  • We also note affordable price purchased seeds and their possibilities easy independent blanks.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the existing this method flaws. The main disadvantage is:

  • the duration of seed germination, therefore, without appropriate preparation, it can take about a year from the moment of planting the seeds to the emergence of seedlings. That is why, in order to maximize the speed of obtaining the first shoots, you will need to prepare the seeds accordingly, which will increase their germination rates.

Subsequently, caring for the plantings does not present any difficulty, and you will be able to grow a rosehip bush in your garden plot, which will combine decorativeness and excellent fruiting performance.

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