Why throw away glass bottles when you can make amazing ones out of them? decorative elements that will look chic in any interior? If you think that cutting a bottle is very difficult and even dangerous, you are mistaken. There are several simple ways that will help you do this safely so that you can create your own little masterpiece.

How to cut a glass bottle

This video shows 2 ways to cut glass. One of them uses glass cutter, and for the other you only need hot and cold water!

By cutting the bottle into 2 parts, you can make anything out of it: from a candlestick or glass to a hanger for outerwear. The main thing is to have a rich imagination!

Use this advice to add originality to your interior and make it unique. These will definitely decorate your home!

This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

In this publication you will learn how to carefully and evenly use a jar using motor or vegetable oil.

Filling the dishes cold water to the level where we want to make a cut. We place it in some container, which also needs to be filled with water to the level of water from the container. Now add oil to the bowl until a thin oil crust forms on the surface of the water, which will completely envelop the glass container.

The most important thing is that you should not pour oil straight from the bottle, since the film will be uneven and thus you will not succeed.

Next, to carry out the procedure of cutting a bottle or jar, we will select a piece of metal. The thicker the glass we want to cut, the thicker the metal should be. The glass is quite thin, so the blade of a utility knife fit perfectly. Heat it red hot using a burner or gas stove.

Now lower the hot blade into the bowl just to the oil level.

Remember to protect your skin and eyes from hot splashes!

Due to the quickly heated film, the glass heats up, and due to the temperature difference it cracks. So we can cut it neatly glass bottle.

As you can see, the chip turned out perfectly smooth.

There are several simple ways to cut the neck of a glass bottle. You may ask why is this necessary? From a beautiful cut bottle you can make a cool glass, a flower vase or a stand for various little things. But before you start cutting beautiful bottles, I still recommend practicing in regular pubs, since this requires experience and some dexterity: it doesn’t always work out the first time.

So, I’ll tell you the most simple ways cut off the neck of a glass bottle.

Method 1 - use a glass cutter

Here you will need a glass cutter. You can use a factory model or make it yourself. Design homemade device may be different: the main thing is that the bottle and the cutting element are securely fixed, but the bottle rotates freely.

Important! When cutting, you need to make one pass: this will ensure the most even edge.
Next, you need to prepare hot (boiling water) and cold (with ice) water. First we pour along the cutting line hot water so that the glass warms up well.

After this, immediately pour cold water over the bottle.

Due to temperature contraction, the glass should break off along the preliminary cut line. If this does not happen, the procedure must be repeated (douse first with hot and then cold water).

Method 2 - candle flame

This method will require a candle and a piece of ice (you can use a container of very cold water). To break off the neck, draw a straight line on the bottle with a marker, along which the glass warms up well above the candle.

The cutting line is then cooled with ice, after which the glass is cracked by lightly tapping it.

Method 3 - nargev from friction

Another way to break off a bottleneck is to use frictional heating on the glass. To do this, two plastic ties are put on the bottle, which serve as limiters. Three turns of twine are wound between them, after which the twine begins to move forward/backward by the free ends.

After 2–3 minutes, when the glass is hot enough, the bottle is placed in cold water, and when lightly tapped, chipping occurs along the heating line.

If you make a small cut on the bottle with a glass cutter before rubbing with twine, then you do not need to use cold water: the glass will crack when heated on its own.

Method 4 - installation with filament

This method will require a transformer, for example, with microwave oven with the secondary winding removed, instead of which three turns of a powerful power cable are installed.
The free ends of the wire are closed through a thick wire. The stand (base) must be heat-resistant and dielectric.

The next step is to connect the transformer to electrical network. When you turn on the transformer, the filament will heat up: a bottle is applied to it and gradually rotates. When the glass is heated, the neck along the heating line will disconnect, so you need to make sure that the heating is uniform and along the same line.

Method 5 - burning rope

This method requires natural twine and some refined lighter gasoline. A piece of twine is cut to the length required to wrap around the bottle at least 3 times. This piece of string is then soaked in gasoline until it is completely saturated.

Twine soaked in gasoline is wound around the bottle in the place where it is necessary to chip and set it on fire.

When the gasoline has almost burned out, the bottle is lowered into cold water, where the temperature difference causes the glass to burst along the heating line.

Method 6 - use specialized equipment

This method involves using an electric tile cutting machine. The diamond blade cuts well and evenly thick glass. It is recommended to work with gloves, a protective mask and goggles, as glass dust is very dangerous. The advantage of using a cutter is the ability to cut the bottle into small pucks, which is not possible with other methods.

Round glass can serve not only as a vessel for liquid, but also as a source of inspiration. If you know how to cut glass bottles and jars, you can make a lot of amazing things. Starting from glasses and ashtrays, and ending with lamps and designer spatulas, the number of crafts made from recycled materials is limited only by a flight of fancy. It's amazing how original and beautiful things can be made from practically free material. The main thing is the desire to create, and we will talk about the process itself in this article.

Types of glass cutters for bottles

Today there are many ready-made cutting devices glass jars and bottles. They all have different designs, but according to the type of action they are divided into only two groups: cutting and heating. General principle both groups remain united - the bottle is fixed in horizontal position and rotates around the glass cutter or heating element. The operating principle of the devices is quite similar, but has some peculiarities.

Roller glass cutter for bottles has simple design and is widely used by DIY enthusiasts. Can be assembled with your own hands from available materials. The cost of the finished device varies from several hundred to a couple of thousand rubles. The cut line is fairly straight, but the edges require sanding. The best option for home craftsmen.

Bottle cutter with heating element has a more complex mechanism, but also more high quality cutting The device operates from the mains or battery. You can assemble one if you have special knowledge, but at your own peril and risk. Ready-made devices cost several thousand rubles and are unlikely to interest most of the population. Suitable for creative workshops or designers.

DIY glass cutter for bottles

There is no need to spend money on buying a glass cutter for bottles. This device very simple, and if you have certain details and desire, you can do it yourself. Below we will give step-by-step photo instructions on assembling a convenient and practical cutter. You may have to buy some parts, but they cost a penny and are sold in any market or hardware store.

Required materials:

  • Wooden base: 25 x 14 x 2
  • Side bar: 25 x 4 x 2
  • End block (stop): 11 x 4 x 2
  • Wooden slats: 25 x 1 x 2
  • Roll-out rollers: 4 pcs with a maximum diameter of 4 cm (preferably fixed rollers with rubber coating)
  • Cable channel: 25x2 (with minimum thickness)
  • Roller glass cutter
  • A little PVA glue and a handful of screws

Assembling the device
We will start with the most difficult and exquisite stage of work - assembly cutting mechanism. Let's take it wooden slats 25 x 1 x 2 and saw off two 3 cm long sections from it. Carefully make through longitudinal holes in the resulting pieces of wood. They will serve as grooves for installing a hinge on which the guide with the glass cutter will run.

From the same rail, cut off another piece, 9-10 cm long, and arrange all the parts as in the photo below. We cut the cable channel cover to a length equal to the size of three wooden parts(2 pieces of 3 cm each and the width of the slats is 2 cm), approximately 8 centimeters.

At the next stage, we will fix the cutter on the guide. To do this, it is better to make a small recess at the end of the rail, which will serve as a kind of limiter for the glass cutter.

To prevent the wood from cracking when tightening the self-tapping screw, at the attachment point, you should make a hole in advance with a drill of a smaller diameter.

If your self-tapping screw, like the cutter in the photo, has recesses for breaking off glass, then you can use them for fastening. If there are no grooves, or they are located further than the cutting roller, then it is better to drill mounting hole in a metal head. In general, the main thing is that the glass cutter is installed as in the photo.

After securing the cutter, it's time to put the structure together. To do this, screw two 3 cm bars along the edges of the cable channel cover. We screw hinge screws, no more than 4 centimeters long, into the pre-prepared grooves in the bars (long ones can be cut off). We drill a through hole in the lower part of the guide rail, install it between the bars and fix it with self-tapping screws. In order for the rail to rise, its lower corner must be smoothed using sandpaper or a file. We look at the photo and repeat.

Having finished designing the cutting mechanism, you can proceed to assembling the working platform of the future bottle cutter.
First of all, we attach a side block 25 x 4 x 2 to the base. These parts can be connected using self-tapping screws, screwing them in reverse side grounds. You can also use PVA glue or epoxy resin.

When the side part is fixed, you can proceed to installing the roll-out rollers. The first pair of wheels is installed at a distance of 3-4 cm from the upper edge of the base. The next pair is located 12 cm down. For more elongated bottles, you can prepare another set of holes, 5 cm below the second pair of rollers. Pay attention to the photo.

The final stage of assembly will be attaching the lower part of the cable channel to the edge of the side bar, and fitting the end stop with screws or glue.

With a slight movement of the hand, attach the cover with the cutter to the base of the cable channel and the device is ready for use!

Another way to attach a glass cutter.

How to cut a bottle without a glass cutter

A compact bottle cutter is a very convenient device, but it is made for frequent use. What to do for those for whom this procedure is isolated and will not be repeated in the next decade. Buy finished device It’s expensive, but it takes a long time to assemble and it’s not guaranteed that it will turn out as it should. As you already understand, now we will talk about how to cut a bottle at home without a glass cutter.

This method of glass processing is based on heating with sudden cooling. For a sudden change in temperature, we need a meter of woolen thread, a flammable liquid (acytone, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol), large capacity with ice water and, in fact, a bottle. Having prepared all the components, you can get down to business.

We dip the woolen thread into a container with a flammable liquid so that it is completely saturated, and we wrap it in a thin line over the site of the future chip. Next, set fire to the thread and wait for it to burn out completely. While burning, hold the bottle horizontally and constantly rotate it so that the fire evenly heats the entire line. As soon as the flame goes out, immediately immerse the bottle in the prepared container with water. After a couple of seconds, the characteristic sound of glass breaking will be heard, signaling the successful separation of the bottle. If there is no click within 5 seconds, you can apply a little force and try to break it.

The presented technique can be successfully used for controlled chipping of most types of glass containers, but sometimes there are exceptions. The effectiveness of the temperature difference largely depends on the strength of the glass.

For those who want more clear example To see how to cut a glass bottle at home without a glass cutter, we recommend watching the following video.

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