Roof repair with sheet metal

Roofing iron is another type of rigid roofing, widely used in the construction of country houses. This type of roofing has the most venerable age - it has been used for more than one century. But, of course, modern roofing iron is decidedly different from the material originally used. Moreover, every decade more and more advanced varieties appear on the construction market. It is recommended to cover the roof with roofing iron only when the slope slope is 15–30°.

Currently, the most popular materials of this type are galvanized sheet steel and corrugated sheets (multilayer material based on steel with a polymer coating). In country construction, sheet iron is usually used. This material is very reliable and relatively inexpensive. The cost of a roof made of sheet iron is less than that of metal tiles. At the same time, it cannot be said that such a roof looks worse. And in terms of durability, with good care, an iron roof is in no way inferior to a metal tile roof.

A complete replacement of a sheet iron roof may not be necessary until several decades after it was installed. Repair usually comes down to eliminating local damage. Let's consider both types of repairs, since the owners of a country house with a roof made of roofing felt or slate may eventually want to replace the previous roof with an iron one.

Local repair and prevention of iron roofing

Timely preventive maintenance measures for sheet iron roofing will help extend its durability and delay the need for repairs. The main point of prevention is to protect the roof surface from corrosion, which inevitably occurs under the influence of precipitation. For this purpose, the roof is painted with a special anti-corrosion paint. However, you should know that not every paint is suitable for galvanized metal.

The fact is that the properties of galvanized metal differ from ordinary ones. If you paint it with plain oil or alkyd paint, it will react with the zinc, causing it to peel off quickly. A coating of this paint will last no longer than one season. Therefore, it is necessary to choose paints that have greater adhesion and elasticity.

Such paints include, for example, acrylic primer-enamel or other paints with similar characteristics. They are more expensive than regular paints, but they fully pay for themselves. It is better to spend money once on expensive high-quality paint than to repaint the roof or patch new holes in it every year.

When you paint a roof that is no longer new, you first need to assess its condition and repair any existing damage. If there is rust on the surface, it must be washed off with kerosene and then the residue must be cleaned with sandpaper.

It is possible that during the operation of the roof, gaps have formed between the sheets at the points of their connection. In this case, the joints are cleaned of rust in the same way, then wiped with a solution of zinc chloride using a regular paint brush. After this, the joints are sealed with a powerful soldering iron. Excess cooled solder is removed with a file.

If cracks and holes appear in the old roof, they are repaired using patches. The patches are cut from a new sheet of galvanized steel using roofing shears. The size of the patch should be 10–15 cm larger on each side than the size of the damaged area of ​​the roof. The patch is secured by soldering or using some kind of glue or sealant. You should consult a hardware store about which adhesive is best to use for galvanized metal.

If for some reason you do not have a spare sheet of roofing iron on hand for patches, it can be successfully replaced by fiberglass or high-quality roofing felt - such patches are also secured with sealant and serve no worse than metal ones.

After all defects have been eliminated, painting begins. The entire surface of the roof is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and old paint using a brush with iron bristles or special liquid products. Then the roof is washed with water, allowed to dry and covered with protective paint in 2-3 layers. It is most convenient to apply the paint with a spray gun, but if you don’t have one, you can use a roller or a large brush.

Installation of sheet iron roofing

It should be noted that this process is quite labor-intensive compared to laying any other roofing material. If you do not have the skills to work with sheet metal, it is better to entrust this work to professionals. If you feel confident in your abilities, use a few recommendations.

Roofing iron does not weigh too much, therefore, as in the case of metal tiles, sparse wooden sheathing in increments of 20–30 cm is suitable here. A waterproofing layer of roofing felt, roofing felt or some other insulating material is laid on the sheathing.

When using sheet iron, it is advisable to minimize the number of joints on the roof, since the joints represent a potential area for leaks and damage. Guided by this rule, the size of the sheets is selected. If the length of the slope is short, it is advisable to use sheets of the same length. If the length of the slope is long, the sheets are chosen in such a way that the number of horizontal rows is minimal (the same as in the case of metal tiles).

There are two ways to lay sheet iron. The first, most simple, is overlapping. The sheets begin to be laid from the eaves. They are attached to the sheathing using roofing screws that have a rubber gasket under the head. Each subsequent sheet is laid overlapping the previous one, the width of the overlap is 5-10 cm. To ensure the reliability of the joint, the overlap area is coated with sealant and laid with a thin rubber tape.

A more complex method of laying roofing iron is folding. This method ensures the highest roof tightness. Folding is the process of fastening adjacent sheets together using specially curved edges. There are 4 types of rebates: single lying, single standing, double lying and double standing.

Lying folds are made at the joint of sheets horizontally (parallel to the cornice), and standing folds are made at the joint vertically (along the slope). Double folds are more reliable.

Let's look at folding technology using the example of a single standing fold. The edge of one sheet is bent upward at a right angle by 3 cm. The edge of the second is similar, but by 7 cm. The sheets are connected and the larger edge is bent over the smaller one. This operation is performed with all the sheets while still on the ground. Then the sheets are unhooked and lifted onto the roof. There they are fastened with self-tapping screws to the sheathing and interlocked with a prepared fold. Then the fold is compacted using a mallet and hammer. Seaming requires some experience, so when laying roofing iron with your own hands, you usually choose the first method.

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I, Varzin Leonid Nikolaevich, began my activity as a tinsmith on steel and copper roofs in 1987.
In 1994, our roof repair and installation company was founded. One of the significant achievements of our organization is the receipt in 2004 of an international patent for the invention of roofing panels (No. 2275479)
Over 22 years of work, we have selected a staff of first-class roofers who know their job. And our engineers will help you make the roof in accordance with your financial capabilities. The rise in roofing costs does not affect the quality of work. But it affects long-term operation.
Over the years, we have repaired and installed many roofs. And our customers always receive high-quality and reliable roofing over their heads.

We are waiting for your proposals for the work.

General manager L.N.Varzin

Any material, no matter how high-quality and durable it is, over time gradually succumbs to the influence of external factors and loses its original functional characteristics. Metal products are no exception, which may be the reason for carrying out such a service as metal roof repair. In Moscow, this service is very relevant, since the capital and its surrounding regions are densely dotted with private houses and cottages that may need professional repair services.

The Delema company specializes in providing services for working with various types of roofing systems and is always ready to provide professional assistance. The prices for metal roof repairs will pleasantly surprise you and will allow you to order repair work for your roof today.

As a rule, repairs of metal roofing systems are divided into two types: major and local (spot). The first type involves the complete replacement of old roofing elements, their dismantling and installation of a new sheet. The second involves carrying out work in certain areas whose condition is the most deteriorated. Major repairs of metal roofing in Moscow are carried out, as a rule, during the reconstruction of the building, as well as during the conversion of the attic.

The company's experienced employees will definitely advise you on all your questions and provide you with all the necessary and useful information.
Our contacts

8 (495) 505 – 00 – 40;
8 (495) 507 – 10 – 08.

Cost of metal roof repairs

Price (RUB)

340 (material)

380 (material)

420 (material)

160 (with material)

600(with material)

380 (material)

760 (material)


Removing old roofing and removing debris

Installation of a steel roof without gutters and slopes

Installation of double-seam steel roofing

Installation of a steel roof with double seam and ridge

Replacement no more than 20%

Replacement of 100% sheathing

Device of descents with new crosses

Installation of a gutter with descents

Comprehensive roof repair from 1100 RUR/m2! Warranty up to 5 years!
Departure, measurement and consultation on repairs - free of charge!

Carrying out this type of repair work is a very labor-intensive process that requires a high degree of training and practical experience from the roof repair worker. In order for your roofing system to be repaired to the highest possible quality, in this case you need to contact the Delema company, where you will be provided with the highest level of service. The prices for metal roof repairs in our company will pleasantly surprise our clients with their affordability, and our highly qualified specialists will complete even the most complex work in the shortest possible time.

The involvement of highly competent specialists and the use of modern equipment allows us to quickly carry out all work, while the prices for metal roof repairs at Delema are distinguished by their affordability.

The average price for working with the material is 750 rubles per m2. The price may decrease due to large volumes of roofing, and may also increase due to roof connections.

Our metal roof repair work

This procedure includes initial measurements of the object, delivery of materials from our warehouse to the site, replacement or repair of a roof of any complexity from any material chosen by you. When carrying out installation work, you can count on an additional discount. At the same time, you receive a written guarantee for both installation and roofing materials.

Selection of roofing materials

Our company’s website provides the widest selection of steel roofing materials from the best manufacturers for complete or partial replacement of the roofing covering: metal seam roofs, roofs made of metal profile sheets, metal tiles with various types of protective and decorative coatings.

Prices from the manufacturer

Our company FS-Group is an official dealer of the companies producing roofing materials presented on our website, which guarantees the best prices for you.

Warranty for roofing material and its installation

When concluding a turnkey roofing installation agreement with us, you simultaneously receive guarantee for both roofing materials and installation work in one contract.

Calculation and selection of materials

Currently, the range of metal roofing materials and protective coatings is quite wide, which makes it difficult to make the right choice. Call our qualified managers and they will help you choose exactly the material you need for the metal roof of your home.

Field manager

If you need to accurately determine the cost of roofing repairs, order the service of a manager visiting the site. He will not only give advice on choosing roofing material, but will also calculate the required amount, as well as the required amount of additional materials, show samples of materials, and calculate the cost of installation work.

All types of payments and credit

We accept all types of payments: cash, bank transfer, payment by credit card in our office and online. All transactions for payment for goods are carried out on the principles of confidentiality and security of payment. It is possible to pay for goods on credit; for more details, please contact our managers.

When using a metal roof, it is necessary to carry out so-called routine repairs annually, which consists of partial replacement of the roof in certain areas, the area of ​​which does not exceed 10% of the total roof area. Routine repairs include installing patches, sealing cracks, painting the roof, and replacing damaged areas of the roof. Wall gutters and gutters are most susceptible to corrosion, because... they have the least slope.

Before repairs, the roof must be carefully prepared. To do this, first clean the roof of dust, dirt and rusty places, first with a hard, then with a soft broom or brush. Rusty areas are cleaned with steel brushes, dust is swept away and immediately painted over. After this, the roof is inspected to detect cracks and broken places, which often appear during snow shoveling. It is best to do this on a sunny day, when even small holes will be clearly visible.

The inspection is carried out by 2 people - one from the attic (with a long stick), and the second on the roof - with a piece of chalk. Having discovered a hole, the man from the attic marks the location of the hole by knocking with a stick. His partner on the roof, having found the hole, draws a circle around it with chalk. Only after completing the inspection and identifying all the defects do they begin to eliminate them.

When repairing a metal roof, two types of patches are used in certain places: along the width of the picture, when the roofing sheets are worn out on the plane, and intermediate ones - when there is damage in or near the ridges.

To apply the patch, a sheet is prepared with some allowances for the size of the worn areas. Allowances are used for connections. The damaged area is uncovered, a sheet (patch) is laid in this place, connecting it to the old sheet with standing and lying folds. The patches are joined by double rebated seams in valleys and wall gutters. On particularly flat slopes, the patches are connected to the old sheets by soldering the seams.

Before installing the patches, they must be sanded, and after final connection with the old sheets, painted over with weather-resistant painting compounds, while simultaneously painting over the joints to prevent corrosion.

If metal roof repairs are carried out in separate patches, then patches for holes from 30 to 200 mm are cut from tarpaulin, thick burlap or fabric. Holes up to 30 mm in size are repaired without patches; they are covered with red lead putty, hot bitumen or roofing mastic. In this case, the roofing sheet 30–40 mm around the hole is first cleaned of dirt, rust and coated twice on the roof and attic side.

If the patches are made from burlap or fabric, then prepare liquid oil paint from grated iron or lead lead on natural drying oil, saturate the cut patches well with it, keeping them in the paint for 10–15 minutes. The patches must be completely dry when dipped into the paint. Having taken them out of the paint, squeeze them out of excess paint, apply them to the areas to be repaired, carefully smoothing them with a hard brush or hands. The edges are especially carefully smoothed. After 5–7 days, the glued patches will dry and you can begin painting. You need to paint in dry weather. If the roof has become dusty before painting, sweep it with a soft brush.

Repairs to gutters, eaves, gutters and drainpipes are carried out more often than to the roof itself, because... These elements are often subjected to mechanical stress due to careless snow dumping and ice chipping; moisture lingers longer in these areas of the roof.

If half the roof area has become unusable, then the entire roof is replaced with new sheets.

When partially replacing a metal roof, work on preparing and laying pictures is carried out in the same way as when installing new steel roofs. Well-preserved old sheets removed from the roof are reused for row covering on the southern slope. They are pre-cleaned, cut around the perimeter, dried and painted. Use them for critical parts of the roof, such as valleys, eaves, etc. not recommended.

Only new sheet steel should be used for them. All folds, both standing and lying, are thoroughly coated with red lead putty before they are compressed.

In order to save steel, roofs with a high degree of wear can be repaired using rolled materials. Before starting work, defects in the sheathing are eliminated, then gutters, slopes and drainage devices are repaired. The torn sections of the roof and swollen areas are attached with nails, and the roof surface is cleaned of debris and rust with metal brushes. Cloths of rolled materials are laid along and across the standing seams of the roof. When covering along standing seams, slats with a triangular cross-section and the same height as the seam are nailed on both sides. Then the surface of the roof and bars is covered with hot bitumen, onto which sheets of roofing material are glued. The work is carried out from the eaves to the ridge so that each subsequent row overlaps the previously laid one by 8 cm. When covering with transverse stripes, the standing seams can be bent to the plane of the roof.

There is another way to overhaul a metal roof - this is the use of the polymer roll-and-fill composition "Polykrov" without removing the old coating. “Polykrov” is an attempt to combine polymer and bulk materials into one composition. “Polikrova” consists of a rolled base reinforced with fiberglass (“Polikrova-AR”), which is glued to the base using mastic (“Polikrova-M”) and covered with several layers of self-leveling coating (“Polikrova-L”). Thanks to the roll base, “Polykrov” can be easily placed on the base and quickly glued to it. And the top self-leveling layers create a seamless film that improves the appearance of the roof. The Polykrov polymer composition has a wide range of colors, but it is better to give preference to silver-colored material, because It reflects light well and creates a feeling of cleanliness for a long time. All mastic materials of the composition (“Polikrov-M” and “Polikrov-L”) are single-component.

Usually, during the operation of edania, only the outer mastic layer of “Polykrova” ages, which is directly exposed to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. The rolled base is not subject to negative influences. Therefore, when repairing a roof made of “Polikrov”, it is enough to update the self-leveling layer (“Polikrov-L”).

When repairing a metal roof with “Polykrov”, in addition to the fact that steel sheets do not need to be removed, there are a number of other advantages:

  • a new roof made of a polymer composition will be superior to the old metal one in many respects;
  • “Polykrov” only slightly increases the weight of the roof;
  • When repairing multi-gable roofs with complex geometry, there is almost no cutting waste left, because covering trim can be used to insulate junctions and joints.

The technology for repairing a metal roof using the Polykrov polymer composition is as follows:

  • the standing seams of the old metal roof are tightly bent to the surface of the slope;
  • the metal surface is cleared of debris;
  • strips of burlap or fiberglass 15–20 cm wide are glued over the folded folds with Polikrov-M-140 mastic;
  • a new insulating covering is installed from rolled material “Polikrov-AR-130” or “Polikrov-AR-150”. If the length of the roof slope does not exceed the length of a standard roll (20–22 m), then the covering can be done in one continuous sheet in the direction from the ridge to the eaves overhang. When working on large surfaces, the rolled material should be glued from bottom to top in the direction of the main flow of water (in the direction of folding folds);
  • the roof ridge is glued with an additional strip of “Polikrova-AR-130” or “Polikrova-AR-150”;
  • The entire roof is covered with a protective one-component varnish “Polikrov-L-1”.

"Polykrov" can be used in many regions of the country, because the range of temperatures it can withstand is large – from -60 to +140°C.

“Polykrov” is produced in the form of rolls of 20 m 2 with a width of 90 cm and a thickness of 2 mm. The mass of 1 m2 is equal to 2.5 kg. Mastics are supplied in barrels (up to 200 l) or in cans (20 l each).

The service life of the polymer composition is 25 years. At the same time, the costs of installation and maintenance in comparison with other types of roofing are:

  • bitumen roofing for 6 years - 105 rubles/m2;
  • bitumen-polymer roofing for 12 years - 150 rubles/m2;
  • roofing from "Polykrov" for 21 years - 130 rubles/m2.

The sheet material of the roof covering is especially susceptible to corrosion at the joints or between the sheathing bars on the attic side when the temperature and humidity conditions in it are disturbed.

The connecting parts (nails, bolts, wire) are made of non-galvanized steel and at the points of their connection with galvanized sheets of roofing steel, an electric couple is formed, which acts destructively on galvanized steel. In this case, it is recommended to install 1–2 layers of roofing material. The same phenomenon is observed when using non-galvanized clamps when installing galvanized drainpipes.

Repair of drainpipes may involve partial replacement of individual links, elbows, funnels or their complete replacement. When changing individual straight pipe links and elbows, you should first lower the lower part of the pipe barrel by 8–10 mm, having first freed it from the tightening and stirrup. Then the part being replaced is removed, a new one is installed, it is secured at the upper end in the stirrup, and then the lower part of the pipe is lifted and connected to the new one. When completely replacing the drainpipe, installation begins from the bottom.

When painting a repaired roof, work is carried out with swinging brushes on a completely clean and dry base. The applied paint protects the roof from rapid destruction. The quality of any painting depends on compliance with technological requirements when performing work.

Rapid wear of the paint film on the roof occurs from the combined effect of air, water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, dust, sand and smoke. Thus, carbon dioxide in the air, combining with moisture, accelerates the destruction of the paint layer. Hydrogen sulfide in most cases discolors some paints and negatively affects the paint layer. Dust and sand under the influence of wind wear away the paint film over time. Smoke mainly contaminates painted surfaces.

Roof surfaces should be painted smoothly so that they do not retain dust and sand. The formation of bubbles on the paint layer occurs from painting surfaces that are not dry enough, poor cleaning of them from dirt and soot, or applying paint to wet primer and putty. Uneven thickness of the paint layer leads to the formation of cracks, because thin layers dry faster than thick ones.

Correct and durable painting of the roof is carried out in 3, at least 2 times. Before painting, the roof must be carefully prepared.

When painting, the paint is shaded along the slope. First of all, it is necessary to paint the roof slope, and then work from the ridge to the slopes. The paint should be applied to the brush in small quantities and shaded in a thin layer without rough streaks or streaks. Thick layers of paint will crack over time, and water will be retained in the cracks, destroying the roof.

Garage roof repair. Types of roofs and roofing materials. Flat and inclined lean-to structures. Solid roofing materials

It is useful to learn how to repair a garage roof with your own hands, or you will have to call specialists for help, whose services you need to pay for. And I must say, it costs a lot of money, if, of course, you are dealing with professionals.

Any person who owns a country house, a dacha, or simply the aforementioned garage can face roof repairs - sooner or later the roof may become leaky, and if measures are not taken in time, the room will begin to leak. Therefore, we invite you to understand the main roofing materials, methods of their installation, as well as the possibility of local replacement of the coating.

Repair of iron roof gable roof

How to make repairs correctly

Types of roofs and roofing materials

Note. In small architectural structures - small houses, cottages, dachas and garages, gable or single-pitched roofs are usually made, although you can also find structures of the hip or hipped type.
However, local roof repairs are almost independent of the complexity of the structure, since only a certain area needs to be replaced.

Types of roofs for country houses and country houses

You may need the following types of repairs:

  • filling the damaged area with hot tar to create a tight coating;
  • installation of a patch from soft roofing materials, for example, on top of an old roofing material in a certain area you can lay several strips of new material, but this is also sometimes fixed with resin;
  • replacement of solid roofing materials in a certain area: slate, corrugated sheets, tiles;
  • in addition, it can be a repair of a standing seam roof, which is somewhat more complicated and requires certain tinsmith skills.

Much also depends on the structural features of the building:

  • for example, if this is a collective garage, then in most cases these are soft bitumen-based materials (the same roofing felt), since no one will cover their part of the building with more expensive material;
  • but if this is a separate garage, cottage, cottage or house, then more durable hard materials are already used here, the same slate, corrugated sheets or tiles of various types (ceramic, metal, bitumen);
  • Treatment of the roof with hot tar for sealing is usually done only on single-pitched sloping or flat roofs - on gable and complex structures, the leak-proofness of the coating is achieved due to the overlap of the roofing elements on each other.

Flat and pitched roofs

Repairing pinhole damage

Even if you fix the leaks yourself, you will benefit from an estimate for roof repairs. This way you can not only determine what materials you need, but also buy them in advance so that force majeure does not arise during work.

Climb up and walk along the roof, identifying visually damaged areas - this is not difficult to do, since these are ordinary tears or holes in the roofing material. If there are not very many of them, then you do not have to cover the entire roof or a separate section of it - you can just make do with small patches.

Fill the damaged area with tar

At the site of damage, cut the roofing material in the form of an envelope to make four triangles, and bend them to the sides to clean out any debris that has gotten inside. Then pour the molten tar into it.

Next, lower the triangles back, and fill this area with resin on top so that the seams are not visible (as in the top photo). If the hole was large, then additionally glue a piece of roofing material on top and also cover it with resin.

Installation of roofing felt

Repairing and constructing roofs on a flat roof with roofing felt is very easy. To do this, you will need a certain number of rolls (this must be calculated based on the area to be covered) and tar. However, it is better to melt it on the ground, and then lift it in a bucket with a rope.

First, remove all debris from the roof, including the old covering if it is torn. Then pour melted tar in sections, so that there is enough for the width of the roll or two widths, if possible.

Installation of weld-on soft coating

Nowadays, there is a worthy replacement for roofing felt - these are soft built-up coatings on a bitumen basis, the strength of which is much higher. Consequently, their use significantly increases the service life of the structure.

They have several layers and can be made on the basis of:

  • fiberglass,
  • fiberglass,
  • polyester.

The material is glued to the rough base with bitumen when heated, as shown in the top photo. Such coatings may differ from each other, but the poles at the bottom have a fusible film intended for installation (for gluing) - sometimes it can be sprinkled with quartz sand.

The quality of such coatings largely depends on the mixture of bitumen with polymers - this layer is located in the middle of the sheet, between its protective top layer and the base - the fusible film discussed above. The mixture may differ slightly in composition, since it can be oxidized bitumen, as well as the same bitumen, but with the addition of polymers.

You will understand the difference immediately - firstly, if there are no polymers, then the cost of the material is much lower, and, secondly, during operation it is not able to retain heat, and also loses elasticity at low temperatures.

Note. One of the worst enemies of soft coverings is precipitation in the form of snow.
The fact is that such a roof, as a rule, is done on pitched and flat roofs, where the snow begins to melt, then freezes and this cycle is repeated.
And this does not have the best effect on the integrity of the coating.
Therefore, snow should be removed from such roofs before the onset of a thaw.

Solid roofing materials

Replacing broken slate with a new one

But to repair the roof of a dacha, house or cottage, you will most likely need solid roofing materials. If it is slate, then you are very lucky - it is very easy to replace, unlike seam covering.

In order to replace one slate, you first need to remove it. And for this you will have to “disturb all the sheets that are adjacent to it, that is, overlapping it and located under its edge. At a minimum, these are three sheets - the top, bottom and one of the side sheets, which is on top and covers the adjacent overlap with its wave.

The most important thing in this case is to carefully remove the nails so as not to damage the good (whole) material. And sometimes it can be very difficult to perform such an operation, since the nails are rusty, and you simply have nowhere to rest the nail puller.

Therefore, the most convenient option in such situations is to cut off the nail heads with a grinder, if you have the opportunity to pull it onto the roof by connecting it through an extension cord. The remaining nails without heads can then simply be bent under the wave, resting against them with something flat, for example, a chisel or an old chisel (just hammer a new nail nearby - this will not cause any problems).

Note. We don't even mention replacing materials such as metal tiles or corrugated sheets, since they practically do not need replacement.
But if you still have to do this, then the principle here is the same as for slate, only the process itself is much simpler.

Types of folds

So, if your roof is covered with sheet iron and you need to repair the roof of a cottage (house, cottage, garage), then everything here is much more complicated, since you will have to unclench the folds to dismantle the old covering. And then crimp them again.

Opening the fold is also not easy, perhaps even more difficult than rolling it up. The fact is that this will have to be done carefully, with a chisel, in order to later align the edge of the strip remaining on the roof for further use.

As a rule, a complex tool is not needed here - such a strip is leveled with two hammers. In addition, for replacement, it is very important to correctly measure the dimensions of the sheet so that it fits tightly into the seat - otherwise its seaming will be of poor quality.

Repair of galvanized roofing - the seam is rolled up with a roofing frame

There are three main types of folds:

  1. recumbent;
  2. standing corner (L-shaped);
  3. just standing.

So, for roofing work, as a rule, the third, standing version of the lock is used. It is quite durable, rigid and will not allow moisture to pass through either from rain or from melting snow.

Therefore, after dismantling and leveling the edges of the material remaining on the roof, carefully move it up and lay the replacement. The difficulty is that such strips have the full length of the slope, and they need to be fed so that they do not bend.

The lock is rolled up using a roofing frame, although there are also automatic and semi-automatic folding tools for this purpose. And it is best to use a universal frame to close the fold.


Of course, if the roof was repaired using metal roofing materials that do not have a galvanized or aluminum-galvanized coating, then painting work will be required to protect the coating from corrosion. All repair work, as a rule, is carried out with the same materials that are used in this case.

Well, if you have any suggestions, questions or comments, please leave them in the comments.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):