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  • ​B open ground never stepchild Tomato plants have the property of self-regulation. As much as they can, as much fruit will be born. For greenhouse hybrids, this technique is required.​
  • Any tomatoes produce pasankas.
  • ​In greenhouses, tomatoes are planted in order to increase fruiting time and obtain maximum yield per unit area. If you need to harvest in short term, then choose low-growing varieties of tomatoes, and if you have the opportunity to grow tomatoes for four to five months, then you can take half determinate varieties, which limit growth after eight to ten inflorescences on the main stem and are indeterminate.​
  • On some varieties of tomatoes, stepsons grow even before the plant throws out the first flower cluster. As a result, the plant’s energy is spent not on the formation of fruits, but on increasing green mass. If your goal is to get a good harvest, and not to garden the garden, then you definitely need to plant the tomatoes.​
  • ​Before you remove the stepson, you need to make sure that it is he and not a leaf. To do this, you need to take a close look at the plant, since the side shoot does not grow on a bare stem. First, the leaf grows, and after it, a stepson appears from the leaf axil (between the leaf and the main stem). The stepson is constantly growing, and then new leaves and new shoots grow on it, that is, stepchildren of the second order. As a result, the bush begins to branch. Read how to plant tomatoes here.​
  • KakProsto.ru

Every summer resident should know how to pinch tomatoes

Stepchildren that form at the soil surface in the axils of the lower leaves are characterized by powerful growth, so they need to be removed. For their development, they use the beneficial substances of the plant, and therefore the sooner they get rid of them, the better. Until the stepsons grow more than 5 cm, they break out easily, and the wounds heal quickly.​

​Stepchildren are best removed when they reach a size of no more than 3-7 centimeters. Then the plant will not hurt when removed. Tomatoes should be planted in open ground only in warm, dry weather so that the wounds heal faster and infection does not get there. Stepchildren are best cut using scissors or using special tool– pruning shears. It should be cut in such a way that a small stump 1-1.5 centimeters long remains.

​Remove stepsons manually or using sharp scissors. The stepson should not be cut off at the very base, but leave a small stump 0.5-1 centimeter long.
​Picking tomatoes​ ​How to speed up the ripening of fruits?​

​Many novice gardeners, faced with the problem of removing tomato shoots, experience difficulties. This process has a number of features, taking into account which it is possible not only to effectively shape the plant in such a way as to make it easier to care for, but also to increase the yield of tomatoes several times. Proper removal of stepchildren allows the plant to direct all its forces specifically to the formation of fruits, and not to the growth of green mass.

With potato leaves, there are both low-growing varieties and tall ones - Mikado, for example. It is necessary to take stepsons for tall ones. It is also advisable not to thicken low-growing ones.


​by removing unnecessary ones, their growth increases, and also makes it possible to gain fruit.​

​For a low-growing variety, you need to leave one stem and one shoot to continue under the first inflorescence. This shoot is pinched after a pair of inflorescences and leaves appear on it.

​Pinching the main stem is done on tall plants so that the set fruits have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.​ ​It is especially important to remove side shoots in tall (indeterminate) tomato varieties.​ The first pinching is carried out 8-10 days after planting, subsequent ones - after 10-12 days. If the stepsons are overgrown, they are removed with a knife or scissors, leaving a stump of no more than 1 cm.

​It will be necessary to remove the lowest shoots of the plant, as well as the lower leaves. It is the lower shoots that receive a very small amount of light, which means that expecting a harvest from them is simply pointless.​

Tomato pinching

​You need to know that only those fruits that have already set before August 1 have time to ripen on the bush. The remaining sprouts and inflorescences will no longer contribute to increasing the yield. Therefore many experienced gardeners agreed that they should be removed so as not to waste nutrients. Then the fruits that have already set will grow better and all the nutrients will be directed to their ripening (they will ripen faster and be larger).​

​produced in order to obtain an early, richer, high-quality harvest over a long period of time. By growing tomatoes, you protect them from various unpleasant diseases, such as late blight.

​We answered the question about whether you need to pinch tomatoes. Now let's figure out how to speed up the ripening of fruits. Here, again, the technique of pinching will help us, only now we will be pinching not the stepsons, but the main stem. This is done in the first half of August, when the bulk of the fruits have already reached the filling stage. Pinching is carried out over the third or fourth brush and all ovaries are removed: they will no longer have time to form full harvest, and the plant’s strength will be taken away. In addition, you can also trim off excess leaves that hide the fruits from the sun, tear some of the roots or make a through longitudinal section on the stem - all these techniques will speed up the ripening of fruits at the end of summer, if weather conditions are no longer too favorable.​​First of all, you need to know what varieties of tomatoes you are growing. Some varieties require virtually no additional shaping. These are usually short plants with a branched structure; the stepsons of such tomatoes do not need to be removed. However, there are also tall varieties that need to be formed into one or two stems. It’s not clear... I remove excess shoots from tomatoes.

​usually 3-4 lower ones are removed, and then leaving 3-4 and removed from them as the main trunk, also removing the excess ones.​

If such a variety is grown in one stem for four to five months, then without stepsons this plant simply stops growing. That is why a reserve stepson is left on them from the leaf axil, located under the second or third inflorescence from the top. Tall plants form into one stem, leaving several flower clusters (usually seven or eight). If you leave one or two stepsons, you can get four more flower clusters, that is, an additional harvest. All other side shoots from the leaf axils and at the roots must be removed.​

​Tall tomato varieties have a number of advantages over low-growing or determinate varieties.​

​There are other formation systems - two- and three-stem.​

When and how to plant tomatoes

​Today there are tomato hybrids that do not need to be planted at all. This type of hybrids is called deterministic. Therefore, if you see such an inscription on a package of seeds, then you should know that you do not need to plant them. Read the full article: Growing tomatoes in open ground.​

​For cultivation in different conditions has its own stepsoning scheme.

Stepchildren make plants larger and less compact, without providing any practical benefit. To provide for the stepchildren, the roots have to suck out a larger volume of nutrients from the soil, which are used for the growth of excess and unnecessary greenery.

Stepchildren are additional shoots on a tomato plant, formed in the axils between the main stem and side shoots. They take away nutrition and moisture from the plant, slowing down the process of flowering and fruiting. Stepchildren must be removed as early as possible, without waiting for them to reach a significant size.​

​If you need tomatoes, not tops, remove them.​

Although it is advised not to plant tomatoes for open ground, it is still not advisable to leave all the stepsons; some of them need to be removed

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

​When this reserve shoot begins to grow, it will need to be removed, saving a new one, located even closer to the top. In order for the plant to grow normally, it needs to be pruned in the greenhouse every five to seven days.

It is advisable to do the breaking off of the stepsons in the morning, as at this time they are easily separated. To prevent the plant from becoming infected viral diseases, the stepson should not be cut off, but broken off, and so that the juice of the plant does not get on your hands (the infection is transferred from one plant to another through the hands).

​Firstly, such varieties give a larger harvest.​

In a two-stem culture, along with the main stem, a stepson is left, which develops from the axil of the leaf located directly under the first flower raceme. A shoot grows from it, slightly lagging behind the main stem in its development. Inflorescences appear on that shoot with a slight delay.

Growing tomatoes in open ground

​Determinant varieties and hybrids of tomatoes do not need to be planted at all. However, pinching such varieties will only lead to an increase in yield.​

​Photo​ ​Packing tomatoes​​Photo​

​Removal of stepsons is done by hand; scissors or other tools should not be used. Excess growth must be carefully broken out, being careful not to injure the main stem and side shoots. The sooner you detect the appearance of a stepson, the smaller the wound from its removal will be.

​It would be a good idea to remove stepsons on any varieties of tomatoes..​

My stepsons also gave me an ox heart. I'm not cutting them off yet. I will remove them if there are too many of them.​

Growing determinate varieties of tomatoes

​When developing tall and medium-sized tomato varieties, there is no need to leave a reserve shoot, since the appearance of inflorescences in these plants does not limit their growth.​

​We must remember that the stepson develops most intensively, growing above the first flower cluster. A flower cluster is very quickly formed on this shoot.

Tomato pinching video

​Secondly, provided proper agricultural technology, tall varieties are less susceptible to various diseases, including late blight.​

​With the three-stem form of cultivation, stepchildren are left under the first flower cluster and another one (the strongest).​

The difference between determinate varieties is that they have the most inflorescences not on the stepsons, but on the main stems, and the stepsons have no value at all. When planting, 2-3 stepsons are left on the plants, from which they also get a pretty good harvest.​

​Tomato planting in the greenhouse begins from the very beginning of their appearance. As a rule, they begin to appear with the first inflorescence. As mentioned above, the first stepson does not need to be deleted. And here are all the rest as they grow.​


what needs to be done to ensure that the tomato has a good ovary.

Sergey Ryazanov

​will help the plant distribute nutrients more correctly.​

​Tomatoes are enough picky plants, and in order to get good harvest It is always necessary to invest effort and provide proper care. This applies to such care measures as

​Removing stepchildren is not a one-time procedure. It is necessary to constantly monitor tomato plants and if unwanted growth appears, get rid of it immediately. In the first half of summer, during the formation of tomatoes, you have to remove the stepsons almost every week, especially if favorable conditions for active growth tomatoes. Usually in the second half of summer the procedure has to be carried out much less frequently, because at this time the formation of fruits has already begun, and the plant does not have as much strength to increase green mass.​

Isn't it written on the packaging? Determinate ones are not removed. Type the name of the variety or “determinate” into the search engine. I focus on the variety, month...​

​Sometimes they produce 2 or even 3 shoots of equal value, some varieties, like Brutus gave me. I left them. And some produce a weak shoot from under the leaf; they must be removed so that the juices do not drain.

​The fewer inflorescences there are on the main stem of your plant growing in a greenhouse, the denser they need to be planted. Then the yield will remain at the proper level.​

​To prevent disease, remove all lower leaves plants that come into contact with the ground, as well as all unnecessary stepsons as they grow. It’s good when the stem of the plant below is dry, light falls on it, and air circulates freely around it.​

​Thirdly, indeterminate varieties bear fruit from the beginning of July until the autumn frosts, while determinate varieties ripen almost simultaneously.​

​When growing tall tomatoes, pinching is done all summer long. This limits the size of the plants, and nutrients instead of stepsons enter the fruits. The highest yield of ripened fruits is obtained with a single-stem form. For two- and three-stem crops total harvest increases, but maturation slows down.​

​I would also like to show very useful videos about growing tomatoes.​

Maya Dzkuja

​I would also like to draw attention to one very important point. Many experienced gardeners agree that the last day for planting is August 1st. What does it mean? This means that all fruits and inflorescences that have not formed before August 1 should be removed from the bush, then all the nutrients will go exclusively to the ripening of the fruit. This opinion is, of course, controversial, but those who support it always receive an impressive harvest of tomatoes.​

Aida Shakaeva

Stepchildren should be removed when their length is no more than 3-5 centimeters. Only in this case the plant will not get sick, and the nutrients will not be wasted.​

Pinching a tomato, how to pinch tomatoes

​pinching a tomato​

​To reduce the stress from removing the stepsons, it is recommended to combine this procedure with watering and fertilizing, just remember to wait a while until the places where the stepsons were removed dry out, then the plant will not lose the moisture and nutrients obtained during watering.​

A potato leaf is only evidence that the tomato is growing undersized and early ripening. This does not indicate anything about stepchildren. I grow a couple of low-growing, early-ripening varieties; they are rich in stepchildren, just like the tall ones. I break it off regularly. Of the low-growing ones (with potato leaves), only 1-2 varieties do not take stepson. But it’s written right there in large letters on the packets of seeds. One is called “non-stepson”. I don’t remember the second one.​

​If you live in the Southern Federal District, then you don’t need to adopt a stepson. Our stepsons have already begun to bear fruit, and summer is still 2 months away. I have already rooted and planted the very first stepsons.​

​Have a good harvest!​

​In order to get an early harvest on a low-growing plant that has more inflorescences on the main stem, you need to form one stem and leave two or three inflorescences. After the last inflorescence, we save a few leaves and pinch the growing point. You don’t have to pinch the growing point, but in this case the fruits on all inflorescences may not have time to ripen.​

​Fourthly, they are easier to pinch.​

​In addition to pinching, the tops of the stems of tomato plants are pinched, since tall varieties(hybrids) growth is unlimited. Pinching is done approximately a month before the onset of autumn frosts. Above the inflorescences with already set fruits, it is imperative to leave 2-3 leaves and only then remove the growth point of the shoot. This is due to the fact that the development of fruits on the inflorescence occurs due to 2-3 leaves adjacent to it.

​Here we talk about how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground.​

How to pinch tomatoes correctly

​I would like to make a small general conclusion on the topic of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Tomatoes should be planted in a greenhouse in such a way that only one main stem and one shoot remain. This method is best suited for greenhouses, as the plant turns out to be quite compact. Read the full article: Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

​What is a stepson like? Stepchildren are small shoots that grow from each leaf axil and extend from the main stem. In other words, a stepson is simply a shoot that grows as a branch from the main stem of the plant.​

Growing indeterminate tomato varieties

​Porting tomatoes is one of the methods for obtaining a good, high-quality harvest. How large the fruits will be and how many of them there will be on this plant depends on how well the bush is formed. We will tell you how to pinch tomatoes in this article. First, let’s define what a stepson is and why it needs to be removed. Stepchildren are shoots that grow from the axils of the leaves. They must be removed (pinched) so that they do not take away the strength from the plant, which is needed for the formation and ripening of a good harvest. If the stepsons are not removed, then leaves will begin to form on them, as on the main shoots, and second-order stepchildren will grow from their axils. In addition, ovaries will form on the stepsons, as well as on the main stems, and this will take away the strength of the plant. Therefore, tomatoes need to be planted on time, preventing the shoots from growing to a significant size. This technique is especially effective on varieties of indeterminate tomatoes that are tall. Some novice gardeners, not knowing how to pinch tomatoes, do not do this at all, considering it sufficient that they grow seedlings, remove weeds, feed and water the plants. And then they are surprised: so much effort has been spent and it’s all in vain - the harvest is small.​

​So, if you haven’t noticed such an inscription on your seeds, then you’ll have to watch and break them out, like everyone else.​

​And those who don’t give birth to me didn’t give me any. Strange.​

​Perhaps a re-sort or inaccurate information about the growth characteristics of the variety. Look at the load on the bush.​

​If you form a plant into two stems, leaving four to eight inflorescences, then the fruits will come on the bush. Low-growing plants and hybrids with three stems, as a rule, are not formed.​

​And fifthly, with tall plants It’s more convenient to work, since you don’t have to constantly bend over or stand in an awkward position.​

Growing determinate varieties of tomatoes and hybrids

​Thinning the ovaries allows you to get large, beautiful fruits. To do this, remove the first flowers. In some tomatoes they are multi-petaled, forming a large but ugly fruit. Subsequently, no more than six fruits are left on each hand, removing small ovaries that are formed in excess of the norm.

​And in this video how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Advice from an experienced vegetable grower blogger.​

The first shoot of tomatoes is produced at the beginning of flowering. It is advisable to perform this procedure at least once a week.​

​Tomatoes are grown in different conditions, but most of all in open ground and in greenhouses. For different conditions cultivation is used different ways stepsons. In this article I would like to analyze all the main points of this very serious issue, talk about methods, deadlines and much more.​

Pinching various varieties and hybrids of tomatoes in a greenhouse

​How to pinch tomatoes correctly?​

​In cold summers I carry them in 2 trunks. In a roast - 3 barrels. It is not worth leading to 4. The plant begins to die from weakness before it bears fruit. Good luck.​

​Now there are varieties without stepsons, if you remove the stepsons, you can be left without tomatoes, I only remove the bottom 3-4 stepsons, I like these varieties.​

So that you don’t end up with a lot of small fruits by August,

​If you have formed your plant into one or two stems with two to four inflorescences, then tomatoes will begin to appear on it in early July, that is, two weeks earlier than if you had done without pinching.​

It is important to pinch tomatoes on time and do it correctly. Thus, in tall tomatoes, the first fruit cluster is formed after the sixth to eighth (sometimes tenth) leaf. And from the axil of each leaf an additional shoot appears. Thus, before the first fruit cluster on a tomato there are six to eight, or even ten additional branches that require nutrition. And since the stepsons grow lower than the fruit cluster, they get more nutrition. Next, the fruit cluster is laid through the leaf, and the side shoot is laid near each leaf.

There are special preparations that need to be sprayed on the flowers, and there will be no empty flowers. Inquire in stores that sell seeds and various chemicals for the garden


What about tomatoes without stepsoning? Do stepchildren give tomatoes? mine were given.. but I don’t know whether to delete it or not?

Zhanna S

​And in this video we will talk about the features of pinching tomatoes of indeterminate varieties and hybrids.​
​In order to figure out how to plant tomatoes, you need to know what stepsons are.​
Tomatoes should be planted as stepsons appear. Stepchildren should be cut off when they reach a length of 3-5 centimeters. During this time, they will not consume much nutrients, and the plant will not get sick. As a rule, the first stepson begins to grow when the first inflorescence appears.​


Why should you plant tomatoes? Some vegetable growers even do without this procedure altogether, believing that it is not necessary to do this at all. But this is very deep

Victoria Tchaikovskaya

​When the stepson reaches a size of 5-7 centimeters, it should be removed. At the same time it is necessary
​Evgenia has a good answer​
​We have tall varieties, if you don’t plant them, you won’t even get a tomato.​

Natalya Sludnikova

​which will not have time to ripen.​

Tatiana Steblyanskaya

With this planting scheme, the harvest will be smaller, but the number of fruits from one branch will be greater. To ensure that the productivity of tomatoes per unit area is not affected, the plants can be planted closer together, for example, at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.​

svetlana faynleyb

​If you don’t take any measures, your lush bush with small fruits. But tall varieties are famous precisely for their large fruits and high yield. To achieve such success, you need to start planting tomatoes already during the flowering of the first bunch. This is a rather labor-intensive process, so it is advisable to combine it with the first garter of the tomato to the supports. Removing the stepsons cannot be done mechanically, so before you get to work, decide how many stems you will leave on the plant.​

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At a soil temperature of 30 degrees, tomatoes do not set. The roots should be kept cool, unlike the tops. Therefore, in hot weather, you need to water them in the morning with cool water.​


​In addition to chemistry, you shouldn’t forget about PINNING your stepchildren!! How and when to remove shoots, pinch and thin out the ovaries of tomatoes

​Similar articles​

Why are tomatoes planted?

​When developing tall and medium-sized tomato varieties, there is no need to leave a reserve shoot, since the appearance of inflorescences in these plants does not limit their growth.​

To prevent diseases, remove all the lower leaves of the plant that are in contact with the ground, as well as all unnecessary stepsons as they grow. It’s good when the stem of the plant below is dry, light falls on it, and air circulates freely around it.​

​Fourthly, they are easier to pinch.​

​How to plant tomatoes? Scissors for coarsened and tall stepsons are perfect for these purposes. Young and small stepsons can be removed by hand without tools.​

How to do it right

The fruiting period of these tomatoes is more extended. It begins in July and lasts until the first frost of autumn. It's much more convenient than short period fruiting of low-growing tomatoes.

​Tomatoes in a greenhouse​

​There are two more articles on this topic:​​with the first flower brush. In some, usually semi-determinate, varieties of tomatoes, the stem seems to bifurcate into two main stems, and to understand which of them is the stepson and which is the main stem often becomes difficult for beginning tomato growers. However, there is no difficulty in finding the secondary stem - look where the first flower cluster is, and the stem that begins to grow immediately from under it - it will be the stepson.​

​In open ground, it is correct to remove the sprouts even before the fruit part appears.​

What is pinching a tomato? The process allows you to get a richer harvest, and is the physical removal of excess shoots. As they grow, young plants tend to form extra shoots, which can use plant sap but not bear fruit. Also, such shoots take on a large amount of energy, however, they do not bring results. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to planting tomatoes.

​The fewer inflorescences there are on the main stem of your plant growing in a greenhouse, the denser they need to be planted. Then the yield will remain at the proper level.​

​In order to get an early harvest on a low-growing plant that has more inflorescences on the main stem, you need to form one stem and leave two or three inflorescences. After the last inflorescence, we save a few leaves and pinch the growing point. You don’t have to pinch the growing point, but in this case the fruits on all inflorescences may not have time to ripen.​

When is the best time to stepchild?

​And fifthly, it’s more convenient to work with tall plants, since you don’t have to constantly bend over or stand in an awkward position.​

​Picking tomatoes video lesson​

In the greenhouse

​If we compare tall varieties with short ones, then it is easier for the former to plant tomatoes.

​When tomatoes grow in a garden bed in a greenhouse, they begin to bush in any case. This is simply wonderful. However, at this moment it is worth thinking about the formation of bushes and planting tomatoes.

In the open ground

​1) Simple formation of tomatoes into 1 stem.​​According to some authoritative tomato growers, varieties in which the stem bifurcates into two equal ones are better to grow into 2 stems.​

​Usually it appears after the appearance of 6-8 or 10 leaves. The axils of each leaflet are capable of producing lateral processes. How to plant tomatoes in open ground? The answer is simple - as soon as the first fruit cluster appears, such stepsons can already be quite large. In addition, the side stems are located below the shoot and are fed faster.​

The harvest is given much later - one bush is obliged to feed already grown tomatoes, and at the same time provide a complex of minerals and vitamins for the same small fruits, which can be from 10 to 15. For the same reasons, the size of the fruits may also suffer - we get very small ones, although we win in their quantity.​

Video “Picking tomatoes”

How to plant tomatoes or not to plant a plant at all - everyone decides for themselves. Some varieties of tomatoes without pinching sometimes give a full harvest in natural environment can do without such a procedure. ​



​Have a good harvest!​

​If you form a plant into two stems, leaving four to eight inflorescences, then the fruits will come on the bush. Low-growing plants and hybrids with three stems, as a rule, are not formed.​

​2) Once again about stepsoning, with a photo of the stepson.​

​If you don't follow established scheme, the fruit clusters will be forced to lay through the leaf, and in the axil there will be a stepson that is sufficiently developed for growth. In this way, the gardener can get huge amount green mass and very little harvest. Therefore, stepsoning should not be neglected. Tomatoes that do not require pinching will not create a critical mass, which has a qualitative effect on yield growth.​

​Indeterminate tomato varieties have a very strong one main shoot, produce more yield and ripen later than low-growing ones. Almost all varieties of tall tomatoes can be pinched. 2-3 stems form the full growth of the plant. Subspecies - “cream” and similar ones require more sprouts. They also depend on weather conditions, if summer lasts longer than usual, then you can leave more fruit clusters, as well as grow stems. Indeterminate tomatoes bush very strongly on their own, so the growth process must be controlled to get a rich harvest.​

​The green side branches on a tomato are absolutely useless. Being excess green mass, they are undesirable for obtaining a rich harvest. If they are removed, the fruits will receive more nutrients. The size of the stepsons for removal is 3-5 centimeters. If you delete them large sizes, it can cause damage and affect growth. Only persimmon, like a tomato variety that grows independently, does not require pinching.

​Tomatoes, especially tall varieties, branch strongly. From each bud, located in the axil of the leaf on the main stem, a side shoot grows - a stepson. He takes over solar energy and nutrients, which slows down the ripening of the fruit. To stop this process, you need to remove numerous stepsons from the bush. By the way, I advise doing this not only in areas with short summer, but also with thickened plantings, as well as when growing late-ripening varieties.​

​If you have formed your plant into one or two stems with two to four inflorescences, then tomatoes will begin to appear on it in early July, that is, two weeks earlier than if you had done without pinching.​

​If you do not take any measures, then you will grow a lush bush with small fruits. But tall varieties are famous precisely for their large fruit and high yield. To achieve such success, you need to start planting tomatoes already during the flowering of the first bunch. This is a rather labor-intensive process, so it is advisable to combine it with the first garter of the tomato to the supports. Removing the stepsons cannot be done mechanically, so before you get to work, decide how many stems you will leave on the plant.​
Stepsoning a tomato is the removal of side shoots growing from the axils of the leaves, that is, stepsons. Pinching is very important for getting a good harvest of excellent tomatoes; simply this procedure is also called pinching tomatoes.​
​This article will mostly focus on tall varieties of tomatoes. So, how to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse so that they produce a good harvest. First of all, it’s worth understanding what stepsoning is. This is the removal of unnecessary stepsons. In other words, removing the side shoots that grow from the axils of the leaves. Stems and leaves begin to grow on the extra shoots. This is how the tomatoes begin to bush.
​how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse​


Growing tomatoes in open ground. Basic rules

​3) and also see the Cherry topic on the forum!​

What is the best way to grow a bush - one or two or maybe three stems? There are no special difficulties here. Firstly, it depends on the variety. Some superdeterminants and determinants early ripening varieties and hybrids do not require pinching at all. Usually there is relevant information about this on the pack. Such varieties are usually grown in open ground, according to the “plant and forget” principle.

For especially low-growing shoots, 1-2 stems are left after the treatment process. So the fruits will ripen only on the first inflorescences. One shoot is left on one stem, one shoot is left on two, and one more shoot is left on three. Each of them should create up to three inflorescences. Three stems create the possibility of getting green unripe tomatoes among the fruits.​

​It is important to have time to remove the shoots even before the first cluster of fruits appears. 6, 8 or 10 leaves are a sign that a fruit cluster will appear soon.​

​However, it is worth learning that a rich harvest can only be obtained with healthy plants, and many gardeners fully resort to fertilizers and other methods to achieve desired result. Accordingly, removing excess shoots is a process that can give strength to the sprout, save microelements and nutrients for the fruit, without wasting extra effort on germinating side shoots.​


How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, tomatoes, video, what is planting

​First of all, you need to remove side shoots from tall tomatoes: these are varieties such as Pink Giant, Orange Giant, Liana, De-barao, Pink Heart. From mid-season varieties stepchildren of the Peremoga variety. Low-growing varieties, as a rule, do not need this procedure.​

With this planting scheme, the harvest will be smaller, but the number of fruits from one branch will be greater. To ensure that the productivity of tomatoes per unit area is not affected, the plants can be planted closer together, for example, at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.​

​It is advisable to form one stem from tall tomatoes, that is, you need to pluck all the stepsons from the main stem. Moreover, you need to leave a “stump” about a centimeter long from the stepson, so that a new shoot does not grow in this place very soon. A low-growing plant can be formed into two stems. To do this, you need to remove all the shoots up to the first flower cluster, leaving one shoot above the first flower cluster. All the stepsons on top need to be pinched. ​Before you remove the stepson, you need to make sure that it is he and not a leaf. To do this, you need to take a close look at the plant, since the side shoot does not grow on a bare stem. First, the leaf grows, and after it, a stepson appears from the leaf axil (between the leaf and the main stem). The stepson is constantly growing, and then new leaves and new shoots grow on it, that is, stepchildren of the second order. As a result, the bush begins to branch. Read how to plant tomatoes here.​​Stepson​

Why plant tomatoes?

​more details​

​Porting tomatoes in open ground is necessary to increase yield. By cutting off side shoots, the gardener does not allow the bush to waste energy on growing greenery, thereby strengthening the ovary and reducing the number of unnecessary fruits. Since a strictly limited time is allotted for the growth of seedlings, as well as the ripening of fruits, gardeners have to make every effort to get a decent harvest. Depending on climatic conditions It takes about six months to grow vegetables. Cold spring and early frosts do not at all contribute to unhindered fruiting.​

​On the contrary, tall indeterminate varieties, which are usually grown only in greenhouses, are usually recommended to be grown in 1 stem. To do this, you should remove all branches, “stepchildren”, as they arise. The sooner you remove the stepson, the less nutrients it will have time to consume. Therefore, pinching tomatoes should be done at least once a week, and if possible, twice a week.

  • ​A post about how to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse. After watching the video, you will learn how to form bushes of indeterminate and semi-determinate tomatoes.​
  • Branches appear in the axils of each leaf, and can grow quite large before the time we require. Shoots that grow lower try to grow faster - the benefit from them in this case is obvious. Therefore, tall indeterminate types of tomato must be planted - after all, a tall stem makes it possible to grow very strongly, bush and create lateral shoots that require moisture and energy.​
  • ​Plant care is not limited to controlling the growth process and creating favorable conditions environment. The side stems can grow greatly, which reduces the yield. Only some tomatoes can grow normally without outside intervention.​
  • Plants need to be pruned systematically, in our region two or three times during the summer, as the shoots grow. The main thing is that the stepsons are no more than four to five centimeters long. In this case, it is necessary to leave “stumps” one centimeter long, this will delay the formation of new shoots.​
  • ​Some varieties of tomatoes, such as Alaska, Watermelon, Red Banana, White filling 241, Betta, Boni MM, Gavrosh, Raketa, Yamal can be grown in open ground and without pinching, since they manage to give away most of the harvest in a short summer. The yield of these varieties depends solely on weather conditions. The more warm and sunny days there are, the more abundant and better the harvest will be.​

What is stepsoning

On some varieties of tomatoes, stepsons grow even before the plant throws out the first flower cluster. As a result, the plant’s energy is spent not on the formation of fruits, but on increasing green mass. If your goal is to get a good harvest, and not to garden the garden, then you definitely need to plant the tomatoes.​

​It is especially important to remove side shoots from tall (indeterminate) tomato varieties.​

It is always necessary to plant tomatoes or other crops. Inexperienced gardeners often feel sorry for young shoots. There is an opinion among them that bushy tomatoes produce a larger harvest. However, this is a long-standing misconception. The yield level is affected not only good lighting, but also the presence required quantity useful substances. In plants, protein synthesis occurs only in the presence of sufficient lighting. Often, extra stepsons darken those branches that simply need sunlight. As a result, the fruits become smaller.​

Growing tomatoes

​It was already said above that pinching tomatoes in a greenhouse affects the yield. It is worth adding to this that after this procedure, moisture and many useful substances are evenly distributed throughout the plant. That is why many stepchildren are unnecessary greenery that is better to be removed.​ ​Proper planting of tomatoes allows you to limit flowering, thin out the bush, and direct all your energy to the growth and ripening of the main fruits. If you do nothing, the plants will become very dense, many side shoots will grow on them, which will produce an ovary. As a result, there will be a lot of fruits, but they will be small. In addition, it will not be possible to harvest the crop on time, since the tomatoes will not have time to ripen. You may not even get fruit at all, because dense plantings do not allow enough light to pass through and are poorly ventilated, causing various diseases, including rot.​ There are also many semi-determinate varieties that can be grown well in a greenhouse either in two trunks or in one. If you are growing it in a single stem, do not remove the topmost shoot until it is clear that the stem continues to produce new leaves. Otherwise, it may happen that you broke out all the stepsons, and the bush took over and ended, that is, the main stem stopped growing. In this case, the left upper stepson will come in handy - it will continue to grow instead of the main stem.​

​How to properly plant tomatoes?​

The best option for planting tomatoes would be to carry out the procedure once a week. However, this period is not the only or mandatory one. IN closed ground Excess shoots should be removed more often. The process of mechanical removal of such shoots from low-growing species a little more difficult, because they are more lush and getting to the required areas can be difficult.​

​Determinant varieties of tomatoes must be planted. They stop growing on their own and branch weakly. The ways to achieve the desired result are quite simple. How to properly pick tomatoes? Before 3-4 brushes appear on the plant, the stem should be left alone. After the sprouts appear, two stems are left, and one of them should be stronger. The frequency of placement of the brushes is also very important - each brush after the first is placed after 2 or three sheets. The fewer such brushes on a plant, the more it needs shaping from the gardener.

When pinching, yellowed lower leaves are also removed from tomatoes to protect the plants from diseases. Experienced gardeners They prune the bushes in the morning.

Pinching a tomato, how to pinch tomatoes

​In greenhouses, tomatoes are planted in order to increase fruiting time and obtain maximum yield per unit area. If you need to harvest in a short time, then choose low-growing varieties of tomatoes, and if you have the opportunity to grow tomatoes for four to five months, then you can take semi-determinate varieties, which limit growth after eight to ten inflorescences on the main stem, and indeterminate ones.​

​Pinching the main stem is done on tall plants so that the set fruits have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.​

​Tall tomato varieties have a number of advantages over low-growing or determinate varieties.​

​In greenhouses, experienced gardeners try

​It is worth considering that there are various varieties tomatoes. It is better not to interfere with bushing for many low-growing varieties. However, for tall varieties of tomatoes, excess greenery only prevents them from bearing fruit well. Therefore, proper planting of tomatoes should be carried out without fail.

Planting tomatoes in open ground lightens the bush, so all the fruits get sunlight, which speeds up their ripening. Stepchildren grow above the leaves from the leaf axils; they need to be pinched, leaving a stump about a centimeter in size to prevent the growth of a new shoot. Before processing the bushes, it is necessary to determine the variety of tomatoes and the type of growth; it can be indeterminate or determinate. The second ones do not need to be pinched, because each shoot is completed, and such tomatoes grow only up to a certain point. Planting tomatoes in open ground is necessary for indeterminate varieties, since they grow all summer.

​If space allows or there were few seedlings, then it is quite possible to grow indeterminate varieties in two stems; for this, a stepson is left under the first flower cluster, then it is tied separately from the main stem and grows on its own, grows…​

​Tomatoes and permanent place residence, be it a greenhouse or open ground, will not allow us to relax. Either water their fields, then feed them, and then before you even blink an eye, it’s time to take stepson...​

​When to start growing tomatoes? It is best to cut or remove sprouts with gloved hands when they are still small, 3-5 centimeters long. A large shoot can cause problems in plant growth. The tomato does not notice the removal of the shoot when it is small size, and it won’t hurt.​

How to pinch tomatoes correctly

​Determinant plantings are planted in such a way that only one stem remains. Several inflorescences will help you get the harvest earlier. It is not necessary to pinch the growing point. A couple of leaves are left - all this is necessary to allow the inflorescences to ripen at the same time.​

​Pinch off the tops​

Growing indeterminate tomato varieties

​For a low-growing variety, you need to leave one stem and one shoot to continue under the first inflorescence. This shoot is pinched after a pair of inflorescences and leaves appear on it.

​Tall plants form into a single stem, leaving several flower clusters (usually seven or eight). If you leave one or two stepsons, you can get four more flower clusters, that is, an additional harvest. All other side shoots from the leaf axils and at the roots must be removed.​

​Firstly, such varieties give a larger harvest.​

​grow tomatoes​

​What is better than tall varieties of tomatoes:​

It is not always necessary to form a bush into one trunk; to be on the safe side, you should leave three stepsons. If strong wind If the tomatoes are tilted, you should not rush to tie them to the pegs. If space on the site allows, you can place the plant horizontally on the ground. After some time, roots will appear on the trunk, and the stepsons will begin to grow upward. In this form, they practically do not interfere with each other, there is little competition for nutrients, and the light passes through perfectly and reaches the fruits.​

​It is best to remove tomato shoots in sunny conditions warm weather in the morning. In cloudy and cool weather, wounds do not dry out longer, increasing the likelihood of infection entering them.​

Growing determinate varieties of tomatoes and hybrids

At the beginning, before the first cluster is fully formed or even before the first flowers appear, tomato plants usually do not produce stepsons. The first, most powerful, stepson begins to grow, as a rule, immediately

​Porting tomatoes in a greenhouse should have its own separate purpose - extending the fertility period of each plant. Another goal is to increase yield. Determinate varieties of tomatoes are most often bred in the greenhouse. Greenhouses can be used for almost six months, hybrids and indeterminate varieties are suitable for greenhouse cultivation to the fullest. Different varieties are processed according to different schemes.​

When and how to properly plant and pinch tomatoes?

Stepchildren are marked with arrows.

Stepchildren are all side shoots. They grow from the axils of leaves. To avoid confusing stepsons with leaves, look carefully at the bush. Stepchildren do not grow on bare stems. First, the leaf grows, and only then a shoot appears from the leaf axil (between the leaf and the main stem) - a stepson that constantly grows. New leaves and “its own” stepchildren of the 2nd order appear on it. The bush begins to branch.

Pinching acquires particular importance when growing tall (indeterminate) varieties.

Here are some advantages of such tomatoes over low-growing (determinant) ones:

    Tall varieties
    much more productive;

    Typically less
    affected by late blight, provided
    proper agricultural technology;

    Extended period
    fruiting from July until autumn frosts,
    while low growing tomatoes mature
    almost simultaneously, that for consumption in
    fresh not very convenient;

    It's easier to stepchild.
    Medium-sized (semi-determinate), for example,
    are being accomplished, and you always need to have a backup

    Much more convenient to work
    with bushes and harvest while standing than in a pose
    summer resident

It is important to do the stepsoning correctly and on time. Tall tomatoes lay the first fruit cluster after the 6–8th, and sometimes even the 10th leaf. An additional stepson branch appears from the axil of each leaf. Before the first brush on the plant there are 6–8, or even 10 additional branches. And they all need food. And since the stepson stems have grown below the fruit cluster, they will receive more nutrition, and much faster. Next, the fruit clusters are laid through the leaf, and the stepsons are placed near each leaf. If this process is not regulated in any way, then lush plants with small fruits you are provided. But we know that it is the tall varieties that are famous for their large fruits and high yields. And it is within our power to achieve this. Therefore, we begin to plant tomatoes during the flowering of the first cluster. Since this operation is labor-intensive, we combine it with the first tying of the plants to the supports. Stepping cannot be done mechanically. Therefore, decide in advance for yourself how many stems you want to leave on the plant.

Tall bushes form into one stem, i.e. pluck all the stepsons “to the stump”, leaving 1 cm of the stem, otherwise a new one will grow very soon. Low-growing bushes form two stems. Remove all stepsons up to the first flower cluster. Leave the stepson above the first flower brush. Then all the stepsons on top are removed.

Tomato planting.

Many varieties “give away” their stepsons before they even have time to throw away the flower brush. This redirects the plant’s forces in the wrong direction. Therefore, it is necessary to take stepson without delay.

Pinching of the main stem is usually done in tall varieties so that the set fruits have time to ripen before the cold weather.

Tall tomatoes form a single stem, leaving seven to eight (and sometimes more) flower clusters. You can leave 1 - 2 stepsons and additionally get 4 more brushes, i.e. additional harvest. And remove all other stepsons from the axils of the leaves, as well as at the roots.

It is better to do this in the morning, when the stepsons break off easily. To avoid infection with viral diseases, the stepsons are not cut off, but broken off to the side so that the plant juice does not get on your fingers, because your hands can transfer the infection from a diseased plant to a healthy one.

The stepson develops best under the first flower cluster. A flower brush is quickly laid on it.

It is necessary to remove the lowest leaves that touch the ground and all unnecessary stepsons as they appear. This is necessary for the prevention of diseases. The stem at the bottom should be dry, light should fall on it and there should be free air circulation around the stem.

How to plant determinate varieties and hybrids of tomatoes

Determinate varieties and hybrids that have more inflorescences on the main stem to obtain early harvest, leave one stem and 2-3 inflorescences. After the last one, as usual, save a few leaves and pinch off the growing point. You can, however, not pinch it, but then the fruits on all the inflorescences may not have time to ripen.

If you leave 2 stems and only 4-8 inflorescences on them, the tomatoes will grow on the bush. Determinate varieties and hybrids do not form 3 stems.

If your plant has 1 or 2 stems and 2-4 inflorescences, tomatoes will appear in early July. And this is 12-15 days earlier than if you did without stepsoning. You will get fewer tomatoes with the same planting pattern, but the number of those that ripen on the vine will be greater. You can plant plants closer together, placing them in a row not every 35 cm, but every 25-30. Then the productivity of tomatoes per unit area will hardly suffer.

However, in middle lane in open ground you can get tomatoes with minimal damage without pinching. There are such varieties: Alaska, Watermelon, Red Banana, White filling 241, Betta, Boni MM, Gavrosh, Raketa, Yamal. During our short and whimsical summer, they manage to give away most of the harvest.

The number of ripe fruits on their bushes directly depends on whether they are lucky with the weather. The warmer and more sunny days, the naturally more abundant and better the harvest.

How to grow different varieties and hybrids of tomatoes in a greenhouse

In a greenhouse, the purpose of pinching is to lengthen the period of fruiting and obtain more high yields per unit area. In order for the harvest to ripen in a short time, you need to take determinate varieties. If you have the opportunity to grow tomatoes for 4-5 months, semi-determinate ones, which limit growth after the formation of 8 or even 10 inflorescences on the main stem (Magnus Fi), and indeterminate ones, are suitable.

In determinate varieties, usually 1 stem is retained, but a continuation shoot is left under the first inflorescence. As soon as a couple of inflorescences and several leaves appear on it, it is pinched.

If such varieties are grown in one stem for 4-5 months, then without stepsons the plant will simply stop growing by this time. Therefore, a reserve shoot is left here from the leaf axil, located under the 2-3rd inflorescence from the top.

Otherwise, the continuation shoot will not increase growth. Then they look: the continuation shoot is growing - excellent! Then they remove this reserve shoot, but also save a new one - even closer to the top. To prevent plants from deteriorating, they are pruned in the greenhouse more often - once every 5-7 days.

When forming medium and very tall tomatoes a reserve shoot is not needed, since the appearance of inflorescences in them does not limit plant growth. You may ask: why then bother with the “short ones” at all? The answer is simple: they are more
early ripening and can produce more tomatoes.

The less time you grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, the fewer inflorescences will be on the main stem and the denser the plants can be planted.

Series of messages " ":

June. Warm. Tomato seedlings planted in the ground have grown noticeably - it’s time to remove the stepsons, shoots that form in the axils of the leaves. In general, do you need tomatoes? Imagine, tomatoes grow the way they want, the bushes are fluffy, there are a lot of stems, but, alas... there are few fruits, and those are small, they started late and did not have time to ripen before frost. To prevent such a picture from becoming a reality and to ensure a happy harvest, stepsoning is mandatory. You can form bushes into one, two or several stems. This is individual and depends:

From the weather conditions of the region;

Varieties of tomatoes;

Shrubs are sparsely or frequently planted.

To get an early harvest, form several bushes into one stem with two or three clusters of flowers, leave two or three stems on the rest, and if the bushes are sparsely spaced, then four.

They begin to plant tomatoes in open ground when the seedlings become stronger and begin to grow. They do this throughout the season. The shoots grow quickly; you need to inspect the tomato bushes every 7-10 days and break out small shoots, 4-5 cm in size. It is better to cut out elongated, overgrown shoots with pruning shears. It is necessary to break off the stepsons not at the very root, but leave a stump of 1-1.5 cm, it will not allow a new shoot to grow.

How to plant tall tomatoes

Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes require special attention; they produce many side shoots that grow in the axils of each leaf. The flower raceme is formed through three leaves, but where there is a stepson, the raceme is not formed, which leads to a decrease in the number of ovaries. It is advisable to carry out the first pinching of tall tomatoes even before the appearance of the first flower cluster.

There is a lot of light in open ground, and if you plant bushes sparsely, you can safely leave two or three lower shoots to increase the yield. Remove the rest as they grow. If you plan to form a bush with one stem, then remove all the side shoots; if there are two stems, then leave the stepson located under the first flower cluster.

In turn, on the remaining side shoots, also remove stepsons and excess flower brushes; there should be 2-4 of them on each stem. To limit the growth of the bush, pinch the tops, this will allow you to get large fruits. There is a different approach to low-growing tomatoes.

How to plant determinate tomatoes

Determinate tomatoes have growth restrictions - after the formation of four to six flower clusters on the main stem, growth stops. Therefore, you need to be careful when planting low-growing tomatoes. If you overdo it with the removal of side shoots, you will be left without a harvest. Remove one or two lower stepsons, this will be enough to get a good harvest.

Standard tomatoes do not require pinching at all. They have a powerful, erect stem. Few stepsons are formed, and even those do not develop and do not in any way affect the quantity and quality of the fruit.

In conclusion, a little advice - plant tomatoes in dry weather so that the wounds dry out and heal quickly.

Many gardeners large plots planted with tomatoes, these plants are very finicky. To grow a good harvest, they need careful care, so the owner must know how to pinch tomatoes (pinching). Growing juicy fruits requires time and effort, soil fertilization and regular watering.

What is pinching a tomato?

For each seedling bush, a shoot may begin to grow in the leaf axil. This is part of the main stem, which grows in the same way as the main plant: leaves and clusters of fruits appear. At the first stages they are called “stepchildren”. If timely removal is not carried out, the tomato begins to thicken, branch, and additional ovaries form, which leads to an overload of fruits.

Pinching is the removal of unnecessary shoots before they thicken to prevent the tomatoes from being crushed. This will help regulate the load, the number of fruits and the green mass of the plant. The problem is that one of the new stepsons may begin to grow too intensively, becoming a leader in relation to the rest of the parts, the main elite. To get a timely, good harvest, this should not be allowed.

Is it necessary to plant tomatoes?

Beginning owners may have doubts about the advisability of this procedure. However, it is necessary to carry it out, unless you just want to increase the green mass, in which case you can leave everything as is. If you need a good harvest, you should know how to plant tomatoes. Removing shoots has the following positive aspects:

  1. Without additional shoots, the crop will grow larger, the plant will have enough nutrition and light. Excessive thickening will reduce the quality of the fruit.
  2. The total mass of tomatoes from the bush will always be the same. If you have stepchildren, you will get a lot of them, but small ones.
  3. Ripening occurs faster with fewer tomatoes on one bush.
  4. With voluminous green mass, ideal conditions for the development of late blight (a harmful disease of nightshades).

When and how to pinch tomatoes

As soon as stepsons (T-shaped shoots) begin to appear, it is necessary to pinch the tomatoes. Shoots may be present right on the seedlings before planting, so they should be disposed of immediately. Pinching should be done regularly when the stepsons reach 3-5 centimeters in length. At this stage, the removal will be as painless as possible, because the shoot has not yet had time to consume many nutrients. As a rule, the cultivation scheme requires the procedure to be carried out every 7-10 days.

The removal of shoots is evidenced by the fact that only those inflorescences that appeared before August 1 will ripen. After this date, the harvest will no longer grow, and the shoots will take away some of the important nutrients, which will slow down the ripening process. The removal method depends on the plant variety; there are 3 main methods. Instructions on how to properly pinch tomatoes:

  1. One stem. This option is well suited for tall (indeterminate) varieties. It needs to be carried out all summer; in addition to removing the stepsons, you should pinch the top of the main stem. This will redirect nutrients into the fruit rather than the foliage. Low-growing (determinant) varieties should have no more than 2-3 flower clusters.
  2. Double-stem method. All the stepsons are docked, except for one, which is slightly behind in development from the main stem. Forming the bush this way will help you get a larger harvest, but it will take longer to ripen. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the fruits do not have time to ripen before the first frost.
  3. Three-stem method. With it, under the first flower brush, it does not remove strong stepsons. This method is used for early varieties because ripening takes much longer.

Growing tomatoes in open ground

Breeding can take place in a greenhouse or in open ground. In the second case, you need to pick off the sprouts before the fruit part forms. It usually appears after the 8th or 10th leaf. A new shoot can form from any leaf axil, so you should know how to plant tomatoes. The shoots may be too large by the time the fruit cluster appears. Due to their lower location, the stepchildren are fed from the roots faster.

You should not neglect pinching in order to avoid laying fruit clusters through the leaf, because there will be a shoot in the axil. U low-growing varieties after removal, 2 stems are left. This will ensure that only the first inflorescences ripen. If there is 1 base, 1 shoot is left, for 2 - 1 shoot, for 3 - another one on the lower part. Each stem will create up to 3 inflorescences. At more you risk getting unripe, green fruit by the end of the season.

How to remove shoots on tomatoes

In order not to harm the plant, you should understand how to plant tomatoes. Main factor– timeliness. The growth rate of shoots depends on various factors: weather conditions, soil, etc. The first shoots will begin to appear in 1-2 weeks. When they reach 5 cm, it is necessary to remove the stepson. This can be done using the following methods:

  • tear off with your hands;
  • cutting with a sharp blade;
  • pinch off;
  • cut with scissors (the stump should not exceed 1 cm).

Formation of tomatoes in a greenhouse

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse has one main goal - increasing the fertility of the plant. Increasing yield using this method is considered a secondary task. As a rule, determinate varieties are grown in greenhouses for almost 6 months, so low growing tomatoes fit best. How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse:

  1. The procedure must be carried out more often than on open ground.
  2. Medium and tall bushes should have no reserve shoots. They need to be completely removed.
  3. Tomatoes can be planted at close distances due to the lack large quantity inflorescences on the main stem.

Video: how to properly plant tomatoes

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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