When preparing for repairs, every person paints a beautiful picture in their imagination: new furniture, smooth ceilings, perfect floor, beautiful wallpaper. But wallpaper will look beautiful only if it is glued perfectly, without visually noticeable joints or irregularities. This is exactly what will be discussed further.


  • the canvases moved away from each other;
  • glue gets on the front side of the canvas;
  • When narrowing, the edges of the sheets curl slightly together with the putty;
  • one edge of the canvas is darker than the other;
  • The sheets have unpainted edges cut at an angle.

The joints on the wallpaper have come apart

When wet, all wallpapers are on paper based, whether they are simply paper or textile on a paper backing, they tend to change their size and swell. By the way, some types of non-woven fabric are also susceptible to this effect, although to a lesser extent. For example, if you take a paper sheet 52 cm wide and wet it, its width will change by 2–6 mm.

Without experience and without knowing the characteristics of a particular material, craftsmen cannot always adequately assess the future result of gluing. During the work, the joints may look perfect, and only after drying the paper may deform, trying to return to its original size - to reduce the width. This leads to divergence of joints on paper wallpaper. There are a number of rules that should be followed in order to avoid such problems:

1. Do not allow the material to become excessively wet

It is necessary to understand when the wallpaper has received a sufficient amount of moisture and begin gluing it without waiting for the moisture to saturate it thoroughly.

Paper is made from wood pulp, not synthetic fibers, accordingly, if it is excessively moistened, it may swell unevenly. This will become noticeable only after gluing and complete drying, when the seam will either converge or diverge, as if the edge of the wallpaper had a wave-like shape.

2. It is necessary to apply sufficient, not excessive, amount of glue

It is important that during the work process exactly the amount of glue that is necessary for quick “adhesion” of the material to the surface is used. Once fixation occurs, the material will no longer be able to deform. Otherwise, when using more glue, the material will first change shape, narrow and only then stick to the surface.

3. It is important to fix the edges of the wallpaper

For this you will need:

  • tip of wallpaper spatula
  • special roller
  • glue for joints or borders

The latter is a last resort and is used in rare cases.

4. Painting the walls at the joints with dark paint

If, before gluing dark-colored wallpaper, workers are going to paint a vertical dark stripe in places where there will be seams, this means that they are not confident in their abilities and allow the joints on the wallpaper to diverge. Due to the dark base, this defect in the work will not be noticeable. However, this is a reason to doubt the professionalism of the selected team. Remember, a skilled, experienced master will never resort to this technique.

Adhesive on the front side of the fabric

If glue gets on the front side of the canvas, the color of the material may change, the paint or top coating may peel off. When rubbing the seam with a rag, the paint (top coating) wears off even more. Many manufacturers warn in advance that getting glue on the front side of the wallpaper is not allowed.

How to avoid this?

First of all, there should be no excess glue that can go beyond the edges of the canvases.

If vinyl wallpaper They will “forgive” a small amount of it that gets on the seam, and then only if you immediately remove it with a damp cloth, without rubbing it too hard, then this technique will not be suitable for paper and non-woven coverings. The risk is approximately 50% to 50%. You can wash the seam, but in some cases it will only get worse. Not to mention textile wallpaper, which do not allow even a drop of glue to enter. If this happens and you try to wash it off with water, streaks are inevitable.

Curling the edges together with putty

This problem can only arise in situations where the technological cycle of plastering the walls was disrupted, or building materials low quality. Most often, the edges curl in paper-based textile wallpapers due to the narrowing of not only the backing, but also the fabric itself.

Different colors of wallpaper edges

It happens that the joints on the wallpaper are visible not because the gluing was done poorly, but because one edge of the roll is darker than the other. When two canvases are joined, a sharp color transition is visible. At the same time, the eye cannot perceive the difference in colors when looking at one canvas. This effect occurs due to the peculiarities of the technological cycle of wallpaper production and is not considered a defect. When gluing the entire volume, the tone transitions are not noticeable.


If the wallpaper is plain without a pattern, the manufacturer often recommends so-called “reverse” gluing, i.e. Each cut piece is joined to the next with different edges. Simply put, one sheet is glued, the next one is turned 180 degrees and the opposite edge is joined to the first one, and so on. The packages of such batches have a special “↓” symbol. In this situation, such an effect is associated with the peculiarities of the technological cycle of wallpaper production and is not considered a defect. When gluing the entire volume, the tone transitions are not noticeable.

If there is no such icon, in order to avoid complications in the future, when purchasing, try to combine two rolls with different ends and check if there is a clear tone transition. Unfortunately, it is difficult to discern the difference in shades before gluing. It becomes visible if you glue a couple of canvases, let them dry and look at them from the side.

In any case, according to the instructions, at the beginning of work the master should not open more than one roll, and if a defect is detected, when visible different shades, but there is no “↓” sign, I must immediately suspend work and file a claim with the seller. You can read more about this in the article “Gluing paper wallpaper.”

Unpainted slanted edges

IN in this case we can recommend choosing before gluing required colors pencils or felt-tip pens and finish the edges by hand. This advice can help intermediate skilled craftsmen this species repair. Qualified specialists will be able to close the edges so that it will not be visible.

Do not forget that each material has its own specifics. On some surfaces the joints are completely invisible, while on others, for example on expensive silk fabrics, the joints are clearly visible, which is considered not just the norm, but an exceptional signature of the naturalness and exclusivity of the material. It is very difficult for an uninitiated person to understand the intricacies. If you doubt the quality wallpaper material or the gluing work itself, our specialists will be happy to assist you, advise you, and, if necessary, issue an expert opinion. You can read more about this on the page.

Home renovation is always a joy, even despite many difficulties. Wallpapering walls is essentially the easiest way to make an easy cosmetic repairs, improving housing. However, the picture in the imagination before finishing and the reality after finishing do not always coincide. Agree, it is very unpleasant when various shortcomings come out. How to avoid grief? Of course, do everything according to the recommendations, observing proportions, but it is also important to be informed about possible problems. Then their decision will not become a stumbling block and will not cause irritation.

So, let's talk about what to do if the wallpaper comes apart at the joints. To do this, let's analyze main question, why joints appear on the wallpaper, is it possible to avoid this when gluing, what to do if immediately after gluing the wallpaper at the joints comes apart or peels off.

You will learn about:


And first, let's look at the main reasons why wallpaper joints become visible the next day after finishing. The most common reasons include the following problems:

Softening and swelling

Simple physics has taught us since school that paper, when exposed to moisture, tends to increase in volume and size. It follows that the joints between the wallpaper when it dries can increase by 3-5 mm, which is quite a lot. By applying the adhesive composition to the paper web, it will increase in volume. By placing it end-to-end and not taking this fact into account, you can end up with a gaping gap with a gap in the wall. How to avoid? It's simple: after the wallpaper is thoroughly coated with glue, you need to immediately apply it to the wall. With every minute they will swell even more, which means they will shrink after drying.

In addition, this is especially true for paper canvases: cellulose tends to swell unevenly. That is, as a result, the joints can converge and diverge, taking away all the neatness of the finish. Of course, there is less chance of getting unsightly joints on vinyl wallpaper. Since their base contains polymer materials, which do not change their size too much after soaking.

However there is one more important point this is the glue. Too much of it also leads to excessive swelling of the canvas. Therefore, special brushes and rollers are often recommended for applying glue to prevent excess layers.

For example, if you buy non-woven wallpaper, you do not need to apply glue to the canvas at all. Enough to coat the wall. Thanks to this, there will be no strong expansion of the wallpaper. This means that gluing the wallpaper joints will go more evenly and smoothly.


Sometimes the problem may not be the finishing technology, but the material itself. And then it will be very difficult to fix the wallpaper joints. This is because the rolls can be from different series. Then their joints will simply be different. For example, one edge is darker or lighter. When the roll is folded, the defect is not visible; when gluing, no attention is paid to it, but after drying it is difficult to correct anything.

Therefore, precautions must be taken when choosing wallpaper, namely: it is necessary to ensure that the canvases belong to the same series. If this does not happen, all the consequences will be unpredictable. In order to check the series, you need to carefully look at the insert on the roll. Usually all the information is indicated there. The price of wallpaper, of course, can also influence problems with joints, but you can’t blame inexpensive ones specifically, since the likelihood of seeing uneven joints in expensive wallpaper is almost the same.

Another problem with wallpaper is a damaged end of the canvas. In this case, it will not be surprising if the wallpaper peels off at the joints after gluing or if you end up with torn, noticeable stripes. Damage to the end of the wallpaper may be due to improper transportation. If such wallpaper was purchased in a store, it means that they were stored vertically, on top of each other, which led to wrinkled edges. However, there is also the possibility of damage to the adhesive. The rolls at the joints are sealed very tightly with polyethylene, as a result of which some protection is formed. If the solder joint is damaged, there is no guarantee that the edges of the wallpaper will not be torn. This leads to an important conclusion: rolls must be selected very carefully, paying attention to:

  • batch (series) number;
  • integrity of the packaging (especially at the edges of the roll);
  • no deformation of the roll and no visible damage to the wallpaper inside the packaging.

What to do if the joints are already visible?

There are two options: either re-glue new wallpaper, or slightly change the interior by adding moldings to the decoration. There are vertical narrow stripes, similar to modeling, various options execution. They can be a good decoration for joints and decorate a room in an original way. Therefore, there is no need to panic.

If the wallpaper has peeled off at the joints, this can be fixed using the same glue. It is enough to carefully apply the composition under the canvas with a syringe and iron it well with a roller or towel. For a better and more reliable result, you can use PVA glue for joints.

Then you will get a minimum of costs and a maximum of benefits from wallpapering walls. Another final recommendation would be the choice of pattern. It is advisable to give preference to those canvases that do not have clear inscriptions or pictures that need to be joined. Then you can complete all the work quickly enough and enjoy the finish.

Almost each of us, when contemplating renovation, be it arrangement in a new building or cosmetic alterations in an already lived-in apartment, tries to imagine what kind of interior the result will be. Of course, the image of a perfectly renovated and attractive home appears in our imagination: beautiful ceilings, reliable flooring, and, of course, high-quality wallpaper, on which the joints are not visible. However, it often turns out that assumptions and expectations, unfortunately, diverge from reality. The appearance of joints in wallpaper is a rather serious problem that worries many apartment owners.

Wallpaper can be hung perfectly

Most people thinking about carrying out repairs want to learn in more detail about what reasons most often lead to this, as well as what to do in such a situation.

Why do joints appear?

There are several reasons for the appearance of joints between wallpaper strips. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • The canvases come apart due to the fact that the edges were heavily soaked with glue during gluing.
  • The quality of the wallpaper was not at the highest level.
  • The edges were initially damaged.
  • The joints were not rolled well when gluing.
  • The strip was not completely coated with the adhesive solution.

In any case, when establishing the exact reasons, it is also necessary to take into account the type of painting. For example, paper or textile wallpaper swells slightly when exposed to a significant amount of moisture. Thus, the dimensions of the sheet increase slightly.

Even such a slight expansion, within a few millimeters, can already change the appearance of the joints, especially if the sheets were glued not overlapping, but close to each other.

So it turns out that having gotten wet under the influence of liquid adhesive solution, when it dries, the paper webs again narrow slightly, tending to their original width. And as a result, tears form at the seams.

At the same time, thicker and denser types of wallpaper, made on the basis of vinyl or non-woven fabric, are not as susceptible to this effect.
On the other hand, in the case of vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, problems with divergent joints may arise if significant technological violations were made during gluing, or if the work was carried out by unqualified specialists. In such cases experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use special sealants designed specifically for treating seams on non-woven or vinyl wallpaper.

What to do in such cases

Please also note that when applying glue, you must strictly ensure that its amount does not exceed reasonable limits.

It is necessary to glue the sheets in such a way that the layer of adhesive solution is relatively thin and has time to glue the wallpaper sheet even before it begins to shrink. In this case, you will be able to avoid deformation of the canvas.

What to do if glue gets on the front of the wallpaper?

Indeed, this is one of the problems that can subsequently result in quite serious damage to the decoration of the room. And if vinyl-based materials are not exposed to glue on the front side of the canvas, then the outer layer of paper and non-woven surfaces, on the contrary, can be quite seriously damaged. That is why most of the instructions and descriptions that are attached to such products by the manufacturer warn in advance about preventing contact with adhesive composition on the front side of the wallpaper.

How to remove “waves”, unevenness and divergence of joints in this case? The main task is to prevent this from happening, which is possible if you follow the rules for using glue. In cases where the ingress of glue could not be avoided, it is necessary to immediately remove excess glue using a slightly damp cloth or a clean sponge moistened with water. In this case, you should be extremely careful and perform the operation with extreme care so as not to damage the outer layer of the wallpaper, as well as to avoid the appearance of unsightly stains after drying.

Conclusion: Things to Remember

In conclusion, I would like to say the following. Try to invite qualified and experienced specialists to perform the work. It is desirable that they be able to provide feedback from other customers or somehow confirm their high qualifications and sufficient experience in successfully carrying out such work.

It's better to trust the professionals

If you decide not to invite expensive specialists, but instead save part of the budget by carrying out all the gluing work yourself and making repairs exclusively with your own hands, then we strongly recommend that you study the experience of professionals in as much detail as possible, as well as familiarize yourself with the basic rules and regulations that must be observed when gluing wallpaper.

Only in this case you can not only save cash, but also fulfill high-quality repairs and, as a result, enjoy an attractive interior with wallpaper without joints or other mechanical damage. Approach repairs responsibly, and good result will make you and your loved ones happy!

Useful video:

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

If you decide to update the room with modern wall coverings- vinyl, non-woven and even thick paper - it is imperative to glue the wallpaper end-to-end. With this method, the edges of the canvas touch, but do not overlap each other at the seams. If the rules are strictly followed, the joint lines are invisible, and the coating appears seamless.


To hang wallpaper without seams or visible joints, the first thing you need to do is take care of the adhesive that matches the type of wallpaper and suitable tools.

To work you will need:

  • pencil, tape measure, plumb line or level;
  • container and wooden stick for mixing glue;
  • spatulas - metal and plastic wallpaper, scissors, sharp knife;
  • brushes, rollers, rags.

Preparing the walls

The secret to success when wallpapering lies in preparing the wall.

  1. You need to start by completely removing the previous coatings.
  2. The next stage is plastering gypsum composition, which copes with most irregularities and crevices.
  3. Next is putty to remove roughness.
  4. The final operation is a primer, which increases the density and moisture resistance of the putty.

All stages of preparing walls for wallpaper are described in

Step-by-step processing instructions plasterboard surfaces before pasting – .

If the walls have gained shine, it means that everything has been done correctly, the glue will lie on them evenly and the wallpaper will adhere well.

Advice. To check the walls are ready, attach a piece of cellophane masking tape to the surface. If in a day inner side will fog up, you should wait a bit with gluing. If the film remains unchanged, you can start working.

Where to start

If preference is given to wallpaper made of non-woven fabric, vinyl or cork, the beginning border does not matter, because the joining makes the seams invisible. But still, one of the following options is usually chosen:

  • From the window - according to a long-standing tradition.
  • From the door, which is convenient to use as a vertical line.
  • From the corner, if it has correct form, although such places are rarely level. But using a plumb line or level, you can mark a perpendicular next to it, retreating a distance identical to the width of the wallpaper, and start gluing from there, returning to the corner itself later.
  • From a major landmark. When there are many passages and windows in a room, it is worth starting with the largest object.
  • From several lines. The method is used when there is large window, and pasting is carried out from it in different directions.

Wall marking

Now let's figure out where to start making markings. If you choose vinyl, cork or non-woven wallpaper, it doesn't matter. Using a plumb line (preferably laser level), pencil, metal ruler in convenient place a vertical line is drawn along which the first canvas will be glued. Such lines are drawn along the entire wall at intervals equal to the width of the wallpaper.

Markings are needed so that the canvases are glued without distortions.

Wallpaper cutting

The roll is rolled out on the floor and cut into the required lengths with sharp office scissors, taking into account the margin and matching of the pattern. Wallpaper with a large or embossed pattern is cut out with particular care.

When cutting, it is important to consider the size of the repeat - the height of the pattern repeated on the wallpaper.

Simple calculations are carried out. For example, the size of the repeat is 50 cm, the height of the wall being pasted is 280 cm. The number of repeats that will be placed at this height, rounded to the nearest whole number, is determined.

Round up to greater value, we get 6 - the number of incomplete repeats that fits in a strip from ceiling to floor.

50 × 6 = 300 cm – the required length of the glued sheet.

We stack the cut sheets.

Advice. Marks made on back side each sheet and showing the top of the canvas will help you avoid getting confused during the gluing process.

How to glue paper wallpaper and paper-backed vinyl end to end?

For paper wallpaper:

  1. We select and prepare glue from starch with an antifungal additive according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Lubricate the first strip evenly and leave it in the folded state for 3-7 minutes to soak.
  3. We glue the canvases to the wall with a neat and very tight alignment of the edges. The joints can be additionally glued with PVA.

Pay attention! Getting wet paper wallpaper are stretched out, so it is important that for each panel, from coating with glue to gluing it to the wall, the same time interval is maintained. After drying, they shrink, so the edges of the sheets need to be adjusted as tightly as possible so that gaps do not form between the sheets in the future.

The conditions for gluing vinyl wallpaper with a paper base are similar to the rules applied to canvases made entirely of paper. They are also pre-coated with the glue intended for them, given time for impregnation, and then glued to the surface.

How to tape corners

You should not try to use one canvas to connect both walls adjacent to the corner. The probability that the wallpaper will “work” is almost one hundred percent.

The correct algorithm for pasting an internal corner:

  1. The distance from the corner to the nearest glued strip of wallpaper is determined, the resulting value is increased by 5 cm.
  2. The wall and corner are well coated with glue.
  3. The fabric is glued with the provided margin extending to the other side of the corner.
  4. Using a rubber roller or a dry cloth, carefully level the pasted wallpaper both in the corner and on the wall.
  5. Due to the curvature of the angle, the amount of wallpaper overlap behind it will not be the same. You should determine the narrowest place and, stepping back 1 cm from the edge of the wallpaper towards the corner, make a mark here, from which a distance similar to the width of the roll is laid down along the wall, and a vertical line is drawn through this point. It is from this that the next canvas will be overlapped.
  6. Using a paint spatula, a ruler and a wallpaper knife, the seam is trimmed. It is important to cut through both sheets at the same time, otherwise there may be a gap along the cut line.
  7. Excess sections of wallpaper are removed. Upper part can be removed without any problems, the lower one is removed by slightly unscrewing the edge of the upper panel.

If the technology for installing wallpaper on walls is violated, after it dries, the surface loses its attractiveness and joints become visible. The method for correcting joints in wallpaper is determined by the reason for their appearance. How to fix joints on various types wallpaper, we will find out further.

Wallpaper joints - reasons for their appearance

Wallpaper is perhaps the most popular type of wall decoration in residential areas. However, quite often there are situations when, after gluing the wallpaper, the joints between them become visible. When buying wallpaper, you should already think about the reasons for the occurrence of joints.

This factor is typical primarily for low-cost wallpaper. Although sometimes joints appear when gluing expensive non-woven wallpaper. By choosing wallpapers that have vertical stripes or a checkered structure, you can easily hide the joints, even if they are visible. Wallpapers having glossy surface, vinyl, plain, textured or thin structure - always have noticeable joints.

To seal certain joints between wallpaper, a special sealant is used, however, its use is relevant in the case of painting wallpaper. It is possible to further paint the sealant itself in the color of the wallpaper.

If the wallpaper is transported or stored incorrectly, its joints also become visible. When purchasing wallpaper, carefully inspect the roll for damage on the sides of the stripes. Crumpled, damaged ends immediately become visible at the joints. If you have already removed the packaging from the wallpaper, be sure to store it in a standing position.

If the ends dark wallpaper are unpainted, then to avoid the appearance of joints, color them with a dark pencil.

Most often, joints appear on paper wallpaper. This happens because the paper stretches under the influence of glue and decreases in size when it dries. Therefore, after applying the glue, immediately glue the wallpaper to the wall without waiting for it to swell. Otherwise, ruptures and uneven shrinkage cannot be avoided.

In order to achieve an ideal joint between the wallpapers, you should carefully prepare the wall for their installation. If there are unevenness on the walls, the appearance of joints cannot be avoided. Therefore, before gluing wallpaper to the wall, take care of puttying, sanding and applying a primer. Without a primer, the base for the wallpaper will contain a lot of dust, which will absorb the glue and will not hold the wallpaper on the wall surface. It is preferable to prime the walls 24 hours before wallpapering.

The process of applying wallpaper glue is another reason for the appearance of joints. If you apply glue in excess or in insufficient quantities, then the probability of joints appearing is almost one hundred percent. It will take longer for a thick layer of glue to set than for a thin layer; at the same time, the paper base will already be dry, and the glue underneath will still be wet. The glue, in this case, is not able to keep the wallpaper from shrinking in width. Thus, gaps form between the canvases, which impair the attractiveness of the finished coating.

After applying the canvas to the wall, using a rubber roller, you need to carefully roll the seams, only in this case will they be securely fixed to the surface.

Some wallpaper options imply the presence of joints, which are almost impossible to hide. This wallpaper is in the form of glossy and vinyl options, as well as silk-screen printing. Buying expensive and collectible options will in no way protect you from the appearance of joints. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, focus on wide canvases, and try to place the joints between them in places where furniture or other interior items are installed.

How to fix joints on wallpaper

There are several options for diverging joints on wallpaper. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them:

  • the divergence of the joints in such a way that the gap in the wall becomes visible between them;
  • ingress of adhesive onto the front side at the joint;
  • twisting and lifting the edges of the joint strip;
  • color difference between wallpaper joints;
  • unevenness or uneven coloring of joints.

To correct these problems use various methods, which differ in labor intensity and material costs.

To fix wallpaper that has come apart at the joint, you should first examine the reason for its appearance. The width of paper wallpaper, after applying glue to it, increases by approximately half a centimeter. Once the wallpaper is applied to the wall and dries, it begins to regain its volume. Thus, a divergence of the joint is created.

Working with wallpaper on paper, non-woven and vinyl based, one should take into account the fact that these materials are prone to swelling. To avoid the appearance of joints, follow technological recommendations for gluing wallpaper on the wall:

  • the material should not become excessively wet when it hits the wall; after applying the glue, you do not need to wait a lot of time to install the wallpaper on the wall;
  • do not allow excess glue on the surface of the wallpaper, narrowing often occurs roll materials during the drying process, therefore, the wall does not have time to dry before the wallpaper dries and joints and discrepancies appear;
  • To fix the edges of the canvas, use a special glue that will securely hold the canvas on the wall surface, additionally fix the edge of the canvas with a rubber roller.

Several methods are used to remove joints between separated strips. The simplest, on the one hand, and the most costly, on the other hand, is painting wallpaper.

A less expensive method is to use tile grout to match the color of the wallpaper. For this purpose it is added specific color color scheme, and grout is applied to the joints. It is possible to use a regular marker or pencil to paint over the area where the joint appears.

It is possible to use the top part of the wallpaper connected with PVA glue. That is, if there are crumbs on the wallpaper, then they need to be carefully removed from the trim, then the crumbs are combined with glue and applied to the surface. This mixture is used for puttying joints.

Installing molding or special panels will not only get rid of joints, but also improve the attractiveness appearance wallpaper A simpler option is to install paper borders on the seams between the wallpaper. It is possible to re-glue the wallpaper where the joints diverge. To do this, you should soak the butt parts of the sheet using warm water. Next, apply glue to them and try to stretch them and connect them to each other; if there are small errors, this method will help to correctly connect the wallpaper to each other.

Another problem that arises with wallpaper joints is the presence of glue on their surface. This occurs due to the application large quantity adhesive on the wall or wallpaper. Despite the transparency of the adhesive composition, it is still noticeable when daylight. In order to avoid such situations, it is recommended that you first study the instructions for wallpaper glue and apply it according to it.

To remove glue from the surface of the wallpaper, be sure to prepare a clean, preferably white, rag. While the glue is still wet, you can use it to get rid of it.

Sometimes a problem arises in the form of curling of the edges of the wallpaper at the joints. Most often, the wallpaper begins to peel off along with the wall decoration. The reason for this is the use of low-quality finishing materials. To remove this defect, it is enough to use wallpaper glue, with the help of which the curled edges are again fixed to the surface. To firmly fix the wallpaper on the wall, use a rubber roller.

Wallpapering the joint is a rather complex process, for which you must strictly adhere to the wallpapering technology.

If there is an uneven color or cut of the wallpaper, it is also lost. aesthetic appeal coverings. This occurs due to the mismatch of wallpaper rolls in color or tone. Try gluing the second canvas upside down in relation to the first. This method of reversing wallpaper installation will get rid of this problem.

To hide an uneven cut of wallpaper or uneven color, you need to resort to painting the joints. For these purposes they use special means in the form of markers and pencils. Try to choose a pencil color as close as possible to the wallpaper.

Various tapes, edgings, borders, etc. will help decorate the joints of wallpaper. Please note that each type of wallpaper differs in the manifestation of an individual reaction to one or another version of the wallpaper. For example, if you apply glue to paper wallpaper, it will stretch very quickly, but this will not happen with non-woven wallpaper. Before starting work, carefully study the instructions for the wallpaper, their features and installation technology. Only in this case will it be possible to get rid of problems with how to glue the joints of the wallpaper.

Instructions on how to glue the joints of vinyl wallpaper

Particular difficulties when gluing vinyl wallpaper arise when connecting them at the joints and in the corners. Particular care should be taken when processing wallpaper joints in corners.

At proper preparation walls, and especially if there are even corners, problems with the appearance of uneven joints in these places do not arise. The main rule for obtaining high-quality corners is to cut through the joint. The canvases on both sides are installed on the wall with a slight overlap of three centimeters. Next, you should cut through this place and you will get a butt joint between the two panels. The joint is coated with glue and smoothed. In this case, it will still not be possible to avoid a slight shift in the pattern. Although sometimes it turns out to perfectly match the drawing.

In order to avoid the appearance of joints during the process of gluing vinyl wallpaper to the wall, it is necessary to install the sheets with an overlap. If vinyl wallpaper has a non-woven backing, an overlap of 20 mm is sufficient for a paper backing given value doubles. Next, just cut through the joint with a knife level and remove the excess.

After completing the wallpapering work, check the walls for defects in the form of air bubbles, diverging joints, or un-glued areas. Correct them if necessary. It is recommended to install furniture and other objects at the joints to hide them.

Vinyl wallpaper has a non-woven or paper backing. Depending on this, the adhesive for fixing them to the wall is selected. Using glue for non-woven wallpaper will allow you to fix finyl wallpaper with a non-woven base. This adhesive option is applied to the wall. Wallpaper on a paper basis must be covered with glue before installation. In any case, before starting work, read the instructions for applying glue.

Non-woven wallpaper - joints, elimination features

Popularity wide application non-woven wallpaper is explained primarily by their fire safety, good heat and sound insulation characteristics and greater mechanical strength.

The process of gluing non-woven wallpaper is the same as gluing paper-based wallpaper. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • prepare glue;
  • cut the wallpaper into strips according to the height of the room;
  • apply glue to the wall;
  • install the strip on the wall and glue it;
  • get rid of excess glue;
  • trim unnecessary parts of wallpaper;
  • glue the next strip.

Before starting work, you need to purchase a special glue for non-woven wallpaper and dilute it according to the instructions. Gluing the joints of non-woven wallpaper is not particularly difficult. Using a level, draw a line on the wall that will be the location for installing the first strip. At the same time, watch out for unevenness. Install the strip on the wall, previously coated with glue. In the same way, draw a second line and glue the strip. There are no particular problems with the divergence of joints in non-woven wallpaper, since they are not capable of stretching like paper wallpaper. A regular level will help to make the wallpaper joints even, with the help of which you can draw a line for the location of the strip.

Pay special attention to the corners; the wallpaper sheet should extend into the corner by 10-15 mm. The wall is coated with glue and the sheet is applied to it. Use a roller to flatten the sheet. The next sheet is glued with an overlap. When small folds form, they are cut to remove air and smoothed out.

If it is necessary to paste wallpaper on external corners, an overlap of 25 mm should be made. If the angle is perfectly flat, then it is enough to join the strips together. Otherwise, you should still resort to using overlap. Using a utility knife, cut through the joint and get rid of the excess.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):