A forest is an ecosystem that consists of several components. As for flora, there are a huge number of species in the forests. First of all, these are trees and shrubs, as well as annual and perennial herbaceous plants, moss and lichens. Forest plants play a key role in the process of photosynthesis, namely they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Plants in the forest

A forest is primarily made up of trees. Pines and firs grow in coniferous forests, as well as larches. They occupy the northern stripes of the country. The further you go south, the more diverse the vegetation becomes, and in addition to coniferous trees, some broad-leaved species such as maple, birch, beech, hornbeam, and birch are sometimes found. In those natural areas, where the forest completely becomes broad-leaved, no coniferous plants does not occur. Oak and ash, linden and alder, wild apple and chestnut trees grow everywhere here.
There is a wide variety of shrubs in the various forests. These are rosehip and hazel, forest honeysuckle and rowan, juniper and raspberry and warty euonymus, bird cherry and, viburnum and elderberry.

Huge species diversity are annual and perennial herbs In the woods:

In addition to herbs, there are flowers in the forest. These are hill violet and snowdrop, rose and peach-leaf bell, anemone and forest geranium, anemone and corydalis, golden vulgaris and wisteria, scyla and saranka, swimwort and dubrovnik, cuckoo adonis and oregano, marsh forget-me-not and common marigold.

Use of forest plants

Forest has been a valuable natural resource for people since time immemorial. Wood is used as construction material, raw materials for the manufacture of furniture, dishes, tools, household and cultural items. The fruits of bushes, namely nuts and berries, are used for food, to replenish vitamin reserves, proteins, fats and other valuable substances. Among the herbs and flowers there are many medicinal plants. They are used in traditional and folk medicine for the production of ointments, decoctions, tinctures and various medicines. Thus, the forest is a most valuable natural object that provides a person with many resources for life.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to green house,

You will see miracles in it. (Forest)
Forest- this is the most beautiful thing, it is a home for plants and animals. Think about the last time you were in the forest. How did you feel? What surrounded you? Share your impressions.

Children paint the leaves of the main tree-forming species (birch, aspen, rowan, willow) of forest phytoncenoses of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in the colors of their mood and explain their answers. The following colors are offered for coloring: red – I am ready to act, active;

yellow - I’m ready to play, cheerful;

Green - I am ready to work independently, calm;

Brown – I don’t want to work, I’m sad.
Forest type is a set of forest phytoncenoses growing in similar soil and hydrological conditions and having similar species composition tiers and similar community structure.

Work from illustrations various types forests (Demo material).

Forests are deciduous, coniferous and mixed. The district is dominated by coniferous forests: pine, cedar, spruce-fir and larch. Birch forests predominate among deciduous forests.
Instruction card

in the ecosystems of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Nature conservation” I year of study.

Determine which tree the leaf is from.

Name the type of forest in which these trees grow.

Crossword "Herringbone"

Whoever solves the crossword puzzle will find out the name of the forest guard.

  1. What is the home of spruce? (Forest.)

  2. I am the sister of the Christmas tree, but my needles are longer. (Pine.)

  3. I am a big liar, I will outsmart you all:
    And I’m not a Christmas tree, I’m not a pine tree, but I live with needles. (Larch.)

  4. Which tree's leaves tremble at the slightest breeze? (Aspen.)
While working with herbarium material, children are asked to identify 2 tree species and answer the following questions:

  • What kind of tree is this?

  • Is it deciduous or coniferous? How did you determine this?

  • In what type of forests can it grow?
(For example: Siberian spruce; conifer tree, identified by needles, needles; grows in coniferous or mixed forest.)
Every biocenosis has its own structure. It is determined by the location of individuals of different species in relation to each other, both in the vertical and horizontal directions. This is a spatial structure.

Tiering– vertical distribution of organisms in communities. In plants, layering is caused by competition for light and water, and in animals - for food.

Tier- this is a structural part of a phytocenosis, combining plant species of approximately equal height with similar requirements for light mode in adulthood. Forest phytoncenoses have a complex layered structure. In the forest zone of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, 4 tiers can be distinguished: 1 tier made up of trees 2nd tier- bushes, 3rd tier– shrubs and herbaceous plants, 4th tier– mosses and lichens. The layer of mosses and lichens is usually located at soil level, and partly on tree trunks. The layer of herbaceous vegetation is different heights(in the Siberian taiga - up to two meters). The next tier in the forest is shrub. It reaches eight meters in height. The last forest layer is arboreal and consists of tall trees. In accordance with the tiered arrangement of plants, animals are distributed in the forest. Everything that grows on earth is subject to law in order to survive. above-ground tiers. All living things on earth are subject to this law. All living things underground, both plants and animals, are subject to the same law, and this is the law underground tiers . Tiering also exists in the soil. It is determined by the nature of the root system various plants.

Diagram of the tiered arrangement of plants in a forest phytoncenosis.

I – tree layer, consisting of two canopies, II – shrub layer, III – herbaceous-shrub layer, IV – moss-lichen layer.
Instruction card

program "Plants, Animals and Humans"

I year of study.

Distribute the proposed plants into tiers, entering their names in the appropriate box, write the name of the tier:

4th tier -

Birch, rowan, Scots pine, rose hip, lingonberry, cuckoo flax, fireweed, lily of the valley, aspen, raspberry, Siberian cedar pine, blueberry, reindeer moss, kupena, blueberry, moss moss.

(1st tier - woody: birch, Scots pine, aspen, Siberian pine; 2nd tier - shrub: rowan, rosehip, raspberry; 3rd tier - herbal-shrubs: lingonberry, fireweed, lily of the valley, blueberry, kupena, blueberry; 4th tier - moss-lichen: cuckoo flax, reindeer moss, moss).

Life form– a plant form that has arisen as a result of long-term adaptation to local environmental conditions (low air and soil temperatures, excess humidity, short growing season, etc.), expressed in morphophysiological characteristics. The main life forms of plants in our district are trees, shrubs, shrubs and herbs.

Treeslife form plants with a perennial lignified main stem (trunk) and branches that form the crown that persist throughout their lives. The main tree-forming species of the taiga forests of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are Scots pine, Siberian cedar, Siberian spruce, Siberian fir, Siberian larch - conifers; among deciduous trees there are birch, aspen, and to a lesser extent willows and poplars.

Shrubs- perennial woody plants, branching at the very surface of the soil and not having a main trunk in adulthood, up to 6 m high, life expectancy from 10 to 20 years. Shrubs include Siberian mountain ash, willow spirea (meadowsweet), common juniper, different kinds willow (basket, gray, eared, Lapp, blueberry), bird cherry.

shrub– low-growing shrub (up to 60 cm high). There are evergreens (lingonberries, bog cranberries, marsh rosemary) and deciduous (blueberries, blueberries, bearberry).

Herbs- these are plants that do not have woody shoots. Herbaceous plants are divided into annual and perennial. Main representatives herbaceous plants Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - common sorrel, raven's eye, sedmichnik, northern linnaea, wintergreen, bifolia, fireweed, etc.





The name of coniferous and deciduous forests depends on the species that predominates on its territory. This type is called dominant. Dominants– species of organisms that predominate in an ecosystem. As a rule, dominants stand out among plants (oak, birch, pine, etc. in forests)

If the forest phytoncenosis is dominated by Scots pine, then it is a pine forest, and birch is a birch forest.

Instruction card

program "Plants, Animals and Humans"

in the ecosystems of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Protection of Nature"

I year of study.

Choose a name for the forest phytoncenosis depending on the dominant species:

  • Siberian cedar pine – (Kedrach).

  • Aspen – (Osinnik).

  • Common willow – (Ivnyak).

  • Siberian spruce – (Yelnik).

  • Birch - (Bereznyak).

Each team in turn is asked to complete three tasks, correct execution tasks, points are awarded to the team that scores the most large quantity points is declared the winner and receives the title “Best Expert on Forests in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.”

Exercise 1:

Instruction card

program "Plants, Animals and Humans"

in the ecosystems of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Protection of Nature"

I year of study.

Give full description 5 plants according to the scheme:

  1. Name of the plant.

  2. Tree, bush, shrub, grass.
    Which tier does it belong to?

  3. What kind of forest does it grow in: coniferous, deciduous, mixed.
(For example: Common mountain ash; shrub; 2nd layer; grows in deciduous or mixed forest.)

Task 2:

Here are illustrations of plants and animals of one forest phytoncinosis. Draw a diagram of the tiered distribution of plants in this phytoncinosis and name it.

(For example: Coniferous forest. Siberian spruce, Siberian fir, bileaf, common juniper, wild rosemary, rosemary, sphagnum, cuckoo flax, squirrel, crossbill, marten, bear, capercaillie.)
For a correctly completed task, the team receives 5 points. Time to complete: 3 minutes.
Task 3:

Identify the plants from the herbarium /5 plants are offered/.

(For example: Siberian spruce, rosehip, blueberry, cuckoo flax, rosehip).
For a correctly completed task, the team receives 5 points. Time to complete: 3 minutes.
What new did you learn during the lesson?

Layering, what is it, why do plants need it?

Is this the dominant species?

Children paint the leaves of the main tree-forming species (birch, aspen, rowan, willow) of forest phytoncenoses of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in the colors of their mood and explain their answers. The following colors are offered for coloring: red - I liked the lesson, I learned a lot of new things;

Yellow – I enjoyed playing, I had fun with my friends;

Green – I learned a lot of interesting things for myself, I felt comfortable;

Brown – I didn’t like the lesson, I didn’t learn anything.

Plant communities are not a random accumulation of plants, but a natural association of species growing under homogeneous conditions, formed and changing in the process of long historical development. Each plant has its own requirements for living conditions (temperature, light, humidity), so some plants are found in the forest, others in the field, in the swamp, etc. In nature, some plants group with others; these groups were given the name plant communities(phytocenoses).

Large plant communities, for example forests, meadows, fields, swamps, break up into smaller ones: meadows - floodplain, upland; forests - coniferous, deciduous, mixed.

TO characteristic features plant community include: tiering in the distribution of above-ground and underground plant organs. So, in a forest you can distinguish trees, shrubs, grasses, and mosses. They all have different requirements for living conditions, so in coniferous forests, where there is little light, moss cover develops well; Oak forests are light-colored, so there are many flowering plants. Tiering is clearly visible in the forest, when some plants with their crowns are located above others, thanks to this small area More plants grow.

The different speed of development of plants in a community is characterized not by a spatial factor, such as layering, but by a temporal one. So, some plants bloom in spring, others in summer, others throughout the entire period; developing into different time, plants do not interfere with each other's growth.

The replacement of one species by another occurs when, due to poor living conditions, some species die and others appear. For example, in a wetland, mosses are at first dominant, then gradually they give way to moisture-loving plants, which prepare the ground for land herbaceous plants and shrubs. Changes in living conditions cause the mixing of some plants with others. So, the meadow is overgrown with forest; a swamp may appear in place of a forest, etc. Changes in plant communities are caused by climate fluctuations, soil changes, and economic activity person.

Great importance in people's lives there is such a plant community as a forest. Forests improve the climate by retaining moisture; prevent soil loss and the formation of ravines; protect soils from winds; clean the air of harmful impurities, providing people with a place to relax and promoting aesthetic feelings. The forest is used in the national economy.

With all the diversity of forests, they can be divided into certain groups of plant communities, similar in their natural properties. The forest type is usually determined by the predominant tree species.

Dubravy. Trees in oak groves are arranged in tiers: in the first (upper) tier there is oak; in the second - maple, linden, elm, ash; in the third - a wild apple tree; and the fourth - deciduous shrubs and undergrowth. Powerful oaks, accompanying trees and shrubs (linden, elm, ash) form a dense mass of foliage in the oak forests, through which light hardly breaks through. There are 19 species of oaks growing in Russia. The most common is summer oak.

In early spring in the forest you can see a whole range of colors - blue, indigo, yellow, white. These are the early flowering plants: oak anemone, anemone, yellow anemone, corydalis, spring guillemot. Then all the trees begin to blossom, the oak being the last to blossom. At the end of May, shrubs begin to bloom, herbaceous plants begin to bloom: nomad grass, chickweed, lily of the valley, green grass and tenacious.

In summer, oak forests look monotonous, but in autumn they are transformed again due to the changing color of the leaves of oak, ash, maple, and linden. Against this background, the red berries of viburnum and the eyes of the warty euonymus stand out especially clearly.

The oak tree reaches a height of 50 m. During the first 10-12 years it grows very slowly - 10-15 cm per year. Oak lives up to 500-1000 years. Its wood is very valuable for combat and ornamental material. The bark is used for tanning leather. A decoction of the bark is used in medicine. Acorns are good food for pigs; a coffee surrogate is prepared from acorns.

Let us briefly dwell on the characteristics of individual representatives of oak forest vegetation.

Hoof. The plant has leathery, evergreen, round leaves that resemble a hoof print. In winter, under the snow, the leaves remain green. The flowers are dark and inconspicuous, sitting near the ground. The hoofed grass reproduces using rhizomes.

Violet is amazing. Fragrant flowers appear early in spring beautiful flowers this plant. An amazing feature of the violet is its flowers, which are distinguished by the fact that they are sterile, although self-pollination occurs. (For this feature, Carl Linnaeus called it amazing.)

Zelenchuk. The plant has dark green, soft leaves, often with silver spots. Flowering shoots vertical, and vegetative - creeping.

Tenacious. A low plant with a rosette of bright green, slightly shiny basal leaves and a long creeping rhizome. Blue flowers collected in a spikelet. It blooms in late spring, but spreads by rhizomes. It has green leaves all year round, which is how it got its name.

Snooze. A plant with large thin leaves. It grows more often in clearings. In some areas, the local population puts young petioles of the cabbage soup in cabbage soup instead of cabbage.

Crow's eye. The plant is poisonous. It got its name thanks to the large black berry, which is located between four large cross-shaped leaves.

Elniki. The spruce forest is gloomy and gloomy, it all year round green. There are few shrubs and herbaceous plants in this forest. Most of the plants have evergreen leaves (lingonberries, wintergreens, club mosses), creating a permanent green cover.

Spruce is a shade-tolerant species and does not like sandy and swampy soil. By creating a continuous canopy, it equalizes the temperature: under the spruce canopy the climate is more even. It develops lateral roots without a taproot, so strong wind The spruce overturns. Blooms at the end of May; male flowers are collected in small yellow cones, and female ones are in red seed cones.

Spruce wood is used in the pulp and paper industry and shipbuilding. Resin, tar, turpentine, rosin, tannins, etc. are extracted from spruce. Musical instruments are made from its wood. Sememe is a nutritious food for squirrels and birds. Spruce serves as a good ornamental tree in parks, especially when planted in groups.

Herbaceous vegetation awakens late in the spruce forest. At the end of May, whole carpets of wood sorrel bloom. At the same time, the sedmichnik, mynika and lingonberry bloom. Wintergreen and wintergreen bloom in summer. Flowers can be seen all summer, many of them have white color to attract insects, but most plants reproduce vegetatively. There are a lot of mushrooms in spruce forests.

Wintergreen is a small plant with pear-shaped evergreen leaves; The flowers are white and collected in slightly drooping clusters.

Oxalis is a small plant with trifoliate soft leaves. The leaves are edible (hence sometimes the name “rabbit cabbage”). At night, the leaves fold and awaken with sunrise, this is a device for protection against evaporation and the destructive effects of dew. The flowers are white with a pinkish tint.

Wintergreen - a subshrub with evergreen shiny cut leaves, blooms in July. The reddish flowers are collected in a raceme, reminiscent of wintergreen.

Double leaf mine - small plant with one or two leaves and an inflorescence of white flowers resembling a lily of the valley. It blooms throughout June, with fruits appearing in the form of orange-red berries at the end of summer.

Mosses play a huge role in the life of spruce forests.

Pine forests. Pine - very unpretentious plant. It grows on sands, peat bogs, stones; light-loving, does not tolerate shading. Pine does not have permanent companions, like oak or spruce. In pine forests you can find a variety of plants. Depending on the development of the grass cover, pine forests are called blueberry or lingonberry. Mosses and ferns develop strongly in them.

Pine has very valuable construction wood. Turpentine and rosin are obtained from the resin. Pine needles and buds are used in medicine. The seeds serve as food for squirrels and crossbills.

Pine forest plants.

Juniper is an evergreen coniferous shrub with edible berries. Its wood is hard and is used for turning.

Heather is low evergreen shrub with narrow, needle-like leaves and a mass of fragrant lilac flowers. Blooms in late July - early August.

Bearberry is a small evergreen shrub with shiny leathery leaves, remarkably similar to lingonberry, but with a creeping stem and long branches.

Under the pines there are two curious plants - sedum and young. Sedum is a small plant with thick, succulent leaves and yellow or dark pink flowers collected in a raceme. The juicy leaves of the young are collected in a spherical rosette that looks like an onion. It blooms very rarely.

On sandy soils The pine trees are accompanied by sandy fescue with a thin stem and narrow, curled leaves. This is a thin-legged, gray, low grass. On the sands you can always find hairy hawkweed with a rosette of small, heavily pubescent leaves. Cat's paws grow in pine forests - small silvery-white plants with dry pinkish or whitish flowers. At the tops of sandy mounds there is a lumbago with dissected leaves and a very large single lilac flower, surrounded below by a silvery-white fan.

Birch forests. It is difficult to imagine our forests without birch with its white trunk and fluffy, spreading crown. The most common species is the warty birch (its branches are covered with yellowish warts, the leaves are small and slightly pubescent). This breed is light-loving, undemanding to the soil, grows quickly and by the age of 40 reaches a height of about 30 m.

Birch is used for crafts and for making plywood. Boxes, wicker bags, and dishes are made from birch bark. Tar and soot are obtained from birch. Birch sap is pleasant and healing. The buds of this tree are used in medicine. Birch firewood provides the most heat. Buds and shoots are good food for birds.

Rowan and rose hips are constantly found in birch forests. Raspberries with their medicinal berries grow in the clearings.

In the birch forests the changing times of the year are clearly visible. appear in spring yellow flowers rams, or primroses, the inflorescences of which are collected in a ram's horn and form entire fields. In mid-May, the swimsuit appears, its golden-yellow balls flickering among the greenery until mid-June. Forest geranium blooms in June and July. The fruits look like the beak of a crane, which is why it is also called crane tree. In mid-August, its leaves turn purple. Small yellow baskets of golden rods are collected in brushes, blooming from late June to September. Among the grass you can see a forest bell with dark blue large flowers. Blooms in June - July. At night, the flower bends over, protecting the pollen from moisture.

There are a lot of cereals in birch forests. Forest reed grass is a large grass with a large, spreading panicle. Lots of sedges. In damp places, meadowsweet is found with a panicle of fragrant flowers.

Forests are the main wealth of the people, and they are also called the lungs of the planet. Without them, people would suffocate from the harmful emissions that occur every day a huge number enter the atmosphere. In addition, the forest provides wood - an environmentally friendly building material. He is a true breadwinner and healer, providing people with berries, mushrooms, nuts and medicinal raw materials.

Types of forests

Forests occupy a third of the land and grow in both cold and hot countries. Over time, there are fewer and fewer of them. Man destroys the forest, building cities, extracting wood, plowing fields for sowing grain, vegetable gardens and orchards. Forests consist of coniferous, deciduous, mixed and evergreen plants. They have a tiered structure consisting of:

  • canopies are the crowns of the largest trees;
  • undergrowth: low trees and shrubs;
  • herbaceous layer, consisting of grass and very small shrubs;
  • ground level - mosses;
  • forest litter, its composition includes organic residues on the surface layer of soil;
  • underground layer, which consists of the root system of plants, fungi and microorganisms.

What plants grow in the forest (undergrowth)? Here there are low-growing trees and shrubs that are in the shade of the upper tier. In mixed and broad-leaved forests, in the undergrowth you can see raspberries, buckthorn, juniper, hazel, rowan, euonymus, and in light coniferous and coniferous forests - dwarf birches, weeping willows and alder.

Growing conditions

Forest litter consists of fallen fruits, leaves, bark, branches, dead insect larvae, pupae and animals. There is a turbulent life in it, there are millions of different inhabitants for each square meter land. These include protozoa, various bacteria, all kinds of insects and rodents.

The meaning of litter is as follows:

  • in the formation of humus, which nourishes the soil;
  • in protecting the earth from the influence of the external environment;
  • in coordinating the amount of oxygen in the soil.

Dead wood is branches, limbs and trunks of trees of the upper tier that have fallen to the ground. On the one hand, it is useful because it fertilizes the soil, but on the other hand, it is dangerous, since pests that are dangerous to the health of the forest multiply in the fallen living remains of trees, and it can also cause a fire. Usually it is partially destroyed.

The underground layer is also important. The different depths of the roots of grasses, various shrubs, short and tall trees form several steps underground. The roots of the upper underground tier take rain moisture from those below. And more deeply located root system receives groundwater much earlier.

Understory plants

What plants grow in the forest? Large trees The canopy is shrouded in shadow by masses of undergrowth, so shade-loving vegetation prefers to be located there. In such places, evaporation and temperature of the surface layer of the earth are significantly lower. These conditions are favorable for fungal growth. It seems strange, but the rowan tree that grows in the forest is a relative of the magnificent rose, which is extolled for its most magnificent flowers. And rowan is popular for its clusters of bright red berries, bark and leaves, which have healing properties. In Rus', it has long been believed that the rowan spirit helps to ward off diseases. It occupies significant areas of undergrowth.

Honeysuckle, a shrub that grows in the forest, blooms for a whole month, attracting insects with its fragrance. It is part of the undergrowth. Plants with edible berries are presented on Far East and the eastern part of Siberia. The taste of the berries is reminiscent of blueberries. Euonymus is a typical undergrowth shrub; it has poisonous but very beautiful fruits that are used in medicine. On personal plots it is used as ornamental plant. Not all small trees represent undergrowth. It does not include young canopy trees called juveniles.

Mixed forest vegetation

A forest receives this name if only five percent of its total amount is deciduous trees, the rest - conifers. Trees growing in a mixed forest include poplars, maples, lindens, oaks, willows, mountain ash, alder, spruce and pine. Herbaceous vegetation forests are quite diverse. Here you can find lungwort, violet, honeydew, and spring grass. They contain a large concentration of birds, which have enough food and the opportunity to hide from enemies.

Edible berries in the forest

You can collect wild berries in summer and autumn.

  • Lingonberries grow on small bushes in dry pine forests. The fruits are bright scarlet in color and dark coral when ripe. Collection time: end of August - September. The berries are steamed, soaked, and made into jam and jams.
  • You can often find a low, creeping plant that grows in the forest called stoneweed. Its fruits appearance They resemble raspberries with seeds inside. They are used to make homemade wine.
  • Blueberries grow on tall bushes, the berries are large, the color is dark blue, the flesh is watery with a greenish tint. They make jam from it, eat it raw, and make wine.
  • Blueberries are one of the most healthy berries having a blue-black color. The fruits contain dye. Grows on small bushes, in moist, shaded places. Berries contain many useful substances. It is used fresh, dried and frozen.
  • Elderberry, which grows in the forest on trees or shrubs, contains toxic substances in its unripe red berries. Ripe, medium-sized black fruits are similar to black currants. Collection time is August-September. Some plant species are cultivated in summer cottages.
  • Cranberries grow in marshy areas. Of all the wild berries, it is considered the most healing. A creeping plant with small leaves. The fruits are red and burgundy in color sour taste, contain many useful substances, are well stored. IN alternative medicine Cranberries have been used since ancient times.

Berries growing in the forest are more beneficial for human health than those grown in the garden.

How to distinguish edible from poisonous?

Wild berries can be poisonous and should never be consumed by humans. It is worth noting some plants whose fruits should not be consumed:

  • belladonna (belladonna), the berries are spherical in black color, reminiscent of cherry fruits;
  • speckled hemlock has small ovoid-spherical fruits, the sides of which are flattened;
  • wolf's bast, berries are the size of a pea, juicy, bright red in color, hot in taste, lethal dose from 3 to 5 pieces;
  • crow's eye, shiny, bluish-black fruits;
  • nightshade is bittersweet, the berries are elongated, sweet, shiny, bright red in color.

Birds feed on edible berries, so if you notice droppings on the bushes and the ground underneath them, as well as seeds or peels, you can conclude that the fruits are not poisonous. Although this fact does not provide a 100% guarantee, it happens that birds can peck berries that pose a danger to humans.

What flowers grow in the forest?

Some people believe that only trees and shrubs grow in the forest. In fact, you can see clearings with different colors, of which there is a wide variety of enchanting beauty. In spring, the first snowdrops appear, which are admired by many who visit the forest at this time. After all, this delicate, fragile flower managed to break through the frozen ground and crust of snow. It is worth noting that the luxurious rose also comes from the forest.

In dry places, on the edges, among bushes blooms tricolor violet that grows in the forest, pleasing the eye with its colorful petals. In May you can see a white carpet of oxalis flowers, the leaves of which have a sour taste and contain a large amount of vitamin C. It prefers coniferous forests. But forest geranium grows everywhere in Russia. Purple flowers with palmate leaves decorate forest lawns, grow near bushes and ravines, emitting a scent essential oils. Many forest flowers have medicinal properties and are listed in the Red Book.

Autumn in the forest

September has arrived, after sunny warm days a fabulous autumn has arrived. The whole forest was covered bright colors: green, yellow, orange, red. Dried grass and fallen leaves rustle comfortingly underfoot. Sometimes there are colorful ones autumn flowers, delightful to the eye. There are also mushrooms: multi-colored russula, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms. Autumn in the forest is a great time for amateur mushroom pickers. Sunny forest glades are decorated with clusters of red rowan berries, and burgundy cranberries lie scattered on the hummocks of the swamps.

The aromas of autumn are felt in the air: it smells of dampness, fallen leaves, dried grass. Feels cool and fresh. Swift-winged swifts and swallows have already flown to warmer countries, while other birds are still preparing for departure - partridges, black grouse and hazel grouse are settling in for the winter. Traveling through the forest, it is pleasant to enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.


It is not easy to imagine our planet without forest spaces. This wonderful creation of nature appears as a mysterious wizard in a person’s life from the first years of life. The forest is always present in Russians folk tales, stories, epics and is a participant in the rich history of mankind. It is always wonderful - in any weather and at all times of the year.

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