The set was ordered both out of curiosity and for practical purposes. Having found myself several times in a situation where, due to lost key I had to cut the shackle with a hacksaw for a long time and sadly padlock, I wanted to learn how to open the lock in such situations more in a fast way and in a less labor-intensive way.

I know that this topic will no doubt cause a discussion about the legality of using the devices described, I want to note that the review was written solely for informational purposes, since I believe that such items are applicable for good, it all depends on who uses them and with what intentions .

The lock picking kit includes a set of master keys in a case and a transparent lock with two keys.

The complete lock belongs to the type of the most common cheap Chinese padlocks cylinder locks. In our country, such locks are usually used to lock various unimportant doors and drawers, and it is for them that the keys are often lost.

By the way, it’s funny that the Chinese hung a keychain with keys on the lock shackle, as if hinting at the need to use the included set of tools. But I still decided to go sequentially, and first demonstrate how a padlock pin lock works and what happens when the lock is opened with a key, since the transparent case allows this.

So, the main functional parts of a padlock are: the cylinder where the key is inserted ( 1 ), spring-loaded pins ( 2 ), blocking the rotation of the cylinder, the pin locking the lock shackle ( 3 ) and the bow itself ( 4 ).

When the key is inserted into the cylinder hole, the protrusions on the key blade press out the pins and the cylinder can rotate:

When you turn the key, the cylinder presses the locking pin, releasing the shackle:

This photo also shows that out of 7 pins, the key only presses out six, and the seventh pin serves as a stop.

It is logical that the more pins the key presses, the more difficult it is to open the lock using special means, since each pin must be pressed separately, and blindly, because in real life locks are not transparent.

To open locks, the set includes 12 master keys and 2 levers for turning the cylinder and a spacer:

Since the set itself is educational and demonstration, the master keys are not High Quality, which is basically expected. This is evidenced both by the crimping of the rivets and by the quality of the metal itself.

The thickness of the blades is approximately 0.6 mm, and the metal itself feels quite fragile, so you need to use the tool carefully so as not to break it.

The set includes a master key that almost completely follows the shape of the protrusions of the key. With its help I will demonstrate the principle of opening the lock. In addition to the master key itself, you will also need a lever to rotate the cylinder.

The master key is inserted into the keyhole in such a way that its protrusions raise the pins to the line of rotation of the cylinder.

After this, a lever is inserted into the remaining free space in the well.

Now, since the pins are raised above the line of rotation, the lever can be used to turn the cylinder and the eye will be released.

This is of course the simplest situation. Typically, the number of pins and slot configuration are unknown. This is actually why there are so many master keys in the set various shapes. You will have to press out the pins one at a time, and in order to prevent the springs from returning them back, the cylinder must be turned a little so that it presses the pins. And only then successively squeeze them over the edge of the cylinder.

This operation requires a certain skill, and it is difficult to do it blindly. It is wiser to learn this operation first on a transparent lock, and only then try it by touch.

In-depth training in lock picking is beyond the scope of this review and may be against the law. But if this question interests you, information on the topic is freely available on the Internet.

Here, for example, is an English-language video freely available on Youtube:

To summarize, I would like to once again draw the attention of readers to the fact that this review is for informational purposes only, and absolutely does not encourage readers to take any action. And knowledge is a tool that can be used both for harm and for good. There are different situations in life, and if the ability to open a lock without a key saves someone’s life, no one will condemn it, right?

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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Cross locks are locks for doors with a cross-shaped cylinder or cylinder. The most widespread in Russia are the Turkish cross locks KALE and FAYN, thanks to wholesale purchases and mass installation in metal doors at the door manufacturing stage.

Locks with a cross-shaped key have a good degree of security - at least 20 thousand combinations, but an extremely low degree of resistance to the most primitive methods of hacking: the cylinder is attached to the lock body with only two small, fragile screws and is not protected by an armor plate.

Turkish manufacturers, to increase the level of secrecy of cross-shaped locks, such as Fayn and Kale, even equipped them with three rows of pins, but completely forgot that the pins turned out to be too small in diameter, and the brass metal from which the core of the cross-shaped lock is made is very soft and malleable by force influences.

Cross or cruciform lock KALE - device

The Kale 189 series cross lock, like its analogues, belongs to mortise cylinder locks and is equipped with three or five keys, depending on the assembly batch.
The principle of operation of the mechanism is that the beard or beak of the cross cylinder moves the locking bolt.
Locking occurs in two or three turns only with the help of a key, has four bolts with a diameter of 12 millimeters, and the extension of the bolts is 28 mm.
Recommended for installation only on interior doors!

Disadvantages of cross locks or why it is better to replace cross locks?

  1. Extremely low quality lock. If the cylinder locks wear out the mechanism on one side, then the cross-shaped key, when entering the cylinder, wears out on four sides at once, which leads to the key “biting.” And the cross key is inconvenient to carry in your pocket due to the sharp blank, which tears the fabric of clothing
  2. Inconvenient to use. IN cross castle the key can only be inserted in a certain position and removed, accordingly, too. To operate cross locks, you need to get used to the sequence of opening and closing the lock in a certain plane of the key
  3. Extremely low levels of protective functions or burglary resistance. Opening a cross lock takes no more than five minutes without rushing, and for a burglar it takes just a few seconds, and absolutely silently.

How to open a cross lock without a key?

Quite often there are situations when the key gets stuck in the lock, how to open the cross lock without damaging it? The “softest” way to solve the problem is to spray WD-40 and, with a little effort, try to unscrew and pull the key out of the cylinder.
If this method opening the lock was not successful, we move on to tough measures:

  • How to open a cross lock using a drill and screwdriver

If the front door is closed and the key is broken in the keyhole, then you need to drill out the cylinder with a drill with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the key, move the core bit and open it with a screwdriver

  • How to crack a cross lock with a screwdriver

We select a nozzle that is suitable in size, first gently, for insertion, we begin to turn the cylinder, then with force - by turning the lock should open.

  • How to open a cross lock with chewing gum

We put soft chewing gum into the core of the lock, push it to the base, wait for it to harden and use any screwdriver, even a slotted one, to open the lock. The principle of a banal opening of a cross-shaped lock comes down to the following: the rubber band fills the cavities of the key cutting and, when solidified, takes the shape of a cross-shaped key; any screwdriver is enough... We think it is unnecessary to describe the process further.

  • How to open Phillips locks with a Phillips impact screwdriver

The fastest and toughest method: drive a Phillips screwdriver into the lock cylinder almost to the base and turn it with force, possibly using an adjustable wrench. The cylinder rotates, the brass pins are cut off, the door opens, the lock is subsequently changed, preferably to a safe one!

Cross lock: replacing a lock with a cross key with a safe one is inexpensive, but reliable!

Basic negative problem Turkish cross locks, such as Kale, Ornek or Fayn, in addition to the weak mechanism, are easy to open the entrance door locked with a key from the inside.
You don't need to be a professional burglar to silently remove the trim, hook the protruding tail of the key with pliers, turn it and open the door.

Therefore, there is reason to think about what to replace a lock with a cross key with and choose a reliable alternative to replacing a cross key. Replacing a cross lock with a safe with a butterfly key and a lever locking mechanism will significantly increase the safety and security of your home.

Replacing the KALE cross lock with METTEM ZV8 190.0.0

Replacing a FAYN lock with a cross key with a GARDIAN 10.01

Replacing the cross lock with lever lock economy class: the cost will be 3,500 rubles, including the lock and modification work seat, boring a turnkey hole and a guarantee!

If you are interested in a more serious lock, for example made in Italy, then Mottura is a suitable alternative.

Contact us, our masters will definitely take into account your wishes and select a lock model exclusively for your door, explain in detail all the disadvantages of cross locks and the advantages of replacing them with safe ones!

We reveal the secret behind seven seals - How do they open locks?
Before getting into the weeds of technologies used by intelligence officers and criminals, let us recall the design of a classic pin (“English”) lock, the key of which resembles a saw. Its cylinder is a cylinder that rotates in the body of the locking device and, turning one or more revolutions, activates actuators lock - the bolt extends out or hides inside the body.

In order for such a mechanism to be unlocked only with the “original” key, vertical channels are drilled in the body and the rotary cylinder, into each of which a “pyramid” of two spring-loaded pins (code and locking) having a strictly specified geometry is inserted. If you insert a “native” key into a keyhole, its jagged profile will build “pyramids” in in the right order vertically - and the line of separation of the code and locking pins will coincide with the line of interface between the body and the cylinder. Turn the key - the lock is open.

In a free position (when there is no key in the well), and also if at least one “pyramid” is built incorrectly (for example, a key similar in “pattern” but not “original” is inserted into the well), the larva will not turn.

Raking and picking

Is it possible to open a pin lock without the original key? Can. And in several ways. The first, which is commonly called manipulative dissection, requires a thorough knowledge of the hardware, stable skills, sensitive fingers and a special tool. First, an auxiliary device (the so-called “tensioner”) is inserted into the keyhole - an L-shaped strip of spring steel, with the help of which the “safeguard” loads the larva with a slight torque, that is, it creates a preload. After this, a second tool is inserted inside - a “comb”, the wave-like profile of which sequentially and carefully recesses all the code pins, starting from the furthest one - in professional slang this operation is called “combing”, or raking (from the English rake - “comb”).

A variation of this method - picking (from English to pick - “tugging”), involves working in the keyhole with a thin hook - manipulations begin with the first pin “bitten” by the preload. In both cases, success depends on the sensitivity of the hands and skill, since the moment when the next pin is placed on the dividing line can only be detected at the tactile level.

In the mid-50s of the last century, a “semi-automated” method of non-destructive opening of pin locks was invented in the USA. Its inventor was clearly a great connoisseur of billiards, since he figured out how to use the principle of transferring kinetic energy when hitting two balls with the cue ball. standing nearby balls: the ball hit by the cue ball remains in place, and the third one flies forward. That is, the author of the technique proposed hitting the code elements from inside the keyhole, causing the locking pins to jump chaotically.

To open a lock in this way, you need to apply a lucky strike - a successful blow in which the jumping pins momentarily “expose” the line of separation between the lock body and the cylinder. Under the influence of preload, the cylinder will immediately turn - and the lock is open! At first, a wire spring similar to a safety pin was used as a cue. Later, a more advanced tool appeared - a pick gun, a percussion pistol with tips for various keyholes, adjustable impact force and the ability to fire a series of successive “shots”. Impact pistols are still used as lockpicks today.

The percussion technique of opening continued to develop - tools of the eleсtropick class appeared. In fact, this is the same impact pistol, only allowing “automatic fire”: a simple mechanism converts the rotation of the electric motor shaft into an oscillatory movement of the “tip”, which is inserted into the keyhole. An electric picker can perform a series of strikes in a very short time a short time(this increases the likelihood of the pins jumping correctly), and is also able to change the amplitude and frequency of vibration of the working nozzle. According to Russian and European laws, only organizations with the appropriate licenses can legally purchase such a tool.

How serious a weapon are such devices? It must be admitted that it is possible to open some blockers with an impact gun and an electric picker. But only those that have mediocre security mechanisms and technologically sloppy execution. The cylinders of more serious locks cannot be taken by either a mechanical or an electric pick - they have appropriate “shockproof” protection. What is it?

A keyhole, for example, may have a complex zigzag profile - such “tight geometry” does not allow the tool tip to swing. A good protective effect is provided by designs with interlocking pins, which, under the influence of the “native” key, rotate through a certain angle - that is, the encoding is determined not only by the size of the pins, but also by the angle of their rotation. In locks with flat “perforated” keys, the pins are “scattered” in a horizontal plane and it is extremely difficult to strike them simultaneously with a narrow picker blade. And finally, as protection against criminal manipulation, some manufacturers use additional moving elements (balls, pins) that come into contact with the key: even if the burglar places all the code elements on the dividing line, the cylinder will not turn.

Thanks to these measures, among manufacturers of high-quality and expensive locks with pin security mechanisms for a long time There was a blissful calm.


Thunder struck in the spring of 2004, when at a specialized exhibition in Germany, representatives of the Israeli company Dolev Product Development loudly uttered the word “bumping” (from the English bump - “knock, blow”) and showed “golden keys”, with the help of which in a matter of In seconds, the locks of the most famous brands opened. What was this demonstration for? For self-promotion. The fact is that the Israelis were looking for a manufacturer for their Rotopin secrecy mechanism, which could not be opened using the demo method.

A little later, when a number of independent organizations published the results of bump tests of pin locks of the most famous manufacturers, a scandal erupted in Europe. Testing laboratories began to revoke previously issued certificates, and manufacturers of pin locks grabbed their heads - bumping made it easy to bypass almost all security barriers!

In essence, the new criminal method has become a type of “successful strike” technique. With its help, you can simultaneously hit all the pins of the security mechanism, regardless of their shape, location and profile of the keyhole - the role of a “percussion tool” is performed by a modified blank key from the same type of lock! So that the bump key works with all possible code combinations security mechanism, the cutting of the code profile on its blank is made to the maximum depth, and the key itself is slightly shortened. Outwardly, such a master key is no different from a regular key; it fits easily into the hole, but cannot open the lock in the normal way.

But to the non-standard ones: bump-bump-bump! When you carefully strike the key head, the shortened blank “dives” deep into the keyhole, and the “scallops” of the code cutting, moving along the longitudinal axis, throw up the pins. If, simultaneously with such blows, you try to turn the cylinder with impulse movements, then at the moment when “lucky strike” appears, the lock will open! Moreover, after opening with a bump, the lock remains fully operational, and only a thorough examination will determine the method of entry into the protected area - the bump key leaves virtually no traces.

The only encouraging thing is that to produce a high-quality bump key, you need not only suitable blanks and a machine, but also considerable intellectual potential - the technology of a “successful strike” has its own subtleties.

Is there anti-bumping protection? Eat. And we hope that manufacturers and developers will take care of it. According to our information, such studies are already underway.

A secret to the whole world...

Despite the fact that they started talking about bumping in full voice recently, the method itself (at one time it was called the term rapping) has been known for at least 50 years. Information about the bump key is given in the Bible of lock specialists - Mark Weber Tobias's encyclopedia "Locks, Safes and Security", and among the most famous modern researchers of bump technologies it is worth mentioning the German engineer Klaus Noch (in 1995 Noch officially warned manufacturers of pin locks about threat and proposed methods of protection), Dutch researcher Barry Wells and Dane Jan Nielsen.

By the way, according to unofficial information, it was the Danish intelligence services that were the first to adopt the bump technique for quickly entering facilities and opening premises in emergency cases.

Bump technologies pose the greatest threat to apartment locks, since, having decided to steal, an attacker can safely make several approaches to the door, examine the locking devices and pick up the “golden key.” Considering that in Russia there are very few pin locks that can resist bumping, this threat is very serious. The conclusion is obvious: to protect your home, it is better to use locks with lever security mechanisms.

It's probably happened to you that you forgot your keys at home. This “pleasant surprise” can happen at the most inopportune moment and pretty much ruin your life. What would you do if the key broke or you accidentally lost it on the way home? Of course, in this case, each key has a duplicate, but it is not always available. Therefore, now we will talk about a fundamentally different solution, namely: we will try to make a key for all the locks and open the door with our own hands. But, if you don’t have any time to search for and use improvised means for opening, we recommend contacting a specialized organization

Pin cylinder operating mechanism

So how do we open the lock without a key? Good question, but first let’s figure out exactly how the lock works and how it works in general? Most locks in the CIS countries are based on either a pin or a perforated cylinder. These two cylinders have significant differences, but in general their operating principle is similar and is based on a spring-pin mechanism.

Simply put, pins are small oblong rods supported by a spring. Their principle of operation is to build a certain combination, which opens the lock.

When you insert a key into such a cylinder, all the rods fall into place, forming a given structural pattern. It is precisely this element of core secrecy that we have to imitate by opening the ill-fated lock that stands in your way.

DIY master keys

To perform an autopsy of an ordinary English castle without a key, we need two master keys. One of the master keys will hold the lock in tension, like a lever, gradually turning the cylinder of the cylinder, and the other will press the pins, aligning them in a certain sequence.

A lot of things can serve as materials for making elementary master keys, starting from the most ordinary paper clip or hairpin, which will not serve you for long, but will have time to fulfill its role, to more wear-resistant materials.

For example, a master key for sequential pin clamping can be machined from hacksaw blade. It will be quite strong, but elastic. This factor is important, since the master key can easily break right in the door lock, and you can get it without special tools will be extremely problematic. Such a tool should have a small recess at the end, the so-called “hook,” which will be quite convenient for pressing on the rods and opening the door.

The master key that turns the lock should be more solid and should be an L-shaped “handle” with a longitudinal protrusion at the end. This ledge needs to be made rectangular shape so that it can easily fit into the lock hole. Such locksmith tool can be made, for example, from an ordinary hex key of small diameter, and it will serve you for a long time.


The process of opening a lock should not take more than 2-5 minutes ideally, but you may need much more time at first. So be patient and practice on your lock. Do it slowly, step by step, remembering every detail of the process as carefully as possible. In the future, having honed your skills to perfection, you will open such locks without much difficulty.

For information on how to open a lock with a hairpin, see the following story:

Let's look at the stages of opening a lock in more detail.

  • We insert the L-shaped master key into the groove of the core and turn it clockwise, while making a slight constant pressure. It is necessary so that when you press on the rods, the next ones do not return to their original position.

  • We insert the master hook into the hole of the core and press one by one on each pin, of which modern castles can be on average from 5 to 8 pieces depending on the company and country of origin. You need to press the pins methodically and consistently, otherwise you won’t succeed.

If you couldn’t open the lock the first time, repeat the steps. How do you know if the lock opened because you didn't use the key? Everything is very simple. At the end of this process, the cylinder should yield to the influence of turning the master lever. In this case, you can consider all stages of opening the lock successful and mentally congratulate yourself.

Mechanism of operation of a perforated cylinder

A lock with a perforated cylinder is based on a similar operating principle, but has a number of significant differences. One of the most important is that the core pins here have a two-component structure, and to open the lock, the pins must be accurately placed into the perforations on the key plate.

Perforations are small round indentations on the surface of the key that create a combination secret mechanism. The core of such a lock is whole system bilateral pressure.

Thus, in order to open a door with a perforated core, you must be able to imitate the code of the secret two-way pins of the lock. This is quite a difficult task for an inexperienced burglar who simply does not know how to open such a door, which is why such locks are rapidly gaining popularity in our time. Nowadays, almost all entrance doors are equipped with such security mechanisms, so you can rest assured about the safety of your property.

We must warn you that this method opening the lock was described exclusively for use on one’s property, as a locksmith trick, but in no case for the purpose of breaking into someone else’s defense mechanisms. Opening other people's locks is a crime and entails criminal liability in accordance with current legislation.

You can't get into the apartment, it can happen to any of us. Therefore, in such a case, you need to know how to open a lock without a key and what is needed for this.

If the key is missing

So, the keys are nowhere to be found, neither in my pocket nor in my bag. What to do? After all, the lock on the door was specially created so that it could not be opened with bare hands.

Of course, the most reliable and easiest way to solve the problem is to call a service that specializes in opening doors. There are these in every city. In order to help you get into the apartment, you must show the specialists some evidence of your residence in the home. For example, a passport showing your place of registration, etc.

However, if for some reason you cannot use the services of professionals, all that remains is to try to open door lock without a key, using improvised means. For example, use a master key. Such a tool can easily be purchased at a specialized store, and anyone can use it, even those who have never tried to pick locks. But not everyone carries a master key with them. But hairpins or paper clips are another matter.

Making a “master key”

In order to build a master key, you will need two regular paper clips.

Bend the long end of the paper clip and straighten it. You should have a straight wire. Some people advise bending the tip of the wire to make it easier to press on the pins. But this is optional.


Now you need to make a tensioner, the task of which is to turn the lock. With its help you will press on the cylinder, and with another paperclip you will simultaneously put the pins in place. There are two ways to make a tensioner from a paper clip.

The first, simpler one: bend the long end of the paper clip at a right angle. This way you will have the basis for a working tensioner, but not a very good pick.

The second, a little more difficult: completely straighten the ends of the paper clip so that the wire bends in the middle and the ends meet. In this case, one of them should be slightly shorter than the other. Then the longer part must be bent again at a right angle, about a centimeter from the tip.

How to open a lock without a key using a master key

Insert the tensioner into the keyhole and press in a circle. You need to tighten in the direction in which the lock turns. If you don't remember this, then the chances are 50:50. Try moving the paperclip to the right side first. As a rule, in most locks the key turns clockwise. But there are also exceptions.

Those with sensitive hands will be able to feel the right direction themselves. If you do everything correctly, the paperclip will encounter less resistance when turning than if the wrong direction is chosen. Remember that it is very important that there is a slight tension while working.

After you decide on the direction, record the pressure, and with another paperclip try to feel the pins. Most locks have five pins that, when positioned correctly, open the mechanism.

Starting at the back of the keyhole, press the pins in order. You must record each of them. At the same time, slowly tighten the tensioner. If the pin is in the correct position, a slight click will be heard. Or you'll catch faint movement. Gently move the pick until you feel that all the pins are in place. After this, turn the tensioner to in the right direction, and... the lock will open.

Cylinder locks

How to open a lock without a key if you have a set of ordinary tools at hand? It all depends on the type and structure of the mechanism. So, if you have a regular mortise lock equipped with a cross-shaped cylinder, you need to use a drill. Start by drilling a small hole above the keyhole. Then, using a pick, lift the stopper and move the bolt hook away.

Another castle with simple mechanism- cylinder with pins. If you have a drill at hand, then the matter becomes very easy. Make a small hole in the cylinder itself, insert a master key into it and, turning it, open the lock.

The padlock

Now let's talk about how to open the padlock. There are two ways to deal with such a mechanism without a key. The first is to use a master key to try to line up all the pins in one row, as already described above, which is not easy for those who have never done this kind of thing. The second way is to remove the lock. Let's consider a simpler option.

So, how to remove a lock without a key? To do this you will need a regular crowbar.

Direct all your force to the weak point of the lock - where the shackle is attached to the body. Press down.

If you don’t have enough strength, you can use a special metal file, a hacksaw or long wire cutters. Sawing a bow with a diameter of two centimeters takes about ten minutes, so you won’t waste much time.

Rack locks

Such locks are most often used on gates, fences, and garages. Opening methods are universal, primitive and boil down to moving the slats one by one. There are several ways.

  1. Use fishing line or guitar string. Insert a screwdriver into the gap between the jamb and the door. Press the door firmly. You need to make a loop from fishing line or string. Insert it into the keyhole and circle it around the pins (which allow the lock to be opened from the inside). Then gently pull the loop towards you. The slats should move back and the door should open.
  2. How to open a lock without a key using a pencil or carrot? Easily! Lubricate the lock mechanism with any oil. Release the bolt. To do this, you need to slightly press the door in the opposite direction to opening. Then drive a pencil or carrot into the keyhole and turn - the lock is open. The secret is that, thanks to soft material“key”, the rack teeth will leave on the pencil (carrot) the grooves necessary to open the lock.
  3. Use a drill and screwdriver. When using this method, you will not even damage the door leaf. First you need to determine where the closed bolt is located. To do this, insert a regular sheet of paper between the box and closed door. When you feel the bolt, take a drill. Drill a small slot in door frame. Then use a screwdriver to move the deadbolt. All.

A few more ways to open a lock without a key

So, if you have a lock equipped with a tongue, proceed as follows. Using a screwdriver or any other tool that can be inserted between the box and the canvas, press the tab. Then turn the handle and open the door. By the way, doors locked in this way can be opened even with a simple plastic card.

How to open a lever lock if it is built into wooden door? To do this, press on the door and, as far as possible, pull it away from the frame. Then use a paper clip, screwdriver or any other tool to move the levers away.

If you have a latch type lock, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the handle. Remove it. Remove metal panel, which closes the mechanism, and using improvised means try to feel the latch. When you feel that you have succeeded, press down on it and, without letting go, turn the door handle.

If the key is stuck

The first step is to remove the broken key from the lock. In such a situation, you can use a jigsaw file. Insert it into the keyhole so that the teeth point up. Then move the file slowly to engage the key. When this is successful, carefully remove the file along with the “prey”.

There are situations when the key is broken, but part of it sticks out of the keyhole. Use pliers. Use them to pick up the key. Just don't try to pull it out under any circumstances. This can only complicate matters. Just turn it in the direction you normally would when opening the door. And only after the door is open, pull out the key.

In general, the most The best way solving a problem is to anticipate it. Today there are special door locks without keys, which have no keyholes at all. Install such mechanisms for yourself and forget about unnecessary headaches.

And one last thing. If you do try to open the door without a key, then be conscientious. After all, opening other people's locks is prohibited by law. And there is a punishment for this.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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