The difficult 50s were replaced by the bright, positive, extraordinary 60s. This era is imbued with a special aura of romance, hope for a bright future and faith in grandiose changes. It was then that new youth movements, musical groups, and art styles began to emerge. A new way of life and the desire for everything new have become a prerequisite for the emergence of a special style in the interior, called today “retro”. Many modern people prefer this particular style for its brightness, originality and originality. Most designers prefer to work in retro style for the opportunity to fantasize about the future interior without having clear boundaries. Indeed, in this case, you can combine incompatible things, doing it as harmoniously as possible.

Many people prefer retro style

Retro style in the interior looks very beautiful and practical

By modernizing this style you can create a masterpiece

Rich colors, geometric prints, futuristic furniture and hanging fireplaces became the hallmark. Maximalism and the desire to create something extraordinary led to various design experiments. A variety of colors were used in the interior design, which at first glance were incompatible with each other. Plastic and glass are widely used. They were combined to create real works of art: sophisticated vases, stylish round-shaped chairs, chic panels. Furniture items made of wood fit perfectly into the overall picture and complemented it.

In retro style interior design you can use colors that do not match each other

Using an antique clock will create a special atmosphere in the room.

A retro style room will look very beautiful and unusual

Retro style usually uses maximalism

Furniture is mainly made of wood

Retro style furniture

Furniture in those days was distinguished by its laconicism and restrained appearance. Massive cabinets were quite rare, and “walls” had not yet been invented. In addition, at that time it was not yet possible to buy the required headset as a set; everything was sold separately. Therefore, the cabinet furniture of a typical person of that era was quite varied.

Furniture in those days was distinguished by its laconicism and restrained appearance.

To make a design in a retro style, you can use the recommendations of experts

Buffets, chests of drawers, cabinets and secretaries in retro style are distinguished by clear lines and the absence of unnecessary accessories. This is, as a rule, low and oblong furniture made of oak, ash, alder and beech. The color palette was quite varied, but this did not prevent the owner of the apartment from skillfully combining the purchased items. Furniture in honey, light brown and beige shades was especially popular. The highlight of retro style furniture is undoubtedly its legs. The tall, thin legs, sometimes slightly pointed, looked very unusual, but quite interesting. It seemed as if the cabinets and chests of drawers were “floating” in the air, giving the room lightness.

The most popular items that came to us from the 60s are rightfully considered chairs made of plastic. These are not the options that can now be found on the summer areas of most pubs. Chairs of that era are distinguished by their originality, unique appearance and variety of lines. They were made of bright plastic in unimaginable and bright colors. Sometimes, manufacturers decorated chairs with bright prints, making these pieces of furniture works of art.

Retro style uses absolutely all colors

Furniture usually has long and slightly pointed legs

Retro-style room design options can be viewed on the Internet.

Accessories and decor

Retro style in the interior sets a positive mood and is associated with the hippie era. One has only to remember the lava lamps shimmering in different colors, which remain relevant to this day. But if in those years these lamps looked almost the same, today manufacturers of this piece of furniture offer a large selection of shapes, sizes, and colors. In addition, it is very convenient; a lava lamp will look great as a night light. Lampshades will add coziness to the room, and the brighter they are, the better.

Retro style in the interior sets a positive mood and is associated with the hippie era

Creating a retro style in your room is not at all difficult

It is not difficult to return to that era. Some interior items that were specific to the 60s and have nothing in common with the modern world will help with this. We are talking about rotary phones, round TVs and radios. Many designers use this technique to maximize the atmosphere of past years. And I must say that it was not in vain.

At the peak of their popularity in the 60s, there were various geometric prints. Fabric with a similar pattern was used not only for making and sewing clothes. It also looked harmonious in the interior. Needlewomen sewed cushion covers from such fabric, made curtains, and made bedspreads for sofas and beds. Today on the market you can find a wide range of different fabrics with geometric prints and choosing the appropriate option for decorating a room is not difficult.

It is better to give preference to bright wallpaper when decorating walls. It was an era of experimentation and originality, so don't be afraid to mix different textures and colors. The walls were covered with unusual posters that looked very appropriate in the overall interior. Art house lovers preferred posters in the playboy style. And pop art lovers used paintings of acid colors to decorate the walls. Just look at the legacy of Andy Warhol, because his paintings are still a huge success to this day and look great not only within the retro style.

Various prints were very popular in those days.

It is better to choose furniture from wood

Retro-style walls were bright colors

How to decorate a kitchen

The retro interior was loved by many. You don't have to spend countless hours at flea markets and flea markets to feel the spirit of the past. Modern designers offer a large selection of various antique-style interior items. The kitchens of the 50s, 60s and 70s had some differences among themselves. But they also had something in common.

Pay close attention to the color scheme. Dark shades are taboo. It is better to give preference to light and noble colors. Furniture in white, blue, green and red colors was popular in those years. Modern household appliances must be hidden using additional panels and cabinets so as not to spoil the impression of the overall appearance of the room.

Victorian-style kitchens are gaining popularity. This style is characterized by soft colors, smooth lines and pompous shapes. Light marble and wood are used to finish the surfaces; the overall picture is complemented with handmade accessories reminiscent of a bygone era. Another favorite in kitchen design is the Art Deco style. Particular attention should be paid to chrome surfaces and wooden panels. It is art deco that, without a shadow of a doubt, can be called one of the most elegant, chic, but at the same time discreet styles.

Dark shades were almost never used in those days. Give preference to light colors

Modern technology is better hidden

How to decorate a living room

The living room is the heart of the whole house and you need to devote maximum time and effort to decorating it. It is important that the room is not only functional, but also combines the deliberate rationality of objects. When decorating a room in a retro style, you should adhere to several basic canons, namely:

  • as in the case of other rooms, it is necessary to hide modern office equipment as carefully as possible;
  • It is worth dividing the room into zones and placing all the furniture as conveniently as possible;
  • pay special attention to the method of finishing walls and floors;
  • retro interior includes the use of antique items; antique sets, Soviet-era lamps, multi-colored lampshades, and vases are suitable for this.

If you decide to decorate a room in the style of the 50s, then you should remember: the use of furniture with various geometric shapes is encouraged in the interior. For upholstery, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics; leather will look especially impressive. As for accessories, paintings in the style of “Gone with the Wind” would look appropriate.

It is better to hide modern technology in the room and focus on furniture and accessories

You should choose a design for your living room very carefully.

It is important that the room is functional and practical

For the 60s style, it is better to use bright plastic furniture. It is better to use fabrics for tablecloths, curtains and rugs as bright as possible, with geometric and floral prints. As accessories, you should pay attention to glass vases of unusual shapes, lampshades and paintings in the pop art style.

The design in the style of the 70s can be called the most restrained and laconic. It is appropriate to use restrained colors and pastel tones. The main feature of these years was the use of small coffee tables and sideboards. The central figure in the room can be considered an ottoman, a fairly spacious piece of furniture. Golden-colored accessories, animal-shaped figures, and large table and wall clocks will look good.

The design in the style of the 70s can be called the most restrained and laconic

Wallpaper should be chosen in bright colors and with prints


Inspiration for creating a room in a retro style can be an antique table left as an inheritance, a chic wardrobe, or a spacious sofa. The main thing is to skillfully play with the main interior details and skillfully complement them with the necessary accessories. Imagination, ability to work with fabric textures and good taste will help you create the home of your dreams.

Video: Apartment design with retro elements

50 photos of interior design ideas in retro style:

As you know, the new is the well-forgotten old. The same can be said about some design trends. Some trends become outdated, but after some time they appear again. The environment changes, new technologies appear and some styles become fashionable again. One example is modern retro design. Some techniques used several decades ago look quite impressive in digital design – there are more and more projects that play with the retro theme. Moreover, modern retro is gaining popularity not only in web design: today vintage motifs can be seen in printed materials, on posters and business cards.

What is modern retro?

In fact, modern retro is not so retro. It’s just that design today is evolving at such a fast pace that the approaches used in the 1970s have long since lost their relevance. But not really. Much of the old "analog" design works great in a digital environment and can be used. Fashion in design goes in circles, just like it does with clothes or hairstyles.

Modern retro is a new style that is popular in some subcultures. This is design for nerds and geeks. This is geek design for geeks and hipsters, but not only that. Nostalgia for the past is felt by a variety of categories of users, so retro design can be used in various projects. What's also great about retro is the emotional connection that connects design and people. Even without any specific designations, people read the cultural code and unmistakably determine the era in which this or that style dominated. If a person says: “Oh, I remember when this was in fashion,” this means that retro design works and evokes certain emotions. And these emotions are most often positive, since modern retro design is created for entertainment, it is light and positive, almost childish.

Modern retro is gaining popularity and designers are feeling this trend. Fashion from past decades often seems ridiculous and funny, but people are interested in it and are very receptive to design with vintage elements.

This trend did not appear by chance. To some extent, it is a consequence of the fashion for flat design, into which some approaches that were used 20-30 years ago fit well. What do designers most often use when creating projects in the style of modern retro? Here are some signs of a growing trend: Modern retro often plays on the theme of old computers and music themes with vinyl players and cassette recorders.

Also often used:
  • Abstract illustrations of people
  • Various patterns and ornaments
  • Geometric shapes with massive strokes
  • Pixelated illustrations reminiscent of the first video games
  • Elements that imitate neon lighting
  • Linear elements of user interfaces
  • Simple animation
  • Unique fonts
  • Bright color palettes with a predominance of warm shades
Digital influence

Digital technologies began to develop rapidly in the 1970s and all subsequent decades passed under the sign of “digitals”. The digital age began, the first personal computers, various smart gadgets, video games and much more appeared. All this had a strong influence on the design. Computer graphics, although very weak at first, began to be used in film and television, which led to the emergence of new styles.

Today, in projects that play with a retro theme, many graphic elements do not look as good as they could. Designers do this deliberately, as imperfection is often associated with early computer graphics. The resolution of the first computer monitors was very small, so designers counted every pixel. Today, a pixelated theme is very popular in retro design, often using simple illustrations and fonts.

But don’t oversimplify, just convey the impact of digital technology. If you stylize the design too much, it will look unfinished. Retro must take into account the requirements of existing standards and be organically combined with modern elements. Users love retro, but they also want access to modern technology.

It must be remembered that digital retro is often created by designers who saw the era of the first computers and the early web; this is close to them, since they perfectly remember the fashion of those years. Consequently, only those users who are familiar with all vintage elements will feel a strong connection with retro design. But if the user is from a “different era,” he will not feel anything and the designer’s efforts will be in vain.

Pros and cons of modern retro

Should you use retro elements in your current projects? It all depends on the idea that the designer wants to convey.

Pros of retro
  • Easy and fun style
  • Bright colors and simple shapes attract attention
  • Pixel style evokes positive emotions
  • Retro is a great way to try something new
  • Modern retro is an improvisation on the theme of flat design, in particular in terms of color schemes and visualization of icons
  • Retro themes such as technology and music are easily accessible to a wide range of users

Cons of retro
  • Retro is not for everyone, some users may not understand this design
  • Modern retro is a rather autonomous style that does not fit well with many modern trends.
  • Retro design can look sloppy if you go overboard with fonts, shapes and color schemes.
  • In modern retro, digital illustrations and videos are often not allowed
  • Early web style fonts don't look good on desktop or mobile devices
  • Fashion changes quickly, so retro elements should not be used too actively, as users may think that they are on a site from a prehistoric era

Modern retro is a noticeable trend in design. Those users who have listened to music recorded on vinyl records or audio cassettes will instantly recognize these design elements. Other people are closer to digital technologies; they read pixel design or primitive computer fonts better. Therefore, a retro-style project can only turn out really cool if the designer feels connected to a bygone era. Modern retro is a positive style, but it is inaccessible to many users, since they grew up in the digital age and do not perceive such design at all.

Retro is a concentrated 60s of the last century. The post-war period, the spirit of freedom and experimentation, brightness and a unique style that is easily recognizable even today. Many people associate retro with antiques, however, this style cannot be considered expensive to implement. On the contrary, retro styling will help you save a lot when decorating a rented apartment or one inherited from your grandmother, while the interior can easily be made stylish and fashionable. What is retro expressed in?

General principles

Retro can be called a protest of dullness and despondency. It is not for nothing that the hippie movement flourished during these years. In the interiors, protest is expressed by bright colors with crazy combinations of shades, furniture with original streamlined shapes, shine and gloss, the use of innovative materials for that time (plastic, chrome plating) and unique accessories.

When retro is now adapted to modern interiors, it looks more restrained. The canvas can be calm and stable, the main pieces of furniture compact, functional and without unnecessary decorations, but the details will not allow boredom: bright textiles, posters, fancy appliances and graphic patterns.

Retro style in the interior: color scheme

In a retro interior, rich bright colors coexist with soft pastel shades and the texture of lacquered wood, chrome and plastic, often in strange combinations. The corporate color is considered to be red and black and white contrast. Especially these colors, as well as beige and mint, are typical for kitchen decoration. Look at ours, it’s not surprising that this palette is most often presented. Remember the interiors of classic American restaurants: red, black, white, a lot of gloss and simple furniture with round shapes - this is pure retro in one of its manifestations.

In addition to red, bright colors often include juicy light green, orange, lemon, yellow, rich pink and blue. There is also a retro candy version in white, pink and blue pastel colors.

Basic design

Repairing in a retro style will not require anything special. It is best to leave the ceiling white; painting or even whitewashing will do. Retro walls are most often covered with wallpaper with a small geometric pattern or pattern. Moreover, now geometry is back in fashion, especially triangles and rhombuses. If the drawing seems too active to you (and most likely it is), you can decorate it with wallpaper only, and paint the rest in one color. The pattern can also be created on a painted wall using

Non-standard shades have become the hallmark of retro style. Bright, acidic, too light or, conversely, unexpectedly dark - there are no rules here. The main task is to shock the person who enters the room. Shiny chrome parts and glossy surfaces are used for the same purpose.

Another important nuance is the mobility of each item, including in the kitchen, because there were no built-in and multifunctional appliances in those days. This is exactly the kind of free-standing appliances that the Italian brand offers along with built-in appliances Smeg in their collections "and . It all started with the famous refrigerators F.A.B. which are produced in more than 20 colors and with different dimensions. They turned out to be so popular that the series 50's style" decided to add freezers, hoods, washing machines and dishwashers. And in 2015 the company Smeg also included small household appliances in the series.

The extraordinary colors and nostalgic shapes of each item will help add a piece of retro to any interior, even one that is not made. Don't be afraid to mix it up! After all, eclecticism is another sign of a typical interior of the mid-20th century.

Alena Timofeeva, designer and architect:

The mid-20th century was a period of experimentation, a combination of unpredictable objects and textures. And now the style of that time is characterized by streamlined shapes, an abundance of varnish and gloss, chrome and a combination of different textures.

In addition, at that time people simply did not have the funds for an interior where all the objects would be ideally matched to each other, so the basis was old furniture, supplemented with new things. So it is now - we can dilute the interior with modern furniture with a retro style in the form of old repainted stools and tables that we inherited from our grandmothers.

Probably every apartment owner wants his home to be original, and at the same time cozy and comfortable. By choosing a retro style in the interior, you can not only transform your apartment, but also make it according to your taste and preferences. Interesting, but at the same time complex and diverse, this direction in design art opens up limitless scope for the flight of creative imagination. It doesn't matter what year you refer to when styling your home. The main thing is to select all interior details with taste.

Retro is an art movement that gravitates toward bright and bold colors. Appearing in the late 50s-60s, it became a reverse reaction to the military events of the 40s of the XX century.

Retro style features

He embodied the most striking features of the 50-80s. When decorating a room or apartment, you need to choose the most memorable events of this period. At the same time, it is necessary to add some zest to the design of the room.

Retro is not only vintage items and antiques. You can use any things from the past of your parents, grandparents, or their parents. Take old furniture and transform it into a sophisticated piece for a modern home.

Retro style is a romanticization of the past. Things don’t have to look old; they are a simple reminder that everything new is well-forgotten old.

When decorating an apartment in this style, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • selection of furniture of appropriate shape and color;
  • color scheme of the room;
  • selection of accessories and interior details.

Retro style furniture

The main thing in furniture is its unusual shape. A sofa in the shape of a large flower bud or in the shape of a woman’s painted lips, an armchair in the shape of a human hand – the furniture can be the most original.

The material from which the furniture is made does not play such an important role. It can be plastic, plywood, fiberglass, natural wood.

Give a second life to items left behind by your ancestors. Improve them: sand, paint or varnish.

Advice: treat the painted or varnished surface with sandpaper, this way you will achieve a worn effect and make it look old.

You can apply antique patterns by hand or using a stencil. The ideal option is flowers, geometric shapes (squares, large and small circles), stripes, fruits, vegetables, imitation of children's drawings and other simple abstractions. So, in the 60s, the theme of space was fashionable, so images of circles and hemispheres were used in the design of rooms.

Choose bulky, polished furniture. Rough and simple tables, a table in the shape of a shabby chest made of sun-bleached wood, club-style chairs, cabinets with glass shelves and patterned doors, an old dressing table, long wide sofas with bright pillows, chairs with bright faux leather backs and chrome trim, tiled fireplace with cracked tiles.

Retro colors

At the end of the 50s, life no longer seemed so scary to people, the future was seen in the brightest colors, so the furniture and, in general, the interior were rich and colorful.

The main color scheme of that time was acid colors. Most often, red, hot pink, rich green, blue, orange, and black predominate in such an interior. Don't use washed out tones. The color should be rich. In a modern interpretation, you can use mustard, olive, and purple colors in the design.

Advice: Use colors that don't go together (orange and blue, green and pink), but don't mix them.

Ceilings can be whitewashed or painted with light paint, and rough plaster can also be used.

Wallpaper with a primitive pattern (small flowers, geometric patterns, etc.) is suitable for walls. It should echo the ornament of the furniture.

The floors are covered with linoleum and natural wood. You can paint them with plain paint or tile them in a checkerboard pattern. High-pile carpets and bright rugs fit perfectly into a retro interior.

Selection of accessories

Decorative items and various accessories can highlight any style decision. Start decorating your apartment in retro style with the hallway. This will set the tone for the entire home. The interior of this room should be elegant. Do not clutter it with standard cabinets and bedside tables. Add to the decoration of the hallway. Decorate the walls with romantic wallpaper in light colors, use elements of cast iron forging.

Advice: use porcelain vases with fresh flowers, this will add sophistication and grace to the room.

Or, on the contrary, go back to the 60-70s and decorate the walls with posters, bright paintings, and vinyl records.

Use a clock with a round dial in a simple black frame for a retro living room.

Advice: A few clocks covering the entire wall of the living room will make this room original and impress your guests.

Also suitable for decorating a guest room are crystal vases, colored glass decanters with designs, photographs in wooden frames, sets from past years, and paintings from a bygone era.

An excellent reflection of the past era are old floor lamps, lamps with lampshades decorated with tassels and fringe.

Place an old telephone with a disk on a heavy polished table; this exquisite attribute will add originality to the room.

When decorating a kitchen, colors and details are played wisely. You can play with contrast. Black and white tiles laid in a checkerboard pattern, red chairs and a table, a streamlined refrigerator, and all this is complemented by assorted cups, potholders and saucepans that the owners have collected over the years.

Retro style is a well-forgotten old thing from the 50s-70s of the last century. Look through old magazines, visit flea markets, exhibitions. They will help you decide on the color scheme of the apartment, the shape of the furniture, and accessories.

Everything you choose can be mixed and combined to suit your own taste. This will reflect your identity with the past.

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