The chainsaw is designed to carry out various works with wood. With its help, you can fell trees of various diameters and cut them into boards or bars. In addition, this tool is used for figured cutting on wood - carving. In order to use a chainsaw correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of various works and safety rules, neglect of which leads to very disastrous consequences.

Felling trees is enough traumatic process, because with the slightest mistake, the trunk of a cut tree, which has a huge mass, can fall on the person working with the chainsaw. Therefore, it is not enough just to have this unit and the desire to cut down a tree. Before you start working with a chainsaw, you should know the basic rules of working with this tool. So, safety precautions when felling forest contain the following points, which must not be ignored.

How to cut down a tree with a chainsaw

When felling trees with a chainsaw, it is necessary to select the right blade: it must match the thickness and type of wood. For example, if you need to cut down thin trees, then there is no point in using heavy and powerful units. After all, they high consumption fuel mixture and lubricants, and it’s much harder to work with them. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • for trunks with a diameter of 600 mm or more, a heavy blade (650 mm) should be used;
  • for trunks of average diameter 300-600 mm - medium-sized blade 350-650 mm;
  • Thin trunks (up to 300 mm) can be felled using a blade up to 350 mm.

If you have work to do with hardwood(oak, beech, cherry, apple tree, pear, etc.), then it is better to use medium blades for thin trunks, and heavy blades for trunks with a diameter of 300-600 mm or more.

Preparation stage

Felling trees with a chainsaw will be difficult and sometimes dangerous without the preparation stage.

  1. Make sure there are no people, animals, buildings or other trees in the area where the tree is expected to fall.
  2. Very careful preparation is required for felling trees. near bodies of water. If a sawn object falls into the water, you will have to make a lot of effort, including using technology, to get it out and saw it.
  3. If you need to lay the tree to be cut down in a certain place, you can tie a cable to the top of the trunk or to its middle, and use a winch or other mechanism to force it to tilt in the right direction.
  4. Before cutting down a tree, take care escape routes, if an unforeseen situation arises (if possible, remove all obstacles that may prevent you from leaving the danger zone).
  5. Provide access to the cut and trimmed tree for transport for loading and removal.
  6. If you have to felling big tree , then you first need to eliminate the possibility of large branches falling during work. It is recommended to rent a lift or use the services of industrial climbers to cut off problematic branches.

In amateur practice, it is allowed to fell trees using a single-cut cut only in cases where low plants with a trunk diameter of no more than 150 mm are to be felled. But thick trees need to be cut using standard technology.

  1. The very first, upper cut should be done on the side of the plant in which it should ultimately fall. It is made at an angle of 45°, with a recess of ¼ of the diameter of the trunk. Second, lower notch is carried out horizontally until the cuts join.
  2. The third file is called felling and is the most responsible. It is performed on the opposite side of the previously made wedge-shaped cut, parallel to the second cut (see figure below), but 5 cm higher than it. Also, according to the technology, the felling cut should not be sawed to the end, that is, to the wedge-shaped cut. It is necessary to stop without finishing about 1/10 of the thickness of the trunk, so that the remaining intact part acts as a kind of hinge.
  3. To prevent the saw from jamming in the cut, you must use wooden wedges. Metal wedges should not be used because the chain may be damaged if the saw kicks back.
  4. When making a felling cut, carefully monitor the verticality of the trunk. A sudden gust of wind can make its own adjustments, and cutting down a tree as you planned will not work.
  5. After the felling cut, even before the plant begins to fall, you should quickly, without fuss, remove the chainsaw bar and move away to a safe distance. It is extremely unsafe to be near a tree at this moment, since the lower part of the trunk can jump to a height of about 1.5 meters when falling.

If the undercut rule is ignored, and the guide and felling cuts are positioned incorrectly, then it will be impossible to predict the direction in which the tree will fall.

After the plant has been knocked down in the desired direction, you should cut off all branches on its trunk. For convenience, you need to place a flat piece of wood 100-150 mm high under the trunk. If you do not do this, there is a high probability that you will catch the ground with the saw. When the equipment gets into the ground, where there is always sand, the latter ends up on the tire, namely in the groove along which the chain slides. As a result of exposure to abrasive particles, not only the chain shanks, but also the entire tire begin to wear out quickly. Therefore, the question that builders often ask - is it possible to saw foam blocks with a chainsaw - is inappropriate.

How to properly cut a log

The next stage after felling the tree is sawing it. It must be carried out by following certain rules and according to the scheme.

Longitudinal sawing into boards

As you might guess, boards are made by cutting logs longitudinally. Since it will be necessary longitudinal sawing, then the saw chain must be of the appropriate type. To ensure that the cutting of the trunk into planks is accurate, it is used special device for sawing Big Mill logs, shown in the following figure.

It can be used to cut logs diameter up to 500 mm. The thickness of the resulting board is set using a special ruler marked on the racks of the device. You can purchase it ready-made or make it yourself by watching this video.

To cut a log into boards of equal thickness, do the following.

To cut logs across the grain, it is necessary to install a cross-cut saw chain on the unit. Basically, cross cut is used for cutting wood. The resulting small cylinders are then split into firewood. To make it convenient to cut firewood, the logs are placed on trestles 600-800 mm high.

In the same way it is carried out beam trimming.

Log sawing diagram

Below is a diagram that shows how to properly dissolve a log into boards and beams.

This operation can be performed in several ways.

  1. Sawing a square beam occurs from the core part of the log.
  2. To get 2 rectangular beams, the square beam is sawn into 2 parts.
  3. By sawing a log crosswise, you can get 4 beams.
  4. This type of sawing is called “tumble” and is used on sawmill frames. All boards are unedged.
  5. At this type By cutting a log, you can get a double-edged beam, as well as several unedged boards and a couple of slabs.
  6. Radial sawing is complex in its execution. Feature When cutting boards this way, they have vertical growth rings.
  7. The double-edged beam opens onto edged boards and 2 wane.
  8. For boards with a horizontal arrangement of growth rings, the front side is called the one that is turned to the center of the log (core), and the back is called the side turned to the sapwood (this is the name of the periphery of the trunk).

What is carving

The word “carving” came into our language from English and means “cutting”. This is the name for figured wood carving with a chainsaw. This art of skillful use of an instrument is beginning to gain popularity in our country. For carving, ordinary light chainsaws, for example, such as Husqvarna 135.

Chainsaw Husqvarna 135

The chainsaw has small dimensions, develops required power, has a weight of 4.4 kg and facilitates engine starting. The tire needs to be installed in a medium size, about 14 inches. The chain is selected in 3/8 inch increments. It is recommended to immediately purchase special chains. For example, the STIHL Carving Rapid Micro Spezial (RMS) chain has a ¼-inch pitch, short teeth, and is designed specifically for carving wood. The Husqvarna 135 saw is well suited for beginner carvingists.

Chainsaw Husqvarna 450e II

As you gain experience, you can use more powerful units.

Sculptures created from wood using a chainsaw are very widely used in recreation parks, on city streets, near cafes, restaurants and others. public places, and always attract the genuine attention of passers-by.

For example, seeing such a product in the park, few people will pass by it indifferently.

The imagination and skill of professional carvingists sometimes causes surprise and admiration.

To achieve such results, you need to make a huge effort, it will take years of practice to hone your skills. After all, even if you try to make some simple product with your own hands, you will immediately understand that carving wood with a chainsaw is not an easy process. But if you are filled with the desire to learn this art, then, undoubtedly, you will be able to realize all your plans and decorate your site with unparalleled products.

What can beginner carving masters do?

If you want to try your hand at wood carving with a chainsaw, then first you should choose one a simple figure, for example, you can cut outmushroom or cube

Take your choice of wood seriously. If it is wet then ready product after drying, it will crack and the result of your work will be ruined.

So, first you need to make a blank from wood with a chainsaw, that is, give the product a general outline. At this stage, special precision is not needed. It’s just important not to remove too much. Keep a drawing of the object or a sample in front of you to more accurately represent the proportions of the finished sculpture.

Finished wooden sculptures are sanded with sandpaper and coated protective layer, paint or varnish. As you acquire skills, you can begin making more complex figures. Crafts made from logs, namely pillars depicting people or animals, are very popular among chainsaw carvers. They are installed vertically (buried in the ground). The photo below shows a simple manufacturing process bear figures made from logs, which is suitable for beginner carvingists.

To create birds More experience and dexterity are required, since very small details of the sculpture (head, feathers, etc.) must be processed.

Landscaping and caring for the garden cannot be done without felling old trees. Without proper organization work there is a risk of damage to structures or serious injury. Today we will tell you in detail how to properly cut down a tree and lay it in the right direction.

Safety precautions, tools and devices

We hope there is no need to explain why felling trees requires a special approach to ensuring the safety of the work. You must have a clear and sober understanding of the threats to life, property and surrounding objects posed by the uncontrolled fall of cut branches and the tree itself. Likewise, you should be aware of the dangers associated with working at height.

We will give some safety recommendations as we describe the felling technology, but most of them have general meaning, which means these requirements must be met even before you pick up a chainsaw.

First of all, solve the issue of insurance. If there is no special insurance available, contact it yourself:

  1. Fold a rope (from 1 t per break) about 2.5 m long in half.
  2. Pass it between your legs with a loop back.
  3. Tie a figure-eight knot at the front of your belt.
  4. Wrap the loose ends around your torso, passing each into a loop at the back.
  5. Tighten the ends and tie them at the front over the figure eight.

Figure-of-eight knot diagram

Scheme of a figure eight knot for tying a carabiner or cable

The loop at the front is designed to hook a carabiner, which is attached to a safety lanyard wrapped twice around the tree trunk. Figure eight knots or Prusik loops should be tied at the ends of the sling. You can throw it anywhere, but it is better if a massive branch or branch is located just below. Please note that wrapping a loop around your belt is not best idea If you fall, there is a high risk of injury to the ribs and spine.

Another strapping option is shown in the video:

When trimming the crown and felling, it is necessary to clear escape routes in advance. Of course, the fall of each cut branch must be controlled by an assistant using a tied rope, but no one is safe from the fact that the branch suddenly changes its trajectory.

Under no circumstances should you work with ladder. To secure yourself at height, wrap a second sling twice around the trunk and thread your feet through the loops at its ends. It is allowed to work only in closed clothing, glasses and gloves. The head must be protected by a helmet or at least a thick hat. In addition to the chainsaw, also stock up on about a hundred meters of strong rope for guy ropes and keep a light hook on hand in case the branches collide tightly.

1. Work clothes. 2. Helmet. 3. Safety glasses. 4. Hook. 5. Rope. 6. Felling wedge. 7. Chainsaw. 8. Hand saw

Assessment of the scope of work, crown pruning

The main problem when felling trees is that it is impossible to accurately predict how the crown mass is distributed. Accordingly, you cannot accurately predict the trajectory of the fall, even if you trim the trunk correctly. To make work easier, it is recommended to carry out work in the spring or late autumn when the crown is thinnest. The weather should be calm and dry, and the tree should not be slippery after recent rain.

First, set up a stepladder and trim off any lower branches that are within reach. The stepladder must be installed in such a way that there is a tree trunk between it and the branch being cut. Most advantageous position, including when working without a stepladder - when you hold the chainsaw with both hands, as if hugging the barrel.

The crown must be trimmed strictly in sequence from bottom to top, so that the cut branches fall freely and do not get tangled in the lower ones that have not yet been cut down. The rope, with which the assistant helps control the fall, should be tied 1-1.5 m from the trunk. The branches need to be cut so that there are branches 30-40 cm long, on which you can easily put safety lines or rest your feet.

When the stepladder is no longer high enough, place a leg strap over the most comfortable branch or wrap it around the trunk at the desired height, and then rest your feet on the loops. You need to position yourself so that the sawing site is at chest level or slightly lower. While hugging the tree with one hand, wrap the second lanyard (or better yet, a chain) twice to secure your belt, connect the loops with a carabiner and tighten the coupling on it. The second advantageous position is to turn your back to the trunk and stand with your feet on the branch to be cut, while you need to cut it, naturally, half a meter in front of you.

Before you start cutting, adjust the length and height of the slings for comfort and make sure you have enough room to maneuver. After this, you can lift the chainsaw from the ground by the rope tied to the handle, and the attachment location should be chosen as far as possible from the tool controls.

Which comes first: felling or trimming?

Some trees do not need pruning, while others cannot be felled otherwise. Especially if gas pipelines or power line wires are located near the crown. As we have already said, the main purpose of pruning is to balance the tree, so it is not necessary to trim the branches on the side where you plan to collapse.

The height of the tree is no less important. If you cannot clear an area of ​​the required length under the tree, the trunk needs to be shortened. Naturally, before this you will have to cut off all the lower tiers of branches, sometimes you even have to cut off the branches from the side of the blockage. What to do - sometimes the crown is intertwined in a very bizarre way.

When working in the garden and green spaces, neighboring trees often interfere. If this is not dead wood, it is not advisable to touch them. It is much better to cut the branches in sections, starting with the one furthest from the trunk that can be safely reached. Even if small fragments of branches get stuck in your own or neighboring crown, an assistant can easily pull them down and to the side.

We can definitely say that you should start felling only if:

  1. After treatment, the appearance of a tree clearly makes it clear that it will fall exactly the way you want it to.
  2. The height of the tree is 30-50% less than the length of the cleared area, similar to the width of the crown.
  3. There are other trees or stationary objects nearby to which guy ropes can be attached to guide the trunk when it falls.

How to trim a trunk correctly

Now you can move on to the easiest part of the process and fell the cleaned trunk. It's really simple, the main thing is to make the cut correctly.

From the side where you plan to cut the tree, use a chainsaw to make an oblique cut from top to bottom, one-third of the trunk diameter at an angle of 60°, as shown in the figure. Next, from the bottom we make a cut straight or at an angle of 30° so that we end up with a wedge. The tree will fall in a direction perpendicular to the fold line created after knocking out the wedge, so it is advisable to make the joint of both cuts as even as possible.

On the reverse side, we retreat upward from the plane of the lower cut by 2/3 of the trunk diameter or a little more. We cut obliquely and downwards, directing the cut towards inner corner wedge-shaped cutting. As you approach the center, you will hear a characteristic crack and the tree will begin to slowly tilt. The saw must be immediately removed from the expanding cut and calmly moved five meters away from the tree.

There is no need to tie any ropes and pull them, the trunk will fall by itself. On the contrary, there should be no people at all in the direction of the fall. However, do not forget that it is still worth tying the guy ropes.

Cutting the trunk and uprooting the stump

All that's left to do is clean up after yourself. In fact: do not leave the cut down tree and stump as is. First, trim all remaining twigs and branches to their very base. Cut the forks crosswise to cut off both diverging parts with one cut. Depending on what kind of tree you felled and how you plan to use the wood, cut the trunk into pieces taking into account the available transportation method.

Uprooting the remaining stump by hand is too tedious. Using a 16-20 mm wood drill, drill vertical holes in the cut of the trunk of such a depth that they go 15-20 cm below ground level. You need to drill in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 5-7 cm. Using a funnel and cleaning rod, pour into fill the holes with ammonium nitrate to the top, cover the top with a piece of roofing material. By the next season, the stump will turn into dust, and you can easily remove its remains.

You can clearly see how to cut down trees correctly in the video below:

Necessary tools: axe, bow saw, hacksaw, two-handed saw or gas-powered saw.
When choosing the direction of felling a tree, it should be taken into account that deviations are always inevitable, depending on the characteristics of each tree and natural conditions.

To cut down a tree and it is easier to fall it in the direction of the greatest development of branches, curvature or slope, as well as in the direction of the smallest diameter if the trunk has a flattened shape. If the terrain of the area is uneven, the direction of felling should be chosen in such a way as to avoid clamps during bucking. This can happen if the butt and top are higher than the middle of the trunk. At strong wind It’s better not to do the work. Preparing a tree for felling involves cutting down bushes around it and trampling or clearing the snow into winter time. In addition, it should be possible to quickly move away from the tree when it falls. It is better and safer to work together when felling trees, in this case you will get to cut down a tree without fear that it will crush someone.

They always start with a hem. Its purpose is to ensure the required direction of felling and the safety of workers. Tree cutting involves cutting the tree from the side where it is to be felled.

The depth of the cut is from 1/4 to 1/3 of the diameter of the tree. The undercut is made smaller if the tree falls in the direction of a strong natural slope or in the direction of the wind, and deeper if the tree falls in the direction opposite to the slope. It is performed either with an ax or a saw (the so-called “cutting out a slice”).

After completing the cut, they begin cutting down the tree. For safety reasons, the presence of people (except sawers) within a radius of 30 m is unacceptable. The cut is made with a bow saw, a scissor or a two-handed saw. It will be easier to saw if you wipe the saw with kerosene. If the diameter of the tree is greater than the width of the saw blade, then after deepening it, it is necessary to insert a wedge into the cut to avoid pinching. When sawing a two-handed pole, each sawyer gives the saw only one working stroke - “forward”. IN reverse side another sawyer pulls, the first one only holds the saw handle without making any effort. Cutting is stopped without bringing the cut to the undercut by 20-30 mm, and the saw is removed.

Then they push the tree with their hand, an ax or a pole (sixth), resting it against the tree at a height of 3-4 m. They first warn others about the dangerous operation. After felling, the tree is cleared of branches and bucked and stored. It is not recommended to keep industrial wood in bark for more than two weeks, and when debarking, it is better to leave strips of bark at the ends of the logs. This will prevent the logs from cracking.

Cut down the forest It’s better in November-December, when there is still a little snow, but the ground is already frozen.

(17 ratings, average: 4,09 out of 5)

Tree cutting is a question that often arises during construction. reinforced concrete structures, structures, laying various communications, as well as in matters of ensuring the safety of passers-by.

Due to the fact that the dimensions of the tree can be different, the difficulties that can be encountered during felling also vary. For example, if it grows in close proximity to a power line, in a residential area, on the territory of any parking lots or outbuildings, the question arises, how to properly fell trees so that they fall in the right direction?

The issue of felling itself does not cause problems, but when the trunk needs to be felled in the right direction, this is a task that can cause serious problems and puzzle even professionals.

Required Tools

In order to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw, you will need the following tools and accessories:

Valka performed using a chainsaw. If you just need to thin out the garden by summer cottage, a power saw will also work. But for felling wood, you should only take a chainsaw, since laying cables and wires in the forest is quite problematic and, as a rule, impractical. Moreover, this will take a lot of time. Therefore, it is recommended to fell trees with a chainsaw.

Wedges are used at the final stage of felling. In most cases, one wedge is enough, but for felling a large tree, two or even three wedges may be needed.

Ropes may be needed V difficult conditions rolls. For example, if in a parking lot you need to fell a tree so as not to damage cars in the immediate vicinity, you can use ropes to tie the branches or trunk to be cut off to a crane.

It is more correct, of course, to notify drivers about the upcoming work and make sure that they park their vehicles in another place, but sometimes situations arise when you urgently need to clear the area of ​​unnecessary trees, and there is simply no time to wait for a driver of a vehicle interfering with the work.

Ropes may also be needed for climbing the trees themselves, if, for example, they fall not entirely, but in parts. In this case, the branches are cut down first, then the trunk is cut down in parts.

At the final stage of felling, as a rule, a thrust pole is used when you need to apply additional pressure on the barrel in the desired direction. Axe - necessary tool. No felling can do without it.

Preparing for work

It is common to use a chainsaw to fell trees. But not everyone can work with it. That is, not everyone will be able to answer the question of how to cut with a chainsaw correctly. After all, this is a rather dangerous tool and you need some experience to work with it.

You can, of course, cut down a tree with an ax, like in the old days good times, but it is better to use professional equipment for this.

Before you start using a chainsaw, need to check it and understand whether it complies with safety regulations and is in working order. And you also need to pour it into required amount gasoline and oil.

After checking the saw, the trunk, which needs to be felled, must be inspected. Around it you need to remove everything that could interfere free work. After this, the trunk must be cleared to a height of one and a half meters from branches and young shoots. Then you need choose direction, in which it is better to dump. Now you can proceed directly to felling.

Felling technique

The felling technique depends on the thickness of the trunk. For example, young tree It’s easy to knock down a thin trunk, while dealing with a thick trunk is sometimes quite problematic. The height of the tree also matters. The lower it is, the easier it is to deal with it.

On the side in which you plan to fell the tree, you need make a notch a depth of half the thickness of the trunk and at an angle of 45 degrees to its vertical line. Then, when the trunk is more than 50 cm thick, a vertical cut is made from the oblique cut to the very bottom of the trunk; if it is relatively thin, a vertical cut is not needed.

After this, on the other hand, a horizontal cut is made slightly above the opposite oblique notch. While one person is sawing, another person is pushing the trunk in the desired direction with a persistent pole. At this time, you can also drive a wedge into the cut to create additional pressure on the trunk, but often there is no need for the help of a wedge.

The above felling technique is used for straight trunks standing vertically. If the tree is inclined, then it is almost impossible to fell it in the desired direction. Especially if the slope is large. If it is small, then using a support pole you can deal with it and move in the right direction.

Regarding this question of how to fell wood correctly, the felling technique here is not much different. Main, observe safety precautions, since felling a forest with a chainsaw, along with a useful context, can pose a direct threat to the life of the person felling the forest.

Each lumberjack has his own felling technique and his own answer to the question of how to cut with a chainsaw, but in any case, first you need to ensure the safety of the work.

Safety precautions

Tree cutting must be carried out in compliance with safety precautions and the following must be observed:

To avoid injuries and injuries when working with a chainsaw while felling forest, you need to be strict comply with the above rules. Working with a chainsaw is unsafe. The main thing in this matter is not to be overly self-confident, since excessive self-confidence can play a cruel joke.

Main Factors

Let us immediately note that the technique for felling large and small trees is different, and it is difficult not to notice this. The easiest way, as you might guess, is with the “small things”. So let's start with it.

So, what do you need to do to see a cut down tree at your feet? There are several factors that influence proper cutting, of which the main ones can be identified:

  • felling technique;
  • complexity of the work;
  • security.

These are the main three factors that influence the questions of how to properly cut down a tree and how to cut down trees with a chainsaw. The felling technique depends on the complexity of the work. As already mentioned, one technique is used for thin trunks, and another for thick trunks.

Cutting down trees of any complexity is a solvable task, but not everyone can cope with it. Therefore, in this matter, along with other factors, experience is important. When the question arises of how to properly cut down trees with a chainsaw, there must be an answer to the question: do you have experience?

Security- an important factor for a lumberjack in the question of how to cut down a tree with a chainsaw. Even before starting all work, safety must be ensured to avoid injury and injury.

Felling process big trees chainsaw requires a tool professional class, special equipment and knowledge of the relevant section of safety regulations. This information is about how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw without the risk of damaging buildings and elements located at a short distance landscape design.

Cutting down trees yourself with a chainsaw allows you to save money on paying a specialist, and also choose a convenient time for this work. Positive result Having a semi-professional or better professional-class chainsaw helps.

Trying to cut trees with a household-grade chainsaw with a low-power drive is undesirable in terms of safety:

  • the productivity of such work is extremely low;
  • the risk of the headset getting stuck in the cut increases;
  • high loads negatively affect the service life of such a tool.

The scope of household chainsaws of medium and low power categories includes:

  • tree crowning;
  • pruning thick branches;
  • cutting locks in construction wood during the construction of log cabins.

Disposable or any other forest felling is the prerogative of powerful and productive models professional level. At the same time, it is not recommended to use saws with electric drive. With identical petrol models power, torque of the electric saw range is significantly lower.

Working alone is prohibited. A companion may be required to assist in the event of an injury. His responsibilities also include additional control over the felling process and giving signals in the event of an emergency.

Initial stage of preparatory work

Self-felling of trees with a chainsaw is carried out in a certain sequence.

Preparation for the main job begins with studying the safety requirements:

The following mandatory factors must be taken into account in the calculations:

  • tire length;
  • engine traction characteristics;
  • trunk thickness, wind strength and direction.

The next stage of preparation

  • The felling of large trees requires careful preparation. coastal zone. Sawing a trunk that has fallen into the water creates many problems, the solution of which will require additional investment.
  • You should also decide on escape routes if the situation gets out of control. The felled tree still needs to be sawed and removed, so it is advisable to provide fairly convenient access to the place where the trunk is cut.
  • When felling large trees, the risk of large branches falling should be avoided. The problem in each specific case is solved individually, in best case scenario— renting an articulated lift or paying for the services of an industrial climber. The information received from experienced sawyers will help you avoid mistakes that are typical for the first trial of strength.
  • When preparing the workplace for safe approach and movement, it is necessary to clear the surrounding area of ​​branches, leaves and other foreign objects.

Work sequence

The use of single-cut cutting of a trunk in amateur sawing practice is justified only when felling trees of moderate height and small diameter, in the range of 100-150 mm. Working with thick trunks requires compliance with the requirements of standard technology.

  • The first upper cut is made from the side of the planned laying of the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of up to a quarter of its diameter. The bottom cut is made horizontally until both cuts meet.
  • The most critical stage of the work is the felling cut, which is performed from the side opposite to the place where the felled tree is laid. Before you begin, you need to once again make sure that there are no people or animals in the surrounding area, check that you have a secure grip on the tool, and take a position that is comfortable for work.
  • The felling cut is made parallel to the bottom one, 50 mm lower. The technology dictates that the cut is approximately 1/10th of the diameter of the trunk, which is used as a kind of hinge.

If the requirements for the size of the undercut, the location of the guide and felling cuts are not met, the direction of the tree's fall, especially in windy weather, may become unpredictable.

It is better to practice the primary skills of logging work on dry trees of small diameter, which can be easily found in the nearest forest. As a rule, confidence in your actions appears after practicing 3-5 attempts.

  • To prevent the headset from jamming in the cut, it is recommended to use wooden wedges. The use of metal analogues is undesirable due to the risk of damage due to the reverse impact of the saw.
  • When making a felling cut, it is necessary to constantly monitor the verticality of the trunk; adjustments to the work process can be made by an unexpected gust of wind.
  • As a rule, the time the large trunk falls is enough to remove the saw from the cut, turn off the engine and promptly leave the work area.

It is strictly prohibited to be in the workplace at this time, since when it hits the ground, the lower part of the trunk jumps to a height of up to one and a half meters.

Features of sawing a trunk on the ground

Subsequent cutting of trees with a chainsaw lying directly on the ground can create a lot of inconvenience. In particular, touching the working saw set to the ground can initiate a hit to the unit. abrasive material and increased wear of the guide bar and saw chain shanks.

It is better to lift the butt with a long lever and place a flat piece of wood with a diameter of 100-150 mm under the bottom. The efforts made are compensated by increased operating comfort and safety of the material part.

When bucking a trunk lying on a slope, cleared of branches, it should be secured with stakes driven into the ground. When sawing, it is recommended to always remain on the elevated side.

Features of pruning branches

A significant part of the traumatic situations due to kickbacks occurs when trimming thick branches and branches, so for this work it is better to use a lightweight and easier-to-use tool garden class.

It is more convenient to start stripping the trunk from the top of the cut tree to the butt. It is strictly forbidden to cut branches with the end of the headset. In this option, the number of spontaneous emissions and the risk of injury increases significantly.

When the system is turned on frequently emergency stop The tool motor and saw kinematics are subjected to extreme loads, which negatively affect the durability of the tool as a whole.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):