Do-it-yourself repair of pumping stations is an excellent way to save money when independently providing water to your site or country house. The use of such equipment allows you to provide the necessary pressure in the water supply system by automatically turning off and turning on the pump as water is used.
But like all metal parts, station elements are susceptible to corrosion, which contributes to their failure and requires replacement of elements. How to repair pumping stations yourself is suggested in the article.

How the pumping station works and works

Positions in the picture:

  • 1 — support for fixing the line;
  • 2 – tap;
  • 3 - check valve;
  • 4 - pressure control relay;
  • 5 - place for filling water;
  • 6 - supply part of the system;
  • 7 – pump;
  • 8 – filter for cleaning the line;
  • 9 – line for water suction;
  • 10 – pumped storage tank;
  • 11 – water for supply to the system;
  • 12 — return valve, with safety mesh;
  • 13 — cover, for closing the nipple;
  • 14 - drain hole for water.

Before repairing, you need to at least briefly become familiar with the structure and operating principle of the system, and the purpose of its component elements.
Main equipment components:

  • Centrifugal surface pump for station. It consists of an asynchronous single-phase motor and a pump element.
  • The hydraulic accumulator includes: a steel tank and a replaceable membrane made of ethylene-propylene food-grade rubber. The hydraulic accumulator has a nipple built into it, which is used to pump high-pressure air into the device.
  • Visual pressure control is provided by a pressure gauge in the water supply system.
  • The pressure switch controls its upper and lower values; when they are reached, the pump turns off and on.
  • The pumping station is connected to the power supply via a cable with a plug with a built-in grounding contact, and sockets with the same contact.

The instructions indicate an approximate operating procedure for the equipment:

  • After installation and connection of the equipment, water fills the hydraulic accumulator and the entire water supply system.
  • After the water pressure in the system reaches the maximum limit, the electric pump turns off.
  • The water tap opens, and at the first moment water begins to flow out of the accumulator.
  • As water flow increases, the pressure in the system begins to drop to the lower limit to which its relay is set, then the electric pump turns on again.
  • Water begins to flow to the consumer and at the same time fill the accumulator.
  • When the liquid pressure reaches the upper limit value to which the pressure switch is set, the system turns off again.
  • Cycles of turning the device off and on are repeated until water is removed from the system.

Tip: To regulate the operation of the equipment, you need to use a check valve on the suction line, on which a coarse water mesh filter is located.

How to install a pumping station

Advice: On the suction line, it is better to use plastic pipes that have a certain rigidity, metal pipes or hoses reinforced for vacuum, to prevent their failure from vacuum compression during suction.

When installing a pumping station, you must pay attention to:

  • When using plastic pipes or hoses (see), there was no bending or twisting.
  • All pipe connections were well sealed. This is due to the fact that air leaks have a negative effect on the operation of the equipment.
  • Quick-release connections were used, which will provide convenience when servicing the pumping station.
  • The suction pipe had a check valve with a mesh at the end when suctioning from the well and a main filter installed in front of the pumping station to protect against the ingress of small mechanical particles.
  • The end of the suction pipe was lowered into the water at least 30 centimeters from the minimum liquid level. It is necessary that there be a distance of more than 20 centimeters between the bottom of the tank and the end of the suction pipe.
  • A check valve was installed on the outlet pipe from the pump, which will help prevent water hammer when the device is turned on/off, and a tap.
  • The pumping station was securely secured in a fixed position.
  • There weren't many kinks or taps in the system.
  • When suctioning from a depth of more than four meters, or if there is a horizontal section longer than four meters, pipes with a larger diameter were used, which will improve the performance of the equipment.
  • Ensure that water is drained from all points of the system in case of possible freezing in winter. In this case, it is necessary to provide drain taps; check valves in the system should not interfere with the drainage of water.

The pump must be securely fixed in the system.
To do this:

  • The unit is installed on a level area, as close as possible to the water source.
  • In the room or pit where the pumping station is located, it is necessary to provide ventilation, which will help reduce humidity and air temperature.
  • The distance from the walls to the pumping station should be at least 20 centimeters, which will provide access to the pumping station during its maintenance.
  • Pipes must be of the appropriate diameter.
  • Holes are marked for fixing the pumping station on the surface where it will be mounted. Holes are drilled to mount the pump.
  • The absence of mechanical stresses or bends of the pipes is checked, and the fastening screws are tightened.

Causes of station breakdown and its repair

The photo shows the elements that make up the pumping station. The table shows the main causes of breakdowns in the pumping station and methods for eliminating them yourself.

Cause of breakdowns Remedy
The engine does not work
  • No supply voltage.
  • The fuse has failed.
  • The impeller is jammed.
  • The electrical connection diagram of the station is checked.
  • The pump is being cleaned.
  • The fan impeller rotates; if it does not rotate, the engine is jammed. The engine cannot be turned on until the problem is resolved.
  • The safety of the pressure switch contacts is checked.
  • Checking the capacitor pos. 1034.

Tip: Before starting to repair the pump, you must completely drain the water, disconnect all devices: expansion tank, pressure gauge, pressure switch and others.

  • There is no water in the device.
  • The suction height does not exceed 7 meters.
  • Pulls air into the suction line.
  • The valve is clogged.
  • Fill the unit with water.
  • Make the suction height lower.
  • Remove suction from the suction line.
  • Clean the valve.
  • The engine speed is low, the voltage drop in the network is large.
  • Increased resistance in the pressure pipe, the pipeline is clogged or has sharp kinks.
  • Adjust the voltage stability in the network.
  • Make the resistance less or take a new pipeline.
  • If the hydrophore malfunctions, it is necessary to replace the diffuser pos. 1007 and guide.
The station does not pump water when the engine is running
  • There is no water in the station pump.
  • Air has entered the suction pipe.
  • The supply or suction pipe is clogged.
  • The equipment operates “dry”.
  • The position of the water level is checked.
  • All gaps in the pipeline are eliminated.
  • The suction line is cleaned.
  • If the horizontal pipeline is long, an air lock may have formed in the middle of the pipe. It is necessary to fill the entire pipeline with water, preferably under pressure, to eliminate the air lock.

Tip: To prevent this from happening, the horizontal part of the pipe should be at a slight slope in the direction of water intake.

  • The reasons for equipment running “dry” are eliminated
Water supply is insufficient
  • Air is trapped.
  • The pump is clogged.
  • The pipeline is clogged.
  • The pump and pipelines are cleaned.
  • Gaps are eliminated.
  • Even the smallest air leaks are removed.
  • The inlet pipeline structure damaged due to corrosion must be replaced.
The station turns off and on again too often
  • The expansion tank membrane is damaged.
  • There is no compressed air in the expansion tank or the pressure is too low.
  • The check valve has opened due to blockage by a foreign object.
  • Replace the membrane or expansion tank.
  • Remove the crack that may have appeared in the tank body due to corrosion.
  • Pump air into the expansion tank and check the pressure with a pressure gauge.
  • Unblock the check valve.
The station cannot generate rated pressure
  • The pressure switch is adjusted to too low a pressure.
  • The supply pipe or is blocked.
  • Air has entered the suction pipe.
  • The pressure switch is adjustable.
  • If the pressure switch inlet is clogged, it must be cleaned.
  • The power is turned off, the pump or supply pipeline is dismantled and cleaned.
  • The tightness of connections located on the suction pipeline is checked.
  • The suction pipeline is checked for the absence of bends or
    reverse angles.
The station works and does not turn off
The pressure switch is set to very high pressure Adjustable pressure switch

If there is a pumping station on the site, it is not possible to carry out the repair yourself; you must contact a specialized workshop. If an automatic pumping station is used on the site, it is better to leave its repair and maintenance to specialists.

What are the advantages of automatic pumping stations

The advantage of such equipment is that the pump automatically turns on and pumps water. It is enough to install such a unit correctly just once and the problem with water delivery will be solved.
The water itself will flow through previously laid pipes. When the water level drops, the pump will stop working and the automatic pumping station will turn on.
The main characteristics of such equipment are high power, high productivity, water intake height, and storage tank volume. The video in this article shows how automatic pumping stations are installed and the repair of equipment components.

Popular problems and how to fix them

Constant pressure in the water supply system of a private home is usually created using a pumping station. It’s clear that it’s better if it works without problems, but breakdowns do happen from time to time.

To quickly restore water supply and save on services, you can repair the pumping station yourself.

Most of the breakdowns can be fixed on your own - you don’t have to do anything too complicated.

A pumping station is a collection of individual devices connected to each other. To understand how to repair a pumping station, you need to know what it consists of and how each part works. Then troubleshooting is easier. Composition of the pumping station:

  • Submersible or surface pump. Pumps water from a well or borehole, maintaining stable pressure in the system. It is connected to the house using pipes.
  • It is mandatory to install a check valve on the pipeline. It prevents water from flowing from the pipes back into the well or borehole when the pump is turned off. It is usually installed at the end of the pipe, lowered into the water. What does the pumping station consist of?
  • Hydraulic accumulator or membrane tank. A metal sealed container divided into two halves by an elastic membrane. In one there is air (inert gas) under pressure, in the other, until a certain pressure is created, water is pumped. A hydraulic accumulator is necessary to reduce the number of pump starts and extend its service life. Creates and maintains the required pressure in the system and a small reserve supply of water in case of station failure.
  • Pumping station monitoring and control unit. Typically this is a pressure gauge and pressure switch, installed between the pump and the accumulator. A pressure gauge is a control device that allows you to estimate the pressure in the system. The pressure switch controls the operation of the pump - it gives commands to turn it on and off. The pump is turned on when the lower pressure threshold in the system is reached (usually 1-1.6 atm), and turned off when the upper threshold is reached (for one-story buildings 2.6-3 atm).

Each part is responsible for a specific parameter, but one type of malfunction can be caused by the failure of various devices.

Now let's look at how all these devices work. When the system is first started, the pump pumps water into the accumulator until the pressure in it (and in the system) is equal to the upper threshold set on the pressure switch. While there is no water flow, the pressure is stable, the pump is turned off.

Each part does its job

Somewhere they opened a tap, drained the water, etc. For some time, water comes from the accumulator. When its quantity decreases so much that the pressure in the accumulator drops below a threshold, the pressure switch is activated and turns on the pump, which pumps water again. It is again switched off by the pressure switch when the upper threshold is reached - the shutdown threshold.

If there is a constant flow of water (a bathtub is being filled, the watering of the garden is turned on), the pump operates for a long time: until the required pressure is created in the hydraulic accumulator.

After the flow has stopped, the station operates for some time, creating the required reserve in the gyroaccumulator, then turns off and turns on after water flow appears again.

All pumping stations consist of the same parts and their breakdowns are mostly typical. It makes no difference whether the equipment is Grundfos, Jumbo, Alco or any other company. The diseases and their treatment are the same. The difference is how often these malfunctions occur, but their list and causes are usually identical.

Pumping station installation options

Sometimes you notice that the pump has been running for a long time and will not turn off. If you look at the pressure gauge, you can see that the pumping station is not gaining pressure. In this case, repairing the pumping station is a long process - you will have to go through a large number of reasons:

  • There is no water in the well or well. If this is indeed the case, this situation is called “dry running” and threatens that the motor will burn out. The water pumped by the pump is used to cool the motor. There is no water, it overheats and burns out. To protect against such a situation, special protection is needed: water level sensors (float and electric).
  • High resistance of the suction line (long length with small pipe diameter) or air leakage (leaky connection).
    • To eliminate influence of the highway, lower the suction pipe into the barrel next to the pump. If the pressure rises normally, the route is to blame and you need to either seal it at the joints, or lay thicker pipes or straighten the existing one (fewer bends and connections).
    • To check for leaks suction line, after turning off the station, observe the pressure gauge for a while. If the pressure drops when the taps are closed, there is a leak in the system. If not, the system is sealed. Repairing the pumping station yourself will help save money
  • The filter on the pipe is clogged or check valve. They are taken out, cleaned, checked for functionality, lowered into place and a test run is carried out.
  • Another possible reason that the pump does not turn off is a malfunction of the pressure switch or an incorrectly set pump shutdown limit:
    • The pressure limit at which the pump should turn off is too high; the pump is simply not able to reach the required pressure. Then we carry out adjusting the pressure switch(reduce trip limit).
    • Check relay contacts- clean them from scale (dark coating) with very fine-grain sandpaper (you can use a nail file).
    • Fix the malfunction of the pressure switch by cleaning it ( remove salts from adjustment springs and clean the inlet and outlet). Just be careful, the membrane at the inlet cannot be damaged. If this does not help, a replacement is required.

If the shutdown limit of the pressure switch is much lower than the maximum pressure that the pump can create, and for some time it worked normally, but then stopped, the reason is different.

The pump impeller may have malfunctioned. Immediately after the purchase, he coped, but during operation the impeller wore out and “now I don’t have enough strength.”

Repair of the pumping station in this case means replacing the pump impeller or purchasing a new unit.

To unlock or replace the impeller, remove the casing

Frequent activation of the pump and short periods of its operation lead to rapid wear of the equipment, which is very undesirable. Therefore, repairs to the pumping station must be carried out immediately after detecting a “symptom”. This situation occurs for the following reasons:

  • The hydraulic accumulator is too small. When choosing a pumping station for a home or cottage, they often take a small-volume hydraulic accumulator - 24 liters or 32 liters. This is very little, since the water reserve in such tanks is only 30-50% of its total volume, that is, only 7-12 liters of water can be pumped into a 24-liter tank. Naturally, such a volume of water is consumed very quickly, which is why the pump turns on frequently. The treatment method is to install an additional hydraulic accumulator (it is connected in parallel to the already installed one).
  • Incorrectly set response limits of the pressure switch. To avoid this situation, you can increase the delta (the difference between the pressure to turn off and turn on the pump) and thereby lower the threshold for turning on the pump (optimally 1-1.5 atm). One important point: the pressure at which the pump turns on should be 0.2 atm lower than the pressure in the accumulator. The pumping station can often turn on precisely because the pressure in the accumulator is lower than the set threshold for turning on the pump. Because:
    • Checking the pressure in the accumulator. To do this, remove the plastic cover and underneath it is a nipple (like a bicycle nipple). We connect the pressure gauge and check the pressure. It is usually within 1-1.5 atm. We bleed it or pump it up (with a bicycle or car pump screwed to the same nipple) so that it is normal.
    • We adjust the pressure switch. Having selected the parameters, you should get a normally working system. Adjust the pressure switch with two springs
  • Check valve clogged. If the valve does not shut off the water, it leaves the system, the pressure drops, and the pump turns on. The frequency of switching on is about 10-20 minutes. The solution is to check and clean the check valve and replace it if necessary.
  • Also the reason may be damage to the accumulator membrane. Moreover, in addition to the frequent activation of the pump, water is also supplied in jerks: when the station is running with high pressure, when it is turned off, the pressure immediately drops. In this case, there are two options - the membrane itself or the fold is leaking, which attaches it to the body. In both cases, you will have to disconnect the hydraulic accumulator and replace the faulty part.
  • One of the reasons for the frequent operation of the pump and the water supply intermittently is a broken spool in the upper part of the accumulator. To replace it, you will have to remove the accumulator, remove the membrane and replace the nipple.

Now you know why the pumping station often turns on and what to do about it. By the way, there is another possible reason - a leak in the pipeline or some kind of connection, so if all of the above does not apply to your case, check if the joint is leaking somewhere.

Air in water

There is always a small amount of air in the water, but when the faucet starts spitting, something is not working correctly. There may also be several reasons:

  • The water mirror has sank and the pump draws water in half with air. The solution in this case is simple - lower the pipe or the pump itself lower.
  • The pipeline has become leaky and air is leaking through one or more connections. Elimination - checking connections and restoring tightness. One of the reasons for a large amount of air in water is loss of tightness in the suction pipeline
  • the pump is clogged with dirt;
  • the pump motor is broken;
  • the settings of the pressure switch are lost;
  • the integrity of the rubber membrane in the hydraulic tank is damaged;
  • there are cracks in the hydraulic tank housing, etc.

What does the pumping station consist of?

Owners of their own water supply system on the territory of a private house or cottage often encounter various types of malfunctions. Basically, pumping stations contain the following elements:

  • water pump;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • relay;
  • pressure gauge

The main task of a water pump is to draw water from the desired source. Surface pumps installed either in special rooms of the house or in caissons adapted for this purpose are popular among consumers. The pump must have sufficient power to lift water from the well, move it to the house and raise it to the upper water point of the house.

An important component is a hydraulic accumulator (storage tank) with a capacity of 20 liters or more. A hydraulic accumulator is a metal container whose task is to maintain constant pressure in the station pipelines. A successful battery model in the form of a metal cylinder with a rubber membrane inside. The membrane stretches and returns to its previous position depending on whether the pumping station is working or not.

The relay turns the pump on and off, determining the need for its operation by the water level in the tank. The pressure gauge is designed to indicate the pressure level in the water supply system. The presented set of components and equipment of a water supply station can work as a single system, and each individual element can also work on its own.

How to ensure stable operation of the water supply system

If the pump seems to be working properly at first glance, but there is no water in the tap at the same time, the way to correct the situation is determined by the cause of the problem. To detect it, you will have to check some parameters and operating conditions.

  • Define condition and performancecheck valve, which is located inside a well or well. Debris or sand trapped in it can prevent it from opening, and a closed valve prevents fluid from rising to the pump.
  • Check Is the section of pipeline between the pumping unit and the source filled with water?. Sometimes, due to equipment failure, power outages or other disturbances, this gap remains empty, which prevents the pump from pumping liquid. The discovered void can be filled through a special hole.

    Pumping station in a house with a pipeline connected to it from a water source

  • The most difficult situation is the presence of large amounts of insoluble impurities in water with abrasive action. Often, there is a large amount of wear between the housing and the impeller of the unit. “Out-of-work” water supply pumping stations for a private home require expensive repairs. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the equipment (casing and impeller, if you can find components identical to the existing ones on sale, or the entire pump).
  • Lack of water in the well It can also cause water to not flow into the system when the pump is running. One of the simplest solutions is to immerse the supply hose or pipeline deeper (but within the limits specified in the operating instructions).

The jerk mode is the frequent switching on and off of the pumping unit in automatic mode.

In this case, you should start checking the system by determining the pressure in the air chamber of the accumulator. You can determine the pressure using a car pressure gauge. If it is low, try pumping air into the chamber. Wait a while and measure again. If the pressure drops again, look for and eliminate the place of depressurization.

If the pumping station operates jerkily, the reason may lie in damage to the diaphragm. To eliminate the defect, it must be replaced.

Frequent switching on and off may be the result of a malfunction of the pressure switch.

If, when the pump is working properly, water comes out of the tap in pulsating bursts, it means that air is leaking in the system. All communications between the well (well) and the pump should be checked for leaks. Particular attention must be paid to the water level in the source and the correspondence of the pipe diameter to the suction height. The smaller the diameter, the smaller the height should be. For example, a pipe diameter of 25 mm (or 1 inch) corresponds to a suction height of about 9 meters.

If the automatic shutdown of the pump does not work, such a water supply system cannot be operated. Emergency operation can lead to premature wear or destruction of equipment.

The reason for non-stop operation of the pump is incorrect operation of the pressure switch or its failure. In most cases, repairing a pumping station pressure switch comes down to adjusting the device and setting the on and off parameters using nuts on the springs under the device cover.

Pressure switch device - nut P is responsible for setting the lower pressure level in the accumulator, nut Δ P is responsible for setting the difference between the upper and lower pressure levels

Another possible violation is blocking of the relay by salt deposits when the quality of the water in the source is low. In this case, it is necessary to remove the relay and clean the hole that comes into contact with water.

The pump does not turn on

In most cases, failure to turn on the pump is associated with a break in the electrical circuit. A tester will be required to thoroughly check and detect the break. First of all, you should check the supply lines and pressure switches. In the latter case, pay attention to the condition of the contacts - a layer of oxide may form on them, which can be removed by cleaning using a needle file or fine-grained sandpaper.

A burnt-out engine can be restored by rewinding, but in some cases it will be necessary to purchase a new unit.

To repair a pumping station with your own hands with such “symptoms”, you may also need to replace a failed starting capacitor.

If the rotating parts of the pump do not move when turned on, and a characteristic hum appears, then the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • jamming of the impeller due to its “sticking” to the body during long-term storage of the pumping unit without use (the situation can be corrected by moving the impeller from its place manually and turning it several times),
  • capacitor failure (replace),
  • change in the parameters of the supply network (voltage is significantly lower than the nominal voltage).

The power unit of the vast majority of pumping stations is a centrifugal pump. The simple and cheap design has proven itself well in individual water supply. The only problem is unstable operation after a long break. This is especially evident with the onset of the summer season. Reanimation of equipment occurs as a result of sequential actions to displace air from the system.

There is no equipment that never breaks down, and pumping stations - even if they are from the most famous manufacturers - are no exception. What is very pleasing is that the causes of malfunctions are often not in the pump itself, and problems can be eliminated quite easily. What are they expressed in, and for what reasons do they arise?

Our short instructions will tell you about this. And after watching the video in this article, you will find the answer to the question: “What to do if the water supply pumping station does not work?”

Correct connection is the key to successful work

Before we start talking about repairs, it should be noted that with proper maintenance of the water supply system, which is done with your own hands in everyday life, it may not be needed.


  • Initially, everything depends on the correct installation - and not only the station itself, but also the pipeline. Therefore, to begin with, we will give some useful recommendations for arranging a home water supply network.

Such important details

After all, what is it? This is a unit consisting of a surface centrifugal pump with a built-in ejector and asynchronous motor, a membrane tank and several control devices. The power of the station depends on the number of stages in the pump, that is, impellers.

By the way, all this can be put together independently by selecting each element separately. This does not change the essence of the plumbing system.

  • Another name for a membrane tank: hydraulic accumulator. This is a container of a certain volume with an air injection nipple and a membrane, which, if damaged, is not difficult to replace. The membrane tank is equipped with two pressure sensors - to control the lower and upper values. It is at their command that the pump starts or stops.

  • The pumping station is connected to the power supply network traditionally - via an electrical cable (see). If the length of the wire provided by the manufacturer is not enough, you have to decide to purchase it yourself. It should be noted that the correct selection of cable for the normal functioning of the pump plays an important role.
  • This is done using existing tables, from which, knowing the motor power, rated current and wire length, its cross-section is determined. And since we are talking about the cable, let us remind you of the need to ensure its hermetically sealed connection to the unit. The highest quality is obtained when using filler and heat-shrinkable sleeves with mandatory grounding. One of the connection options is in the photo above.

  • In addition to the cable, you also have to purchase elements for the installation of the suction pipeline yourself - these are either hoses (see) or pipes. Both of them must be reinforced, but this also has its own catch, since some of them are oriented towards vacuum, while others are oriented towards pressure. Their price depends not only on the length, but also on the type of reinforcement of the product.
  • When connecting the hoses, it is extremely important not to confuse their purpose, otherwise vacuum compression may occur during the suction process. Typically, the hose is already equipped with a check valve at the factory, and when connecting, all that remains is to properly seal the place where it connects to the suction part of the pump.

  • The pumping station itself must be firmly installed and secured, and in winter it must be provided with proper temperature conditions. The diameter of the pressure pipeline must be related to its length: the further the supply is made, the larger the size of the pipes should be. And the fewer turns and taps there are on the water supply route, the more stable the water pressure in the system will be.

Problems typical for centrifugal pumps

First of all, before the station is put into operation for the first time, the pump is filled with water. It is also necessary to bleed air through a plunger - a special device in the upper part of the housing. When some of the air remains inside, there will either be no supply at all, or the pressure will be very weak.

In this case, the operation of the station is usually accompanied by unpleasant noise:

  • A decrease in pressure below the nominal value also occurs due to clogging at any point in the suction system: pump wheel blades, filter mesh or supply pipeline. Usually installing a coarse filter on the suction hose helps solve this problem.

  • In general, if we think from the point of view of geometry, pressure can be considered the height of the rise of water, which is carried out due to the energy generated by the pump. And if this distance exceeds the capabilities of the unit, then even correct filling will not help it achieve rated performance.
  • Simply put, if a station is designed to supply water from a depth of seven meters, then it makes no sense to install it on a ten-meter well. In addition, in such a situation, the phenomenon of cavitation (steam formation) may occur - and this has a detrimental effect on all working parts of the pump, especially on the impeller.

The temperature of the pumped liquid is also of great importance here. As it increases, the suction height, due to friction losses, decreases significantly.

How to protect the station from breakdown

The station's pressure indicators are monitored using pressure gauges installed on both the suction and supply pipelines. Deviations of their values ​​in one direction or another indicate problems, the cause of which should be found out as quickly as possible.

  • For the operation of the pump, it is very important that the shaft always maintains the specified direction of movement. To prevent it from unwinding in the opposite direction, a check valve is placed on the pressure pipe.

  • When installing the pipeline, it is necessary to make a slope towards the supply side. This will prevent air from entering the water flow. Also, to avoid this problem, the suction pipeline must be immersed in the liquid by at least 50-80 cm.
  • Durability of operation largely depends on the smooth rotation of the shaft. If appropriate measures are not taken when runout occurs, all seals begin to wear out rapidly.
  • The condition of bearings and seals depends mainly on the accuracy of alignment. But when it comes to a pumping station, you don’t have to worry about this, since its elements are centered by the manufacturer during the assembly process of the unit.

The main task of the station owner is to correctly calculate the diameter of the supply pipeline. Then excessive voltage will not be created in it, which as a result is transferred to the pump.

If you have problems

So, if problems do appear, we look for the cause of their occurrence and take measures to eliminate them. For example: your pumping station operates intermittently.

There is most likely a problem with the hydraulic accumulator. After all, what is he? This is a sealed metal container, divided inside by a membrane into two compartments - one contains air pumped through the nipple, and the other contains water.

  • Moreover, the water does not come into contact with the walls of the container body, but is located inside the membrane chamber. This part is the most vulnerable part of this design. As a result of regular stretching and contraction, rubber loses its elasticity over time, or even breaks.
  • If you see that the station seems to spit out water, that is, it supplies it with high pressure, but in small portions, after which the pressure gauge reading sharply drops to zero, you need to check the integrity of the membrane chamber.

  • When, when you press the air injection nipple, water flows out of its hole, it means that the rubber part has broken and must be replaced. There are no special difficulties here: the bolts are unscrewed, the old one is removed and a new membrane is installed. After reassembly, air is pumped into the chamber - and that’s it.
  • Sometimes the unstable operation of a station does not depend on the integrity of the membrane, but on the device that regulates the pressure. It is expressed in the fact that the pump starts and stops too often. Often the pressure switch becomes clogged with dirt and scale, and once it is cleaned, the pump operation problem is solved.

  • To understand the essence of the problems, you need to know how the pumping station works in principle. And the essence of its work is this: when the hydraulic tank is filled to the upper level, the pump turns off. It should not start when the tap is opened or, for example, the washing machine is started, but when the water level in the chamber reaches a minimum value. This process is controlled by level sensors.
  • And suddenly, the pumping station turns on at night, when no one uses water and all the taps are closed. There is only one conclusion: there is a leak somewhere. This means that there is an urgent need to revise the entire system. If there is no pipeline break, you need to inspect all connections for depressurization.

  • Even a small leak is enough for the pressure to drop and the station to start operating uncontrollably. How to eliminate it, you need to be guided by the circumstances - you may have to replace the flange, or perhaps you should rewind the thread and tighten the nut well.
  • And here is another fairly common problem: the water pressure has already reached normal, but the station does not want to turn off. In this case, the cause may be low voltage in the network, at which the pump motor is not able to reach its rated power. You check the voltage with a tester, and if everything is in order, most likely the settings of the pressure switch have gone wrong, or it has failed.

  • To prevent voltage drops in the network from affecting the operation of the station, it must be connected through a transformer. After all, not only a decrease, but also an increase in voltage can damage the pump motor. As for reconfiguring the pressure sensor, it is carried out by turning the adjusting nuts located under the cover of the device in one direction or another.
  • In conclusion, we will discuss the situation when, when the station is running, water does not flow from the tap. The problem, most likely, is that the pump’s performance clearly exceeds the flow rate of the well. Simply put, the flow of water is higher than its natural influx into the water intake.

In this case, all taps must be closed and wait until the well is filled again. This, of course, is not a way out of the situation. But if there are many water distribution points in the house, and powerful plumbing fixtures such as a jacuzzi or shower are installed, it makes sense to think about deepening the old water intake or building a new one. Otherwise, you will have to reduce water consumption.

- a vital necessity in the absence of a centralized water supply at the dacha, in a country mansion. A hydraulic pumping station can be easily installed in a separate special room; water automatically flows from a river or well. They are reliable in operation, but if used incorrectly or worn out, malfunctions or breakdown of one or another spare part for pumping stations occur.

All owners of wells or boreholes face repairs to pumping stations.

If possible, be sure to contact a specialist about repairs. If you are far from civilization, evaluate possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them yourself.

Common important causes of frequent breakdowns

The pumping station has a certain configuration: consisting of a pressure gauge, a pressure regulating relay, a pump, a hydraulic storage tank and other components. Repair of pumping stations involves replacing failed spare parts, changing electrical wiring, and ensuring the supply of the required amount of water. Causes of emergency:

  • pump breakdown;
  • there is no electricity or insufficient supply;
  • there is not enough water supply, it is absent;
  • damaged hydraulic tank for the pumping station;
  • The automatic control sensor unit is faulty.

To identify inoperability conditions, it is first important to check the power consumption and the reliability of the circuit connection. At low voltage, a connection to a stabilizer is required. Then you need to turn off the power supply and rotate the shaft to eliminate possible wheel blocking. The next step is to check the operation of the starting device.

The pump may not supply water for the following reasons: if its seal is broken, if there is an air plug in the housing or along the overpass. Insufficient level, low pressure, inconsistency, clogging or breakdown of pipelines and valves are factors that often cause work failure. Let's take a closer look at the methods for determining the main types of breakdowns for water.

Repair the pumping station with your own hands only when the unit is completely de-energized. Be sure to remove the water, disconnect the pressure switch for the compressor, and the tank.

Brief analysis of the most popular problems and ways to solve them

The main problems are characterized by the following indicators: the pumping station does not turn on. The engine is running, but the pump does not operate, or water does not flow. The station's action is jerky. The pumping station does not turn off at all. Frequent switching from working mode to non-working mode.

When such violations occur, the pumping unit requires urgent restoration. Malfunctions of the pumping station are dangerous and can lead to a fire in the electrical wiring of the dacha building.

Knowing the operating principles of pumping stations, you can troubleshoot problems yourself

When turned on, the pump rotates, but no water enters the station system

  1. If there is no water in the pipeline or pump, work “dry”. Check the water level, top up the pump if necessary, or lower the leading hose down the well. To prevent insufficient water, the pipe is installed with an inclination to the surface of the intake site. Carefully monitor the filling of the well.
  2. Solution to the problem when the integrity or tightness of the pipeline is compromised: it is necessary to patch the joints, gaps, and holes. All parts damaged by corrosion require immediate replacement.
  3. If the hydraulic tank or pipeline is contaminated with debris or sand, you need to clean them with a jet of water under pressure. The valve spring may break, requiring a new part.
  4. When an air lock forms in the suction pipe, you need to fill, flood the internal space with water, and increase its pressure to eliminate the air.
  5. For detailed cleaning, you will need to disassemble the pump, buy spare parts for the pumping station: housing, impeller, and replace them.

If the above measures do not bring a positive result, it is better to repair the water pump or replace the membrane tank in a special workshop.

The pumping station operates intermittently and jerkily

Problems with frequent switching and uneven water supply are caused by a violation of the integrity of the housing or the internal membrane of the hydraulic tank. During such failures, the indicators of the pressure gauge device jump sharply up, then drop.

  1. Carry out a test: press the tank nipple, if air comes out, the membrane is not damaged. When it breaks, a trickle of water will appear from the hole. It is necessary to disassemble the battery case and replace the old membrane with a new part.
  2. The problem of depressurization of the case, caused by a crack or hole in the case, is accompanied by a fall. You need to seal the hole, pump the missing air into the tank using a bicycle or car pump to the normal level (from 1.5 to 1.8 atm.).
  3. Jerky water supply occurs when the integrity of the joints is damaged, there are cracks in the suction hose (pipeline), or the check valve is blocked. The reason is worn parts.

Disadvantages that arise due to depressurization can be easily eliminated during home repairs.

The pump does not turn on when starting

Possible malfunctions: fuse has blown, power supply has been turned off. Breakage, charring of insulation on the wire network. Destruction of relay contacts. The pump does not work if the motor shaft is jammed or the motor is burned out.

Required actions:

  • check the power connection diagram of the station; eliminate cable breaks, replace the plug and fuse;
  • make sure that the contacts inside the pressure switch are working properly;
  • check the serviceability of the capacitor with a special device - a tester;
  • clean the pump;
  • rotate the impeller to check the engine wedging.
You can check the engine unsticking by turning the impeller

To avoid engine combustion, do not turn on the pump again until fault factors have been eliminated. A sign of insulation breakdown or engine failure is a burning smell.

The pumping station may turn on, but does not rotate

If the pumping station has not been used for a long time, the impeller and pump housing may have become stuck. To eliminate the blocking process, you need to manually make several turns when turning off the power supply.

Another reason for the breakdown is that the capacitor has failed. To restore functionality, you will have to purchase a new replacement part for the device.

If you hear a humming sound when there is no rotation, the power supply may be insufficient. Solution to the problem: connecting the installation to the network through a voltage stabilizer.

The station unit works uninterruptedly, but does not turn off automatically

The cause of the failure is a failure of the pressure switch or an incorrect action. The pump runs continuously unless the automatic device is triggered.

It is adjusted using two nuts with springs located under the cover. Tightening one of them (large) determines the parameters of the lower and upper pressure of the relay, the other (small) determines the difference between the levels of the upper and lower indicators.

What is the operating principle of the relay when setting up?

  1. Achieving the minimum value is carried out without water with the pump turned off and the tap open.
  2. The pump uses a pressure gauge inside the hydraulic tank to reach normal pressure.
  3. Unscrew the surface cap of the tank. The large spring is loosened, the pump is connected, and the nut is slowly tightened. The water station is gaining pressure. When water enters, the pressure value is already equal to the parameters of the air indicator.
  4. The process of regulating the differential begins: turn off the pump, measure the pressure of the relay. If the indicators are not satisfactory, tighten the small spring (or each one in turn). Then check the maximum value, bringing the pressure to normal.

A factor that causes incorrect operation of the relay when the station does not turn off is contamination of the contacts with deposits of metal salts if the source water is of poor quality.

The situation can be corrected by thoroughly cleaning the contacting surfaces with fine sandpaper. It is imperative to clear its water inlet from calcified or rusty iron deposits, debris, and sand.

A few notes about adjusting the pressure switch

If the values ​​of the pressure switch for the compressor in the hydraulic accumulator differ from the norm, the station will fail and the engine will burn out. In this case, the unit is not subject to warranty repair.

In addition, the moving components of the station wear out, which significantly changes the pressure, so after time it is necessary to adjust the indicators, repair the relay, and replace parts.

The initial factory setting of the relay changes during prolonged use as the springs stretch.


It is safer to entrust the repair of a hydraulic accumulator, engine, tank to a specialist, since it is not easy to select the necessary spare parts for pumping stations, due to the exclusion of outdated models of devices from production.

Any malfunction of the water supply system at home is the result of an error by the organization or individual involved in its implementation. In this case, the homeowner has a good chance to learn from his mistakes by repairing the electric pump with his own hands and, with a “successful” set of circumstances, improve his health by carrying water manually for some time from the nearest water source.

Rice. 1 Well pump assembled

This sequence of actions applies to all types of pumping equipment, regardless of the location and method of installation. It should be noted that the power supply system of the pump, apart from the wires switched by switches, does not have complex circuits, so if the submersible water pump does not pump water, but starts and hums, problems with the supply of the required supply voltage in the vast majority of cases can be eliminated.

If the drainage pump or borehole model does not pump water, it may not start if the built-in or external condenser malfunctions and will require repair and replacement.

First of all, repair of electric pumps should begin by turning off the supply voltage, removing it from the water intake source and disconnecting the outlet hose.

When reconnecting, the reasons why the pump does not work can be divided into several areas according to the location of the manifestation - we will consider them below.

Rice. 2 Water supply scheme for a private house

Malfunctions of pump protection systems

Typically, a properly assembled water supply system and high-quality pumps have devices that prevent them from operating in idle mode.

In the event of a malfunction of such protective devices: the well dry running relay and the float switches of the drains, well or sewage pump, the devices can operate in the absence of water.

Sometimes the float switch of well or drainage pumps, due to improper installation, does not fall along with a drop in the water level (it gets on a hillock or clings to a protruding object) - this leads to the electric pump operating in idling mode and its further failure.

Rice. 3 Popular Gilex pump with float switch

Vibration pumps, which usually do not have external protective devices connected to the system, operating for a long time without water after its level drops, can fail in the absence of built-in thermal protection.

Depressurization or breakage of the water main

The malfunction will help to identify the removal of the deep pump from the water intake source and connection to the supply voltage on the surface. If the pump, lowered into the water for testing, pumps water with the required pressure, then you should look for a leak at the place where the hose is connected to the outlet pipe or in the pipes that are laid underground for regular water supply at home (in a house, a leak can be easily noticed by the presence of water on the floor in a room with pumping equipment).

Mismatch between pump parameters and water intake source

During the dry season or with a sharp increase in water consumption, a situation may occur when the well or well does not have time to fill (the flow rate of the source is too low for normal operation of the pumping equipment). In this case, the electric pump will operate in dry running mode for some time in the absence of a similar relay or float switch in the system.

Clogged water intake system

A very common reason for the lack of water when the pump is running. Similar malfunctions can occur during the installation of pumping equipment: dirt and foreign objects can penetrate into the pipes. During operation, the screens and replaceable filter cartridges become clogged.

Fig.4 Clogged electric pump disassembled

The filters and impeller of the impeller of submersible devices need regular cleaning during operation - if this does not happen, over time they become clogged and the operating pump hums, but does not pump water or does so with low pressure.

A situation often occurs when the pump actuator stops completely when clogged - the impeller does not rotate, and the vibration pump piston does not move. A clogged well or drainage pump removed from a water intake tank does not pump water when turned on superficially - do-it-yourself repairs will require disassembling and further cleaning of the device mechanism.

The pump has failed

The biggest problem that can happen to an electric pump is the burnout of the winding, and the device usually cannot be repaired (rewinding the winding with your own hands is difficult, and in a workshop the cost of work and materials will not be comparable to the price of the electric pump).

With this malfunction, the electric pump will hum, but will not be able to pump water.

Fig.5 Vibration pumps under repair

Sometimes the impeller of borehole and well pumps may break, the check valve system may fail (they will not allow water to pass through) and the piston ring of vibration models may fail.

Due to constant vibrations during operation, vibration pumps are subject to loosening and unwinding of the mounting mechanism of the composite body, the fixing nuts of the check valve and the piston. These factors can lead to the loss of functionality of a working electric pump, which will hum but not pump water.

Violation of the operating rules for submersible pumps, errors in the installation of the water supply system, a sharp increase in water intake and a decrease in the flow rate of a well or borehole can lead to the hum of a working electric pump, in which water will not flow to the consumer. In most cases, you can repair electric pumps yourself if you remove the device to the surface to accurately determine the problem area.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):