Drilling a water well may be necessary for owners of areas where there is no running water or a well, or the water in which is not suitable for drinking.

The owners have to choose between an uncomfortable life without water and drilling a well. How to properly drill a well and extract it yourself drinking water, you will learn from this article.

Drilling technology

A water well is a serious hydraulic engineering facility, the efficiency and service life of which depend on the design and adherence to technology.

The first thing you need to do when drilling a hole in the ground for water is to determine the location of the future water source. Drilling begins after the site is laid out.

Space is needed not only for the well itself, but also for the drilling rig and additional mechanisms, so there must be access to the future well. It is necessary to provide a place for draining technical water.

Approximately, to drill a shaft under water, you will need a flat area measuring 40 - 50 square meters.

In order for water transport equipment and a drilling rig to enter it, the width of the entrance gate must be at least 3 meters. No electrical wires should pass over the drilling site.

According to building codes:

  • the trunk cannot be drilled closer than 3 meters from the house;
  • nothing can be built over it;
  • there must be access for equipment.

The technology for drilling a well under water involves three types of work.

Rock destruction - destruction by various mechanisms is most often used.

In industry, rock is destroyed mechanically, thermally or explosively, but when drilling wells under water in individual areas, two latest technologies do not apply.

Excavation - Mechanical and hydraulic methods can be used for this work.

With the hydraulic method, soil is lifted from a well to the surface using a liquid under pressure: water or a water-clay solution. At mechanically They use special equipment: drills, augers, bailers.

Strengthening the walls - it’s not enough to drill a hole in the ground. To prevent its walls from crumbling, it will be necessary to arrange the trunk.

To secure the walls, a metal casing pipe made of black steel, electric-welded or solid, is inserted into the hole.

Pipe sections can be connected threaded connection or by welding. If it is expected that the water from the well will be drunk, then a galvanized pipe cannot be used.

Ideal for pipes that will carry artesian water, - stainless steel, but this material is too expensive.

Nowadays, the most common way to construct underwater wells is using double casing technology, when a liner made of a plastic pipe made of HDPE or PVC is inserted into the main metal column.

This allows you to significantly increase the service life of the well.

Four ways to drill a water well yourself

The choice of drilling method depends on the technical and financial capabilities, as well as on the desired technical characteristics future hydraulic facility.

The auger method is suitable when you need to drill a shallow well on a site. Drilling is carried out by an auger, the blades of which simultaneously destroy the soil and carry it upward.

An auger is a device that resembles a corkscrew in shape and mechanism of action. Its blades can be welded at right angles - in this case they enter the soil also at right angles and crush it before feeding it to the surface.

In this case, part of the soil may spill to the bottom and will require additional extraction to the surface.

A more progressive drilling method is when the blades are welded to the axis at an angle. Such an auger enters the soil and removes it without crushing or spilling.

Core method - used for drilling special tool in the form of a tube with a nozzle at the end, which is a core column with cutters made of hard metal.

The method is suitable if you have to drill hard rocky rocks. In this case, the soil is first broken up with a chisel and then raised to the surface using a crown.

The tube rotates, sludge is filled into it and brought to the surface. A completely clogged tube is removed and cleared of rock by hitting it with a heavy sledgehammer.

When drilling a well using the core method, it is necessary to supply water with a suspension of clay into the hole - this protects the walls of the well from crumbling.

The impact-rope method involves first breaking up the soil with a heavy tool and then removing it using a cutting and gripping device located at the end of the pipe.

This device is called a bailer. A two-meter-high tripod is placed above the site of the future well. A block is installed on it, through which a cable with a bailer attached to it is passed.

If it is planned to construct a well less than 10 meters long, then the construction of a tripod is not necessary.

But in any case, if you drill a hole with your own hands, then this device will facilitate the process, since when working with a tripod you do not need to exert a lot of physical force.

Impact-rotary - in this case, drilling is accelerated due to the fact that the installation simultaneously performs impact and reverse advance.

The method is considered the most productive method of drilling channels under water in rocky soil.

Drilling a water well with an ice drill

If you need to drill a shallow well for water with your own hands in an area with soft soil with minimal costs, then you can take a regular ice screw.

During the drilling process, the tool is extended with homemade rods. Ice drill knives replace the auger, and the rods can be made by hand from steel tubes with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters.

An ice drill is used to drill through ice and frozen ground during winter fishing or mountaineering. For drilling earth will do fishing ice screw

An ice auger is a lightweight tool with sharp knives. Him correct angle attack, thanks to which the knives easily bite into the ground.

It is quite possible for them to dig a shallow well for water or a hole for pillars on the site. The ice drill picks up dry soil well, but gets stuck in wet soil. It is not suitable for drilling clay.

To speed up the work, cutters need to be welded to the edge of the ice drill blades. In addition to the ice drill and rods, you will need casing tubes to secure the hole shaft, a shovel and a cart for loading and removing soil from the site.

How to properly drill a hole in the ground with your own hands using an ice drill?

The work consists of the following stages:

  • dig a hole 40–50 centimeters deep with a shovel;
  • a drill is placed in the hole and, rotating, it is inserted into the ground according to the rule for tightening the screws;
  • Having made 3-4 turns, the tool is pulled out and manually cleared of the ground;
  • After drilling the first meter, you need to start forming a channel for water; to do this, a casing pipe is lowered into the hole.

Advice: it is correct when the diameter of the pipe is slightly larger than the ice drill. When constructing a well with your own hands, it is better to use light plastic pipes, connected to each other using a threaded connection.

When the tool is completely underground, stop drilling and attach an extension to the drill (using threads, soldering or a steel rod pin).

You need to drill until the top 10 centimeters of the casing remain on the surface. The next segment is fixed on it.

When arranging the walls, periodically check their verticality, leveling them with pieces of wood. Wedges are driven into the gap between the ground and the outer wall of the pipe.

They continue to drill until water appears in the well. After this, the work is stopped, the tool is removed and the filter is installed.

Advice: the gap in the ground near the pipe needs to be filled with crushed stone.

Pipes can be inserted into the hole not during, but after drilling, but in this case the well will have to be freed again from the soil that has spilled down.

Then the pipes are lowered into the barrel one by one and connected to each other after the next section of pipe goes down.

Final works

You drilled a water well with your own hands, but this is only the first stage. Now you need to arrange your hydraulic structure.

The arrangement includes:

  • caisson installation;
  • starting the pump;
  • installation of electrical equipment;
  • laying water pipes.

The construction of an artesian well is carried out in mandatory, but if you don’t have enough funds, then you can do this a little later.

There is no need for improvement if the decision is made to drill a small well on the site solely for watering the garden and other non-domestic needs.

The arrangement begins with the installation of a caisson. A head is made for the caisson, that is, soil is removed around the upper edge of the casing and the caisson is lowered to a depth of about two meters.

Thus, the hole from which water will flow will be in the center of the caisson. The pipe is hermetically connected to the inner edges of the caisson.

Installation of a caisson is necessary to prevent flooding of the well groundwater. Without a caisson, the water at the mouth of the hole may freeze in winter.

What is a caisson device? You can make a caisson with your own hands from a piece of ordinary pipe, the diameter of which is approximately one meter.

The thickness of the caisson walls should be about 4 millimeters. The inside of the caisson is coated with an anti-corrosion compound, the outside is insulated from water, and the top must be closed with a lid.

The pipe through which the water rises comes out of the caisson - its upper end is located below the freezing point of the soil.

The well pump must supply water under sufficient pressure. A waterproof cable is mounted to the pump and a metal cable is attached for insurance.

The end of the cable is secured to the head of the casing.

If you wish, you can install the elements yourself automatic control to avoid turning on the pump manually.

The pump control panel allows the device to automatically turn on and off depending on the pressure the accumulator is under.

Hydraulic accumulator ( membrane tank) protects the pump motor from running in dry mode and from voltage surges in the electrical network.

Practice shows that drilling a hydraulic well with your own hands is quite labor-intensive, but possible.

If you don’t have the means to hire drilling equipment and have to do everything yourself, then you need to approach the matter responsibly - choose the right drilling option depending on the soil on the site, read the instructions.

But as a result you will get quality water from a hydraulic engineering facility made with your own hands.

I haven't personally tried it in practice. this method, but cited an article by a friend of mine who does this for money.

I think this will be interesting to you, and I personally will try this method in the summer. Might come in handy in the future. The principle is quite simple. I made an animated picture showing how this should happen. Now let's see: first you need to buy 2 pumps, two barrels, hoses and pipes. Several 6-meter bars and of course pipe couplings. Using a shovel, dig a hole approximately 1 meter x 1 meter and 60 cm deep. The pipes should be approximately 2 meters long (longer is possible). Threads must be cut at both ends of the pipes. Later, when the pipe goes into the ground, a second pipe is screwed to it using a sleeve, and so on until you go deep to the desired depth.

The first pipe has teeth on one side that can be made with a grinder, and the second side of the pipe has a thread. First, you screw an adapter onto it with an end part for your hose. I was recommended to cut pipes 4-6 meters long. This way there is less hassle with unscrewing the adapter, and the weight of the structure becomes greater, which allows the pipe to cut into the ground more quickly. So, first things first. First, we make a tripod out of timber and place it over the dug hole. At the top of the tripod we attach a roller through which we pass the rope. It is better to secure the tripod by connecting the three legs at the bottom and in the middle with the same beam. A little further from the tripod we drive a wooden or metal pin into the ground. It’s even better to make a drum like for raising water from a well. We attach one end of the rope to it. We tie the other one to the pipe.

We insert the pipe with the connected fitting into the hole. Next we move on to the barrels. Next to the pit, one barrel is placed on the ground, the second on a platform made from available materials at the height of the upper level of the first barrel. We drill a hole at the bottom of the upper barrel and insert a pipe with a tap there. We fill the top barrel with dry grass, which serves as a kind of filter, and place a mesh on top obliquely. The mesh will clean out large fractions of soil that got in with the water, then this soil will simply fall down. The grass filters small parts of the soil and flows from the upper barrel to the lower one.

There is a pump in the bottom barrel that takes water and delivers it under pressure into your pipe. The water comes out from the bottom of the pipe and washes away the soil. This cloudy suspension ends up in your hole. The second soil pump pumps muddy water into the upper barrel. In this case, a small part of the soil gets into the barrel with water. The main part of it begins to grow out of the hole before our eyes. After some time, you remove it with a shovel.

Thus, the pipe itself is buried, and the soil is thrown up like a geyser. You just need to throw away the soil and watch the level of the washed-out soil.


I don’t use a casing pipe, drill, headstock, bailer, etc. for this... The pipe for such a well, in my opinion, is needed 5-10 cm, and no more: it completely ensures an uninterrupted supply of water using a household high-performance pump. The method is as simple as twice two. At the same time, you do not pay the drillers, and at the beginning of 2007 this costs approximately 30-45 thousand rubles. Digging a well also costs a lot. Without the cost of the rings, you will pay approximately a thousand American tugriks. And if you are not a rich person and the few bucks you saved is a significant amount for you family budget, then this topic is definitely yours.

First you need to stock up on pipes. I recommend pipes with a diameter of approximately 5 cm. The length of the pipes should be approximately 1.5 - 2 meters. Take 8 pieces just in case. Cut threads at the ends of the pipes and buy bushings so that you can connect the pipes with bushings. Buy also a steel rod. Its length should be 2-2.5 meters. The rod also has threads at the ends and connecting sleeves of its own diameter. You will also need to make a steel cone, the diameter of which is larger than the diameter of the pipe. We weld a piece of pipe with cut longitudinal slots to it. These cracks should subsequently be wrapped with mesh. They are a filter. You can weld strips of hard steel to the cone (for example, pieces of a sharpened flat file), but only so that upon impact, these strips create a slight rotation in the direction of twisting the pipes. Next we do the following:

The pipe is clogged (and thus a well is formed) using your composite rod, consisting of two sections steel rod dia. 20-30 mm. and 2.5 m long, with threads at the ends. This rod is lowered inside the pipe (filter) and rests against a cone welded to the filter. Together with a partner, having installed the filter vertically along a plumb line, we take the bar with our hands, lift it up and sharply lower it - in short, we hit it. The impact of the rod falls on the cone. When the filter is deep, tow soaked in paint is wound onto its threaded part, then a coupling is screwed in, and the next piece of pipe 2 ... 2.5 m long is screwed into it. If the rod is short, extend it and hit it again. Having driven to a depth of 3-6 meters, we check whether there is water in the well. We take a bucket of water and pour it into the pipe (do not pull out the rod). If the water is standing in the pipe; does not go away, which means we have not reached the aquifer. We beat another meter, check again by pouring water. Aquifers go in layers, so, in my opinion, it is more rational to drill a well on the second aquifer or at least to the bottom of the first layer. And the layer can be up to 10 meters thick.

It is not always reasonable to test the aquifer by pouring water into a pipe. In some cases, the water goes into the sand layer. After all, I can’t check which layer I’ve reached. If the water is slowly leaving, then we are theoretically at the beginning of the aquifer; we break through another 0.5-1 m, fill with water. Now the water should quickly go into the pipe - we have reached the aquifer. We start to pull out the bar, but it doesn’t move, it’s jammed. Don’t be upset, take a hammer and hit the bar, but not from above, but from the side from the top. With these impacts you create vibration, and the soil that has entered the pipe through the filter mesh is “liquefied” and the rod is released. Having pulled out the rod, we screw the fitting with the pump onto the well. Can be manual or electric. After pumping out two or three buckets muddy water usually comes out clean.

It is advisable to pump out a couple of two hundred liter barrels. You will be convinced of the quantity of water and its quality. Then we pour clean water into the pan and boil it, and then taste it to see what quality it is. If it is bad, then after boiling it becomes reddish or cloudy, and sediment will fall to the bottom. Then you will have to deepen the well another meter. Do not confuse with sediment from lime water, if it goes through limestone rock.

It also happens: after a few years, the water in the well disappears (the electric pump does not “take” it, but the manual pump pumps very slowly). This is a sign of a clogged filter. Many people wash out wells various solutions. I maintain that this has little effect in practice; such flushing only poisons the aquifer. It is easier and more reliable to pull the filter out of the ground, but this is not always possible. This happens quite rarely with a competent approach to the matter, and in this case you have to use a truck crane or a jack. In this case, you need to lower the rod into the well and hit the cone a dozen times, then apply the listed mechanisms. After 10-20 cm, the rise stops again; you need to hit it again, and after 2 hours you will pull out the filter. As a rule, it turns out to be covered with a black oily coating. Fill up with water, pour over the filter and scrub it over the mesh with a metal brush. For better cleaning, pour in “silite”, which will remove rust from everything. Gradually the plaque is washed off.

Check the pipes too: sometimes rust makes small fistulas in them. Because of this, the integrity is compromised and the well may not work (due to air leaks or soil getting into fistulas). It is better, of course, to replace the pipes with new ones. And again you can drive them in the same place where the well was before.

This method has been tested in practice. Hundreds of wells have been drilled using this method. All are still working today. Some were driven to a depth of more than 20 meters, into artesian layers of water.

You can drill a water well on your property, despite the seeming enormity of this process. on our own, i.e. manually. To do this, you will need a metal auger, the so-called coil, for which a fishing ice ax is quite suitable. This method of drilling a water well is the cheapest possible.

Required Tools and materials for drilling a water well:

The main tool that will be used is an auger with extension arms; in the absence of a special one, you can safely use a fishing drill. For better efficiency process, it is recommended to weld reinforced cutters onto the cutting edges of the drill. For this purpose, you can use a couple of files, which can be sharpened with an ordinary grinder. And of course the pipes for the elbows, the diameter of which is 25 mm.

You will also need a shovel, a cart for removing the selected soil, a pump and a hose for “swinging” the well, a barrel or high table, on which you will need to stand and sift out the gravel.

Preparing the pipe for lowering into the well

Before lowering pipes into a well, they must be properly prepared. This important point, because the drilled section tightens very quickly and the pipes must be lowered immediately after removing the drill. Pipes can be purchased at specialized construction stores; thick-walled polyethylene pipes are best suited.

Preparation of the pipe consists of drilling perforating holes, approximately at a distance of 0.5-1.0 meters from the bottom end and over a distance of 1.5-2 meters. It is enough to make the holes with a 6 mm drill; if you make them wider, you will need a filter mesh.

Then guide bars are prepared, which are attached to the surface of the pipe. The bars are necessary to center the pipe in the well and ensure equal clearance for uniform distribution filtering gravel screening.

Technology for drilling a well manually using an auger

The place where the well will be installed must first be leveled. To begin with, a guide recess for the drill is dug to a depth of 2 shovel bayonets. Having assembled the tool, you can proceed directly to the drilling process itself.

On initial stage it is quite possible for one person to rotate the drill, but as you go deeper it will be necessary additional help. The deeper the drill goes, the harder it will be to rotate it, so you can use water to soften the soil. Making two or three full turns, the drill is pulled out and freed from the soil, dumping it into the cart. The sludge is poured away from the work site so that it does not create additional interference.

Thus, they drill until the tool handle drops to the ground. After this, the drill is extended with an additional elbow.

After the handle has been lengthened, naturally the size of the tool no longer allows working with it while standing on the ground. Just for this case it is needed metal barrel or another pedestal, standing on which you can rotate the drill by the handle. Or they use gas pipe wrenches for the handle.

Increasing the bends, drilling continues until entering the aquifer. This moment will be very clearly visible from the condition of the soil being removed. At this phase, it is possible for the tool to be tightened, so you should remove the cuttings in small portions, otherwise it will not be possible to pull out the drill manually. If, nevertheless, the drill is “sucked in”, so that it can no longer be pulled out by hand, you will have to resort to an Archimedean lever, using two logs and a barrel for this, or buy a lever chain winch.

To prevent high water from entering the well, its depth must be greater than the first clay layer. Before lowering the pipe, it is necessary to raise and lower the drilling tool several times, like a piston. This will remove possible obstacles in the way of the pipe and make its descent much easier. After the pipe is completely lowered, the gap should be filled with gravel screenings - this is usually a sand-gravel mixture screened from sand. Without sand, as sand can penetrate inside the well.

How to pump a well

In order to quickly pump up the well, it is better to use a powerful centrifugal pump. Such a pump is capable of handling very dense media. Although you can get by with the usual household pump. In order to vibration pump worked more efficiently, you should periodically lift it and shake the water with your assembled knees to lift heavy particles from the bottom, and then continue pumping water again with a pump with a lower water intake, otherwise the pump with an upper water intake will contribute to silting of the well.

When the well is rocked, the filter gravel screenings will shrink, so it should be added periodically.

The process of rocking the well is quite time-consuming, so you should worry about the drainage channels or try to reach the drainage ditch with a hose.

Once the well is fully pumped, it should be equipped with a pump for everyday use.

Advantages and disadvantages of manual water well drilling

The advantage of manual drilling of wells, in addition to the low cost already mentioned above, is the fact that there is no need for bulky special equipment to enter the site, therefore, your green spaces or landscape design will not be harmed.

Having a relatively shallow depth, such wells are pumped much faster and are less susceptible to tightening.

If there is no electricity, water can be obtained using a hand suction pump.

The main disadvantage of manual drilling is the limited depth. Disadvantages include criticality to soil density and a shortage of specialists ready to undertake repairs if necessary, although this is less likely to occur than with deep machine wells.

Video on how to drill a well manually with your own hands:

No country house can exist without normal water supply. Carry water with you when visiting a dacha in weekend days? This option is not even considered, since it is unlikely to be enough even for household needs. Constantly annoying your neighbors with requests to replenish their water supply? This is possible only for the time being - there is a limit to every human patience... A source of water will be all the more necessary if country house is planned for a long time or even permanent residence, and on the adjacent plot there is a desire to grow some flowers or crops. Outputs - connect to a centralized water supply system (in most cases this is simply impossible or is associated with too large financial costs), or equip a source on your territory autonomous water supply.

Video: surface well development

All these issues will definitely be discussed in a separate publication on our construction portal.

Having your own dacha (garden) plot is the dream of many. Here you can have a great time with your family and friends. How nice it is to enjoy fruits and vegetables that have been grown with my own hands. They planted it themselves, took care of it and watered it themselves - there is something to be proud of. However, not every such site has everything necessary communications. Undoubtedly, having a garden is simply impossible without a water supply. It is the owner of the dacha area who first has to establish the water supply system.

Naturally, the presence of a water supply in the nearby area greatly simplifies the task. But this is not possible in all cases. The only way out of this difficult situation will be to extract water naturally (from the ground). There is an opinion that holding such an event may require considerable financial investments. However, in reality everything turns out completely differently. Making a well with your own hands without equipment turns out to be quite a feasible task, and we want to convince you of this.

So how to drill a well with your own hands? Let's figure out what technology is involved here.

Today there are many ways to drill a well with your own hands in order to get a water supply at your dacha.

The method of drilling - the type of well directly depends on how many meters deep into the earth the water layer goes. As a rule, there are three main ranges:

  • up to 12 meters;
  • 12-50 meters;
  • 50-200 meters.

If aqueous layer is located almost on the surface, that is, no deeper than 12 meters, then in this case we will talk about the Abyssinian well. Another name is “needle well”.

Important! Often a layer clean water covered with dirt. They are the first to be encountered during drilling. It is worth remembering that such water is not suitable for consumption.

A properly drilled water well with your own hands should be drawn through contaminated water to a clean aquifer that is suitable for consumption. Drilling an Abyssinian well yourself is not that difficult. The main thing here is to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • The diameter of the well in question may not exceed 40 millimeters, which is why the work process can be carried out using a conventional drill garden purpose. You should drill into the ground until you notice the formation of a liquid consistency. This will serve as a sign that you are close enough to your goal.
  • After this, a pipe with a pointed tip is placed into the resulting well under water with your own hands. The diameter of the pipe is on average 2-3 centimeters. A filter must be installed in front of the tip. It is produced independently by welding a medium-sized mesh onto pre-prepared holes. Water is poured from above.
  • Next, the pipe is pushed into the ground. Essentially, it resembles a large needle.
  • It is worth lowering the improvised “needle” until the water poured into it drops sharply. The well will be completely ready for use when it is washed with copious amounts of water.

In this case, using a surface type pump would be inappropriate. If the water is at a depth of more than 8 meters, then you can resort to the method of creating a conventional well. However, then you will have to get water using buckets.

There is another way - this is to create a borehole that will have larger diameter. It is worth installing a casing pipe in it, which involves installing a submersible pump.

Important! Abyssinian well capable of producing 1-1.5 cubic meters of water per hour.

A layer of water at a depth of 50-200 meters is formed using limestone. The well drilled here will be called “artesian”. The type of well in question has its positive properties:

  • the water amazes with its crystal purity;
  • water productivity can reach up to 10 cubic meters at one o'clock;
  • The period of well operation can reach up to 50 years.

One could consider an artesian well to be ideal, but there are still some shortcomings. These include the difficulty of drilling. The work process is carried out exclusively by a team of professionals in this field. You simply cannot do without specialized equipment. In addition, the option under consideration requires serious financial investments.

Naturally, drilling such a well on our own will be categorically impossible. However, completely exclude possible variant still not worth it. The cost of drilling the proposed well is quickly recouped by supplying water to a large area. That is why many owners of dacha (garden) plots join forces in water extraction. The result of this will be excellent quality water on the site at a very reasonable price.

A depth of 12-50 meters is characterized by an abundance of sand. The water condition at this depth is clean. But you won’t be able to get it with an ordinary shovel with a sharp pipe. Still, you shouldn’t despair, because building such a well is a completely feasible task. Here specialized equipment will serve as an assistant. In addition, you can “pull up” your knowledge by studying the principle by which water wells are drilled with your own hands. Drilling “sand” wells is worth considering in more detail.

Before starting work related to drilling a well with your own hands, you should decide what type of drilling rig you will use. Today the following are in demand:

  • Shock-rope

The design contains a heavy load (cartridge) complete with a specialized tool (bailer). These two elements are suspended from the frame on a strong cable. The average weight of a cartridge is eighty kilograms. Strong teeth must be installed on its lower part, which have triangular shape. They are attached using welding machine. The operating principle is based on lifting and dropping the cartridge onto the ground. This loosens the soil. Next, the “broken” soil should be removed using a bailer.

Before starting the work process, you should make a small well. The right drill will do the job perfectly. It is important to know that the rise and fall of the chuck can occur manual method. Experts recommend giving preference to the motor rotary type. As for the quality of the soil, it should be light. Less commonly, this method can be used on a clay surface.

  • Auger

The design that will be used for this type of drilling can be compared in terms of external characteristics with a standard drill that is used for gardening work. The only one, but very important characteristic feature is force power. The screw installation is made using a pipe whose diameter is one hundred millimeters. Screw-shaped parts are attached to it using welding elements.

The diameter of the turns is on average two hundred millimeters. In order to make one turn, you need to use a sheet round shape. Make a cut on it, bend the edges in opposite directions. As the drill sinks into the ground, its handle (bar) will have to be constantly lengthened and built up.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that after approximately 50-70 centimeters of immersion of the drill into the ground, it will have to be removed. This is due to the fact that soil accumulates on the screws, which significantly complicates the drilling process. A winch attached to a tripod will help you pull out the drill. The tool is brought into working condition using a specialized handle, which is made from a pipe.

  • Rotary

The type of soil drilling under consideration stands out among others for its complexity. However, today this method is the most universal and effective. The soil is crushed using a crown. It is attached to a pipe, which is regularly extended. The drill bit can be made in various forms.

This directly depends on what type of soil surface the work will take place on. Rotary drilling carried out by impact and rotational methods on the ground simultaneously. In addition, the rotary structure is endowed with the function of supplying water and clay solution into the drilled well. This allows the soil to be eroded, which leads to rapid immersion of the tool.

The main thing is to remember that before drilling work begins, you need to correctly determine the location. cesspool, pens with livestock, and other farmland should be located at a great distance from the well. If this cannot be done, then a distance of at least thirty meters must be maintained. It is natural to assume that it is preferable to drill a well as close as possible to a residential building (house). The ideal distance for this would be three meters.

Manual method of water extraction

The work begins with preparing all the required tools. To do this, you should have on hand in advance:

  • drilling rig;
  • winch;
  • barbell;
  • casing.

The tower should be used in cases where it is planned to drill a well at great depth. The principle of its operation is based on the immersion and lifting of the drill.

When creating a well that will have a shallow depth, the column can be removed manually. Here the use of a tower is not mandatory. It is also not necessary to purchase specialized rods for drilling. You can create an analogue with your own hands. To do this, you just need to connect the pipes using threads and dowels. The rod, which will be located at the very bottom, must be equipped with a drill.

Nozzles cutting type, as a rule, are made using sheets of steel. The thickness of the sheet should not exceed three millimeters. In the process of sharpening the outer part of the nozzle, it is important to remember that the drill mechanism carries out its work in a clockwise direction. This is how the nozzles will enter the ground.

If you cannot do without using a tower, then it should be installed directly above the place where the drilling itself will take place. The tower must be installed above the drilling rod. This is due to the fact that this method significantly simplifies the process of removing the rod from the ground. In order to direct the drill in the right direction, you should dig a small hole in the ground. This can be done using a regular shovel.

The first few turns of immersing the drill into the soil can be completed by one person. However, the deeper the pipe goes, the more force will be required. That is why several people will have to be involved here. If you didn’t succeed in pulling the drill out the first time, then you should first turn it counterclockwise several times. After this you can try again.

As the drill sinks into the ground, its movement may become difficult. To make your work easier, the soil can be softened with water. The lower the drill goes into the ground, the more often it will have to be taken out. This is due to the abundant adhesion of soil to the screw elements of the drill. Accordingly, before the next dive, the drilling structure should be cleaned of contamination.

Several cycles of immersion and removal of the structure should be repeated until the desired result is obtained. When the drill is completely immersed in the ground, and its handle stops level with the ground, then another elbow should be added to the tool.

Due to the fact that removing a structure from the ground and cleaning it can take up a significant part of the work process, it is worth using all the capabilities of the tool at the maximum level. That is, to overwhelm and remove as much soil as possible from the hole.

The drilling process must be continued until the tool penetrates the water layer. Determining this will not be difficult, since changes in the consistency of the soil will become immediately noticeable. However, you shouldn't stop there.

The drill must be immersed to the waterproof layer, which is located immediately after the aquifer layer. This is due to the fact that due to such a depth of the well, maximum fluid supply will be ensured. It is important to remember here that the manual method can only reach the first layer - the aquifer. The reason for this is that it is located at a shallow depth, which is approximately 15-20 meters.

In order to get rid of contaminated fluid accumulated during the drilling process (pump it out), you can use hand pump. If possible, then it is undoubtedly better to use a specialized submersible pump. After an average of three to four buckets of contaminated liquid have been pumped out, the broken “vein” will begin to release clean water. However, it can often happen that this does not happen. In this case, you should use the drill again, increasing the depth of the well by another two to three meters.

How casing pipes are installed

The already completed well hole should be additionally cased. As a rule, casing is made from whole asbestos cement pipes. Less often you can use pieces for this asbestos pipes. However, working with pieces requires some care. For example, it is worth making sure that the diameter of the segments is absolutely identical to each other. This will allow finished design later, without any obstacles, immerse it in the well.

The distance between the links is strictly not allowed. In addition, you should make sure that they do not slide off each other. That is why it is preferable to connect the butt openings with specialized brackets. They, in turn, must be subsequently covered with strips made of stainless steel.

The casing process is carried out in order to:

  • in the process of deeper immersion of the drill into the ground, the resulting walls did not crumble;
  • during the operation of the well, exclude the method of clogging;
  • cover the upper aquifer-type layers that supply contaminated liquid.

The bottom of the well must be equipped with a pipe on which the filter is installed. It is made of fine mesh, which does not allow grains of sand and other small contaminants to enter the liquid. This results in water filtration. The pipe must be lowered to the required depth, after which it is fixed with a clamp. This is done so that the filter does not sag spontaneously.

If a well in a dacha is installed correctly with your own hands, then the part that is above the surface should be equipped with a caisson. This design is installed specifically to prevent foreign elements from entering the well from the outside.

After a certain period of well operation, you will notice that the pipes will begin to rise slightly above the surface. According to experts, such changes are minor, and therefore do not require specific interventions to deepen them.

What errors can you encounter?

Most often, errors during the drilling process can occur due to the fact that drillers who do not have specialized education have too little or no experience in carrying out work. So, among the most common mistakes are the following:

  • The penetration of the drill occurs to too great a depth, which can lead to the casing pipe blocking the layer of water. The solution to this problem is to slightly raise the pipe to ensure water supply. If this does not help, then you can replace it with a shorter length. Old pipe in this case it must be deleted.
  • The casing pipe was too short and therefore did not go down to the required depth. This can lead to the lower part of the soil collapsing, which means the water supply will sharply decrease. To cope with this problem, the soil should be cleaned and the pipe lowered to the proper distance.
  • The pump was installed incorrectly, resulting in sand getting into the well. Here you should remove the pump and thoroughly clean the well from sand. Next should follow correct installation pump

In order to determine whether the pump is working correctly or not, it is worth lowering it in working condition until grains of sand begin to flow into the water. As soon as this happens, the instrument should be raised to that level until the purification of sand-contaminated water begins. According to experts, correct location The pump structure should be located at a two-meter distance from the bottom of the well.

Everyone knows about the advantages of autonomous water supply in private homes, however, many refuse such options due to their high cost. A do-it-yourself water well can be made using several technologies, but before starting the work process, we suggest you understand the types of sources and determine which of them will fit ideally into your conditions and depend on financial and other possibilities.

All sources for autonomous water supply are considered economical, since they do not require waste during use, however, if you do not install it yourself, you will have to pay a lot of money for the creation of sources by qualified labor.

Drilling water wells with your own hands is not a simple process, so first let’s look at existing types well structures.

  1. Artesian well - perfect solution for a stable and harmless water supply at home. The depth of such an installation can reach up to 200 meters, depending on its purpose. To use water on the farm, 50 meters is enough. The advantages of such a source are that there is no need to further purify the water, and the water also does not contain large quantity gland.
  2. Abyssinian needle well - used in difficult conditions soil or when there is no need for perfectly clean water. If you use this option as the main source of water supply to the house, additional filtration is required.
  3. Sand well. Its depth reaches 30 meters, drilling occurs using an auger method. Typically, such water supply is carried out for summer cottages, but even for such cases, it is recommended to install a filter at a depth where coarse sand is found. This will save the well from damage.

Important! Before making a well, you should decide which drilling rig will perform this process. Rotary, auger and shock-rope equipment are usually used.

How to drill a well with your own hands: stages of work

Work on the production of wells for home water supply are divided into several main stages:

Attention! A filter pipe must be placed at the bottom of the well; it must be equipped with a metal mesh to trap foreign particles.

  • To swing the source, you need to install a pump centrifugal type, having previously placed its pipe to the entire depth of the well. It is advisable to build a stand for the pump, and connect an outlet pipe on its reverse side, which will power the entire house;
  • Next, we prepare trenches for the pipelines; when everything is done, we lay them at the same level so as not to create a pressure failure. At the end we bring pipes into the house, and from there we make branching structures into necessary premises. On at this stage installation of a well and water supply to the house with your own hands is considered completed.

Please note, only when proper arrangement, taking into account all the characteristics, the autonomous source will provide good clean water for use.

Types of water well drilling

Of all the options used for drilling wells in the private sector, there are combined drilling, support drilling, hydraulic drilling, core drilling, shot drilling and rotary drilling. Each of the proposed types has its own characteristics and is used for specific conditions.

Combined drilling

This method involves using various suitable techniques alternately or in combination. This method is considered more rational as it is suitable for various geological conditions. Often combined drilling is used in places where the ground is rich in minerals and minerals.

Core drilling

Often this type of drilling is used to study the geological structure of the earth's layers. Thanks to the creation of wells using support technology, it is possible to achieve good results and durability of the water source in difficult soil conditions.

This technique involves drilling a source using the maximum pressure of a special fluid. This method is most often used by professional drillers. However, it is not always possible to guess whether a given method is suitable for specific conditions. To avoid complications, it is important to prepare more liquid in advance, as some layers of soil absorb water too quickly.

Core drilling type

It is a rotational technique. When creating a well by rotation, the soil rocks do not lose their structure and do not crumble during the operation of the source. Well of this type constructed simultaneously with special drilling rigs. Such wells are often used for mining.

Shot drilling

It is rotary drilling using shot. Usually similar device used in difficult soil conditions. To clean the well from foreign material, a special cleaning liquid is used.

Rotary method

The drilling option is designed for wells industrial purposes. For home use they are used quite rarely in cases where the use of other types is unacceptable.

Choosing a season to install a water well

A lot depends on the choice of the season when it is best to install a well, and first of all, the cost of the procedure, of course, if you do not practice self-installation autonomous source water supply Each time of year has its own advantages of installing a well:

Attention! At each time, you can choose a suitable period for installing a water supply source, depending on weather conditions.

How to clean a well without involving a professional?

Sooner or later, any well, even a well-made one, requires cleaning, since pipelines often become silted and corrode. Today, there are three techniques that are used to clean up the source without the help of specialists or the person working on this project. For home wells, compression, pumping and chemical cleaning are used.

The first cleaning option is carried out at the initial stage, immediately after the depth of the well is finally prepared for further installation. This will require a special pipe of smaller diameter than the pipe in the well. It is lowered inside the well, a vacuum tip is put on top, to which the compressor hose is connected. The structure is securely fixed, and only then the compression pump is connected to the network. All dirty water should come out of the well along the gap between the two pipes. If this approach does not produce results, we resort to the next method.

The pumping method is considered very neat. For this purpose, submersible pumps of sufficient power are used. Ideally, such a device is designed to pump out contaminated water and at the same time sucks in sand and foreign particles up to 5 mm in diameter.

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