This little miracle helper has become an integral attribute of any modern kitchen. She is both a master at preparing food and the first in line to heat it up. Due to very frequent use, plaque, greasy stains and dried splashes form on the inner surface of the microwave, and as a result, an unpleasant odor appears, which can also permeate the food heated in it. There is only one way out - to clean the microwave, and this should be done as often as possible.

Top 4 the best means for cleaning microwave oven
  1. Dishwashing liquid. By ordinary means for washing dishes, you can rid the microwave of sticky greasy deposits and yellow stains:
    • soak the sponge in hot water and wipe it inner part Microwave ovens;
    • apply a small amount to the sponge detergent and lather;
    • Wipe the microwave with this sponge, leaving foam on its walls;
    • leave it in this state for half an hour;
    • over time, remove the foam along with the dirt, periodically rinsing the sponge;
    • wipe it with a dry cloth, collecting excess moisture.
    If the microwave oven is very dirty, more foam will be needed. Therefore, you will have to periodically add detergent to the sponge.
  2. Soda and citric acid. The essence of this method is that when these two ingredients react, the dirt particles also dissolve:
    • take a bowl and pour 2 tbsp into it. soda and 1 tbsp. citric acid;
    • pour in a couple of spoons warm water;
    • take an old toothbrush, dip it in the sizzling mixture and apply the resulting product to the inner walls of the stove using rubbing movements;
    • rub all its walls in this way and leave for 15-20 minutes;
    • then remove dirt with a soft sponge.
    After such cleaning, even the unpleasant odor from the microwave is removed. After cleaning, the stove must be wiped first with a clean damp cloth and then with a clean dry cloth.
  3. Vinegar. The simplest and most popular method that has saved more than one microwave oven from grease and deposits:
    • Pour a glass of warm water into a microwave-safe bowl;
    • add 3 tbsp to it. vinegar essence;
    • Place the container with water and vinegar in the microwave at 500-800 W and set the time to 10 minutes.
    During this time, the steam released when the water is heated will eat away the adhering dirt and get rid of the unpleasant odor. After time has passed, take out the container and wipe the walls of the microwave with a damp cloth, removing all the dirt. Instead of vinegar, you can add a tablespoon of citric acid or the juice of one lemon to the water.
  4. Orange peel. Don't rush to throw it away orange peels after peeling the fruit, as they can be used to clean the microwave quickly and effectively:
    • place the peel in a microwave-safe container;
    • fill them with water, you will need about 1.5 cups;
    • turn the oven on full power, for about 7-10 minutes;
    • After some time, remove the container and wipe the walls with a damp cloth.
    This cleaning method will rid the microwave oven of dirt, plaque, bacteria and unpleasant odors in a matter of minutes.
Under no circumstances should you clean your microwave oven with abrasive cleaners or metal sponges. They will hurt protective coating inside the microwave, after which there is nothing left but to throw the useful device into a landfill or sell it for spare parts.

Hello friends! Today we will discuss a household topic, how to clean a microwave at home, effectively get rid of grease and odor, and do it with simple means such as vinegar, soda, water, lemon or citric acid.

It would be cool to wash a microwave like a kettle, put it under pressure of water, soap it up, rinse it off - and now it’s clean. But these are all fantasies... Today I planned to wash my assistant, and apparently you do too, since you are reading my article. Let's get together then! We are opening a flash mob for cleaning microwaves!

And before that, I will share with you all the secrets of quickly and effectively cleaning this device from tricky fat and food debris scattered around.

How to clean a microwave at home

So, how to clean a microwave at home? You yourself know that the whole difficulty of cleaning is to remove these corrosive droplets of fat that are not going to go anywhere voluntarily. Well, it’s okay, after today’s article you will be armed to the teeth with tricks, and the arrogant fat will have to accept defeat.

For those who regularly monitor the cleanliness of their assistant, it will also be useful to know these methods, it’s just that your cleaning time will be reduced by two or three times. And this is your well-deserved reward for maintaining order in a timely manner!

Before you start cleaning up your microwave, what should you do first? Of course, unplug it from the electrical outlet! This is a reminder for those who forget.

In general, cleaning the outside of a microwave is not as difficult as cleaning the inside. Take a damp cloth and wipe the door and all outside surfaces. The main thing is that the cloth or sponge is damp and not wet, otherwise water may get inside. And this is already fraught.

Wet wipes (any kind) can also remove light stains. I usually use antibacterial ones, especially for wiping down the control panel.

If some stains cannot be washed off, use a melamine sponge. The only thing is that it doesn’t need to be wiped inside. There is no place for it where there is contact with food!

To clean the inside of a microwave, you can now easily find a specialized cleaning agent for every taste and budget, or wet wipes designed specifically for this.

If you are not a supporter of unnecessary chemicals in the house, then next I will tell you about the simplest but most effective methods of cleansing using folk remedies. In the meantime, I want to warn you that when washing the microwave, your task is not to flood it with water. Since even very young readers read me, my warning will not be superfluous.

Water should not get into the inside of the device, so you can use wet sponges, but not soaking wet ones. And do not plug in the microwave until all surfaces are completely dry!

If you see that food debris has gotten into some holes or joints, then please do not turn into a homemade product, and do not unscrew or disassemble household appliance. Then it’s better to invite a specialist home, who will assess the situation and help resolve the issue. The case when you have to resort to outside help probably one in a thousand.

How to clean grease inside a microwave oven

You can clean the grease inside your microwave in different ways. Start by removing large remnants of food if any have warmed up in it. If there is practically no fat, or you find a few pinpoint droplets, then the simplest thing is to wipe them with a sponge soaked in warm soapy solution. Rub them a little and that may be enough for you. After this, remove any remaining soap using clean water.

Do not use abrasive materials(metal or very hard sponges, etc.) that cause scratches. This is especially important if the walls are covered with a layer of enamel.

If you see that there are few fat droplets, but it is inconvenient to scrub each of them with a sponge, then pre-steaming the inner surface and then cleansing is suitable for you. This key principle for all subsequent methods.

Under the influence of steam and the resulting condensation, all dirt and grease soften and then move away from the walls of the housing without any problems.

How to clean the inside of a microwave quickly

The fastest and easy way How to quickly wash the inside of a microwave is to take a deep plate/bowl and pour plain water into it. Then you need to put it on warm up for 5-10 minutes (depending on the power of your assistant), and then leave it hot water inside for another 5 minutes.

After this, remove the water and wipe the surfaces with a damp sponge. The dirt should come off easily.

How to clean a microwave with baking soda

If the previous method did not help you much, clean the microwave with baking soda. You can also add it to water, and then do everything as with ordinary water. Or you can prepare a paste by mixing it with water and apply it to dirty areas. It is not recommended to rub them vigorously to avoid scratching the surfaces. After using baking soda, wipe everything thoroughly with a clean sponge to remove any remaining residue.

Baking soda is known for its cleansing and disinfecting properties in household use, so don’t neglect this accessible way.

How to clean a microwave with vinegar

The microwave should be cleaned with vinegar if dirt is noticeable in it. The most important thing when choosing this method is to open the window so that the pungent smell quickly disappears and so that there are no children nearby. You can rid yourself of the smell by wearing a gauze bandage.

The principle is similar, take a bowl of water, pour 2 tablespoons of 9% table vinegar, and turn on maximum power for 5 minutes. Immediately after this, see if the fat comes off easily. If not, then you can do 1-2 more approaches for 5 minutes so that everything is completely soaked.

Do not overdo it so as not to spoil the enamel of the coating. After this, leave the dishes inside for 10 minutes, and then thoroughly wipe everything with a clean damp cloth. This is considered the most effective method, but due to the smell it is not suitable for everyone.

How to clean a microwave lemonor citric acid

One of the most nice ways To clean the microwave, use lemon or citric acid, or best of all, a combination of both. In addition to cleansing, citrus fruits provide a light, refreshing aroma. And who refuses to combine business with pleasure?

When it comes to citrus fruits, don’t limit your choice to just lemon; if you have orange, or grapefruit, or even lime on hand, feel free to use any of them. Sometimes lemon is replaced with citric acid, this is also an option, but it will not have the same smell as the original.

The recipe is as follows: take two small or one large citrus, then squeeze the juice into a bowl of water (about a glass or two), then cut the pulp into pieces of any size and also put it in the bowl.

If you use citric acid, replacing citrus fruits with it, then a 25 gram bag is diluted with 250-300 ml of water. It is not recommended to use this acid frequently, as well as the bite, and to overheat them in the device if its body is covered inside with enamel.

If you hate wasting fruit on washing the microwave, you can use their peels by also adding them to the water. The zest in the peel gives the main aroma, so if there are lemon peels left after a family tea party, you now know where to put them. Waste-free production, so to speak.

In all these options, the plate with the contents is also placed at maximum power for 5 minute intervals (their number depends on the heating power of your microwave). After warming up, the water with fruit simmers for another 10-15 minutes. And then the plate is pulled out, and the working surfaces are wiped with a damp sponge or rag.

How to get rid of odor in the microwave

It happens that in addition to cleaning the microwave, you need to get rid of the smell that may appear after heating fish or other strong-smelling foods, as well as after burning leftover food. Fortunately, all of the above methods with washing soda, vinegar, and citrus fruits are able to remove the smell in 99 cases and 100.

If this does not work, then the first thing you do is, in any case, thoroughly rinse the microwave, and then choose any of the following methods:

  • Use a solution of freshly brewed coffee (preferably natural, not instant), without sugar, wipe the walls of the device, then leave a cup with the remaining coffee inside and close the door. After 2-3 hours, remove the coffee and wash the surfaces clean water.
  • Activated carbon is a well-known absorbent. You crush several tablets and leave them in a plate for several hours or overnight. There is no need to heat it up.
  • Salt. It acts on the same principle as coal and absorbs odors. Pour it onto a saucer and leave it in the device overnight.
  • Some people use mint toothpaste. I haven't tried this option. It is mixed with water and applied to the walls, after 5 minutes it is washed off with clean water.

How to avoid grease and odor in the microwave

To make it easier to wash your kitchen helper, it is better to use simple rules, helping to reduce the amount of grease, dirt and odor. To do this:

  • Always cover food when you reheat it. Buy special plastic lids and don’t neglect them.
  • After heating food, leave the door open for a few minutes.
  • Clean your microwave once a week.
  • If after cooking or heating food you see fresh pollution, clean the device immediately, because when they dry, they will be more difficult to remove.

How to clean a microwave video

For a snack, I suggest you watch a video of how other housewives clean their microwaves.

Now you know exactly how to effectively and quickly clean a microwave at home, get rid of grease and odor using simple remedies– plain water, vinegar, soda and lemon/citric acid. Choose any product that you like and go ahead and clean it up!

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without a microwave oven. It is convenient not only to heat food, but also to prepare various dishes. Having a microwave greatly simplifies the process of preparing food. However, as with any household appliances, she needs care. Its constant use leads to the fact that the microwave becomes dirty, greasy stains appear on the inside and more. In our article we will tell you how to clean the inside of a microwave - there is a quick way, we will definitely talk about it below.

In order for your microwave oven to serve you for many years, you should know a few rules for caring for it. The very first and most important thing is that before you start washing it, you need to disconnect it from the power supply. These are basic safety rules that will protect you from possible negative consequences.

Experts recommend not using rough and hard metal sponges, as they can damage the inside surface of the microwave oven. Such brushes and sponges will only scratch the coating, and the service life of the microwave will be noticeably reduced.

You should wash your microwave very carefully. It is better to use water to a minimum, otherwise you risk getting some elements of the oven wet in water. It is highly undesirable to do this. In addition, when cleaning the inside of the microwave, you should use gentle cleaning agents. Any chemical drug will still leave sediment on the surface, which affects the quality of the prepared food.

Another piece of advice - if the dirt is very deeply embedded, you definitely shouldn’t disassemble the microwave yourself; it’s better to use the services of a specialist.

As the same experts say, it is better to start washing the microwave from the top wall and grill, then continue washing side walls, the lower part and only then the door. To reduce the frequency of washing the microwave, it is better to use a special plastic cap - when you heat food, it will protect the microwave from unnecessary stains. In addition, food splashes are removed most quickly if the walls of the microwave are washed immediately after heating the food.

Such simple tips will help you save a significant amount of time when caring for your microwave oven and extend its service life.

Cleaning the microwave inside: can be produced with citrus fruits, vinegar, citric acid, laundry soap or soda

How to clean a microwave?

Today there are many ways to clean a microwave. This can be done as a means household chemicals, and home methods. Let's take a look at each of these options.

Cleaning the microwave using household chemicals

Currently, many manufacturers of household chemicals offer consumers the opportunity to purchase products that are completely suitable for cleaning microwave ovens. These household chemicals have a fairly gentle composition that will not harm the surface or scratch it. As a rule, they are made in the form of a spray, which is convenient to apply and wash off. The spray is sprayed onto the walls and bottom of the microwave, left for a few minutes, and then washed off with a cloth soaked in warm water. Next, the surface needs to be wiped dry.

The spray should be sprayed very carefully, otherwise you may get on the electrical components.

Thrifty housewives use something else improvised means household chemicals - "Fairy". It not only helps to wash away fat dirty dishes, but also copes with difficult stains on the inside surface of the microwave. The principle is simple - apply the product to a sponge and wipe the surface with it. But there is another one, no less effective way- squeeze the cleaning liquid onto the sponge, foam it, put it in the microwave. After which it should be turned on for half a minute. This method effective if food splashes are difficult to clean up in the usual way. Fairy vapors soften dirt, and they are removed quite easily. The main thing is to make sure that the sponge does not melt.

Cleaning a microwave using traditional methods

Home remedies are as effective as store-bought household chemicals. The most the best products To clean the inside of the microwave oven, use fresh citrus fruits, citric acid, soda, vinegar and laundry soap. These products are non-toxic, allowing you to gently and quickly remove fat deposits without damaging the protective coating.

Cleaning the Microwave with Fresh Citrus

This method helps make the microwave cleaner, while filling it with pleasant food. citrus aroma kitchen area. Fruits can be any - lemon, orange, grapefruit or tangerine. Cut the citrus into pieces, transfer it to any container and fill it with water. Then place the plate in the microwave and leave it to heat for about 15 minutes. There is no need to remove the citrus fruits immediately; they should sit for a while.

Unplug the microwave and open the door. Takes out the plate and wipes the entire surface of the microwave twice - first with a damp, then with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of greasy residue left.

Cleaning the microwave with vinegar

Vinegar helps cope with even the most heavy pollution. Add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to warm water and place in the microwave. Next, it should be turned on to the highest high temperature and leave to heat the water for 15 - 20 minutes. With the help of steam generated on the walls of the microwave, stains are easily washed off. The only thing is that you shouldn’t open the stove right away; it’s better to do it after an hour. The kitchen should be well ventilated.

Cleaning the microwave with citric acid

The lack of vinegar can be compensated for with citric acid. The principle is similar - pour a bag of citric acid into warm water, put it in the microwave at maximum power, wait 20 minutes and turn it off.

Cleaning the microwave with baking soda

Soda - faithful assistant in the kitchen of any housewife. It even helps to deal with stains on the inside surface of the microwave oven. How to clean the inside of a microwave? Fast way using soda - 2 - 3 tbsp. Mix soda with 0.5 liters of water and place in the microwave for 10 minutes. The resulting vapors perfectly dissolve fat on the walls. After 20 minutes you can already wash the microwave.

Cleaning the microwave with laundry soap

Without laundry soap It’s hard to imagine dealing with stains. Our mothers and grandmothers also knew that this soap can cope with any dirt, including greasy deposits. To do this, the laundry soap is foamed and the resulting foam is applied to inner surface microwave, leave for half an hour and rinse with water.

Another simple, but no less effective way to quickly clean the oven is plain water. Pour it into a deep bowl and turn on the microwave for 15 minutes. After this time, we do not open the door immediately, allowing the steam to act on the stains longer. Then wash the microwave, carefully removing any dirt. This is how easy it is to wash your oven without resorting to additional products.

As we can see, cleaning the inside of the microwave quickly and with maximum results is not difficult. But in order to resort to the above methods as rarely as possible, you should cover the dishes special dishes. This will save your time and money.

It inevitably gets dirty. Fat is sprayed onto the inner walls. Many housewives encounter difficulties when cleaning the stove. Wiping off fat is not always easy. Many people do it completely wrong. Let's look at how to clean the inside of the microwave from grease so that it is clean and no harm is done to the oven.

A microwave is very helpful around the house. It is especially relevant for modern people who are constantly short of time. A microwave oven allows you to significantly save valuable time. But it’s not always possible to keep it clean. Folk recipes for cleaning internal surfaces come to the rescue. We will look at them below.

Internal coatings of microwave ovens

If everything is very clear with the outer coatings of most microwaves - they can be washed with absolutely any household chemicals, including powders, then the inner surfaces require a more delicate attitude. The surfaces of microwave ovens that reflect microwave rays can be of three types.

The first type of surface is enamel. The oven walls, covered with enamel, are not able to absorb fat, so cleaning them is very easy. But despite its simplicity, enamel is very easy to damage. If cleaned by mechanical impact, you can make a scratch on the microwave oven. Over time, a corroded area will form in place of this small scratch. It is very difficult to eliminate it. The basic rule when cleaning a microwave with enameled internal walls is to avoid using abrasive cleaning powders. The walls of the stove must be wiped dry. The slightest moisture provokes corrosion.

The second type of surface is stainless steel. This layer easily withstands temperature changes, but has one significant drawback. Stainless steel attracts grease and various deposits. On such a surface, streaks and stains literally instantly form - they simply stick to the stainless walls. It is very difficult to remove them. Large particles of abrasive cleaning powder will leave scratches on such a surface, and acid can cause darkening.

Microwave oven manufacturers also use ceramic surfaces. They combine the smoothness of enamel with the strength stainless steel. Grease stains from such a surface are very easy to remove with a damp sponge.

Cleaning the microwave oven with household chemicals

Any hardware store always has several types of microwave cleaners. Most often these are various aerosols, sprays and special liquids, as well as universal cleaners. Let's see how to clean the inside of a microwave from grease with your own hands using these products.

Regular laundry soap is the most accessible means to delete greasy stains. You just need to whip up a thick foam and then apply it evenly to the walls of the oven. Next, you should wait about 30-40 minutes and then rinse off carefully. The benefits of using laundry soap - it low price, as well as high-quality results. The downside is the smell. But if you need it quickly and cheaply, then this great option.

Also, ordinary dishwashing detergent is no less effective. It is recommended to dilute the liquid in warm water and wash the oven walls. A sponge is best. The foam must be completely removed and the entire surface wiped as dry as possible. If there is foam left somewhere, the food will taste like chemicals.

Special creams and sprays are available in the lines of most manufacturers. They allow you to quickly clean even the most difficult surfaces. Manufacturers claim that the cleaning process will take no more than five minutes. You just need to apply the liquid to the contaminated area and then wipe it off along with soot and grease. Household chemicals have a significant drawback - they are difficult to wash off, and some of them can get into food. This cleaning method is contraindicated if there are people in the house who suffer from allergies or small children.

The inside of the microwave should be cleaned regularly. Even if applied plastic cover, steam from the food will escape through the holes and then settle on the walls.

Selects special means

When choosing a cleaning product for a microwave oven, experts recommend choosing products in the form of a gel or spray. How to use them is written on the packaging. To remove fat with this product, it is applied to the entire inner surface, bottom, and also on the door. The gel is evenly distributed throughout the walls, the spray is sprayed. You just need to try to ensure that the liquid does not get into the grid that covers the magnetron.

Cleaning the microwave using folk remedies

How to clean the inside of a microwave from grease if there are not only special liquids, but even laundry soap? U modern housewives a similar situation happens. Folk remedies come to the rescue.


This is a simple, and most importantly, free option. To get rid of pieces of food and fat, place a bowl with warm water. Next, turn on the oven to maximum, wait 10-15 minutes, and then wipe the walls with a soft cloth or sponge. The wider the bowl, the better and more efficient the evaporation of the liquid will be, which means the cleaning effect will also be better.

Glasses and cups are not suitable for this. Ideally, it is a wide, medium-depth plate. To enhance the effect, you can pour a little dishwashing liquid into the water. This option can effectively deal with fresh stains. Tougher approaches are needed to combat the old ones.


If there are citrus fruits in the house, then they can also be used to clean the microwave oven. Lemons, oranges, tangerines are suitable. Let's see how to clean the inside of the microwave from grease using these products.

You need to peel the orange, then put the peels in a plate of water. All this fits inside the microwave. Then turn on the microwave at full power and let it run for five minutes. When the water starts to heat up, the zest will begin to release special oils, which, together with the steam, will soften pieces of food and fat.

Parts of fresh lemon can significantly enhance the effect and will also help get rid of unpleasant odors. Here the instructions are the same, but the oven must run for at least 20 minutes. It is also necessary to monitor the water level during the process - it should always be there.


This product is also an effective cleaning agent. Let's see how to clean the inside of a microwave with vinegar. So, dissolve two tablespoons of vinegar in one glass of warm water - apple vinegar works well, but wine vinegar can also be used. Citric acid will also work. Next, the solution is poured into a plate large diameter, and the microwave is turned on at full power. The timer should be set for 10-15 minutes. After disconnecting, you do not need to open the door immediately - you need to give the steam time. After 20-25 minutes, remaining dirt and grease can be easily removed with a sponge.


The instructions for microwave ovens often state that the internal surfaces must not be cleaned with abrasive powders. But with the help of soda, despite the fact that it is a powder, you can make the inside of the microwave oven as clean as possible.

So, you need a wide bowl - it is filled with two-thirds of water. Then mix 3 tablespoons of soda in the water. Set the timer for 15 minutes and turn on the stove. After 15 minutes, you just need to wipe off the dirt from the walls.

Here's how to clean the grease inside your microwave using baking soda. But at the end of the time, it is recommended to check whether the fat has eaten away. If traces of fat remain, the procedure must be repeated. Non-contact cleaning is suitable for all types of coatings.

Important little things

When thinking about how to quickly clean the inside of the microwave, do not forget about preventive measures. It is not recommended to use a hard bristle brush or steel wool for cleaning - this will certainly lead to scratches on the surface. When washing, you should try not to get the rag on the ventilation grilles or places where there is contact with electricity. During cleaning operations, it is better to completely turn off the device from the network.

It is better to wipe the inner surface every time after cooking or heating food - then you will not have to remove fat using special means. When heating, it is better to use lids. If products explode, it is advisable to remove them immediately.

Getting rid of odors

Sometimes the problem is not only how to clean the inside of the microwave from grease, but also unpleasant odors. Thus, the specific odors of various products are absorbed into the surface and will then be felt on other dishes. Removing them is quite difficult, but possible. In addition to using lemon and soda, you can use other solutions.

Hides the smell of coffee well. Rub the walls with instant or ground coffee, leave for two hours, and then rinse with clean water. It is not recommended to brew coffee inside a microwave oven. These stains are very difficult to remove even with specialized products.

Salt perfectly absorbs any odors. It's very easy to use. It is enough to pour no more than 100 grams of salt into a container and leave it in the oven for several hours. It works the same way activated carbon. From seven to ten tablets are crushed in a mortar and left inside the stove overnight. After time, the smell will be eliminated. This will keep your microwave looking and smelling “like new.”

In conclusion

Here's how to clean the inside of a microwave at home. By using simple products, which you always have at home, you can cope with any type of dirt without harming the delicate coating of the stove. If you constantly clean the internal surfaces, then general cleaning simply will not be necessary. Also, using folk remedies you can easily remove unpleasant odors. Plus folk recipes the fact is that all the ingredients are very accessible. You don't need to buy them for a lot of money. And the effectiveness of these products in some cases is even higher than that of professional products.

It's impossible to imagine modern kitchen without a microwave oven, it is so difficult to imagine a microwave without constant splashes of food and fat remaining in it after heating. To prevent washing your favorite assistant from becoming a daily routine, you need to know how to quickly clean the inside of a microwave. Below I will tell you in detail about 5 express methods.

Basic rules for cleaning a microwave oven

Cleaning a microwave at home will be much easier and more effective if you follow a few simple rules:

  1. If you want to wipe the inside walls of the microwave, be sure to first unplug it from the power supply.
  2. To clean a microwave oven, never use aggressive household chemicals; they can damage the surface of the device.
  3. During the process, do not use abrasives or scourers with metal inclusions.

  1. You must use the microwave carefully, constantly making sure that water does not get on the sensitive elements of the device.
  2. If dirt suddenly gets inside the microwave oven, you should not disassemble it yourself. Entrust this matter to professionals.

Express cleaning methods

Regardless of which method you choose, it will be based on creating a steam bath. I offer 5 of the simplest, but no less effective methods Cleaning the walls of the microwave with your own hands.

Method 1. Lemon

This method is one of the most effective and fastest among all those mentioned. It also has a pleasant bonus - by cleaning the microwave oven with lemon, you will provide it with fresh and pleasant aroma. To do this you will need:

  • prepare a container of water (about 500 ml);
  • a tablespoon of citric acid. If you decide to use lemon juice, then you will need 4 tablespoons;
  • mix the ingredients (if using lemon, throw in the rest);

  • turn on the stove at maximum power, setting the timer for 3-15 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination);
  • After the allotted time has passed, wait another 5 minutes without opening the door, then wipe the walls of the device. Wash inaccessible areas with a sponge soaked in the prepared solution.

If your microwave is covered with a layer of enamel, it is not recommended to use lemon too often.

Method 2. Soda

If you don’t have citric acid at hand, don’t rush to the store to get it. There is a very successful replacement that will definitely be found in your kitchen - soda. At correct use like condensation, it envelops the walls of the stove, erasing any dirt from them.

Instructions for using soda are as follows:

  • dilute a tablespoon of soda in 500 ml of water;
  • place the container with the solution in the microwave, close the door;
  • turn on the stove at maximum power for 10 minutes;
  • Leave the microwave for another 5 minutes, then wipe the inside surface with a damp sponge.

Method 3. Vinegar

Regular table vinegar will help remove grease from the microwave. It has only one drawback - a characteristic smell, which, however, quickly disappears.

  • Pour two tablespoons of table vinegar into a measuring glass of water (approximately 400-500 ml). Stir well.
  • Pour the solution into a heat-resistant container, place it in the microwave and turn it on at full power.
  • Select the procedure time individually, depending on the degree of contamination of your stove. For light stains, 5 minutes is enough; for more serious stains, it is better to wait 15.
  • Wait a little longer for the vinegar fumes to properly treat the walls of the microwave, then wipe them with a sponge.

Method 4. Steam bath

If for some reason you do not want to wash the microwave oven with vinegar and soda, then you can resort to even more the easy way. Just put a container of water in the microwave and warm it up for about 15 minutes. Do not open the doors immediately, let the resulting condensation soak the dried stains thoroughly.

In the end, all you have to do is wash the walls with a soft cloth or sponge. I would like to note that similar method Suitable only for light stains.

You can deal with old drops of fat only by keeping the dishes with water in the microwave for about 2 hours at medium temperature conditions. But what kind of express method is this? Can I still resort to the above options?

Method 5. Cleaning products

Now we're talking about not about mechanical cleaning using household chemicals, although you can easily use them during the cleaning process. Besides standard method, detergents can be used to create a cleaning steam bath.

So what will you need? Any product will be useful (be it Fairy, Gala, Pure, etc.), a sponge (without metal elements).

  • Squeeze a little dish soap onto a well-moistened sponge.

  • Squeeze it in your hand several times to ensure the product foams properly.
  • Place the sponge in the microwave and turn it on at minimum power for literally half a minute. Do not leave the stove, make sure that the sponge does not start to melt.
  • Unplug the microwave, open the door and use the same sponge to rinse the inside walls of any remaining grease.

Now you know a few very effective means for cleaning the microwave oven, but I suggest improving them. Here are a few simple secrets, which will make the cleaning process easier for you.

  1. Cleaning the inside of the camera should be carried out in accordance with next order: first of all, you need to remove the glass plate from the oven, then wipe the top wall, then the sides, and at the very end the bottom and door of the microwave.
  2. To clean your microwave oven as little as possible, buy a special plastic cap that will protect the inner walls of the chamber from splashes of heating food. Instead of a cap you can use cling film or heat-resistant transparent dishes.

  1. If you still can't get rid of the unpleasant odor in the microwave, try the following ingredients:
  • Soak a cotton swab or sponge in coffee (natural or instant). Rinse the inner walls with them and leave for two hours, then wipe the microwave with a clean sponge.

Despite the fact that coffee is great for fighting odor, you should not boil this drink in the stove. Stains from it are very difficult to remove.

  • Pour about 100 g of salt into a saucer, place it in the oven and close the door. After a few hours, simply remove the saucer.
  • Activated carbon works in the same way as salt. Only here you will need not 100 g of product, but only 7-10 crushed tablets.

To prevent the formation of unpleasant odors in the microwave, do not close the door immediately after heating or cooking food in the microwave. Allow the device to air for several minutes.

In conclusion

I immediately offered you 5 ways to clean the inside of a microwave for a very short time. Now the process of cleaning your electric assistant it will be much easier and faster. For those who want to learn even more nuances of this process, I recommend watching the video in this article.

Be sure to share your methods of cleaning a microwave oven in the comments, where you can also ask me any questions you have on the topic.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):