A home split system requires regular cleaning due to the large volume of air filled with particles passing through it. house dust, pollen, fungal spores and soot. Due to the presence of constant moisture in the device, condensation creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and mold fungi. If you do not regularly care for your home climate system, they spread throughout the entire living space, which can lead to the occurrence or exacerbation of respiratory diseases, from bronchitis to asthma and pneumonia.

Before you clean your home air conditioner yourself, you should find out how often a particular split system unit should be cleaned.

1. Frequency of cleaning your home air conditioner

Cleaning the air conditioner at home should be carried out twice a year, at the beginning and end of the peak load season for the equipment, that is, at the beginning of June and at the end of August. In addition, each individual element of the climate control system has its own recommended cleaning frequency:

  • The outdoor unit is cleaned once a year.
  • Air filters – cleaned every 2-3 months.
  • Fan – once a year.
  • Heat exchanger - once a year.

Important! If the room where the air conditioner operates is different increased level air pollution - cleaning should be carried out more often as the elements become dirty, which should be checked regularly yourself.

2. Cleaning the outdoor unit

Main causes of pollution external unit air conditioning are the following factors:

  • Down and feathers of birds.
  • Burnt and soot from vehicle exhaust gases.
  • Pollen from flowering plants.
  • Dust and sand carried by the wind.

Accumulating on the surface of the elements of the external unit of the air conditioner, debris and dirt reduce the functionality of the moving elements of the device, and also impair the thermal conductivity of the components, which can lead to the fact that the air conditioner stops cooling the air or begins to consume more electricity.

To clean the external outdoor unit home air conditioner, you should prepare a vacuum cleaner, steam generator and air compressor, if available.

The procedure for cleaning the elements of the external block is as follows:

  1. Remove the device housing cover.
  2. Remove large pieces of dirt by hand.
  3. Clean inner space unit using a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Wipe the fan impeller with a damp cloth or use a steam generator.
  5. Using a steam generator or compressor unit, clean the air conditioner condenser.
  6. After the treated elements have completely dried, return the housing wall to its place.

Important! When cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner at home, you should carefully ensure that water does not get on the electronic components of the device.

3. Cleaning the indoor unit

To clean it yourself indoor unit air conditioner, you should know that it consists of air filters, drainage system, fan and evaporator. We will look at the features of their cleaning in more detail below.


The first line of defense in home split system are air conditioner air filters that trap the bulk of dust and dirt contained in the surrounding air. It is for this reason that air filters have to be cleaned more often than other units.

The procedure for cleaning filters is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power supply.
  2. Lift and secure the panel at the top of the air conditioner.
  3. Remove the air filters (for your model, we recommend that you first read the instructions).
  4. Use a brush or a vacuum cleaner with a bristle attachment to remove most of the dirt.
  5. Place in a soapy solution for several hours, then rinse thoroughly under running water.
  6. Wait until the filter is completely dry.
  7. Set to original position.


In many models of home air conditioners, the module with blades can be completely dismantled, which makes it possible to wash it in water and soapy water. The procedure for cleaning a split system fan is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from power.
  2. Remove the front panel of the air conditioner.
  3. Remove the drain block and disconnect its power supply.
  4. Unscrew the screw connecting the fan to the motor rotor.
  5. Clean the blades soap solution and water, then wipe dry.
  6. Install everything in reverse order.

It is worth noting! Sometimes a home air conditioner can be cleaned with chlorhexidine and a foam cleaner. To treat the device using this method, you should first check the instructions for any prohibitions on the use of strong chemicals.


To wash the evaporator of a split system with your own hands, you should disconnect the device from the power supply, remove the front panel, remove the filters and treat the evaporator with a brush with long bristles. After treating with an antibacterial agent, dry the module and install all the elements back.

It is worth noting! Along with cleaning the evaporator with the same brush, it is also recommended to clean the radiator and heat exchanger of the air conditioner.

Drainage system

To clean the air conditioner evaporator unit, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the device's power plug from the outlet.
  2. Remove the front panel, dismantle the filters and drainage system.
  3. Rinse the tubes under running water and treat with an antifungal agent.
  4. The container of the drainage block itself is treated with a strong soap solution and rinsed under running cool water, after which a layer of antibacterial agent is applied.
  5. After drying, all parts return to their places.

Important! An antifungal tablet can be placed inside the drainage module container.

4. How to clean your home air conditioner: Video

5. Conclusion

Home conditioner treatment is more surface cleaning device elements. Complete cleaning home air conditioning should be carried out in service centers, where all modules and units of the device are dismantled and thoroughly cleaned and treated with an agent against bacteria and fungi.

To find a specialist to clean the air conditioner, as well as other household appliances publish your order on our exchange, indicating the amount acceptable to you. After some time, the performers will respond to your instructions.

Everyone strives to create in an apartment comfortable conditions Therefore, air conditioners are often installed that cool (heat) the air and create a favorable temperature in the room. But it’s one thing to install, and another thing to remember that the air conditioner requires care and cleaning.

When is it time to clean your air conditioner?

It's time to clean the air conditioner if, when you turn on the device:

  • the nose detects foreign unpleasant odors;
  • strange sounds are heard;
  • power drops;
  • energy consumption increases.

Before carrying out any work, the air conditioner must be disconnected from the power supply.

How to clean the external unit of the air conditioner?

If there is accumulation on the outdoor unit large quantities dust, natural debris - feathered or poplar fluff, then not only the power of the air conditioner decreases and electricity consumption increases, but the device also begins to overheat greatly. Therefore, the body must be cleaned.

There are several ways to clean the external unit of the air conditioner:

  • One of the most common cleaning methods is a regular brush, which is used to carefully sweep away debris. Of course, this method is ineffective, but it is the simplest and most accessible.
  • Some people clean the body with vehicles. They dissolve contaminants quite quickly and have proven themselves really well.
  • The most powerful way is to clean under high pressure, which is used by specialists:

How often should it be washed? It depends on what height it is mounted at. Owners living on low floors (1–4) need to wash them before each use of the device during the season. But for the residents upper floors(7–8), where there is already little dust and pollution in the air, can be cleaned once every 2-3 years. Above the 10th floor, almost no pollution is observed, so you can think about washing the outer casing of the air conditioner once every 3–4 years.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner

The indoor unit must be washed regularly and more often than the outdoor unit. Some units need to be cleaned once every 2 weeks, others less often, depending on how quickly they become dirty and what task they perform.


The main task of internal filters is air filtration, dust retention and various contaminants. They are the ones who make the air cleaner, so they need regular cleaning. Air conditioner manufacturers recommend cleaning them once every 2 weeks. Despite the simple operation, many people forget about it, and as a result - foreign odors in the room or the split system is broken.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Remove the cover of the indoor unit.
  2. Carefully remove the filter.
  3. Place it in a container with soapy water for 3 minutes.
  4. Then rinse under running water warm water.
  5. Dry naturally. They cannot be exposed to hot air.
  6. Set in place.

The filter is a fragile part. Therefore, it is prohibited to use it for washing. hot water, abrasives, solvents and bleaches. They can cause deformation and damage to the part.

There are two types of filters - mesh and pocket. If the first type can be washed and dried repeatedly, then pocket ones have an expiration date. If over time the air conditioner begins to work worse even after the cleaning procedure, then it is time to replace the cassette filter.

Rotary turbine

When washing filters regularly, clean them once a year in the fall or when they become dirty. How to proceed:

  1. Open the cover of the indoor unit and remove the filter.
  2. Apply a soap solution to all blades using a long-bristled brush.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes. Cellophane is placed under the diffuser grille and the turbine is turned on. All dirt and debris from the rotor is blown onto the floor.
  4. Clean the parts again from any remaining dirt.
  5. Return the filter to its place and close the lid.

Evaporator grille

It is a system of tubes in which freon evaporates.

If during cleaning you notice rust on metal parts, contact the service center immediately.

Cleaning is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Open the cover of the split system.
  2. Remove the front grille that covers the heat exchanger.
  3. Take a soft brush from long handle and a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Using a brush, carefully remove dust and dirt and collect with a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle.


Stagnation in the drainage system provokes the development of mold. And clogging of the pipes with dirt and fatty deposits leads to breakdown of the split system. Therefore, periodically wash the drain pan from dirt and excess moisture. After all, mold easily and quickly spreads along the walls and plates of the radiator and can become a source of musty odor.

The drainage system is cleaned depending on the degree of contamination different ways:

  • At slight contamination they just wash it clean water or add soap or dishwashing detergent. Through the heat exchanger, the liquid itself enters the drainage.
  • If there is a blockage or dirt has deposited inside the tube, then the drainage is disconnected for flushing. The pipeline is blown out with a vacuum cleaner, thereby removing the blockage and clearing it of accumulated dirt.
  • For high levels of contamination use the most labor-intensive, but very effective method- parsing the block. To do this, the air conditioner will have to be completely disassembled in parts. The pipeline is pulled out, blown out and washed along its entire length, cleaning all bends and loops.

When the split system is completely washed and put in order, the final stage is antibacterial cleaning. It removes foreign odors, eliminates germs, fungi and mold. To do this, the air conditioner is turned on at maximum power, the mode is cooling, and a spray for cleaning air conditioners is sprayed inside.

Air conditioner cleaning products

For washing air conditioners there are special means. They are presented on store shelves wide range. These are mainly aerosols and foam in cans. They are used to clean the heat exchanger and drainage system.

Aerosols and sprays

How to clean:

  1. The air conditioner is turned on at low power.
  2. Spray the aerosol through the holes onto the heat exchanger.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes while the cleaner works.
  4. Ventilate and dry the device in ventilation mode (see also what modes there are in an air conditioner).

Some products must be additionally rinsed off the heat exchanger; the manufacturer must indicate this on the packaging.

Minus funds: They are used up quickly - on average they are enough for 2 cleanings, and when heavy pollution they do not always cope with the task at hand.


Foam is more often used to clean only the heat exchanger. How to clean:

  1. Shake the container well.
  2. Spray evenly onto the heat exchanger.
  3. After a while, it turns into liquid and, along with contaminants, goes into the drainage system.
  4. After cleaning, turn on the ventilation for drying.

Video: Disassembling and cleaning the air conditioner

ABOUT maintenance air conditioner - cleaning filters and other elements of the indoor unit will be described in the following video:

Whatever cleaning method is chosen, the filters and external unit can be washed without fear on our own. For deep washing internal system it is better to call professionals, since any, even the most insignificant violation, can lead to improper operation of the system or to its breakdown.

In contact with

During operation of the air conditioner, a layer of dust inevitably settles on its internal elements. Over time, this not only leads to deterioration in the performance of the device, but also increases the likelihood of its failure. You can remove debris and perform cleaning work yourself, without the involvement of specialists. But for this you need to know the procedure and the requirements for the technology for carrying them out.

The question arises: is it necessary to clean the air conditioner yourself if there are a number of specialized companies? Every housewife is able to clean a vacuum cleaner from accumulated debris, be it a model with a receiving package or a built-in filter. The situation is the same with the air conditioner - the only difference is the somewhat labor-intensive process of removing the outer cover. Otherwise, the technology is similar to cleaning household vacuum cleaner, but with some specifics.

Let’s imagine that no preventative work was carried out for a long time. The accumulated layer of dust can lead to the following problems in the operation of the device:

  • Deterioration of sanitary conditions in the premises. Dust particles will constantly spread throughout the room. The appearance of an unpleasant odor indicates the growth of colonies of harmful bacteria.
  • Deterioration in the performance of the air conditioner. A natural obstruction in the air filter in the form of a layer of contamination impairs the volume of cooled air flow. A layer of dust on the heat exchanger reduces the efficiency of the entire system.
  • Increased risk of breakdown climate system. As a result of the increase in fan air resistance, the load on the electric motor increases significantly.

Having determined that periodic cleaning of the air conditioner is necessary, you can begin this procedure. But how often should it be done? Depending on the system load, experts recommend adhering to the following time intervals:

  1. Household air conditioner – once every 6 months.
  2. Office – once a quarter.
  3. Climate system in places with high traffic (restaurants, cafes, public institutions) - once a month.

Let's look at the procedure for cleaning the indoor unit of the most common type of air conditioner -.

Air filter maintenance

When cleaning the air conditioner, use a vacuum cleaner or a long-bristled brush to remove accumulated dust. You should work very carefully so as not to damage the internal elements of the device. If there are rusty deposits on the surface of the heat exchanger, you need to call specialists to repair it.

All other work on servicing air conditioners can only be performed by professionals - adjusting the refrigerant level, checking the outdoor unit. This requires special equipment and skills in conducting such events.

Air conditioners are an integral attribute of many modern apartments. Like any equipment, they need maintenance and sometimes repair. If you want your air conditioner or split system to serve for a long time and perform its functions efficiently, they should be cleaned and refilled regularly. To do this, you can invite professionals, however, there is nothing difficult in doing this work yourself. You just need to understand the technology for servicing the device.

Air conditioner cleaning method

To clean and cool the air, air conditioners have a powerful filtration system. If it becomes clogged, the functionality and performance of the device decreases, and energy consumption increases. As a result, this will lead to rapid wear of the air conditioner and its failure. The internal and external unit of the device needs cleaning.

Causes of air conditioner contamination

Pollution of the external and internal units of the air conditioner provokes huge untreated air masses, which the device passes through its filters every day. They are the reason that during the operation of the device it begins to appear. bad smell and noise. The units of the device regularly come into contact with condensate, which means that cleaning of air conditioners must be carried out regularly.

Changes that occur in the operation of a device tend to accumulate gradually, reaching a critical level when the device simply ceases to cope with its functions and breaks down.

There are certain factors that influence the degree of wear and contamination of the air conditioner. This is the level of air pollution, its humidity, as well as the height at which the external unit of the device is located. Thus, air conditioners that operate at a height of 12-15 floors absorb much less dust than below, because at such a height the concentration of air pollutants is much lower.

You should clean the air conditioner yourself immediately if you begin to notice the following features of its operation:

  • Unpleasant odor immediately after turning on the air conditioner;
  • Leakage of the indoor unit of the air conditioner during operation;
  • Noise appears when the device is turned on and operating.

Cleaning work must be carried out at least twice a year: before the start of the spring-summer season and before winter.

Air conditioner filter cleaning technology

The filter system in air conditioners and split systems is the most vulnerable part of the equipment. The filter is like a fine mesh that is located under the front panel of the air conditioner. Through it, air enters the device. The mesh catches the smallest dust particles and protects both the air coming out into the room and various parts of the air conditioner, such as the radiator, from contamination.

The filters of the device should be washed as often as possible. It is recommended to do this once every 14-20 days. If your air conditioner operates in an industrial area, then you should clean it even more often.

Before cleaning your air conditioner, you should remember that it needs to be done delicately. Under no circumstances should you roughly rub filters or use household filters. detergents. Firstly, if your air conditioner fails due to improper cleaning, it will not be repaired under warranty. Secondly, household chemicals will pollute the air that the device releases into the room.

To clean the filters, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the top cover of the air conditioner. From there we take out the upper filters.
  2. Soak the filters for 5-10 minutes in a warm soapy solution. During this time, dust and grease should move away from the mesh.
  3. We clean the rotary fan, which looks like a roller. It moves streams of cooled air from the device into the room. Dust and grease accumulate on the blades over time. Apply the solution to the blades laundry soap.
  4. Covering the floor cling film and turn on the air conditioner 5-10 minutes after applying soap to the blades. The device begins to clean itself of dirt.
  5. In this mode, the air conditioner should operate for several minutes. Then we finish cleaning the blades with a brush until there is no dirt left on them.
  6. We clean the ventilation holes that are located on the top cover of the device.

Rules for cleaning the air conditioner heat exchanger

The air conditioner heat exchanger also needs regular cleaning. It looks like a regular radiator. Heat exchanger various models It is located either under the lid, which opens, or under the filters. The last option is inherent in models with a double air purification system.

To clean it, we proceed according to the following scheme: open and remove the front grille of the device, and use a long-bristled brush or vacuum cleaner to clean the radiator fins. We do this slowly and carefully so as not to damage the unit and avoid injury.

If the heat exchanger is very dusty, steam cleaning will be required. It is performed only by qualified specialists using their special equipment.

The indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner can be cleaned using a special spray. It has a disinfecting and disinfecting effect. Use it by spraying onto the radiator until it drips onto the floor. Leave the liquid for 2-3 minutes and then repeat the procedure. Then you need to remove the remaining spray from the tubes and body.

Remember, you cannot wipe the heat exchanger. Otherwise, you can wrinkle the lamellas and ruin the packing. Excess product should drain naturally.

Instructions for cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner

The external unit of the air conditioner, as a rule, is no less dirty than the internal one. Therefore, it also needs regular maintenance. Cleaning work should be carried out a couple of times a year, even if the device is used intensively.

A vacuum cleaner is also used for cleaning. Please note that it must be quite powerful. This is the only way he can remove all the dust from the heat exchange radiators and external filters.

If the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is located high above the ground, then simply unscrew the grille that protects the inside of the device. Next, we process the internal elements with a vacuum cleaner and wipe with a soft cloth. If this cannot be done, then it is better to hire specialists who remove the device using a tower and thoroughly clean it.

Automatic air conditioner cleaning

Most of modern air conditioners and split systems have expanded functionality, which includes the system automatic cleaning. It is done in a simple way: air currents move idly through the system. This ensures drying of the heat exchanger and various internal parts of the device.

Some new air conditioner models use an ion air purification system. A special device helps to bind nitrogen and oxygen ions with dust particles, they are thus charged and “caught” by the dust collector. Some other models use ionized water dust in their work, as well as air mass ionization and multi-stage filtration systems.

If the air conditioner has a built-in touch sensor, then the device can independently take into account the air composition and start the self-cleaning system at the right time.

Maintenance of the latest generation air conditioners has been greatly simplified. However, it should be remembered that no device can reach the filters and wash them with soapy water! Therefore, even innovative systems require manual cleaning.

Rules for refilling the air conditioner with freon

At regular work air conditioner there is a process of freon leakage. The norm is 6-8% refrigerant loss. This is explained technological nuances connections of tubes in the device. To prevent freon from leaking to a critical level, it must be constantly refilled.

Choosing freon for refilling the air conditioner

During standard operation of the air conditioner, refrigerant refilling is rarely needed. Freon leakage occurs depending on the intensity of use of the device, temperature conditions and other factors. You can determine that it’s time to refill the air conditioner by the following signs: poorly cooled or uncooled air enters the room, frost has formed on the external unit of the device.

As a rule, it is enough to refill the device twice a year. Remember that failure to refill the air conditioner with refrigerant in a timely manner will not only result in the room being poorly cooled, but also in the breakdown of the device over time, as it will constantly overheat.

Freons are used differently for refrigerators and air conditioners. You should not skimp on refrigerant, as otherwise there is a risk of damage to the device. Proper refilling with high-quality freon can significantly extend the life of equipment.

Three types of refrigerants are used to charge modern air conditioners:

  1. R-22. This is a classic freon for air conditioners. He has proven himself better than everyone else. The advantage of this gas is its low price. When leaking, its components evaporate evenly. The disadvantage of this type of refrigerant is its detrimental effect on the ozone layer.
  2. R-410A. This new variety refrigerants. Freon of this type does not destroy ozone layers of the atmosphere. Air conditioners using this freon operate with greater efficiency, since it allows you to use more operating pressure. With its help you can significantly save on electricity.
  3. R-407C. This gas consists of three types of refrigerant: R-32, R-134A, R-125. it's the same new type freon, which spares ozone. It will not be possible to partially refill the air conditioner with this gas. It is not isotropic. Because of this, the lighter gas particles evaporate first. Therefore, you should completely remove the gas components from the system and start refilling completely from the beginning.
Other types of freons, such as R-8, are not recommended for refilling the air conditioner. The efficiency of the device will drop several times. This will lead to excessive energy consumption and a decrease in the performance of the device.

Note! Freon is a completely safe gas. Refilling the air conditioner with your own hands at home is absolutely harmless to human health.

Preparatory work before refilling the air conditioner

Before filling the air conditioner with freon, you need to carry out certain preparatory work, which are as follows:
  • Dry the air conditioner. We do this by blowing with nitrogen or freon. The last gas is used when the initial installation was done completely correctly.
  • Check the air conditioner for leaks. To do this, we create pressure. If the integrity of the system is compromised, the location of the damage should be determined. For this we use ultraviolet radiation. The indicator will begin to glow in ultraviolet rays.
  • We remove air from the pipes by vacuuming.
  • We calculate the amount of freon that will be needed for refilling.

Technology for refilling air conditioner with freon

The process of refilling the air conditioner is possible in several ways: by pressure, by mass, using a sight glass. In the first case, you will need a pressure manifold. In this case, refilling is carried out in small portions, each dose of gas is checked against the pressure gauge and the manufacturer’s instructions. In the end they should coincide.

When refueling by weight, it should be mandatory Evacuate the circuit and evacuate the freon. The cylinder is weighed on special scales and the required amount of refrigerant is charged. It is possible to use a filling cylinder.

When using a sight glass, you can monitor the condition of the freon. While a stream of bubbles is visible, the system should be charged until a uniform flow is established.

Most often, refueling at living conditions carried out using a pressure gauge, and it happens like this:

  1. We set the temperature to 18 degrees and turn on the device for cooling.
  2. We find the largest tube of the external unit.
  3. Open the cap and connect the pressure gauge using a hose. We connect its second end to a gas cylinder.
  4. We set the standard operating speed of the air conditioner and begin to measure the air temperature level with a digital thermometer.
  5. We gradually open and close the valve of the gas cylinder and monitor the readings. The pressure in the system must increase, as well as the temperature.
  6. We bring the pressure to 5-7 bar.
  7. When frost appears on the valves and pressure gauge, stop the filling process.
  8. Disconnect the cylinder and pressure gauge and install the cap back.
  9. After the system is charged, the air conditioner should be tested.

Basic air conditioner malfunctions and how to fix them

If your air conditioner is not working as efficiently as before, or has stopped working altogether, you need to get it diagnosed. Sometimes you can repair an air conditioner yourself without involving specialists.

The causes of breakdowns can be different:

  • Air conditioner won't turn on. The first reason may be a simple failure of the batteries in the remote control. Check their serviceability. Also check if the device is connected to the mains. Try turning off and turning on the air conditioner again. If all manipulations do not help, contact the service center.
  • Presence of water and excess condensate in the cooling system. This sign most likely means that the water supply drain valve is clogged. This can lead to the formation of an ice jam. First of all, it is necessary to warm up the drainage system to a temperature of +6 degrees. If a traffic jam has already formed, then all that remains is to wait for warming and its melting. It is strictly prohibited to turn on the device for cooling if an ice plug appears. Otherwise, repairing the air conditioner will be quite expensive.
  • Clogged filters. A sign of a problem is low air cooling. Once you disassemble the system, you will immediately discover the problem. In this case, it is enough to wash or change the filter.
  • Strong draft. This problem can be fixed quite simply. The oscillating function of the blinds can help. Most people have it modern models. Set the desired mode using the device's operating instructions.
In all other cases, if the air conditioner malfunctions, you should have it repaired service center. It is not recommended to disassemble and dismantle the device yourself.

How to clean the air conditioner - watch the video:

Servicing an air conditioner with your own hands is a completely feasible task for the user. Take precautions when using it and promptly note any problems or abnormalities in operation. This way you can timely diagnose a lack of freon, clogged filters or more serious breakdowns of the device.

With the onset of the hot season, the truly hot time for air conditioners begins - depending on the vagaries of the weather, climate control equipment works with maximum load: After all, air pollution is higher in summer.

To protect yourself from unexpected failure of the air conditioner, it needs to be cleaned regularly, preferably annually.

It happens that even if this rule is followed, the equipment begins to make uncharacteristic noises, water may suddenly drip from it, and when turned on, an unpleasant musty smell is felt.

This is explained by the accumulation of dust and dust on the working surfaces of the air conditioner, which significantly reduces the effect of the device’s operation, while increasing its energy consumption.

Clean it yourself?

Air conditioner, installed at home, can be cleaned either independently or by service specialists.

Let's consider the first option, since, subject to simple rules and recommendations, cleaning the air conditioner from contaminants will not take much time. The regularity of the procedure will allow you to contact specialists as little as possible and save not only time, but also money.

The frequency of cleaning the air conditioner depends on the nature and purpose of the room in which it is located. The main indicator is dust content in the air. If it is high, then you will have to clean the filters of the indoor unit at least 2 times a month.

As a rule, household air conditioners located in apartments need cleaning approximately once a month: household dust and moderate humidity residential premises are quite acceptable for such a regime.

Cleaning the indoor unit

  • Open the top panel of the device. To do this, grab the side edges with both hands and carefully pull towards you and slightly up until it stops. Of course, before these manipulations, the air conditioner must be disconnected from the network.
  • We will see mesh filters. We take them by the special protrusions at the bottom and, lifting them a little, pull them towards us. After that, we take them to the bathroom and wash them with non-aggressive detergents.
If the filters are significantly dirty, they should be immersed in a warm solution washing powder or laundry soap shavings and leave for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. Be careful: the filters are made of fine plastic mesh, which is easy to damage.
  • We insert the washed and completely dried filters into place, after which the indoor unit of the air conditioner is ready for further operation.

If you notice any questionable odors when the air conditioner is running, you will need an antiseptic for the air conditioner. But it can be fully replaced with disinfectants from a regular pharmacy.

To process, the air conditioner must be turned on, and the temperature should be at a minimum and the air flow at a maximum. Antiseptic treatment is carried out with removed mesh filters by spraying the solution so that it gets inside the cooling radiator. After 15-20 minutes the smell will disappear without a trace.

If the indoor unit begins to “cry”, its drainage system is clogged with a dust plug or an accumulation of dense mold and needs to be cleaned. To do this, the tube from which the water drips should be thoroughly blown out. Unfortunately, this measure is temporary and requires further calling a specialist to properly solve the problem.

Cleaning the outdoor unit

We should not forget that, in addition to the internal one, the air conditioner also has an external unit. It is much more susceptible to contamination when located on outdoors and taking on precipitation, fat, resins, fluff and dust of various origins.

If you do not pay enough attention to regular cleaning of the outdoor unit, its significant contamination, even blocking the air passage between the heat exchanger plates, will lead to failure of the entire system.

So, if the external unit of the air conditioner is within reach (on the balcony or at a small height from the ground), you can clean it yourself. To do this, you should have a brush, rags and a powerful vacuum cleaner.

To gain access to the parts of the external unit, unscrew the bolts protective grille. Then vacuum the heat exchangers and filters on maximum power, then carefully clean them with a brush and wipe them equally delicately with a rag.

These precautions are due to the fact that the insides of the external unit of the system are covered with a thin protective layer.

The highest quality cleaning of outdoor units is achieved by washing with water or special preparations under pressure, for which specialized equipment is used. But this is already professional method cleaning, which is strictly not recommended to be used without appropriate preparation.

Having learned the procedure for self-service climate control technology, it will be very useful to watch a video that clearly and in detail shows how to clean your home air conditioner.

Do-it-yourself preventive measures for cleaning the air conditioner under no circumstances cancel the planned service maintenance. They only serve as an auxiliary measure that significantly increases the life of climate control equipment and allows you to avoid many troubles.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.