Let's see what is more affordable for a private homeowner, gas or electricity. On the one hand, as Alexey Miller reported, at the beginning of 2017, gasification of residential areas in Russia reached 67%. On the other hand, the allocation of land for private construction must be accompanied by obtaining permission for its electrification. From this we can conclude that the site for building your house will be more likely to be electrified than gasified. This means that electricity, and not gas, is still more accessible for heating a private home.

Features of electrification of cottage villages

It is unlikely that you will find a cottage community without electricity. Even if such villages exist, buying a house or land in them is, to put it mildly, strange. According to general rules, electrification of the village must comply with the following rules:

  • The construction of power lines in the village must be carried out in accordance with the technical conditions for the technological connection of electrical installations, which is included in the complex of agreed and approved documentation (POZT and PPMT). POZT and PPMT are projects for the organization and development/planning and land surveying of the territory. The village is supplied with electricity according to the second reliability category with two independent 110/10 kV feeders.
  • The village itself has at least one 10/0.4 kV transformer substation.
  • For each house, a separate electrical input panel must be provided, with an individual electricity meter. As a rule, 15 kW of power is allocated per house, with a voltage of 380 or 220 V.

This is where we'll stop. 15 kW of allocated power per house is a very good indicator, which only works for cottage villages. For villages and various partnerships, this indicator of allocated electrical power drops to 5 kW. This is quite enough for life, but not at all enough for electric heating of the house.

Conclusion 1

To implement a project for heating a house with electricity, you will have to think in advance and/or decide on the allocation of additional electrical power.

Additional electrical power

To start talking about allocating additional electrical power, it is reasonable to calculate how much is needed for different types of electric heating. I will do this a little lower, here is a rough version.

Calculating the power of the required heating boiler, according to the most simplified scheme, shows that for a house of 100 meters, a minimum boiler power of 10 kW is needed. With movement to the North and center of Russia, this power increases by 1.2-1.5 times.

Important! Whatever allocated power your home has, connecting an electrical device with a power of 10 kW or more requires approval from the energy supply organization and Energy Supervision. The allocation of additional capacity is done there.

A special problem with the use of electric heating arises in partnerships. They allocate no more than 5 kW per house and connecting electric boilers without allocating additional capacity is simply not possible.

Other electric heating of a country house

But heating a house with an electric boiler is not the only option for heating with electricity. Let's look at all modern types of electric heating, and also think about which part of them can actually be used to heat a country house.

Note: We are talking about country houses for permanent residence, where the house needs to be heated every day, and not three days a week. Although I will also say something about such dacha houses.

There are several options for electric heating of a country house. They are united by a common operating principle, namely, the use of the transition of electrical energy into thermal energy of heating elements, which in turn is spent on heating either the air in the room or the coolant in the heating system. The coolant, circulating through the heating system, through radiators, heats the air in the rooms in the house.

In the article we will consider the following types of electric heating at home:

  • Electric boiler;
  • Electric convectors;
  • Warm floor (electric);
  • Infrared electrical emitters
  • PLEN system.

Electric boiler

A modern electric boiler is a high-tech device with the highest efficiency, reaching 98%. The popularity of electric boilers is due to their compactness (size), silent operation, powerful automation, ease of connection, basic maintenance and availability of electric current.

However, the high cost of electricity and the possible difficulty of obtaining additional capacity do not allow them to displace other types of boilers from the market.

Operating principle of electric boilers

The operating principle of electric boilers is quite simple. Heating of the thermal element (elements) of the boiler from the electric current passing through it leads to heating of the coolant of the heating system.

For the boiler to operate, it requires a connection to a current source, usually quite powerful. Therefore, before purchasing a boiler, you need to carefully consider connecting additional electrical power. Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are connected to a 220 or 380 Volt power supply; more powerful boilers from 12 kW operate only on 380 V.

According to the installation method, electric boilers are available for both wall and floor mounting. Wall-mounted boilers are especially popular due to their compactness.

The advantages of wall-mounted boilers include the presence of a built-in expansion tank for water and a built-in circulation pump. True, these advantages are not present in all models and not all manufacturers. For example, here is a picture of the design of an electric boiler.

Types of electric heating boilers

It is worth remembering the types of electric boilers. There are three of them:

  • Boilers with electrode heaters

Electrode electric boilers DO NOT have heating elements. Electric current flows directly through the coolant, causing it to heat up;

  • Boilers with heating elements heaters

Heating elements are ribbed electric heaters, familiar to everyone from old electric kettles;

  • Boilers with induction elements

Here, the coolant is heated by eddy currents induced in the core of a magnetic coil when alternating current passes through it.

The cost of heating with an electric boiler

We calculate the cost of heating with a boiler. The house is 100 meters, you need a 10 kW boiler. We carry out the calculation for constant operation (maximum).

  • 10 kW x 24 hours x 30 days = 7200 kW per month.
  • 7200 kW×3 rubles =21600 rubles per month.

Which is not the case in practice. The boiler does not always work; it is controlled automatically and its operation depends on the weather. The estimated cost can be reduced by 3-4 times. That is, in practice, you can expect that you need 5-6 thousand rubles per month for heating with an electric boiler.

Conclusion on electric boilers

Electric boilers are good for everyone, if only they weren’t so expensive. You can find a lot of disputes and facts about the cost of heating with electric boilers on the Internet. However, modern boiler automation and new heating technologies make it possible to reduce the cost of electric heating.

Heating with electric convectors (radiators)

The idea of ​​heating with convectors is quite simple. Electric heating radiators with power control are installed under each window of the house. These radiators are mounted on the wall and plugged into a special electrical outlet for operation. Convector power from 1 kW to 3 kW.

Immediately advantages.

  • Elementary installation that does not require permits. However, a check is required, or better yet, new electrical wiring to power the convectors.
  • The cost of the entire system is 2-3 times cheaper than installing an electric boiler.
  • No maintenance required. I plugged it in and it worked, if it broke, I replaced it.

But there are also disadvantages:

The main disadvantage of electric convectors is their high inertia. They take a long time to warm up, warm up the room for a long time, and cool down quickly when turned off.

That is why the quality of home insulation plays a special role in effective heating with convectors. In this type of heating, the insulation and thermal insulation of the house play a decisive role.

Calculation of convector heating

Calculation of convector heating is standard: per 10 sq. meters of house you need 1 kW of convector power.

In practice, based on forums and reviews, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Electric heating with convectors is not suitable for large houses and houses with high ceilings (warm air accumulates at the top). More often it is used for baths and houses up to 40 square meters. meters, including 2 floors;
  • It takes several hours to completely warm up the house in winter from the street temperature, which makes it difficult to have a comfortable stay while visiting;
  • A lot of time is spent on additional heating when the temperature drops sharply;
  • The cost of heating with convectors ranges from 12 thousand to 15 thousand rubles for three winter months (from 3 to 6 thousand per month), for a house of 40-50 sq. m. meters.

Conclusion on convectors

Electric heating of a country house with convectors is not the best option. As a separate method of heating a house, convectors are not suitable because they take a long time to warm up the room. To solve the problem of long warm-up, use additional electric heating with infrared heaters or heated floors. Convectors are used to maintain heat, and around the clock. They also require particularly good insulation of the house.

Electric heated floors

Electric heated floors are an undoubted option for heating with electricity. Here are several implementation options, depending on the house:

  • Cable heated floor (wooden or polystyrene system);
  • Warm mats;
  • Infrared film.

All these systems have the same drawback as convectors: they take a long time to warm up the room and cool down quickly. In practice, electric heated floors are recommended as an additional source of heating or, as it is called, a source of comfortable heating.

A striking example is an apartment. There is central heating, and in severe frosts or for additional comfort, we install and turn on local heated floors (bath, kitchen, children's room).

It is not possible to warm a house with electric heated floors alone.

Infrared electric emitters (heaters)

These are powerful sources of diffuse infrared radiation (radiation heating), which warms up not the entire room, but mainly the area under the heater. Household heaters of floor, wall and ceiling versions are produced.

The thermal element of such heaters is a safe heating element. Emitter power from 300 to 600 W. With their help you can heat a room from 3 to 6 meters.

These sources are used to create comfortable heating conditions, as well as to quickly warm up the room. However, they are practically unsuitable for constant heating due to the high cost of the devices themselves and the cost of consumed electricity.

Cost of IR heating

We calculate the cost, the house has 100 meters of usable area. To heat such a house, you need 10 kW heaters. We calculate: For 1 meter of area you need 100 W of IR heater. For 100 meters of area you need 10 kW. Multiply 10 kW by 24 hours and by 30 days. We get 7200 kW per month. 1 kW costs 3 rubles (for example), we get 21,600 rubles per month.

Infrared films (PLEN)

I specifically removed this type of heating from “warm floors” and here’s why. Infrared warm films (PLEN) are quite economical and have begun to be used not only for heating floors, but also walls and ceilings. Let's look at the photo.

By installing the film on the floor, walls and even ceilings, a fairly comfortable heating of the house is created. The real benefits of radiant radiation (IR):

  • Warming up the room in less than an hour;
  • Using automatic thermostat;
  • Quiet operation;
  • Quick and easy installation.

Heating cost PLEN

The main question, as always, is cost. PLEN (film radiant electric heater) consumes 15–20 W/m2 per hour. We consider a house to be 100 meters of usable area. We cover 70% of the ceiling with film.

In many countries, basic heating appliances are designed to consume electricity. In Russia there is also a tendency to increase the share of installed electrical appliances in this area. In addition to the most famous electric water heater, various systems are used, which are based on high-tech materials and processes.

When solving the dilemma of whether gas or electric home heating is better, the number of fans of the second option is growing. This is due, among other things, to less bureaucratic red tape inherent in the installation of gas systems.

Advantages/disadvantages of electrical appliances

A wide range of electric heaters for the home allows us to identify a lot of positive aspects in most of them. They relate both to the operational characteristics of heating from electricity and to the installation qualities of electric heating in an apartment or house.

Among them the following points can be highlighted:

  • there is no need to accumulate large reserves of fuel, as is the case with solid fuel boilers;
  • relative safety, since electric heating devices do not have areas with open fire in their design;
  • electric heating of an apartment is more environmentally friendly than other types of heaters, due to the absence of aggressive waste into the atmosphere, minimal parameters for sound characteristics, and the absence of any odor;
  • electric heating of the house will not require additional space for equipment, will easily fit in almost any kitchen, and will fit into the interior design;
  • a wide selection of models will allow you to choose equipment of the appropriate color, size, power and installation methods;
  • electric heating appliances for the home operate autonomously without human intervention; if necessary, you can quickly configure/reconfigure any parameters and carry out preventive measures;
  • electric heating systems have a lower price tag than gas units, and their installation is easier and simpler;
  • The dimensions and weight of the electric heating elements of a private house are small, which does not create additional load on any structure.

However, there are also negative aspects to electric heaters for the home:

  • not everywhere there is powerful electrical wiring capable of withstanding significant loads;
  • Electric heating systems increase energy consumption, which affects utility bills;
  • if the electric heating of a private house is done with your own hands, as in the video, then you need to make sure that each electrical appliance is compatible with the domestic domestic network, and if necessary, a stabilizer or uninterruptible power supply is installed in the circuit.

VIDEO: Installation of equipment using the example of the Nevsky electric boiler

Application of electric water heating

Hydronic heating systems that use electricity are generally found to be more efficient than systems that rely solely on direct electrical heating. The coolant in water systems is water heated to operating temperature.

The liquid is heated in a built-in boiler or boiler. An electric boiler for water heated floors must have high power characteristics in order to provide heat to a house or apartment.

During the installation of autonomous systems, where the main role is played by an electric water heater, the following types of installations are used:

  • induction;
  • electrode;
  • Heating elements.

The last type is the most widespread. The principle of operation is that water enters the tank, heat is transferred to it from the heating element, and then through the system it is forcibly distributed using a water pump to the radiators. From them the coolant returns to the boiler.

VIDEO: Review of electric boilers

Warm floor

It is rare to find a water heated floor from an electric boiler as the main source of heating. More often it is used as an additional system. The structure is installed under the floor covering. Temperature sensors are installed in certain areas to monitor heating.

Not in all cases, an electric boiler for water heated floors is in demand. Heating can be carried out by a special cable, inside of which a heating element is located. Its wiring diagrams can be either snail or loop. A concrete screed is poured over such heating mains. It ensures uniform heat distribution.

Despite the complexity of the installation of cable heated floors, most consumers prefer it. Such a system is considered more reliable than infrared floors or warm mats, although there are no objective assessments or expert opinions on this issue. On the contrary, alternative systems have more advantages - the final cost is lower, since there is no preparatory work for laying the screed, maintainability is high - there is no need to dismantle the floor, it is enough to replace the damaged unit, suitable for all types of floor coverings, etc.

Application of convectors and radiators of various types

For local heating, popular units are oil-filled heating radiators operating from the mains. The body of such a device is structurally equipped with the largest possible surface due to the use of ribs. Electric heating elements are immersed in a mineral-type coolant. In most cases, their power is 2-3 kW.

Such devices are not among the most economical and are not used for continuous use. However, they effectively cope with their function within a small room.

The use of convectors that are installed in rooms where it is difficult to install water systems is more justified. These electric heating devices for the home work according to the following principle. There is a heater mounted inside that converts electrical energy into heat. The heated air is redirected upward through a special grille. Cooled air flows naturally from below.

Each device has a temperature sensor that turns off the heating when sufficiently heated air enters the lower intake hole. Buyers often choose which electric convector is best based on output characteristics and power consumption.

Today, the range of such convectors is very large and you can often find various design solutions in the form of paintings on sale.

Infrared devices

A more modern type of electric heaters for the home are infrared emitters. This electric heating system for a private home does not heat the air, but the objects inside the room. You need to understand that you can construct an oil radiator with your own hands, but you will have to buy systems with infrared radiation.

This type of electric heating in a private home has one of the highest efficiency rates among its electric counterparts. This makes it as efficient and economical as possible. However, at the purchase stage you will have to pay the high cost of such devices. The popularity of IR heaters is associated with their ability to quickly and for a long time warm up rooms. The principle of operation corresponds to the sun's rays, when it is not the air in the room that is heated, but solid objects, including people, interior elements, the floor and the ceiling. Due to the large number of heat-transferring surfaces, the room heats up very quickly. The only drawback is the short range of action - the further you are from the IR heater, the colder it gets.

VIDEO: Economical electric heating of a private house - myth or reality

It is better to prepare a sleigh in the summer, just like the heating system of a house or cottage. There is no point in putting off solving this vitally important issue “for later.” After all, the autumn cold can come suddenly, and it is important that the weather does not take you by surprise.

Homeowners who have gas connected to their house, but there are no problems with heating and hot water supply, can close this article and go about their business. This article is for people who want to do in the house the most economical electric heating, but the power allocated to their home (the permitted power limit) is not sufficient to connect several heating appliances and other household appliances. And purchasing additional electrical power from power engineers is not possible due to the unreasonably high cost or the physical lack of excess power due to old transformer substations.

Which electric heating system is the most economical and inexpensive?

Based on many years of experience, we can say that the simplest and most inexpensive method of electric heating of a country house or cottage is use of electric convectors. These electrical appliances have proven themselves to be suitable for heating both residential and administrative or commercial spaces. This type of electric heating has a number of important advantages over other electric heating systems and devices. Let's look at just a few of the benefits.

1. The best indicators of efficiency and economy

The operating principle of an electric convector is natural air circulation, when warm air, being less dense, rises above cold air. The air inside the room mixes spontaneously. This ensures good uniformity and speed of heating, as well as the absence of drafts.

The heating elements of electric convectors have low mass and thermal inertia, so they heat up quickly. Unlike, say, radiators filled with oil. Therefore, the efficiency of such a heating device is very high, and the power consumption is an order of magnitude less than that consumed by an electric boiler.

Almost all the electricity consumed by the convector is converted into heat. And the thermostat allows you to achieve this, because the heater does not work constantly, but only when the air temperature drops. Those. cyclically.

2. Best operational safety indicators

Modern convectors contain heaters that do not heat above 100°C. At the same time, the temperature of the convector body remains below 60°C. The convector does not burn oxygen. And most devices of this type have increased protection from moisture (IP24), so they can be safely installed in bathrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, near a swimming pool, etc. Although, of course, this does not mean that the convector can be watered with water from a hose!

Convectors from leading manufacturers are equipped with a safety system that will turn off the heating if the air inlet or outlet is closed. Therefore, convectors can be used in kindergartens, children's rooms, hospitals, etc.

3.Easy to install and operate

The electric heating convector is ready for use immediately after purchase. All that is necessary for its operation is installation on the wall or on special legs, as well as connection to the electrical network.

To select the temperature, just set the thermostat to the appropriate temperature value, and then just wipe the dust from the case. Unlike installing a water system, convectors save significant money because they do not require pipes to be laid throughout the house.

4. Low price

The cost of high-quality electric convectors cannot be compared with the cost of an electric water heating system.

5. Possibility of gradual expansion of the system

Convectors can be purchased and put into operation gradually, as needed or as funds become available. While water heating requires the purchase of all components at once, which is not cheap.

6. Possibility of using energy-saving automation

Very often the power allocated to a house or cottage is not enough to connect several energy-intensive heating devices. Electric convectors allow the use of additional external automation, for example, the OEL-820 Clusterwin grid load optimizer, which reduces the total power consumption and allows them to be operated even when the permitted power limit is insufficient.

This is very important for a country house. In addition, the load optimizer does not require installation, but simply plugs into a power outlet, like an adapter. requires a large input power, which cannot be reduced.

7. Insensitive to mains voltage deviations

The heating elements of convectors are not sensitive to network voltage deviations, which are often found outside the city. Therefore, they do not require an additional voltage stabilizer.

8. Great design and compactness

Heating using convectors does not require a boiler room. Convectors are small in size and will fit into any interior.

We will explain point 6 with an example.

According to the agreement with the energy supply company, the electrical power allocated to the house is 5 kW. In this case, you need to operate four 1 kW convectors, a 1 kW water heater, and a 1 kW kettle. In total, our electrical appliances consume 6 kW, which exceeds the allocated limit. Consequently, when they are turned on simultaneously, the network will overload and the machine (circuit breaker) will trip...

However, it is not necessary that all appliances be turned on for heating at the same time. If powerful electrical appliances are conditionally divided into pairs and made so that in each pair one, and only one, electrical appliance can be turned on, then the total power consumption can be significantly reduced and the permitted power limit can be bypassed. For these purposes, the latest automation is used - power grid load optimizers. For example, .

You can read more about this device and its operation.

To connect energy-intensive electrical appliances, we will use three load optimizers on the power grid OEL-820 CLUSTERWIN.

Third floor. One large studio room.

When priority convector A is switched on in heating mode, non-priority convector B is switched off. As soon as the temperature in the left zone of the room reaches the set value, convector A will turn off the heating. The operating cycle of non-priority appliance B will begin.

When the temperature in the right zone of the room reaches the set value, convector B will turn off. For some time, depending on the quality of the room’s thermal insulation, both convectors can be turned off. At this time, the temperature in the left zone of the room slowly decreases.

When the temperature drops below the set value, priority convector A will turn on and begin its new operating cycle.

Since in this pair of convectors only one convector can be turned on at any time, the total power consumed by the two convectors will never exceed 1 kW.

The overall consumption and load on the power grid is reduced by 2 times.

Second floor. Two separate rooms.

Convectors on the second floor, connected to the network through grid load optimizers, operate in exactly the same way as convectors on the third floor. Only each of them heats their own room. At the same time, the total power consumed by two convectors will never exceed 1 kW.

First floor.

The kettle and water heater are connected to the network through the OEL-820 optimizer. While the kettle is not in use, the water heater operates in accordance with the temperature set on the thermostat. When you turn on the kettle, the water heater automatically turns off while the kettle is operating.

As soon as the water boils and the kettle turns off, the water heater will be connected to the network and continue to operate. It is preferable if the water heater thermostat is electromechanical. This type of water heater is cheaper.

Since out of two electrical appliances one and only one electrical appliance can be turned on, the total power consumption of the kettle and water heater will never exceed 1 kW. Consequently, their consumption and load on the power grid decreases by 2 times!

Conclusion: when operating six electrical appliances with a total power of 6 kW, connected through three load optimizers on the power grid, the total power consumed from the power grid will never exceed 3 kW!

Which of the listed advantages of convectors should be put in first place, and which in last? There is no clear answer to this question. But the ability to choose what is more important in your specific situation is already wonderful!

Which electric convectors to choose?

This is a matter of taste and wallet. It is clear that you should only buy devices from well-known manufacturers, such as NOBO or similar. This is your safety. Pay attention to such a function as self-recovery (restart) after a power outage.

Normal convectors are not sensitive to power outages. And those that require restarting by a person are not convenient to use and can cause great damage by freezing the house.

Most have an impressive area and due to the fact that Russia is a non-resort country in which summer reigns all year round, this very area needs to be heated somehow in the winter. There is a whole arsenal of variety for these purposes, but due to the large volumes, many options are very expensive. If you approach this issue correctly, it turns out that electricity is the most economical way.

Read in the article

Types of electric heating of a private house

Heating using electricity can be divided into several categories: spot, general, combined. Below, the types and principles of operation of electrical appliances of this type are described in detail.

Spot heating using heaters

The domestic market can offer a huge range in the segment. The pricing policy will allow you to choose both economy class models and premium units. To avoid confusion among the options, they are divided into subgroups:

  • . Based on the operation of needle or x-shaped heating elements.

  • . They have a lot of advantages, which ensures comfort during their operation. The excellent directed heat transfer generated by the infrared emitter can fully warm you not only indoors, but also outdoors.

The design is a concave aluminum reflector with a special heat-repellent coating, which concentrates and directs all thermal energy in a certain direction. There are models that have a moving base, which provides heating at 90, 180 or 360 degrees.

  • Oil heaters. An old acquaintance who managed to warm more than one generation of families. Its ability to heat up to over 100 degrees while using a reasonable amount of energy has won many fans. The mineral oil that is inside the heater does not expand when heated strongly by the heating element, which increases the operating temperature.

Description of popular models and heating systems

To fully determine the most profitable models, you need to analyze a whole ton of material about characteristics and performance indicators. Of course, there are a large number of TOPs on the Internet describing the most popular models of heaters in their segment (one of the best TOP 10 electric heaters is presented here), but in fact the choice can be limited. This is done according to the following criteria:

  • Required power;
  • Installation method;
  • Safety protection class;
  • Necessary additional functions;
  • Case dimensions;
  • Design;
  • Budget size for purchase;

By making a list, you can easily choose the appropriate option.

Review of electric boilers for heating private houses: prices for the most popular models

Here is a list of the most popular manufacturers that have distinguished themselves by their excellent quality and excellent characteristics. Heating in a private house with an electric boiler (cost in the table below) is considered an alternative in the absence of a gas main.

Electric boiler table

Image Manufacturer Number of circuits Power, kW Area, m2 Price, rub.

EVAN-S1-3one3 25 7 500
RUSNIT 204one4 30 9 600

Ferroli Zews 6two6 60 29 500

Protherm SKAT 9KRtwo9 90 31 000

Wespe Heizung WH. Foreman 8one8 80 15 000

Zota - Economy 7.5one7.5 70 10 000

Vaillant eloBLOCK VE 6two6 65 33 000

Heating the house with electricity. The most economical way for you

All explanations about savings will be discussed using an example that has an area of ​​100 m2.

  1. Calculation of the cubic capacity of the room. Having 100 squares, you need to multiply them by the ceiling height, for example, 2.7 meters, you get 270 m3. This building has average insulation, which means that it is necessary to add another 10 percent to the capacity. Gathering the parameters together, the following result is obtained (270/20) + 10% = 15 kW
  2. Purchase of equipment. Pipes, taps, fittings, and other nonsense will cost about 30,000 rubles. As for the boiler, assuming that there is no 380V in the house, it is recommended to purchase two electrode boilers, each with a power of 7 kW. The cost of one is on average 15,000 rubles.
  3. Management of the entire system. You'll have to buy an electronic controller, completely stuffed. Planning the boiler operation schedule for a week in advance, the boiler depending on the weather outside and many other necessary functions. The cost of this miracle of technology is about 10,000 rubles.
  4. Installation costs. Depending on the region of residence, the cost varies, but on average it is 30 percent of the cost of the entire system.
  5. Additional, but not mandatory, power supply. Solar panels with a power of 3 kW will cost you 80,000 rubles.

What happened in the end? The total cost without solar panels is 70,000 rubles. Power consumption is 14 kW/hour, per day of operation of two boilers at an outside temperature of -10, consumption will be about 90 kW/day. The cost of a kilowatt of light is 5.38 rubles, which means 90x5.38x30 = 14526 rubles per month. If we count with installed solar panels, then the amount of expenses will be 11,500 rubles.

This is one of hundreds of options, it's up to you to choose.

Note! To understand how to heat a house economically with electricity, you need to know some tricks. One of them is the installation of a three-tariff meter.

Review of the latest solutions in electric heating systems

It can be immediately noted that all the latest developments are very expensive, but they have a good tendency, they quickly pay for themselves.

  • Solar collectors, which heat the water. Such panels are placed on the roofs of houses on the sunny side. They show themselves very effectively in sunny regions. They have a fairly high efficiency and maximum level of environmental friendliness. The downside is that it cannot be used at night. In most cases they are installed as

Electric heating of a private house is one of the options for autonomous heating if it is not possible to connect to the central gas pipeline network. There are quite a lot of such villages and settlements in Russia, so owners of private households have to resolve the issue of heating their home and providing it with hot water. Today it is difficult to imagine a normal home without modern amenities, so you will need to choose a sufficiently powerful heating boiler on the advice of experts.

How to choose heating equipment

Equipping a private home with electric heating with your own hands is often much easier than installing and subsequently maintaining a gas heater. For a gas stove, you must obtain permission from a specialized organization, and only after all the paperwork has been completed will it be possible to lay pipes and connect to radiators. An electric boiler will not cause any bureaucratic hassle, and it can be installed very quickly.

Economical electric heating of a private home is possible if you select the right equipment according to several parameters:

  • Electric boiler power. It depends on this whether it will be able to effectively heat all rooms of the house, as well as heat water for all water points.
  • For a normally insulated house with installed plastic windows, the amount of heat required is 1 kW per 10 sq. meters, but if the insulation is insufficient, heat loss will increase significantly. Before installing the electric boiler, it is advisable to carry out partial repairs by thoroughly insulating all surfaces.
  • Control type. Cheap boilers have a regulator for manual control; electronic devices can operate for a long time without any human intervention.
  • Automatic equipment is more expensive, but it will be doubly profitable, since it can be configured to operate in an economical mode. Such a boiler will constantly maintain uniform heating in the house, and the rooms will have a comfortable temperature.

  • The presence or absence of a circulation pump. Modern models of double-circuit boilers can rightfully be called mini-boiler rooms: they already have built-in circulation pumps and expansion tanks that will ensure optimal functioning of the system.

How does an electric heating boiler work?

An electric boiler works on the same principle as solid fuel or gas equipment. Due to heating elements or induction installations, the water is heated in the heat exchanger, through which it enters the heating radiators. There it cools, transferring thermal energy to the air in the room, after which the cooled liquid is again sent to the boiler. The system can operate trouble-free for a very long time, especially if you take care of regular preventive maintenance of pipes and radiators.

How to create electric heating for a private house with your own hands: diagrams are easy to find on the Internet, but you need to know by what laws the system will work in order to prevent accidents or any malfunctions. The heating circuit includes the following main elements:

Electric boilers have one very serious drawback: they are completely dependent on the supply of electricity, and if it is turned off, the owner cannot change anything. In case of serious power failures, the house may be left without heat for many days, so it is necessary to provide for the possibility of alternative heating.

It is quite possible to install an electric heating system on your own; this work usually takes a little time. You need to choose a floor-mounted or wall-mounted boiler equipment and familiarize yourself with the basic installation rules.

Wall-mounted boilers must be installed on flat walls made of non-combustible material. If they need to be installed in a wooden house, a sheet of non-combustible material is first fixed to the wall.

The floor-standing boiler must stand on a flat surface, it must also be non-flammable. Before installation, you need to read the instructions and outline a plan for the location of future communications. The system assembly process itself can be divided into several stages:

For a cottage, a system with forced circulation and installation of a separate boiler is most suitable: a single-circuit boiler will work for heating, and the boiler will heat water for water use.

You can carry out installation work yourself, but it is still better to take the advice of professionals to avoid errors in design and installation. This is especially true for work with electricity: if you have not done it before, it is better to entrust it to someone experienced in order to avoid tragic consequences. After assembling the system, a full check and pressure testing is carried out.

The heating system can be open or closed: the first option is more suitable for a small house: in this case, the expansion tank is not insulated and is not covered with a lid. Air bubbles escape through it so that air pockets do not form in the pipes. In closed systems, on the contrary, the tank is completely sealed, and the system gets rid of excess air using a special valve.

What are combi boilers

Since electric heating is expensive, you can use an alternative solution and choose a boiler that can operate on two types of fuel. For example, you can purchase electrical equipment that can also perform the functions of a gas water heater. Or you can choose a solid fuel boiler that can also work with electricity for some time.

As long as there are no interruptions in the gas supply, such a boiler will work properly according to the generally accepted scheme, but as soon as any problems arise, it will be possible to switch to another type of fuel and thereby provide stable heating to the house.

A combination boiler is more expensive than a regular boiler, but such expenses will be completely justified: your home is guaranteed not to be left without heat, and even if one system fails, the second will immediately be able to support it. The temperature level will remain at the same values, and it will be comfortable to be in the room.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):