Dill is a healthy, vitamin-rich plant that is simply irreplaceable in cooking and medicine. It is one of the most unpretentious plants and does not require special care. But still, there are certain recommendations on how to plant dill to get thick aromatic greens and enjoy fresh seasoning for a long period.

To grow appetizing and healthy dill, you need to know a few very simple principles. correct landing. For successful cultivation dill great value have the following factors:

Dill is a light-loving plant that does not grow well in the shade. If there is a shortage solar lighting plants may grow very thin and pale. Therefore, to obtain good harvest It is recommended to sow dill in well-lit areas. Soil preparation includes mandatory digging, which is done in the fall or spring before planting. The soil must be loose to ensure good penetration of moisture and air to the sown seeds.

It is best to plant dill in fertile, organic-rich soil. To do this, you need to add humus to the soil (half a bucket per 1 m²). In the absence of humus, diluted mullein or bird droppings are used as fertilizer. The plant loves potassium and phosphorus, so it is recommended to add ammonium nitrate to the soil, potash fertilizers and superphosphate. Fertilizing the soil can be done in the fall, while digging, or in the spring, before planting seeds.

It is necessary to take into account that acidic and heavy soil, despite digging and fertilizing, is not at all suitable for growing dill.

Dill loves moisture, so you need to carefully ensure that the soil does not dry out. And sowing seeds must be carried out exclusively in moist soil. Dill begins to be planted in April, then sowing is repeated every 15 days to ensure a constant harvest.

The seedlings tolerate frosts well down to -5°C. However, sudden changes in temperature (cold temperatures or sudden heat) can contribute to plant suppression. Therefore, if there is a possibility of frost, it is advisable to cover the seedlings plastic film. Bush varieties can be planted through seedlings. To do this, you need to plant one seed at a time in small containers filled with peat, and then plant the bushes in a greenhouse.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked or sown dry. Soaked seeds will germinate faster, and seedlings from dry seeds are much better adapted to weather conditions.

In order for the plants to develop evenly, without suppressing each other due to crowding, dill is sown at the rate of 1 g of seeds per 1 square meter land.

How to sow dill correctly:

  • First, you need to prepare the bed for planting by fertilizing it with a layer of well-rotted humus, about 15 cm thick.
  • The area for planting dill should be watered abundantly and left for 1–2 days for the soil to shrink.
  • Furrows about 5 cm wide are made in a wet bed and watered abundantly.
  • Dill seeds are sown in a zigzag pattern along the furrow and embedded in the ground to a depth of 1–2 cm. They are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil or humus on top. The planted seeds are no longer watered, so as not to wash them very deep into the ground.

After a couple of weeks, the first seedlings sprout, which need to be thinned out, maintaining a gap of 5–10 cm between plants. Care must be taken to prevent the plantings from becoming thicker, because dill may stop growing. In greenhouses and greenhouses, dill can be sown along the perimeter of the passage, as well as against the northern wall. High humidity air promotes the growth and juiciness of the plant.

Landing almost everyone garden crops happens in spring time year, including dill. But for most fans of this delicious seasoning The actual question is: is it possible to plant dill in July, will it have time to grow and ripen? The good thing about dill is that it can be sown throughout the entire summer season, from spring to autumn. However, summer sowing has some peculiarities.

The beds are usually already filled with other plants. Therefore, it is necessary to find the right neighbors for dill. It is best suited next to cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes. The essential oils contained in dill will significantly improve the taste of these vegetables and relieve them of some harmful insects. And the fertile and well-fertilized soil underneath is excellent for the successful germination of dill.

Another nuance: if you sow the seeds dry, they can sprout only after 15 days. Therefore, sowing dill in summer requires mandatory soaking of the seeds.

First, let's figure out how many days it takes for dill to sprout. At an air temperature of +5°C, dill usually germinates in 14–20 days. In warmer periods, at a temperature of +20°C, seeds germinate in 10–15 days. But in some cases it is necessary to hurry up the germination of seeds. Therefore, the question arises: how to plant dill so that it sprouts quickly?

To do this, the following measures must be taken:

  • place dill seeds in a gauze knot, hold for 1–2 minutes in hot water (60 °C);
  • then put it in water at room temperature for 2-3 days. Every 8 hours the water needs to be changed and the dill seeds washed. Or pass air through the water throughout the day using an aquarium compressor;
  • then dry the seeds before planting.

Thanks to these procedures, essential oils that prevent germination are washed off from the seeds, and after planting, dill germinates on the 4th–6th day. The seeds are sown in moist soil and covered with a thin layer (5 mm) of peat, humus and sand. Soaked seeds do not need additional watering. Dill planted in this way is cut off after 30 days, when it grows to 20 - 25 cm.

Dill planting and care open ground in the spring

Dill is an annual umbrella plant. It can reach up to 1.5 meters in height. Mostly the leaves are eaten, but the stems are also very useful. Dill contains microelements such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium. And its seeds are rich in essential oils. But it’s one thing to cook food using dill, and quite another to grow it yourself.

Preparing dill seeds for planting in open ground

Dill seeds contain essential oils, and therefore best shoots it is necessary to minimize them. Namely, soak the seeds in warm water for a couple of days. As the water darkens, change it. After this procedure, the seeds are laid out on a cloth and dried, but not completely. After this, you can plant them in the garden.

How to plant dill in open ground in spring, summer and autumn

Dill unpretentious plant and does not require such fertilized soil as, for example, tomatoes and cucumbers. It prefers neutral soils. It is better to prepare the bed in the fall by adding humus and ash to it and leaving it until spring. When it’s time to plant dill, everything must be done sequentially:

  • Step 1: Moisten the soil. Do not water, but rather moisten.
  • Step 2. Take a board and make a furrow 2 cm deep.
  • Step 3. Start sowing seeds, it is better to do this as if you were salting a garden bed.
  • Step 4. Cover the furrows with soil and tamp down a little, but do not overdo it.
  • Step 5: Water the garden bed.

When to plant dill

Most gardeners plant dill in the spring. And this is correct, but do not forget that other times of the year are also suitable for this. Throughout the summer, at intervals of 10 - 15 days, you can plant dill so that you always have this seasoning on your table. A slightly less popular option is planting dill in the fall. It is necessary to make the furrows twice as deep and be sure to have time to plant the seeds before the first frost. Afterwards, cover the bed with old leaves and grass.

Caring for dill in the garden

  1. Dill does not tolerate drought. It does not die, but the leaves turn yellow and the plant itself slowly withers.
  2. Never plant cumin next to dill. They don't get along together.
  3. If you grow dill in a greenhouse, it does not require abundant, but regular watering and ventilation.
  4. If you plant dill in furrows, weeding and thinning are recommended. If you plant as a continuous carpet, you only need watering and fertilizing as needed.

If you grow dill for everyday use, then it is better to pick it when it is young, then its leaves will be more juicy. The stems can be cleaned of roots and leaves and frozen, and then added to soups and potatoes. If you want to get your seeds, wait until they fall off on their own, and then just pick off the umbrella. One umbrella usually yields as many seeds as are contained in five packages.

Dill - the most common spicy plant. But so that its greenery pleases the eye, and its taste and aroma delight our receptors, minimum set Agrotechnical knowledge is required. And it all starts with planting a plant.

Origin of the name of the plant

Dill from the umbelliferous family received its scientific classification in 1753: Anethum (Latin), which translated means fragrant, burning. Old Russian synonyms for this word are “kopr”, “drop”. The old words have long gone out of use, but the word they generated, “dill,” remains. By the way, in Ukrainian it is called “krip”, which is very close to the Old Russian pronunciation.

There is another version of the name: when consumed, dill is finely chopped and crumbled, but earlier they said it was sprinkled, hence the “dill”. The author likes the first version.

Most people, when asked what “dill water” is made from, will answer without hesitation that it is from dill seeds. But no, from a 1% solution of fennel oil, a plant that looks very similar to dill, also from the Umbelliferae family.

Land for planting in open ground

Bearing in mind that the homeland of dill is the Mediterranean and India, it is advisable to place beds with dill in the most illuminated places in the garden. The plant prefers neutral or slightly acidic soil; dill grows healthy on it and the foliage has a rich green. Dill also loves moisture.

Such a riot of dill greens can only be obtained in a sunny place and good soil.

Preparing beds for open ground

Dill also grows in poor soils, but full harvest This plant is grown on well-fertilized soil. It is advisable to prepare the soil for spring planting of dill in the fall. To do this, dig it up to the depth of a spade, having previously scattered humus or compost over the surface at the rate of 1 bucket per 1m2. If there is no organic matter, it is replaced mineral fertilizers: urea, potassium salt, superphosphate (20–30 g per m2).
It is better to prepare a bed for dill in the fall

Germination of dill seeds

Dill seeds contain a lot of essential oil, which impedes their germination process, so seeds planted in the ground without preliminary preparation, will sprout in 2–3 weeks, and specially treated ones will sprout in no more than 3–7 days.

Pre-treatment of seeds is not very difficult:

  1. The seeds are poured into a container with water and the floating ones are removed.
  2. The remaining seeds are either placed on a well-moistened cloth or placed in a damp gauze bag and placed in warm place. As the material dries, it is moistened.
  3. When the first sprouts appear, the seeds are placed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2–3 hours. This disinfects the planting material.
  4. Seeds are washed warm water. All.

Preparing seeds for planting - video

It is believed that after 3–4 years of storing dill seeds, their germination capacity noticeably decreases. But the author of this article felt sorry to throw away dill seeds that had been lying around for much longer. long term in the bins of his parents' kitchen, and he scattered them in the spring in the garden next to fresh seeds. The result was clearly not in favor of the latter. Maybe the fact is that the essential oil evaporated from the old seeds and this compensated for the natural decrease in germination during long-term storage.

If there is a need to speed up the germination of dill seeds, then the traditional preparation of seeds for planting is supplemented with the following techniques:

  • soaking the seeds in hot water (the hand is tolerant), the water is drained when it cools, and so on 2-3 times,
  • use for soaking solutions of microelements or growth stimulants, as well as ash infusion,
  • use when soaking melt water,
  • aeration of water with dill seeds (an aquarium pump will do),
  • treating the seeds with vodka for no more than 10–15 minutes; vodka with essential oils, after extracting the seeds from it, is used for its intended purpose.

For ease of work, the seeds are placed in a fabric bag before working with them.

When, how and what varieties of dill are planted in open ground

Depending on the purpose for which the crop is grown, the varieties of dill and the timing of its planting are selected.

Dill varieties

  • Early varieties Dill produces the first greens just over a month after planting, but not much. Sockets are used for the first picklings. If some of the rosettes are left on the stems, then regarding the first greenery on next year You don’t have to worry about it: dill reproduces well by self-sowing. These varieties include Gribovsky (very fragrant), Umbrella, Dalniy, Redut, Grenadier (with a large umbrella). Gribovsky variety is valued for its aroma
  • Mid-ripening varieties Richelieu, Umbrella, Amazon, Frost ripen 2 weeks later than the early ones, but already have more greenery, larger umbrellas and are generally more fragrant than the early ones. The Richelieu variety is especially valued for its aroma, and if you pick all the leaves from it, the stem will have lateral shoots with large caps.
    If you pick off all the leaves of Richelieu dill, then lateral shoots with umbrellas will develop from the axils of the stems
  • Late-ripening varieties Bouquet, Salute, Alligator, Hanok, Dill begin to grow stems approximately 2.5 months after planting, and the plant resembles a small bush. They have a lot of leaves, but rosettes may not have time to form when planted in open ground. The record holder for umbrella size is the Salut variety: the diameter of the cap reaches 25 cm and weighs almost 100 g, but this variety is no different in aroma.
    Salut - a typical representative of bush dill

Landing dates

Spring-summer planting of dill in open ground is carried out from late April to July, summer planting Suitable only for collecting greens. These deadlines are due to two circumstances:

To receive early greens practice and planting late autumn, from the end of October, in such a way that the seeds do not have time to germinate before the onset of stable frosts.

There is also an exotic winter type of planting dill, which also provides early harvest.

Methods for planting dill

Planting can be done either in furrows or scattered. In any case, it is assumed that the land has been previously fertilized. When planting in furrows, the soil is pre-moistened, and after planting the seeds, it is sprinkled with earth and lightly compacted. When planting randomly, it is more convenient to water the bed well immediately after finishing the work.

Table: methods of planting dill at different times

Many gardeners do not sow dill, but are content with what self-sowing provides.

Dill grown by self-sowing - video

Caring for dill in open ground

The unpretentiousness of dill does not at all imply a lack of care for it. Here are the main points to pay attention to.

Preparing nettle infusion is not difficult. The stem of fresh nettle is cut into several parts and filled with water. For 10 liters of water 1 kg of nettle. The composition is placed in a warm sunny place and the process begins! After a few days the mass begins to bubble and emit a characteristic odor. It must be stirred regularly. After 1–2 weeks, the fermentation process stops and the composition is ready for use. Before use, it is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Because of this green fertilizer The author’s relationship with his neighbor in the area deteriorated for a long time. I sealed the fertilizer in a 100-liter barrel and placed it near the fence on the sunny side of the site. The barrel was located at a considerable distance from his and my houses, but everyone felt an unpleasant, nauseating smell, although a decent amount of mint was added to the barrel. As compensation for moral damage, I poured half of the prepared infusion to my neighbor, but I did not immediately receive forgiveness.

Planting dill in a greenhouse

Widespread cellular polycarbonate when equipping greenhouses for summer cottages allows gardeners to harvest dill virtually all year round. To do this, however, it is necessary to provide them additional heating and lighting. If you don’t do this, then you can get the first harvest of greenery in April-May, two months earlier than when planting in open ground.

Planting dill in a heated greenhouse with lighting

Such a greenhouse is usually installed for commercial use: the costs of its equipment and operation will be many times higher than the cost of greenery for the needs of a family that you buy in a store.

The power of the heaters and their location must maintain the temperature in the greenhouse in winter at least 15–20 0 C, and the lighting lamps must provide a daylight period of at least 10 hours.
As an option - heating with infrared heaters

If these conditions are met, then growing dill will not present any difficulties. For planting, we purchase varieties that are less sensitive to lack of light, such as Grenadier, Sevastopolsky, Kutuzovsky, Almaz, Amazon, Kibray. Preparing seeds for planting is no different from preparing for planting in open ground.

Despite the fact that the greenhouse is heated, it is not worth making beds on the ground: the surface of the ground is the coldest place in the greenhouse. Therefore, racks for boxes with soil are organized at a height convenient for caring for the plant.
On such racks it will be convenient to care for dill

Dill has a long root, so the height of the boxes must be at least 30 cm and drainage holes are required.

  • Soil, mixture fertile soil and peat in a ratio of 3:1 is prepared in advance. It is filled with mineral fertilizers. Their quantity depends on the size of the planting boxes: 15–20 g of urea and potassium salt and 20–30 g of superphosphate should be added per 1 m2.
  • Immediately before planting, grooves are made in the boxes with a depth of 1.5–2 cm, and the distance between the grooves is 15–20 cm.
  • The soil is moistened and seeds are planted in furrows in increments of 2–3 cm and covered with soil on top.

This completes the landing process. Next, you need to monitor the temperature and light conditions and keep the soil moist. When the dill grows to a height of 3–5 cm, it must be thinned out, leaving a distance between plants of 5 to 10 cm, depending on the variety of dill.

Planting dill in an unheated greenhouse

This option does not require large financial costs(except for purchasing the greenhouse itself, of course). Autumn planting dill seeds into such a greenhouse by creating in it early spring comfortable climatic conditions will allow you to get fresh greens at the end of April-May.

What’s valuable is that you don’t have to bother with additional greenhouse equipment, and the seeds are planted directly into the ground, as described above (see table). If the winter was snowy, then the capillary conductivity of the soil will provide the necessary moisture to the plant in the initial period of development when the snow melts, even in its absence in the greenhouse. If not, then it is advisable to throw snow into the greenhouse.

Dill shoots in spring in an unheated greenhouse - video

When growing dill in such a greenhouse, you need to more carefully monitor the soil moisture on sunny days and prevent it from drying out.

Planting dill at home

To get dill greens at home all year round you need very little:

  • free window sill on sunny side apartments,
  • tall drawer with drainage holes,
  • properly prepared soil,
  • well-chosen seeds,\
  • additional lighting during short daylight hours.

Treat yourself to fresh dill, if available. small area free land, it’s not difficult at all. You need to choose the seeds wisely, plant them on time and in a month or two until late autumn enjoy the fragrant greenery.

Dill is considered one of the most common types of greens due to its ability to be used in the preparation of various dishes. The plant is valued for its taste characteristics and a noticeable spicy aroma. Experienced gardeners Dill is often planted before winter in order to get early shoots of greenery and free up the beds in early spring for the next plantings.

When choosing a variety of greens to plant in the fall, it is important to consider several factors. First of all, you need to calculate how long it will take a specific type of dill to sprout. Early varieties ripen 7-10 days earlier than late-ripening ones, but they have less weight and not very dense foliage. Also early ripening varieties quickly form a stem and are more suitable for germination in film greenhouses. Varieties suitable for autumn sowing include Kibray, Salyut and Umbrella.

In addition, when planting, you should find out what temperature the variety can withstand in order to avoid the death of the sprouts. Popular for autumn landing are bush-type varieties whose seeds tolerate frost well and slowly form stems. Optimal temperature to disembark everyone bush varieties is 3-4 degrees.

When is it better to sow dill: in autumn or spring?

The required timing of sowing greens may vary depending on the growing region, soil conditions and atmospheric conditions. Due to dill's ability to withstand frosts down to -3 degrees, the first seeds can be sown in early spring after the snow melts. You can get an early harvest in April if average temperature exceeded 10 degrees Celsius.

You should sow dill in the fall if you want to get a harvest in early spring. Seeds that have overwintered in the soil begin to germinate 2 weeks earlier than spring planting. At autumn sowing there is a risk that late frosts will lead to freezing of seedlings.

Deadlines for winter planting

The most common mistake gardeners make when planting greens in the winter is choosing the wrong timing. Because of early landing the seeds germinate quickly, and during the first frost the sprouts die. It is best to sow in November, when the soil is slightly frozen and the seeds will not swell and grow. A month before planting, compost or humus is added to the soil with the addition of potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizers not used for winter planting.

Seed preparation

Before sowing dill, you should prepare the seed material. There are several ways to prepare seeds for planting. The simplest of them is to rinse and soak in water for a day to swell. You can add it to water wood ash or other all-purpose fertilizer. The temperature of the soaking liquid should be 20-25 degrees.

During the day, the water should be changed 3-4 times to wash out the substance that slows down germination from the seeds.

Another preparation method involves burying the seeds in damp, unheated soil at a shallow depth 2 weeks before sowing. The seed must first be dried and placed in a fabric bag. Before sowing, the seeds should be spread on paper and dried until scattered.

Preparing the beds

Dill needs open and brightly lit places with fertile, loose soil. In such beds, plants become lush, fragrant and have strong stems. When preparing a bed for planting, you need to dig up the soil deeply, crushing all the lumps, and then apply organic fertilizers(humus or compost). After fertilizing the soil, the surface of the bed is leveled.

It is better to place the holes for seeds in open ground in the direction from north to south so that the rows of the crop are evenly illuminated and warmed up. The distance between the rows of dill should be about 20 cm for free formation and development of the root system. Before the first frost sets in, the soil subsides slightly and the bed becomes ready for planting.


To plant dill, you need to make grooves in the beds no more than 2 cm deep, scatter the seed in them and cover them with earth. If frost is likely, you can protect the beds with covering material. IN autumn period Greens should be planted at a temperature of 3-4 degrees. After planting, mulching is necessary so that in winter a crust does not form on the soil surface, which can subsequently create an obstacle to germination.

The place for sowing should be well lit and protected from constant wind. It's better to place greenery behind vegetable crops, flowers and other herbs. A significant condition for planting dill is its proximity to crops that favor growth. The plant should not be placed next to caraway and fennel. Suitable precursors include cucumbers, cabbage and vegetable crops with similar characteristics.


The unpretentiousness of the culture allows you to grow dill while following the standard list of care rules. To grow greens properly, it is enough to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Periodically, you need to visually inspect the beds to identify and eliminate weeds.
  2. Dill needs moderate watering without stagnation of moisture in the soil.
  3. If a plant is affected by diseases or pests, the beds should be treated with insecticidal fertilizers and damaged parts of greenery should be removed from the beds.
  4. To protect autumn planting from frost, you can use film or other covering material as an additional measure.
  5. During the growing season, plants are not fertilized or sprayed with anything, since the use of pesticides can significantly reduce the amount of harvest.
  6. Repeated sowing of greenery can be carried out every 15-20 days in order to obtain the maximum possible yield.
  7. The soil must be regularly maintained in a favorable condition by weeding and loosening.


Dill can be cut when the plant height is 15-20 cm, 3 weeks after germination. When growing bush varieties, greens can be cut multiple times. When collecting, it is recommended to first treat the plants with water and only then trim them at a level of 2 cm from the surface of the ground. The roots should remain in the soil and further care form a new crop. In order for it to be large, bush varieties should be grown.

Growing common species dill, you can pull out the sprouts with roots, shaking them off the ground and washing them in clean water. IN fresh The plant can be stored for 10 days if the crop is left in a cool room or refrigerator. If umbrellas are needed for canning, they can be cut off at the beginning of the seed filling period, 2 months after the first shoots appear. When planting a crop in several approaches, it will be possible to collect fresh greens on an ongoing basis throughout the season.

With the onset of the spring season, many novice gardeners begin to face the question of when to start planting dill in open ground with seeds, what is needed for this, and what conditions should be observed. Taking this fact into account, today we will talk in detail about how to plant and grow dill from seeds in open ground, in the conditions of the CIS countries.

The season in which dill seeds are planted in open ground directly depends on what you want to get.

Thus, planting dill in the spring and autumn will allow you to get as much greenery as possible from one plant for consumption, while planting in the summer will focus on the development of the so-called umbrella of dill, which is convenient to use for obtaining seeds, pickling cucumbers, and also used in the production of traditional medicine.

If you need to get as much greenery as possible, you need to plant dill in open ground in spring and autumn, adhering to the following points:

  1. In spring, you can plant dill seeds in the ground when the temperature environment fixed at +2-5°C. Also, when planting, you need to make sure that the soil is completely thawed. To be on the safe side, the place where you plan to plant dill seeds should be watered with 1 bucket 5-7 days before planting. hot water. In general, planting begins from mid-March to mid-May, depending on the region of your residence;
  2. Autumn planting in open ground takes place around October-November, and the colder the climate and early winter are typical for the region where you live, the earlier you need to plant the seeds. Autumn planting of dill is called “pre-winter”, and is characterized by the fact that in this case the dill leaves ripen much faster. It is also important to note the fact that dill planted in autumn can be harvested 2 weeks earlier than its spring counterparts, which makes many gardeners extremely happy;
  3. Summer planting of dill in open ground can be done at any time. summer period. To obtain the largest possible harvest, many gardeners practice frequent planting of dill, up to 3-4 times, with an interval of 15-20 days.

Choosing a landing site

Dill is unpretentious to growing conditions, but the best growth rates are observed precisely when it is grown in sunny areas or in partial shade. Dill will grow in the shade, but it is not advisable to plant it there, since without a sufficient amount sun rays, its bushes will be pale and stunted.

Moreover, dill does not like waterlogged soil, which means it should be planted in places where there is no groundwater near the surface of the earth, and also does not accumulate excess moisture. Forget about planting dill along the banks of reservoirs; in this case, your harvest will simply rot.

As for the soil, dill loves loose soil with a neutral chemical composition. If this requirement is not met, dill may change its physical properties, for example, when planting seeds in acidic soil, dill will turn red, and if planted in soil with a high alkaline environment, it will turn yellow.

Such changes will also affect the taste of dill, making it best case scenario tasteless, and at worst, they will give it excessive bitterness. Also, when planting dill in acidic and alkaline soils, slow development of the plant is observed, to the point that the bushes remain underdeveloped.

When planting dill next to other crops, you should avoid placing it next to celery and carrots. Planting seeds with these plants will not allow dill to develop normally, and in some cases, the seeds will not even germinate.

In other cases, dill seeds are compatible with all vegetables and berry crops growing in our latitudes, but they feel best with plants of the following types:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Potato;
  • Cabbage;
  • Sorrel;
  • Gooseberry.

Soil preparation

Dill loves loose soils with abundance nutrients. Such soil can be purchased at a specialized gardening store, or you can prepare it yourself.

To prepare soil at home, strictly adhere to the following points:

  1. Select on your site suitable place for future planting of dill seeds, in accordance with the above requirements.
  2. The soil in the chosen place should be prepared in the fall, so that winter period it has settled, and its composition has been enriched with nutrients as fully as possible.
  3. In the autumn, the selected place is dug up to a depth of 15 cm, after which rotted manure or compost is added at the rate of 5-6 kg per 1 square meter. After adding manure or compost, the soil is carefully dug up and lightly compacted.
  4. In case you don't have it on hand organic fertilizers, or you are not a follower of them, the dug up soil can be fertilized with industrial mixtures “Kemira Universal” and “Solution”, which can be purchased at any flower shop.

It is worth noting that it is also not recommended to plant dill in heavy soil, since it does not allow oxygen to pass through well, causing seeds to germinate longer and the root system to develop more slowly. As a result, the plant does not reach its maximum size.

Preparing seeds for planting

Growing dill from seeds is also associated with one difficulty, such as the abundant content in the seeds essential oils, which delay seed germination, and if the seeds are old (more than 2-3 years), they may not germinate at all.

In order to avoid such problems and bring seed germination closer to 100%, simply follow the points below:

  1. Take plastic container, pour it into warm water(50°C), and place the selected seeds there for 2 days.
  2. Water should be maintained within the specified temperature range by changing it every 8 hours.
  3. After 2 days, the seeds are taken out of the water, placed on gauze, and a similar, but wet gauze is placed on top. After that, the seeds in damp gauze are placed on an open container and left at room temperature.
  4. After about 4 days, the seeds sprout, after which they should be removed and left for outdoors a couple of hours.
  5. Start planting seeds!

How to plant?

Sowing dill seeds in open ground is a fairly simple task that even a child can do.

Despite this, from the point of view professional gardener, sowing of seeds must be carried out in accordance with the following points:

  1. Take a narrow wooden peg or a regular stick.
  2. Approach the dill planting site prepared from last fall.
  3. Depending on the size of the place and the amount of crop, draw rows with a stake or stick 2 cm deep, and at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  4. The depressions are watered moderately with water without turning them into mud.
  5. Place the seeds in moistened beds and cover them with dry soil.

In addition, gardeners practice so-called “carpet” planting of seeds.

This method is carried out by randomly scattering dill seeds over a selected area (which may not have been previously prepared), followed by raking it and moderately watering it with water.

This method is suitable for decorating a garden or vegetable garden, since dill does not harm other crops at all. When it comes to growing for food, we recommend stopping at traditional way sowing

It is worth noting that when planting dill seeds in the fall, the beds do not need to be watered, even if they are dry.


Subsequent care for germinating seeds can be limited to regular care only, but moderate watering, but this is the case if you grow dill more for beauty and to fill empty space in the garden.

If you grow dill for food, try to satisfy its simple requirements listed below:

  1. Pay attention to watering. Despite the fact that dill does not tolerate excessive humidity, it requires regular but small watering, so that top layer The earth was always slightly damp, but no more. In general, dill is watered approximately 1-2 times a week, and in the case of extremely hot summers, the bushes are thoroughly sprayed in the evening. During the heat of the day, there is no need to water the dill, as this can cause the roots to overheat.
  2. Now it’s worth talking about feeding. So, if you have dill growing with short term ripening, fertilizers are not required for it. In all other cases, and especially if you notice a lag in the growth and development of your dill bushes, as soon as they have 2-3 true leaves, add urea or nitrophoska to the soil at a dosage of 10-15 grams per 1 square meter of bed. If you have a long-ripening variety, it makes sense to feed it twice. The second feeding is carried out in a similar way, but after 20-25 days, and fertilizers are replaced with potassium salt (15 grams per 1 square meter) or urea (20 grams per 1 square meter).
  3. To avoid hardening of the soil after watering and rain, it should be loosened. Loosening takes place in the immediate vicinity of the dill bushes and in their row-spacings. The first loosening occurs at a depth of up to 7 cm, and subsequent loosening at a depth of up to 12 cm. Loosen extremely carefully so as not to damage root system(do not loosen the dill bushes under the trunk itself).
  4. It is highly advisable to cover the dill with a canopy during the hottest summer months. To do this, you can install several pegs around the perimeter of the dill beds and cover them with an awning. It is important to note that such a shelter should be used only during the hottest hours of the day; in other cases, dill should receive the sunlight it needs;
  5. Take care of the health of your dill. If aphids are found on dill, treat it with ash or powdered sugar. If the dill is affected by fleas, Fitosporin will help you. If dill has become infected with a fungus, Fitosporin, Trichodermin and Mikosan-B will come to your aid. These products are created on the basis of organic components, so after processing, dill can be eaten after 3-4 days. Remember, dill is prohibited from processing chemical fertilizers and pesticides, since they accumulate in its structure and are poorly excreted, which is guaranteed to lead to your poisoning or other side effects!

Collection and storage

Touching upon the topic of growing dill, one cannot fail to mention the rules for its collection and storage, which are described in detail below:

  1. Dill is harvested 30-40 days after it sprouts.
  2. The most valuable part of dill lies in its leaves. You can collect its individual leaves without tearing off the stem, or simply tear off the entire bush.
  3. You should not delay harvesting dill; if you leave it in the garden and let it bloom, the dill will lose its taste qualities, will become tough and tasteless.
  4. After the dill shoots, the plant is removed. It makes sense to save the discarded dill only in cases where you plan to use it as a seasoning for preparing canned vegetables and pickles.
  5. Dill should be collected early in the morning, as this is when it will have the most beautiful and fresh appearance.
  6. Next, the dill is placed in plastic bags, and placed in the refrigerator. You can also put the dill in a glass of water and also leave it in the refrigerator. In these cases, dill can be stored for a week.
  7. For long preservation dill in green form, it is frozen in a plastic bag.
  8. For drying, dill bushes are washed and laid out in the sun until they dry, after which they are crushed and placed in dry fabric bags, hung in a dark and dry place, and stored all winter.


Today we talked in detail about how to grow dill from seeds in open ground, and found out that growing this crop in this way is very simple and effective exercise. Based on this, it should be stated that sowing dill in open ground is great way get fresh and high-quality greens for the whole year, in some cases decorate your land plot, and for beginners, gain valuable experience without extra effort!

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):