You can use regular yeast to make an excellent food for cucumbers.

Composition and properties of yeast

Yeast is a single-celled fungus that is active in a moist and warm environment, which promotes the fermentation process. They are used in cooking, brewing and gardening.

These mushrooms contain:

  • carbohydrates;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • minerals: magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.

Having a fairly rich composition, yeast is able to provide cucumbers with all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of the plant. Moreover, when interacting with warm water, they can release compounds that accelerate the growth of the root system.

The latter property is invaluable when growing seedlings.

Yeast has an equally good effect on both adult cucumbers and seedlings

Fertilizing with “live” yeast To prepare the top dressing you will need: a kilogram of fresh yeast and five liters warm water . Mix all this and put it in warm place

, can be left in the greenhouse.

Before use, dilute the resulting mixture with warm water in a ratio of 1:10, that is, 1 liter of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

After this, you can water the cucumbers with a liter per bush. When fertilizing seedlings, this dose should be reduced by four times.

Dry yeast fertilizers

There are several recipes using dry yeast; you can use any of them. To prepare the top dressing, 10 grams of dry baker's yeast are diluted in 10 liters of warm water, 60 grams of sugar are added and the resulting mixture is left in a warm place for 2 hours. The resulting solution is diluted in 50 liters of water. Now you can safely water the cucumbers with this mixture. This fertilizer is also used for watering seedlings. The next recipe is very similar to the first. Take

The third recipe is good for accelerating the growth of seedlings. Again, take a three-liter jar and fill it with heated water, add 10 grams of yeast and 100 grams of sugar into it. Place the resulting mixture in a warm place for a week, or you can leave it directly in the greenhouse. After fermentation is complete, dilute one glass in 10 liters of water and water the plants, before doing this clean water.

Dry yeast is as effective as fresh yeast

Bread sourdough

In addition to preparing a solution for fertilizing plants, you can also make bread sourdough from dry and fresh yeast.

First option. In a ten-liter container we place candied jam, bread crusts (in any quantity), sour milk, a glass of ash and 10 grams of dry yeast. Fill all this with heated water, wrap it up and place it in a warm place. Stir the mixture twice a day for a week. After this, the fertilizer is ready and can be laid out on the beds.

Second option. To prepare this fertilizer, you will need a metal bucket, which is filled with dried crusts of gray bread, in any quantity. Now fill everything with warm water so that it covers the bread. Leave the bucket in the greenhouse to sour for five days. After this, dilute the starter with heated water in a ratio of 1:3 and pour half a liter of cucumbers onto each bush.

Bread contains many substances beneficial to cucumbers.

Time and frequency of fertilizing cucumbers

You can start fertilizing cucumbers immediately after the first leaves of the plants appear. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the period when the ovary begins to form, as well as the entire period of fruiting.

It is also necessary to start feeding the seedlings. When watered with yeast solution, it will more easily withstand picking and will grow faster.

If you put the seedlings in this fertilizer before the roots appear, the root system will form much earlier, on average by 2 weeks.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away with fertilizing with yeast. Since it may not have a beneficial effect, but only aggravate the situation. Ideally, it is used three times per season. You can fertilize once a week, but not more often.

Important to remember:

  • When making fertilizer, do not mix yeast with manure, bird droppings, and grass. Such a mixture will reduce beneficial features all components to a minimum, since aggressive bacteria can destroy mushrooms;
  • Fertilizer is carried out only when the soil is warmed up, otherwise the yeast will not begin to act;
  • Yeast solutions should always be combined with ash; you can add it directly to the mixture. This is necessary to restore the balance of calcium and potassium in the soil, which are absorbed during the fermentation process;
  • Fertilizers, like the yeast itself, should always be fresh.

Using yeast nutrition, you can get good harvest, in which you will be confident. Such cucumbers cannot harm either a child or an adult, since their fertilizer has never included chemicals. And it is very easy to make such fertilizing at home.

It's rare to meet a person who doesn't cucumber loving. You can cook a lot from this wonderful vegetable. delicious salads and snacks. Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables in Europe. Exists great amount the most various varieties cucumbers that differ from each other in taste, shape, size, yield, method of planting, and so on. In addition, they can be divided into earlier and those that are planted a little later. And, of course, one cannot help but mention taste qualities this wonderful vegetable. Cucumbers come in pickling, salad and all-purpose varieties, used in any form. And those that were grown with one’s own hands can be called especially tasty, because for any self-respecting gardener the greatest reward is tasty, ripe and high-quality products collected from one’s own garden. A loving owner carefully plants, waters, and fertilizes his “favorites,” using a wide variety of care methods, for their comfort and speedy maturation.

Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop; growth begins at temperatures of 12 degrees and above, flowering and fruiting begin at 25 – 28 degrees. However, excessively high temperatures are also undesirable for cucumbers. Also, when growing cucumbers, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity soil and air. At insufficient humidity the plant may shed its ovaries, become deformed, and during fruiting the yield may sharply decrease. This is due to the fact that cucumber leaves evaporate moisture in large quantities. In addition, the root system of the plant is located shallowly in the soil, so it is very important to monitor the humidity, whether in a greenhouse or in open ground. But one of the main points of proper cultivation remains feeding cucumbers. Nowadays, there are a lot of different fertilizers designed to suit any budget, and also used both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. Today we will talk about a relatively new method of feeding cucumbers - fertilizer using yeast. This fertilizing significantly improves the quality of the soil, due to the active development of beneficial microorganisms in it and enrichment with microelements necessary for qualitative growth.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast is a unique fertilization method of its kind. She carries within herself great benefit, and, due to its absolute naturalness, does not cause any harm to plants. Gardeners who have already fertilized cucumbers with yeast claim that a visible effect appears within three days after the solution is administered. The plant begins to grow actively, the greenery becomes thick and juicy. After a week, cucumbers treated with yeast can be twice as strong as their unfertilized neighbors. How can we explain such a miracle effect? Yeast contains a large amount of minerals and organic iron, which saturate cucumbers and provoke rapid growth and good health plants. Yeast also contains B vitamins, various amino acids, nitrogen and phosphorus. Proteins, contained in yeast in considerable quantities, are a complete “feeder” for beneficial microorganisms, which, in turn, help fight pathogenic bacteria, and also saturate the soil with useful substances such as phosphorus and nitrogen. It is also impossible not to note another unconditional advantage of this feeding of cucumbers - the possibility of using it at any stage of plant development. Thus, such a fertilizer applied both during planting and during fruiting will show an amazing effect. At correct use, feeding cucumbers with yeast can bring amazing results, the main thing is not to overdo it. So, after fertilizing with yeast, the following changes can be noted:

  • The development of the root system is significantly accelerated, which, in turn, helps to accelerate growth, increase productivity, and improve the quality of the fruit;
  • The immunity and stress resistance of cucumbers increases. This is an important factor in the process of transplanting seedlings and when transferring them from a greenhouse to open ground. The chances of survival increase significantly even without favorable conditions(for example, insufficient lighting or minor temperature changes.);
  • The root system develops many times better, which, in turn, is a powerful boost to productivity;
  • The growth of seedlings and the growth of green mass are accelerated;
  • The plant becomes much stronger and more resilient, and helps it fight pests and diseases more effectively;
  • The duration of fruiting time increases, and the taste of the fruit improves.

In addition, feeding cucumbers with yeast is environmentally friendly. pure method, therefore, vegetables grown with the help of this fertilizer can be safely served even to children, without fear for their health.

How to prepare yeast dressing for cucumbers: several recipes

In order to prepare yeast nutrition, you will need a little time and the simplest ingredients that can be found in every home. Naturally, it is best to use fresh, “live” yeast, but if you don’t have it on hand, you can replace it with bread crusts or crackers. Below are several recipes for preparing fertilizer using yeast.

  • To prepare such an infusion based on five liters ready solution for watering you will need:
  • one liter of warm water. It is important to know that to prepare yeast supplements, you must use only warm (never hot) water, since cold water can significantly slow down or even kill beneficial bacteria contained in yeast, this also applies to hot water;
  • one gram of dry baker's yeast;
  • one teaspoon of sugar.

Dilute the yeast in prepared water. Next, add sugar, stir the solution and leave to infuse for about two hours. Immediately before use, dilute the resulting infusion in five liters of water and pour this solution over the cucumbers under the root.

  • We dilute fifty grams of live yeast in one liter of warm water. Immediately before watering, dilute the solution in water at the rate of 1:5. This recipe is good because the solution can be used immediately and without waiting for it to infuse.
  • The recipe using dairy products has proven itself to be excellent. To prepare it you will need:
  • one litre warm milk(serum);
  • one hundred grams of live yeast.

We dilute the yeast in milk and let it brew for several hours. When the infusion is ready, dilute it in water to a total solution mass of 10 liters. This fertilizer can be used both for watering and spraying cucumbers.

  • A recipe with adding soil to the top dressing is also good. To prepare this feeding we take:
  • Dry yeast - one tablespoon;
  • Ascorbic acid – two grams;
  • Granulated sugar - one hundred grams;
  • Warm water - one liter.

We dilute yeast and ascorbic acid in water. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pour a handful of earth into the resulting infusion and leave to infuse for one day. One liter of this fertilizer should be diluted in a bucket of water immediately before use.

  • Another good recipe preparation of fertilizing - yeast fertilizer with the addition of bread. To prepare such feeding, half a bucket of bread cut into pieces (it is better to take both white and rye) must be filled with warm water. Next, add 100 grams of sugar and leave to brew for seven days. You can speed up this process by adding 100 grams of yeast to the infusion - in this case, the top dressing will be ready in three days. This recipe is suitable for plants grown exclusively in a greenhouse.
  • Feeding cucumbers with yeast with the addition of hops. To prepare this fertilizer you will need:
  1. 1 cup fresh hop cones;
  2. 1 packet of dry baker's yeast.

The hop cones must be brewed in one glass of boiling water. Yeast is added to the pre-cooled mixture and the whole thing is infused for about three hours. After the required period of time has passed, the infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water. This fertilizer can be used both for watering and spraying cucumbers.

Considering the heat-loving nature of cucumbers, planting in open ground occurs when the ground is sufficiently warmed up, and this is approximately mid-May. In addition, cucumber is a crop that loves short daylight hours, which means it would be more advisable to transplant it into open ground no later than mid-June. The place for planting cucumbers in open ground is selected based on the characteristics of this crop. So, before disembarking, it is necessary to consider the following factors:

  • Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop, but at the same time it does not like excessive heat. Therefore, it is necessary to plant cucumbers, being sure that frost will not return, in soil heated to 15 degrees and no later than mid-June, so that the air temperature does not exceed 28 degrees.
  • For high-quality growth, cucumbers need constant soil moisture. However, it is necessary to maintain an adequate watering regime, because if there is insufficient moisture, the cucumber becomes fragile and weak, and if it is too much, the fruit may taste bitter.

Knowing the basics for planting this crop, let’s return directly to feeding cucumbers with yeast. During the entire growth period, cucumbers planted in open ground are fed three times. The first time the crop is fertilized as soon as the sprout sprouts its first true leaf. It’s worth doing this at the root. The peculiarity of fertilizing cucumbers in open ground is that it is advisable to apply fertilizing in heated soil and being sure of dry weather. It is also possible to introduce other components along with yeast nutrition. This is especially true for mineral supplements, since yeast fermentation in the soil “eats” a large amount of potassium and calcium, therefore, constant renewal of these minerals in the open ground is required. The next time fertilizer is applied before flowering begins. Thanks to feeding during this period, the cucumber will have many strong, healthy ovaries. It is advisable to feed the plant for the last time during the fruiting period, namely after the first harvest. This way the cucumbers will gain strength and be ready for subsequent fruiting. Another important detail when feeding cucumbers with yeast is strict adherence to dosages. If overfed, the plant may not produce fruit, but green mass. It is advisable to pour fertilizer under the roots in the late afternoon, when the soil is sufficiently warm.

When growing cucumbers in greenhouse conditions, the plant depends entirely on human attention. After all, in the greenhouse the rain will not pour on it, the sun will not warm it, and the breeze will not blow across it. Therefore, to begin with, I would like to describe several features of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

The initial task of the gardener is to properly equip the greenhouse. It is extremely important to correctly distribute the ratio of the area and volume of the greenhouse, because the uniformity of temperature inside will depend on this. The optimal ratio for maintaining comfortable conditions in the greenhouse remains 1:2. In this situation, temperature fluctuations outside do not greatly affect the conditions inside the greenhouse. Next, you need to decide on the material from which the greenhouse will actually consist. Nowadays, preference is given to three options - greenhouses from film, glass and polycarbonate. Let's look at them in more detail. The simplest option for covering a greenhouse is a multilayer film. The main advantages of this option include low cost and ease of operation. It is also very convenient, if necessary, to ventilate the greenhouse - just remove one of the walls or the roof. In addition, the film is removed for the winter, which gives the soil access to fresh air and snow in winter. And this in turn is natural hydration soil. Now regarding the shortcomings. The film tends to wear out quickly and is very easy to tear. Therefore, its consumption is quite large. In addition, this material is not suitable for arranging winter greenhouse– save inside optimal temperature when cold weather sets in, it is unrealistic - there is too much heat transfer in a greenhouse covered with film. The next coating option is glass. Advantages include transparency, resistance to physical influences and chemicals. The disadvantages are heaviness, fragility and high thermal conductivity (the air in the greenhouse quickly heats up and cools down quickly). The third and most popular option nowadays is a polycarbonate greenhouse. At its core, polycarbonate is a polymer plastic. It is very good to use for creating year-round heated greenhouses. Thus, a greenhouse made of polycarbonate perfectly transmits light, while being protected from ultraviolet radiation. This design is quite flexible while possessing considerable strength. In addition, a polycarbonate greenhouse will last for decades, as it is the most wear-resistant of all the options listed. However, polycarbonate greenhouses also have their disadvantages. The temperature inside the greenhouse on hot days can rise to dangerous heights, so the windows in this design will not be enough. It is advisable to equip a polycarbonate greenhouse with doors on both sides in order to be able to properly ventilate the structure. Another important detail is the quality of the material itself. There have been numerous cases where a polycarbonate greenhouse was destroyed under snow pressure. Such troubles occur due to the use of cheap, more fragile material. Therefore, when choosing polycarbonate for a greenhouse, you should choose options that are more expensive, but also more durable. Due to their strength, good light transmission and temperature maintenance, polycarbonate greenhouses are the best option.

Next, no less important stage is to prepare the soil for planting cucumbers. It is very important to disinfect the soil before planting. For this purpose they are used special solutions containing copper. Be sure to use medications according to instructions. After a month after the disinfection procedure, you can introduce the prepared substrate into the greenhouse, ideally consisting of soil mixed with humus. Next, you should dig the soil well. It is also necessary to consider how the air and soil will be moistened, because, as mentioned earlier, cucumber greens have a very high moisture return, especially for polycarbonate greenhouses, the air in which on hot days can be much hotter and drier. Now you can proceed directly to the landing.

Next, you can think about feeding the cucumbers. In fact, fertilizing with yeast in greenhouse conditions is not very different from fertilizing in open ground. It is worth applying fertilizing no more than once a month - a total of three fertilizing per season. As described above, yeast is added for the first time when the first leaves appear on the seedlings, the second time at the beginning of flowering and the last time during fruiting. A prerequisite is well-warmed soil, since yeast in conditions low temperatures will not give the expected effect. It is worth remembering that the fermentation process entails the absorption of potassium and calcium, therefore prerequisite when feeding cucumbers with yeast, use ash, which will help make up for the loss essential microelements. Ash is poured under the root of the plant so that there is no direct contact with the plant, or it is added directly to the fertilizer.

Having found out the characteristics and preferences of this crop, you can safely begin feeding cucumbers with yeast. From all of the above we were able to learn the following details:

As mentioned earlier, fertilizing cucumbers with yeast is done 2–3 times per season. It is not recommended to use yeast more often for this purpose, since an excessive amount of fertilizer can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the plant; it can throw out a large amount of greenery, and fruiting will noticeably deteriorate. So, let's look at this point in more detail.

  • It is recommended to apply fertilizer for the first time as soon as the first leaves appear. This is done in order to enrich the plant with microelements necessary for high-quality growth. If the seedling is planned to be transplanted from one place to another, fertilizing with yeast will increase resistance to changes in temperature, humidity, and so on. In addition, feeding cucumbers with this method will help strengthen the crop’s immunity and make it resistant to diseases and repel pests.
  • The second time you will need to feed the cucumbers during the appearance of flowers. This step will provoke the appearance of more ovaries and strengthen the plant for high-quality and rapid growth. The fruits of such a bush will be large and strong, there will be more of them than those of its unfed counterpart.
  • And the third and final time, it is advisable to apply fertilizer during fruiting. This is done in order to restore the strength of the crop in order to obtain an additional wave of harvest.

It is necessary to prepare fertilizer strictly adhering to the chosen specific recipe. For preparation, only warm water is used, because too cold or hot can inhibit or even kill beneficial bacteria.

Today, summer residents, in pursuit of an environmentally friendly harvest, resort to growing vegetables on their plots without using chemicals, including refusing mineral supplements

But as the old Russian proverb says: “You won’t be satisfied with water alone, you also need food,” for plants this is nutrition. Even on well-fertilized soil, after a couple of weeks from nutrients not a trace remains, since some of them are taken by plants, and some are washed away by rains and watering. One of the environmentally friendly and affordable fertilizers is yeast. This method cannot be called new, since it has been used for many decades. For yeast feeding to be effective, it is useful to become familiar with the rules for its implementation.

What is yeast and its chemical composition

Yeast is nothing more than single-celled fungi. Microscopic organisms are widespread in nature and are found absolutely everywhere where there are sugary substances (glucose, maltose, sugar, sucrose). There are several types of yeast, but ordinary baker's yeast is used to feed plants.

The elemental composition of yeast is very rich; it contains a huge amount of macro- and microelements and vitamins. Plants fed with this widely available product receive:

  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • molybdenum;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium.

In addition to the fact that yeast itself carries a lot of nutrients, due to its unique composition contribute to the activation of beneficial soil microorganisms. As a result, rapid mineralization of organic matter occurs with the release large quantity nitrogen and phosphorus. This promotes enhanced plant growth and increased yield.

Interesting! Back in the twentieth century BC, people actively used yeast for their own purposes and did not imagine that they were living organisms. It was only in 1680 that the Dutch scientist Leeuwenhoek examined a yeast cell under a microscope. The liquid he was studying was beer. It was this scientist who first described and illustrated yeast as a microscopic single-celled living organism.

Pros and cons of “live” fertilizer

The addition of various yeast-based formulations has the following positive effects on crops:

The undoubted advantage of such fertilizers is their environmental friendliness, low cost, availability and quick action.

The disadvantages of this fertilizer should also be noted. During the formation of nitrogen from the soil, potassium and calcium are absorbed in large volumes, which leads to soil depletion. Over time, you can end up with soil that is poor in organic matter, rocky and difficult to develop. Besides, excessive amount nitrogen leads to fattening of plants when they activate the growth of leaf apparatus to the detriment of fruiting.

To receive only positive results It is necessary to add yeast in a certain form and at a certain time interval. We'll talk about this in the next section.

Important information! You cannot fertilize root vegetables with yeast starter: potatoes, onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, etc. This will cause unwanted growth of the above-ground part, to the detriment of the growth of the root part. In addition, this significantly worsens the taste of the fruit; they become grassy in taste and loose in consistency.

Frequency and effective recipes fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers

Yeast supplements are used for many vegetable crops, but the most beneficial effect is observed on tomatoes and cucumbers. The fruits of these plants are often consumed together, but the care and requirements differ significantly. Let's look at the features of yeast supplements for each of them separately.

Feeding cucumbers

Cucumbers growing under open air, fed according to the following schedule:

  • after the formation of the first true leaf;
  • at the beginning of the flowering period;
  • after the first wave of harvest yield.

The first feeding will help strengthen the weak root system plants and will contribute rapid growth lashes The second stimulates the formation of ovaries, and the third gives energy to grow and develop further to obtain an additional harvest.

Application timing in the greenhouse

Greenhouse cucumbers have the longest fruiting period and therefore need more nutrients. The following scheme is optimal for applying “live” fertilizers:

  • two weeks after transplanting into the greenhouse;
  • during the active flowering phase;
  • during the period of mass fruit set;
  • after each harvest wave.

The first feeding will help cucumber seedlings take root faster, the second will promote greater formation of ovaries, and all subsequent ones will prolong the growing season of the plant.

Recipes for feeding cucumbers

No. 1 Ash-yeast supplement

Fresh yeast in the amount of 100 grams is infused in a liter of slightly warmed water until a stable foam forms (2-3 hours). Then the yeast concentrate is introduced into a pre-prepared infusion of ash (1 glass of ash is poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 12 hours, then filtered and brought to 10 liters). Add 0.5 cups of well-crushed eggshells to the resulting ash-yeast solution. Consumption per cucumber bush is one liter of fertilizer.

No. 2 Milk-yeast foliar feeding

A hundred gram stick of yeast is dissolved in one liter of warm milk. Leave for 3-4 hours to ferment. Before use, dilute in ten liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed onto cucumber vines.

No. 3 Simple yeast feeding

Dissolve 50 grams of yeast in warm water (1-2 liters) and add one tablespoon of sugar. After the composition has been infused for five hours, it is diluted in five liters of water at room temperature. The beds with cucumbers are watered with nutritious mash.

Feeding tomatoes

Timing for applying “live” fertilizer in greenhouses and open ground

The frequency of applying yeast-based fertilizers in the greenhouse and in the open ground for tomatoes is the same. Experts recommend starting such fertilizing as early as the first pair of true leaves appearing on tomato seedlings. This will significantly strengthen small seedlings; they will more easily withstand picking and will not stretch out even with insufficient lighting. In the future, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • after picking seedlings into individual pots;
  • 12-14 days after transplanting the bushes to permanent place;
  • during the period of ovary formation;
  • for indeterminate tomatoes thereafter every 20 days.

Foliar feeding in the greenhouse is carried out exclusively in the morning, and root feeding - in the afternoon. It’s good if the weather is cloudy, this will prevent the process of rapid evaporation and useful elements will get into the plants.

In open beds foliar feeding carried out only in the late afternoon, otherwise it cannot be avoided sunburn leaves, and the nutrient solution will evaporate without having time to be absorbed. Fertilizer is also applied at the root in the evening.

Recipes for fertilizing tomatoes

No. 1 Complex yeast fertilizer

In ten liters of water dilute 10 grams of dry baker's yeast, ½ cup of sugar, half a liter wood ash and the same amount of liquid chicken droppings. The resulting concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 before use. One adult plant needs 1.5 liters of liquid fertilizer.

No. 2 Yeast feeding with the addition of ash

10 grams of dry yeast are diluted in 500 ml of warm water. Leave to brew for two hours. Then the resulting solution is poured into a ten liter bucket clean water and add 100 grams of granulated sugar and one glass of ash. Mix everything well and leave to ferment in a warm place for three days. Before use, one glass of the resulting infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water. Consumption per tomato plant – 2 liters.

No. 3 Milk-yeast fertilizer with added iodine

One hundred gram packet of yeast is diluted in warm whey (3 liters) and left to ferment in a warm place for 5-6 hours. Then the resulting volume is brought to 10 liters with clean water and 25 drops of iodine are added. The resulting mixture is sprayed onto tomato bushes.

Interesting! Gardeners have noticed that bees and bumblebees flock with pleasure to plants sprayed with yeast solutions with added sugar. Therefore, it is good to carry out such treatment during flowering; this greatly increases the chances of pollination of all flowers.

Rules for fertilizing

Regardless of the crop being fed and the place where it is grown, there are some general rules working with fertilizers based on healthy mushrooms:

Based many years of experience Using yeast as a fertilizer, the following useful tips have been compiled:

  • in order to speed up the fermentation process when preparing fertilizers, it is better to use iron containers;
  • It is better to choose warm days for applying fertilizers, since in well-warmed soil the effect of beneficial mushrooms is enhanced;
  • if you don’t have yeast on hand, you can replace it with yeast bakery products;
  • You cannot replace yeast with purchased kvass or beer;
  • if you soak tomato seeds in a yeast solution, they will hatch much faster, since yeast is an excellent biostimulant;
  • to compensate for the deficiency of potassium and calcium, add ash or eggshells;
  • yeast must be fresh and compressed; granulated yeast, produced in sealed bags as fertilizer, is not suitable.

By adhering to the rules and advice on the use of baker's yeast as fertilizing, every vegetable grower can easily grow a good harvest on his plot, without using chemicals. After all, yeast not only saturates plants with all kinds of nutritional elements, but is also an excellent prophylactic in the fight against fungal diseases.

The difficult years of the crisis in Russia are still affecting: personal plots and people plant in their dachas various cultures and successfully reap the harvest.

To ensure a decent cucumber harvest, use fertilizers. The secret is that many summer residents fertilize them with yeast to get crispy and juicy cucumbers. This article will be about their use in growing cucumbers.

The word “yeast” from Old Church Slavonic literally means “to tremble,” which very clearly explains what processes occur during this splitting process. People have used such a fungal component as yeast since ancient times to decompose organic matter into its components, as well as in baking.

These fungi are very useful and contain:

  • group of carbohydrates;
  • vitamins of groups D and B;
  • variety of minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, etc.

The beneficial effect of yeast for plants mainly lies in the fact that when dissolved in water, these magical fungi penetrate into the roots of the plant and accelerate its growth.

Yeasts themselves are simple fungal organisms. People have not only learned to use yeast to make alcoholic beverages, but also to make animal feed, and also as fertilizer.

It doesn't matter whether your cucumbers grow outside or in a greenhouse. Feeding with yeast will help the bushes form ovaries and actively grow and bear fruit throughout the gardening season.

Recipes for fertilizing for greenhouse and ground cucumbers

Cucumber plants growing in open ground are fed several times a season. The very first time you need to feed the plants with yeast is when their first leaves appear.

Next time, be sure to hold such events when the first flowers and ovaries appear. The time for the third stage of yeast feeding will come when the first fruits appear on the cucumber bushes. In a warm climate and favorable conditions, you can feed it a fourth time.

The main thing is not to overdo it with yeast fertilizers, otherwise too many leaves will grow on the bushes to the detriment of the fruits.

You also need to alternate yeast and mineral fertilizing- to cucumber plants received everything they needed for growth and fruiting.

It is very important to feed with nutrients every week cucumber bushes, growing all their lives in a greenhouse. It is better to feed yeast two weeks after planting in a greenhouse bed.

The second stage of yeast feeding is carried out when the first ovaries begin to appear on the plants. After carefully reading the recipes below, you will choose the ones that are most convenient for you.

Recipe with dry yeast

During the flowering period, for stimulation, buy a standard 10-gram packet of yeast, dissolve in 5 liters of warm water. Stir well and add half a glass of sugar. Leave the mixture to steep for a week. Under no circumstances should fermented concentrate be used undiluted - 1 glass of top-up per bucket of water.

It doesn't matter which external conditions your cucumber bushes grow: in a greenhouse or in the ground. The recipe is suitable for both.

For ease of absorption, loosen small holes near the stem of each bush so that the fertilizing is guaranteed to be absorbed into the roots. If it's a hot day, wait until the evening and do a beneficial watering when it's cool.

Feeding recipe with ascorbic acid A little trick in the form of 2 grams of ascorbic acid added to a package of dry yeast will reduce the number of “empty” ovaries on your plants.

Healthy mixture of bread and yeast

Original version useful solution for cucumbers consists of pieces of rye or white bread(you can take crackers), soaked in water, with the addition of starch syrup or honey (half a glass). Place everything in a bucket and fill it halfway with water.

You can add a little dry yeast (a couple of spoons) or 100 grams of compressed yeast. Let the mixture sit for several days. Before use, be sure to dilute with water 1 to 15.

Remember that the mixture does not last long. Use it immediately for watering and spraying. If the mixture sits too long, it can harm the plant.

Another recipe with sugar

Take any yeast you find: for baking, beer, alcohol, etc. Add 200 grams to half a packet of yeast. sugar, dilute with a bucket of water and heat the mixture to 40°C. This feeding should be enough for a good hundred bushes.

It is better to use this fertilizer immediately after preparation, but not earlier than two weeks have passed from the moment the cucumber bushes are planted in the ground (in a greenhouse or open ground). Let the sprouts get used to the new environment.


  • before planting seedlings in the ground (no matter in a greenhouse or on open garden bed) - water the sprouts with yeast fertilizer, after transplanting they will take root faster;
  • Do not under any circumstances add different infusions (herbs, garlic, bird droppings) to the yeast mixture. Such a mixture will not only not help, but will also negate all the beneficial properties of dry fungi;
  • do not water or fertilize cold soil - the soil should be warm. Choose the evening after a hot day;
  • do not neglect the ash - do not be afraid to add it to the ready-made yeast fertilizer;
  • buy only fresh yeast, old ones will be of no use, you will only waste time. There will be no harm from old fungi, but no benefit either;
  • using yeast is absolutely safe; ripe cucumbers grown using yeast supplements are harmless even for babies.

Fertilizer for cucumbers prepared according to folk recipes- This additional opportunity increase the yield of plants planted on your site, obtain environmentally friendly products, but also save on traditional fertilizers used in this case. One of these means is feeding cucumbers with yeast. Find out how to cook it folk fertilizer, as well as when and how to apply it correctly.

Yeasts are single-celled fungi. Their positive effect on plants is manifested in the fact that after getting into the ground they activate soil bacteria, which mineralize organic matter, as a result of which they become more suitable for absorption by cucumbers. Due to the activity of microorganisms, release from organic matter also occurs nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, in a form that is ideally assimilated by plants. But for a quick and long-lasting effect from the action of yeast, the soil must be well fertilized with organic fertilizers.

The beneficial properties of yeast do not end there. When dissolved in water, they release special substances that can enhance root formation, which is very useful for cultivated plants, especially on initial stage their development. It has been experimentally proven that powerful roots in cucumbers appear 10-12 days earlier after feeding than without it, and their number increases 6-8 times compared to the control, untreated group. The result of root growth is healthy and powerful cucumber vines, abundant flowering and fruiting, improving the quality of greens (they grow evenly, almost identical in shape, and do not become hollow). Another effect that yeast has on cucumbers is protection against various diseases, which is their undoubted advantage.

The effect of yeast fertilizing for cucumbers, provided there is a normal amount of organic matter, is quite long-lasting: after each such fertilizing, the plants do not need additional fertilizers for 1 or even 2 months. This allows you to significantly save fertilizer, effort and time that would be needed to apply other fertilizers. Of course, fertilizing cucumbers made from yeast cannot be considered a complete replacement for traditional fertilizers with organic and mineral mixtures, but they produce their effect. They can be used equally successfully both in a greenhouse and in open ground, with the only difference being that closed ground all processes will proceed faster than in open ground.

Timing for fertilizing

You can start fertilizing cucumber plants with yeast already at the seedling stage. You can fertilize yeast when picking seedlings or after transplanting seedlings into the ground. This will allow the transplanted seedlings to take root faster and begin to grow green shoots. The next time the plants are fertilized approximately 1-2 months later, when the previous one ends. At this time, the cucumbers are already blooming and the ovary is forming on them. You can feed cucumbers with yeast once a month during fruiting, until the plants have completely completed their growing season. In total, therefore, there will be 3-4 yeast fertilizing per season. Yeast acts very quickly: the results of each application can be seen after 3 days.

You can feed cucumbers with yeast according to another scheme. The first feeding is done a week after moving cucumber seedlings into the ground, the second - after fertilizing with superphosphate, the third - a month later.

Recipes for preparing yeast nutrition

To feed cucumbers, just cook water solution from dry or fresh yeast. It is prepared very simply; you only need to have the yeast itself, water and the container in which the preparation will take place.

Recipe 1

Dissolve 100 g of fresh yeast in 1 liter of water, warm but not hot, and then pour the resulting liquid into a bucket with 9 liters of water. This solution can be used on the day of preparation. You need to pour 1 liter under one root. If you add another 50 g of sugar to the yeast, then this solution should be left to ferment for 1-2 days, after which it should be used as well.

Recipe 2

Take 100 g of fresh baker's yeast and dissolve it not in water, but in 1 liter of warm milk, whey or some other dairy product. Leave to infuse for several hours, also pour the infusion into 9 liters of water and water or spray the plants.

Recipe 3

You can also fertilize cucumber plants with an infusion of dry yeast. For this, 10 g of granules and 2 tbsp. l. sugar must be dissolved in a bucket of warm water, left to brew, and before feeding, dilute 1 liter of infusion in 5 liters of water.

All solutions for watering cucumbers with yeast must be used immediately; leaving them for later is not recommended, so you will need to prepare a new fertilizer each time.

Features of feeding cucumbers with yeast

It should be borne in mind that manure, bird droppings and compost suppress the vital activity of yeast fungi, so they must be applied separately and left for some time before using yeast fertilizer. In addition, together with the yeast, it is necessary to add ash, which will serve as a source of calcium and potassium, which the yeast absorbs in the process of its vital activity. Calcium can also be added simultaneously with yeast, if you prepare their solution with the addition of milk or whey, or add crushed eggshells to it at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for each bush.

You can water cucumbers with yeast only in warm weather when the ambient temperature is not lower than 10-15 °C. The plants themselves grow well at temperatures not lower than these indicators, so it will not be difficult to adhere to this condition.

Reviews from gardeners

The use of yeast nutrition has long been known to vegetable growers, therefore, those who have used it leave their reviews.

I have been using yeast supplements for several seasons now and am always pleased with the results. The plants immediately become noticeably more powerful, grow faster, a mass of flowers appear on them, and the ovary does not fall off. Zelentsy grow even, uniform, there are no crooked ones. I recommend everyone to use this affordable product.Veronica

Feeding cucumber seedlings and mature plants is now a mandatory procedure for me when growing this and other crops. Preparing the solution is easy, the ingredients are always at hand, and the result, nevertheless, is always amazing. Both cucumbers and tomatoes, for example, react very positively to watering with yeast solution. After just a few days, the result is noticeable: the bushes begin to grow more actively, flowers and ovaries appear on them, fruiting lasts longer. Use this simple and available fertilizer on your site and receive healthy plants and a significant increase in harvest. Konstantin

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