IN modern construction are increasingly used environmentally clean materials and technologies capable of protecting and preserving environment, and in big cities– contribute to its purification and improvement, for example, grass on the roof. That is why now the whole world is receiving everything greater distribution such a direction as the creation of, or “green” roofs.

A green roof has some of the best sound insulation and also protects against harmful substances.

Grass on the roof is becoming not just a popular covering, but is beginning to become part of building standards. Thus, in Germany, about 11% of houses are built using green roof technology, in the USA, green roofs occupy more than 3 million square feet, and in Japan, according to building regulations, at least 20% of roofs must be “green”. This direction is increasingly being applied in European countries, and even began to develop successfully in Russia.

Houses with grass and decorative plantings on the roof have already appeared in Moscow and Sochi.

Benefits of using grass on your roof as roofing

  1. Green is an excellent sound insulator, reducing noise levels by up to 8 decibels.
  2. Such roofs reduce energy costs throughout the year, since in the summer a “green” roof heats up only to 300 C, while a regular roof heats up to 85-900 C. This means that the costs of using and maintaining air conditioners are reduced. IN winter time“green” roofs reduce heat loss in the building through the roof, which also saves energy on heating the house.
  3. Grass on roofs in large cities reduces the heat island effect: vegetation on roofs increases their reflective properties and thereby reduces the temperature in the city.
  4. Research by scientists has shown that 1 m2 of grass at home absorbs 200 g from the air harmful substances, cleaning it from impurities hazardous to health and improving the microclimate.
  5. The root system of grass on the roof absorbs approximately 70 - 75% of precipitation and thereby reduces the load on the street drainage system.

Disadvantages of using grass on a roof as a roof

  1. Portland builders claim that 1 ft2 of a green roof costs $6 more than 1 ft2 of a regular roof.
  2. This type of roofing is heavier than a regular one, so you need to calculate the power very accurately. load-bearing structures and house floors.

But municipalities in many cities in Europe and the United States are making decisions that encourage the creation of green roofs in private construction, so the benefits of such roofs are obvious.

Types of grass roofing

  • flat - usually used in urban construction of multi-storey buildings office buildings having large area roofs. This type is good because it does not require special devices to prevent soil sliding, but the base of such a roof must have absolute tightness, otherwise it will leak and collapse;
  • Norwegian - between grass covering and the bottom insulated layer is a ventilated cavity. The advantage of such a double-shell roof is that the steam that is generated in residential premises passes through the vapor-permeable thermal insulation and escapes into the atmosphere. The plant covering in such a roof is laid in 2 layers (one layer with the grass facing down, for better preservation heat);
  • German - differs in that the thermal insulation is not laid between the rafters, as in the Norwegian version, but along the root-protective shell. This makes the roof cheaper because there is no intermediate layer of insulation.

  1. intensive low landscaping - various perennial flowers and herbs are planted. But these plants must be regularly fertilized and irrigated, which creates additional costs. The thickness of the soil layer or substrate for such plants ranges from 15 to 35 cm.
  2. intensive high landscaping - planting perennial herbs and flowers, tall bushes and even trees on the roof of the house. But they need a thick layer of soil or substrate (up to 250 cm), regular irrigation and nutrition are necessary.
  3. extensive landscaping - use low plants(mosses and grasses) that do not require special effort care, resistant to drought and frost, capable of rapid regeneration. For extensive vegetation, a layer of substrate up to 15 cm thick is sufficient.

Installation of an inversion, or “green” roof of a house

The installation of an inversion roof begins with the production of a slope-forming layer on the ceiling, on which the waterproofing is laid. It can be roofing felt, polymer film or bitumen. When choosing a single-layer polymer film, it is necessary to provide a separation layer between the waterproofing and the concrete base of 3 - 5 mm of foamed polyethylene to protect the film from damage. When using roofing felt or bitumen, the separating layer does not need to be laid.

On a “green” roof, the waterproofing must not only be waterproof and frost-resistant, but also necessarily resistant to the germination of grass roots. It must be resistant to biological influences(mold, mildew) and chemical aggression. For waterproofing, EPDM membranes or two layers of SBS-modified roofing felt are used, which contain substances that prevent root germination ( chemical drug or copper foil liner).

If an inversion roof covers the living spaces of a house, it should be carefully insulated. Thermal insulation should be made of moisture-resistant material. For this purpose, extruded polystyrene foam boards with profiled edges for overlapping installation are suitable. The slabs are laid in one layer on top of the waterproofing. You can use foam glass slabs. They are steam and waterproof, non-flammable, and their service life practically coincides with the service life of the building. Insulation layer in " roofing pie» It is best to cover it with geosynthetic material.

Green roofing is one of the most ancient types of roofing. All old buildings were covered in a similar way: a flooring of poles or hewn half-logs was laid out, with at least six layers of birch bark on top, on which turf was laid. To prevent it from sliding down, a board or half-log was placed down the slope. Turf with grass or moss was laid on top of the poles.

A green roof retains heat perfectly and protects the house from overheating.

Features of a modern green roof

Green roofing is becoming increasingly popular these days. In addition to the fact that it has an original and scenic view, it retains heat perfectly and protects the house from overheating. The soil balances temperature fluctuations and protects roofing materials from exposure external environment, increasing their service life. Under such a roof the house is cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It can completely eliminate external noise.

Modern technologies allow you to do it yourself. This good way increase the area of ​​the site. A roof designed in this way will fit into any landscape and decorate it.

Green roofing is a whole complex of works. If the technology for its installation is followed, then the roof slabs will not be overloaded, it will not deteriorate and fungus and mold will not settle on it. It will be a beautiful structure with beautiful ornamental plants that will change the look of any building.

The design of the “green roof” is made according to the traditional version: 1 - concrete base; 2 - thermal insulation; 3 - waterproofing carpet; 4 - protective rubber coating; 5 - drainage layer; 6 - filter layer; 7 - soil layer.

Before a house is decorated with a green roof, everything needs to be carefully calculated. First of all, the strength of the floors must be taken into account. The thickness of the soil and the type of plants that will be planted will depend on this. One of the best options for a foundation for such a roof would be reinforced concrete. It is able to withstand heavy loads, up to 50 cm of soil can be placed on it, which will make it possible to plant not only grass and flowers, but also small shrubs and even trees. If the roof of the house is not so strong, then you can decorate it with various ground cover plants.

Green roofing is complex multi-layer construction, for the creation of which many different materials are used. In order to make it yourself, you need to prepare everything in advance.

Roof technology: waterproofing

The base for a roof of plants can be different, for example, wooden sheathing or solid material. If you need to change the roof format, you can use a special frame. The base may be different, but the requirements for it are the same: it must be durable and well protected from precipitation.

Plants that will decorate the roof of the house require ongoing care. And this, first of all, is watering. In order not to harm the roofing material, you need to arrange high-quality waterproofing. It's not difficult to do it yourself. Waterproofing will act as a barrier to irrigation water and prevent it from penetrating under the frame. The arrangement technology involves laying a light drain over the waterproofing, which will remove excess moisture.

As insulating material can be used polyethylene film, liquid rubber, polymer membranes. The material is placed tightly on the base of the structure and carefully secured.

Other roofing components

In the structure that makes up the green roof of a house, it is imperative to create a barrier for plant roots. If this is not done, then it will grow over time root system will damage the waterproofing layer. Replacing it later will be quite difficult. To create this barrier, you can use a polymer film that is laid on waterproofing layer. To make the work a little easier, you can purchase waterproofing that already has a special layer that prevents root growth.

The next thing to do is lay the drainage layer. There is a lot of pressure placed on him important functions on regulation required quantity water for plants. Expanded clay of medium or large fraction can be used as drainage. You can use geomats, which are grids that resemble washcloths. They have good drainage characteristics.

If the roof is sloped, then excess water will be discharged through a drain, which must be installed in advance. If the roof is flat, then you need to arrange drainage from the waterproofing layer into storm drains, which can be built with your own hands. This will help prevent moisture stagnation.

To prevent soil and drainage from mixing, it is necessary to lay a special filter, the so-called geolayer. It will also prevent the drainage from becoming clogged with various inclusions.

Features of a pitched roof

If the roof of the house is uneven, then the soil will not stick to it. Even if you manage to lay it down, after watering or rain everything will slide off. To make your homemade roof pleasing to the eye, you can use shallow plastic boxes, which are often used for seedlings. They are lighter than wood and will last longer. If a box becomes unusable, it can be easily replaced. Even with soil and plants they have light weight. You can do it yourself wooden boxes. The manufacturing technology is simple: a film is stretched over a frame of boards that will act as sides.

These boxes can be secured in different ways. You can do this using a U-shaped aluminum profile, which is put on the sides of the adjacent box. Using them on pitched roof, you need to attach the side of the top box to the top edge of the roof. If the roof is gable, then the top drawers, which will be located on different sides from the ridge, fastened together. The next ones will be attached to them.

To sow plants, you need to fill the trays. The bottom is lined with film. For drain excess water you need to make holes in the film and the tray. Then geotextiles are laid. This is a special fabric that does not rot and absorbs moisture. About a third of the pan should be filled with drainage. You can use expanded clay. Soil is laid on top.

If you sow it with a lawn, the roots will bind the soil very well. Over time, it will be possible to replant any plants, for example, ground cover. If the roof has very steep slopes, then to prevent the lawn from sliding under the influence of water, you can put a plastic mesh into the ground.

Substrates for green roofs of houses

Regular garden soil not suitable for use. It is heavy, poorly drained, and lacks nutrients. You can use ready-made soils, which are sold in gardening stores, or you can prepare the mixture yourself. The cooking technology is quite simple. The best option there will be a mixture of drainage and good compost. For example, you can take 10% expanded clay, 15% coarse tree bark and coarse perlite, some old leaves, 30% fine tree bark, 10% compost and 20% coir (coconut fiber).

You can also make a substrate from compost, perlite and expanded clay. Take them in equal quantities.

The composition of the soil that will be laid on the roof and the height of the layer depends on the choice of plants. If the green roof consists of ground cover plants, then the soil layer should not exceed 5-7 cm. If selected ornamental plants with a developed root system, the soil layer will need to be adjusted for them. These questions should be thought through in advance.

I dreamed of making a lawn on the roof back in 2012, when I got involved in a crazy adventure - construction country house from scratch completely with your own hands. The task was successfully completed two years ago, and I closely connected my life with construction topics. Work began to take a lot of time, so on my own country house There wasn't as much time left as I wanted.

And finally, I decided to realize what I had long dreamed of - a green roof. In short, setting up a lawn on the roof cost me only 2 working days and about 60 thousand rubles. And now my house can be called “green” not only figuratively (“energy efficient”), but also in the literal sense.

Making a green roof with your own hands is very simple. Let's get started!

I have a separate section on how the classic flat roof with fused waterproofing was organized. It was made in the summer of 2013 and has already survived three seasons without any problems (which is generally not surprising, despite the unhealthy skepticism of people far from construction). One of the arguments for a lawn on the roof is the ability to extend the life of the waterproofing. As is known, the most main enemy waterproofing is ultraviolet radiation from the sun. That is why the top layer of the waterproofing carpet uses a coating of stone chips, which protects waterproofing from damaging radiation. The second argument for a green roof was that waterproofing with sprinkles is not intended for walking on it, and the number of people who want to visit the roof of a house with flat roof quite a lot, plus I myself want to arrange an additional recreation area there.

2. Let's start with purchasing materials. The first thing we need is a Planter Geo drainage membrane (with a layer of geotextile) and a separate geotextile. You can see how the membrane is produced. TechnoNIKOL promised to provide a membrane for experiments for a whole year, but in the end they disappeared, and I just went and bought the membrane in the store myself. The width of the rolls is 2 meters, there are 3 of them in total (there is another one in the background, 2.15 m wide), in some incredible way I managed to stuff them into the cabin (!) of the Octavia and thus bring them to the site. However, nothing surprising, because for a long time known fact: if you couldn’t fit something into your car, then you don’t have an Octavia station wagon. In addition to the membrane, you will also need double sided tape for gluing geotextiles and a special Planter Duo tape for gluing the membrane. Total cost these materials: 26 thousand rubles.

3. Now you need to bring boards to organize the lifting of materials onto the roof. At this point I decided to buy crossbars (it was about time, 2 years after the completion of construction:) so as not to play Tetris, as was the case when transporting the membrane. The boards cost 1,200 rubles and had to be transported over a distance of 3 kilometers. The crossbars were not torn out, although the leverage of the 6-meter bar is huge.

4. A lift like this was assembled from boards, along which I will lift materials to the roof. The height of the house is 4.3 meters from the blind area. Looking ahead, I’ll note: for now you can only get to the roof via a vertical façade staircase, and climbing it with loads is simply unrealistic. There are plans to install a normal staircase, or, most likely, a homemade elevator. But all this will happen a little later, when there is free time.

5. Yes, I almost forgot. I also bought 100kg of round stones, about 10cm in diameter, to cover the gutter along one of the parapet walls. They cost 10 rubles per kilogram. After this, we spread geotextiles over the entire surface of the waterproofing, gluing the seams. Its task is to protect the waterproofing from plant roots. Because On the street, the wind has to constantly load the edges of the geotextile with improvised materials.

6. After the entire roof surface is covered with geotextiles, we proceed to spreading the membrane. I roll the rolls across the existing slope.

7. The membrane is laid with an overlap and the seams are taped with a special bitumen-polymer tape.

8. The geotextile on the top layer of the membrane is also glued with an overlap. The purpose of the membrane is to protect the waterproofing and ensure drainage excess moisture from the ground.

9. The coating is completely ready. The whole job took approximately 4 hours. You can import soil and rolled lawn.

10. Now comes the most tedious and difficult part. I order 100 rolls of lawn (size 0.4x2 meters) and 3000 liters (20 bags of 150 liters each) of peat substrate. The total weight of all materials is approximately 3-3.5 tons. The materials cost 27 thousand rubles and delivery cost another 5 thousand rubles.

11. Manual lifting with a rope allows you to pull loads that weigh 20-25 kg, so I reload bags of substrate into a construction rectangular bucket. You can't do without an assistant here, because... You can’t run here and there alone.

12. I begin unloading the peat substrate. Ordinary soil will not work here because... need porous soil for better drainage, as well as a large number nutrients.

13. Tamper? Yes, I heard about this one. Our legs are everything. In total, 2,400 liters of substrate were used for the roof, which made it possible to obtain a uniform coating 4 cm thick.

14. Now it’s the turn of the lawn rolls. The work went faster: lifting the rolls was much more convenient than lifting the soil. That is why I did not lift 2 times more soil in order to sow it with lawn grass myself. I didn’t bother with laying them in a checkerboard pattern, so I laid out the rolls sequentially.

15. Done! Together with my father, we managed it in a few hours. Now all that remains is to water the freshly laid lawn and you can relax - there is a week of rain ahead in the Moscow region. This is perhaps the first time in the history of construction that it rained exactly when it was needed, and not during the work process (I remember with horror how I was fiddling with the ceiling in the rain and even making a temporary roof).

16. It rained non-stop for almost 3 days. Even the walls are not dry yet (let me remind you that the facade of the house is simply puttied and has not yet been painted). Came to check out the rooftop lawn.

17. It would seem that a little more time has passed, but the seams between the rolls are almost invisible.

18. The house has become doubly “green”. 2x100 watts solar panels, connected through a grid inverter to the network, try to at least slightly compensate for the energy consumption of the house. Now they almost succeed (the output is 0.6-1 kWh per day), and in winter they produced this much in 15-20 days...

19. It turned out to be an excellent disguise, now it’s worth waiting for the update satellite images terrain and see what it looks like from the air :) Last year it looked like this. A layer of soil with grass should improve thermal insulation properties roof, although it is already insulated above all current standards. In fact, it would not turn out that you will have to use heating not only in winter, but also in summer :) After all, in fact, we have NEVER used air conditioning in the summer and, on the contrary, in the heat we open the windows to sunny side to better warm the house inside.

20. Well, that’s it, all that remains is to build an elevator to the roof and you can create an additional recreation area on the site. You just need to understand whether you need to mow the grass and, if so, how often.

The rooftop lawn is incredibly cool. And if a flat roof won’t surprise anyone now, then a green roof is still exotic even for the Moscow region.

All reports on the construction of a country house with your own hands can be found in chronological order.

Increasingly, in our suburban spaces you can see houses with green roofs. This is natural: why deny yourself the opportunity to create an additional oasis of nature on your own territory? Especially if the plot is small: a house, a garage, a vegetable garden - and that’s it, there is almost no space left for landscaping.

We will talk about the design of a green roof and the features of its installation now.

What is the peculiarity of landscaping an exploited roof?

In cross-section, a green roof is a layer-by-layer structure:

  • Roof structure;
  • Waterproofing layer;
  • Moisture-accumulating mat;
  • Root protective barrier;
  • Substrate;
  • Jute mesh;
  • Vegetation cover.

This is the general design of a green roof.

Please note

In specific cases, the number and purpose of layers depends on the shape of the roof (flat, flat, relatively steep), as well as on the type of operation.

There are several variations of the roof in use:

  • Lightweight. The only option, which can be installed on a weak supporting base. Landscaping of a light-weight roof in use - succulents, mosses, annual flowers, lawn grass. Thin layer of soil, minimal watering.

  • Weighted. Solid base (for example, reinforced concrete slab). Thick layer of soil, drainage, many separating layers. You can plant trees and shrubs.

  • Extensive. Green roof components do not require maintenance. Unpretentious drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant species: perennials, mosses, succulents. Frequent watering not required.
  • Green roofing is intense. An actively used roof is located on a strong base. Permissible load for the base - 150-750 kilograms per square. Here you can equip small fountains, paths, benches for relaxation. Large range plant crops. Required automatic watering and enhanced drainage. The option is suitable for houses with a large roof area.

Grass on the roof of a house: pros and cons

Green roof, advantages:

  • Saving space on the site;
  • Huge environmental significance;
  • Roof protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Protecting your home from overheating;
  • Thermal insulation, reduction of heating costs;
  • Soundproofing;
  • Absorption of atmospheric moisture;
  • Roof fire safety;
  • Lots of use cases.

Please note

  • Significant increase in load on supporting structures;
  • Difficulties in repairing in case of leaks;
  • Complex installation and high cost of green roofing.

Our works

Green roof installation technology

Let's look at the main stages of installing a green roof with your own hands.

1. The basis for our landscaping - concrete slab flat roof or continuous pitched sheathing. Roof covering needs to be removed. If the roof is completely flat, you should make a slope using cement screed. Angle up to five degrees, slope towards the drain.

2. Waterproofing device. Suitable for this purpose PVC membranes, liquid rubber, polyethylene film. It is recommended to make a double waterproofing layer. The bottom film is attached mechanically, the top is fused. The seams need to be soldered.

3. Cork boards, extruded closed-cell polystyrene foam, and liquid polyurethane foam are suitable as insulation. If used slab insulation, the slabs must be laid tightly, and if necessary, glue the joints. It is not necessary to attach the slabs to the base.

4. If the roof is installed on rafter system, there is already insulation: slabs located in space between the rafters. If they are not there, then they should be added. Laying the slabs can be done from the attic side.

Please note

Additional thermal insulation on a green roof may not be necessary, although pitched roofs most often done green carpet made of moss, which itself is a good insulator.

5. Another layer of waterproofing is placed on top of the insulation. There are films with anti-root modifiers. They are used if the root system of plants grows deeper. If you choose ground cover species, ordinary lawn grass, you don’t have to buy modified waterproofing, regular waterproofing will do.

6. Root protective barrier. It exists to prevent plant roots from growing deep into the green roof pie and destroying the roof. The barrier is made of foil or polymer film with a metal coating.

7. Drainage. This layer does not prevent the bulk of water from flowing towards the drainage funnel or gutter, but retains a certain amount necessary for plants. Expanded clay of medium or large fractions is used for the bottom drainage layer. For drainage, you can use special plastic geomats, and from available materials - gravel or loosened clay. To improve water outflow, perforated tubes are used.

8. Filtration. This layer prevents soil sediment from entering the drainage. Geotextiles with high density. It is laid with an overlap.

Please note

For gentle slopes, a geogrid is not needed; it is enough to install a low fence made of wooden slats. With these slats you can lay out a geometric pattern, then in addition to practical function the lathing will also serve an aesthetic purpose.

10. Soil layer. The composition of the soil depends on the requirements of the selected plants. The thickness of the layer also depends on the type chosen: grass on the roof and ground cover plants require a maximum of 10 centimeters, trees and shrubs - up to a meter. The soil should be porous, moisture-absorbing and light. One of the mixture options: neutral peat + perlite + expanded clay + a small amount of shale, clay and sand + crushed bark + fertilizers. IN top layer lawn grass seeds are planted in the soil.

  • Conditions on the roof are not comparable to conditions on the ground. Wind and sun rays. The microclimate is close to desert. It is recommended to choose the most unpretentious species.
  • A good option is dwarf plants with a small root system. Frost-resistant grasses and creeping species: young, sedum, sedum.
  • You can make the grass cover varied by using moss, bells, lavender, oregano, and cloves.

If you are planning to manufacture a roof or repair it, I offer the services of our team. We have been doing this for over 10 years. Call or write in the comments, ask questions, I will try to answer everything.

A green roof more than pays for all the efforts spent on its installation and maintenance. In addition to the aesthetic function, which no piece coating can challenge, it performs a number of others:

  1. Absorbs ¾ of incoming precipitation, returning more than half of the moisture back to the atmosphere.
  2. Creates a protective barrier to the main roofing material from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. In the summer it protects the building from overheating, and in the cold season it helps to retain heat inside the house, thereby reducing heating costs.
  4. Acts as an additional noise insulation factor.
  5. Increases the decorative effect not only of the house, but also of the entire garden plot.

IN landscape design There are two directions for creating “living” structures - intensive and extensive. The first implies the formation of holistic flower arrangements, lush flower beds, mini-parks. These are highly decorative gardens, which are often installed on the roofs of expensive living rooms, restaurants and administrative buildings.

Installation of a system with trees, fountains and ponds is being discussed at the stage construction project, since specialists need to calculate all possible loads. If landscaping is carried out according to the “full program”, then the expected load will be about 500 kg per 1 sq. meter, not counting decorative elements. Therefore, the structure is installed in the fall in order to check its reliability during the cold, snowy period.

Extensive landscaping is a simplified option for creating green cover, which is popular among amateur gardeners. For it, the strongest possible frame is not required; a supported, pre-repaired roof is also suitable.

A building with a lawn on the roof will bring considerable pleasure to its owners, be it a sprawling garden with a seating area or an ordinary green lawn.

Lawn on the roof - classic technology

By standard scheme altitude system Lawn laying should consist of 6 layers:

  • heat insulating;
  • waterproofing;
  • drainage;
  • filtering;
  • fertile;
  • vegetable.

Base under the roof are made of plywood slabs or tongue and groove boards. The joints between them are “sealed” bituminous material using a gas burner.

In the inversion version, first a waterproofing layer is installed, then a heat-insulating layer. Thus, the waterproof coating will be subject to less pressure and will last much longer.

Geotextile fiber most often acts as a filter layer, preventing rapid clogging of the drainage.

Drainage layer – heavy-duty material (polyethylene high pressure or perforated polystyrene foam), which is laid on a root protection film. Corrugated or asbestos pipes with special grooves. If the surface is horizontal, for normal functioning the system creates a slope of 1.5-5%.

If the grass cover is placed on a roof with a slope of more than 18 degrees, the drainage is additionally equipped with a “clawed” layer to prevent the substrate from sliding. For this purpose, PVC gratings, reinforcement and wire mesh, and special bristly fabric are used.

A thermal insulation coating is laid at the very bottom - foam glass. This substance is moisture resistant and increased stability to root pressure. Sometimes foam glass is replaced with extruded polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

How to make a lawn on the roof of a house with your own hands

A roof garden does not have to be a bulky structure consisting of several layers of soil, drainage and sealing measures. Anyone can install a green roof without investing a lot of effort and material resources.

To create a lawn above your head you will need:

  • durable waterproof film;
  • peat crumbs, fertilizers;
  • fine gravel.

The film must be environmentally friendly and resistant to temperature changes. To begin with, we construct a flat recess on the site. We spread the film, leaving the edges 6-8 cm wide. Holding them in this position, we support them on both sides with planks or stones. If the area is large and the film is small, it can be made from several pieces in any greenhouse.

Water flow can be ensured without resorting to complex installation drainage system– it is enough to periodically lift the film in one of the corners.

To improve the quality of the substrate, mix peat crumbs with complex fertilizer for plants (3 kg per 1 cubic meter of crumbs).

Ensuring reliable drainage is very simple; just pour a thin layer of gravel (1 cm) over the entire surface. On top, in a layer of 5-6 cm, lay the moistened fertile mixture. Then the area is leveled and slightly compacted. That's it, the site is ready! At your discretion, you can populate it not only with a lawn, but also with flowers, shrubs, even dwarf trees.

Plants with a fibrous root system (lawn, creeping, meadow, bulbous) are best suited for a high-altitude garden. They must be unpretentious, because the conditions to which they will have to adapt are quite harsh: wind, dry air, poor soil.

Caring for the site will be limited to watering, mainly during drought, and periodic mowing. Some gardeners do not recommend mowing the lawn at all, so as not to damage the insulation. Moreover, when correct selection components, plant height will not exceed 30 cm.

For free movement on the grass, green roof, just like a regular garden, can be crossed by paths made of flat stones and tiles. They must be laid on soft peat so as not to damage the film.

Sowing lawn grass happens as follows: we embed the seeds in the substrate, lightly compact and moisten. During dry periods, the area must be watered or sprayed daily. The humidity of the substrate should be such that if you pick up a handful you can squeeze out a couple of drops of water.

The supply of nutrients to the plants will be enough for the first month. After this you will need additional feeding. For every sq. meter of area, scatter 40 g of fertilizer and spray the grass cover clean water. Water will wash away adhered salt particles and prevent chemical burns. Over time, the need to apply fertilizers will disappear: they will be replaced by dying phytomass.

Such recreation areas can be arranged on any site, even asphalt. The main thing is that the plants are provided with light, heat and nutrients.

"Living" roof - original idea both for a country house and for urban buildings. A covering of real grass will turn any extraordinary building, be it a balcony, the roof of a high-rise building or even a doghouse, into a fairy-tale lawn.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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