With my own hands. Of course, making a violin or piano without special training, materials, or equipment at home is unprepared for this species the master will not succeed in his activities. And this is a fact that should be accepted unconditionally. But how to make fairly simple musical instruments with your own hands - our article will tell those interested about this.

Where to find source material for crafts

Any object from which sound can be extracted is considered musical. And this is practically everything that surrounds us! If you carefully follow one-year-old babies, then it will become clear: the headboard of an iron bed, when hit with a spoon, makes a melodious ringing, similar to the sound of a metallophone. And if you knock wooden spoons on the table and chairs, you will get an amazing resemblance

It turns out that we are surrounded by continuous musical instruments! You just need to decorate them with your own hands in the right way, collect them in one place and place the “musician” next to them.

Gift for a drummer

For example, a beautiful one is made from a set of pans, lids and wooden sticks. Pencils, wooden spoons, and brushes are suitable as the latter. You can also carve special sticks for a beginning drummer from wood.

As you can see from the photo, making these with your own hands is quite simple. For beauty, you can even come up with a special emblem and decorate each item with it. For “plates”, metal lids mounted on a stand are suitable. By the way, metal buckets, mugs, bowls, basins will work great next to the pots. The main thing in this matter is to choose containers of different sizes that are capable of producing different sounds.

Tool for spoons

Everyone knows such a Russian as spoons. Even solo numbers are practiced, where the performers manage to perform quite interesting compositions.

You can expand the capabilities of spoon musicians by creating an entire installation for them. It will require a wooden matryoshka doll. By arranging them in ascending volume, you can get an excellent installation tool.

DIY Guiro

Skilled woodworkers can make quite professional musical instruments. Handmade ratchets are also of interest to musicians today.

Initially, guiros were made from the fruits of the gourd tree, on which notches were made. Its place of origin is considered Latin America. Modern guiros are musical instruments made by hand from solid wood with notches along which a scraper called a “pua” should be driven. The musician thus produces interesting chirping sounds when accompanying singing or performing his part in an orchestra.

Today, these kinds of musical instruments appear, made by hand from metal or plastic tubes. In Russia, rattles made of wooden planks with notches were an analogue of guiro.

Maracas, shakers - rattles

You can make musical noise instruments with your own hands from a variety of containers. Metal coffee cans, plastic yogurt bottles, Kinder surprise egg cartons, etc. are suitable for crafts. wooden boxes and even the inner cylinders from paper towels or toilet paper from cardboard. Only the latter need to be sealed at both ends so that you can put anything there. A shaker is also made from two disposable cups, gluing them together with tape.

To create a sound effect, grains, sand, small pebbles, beads, shot, and buttons are placed inside the container. You can attach handles to round containers and paint them with acrylic paints. Then you get very beautiful musical noise instruments, which you can build with your own hands from scrap materials.


Children love to make a variety of crafts together with adults. Musical instruments You can also do it yourself at home.

You can make castanets using two large buttons with loops attached to them. These devices are worn on the thumb and middle fingers. The castanets knock when they touch and a sound is produced.

From absolutely unnecessary things, prepared for disposal in the trash, you can make enough interesting crafts. Do-it-yourself musical instruments are created by gluing covers onto cardboard pieces, after which the blanks need to be fastened together by folding them perpendicular to each other.


Children's musical instruments often contain bells and bells that ring beautifully. You can hang them on an empty paper towel cylinder or along the edges of disposable plates stapled together. It is best to fold the latter asymmetrically.

Having brightly colored the instruments made in this way, you can use them in a children's noise orchestra.

Whistles and pipes

Easy to make DIY ones that produce sounds when the performer blows into them. They are made from the hollow stems of grass blades, the bark of twigs, plastic handles, cocktail straws. If the latter are cut diagonally at different lengths, you can get whistles that produce different sounds.

Whistles are also made from bean, pea or acacia pods. In childhood, everyone “played” such a musical instrument at least once.

Craftsmen make pipes from wood by cutting holes in hollow tubes. But this requires special skill. No less difficult - and just as interesting! - make a toy whistle from clay or salt dough. Usually a version of the “Dymkovo” toy is used here. Although you can make a little thing by hiding a ready-made whistle inside. By making several of these toys that make sounds of different pitches, you can even play some melodies on them.

You can make homemade musical instruments with your own hands from almost nothing. For example, a cap from a plastic bottle, on which a piece of rubber cut from a burst balloon is stretched, will become an exciting toy for a child.

You can also use empty bottles as a whistle. If you blow into the inlet from top to bottom, applying the container only to the lower lip and holding it vertically, you can make amazing sounds! Musicians change the inclination of the “instrument”, the distance between the lips and the hole of the bubble, the force of blowing air, and different melodies are born.

"Litrophon" or "singing bottles"

Today, more and more often, performers with such interesting instruments appear on stage that you are amazed! And what don’t they make them from! You can make it yourself, for example, from bottles or wine glasses, filling them with water.

Different heights of sounds produced are achieved by the amount of liquid poured, the material used to make the dishes, and changes in the volume of the container. The less water is poured, the thinner the sound. For beauty and convenience, the liquid is tinted.

Harp, or “musical comb”

Taking an ordinary flat comb (“hedgehog” will not work), you need to cover the location of the teeth with foil or tissue paper. By blowing into this simple instrument you can make cool rattling sounds.

Talented musicians from the stages perform different types of harpa musical compositions, up to the classic ones. Particularly interesting is this tool, made from a comb with different tooth thicknesses.

The main theme of Oginsky’s “Polonaise” or the melody of a folk song/hit comes out surprisingly similar to the original!

DIY guitar

This is truly amazing! But you can even make a guitar with your own hands from scrap materials, or simply from trash.

Closed cardboard boxes and empty flat ones are used as a basis. plastic bottles from under the shampoo. Of course, the sound of the instrument will depend on the material of the guitar frame and the size of the hole cut in it.

It is also important to choose the right strings for your guitar. Most often, they take stationery or aviation rubber bands and pull them with different forces.

So now you don’t need to run to the children’s toy store if your baby is capricious. After all, you can simply make an exciting toy for him - a musical instrument that will become the child’s most beloved and expensive thing.

Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments is one of the developmental tasks of a kindergarten teacher. Sometimes children and their parents are given the task of coming up with unconventional musical instruments. All of their non-traditionality lies in the fact that they are made from scrap materials and bulk cereals. You can make your own orchestral instrument together with your child.

You can play a non-standard orchestra at home, producing a variety of sounds. Making a musical instrument develops creative skills, and needless to say, a homemade item is much better, and it also brings parent and child closer together.

So, an orchestra will play in kindergarten, we need to decide what musical instrument to build. The classification of children's musical instruments is varied and educational.

Here are some types of musical instruments for children:

  1. Wind musical instruments - tuba, flute, clarinet, saxophone (they are blown);
  2. Percussion - drum, bells, tom-toms, rattles, xylophone, castanets (they are beaten and shaken);
  3. Strings – balalaika, guitar, gusli (played by strings).

The sounds produced by musical instruments depend on their type. The sound may be rustling, ringing, crackling. The trumpet is a musical instrument - a wind instrument that produces a blowing sound of different pitches and timbres.

Homemade musical instruments that produce a noisy sound, such as a drum, maracas or castanets, help a child develop a sense of tempo and an ear for music.

How to make a musical instrument with your own hands from scrap materials? Just use your imagination or look for ideas below.

An interesting master class on DIY musical instruments so that your child can join a kindergarten orchestra and become familiar with the world of art and music.

Chinese drum

  • We take any jar, preferably a larger one (a can, a mayonnaise jar or a round deep container), cut out both bottoms and close them with lids of suitable size or stretch them balloon(membrane for our drum). Decorate with applique, stickers or paints.
  • All that remains is to prepare the sticks; any pencil, felt-tip pen or Chinese sticks will do; we put a thick ball or a plastic container from Kinder on them. And our noise instrument is ready.
  • If the drum rattles too loudly, then you can pour a small layer of sand or flour (semolina) inside. This will muffle the ringing.


We will need a lid or the cardboard box itself, it can be glued self-adhesive wallpaper under the tree or decorate it in an original way. We stretch elastic bands along the length of the box. A child who has played such a harp can gradually learn the basics of playing the guitar.

By the way, in addition to the gusli, you can also make a guitar for kindergarten with your own hands. The principle is the same, only the shape of a guitar or balalaika can be made using papier-mâché and an elastic band, cut and stretched like strings.


Any can or toilet paper tube, plugged on both sides, is filled with cereal (peas, buckwheat, beans, etc.)

Clapping sticks

We take any wooden or plastic sticks 1.5-3 cm wide and of any length, paint them and attach them at a small, equal distance from each other. The child will clap them, the sound is similar to a rattle with wooden spoons.

Wind chime (bells)

We hang jingling objects (keys, metal plugs, sticks) on a horizontal stick. The sound produced is similar to the bells used by a real orchestra. You can disassemble a ready-made Feng Shui pendant and use some items from it.

Pan Flute

Take ordinary plastic drinking straws. You will need about 10 pieces. Then leave one long, shorten the next ones, you should get a ladder. We lay them out in a row and fasten them with paper and PVA glue or tape. It's easy to play; just blow into the holes like an accordion. The trumpet is a musical instrument based on the same principle.


Making musical instruments with your own hands couldn't be easier. You need to take two identical fingers for embroidery and place them above each other at a distance. Attach iron Coca-Cola lids to nails between them.

You need two lids, with the flat side facing each other, and pierce the middle with a nail. Then attach it to two hoop rings so that the lids jump and rattle. Be sure to insulate the nails with electrical tape or tape so that the baby does not get hurt.

DIY noise instruments

DIY musical instruments for children are not a utopia, but a reality. The sound quality of crafts, of course, cannot be compared with a studio instrument, but playing with them is interesting and fun. Hot ten creative chart at your service! Which of the suggestions would you like to repeat?


It’s all very simple: we buy decorative Easter eggs in the store, make holes in them, pour pebbles inside, attach a couple of plastic spoons to them using tape - and your child is ready to dance hot Latin dances! There-pum-pum-pum!


Take a round tea jar, remove the lid and stretch some thick paper over the hole (attach it to the jar with a money rubber band). The drum is ready! It is best to tap on it with a pencil with an eraser at the end.

Invite your child to compare the difference in sound between thin and wide cans, as well as between membranes made of paper, foil and leather. From a young drummer he becomes an aspiring experimental physicist!


Take metal washers different diameters. Tie each of them to a colored thread. Wrap the ends of the threads around a long ruler, securing them with tape for security. Hang the ruler by the string attached to the edges from a chandelier or door handle and enjoy the melodic overflow!


Everything is simple to the point of disgrace: we describe a circle on one of the walls of the box and cut a hole in it. We stretch elastic bands over it - if the box is small, they can be thrown across its entire perimeter. If you want to make a large instrument, then make small holes in the box, cut the elastic bands, thread the ends into the holes and tie them inside into three or four wide and thick knots. A piece of wood will serve as the neck. Pluck the strings and enjoy the effect!


This craft has no equal in its ease of execution. We take a piece of cardboard, punch a series of holes in it (you will need an awl), close one of the ends with thick paper, securing it in place with an elastic band (we did similar work in the case of the drum). The baby blows into the forge and enjoys the resulting effect!


Six or seven glasses, packets of food coloring, and water - all the notes you needed took their places on the musical palette. This piano is best played with a wooden spoon.


Once again our friend, the paper roll, is at work! We make holes in it and thread bells through them (you can tear them off from old toys or buy a ready-made set at a hardware store). The beater is ready!


We buy a can of soda, pour the sweet drink into a glass, pour a handful of beans inside, cover the noisemaker with foil and an elastic band - musical instruments for children with their own hands cannot do without it - and we rattle to our heart's content! A minute of work - hours of rhythm and knocking!


For this job we will need combs different colors and wax paper. We wrap the scallops to each other with two strips of paper, use twine for security - and the pocket organ is ready. You need to blow between the teeth - the sound will be high and thin.


We tie a couple of lids with a rope... yes, you read that right, the job is completed. We are not sure that every parent can handle more than five minutes of playing such a dulcimer, but we admit that the original idea is simply brilliant in its simplicity.

We wish you to fill every minute of your life with the harmony and sound of the heavenly spheres. for children with their own hands will help you with this!

If you are going on a trip by car, or if you just live in a very creative musical family, this master class is for you. Make cool tools from ordinary things that are found in everyone's home.

It happens that when a family goes somewhere on a long journey by car, it becomes catastrophically boring. Sometimes, of course, the radio comes to the rescue, but you can’t always hear songs there that both children and parents will like. But with tools like these, you'll never be bored again!

The sound of such instruments will, of course, differ from real ones, but they are made so simply and easily that you will not regret spending the time to create them. You will find almost all materials in the kitchen.

What you will need:

  • 2 plastic or thick paper small buckets
  • 2 strong balls
  • 8 wide tubes
  • scissors
  • scotch
  • rope
  • 2 plastic whisks
  • 2 plastic eggs that can be opened (use plastic Kinder boxes)
  • Easter cake sprinkles (or beads)
  • hole punch
  • several people who will become musicians!

How to make small bongs

Take buckets. Using a hole punch, make holes on the sides through which you can connect the bongs with a string. Next, take the balls and cut off their ends. Now stretch the resulting materials onto the tops of the buckets. Then you can get creative and decorate the bongs.

Now we make kugikly

We take straws, put them in a row and shorten them to different lengths. We make cuts (as in the photo) and then glue them together. Attach a string if desired.

Let's start creating maracas

It will be very easy! Take kinder boxes and place beads or Easter cake sprinkles in them. Now pop these little jars into plastic whisks. Ready!

Enjoy the music and don't get bored!

Based on materials from the site: http://www.handmadecharlotte.com/

A huge contribution to the development of children is made within the walls of the kindergarten. And an important component of it is music. In music classes, preschoolers learn to recognize sounds, sing and dance, and learn about new musical instruments. Returning to the group, they most often go about their own business: draw, play with dolls or cars, assemble pyramids or construction sets. But why don't you make your own musical instruments for kindergarten? Children will be able to play in a real instrumental ensemble, and at the same time develop their own skills.

A little theory about homemade musical instruments

The process of creating musical instruments with your own hands is quite painstaking and sometimes requires materials that are not quite usual for a kindergarten: plastic bottles, tin cans, rubber bands for money, buttons and so on. Involve your parents - there are probably similar things in every home that are no longer needed. Explain that the children will develop creatively in the process of needlework and then they will brag about their inventions at the next matinee.

Here are the main points to consider:

  • The sounds produced by homemade musical instruments most often have nothing in common with those produced by real ones. Your task is to show that it is possible to extract different sounds from available means. You will improvise. AND appearance It wouldn’t hurt to hand over real instruments either: decor, shape, accessories like a shoulder strap.
  • Toys made from improvised materials often break. DIY musical instruments for kindergarten are no exception. Immediately tell the children about the fragility of the products, their special value for your group (after all, they will remain as a memory of each of the kindergarten students).
  • All materials must be hypoallergenic and safe.
  • Try to come up with tools that the child could make on his own, especially if we're talking about O preparatory group. It is also better to define the concept initially: these will be the same products for each child, or preschoolers will make instruments in groups with their own hands - each group will have their own instrument.

Playing music and playing it, even in this form, will benefit children. Perhaps some of them will discover real talent or will awaken a desire to enter after kindergarten and then seriously pursue their passion.

DIY musical instruments for kindergarten

Here are several small master classes on creating interesting and unique musical instruments. You'll see, everything ingenious is very simple.


Any metal or plastic can that is hollow inside can become a drum. You are unlikely to find such children in kindergarten. But you can ask your parents to bring old plastic jars for mayonnaise, jam or shish kebab. For a variety of sounds, you can also take cans different sizes and wall thickness.

Absolutely any will also work as sticks. It is important that the tree (if you choose it) cannot injure children’s hands, that is, it should be coated with a special varnish. For example, chopsticks intended for eating Japanese dishes can play this role.

Wooden xylophone

DIY musical instruments for kindergarten are made from the most different materials! If you have extra plinth, you can even make a tool out of it. It is enough to cut it into equal sections 10-15 cm long and screw it loosely to the base daughter with screws. The base must be treated so that children do not get splinters. The plinth pieces are placed in the same position one below the other.

To extract sound from this handmade musical instrument, a child uses any wooden stick top down. The more solid the stick, the louder and richer the sound will be produced.


The basis can be shoe box, in the lid of which a circle is carefully cut out slightly offset from the center. Rubber bands for money are wrapped around it or screwed so that all the “strings” pass over the hole. To prevent the rubber bands from lying on the surface and making sound, they need to be supported with something.

A pencil can serve as a support. However, if you want to raise the “strings” higher, then it is better to make a triangular structure with your own hands, because, as you know, it is the most reliable. Now you can play.


This wind instrument is made from ordinary straws, which are usually offered to children for drinks. It is better not to take those tubes that are attached to juices, since they are small and have a spring for bending at the very end. suitable place. And so, take several tubes of the same diameter (they can be replaced with anything: “cases” for pens, balloon sticks, etc.).

Then, from one of the edges, the second tube is sawed off from below by 1-1.5 cm. The third tube is sawed off to double the distance. Each subsequent one is sawn off in the same way so that a kind of uniform ladder is obtained. Then it is taken wide tape, and tubes are placed on it exactly along the edge, one next to the other. Then you need to tape it on the back side.

If your musical instrument is large, then it is better to first cover 2-3 tubes separately with small tape, and only then all together. The lower holes of the musical instrument with your own hands for kindergarten need to be closed. This can be done with plasticine, cut pieces of eraser, or even chewing gum.

Analogue of a triangle

To recreate the subtle sound of a metal stick touching another metal object suspended in the air, you can take the idea from this musical instrument. To make it, you will need 2 metal tubes, one of which will be suspended from any improvised handle by strong threads. The other child will hit and make a pleasant sound.


To make your own maracas for kindergarten, any hollow oblong container that can be filled with granules, cereals or larger objects can be suitable. The easiest option is to take a simple pencil, pierce it through a plastic egg from Kinder Surprise and secure it. Peas or rice are placed inside, depending on the desired sound output.

Another option is 0.5 ml plastic bottles. You can put unnecessary buttons or the same cereal inside. Of course, to make the musical instrument realistic, the bottles should be painted, it is better acrylic paint to be sure. You can do something different with filled plastic eggs: take small plastic spoons and place them on both sides so that the tips of the base touch. In principle, spoons can be placed on glue, but for beauty, they can be covered with colored tape around the perimeter.

The musical instruments that children make for kindergarten with their own hands will allow them to learn to improvise with sounds and understand the world through play. After all, even in a store, children are more attracted to those toys that can make some sounds, words, or light up. Remember that almost everything that surrounds us can become a musical instrument.

For example, let's take a regular empty cardboard box. It is enough to knock on it with your hands or sticks - and it is already a drum. Anything that can be filled with something and moved from side to side is a potential maracas. DIY musical instruments for kindergarten are a potential source of individual sounds for staging fairy tales. A loud knock - a clap of thunder or the roar of a wild animal. The paper rustles - it's the wind blowing or falling autumn leaves. Music is all around us.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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