Everyone knows what happens if you throw a stone into water - circles will appear on its surface. The larger the stone, the further they will move apart. The same thing happens in society. Any event causes a public reaction, a public outcry. Information warfare actively uses this phenomenon, and at the moment “stuffing” has become one of the most popular actions of teams conducting psychological operations. And not only professionals, but also “amateurs”. Modern media technologies, primarily the Internet, provide enormous opportunities for the practice of stuffing information.

Information dump This is a complex of propaganda activities belonging to the class of explicit and aggressive propaganda. This strategy is especially effective in combination with other, more active methods of propaganda, such as direct speeches, or, conversely, much more “subtle” ones, such as the tactics of a battering ram or an information virus.

The essence of this event is quite simple - the sharp creation of a certain opinion among the masses, most often negative. When you need to quickly create a positive or negative opinion in society, about some event/person/political course, etc., this tactic is used first. In essence, information dumping is a whole complex of propaganda measures, the implementation of which requires some knowledge and means.

Like any psychological operation, information dumping can be of two levels: low, aimed at individual objects (people, enterprises); and high – aimed at regions and even entire countries.

An excellent example of a high-level stuffing can be the well-known one, which describes how the United States will fight the USSR using propaganda and information warfare methods, but in fact it is a fiction, nothing more than someone’s literary fantasy born on the topic of ideological confrontation between the two superpowers.

Principles of information dumping

Below I propose to consider methods of stuffing information step by step. To better understand the construction of this algorithm, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with Receipt of an “order”. A certain conditional Customer decides that he needs to strike at some object, for example a plant. That is, the Customer wants to change the management of the plant. With this order, he turns to a certain team of people who know a lot about propaganda.
Collection and analysis of information. After receiving the order, the propaganda team begins its work - the first step is collecting information and goals, in our case the plant. In a specific example, everything is simple. Data is collected about plant managers, the production situation, and what workers and city residents say. Next, from this information, we select what may be important for a further attack - namely, the most negative aspects.

Choosing tactics. Based on the information collected, as well as the specific situation in the city/district/country of the operation, its tactics are selected. In the example of our plant located in Russia, the following outcome of this stage is quite likely:

The plant is quite large and could potentially provide jobs for most of the city’s population.

The general economic situation in the region/city is far from the best.

The plant belongs to heavy industry and has been operating for many years, dating back to Soviet times. The propaganda team selects these factors to create a plan for an information attack.

Making a plan. Society reacts very painfully to precisely those factors in the surrounding life that affect them. Of course, you need to “hit” exactly at these points. Propagandists select a set of things that will cause the greatest emotional resonance. It will look something like this:

Throwing information

Between each of the steps described, some (sometimes considerable) time may pass. Additionally, the steps below may not be in the same order as described here.
Depending on the budget of the operation, different ways of starting it can be chosen. If you have a large budget, the first step may be to purchase a custom program on a relatively large TV channel dedicated to the “problem” of a given plant. One option could be that the program will talk not about one object (the purpose of the operation), but several similar “facts”, several of which will actually be true.
Next, with a large budget, is the purchase of several articles on the topic in various printed publications. The information provided in these articles may differ slightly from each other, both in emotional coloring and in content. This is done only so that the consumer of information does not have the feeling that he is being convinced of something. The primary goal of all psychological operations is to convince people that it is their own opinion and decision.
The final stage of information dumping is the so-called “hype hype.” A fairly banal, well-known action, but no less effective. Various articles will appear on the Internet in various blogs and. The media will periodically cover events related to the topic. Ordinary people will pass this information on to each other. With the proper level of information support for the primary topic of the injection, and high-quality execution of all steps, it will begin to live its own life, grow like a snowball. A topic that has had a public resonance will develop on its own, due to the fact that many people will be interested in supporting the discussion of “such a topical” topic. There will be both supporters and opponents of the object of criticism. And they will argue among themselves, creating new flows of information. The team of propagandists then only needs to monitor current opinions and make small injections that support the direction that is more profitable for them.
As a result, if everything is done correctly, the customer of a psychological operation can end up with a huge problem that is spinning in the heads of ordinary people, born literally out of nowhere. And a society that is experiencing some problems is much more susceptible to external influences than a “calm” one. What to do next
with this shattered society depends on the ultimate goal of the customer of the stuffing. But to fulfill its further goals, other methods are already required.

Information dump updated: September 22, 2018 by: Roman Boldyrev

Many words cease to be used in speech due to obsolescence, but the language is constantly and quite intensively replenished with new terms and expressions.

Over the past 10-15 years, historical transformations have occurred in Russia: in the economic, cultural, political systems, scientific and legal fields, in the mentality of the people, which was reflected in the vocabulary of our language. New (words and expressions) that were not in literary, everyday, or social languages ​​are called neologisms. One of these terms - “stuffing” - will be discussed in the article. What is this concept? What does it mean? In what areas is it used?

The concept of stuffing

Nowadays, the Internet has become an integral part of life; many have completely abandoned television and other media, receiving information and news from the Internet. And here it’s appropriate to figure out: what is stuffing? This is a slang word that comes from the word “throw.” The term means “to throw any information onto the World Wide Web that should cause strong and widespread discussion, and best of all, public condemnation.” That is, stuffing is information, most often false, that causes heated debate and discussion on the Internet.

If your throw-in is successful, then young people usually say: “they stole the throw-in.” Often, false information is placed on an Internet resource in order to increase traffic, which leads to an increase in views of advertising videos and, accordingly, an increase in profits.


Stuffing is youth slang, and the word is used in three meanings: compromising evidence, lies, insult. For example, “It doesn’t really look like a stuffing, but it’s probably true.” The word began to be used not only in colloquial speech, but also in poetry and even songs. For example, in the words of Lizzka’s song “Diss on Ateva”: “You’re just a poser. “I’ve been waiting for stuffing” - the term is used, most likely, in the meaning of “lie,” since “poser” means “schmuck,” and by “stuffing” we mean waiting for some sensational false information.

The term is used not only in colloquial speech, but also in Internet slang. In fact, the World Wide Web is overflowing with various types of information, the reliability of which remains in great doubt. And here, stuffing is made up stories or stories, false information with unreliable facts or without them at all. But then a number of questions arise. How to determine whether this is a fake or true? Is it really impossible to trust anything on the Internet?

Signs of stuffing

To distinguish reliable information from fictitious information, there are several signs. So, if this is a fictional story, then:

  1. It is presented without facts or evidence.
  2. She is very believable and realistic, and sometimes even super-realistic.
  3. There is no doubt about it. Moreover, the Internet source from which the information was taken is often indicated.

You should always think for yourself and understand that more than 85% of the information in the media and the Internet is fake. But at the same time, one should not treat it negatively - it is just a term that means “made-up information.” You just need to change your attitude towards what you read and hear, and have your own opinion.

Meaning of the concept

In general, recently the term has been very often used to mean “unreliable information,” but there are other meanings:

  1. Throwing away, adding something somewhere. For example, “We can do without dumping grain into the country’s domestic market.”
  2. Publication of certain information. For example, “stuffing data about a mayoral candidate.”
  3. The neologism is used in the political environment when it comes to adding uncounted votes in order to change the results (of an election), that is, counterfeiting or rigging votes. For example, “I’m tired of stuffing ballots and bribing voters.”

Synonyms of the term are the following words: deception, forgery, falsification.

Information dumping

There are intentional and unintentional stuffings. An example of unintentional ones is reposting unverified information on social networks. Or, for example, when unverified data is published (without intent).


  • Carousels. The essence of this type is that there are at least 2-3 well-promoted and well-known sites. The information is posted on the first, the second rewrites it in his own words and links to the first site, the third to the second, and the first makes a link to the third. The information is looped. The scheme is simple and designed for ordinary readers who do not analyze or check anything.
  • A reputable site writes news and links to major news agencies, and makes a link not to the source of this news, but to the site itself. To check the authenticity of the news, you need to go to this site and manually search for it, and if it is not there, then it was a fake.
  • Link to authoritative people. The same scheme as with news agencies. The name of a famous person is indicated as the source of the news. Such information is very difficult to verify; you need to independently look for an interview with this person.

  • There is also such a scheme: reliable news is created, and then through several other sites it gradually changes and ultimately takes on a completely different meaning.
  • Some specific data is deliberately distorted. For example, information is written that is completely reliable, but the quantitative characteristics are deliberately changed.

These are the main ways to create false information in the information space. Before discussing anything, it is necessary to check the reliability of this or that information, analyze it and find the original source.

Another area in which this expression is used is the political environment, in particular when it comes to elections, and more specifically about ballot papers.

Ballot stuffing is an election violation that involves placing more than one ballot in a ballot box by one person. This illegal act is carried out with the aim of influencing the voting results.

The aggression of the USA/West and its slaves, like today’s Ukraine, against the Russian World is only intensifying, so learn to correctly recognize information dumps on which the work of all spheres of society may depend.

There are two types of stuffing: intentional and unintentional. Not intentional, these are most often social networks, when subscribers click “repost” of this or that unverified information. Or when major news outlets mistakenly, unintentionally publish unverified information. Therefore, before reposting any post, always analyze it, first of all, try to get to the very initial source of information. Now let's talk about intentional stuffing.

1. Throwings - carousels.

To do this, you need at least 2 sites, but in reality there may be more than 10. Moreover, the sites must be promoted and known. Technology: "News" is posted on 1 website. The second site writes this news in slightly different words and links to the first site. The third site links to the second, etc. And the last site links to the first)). Thus, the “News” turns out to be looped. This scheme is designed primarily for the simplest people who do not understand information analysis at all, they say, what they saw, they believed.

Some site or group on social networks writes “News”, and, as the source indicates, the RIA news agency, for example. And they write simply, the source is RIA-news http://ria.ru That is, they do not indicate a direct link to the text of the news from RIA. In this case, we go to the RIA website and manually search for this news. If it is not there, an injection has been made.

Such falsehoods are most often created in large and authoritative publications, even federal ones, such as Channel 1, Interfax, Itar-Tass, etc. A “News” is created, and the source is indicated in it:

- “as a source in close circles told us...”

- “as our man in the Ministry of Defense told us...”

- “as we were told by a source at Sberbank, who wished to remain anonymous..”

- “as reported by the press service...”

That is, the news is allegedly created from a source whose presence cannot be verified. This kind of news is the most difficult to verify, because its reliability is 50/50. Maybe the person really wanted to remain anonymous, or maybe it was a fake. There is only one way to check such news - by finding this person, this “source”.

4. Stuffing - "word of mouth".

This is when 100% truthful news is created, and then, through several other news agencies, it can gradually change + new things can be added, and ultimately moving into a completely different meaning. Example:

1. V. Putin arrived in Vladivostok and got acquainted with the progress of the program for implementing the construction of the Far East.

2. V. Putin was dissatisfied with the program for implementing the construction of the Far East

3. During Vladimir Putin’s visit to Vladivostok, multi-billion dollar thefts of budget funds were revealed.

4. An SUV driven by a businessman involved in the construction of the Far East crashed in Vladivostok.

5. How can you work in Russia when the Putin regime is killing entrepreneurs and private businesses in the Far East.

6. The US State Department expresses extreme concern about V. Putin’s pressure on the democratic rights of businesses in the Far East.

Etc. That is, true news - V. Putin simply flew to Vladivostok on a working visit and looked at how construction was going. The final news is that it has been changed beyond recognition, so much so that even Psaki got involved))).

5. Throwing in - fear has big eyes.

Here, I think everything is clear. This is when some nonsense or nothing at all is inflated into something global. Example: A boy was playing with a firecracker and burned his finger. The grandmother called an ambulance, saying that the child’s finger had been torn off. An ambulance paramedic told her friend that the child’s entire arm had already been torn off by the explosion. She wrote on social networks that there was an explosion in the city, the child was seriously injured. Local news wrote that near the city there is a landfill for the destruction of ammunition, from which one child died. Channel 1 wrote that in the city, as a result of an explosion at military warehouses, 100,500 people were killed and half the city was turned into ruins.

It’s a joke, of course, but that’s exactly how such stuffing works.


Let's summarize.

If you “like” posts, or even more so, “repost” them, you become a chain in the dissemination of information, and you also bear responsibility for its consequences.

Therefore, if you see any news, even on the social networks of an ordinary person, or even hear it from the lips of leading federal channels - ALWAYS analyze it and go to the source!! Don’t forget, the aggression of the USA/West and Bandera’s Ukraine against us is only intensifying, don’t let your guard down!!

Information warfare technology: who is behind the attack on Sberbank?

https://vk.com/wall-38121615?q=%23%D0%9E%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0 %B5

The psychological techniques that will be discussed are aimed not so much at convincing someone of something or proving something, but at winning over the interlocutor.

Reception " proper name" Based on saying out loud the name (or first and middle name) of the person you are talking to. D. Carnego wrote that the sound of one’s own name is the most pleasant melody for a person.

Reception " relationship mirror" A kind and pleasant facial expression and a slight smile involuntarily attract people. Do you know how to smile when necessary? A similar need arises if you need to evoke positive emotions in your interlocutor, to win him over so that he accepts your position, not under pressure, but voluntarily.

Reception " compliments». Compliment - one of the signs of attention, expressed in verbal form. The ability to give compliments is a special art that is worth learning.

Principles of business communication

J. Yager in the book “Business Etiquette: How to Survive and Succeed in the World of Business” identified six basic principles of business communication, let’s look at them.

1.Punctuality (do everything on time).

2. Confidentiality (don't talk too much).

3. Courtesy, friendliness and friendliness .

4. Attention to others (think about others, not just yourself).

5. Appearance (dress appropriately).

6. Literacy (speak and write in good language). You cannot use swear words. Even if you only quote another person's words, others will perceive them as part of your own vocabulary.

Organization and communication effects of public speaking

In order to give a good presentation, serious preparatory work is necessary. The main stages of preparing for a performance:

I. Statement of the problem.

1) Determining the goals of the speech.

2) Analysis of the audience and situation.

3) Selection and limitation of the subject of speech.

4) Collection of material.

II. Construction of speech.

5) Creating a speech plan.

6) Selection of words for speech.

7) Practice speaking out loud (exercises).

Every performance (its classical composition) includes three parts: introduction, main part, conclusion. The following approximate distribution of time is recommended: for the introduction - 10-15%, for the main part - 60-65%, for the conclusion - 20-30% of the total time of the speech.

However, no matter how well the speaker is prepared, when delivering a speech it is important not to be rigidly attached to the prepared text, but to take into account the feedback received from the audience and, in accordance with this, vary both the content and style of presentation of the material.

Techniques for attracting attention in oral presentation

Appeal. If necessary, use references to the authority of interlocutors for an audience of specialists (theorists and practitioners).

Questions. Formulate questions addressed to interlocutors more often. It’s better to start questions with the words “Why...?”, “How to explain?” etc. Surprise. Use unexpected and unknown information to the listeners in your speech, as well as vivid formulations with a “revitalizing effect.”

Imagery of speech. Description of events, objects, using the richness of language and building constructions of representations in images.

Pauses in speech. They increase tension and involve interlocutors in discussing the problem (thinking over ideas, proposals). In addition, pauses in the speaker's speech restore eye contact with the audience.

Provocation. For a short time, cause a reaction in the listeners of disagreement with the information presented (evaluation of information).

Speech orders. Periodically use in speech expressions like: “Pay attention...”, “Imagine that...”.

Change of tempo and key. Highlight the most important thoughts and complex problems with a louder voice and a slower pace of speech.

Empathy. Passionately describe events that connect you with your interlocutors; use facts that would make the audience empathize and sympathize.

Expression. Choose wording that is noticeably different from the usual style (vivid comparisons, apt phrases).

Humor. Include funny, paradoxical examples, funny jokes, and funny stories in your oral presentation. At the same time, remember the appropriateness and extent of the use of humor.

For most of us, the fact that they listen to us, listen to our opinions and agree with them is especially important. Many people believe that if you force your interlocutor to desire this or that, you can conquer the whole world. For those who are able to step into the shoes of another, understand his thoughts and desires, listen to his opponent, he can confidently look into the future without fear. A person who is able to motivate others to act will be able to lead people.

Rice. 6 techniques for influencing and influencing your interlocutor

There are 6 techniques on how to influence and influence your interlocutor, which will be described in detail below. These simple techniques make up the most.

Methods of influencing your interlocutor

1. Always communicate with your interlocutor with great interest. The right start to any dialogue would be an interest in the life of your opponent, and not stories about your problems and troubles. If you are interested in the life of another person, then dialogue with him will always be successful and will endear him to you.

2. Chinese wisdom teaches to always give smiles to others. A smile on your face is a way to manage your own emotions and mood. It is also a way to make your opponent smile.

3. It is very important to pronounce the name of your interlocutor often enough, because psychologists say that a name is the most pleasant sound for any person.

4. It is important to be able to listen to others. You can awaken your opponent's sympathy for you if you carefully listen to his opinion. Few people can resist the subtle flattery of interest and attention. It is known that people prefer a worthy listener to the best speakers. Friendliness and a desire to listen are such a rare occurrence today. A person who talks only about his life, accordingly, thinks only about himself.

5. Choose topics for conversation that are interesting to your opponent. The sure and unmistakable path to the heart of your interlocutor is communication about what he honors and values ​​above all else. Very often, business contacts can be established in this way.

6. You need to be able to convey to a person his importance and in no case turn this into open flattery, only sincerely and honestly. In this way you can find not only an ally, but also a friend. This style of communication gives both participants in communication moral satisfaction and a sense of respect for each other. It has been proven that a person, in one way or another, strives to be appreciated and recognized. Moreover, flattery and insincerity will not bring the expected result, but only a real assessment of all human merits.

01.07.2015 16715 +18

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):