The idea of ​​starting your own business and working for yourself is interesting to many Russians. However, not only that, many people all over the world dream of starting their own business. But several factors stop them all.

Firstly, this is a lack of experience and knowledge, and secondly, the idea around which the business should be built. And if the first and second can be corrected simply by working in one area or another for a certain period of time and borrowing an idea from the outside; then there is another, third argument that many use to explain why they are not yet successful businessmen. This is a banal lack of funds to start.

Indeed, in almost any business it is necessary to have a certain amount of money for which materials, equipment, real estate or other assets of a particular business will be purchased. Typically, many people cannot afford to raise enough funds, which is why they are forced to simply give up starting a business.

At least, this is what the generally accepted approach to starting a personal business looks like - if someone does not have the necessary funds, they simply abandon the idea and work for hire. In this article we will try to find the answer to the question of how to open a business from scratch, without investment. In addition to some general tips and recommendations, specific examples of such business models will be presented here, the opening of which did not require start-up funds.

What can replace money?

To begin with, let’s note what can replace money when starting a business, and what to do if you don’t have it. Analyzing the stories of successful entrepreneurs, it can be argued that instead of starting funds, you can offer the client a quality product that meets his expectations. Examples include some successful video courses on Youtube, an interesting blog, or attractive handmade products. If you manage to produce any of the above (or something else) in such a way that you get paid, consider that you have launched a business from scratch without investments.

Another option is to present familiar things in a new format, to present some idea in a way that no one else can. Again, an example - launch a service for finding cheap air tickets or organize a dog walking service. If someone does this before such services become popular, and is not afraid to be a pioneer, so to speak, it will be a fairly successful business without investment. It's easy to start from scratch.

“Direct” services

In addition to an interesting idea, you can start a business from scratch (without investment) by providing so-called “direct” services directly to your client (buyer). This implies the following scheme: the business owner finds a person interested in his service and either works with him on an advance payment, or makes a small contribution, which is later returned to him along with the profit. The risk in such a case is minimal, since the agreement to supply the goods or service exists before the seller carries it out.

This principle, for example, is used by some online stores that use a form of dropshipping. Its essence is simple - a person places an order, after which the seller orders an item from another supplier, thus acting only as a connecting link. You can come up with quite a lot of similar schemes - in any field you can become an intermediary without investing anything. This can also be a successful business from scratch (without investments) for the poor, because all that is required of its owners is to properly establish the “buyer-seller” chain and receive their profit.

Partnership Agreement

There is another scheme - working on the basis of partnerships. It consists in creating a special form of interaction, which implies partnership contributions in the event of the implementation of some task. For example, a similar business from scratch (without investments) can be created in the field of network marketing. The main task here is to attract new participants. That is, anyone who brings their acquaintances, friends, or even manages to interest strangers and attract them, can make money on this without mandatory investments.

This scheme of work is applicable not only in the case of some kind of financial pyramids or projects where they pay for bringing someone. There are a lot of affiliate sales programs that pay as much money as you manage to sell. Again, to start your own business in this form, you do not need any investments - you can start trading this way without any capital. This can be a fairly promising business without investments, from scratch, if you organize sales channels correctly - find who, how and what you plan to sell.

Internet business

A good opportunity to start your own business without money is the Internet industry. We have heard many stories where someone managed to launch an online project, which later became popular and very profitable. Of course, achieving this is not at all easy - competition in this area is quite high, and offering some kind of original idea is not so easy. If you are interested in how to start a business from scratch (without investment), you can take an interest in the topic of blogging, creating video tutorials, and various training materials. Or, on the contrary, it could be an entertainment topic - the launch of some projects designed for a wide audience.

You can succeed in many areas; the main thing is to approach implementation with all creativity. Look at what other people are interested in, what you could make money from in this or that field; figure out how to interest visitors and create your audience. All this requires not only desire, but also time.

But the undoubted advantage of online business is the absence of any strict legal requirements or regulations that must be observed. No matter how the government tries to subjugate and control the Internet space, it is quite difficult to do so. Therefore, for example, spending money on registering a business entity, renting premises, paying taxes is not yet necessary.

Handmade products

An alternative to everything mentioned above can be some products made by hand. For example, it could be some kind of key rings or accessories for a mobile phone or any other small thing. The main thing is to be able to produce the first batch (again, not everywhere you are expected to have capital), after which, using the proceeds received, it will be possible to continue the development of production.

Information Products

We partially mentioned the sale of information. For this, of course, Internet platforms and various “online” sales channels are best suited. Here, at least, you can place your advertising materials for free and convey information to a wide audience in a minimum amount of time. And it’s still easier to start business ideas from scratch (without investments) in the field of Internet technologies.

An example would be a situation in which a manual, lesson, or training program is being created. The person who worked on this object can begin to distribute these materials for free - if the information in them is really worthwhile, then the demand for the product will be ensured. In the future, say, it would be possible to start selling more valuable courses/lessons or programs that would have additional levels. Again, this could result in a profitable business. You can start a business from scratch (without investment), the main thing is the goal, desire and willingness to act!

Further development

In fact, in addition to a successful start, you also need to take care of the need to continue what you started doing. For example, over time, you know how to start a business from scratch, without investments, and what you need for this. In the future, having organized your business, you need to develop it: attract new clients, increase turnover. This condition is necessary and cannot be forgotten. And yes, by the way, the owner must do all this if he wants his profitable business to work from scratch.

Ideas without investment

In order not to be unfounded, we will give some interesting options for what you can do if you don’t have money to start. For example, mediation in advertising. It is enough to find a client to place advertising on a particular object, rent the latter and set a higher price. Another option is a similar scheme operating in the real estate industry. Many people search for tenants on free classifieds sites, and then transfer them to the property to be rented out. It’s clear that the person who rents the premises pays the price, taking into account all the extra charges.

Another option is intermediary (or targeted) trading. Just find a person who wants to buy this or that item, then find it and resell it for a little more profit. Such business ideas from scratch (without investments) allow you to earn quite a lot if you know what to trade. For example, in the flower industry this can work quite successfully, but trying to do the same, say, with the services of a lawyer, is not worth it - it’s too specific a job for ordinary people.


Don’t believe those who say that you can’t build a business without investments. Some large companies were built solely on the ideas of their owners, and even one person, without the opportunity to make large investments, earned huge fortunes. All this is real! Show some creativity and diligence! And you will succeed!

If you are looking for business ideas that do not require investment, then perhaps working as an event organizer is for you.

Clients will appear, you will rent premises, hire presenters, decorate the halls, plan the menu and entertainment program. For such work you need the Internet, a telephone, a notebook with a pen and a desire to earn money.

Such personal qualities will not harm like punctuality and responsibility. Over time, you will develop useful connections, and your work will become much easier, and your service business will begin to flourish without investment.

At the same time, with this income, it will be possible to negotiate with some restaurants and presenters a percentage for recommending their services to their clients. Income per month will be on average 500-700 dollars.

2. Event management

To open an event management business, it is desirable to have vocal skills, communication skills and a presentable appearance. Having all this, you will be able to host weddings and events, just know how to entertain guests.

If If you have a talent for communicating with children, then you will be able to host children's birthday parties, here, too, it's all about knowing the techniques to relieve guests from boredom.

Subtleties: Often the presenter works in tandem with a DJ, who has microphones and appropriate equipment for adjusting the sound and turning on the music. If you find a DJ with equipment for collaboration, the number of clients will significantly increase. Income per month – 350-500 dollars.

3. Consulting

This business without investment from scratch directly depends on your specific skills and knowledge. Starting your own business selling your own knowledge can be successful and expensive.

Consulting on fashion, finance, law, healthy lifestyle and any other area that is familiar to you can bring significant income.

4. Real estate agent

To work as a real estate agent and start a business from scratch, you don’t have to be an agency employee. It is enough to post as many advertisements as possible about your services, and after a client appears, find a suitable housing option for him.

In case of a successful transaction, you will immediately receive payment, the amount of which must be agreed upon in advance. Thus, per month you can earn about 600-800 dollars.

5. Services of a master with a visit to your home

The service, popularly called “husband for an hour,” will also quickly find its client. If you know how to repair plumbing, electrical wiring and furniture, then this profitable business without investment is for you. This way to earn money is mainly suitable for men. To get started you will need a basic set of tools.

6. Nanny

A profitable idea for a women's business without initial capital is a mini-kindergarten at home. Nannies make great money these days. There are several options for such a service, depending on the amount of time you are willing to spend on this small business without investment.

You can open a mini-kindergarten, sit with one small child, be a nanny for an hour and let the parents go on errands when they need it, or simply pick up the child from the kindergarten or sports section and bring him home.

All these options are very popular high demand, and you won’t have any difficulty finding clients. This business is suitable for women of any age. Income – 350-450 dollars. per month.

7. Hair salon at home

This small business without investment will always bring you real profit. Clients will prefer such a hairdresser if he cuts hair well and inexpensively.

Works best here word of mouth, so invite all your neighbors, friends and acquaintances for a free haircut - this promotion will undoubtedly help you start earning money quickly and consistently.

You will need a chair, scissors, combs, a special clipper, a hairdryer and at least a little experience. When clients come in a steady stream by appointment, earnings will be approximately $530/month.

8. For motorists

If you have a car, then it is very easy for you. Every day, many residents of your city need the services that you can offer them.

Assistance with relocation, taking company employees home after a corporate event, taxi services or courier delivery can be an excellent source of profit for you. Also, if you have a new, beautiful car, you can make good money by accompanying weddings. Income per month – 650 dollars.

9. Reselling things from China

Many things can be ordered from China with delivery at ridiculous prices, while the exact same product is on the counter of a nearby store, but costs 4 times more. You can do it without investment!

You can order clothes, jewelry, household items and much more on a special website, for example AliExpress, and distribute via the Internet among your fellow citizens.

Make your own markup and, if it does not exceed the boundaries of common sense, then your product will not sit stale and will quickly find its buyer. resale without investment will bring monthly earnings in the region of 270-400 dollars/month.

10. Photographer and video operator

Family photo sessions, wedding photos and videos, advertising photos for various companies can bring you good and permanent income. The demand for these services is great and with proper advertising you will not have to sit without work.

11. Nail service at home

A great option for women! Modern girls who want to get a manicure, instead of going to a beauty salon, very often prefer manicurists who work at home. This is due to the fact that their services are much cheaper, and the quality of work is often not inferior to that of a salon.

You will need gel polishes, brushes, files, accessories, special liquids and a lamp for polymerization.

Before starting such a business, it will be necessary to practice. Involve for these purposes girlfriends, mother or sisters. No one will refuse to get a free manicure, and you will get the opportunity to improve your skills and make a portfolio.

This business is perfect for girls who want to look good and make money at the same time. You can grow in this direction endlessly and over time you will be able to achieve such a level of professionalism and earnings that many office workers will envy you. Earnings per month – 600-800 dollars.

12. Makeup artist

Work as a makeup artist is usually traveling. Clients are willing to pay extra for a makeup artist to come to their home and quickly apply beautiful makeup. This will also require practice, you can train on yourself until you reach the desired level of skill.

To implement such a business idea without investment, you will need a set of cosmetics and a special mobile storage case. Keep in mind that the girls who will contact you for services have different color types and different skin tones.

Very useful to know rules for harmonizing colors and have in your case a large selection of products that respond to any wish of the client.

It doesn't hurt to learn the basics dermatology and skin physiology. A makeup artist's earnings depend on his popularity. If you are a creative, sociable and punctual person, then this job is for you. Income – 650 dollars/month.

13. Household assistant

Elderly people, single young mothers and simply busy people often really need help in solving everyday issues, such as:

  1. Cleaning;
  2. Cooking;
  3. Taking out the trash;
  4. Purchasing groceries and household items;
  5. Walking the dogs.

Help with household chores for those who need it is a great business without investment for beginners. In order to start this small business without investment, you do not need any special skills - just submit an advertisement, or better yet, post a paper version of it where they can catch the eye of your target audience.

With proper time planning, friendly attitude towards clients and an individual approach, you will be guaranteed full employment and decent earnings. Income per month is about $360-460.

14. Tutoring and homework help

Do you want to know how to open your own business from scratch and find suitable ideas without investment? Try yourself in the field of education. Often, due to the amount of work, parents simply do not have time to help their child with homework. Many parents are willing to pay for additional education for their child, especially if the child is in public view.

Preparing schoolchildren for a lesson, test or exam is difficult work that is well paid. Knowledge of the school curriculum and the ability to clearly explain the material are the best assistants in this business.

If a lesson with one student lasts 1.5 hours, then you can take at least two per day and thus provide yourself with up to $650/month.

15. YouTube channel

How to open a business from scratch without investment for those who have a video camera and the Internet? If you have a story to tell and you master the art of storytelling, then it may be a good option for a business idea without investment from scratch. To do this, you will need to choose a topic for your channel, create it and get 10,000 views on your videos.

Fulfillment of these conditions is necessary to connect your channel to monetization, or simply advertising.

16. Manufacturing of confectionery products to order

If you still don’t know how to open a business without investment, then perhaps this option will suit you. Making cakes and pastries to order requires certain skills and knowledge. You can learn everything you need in courses, or you can do it for free by studying relevant articles and videos.

A few “training” jobs to get your teeth into and create a small portfolio will help you promote your services.

This is a great business without investment for beginners, since clients will pay for both your work and products for making cakes and pastries. Income per month – 230-400 dollars.

17. Mating of purebred dogs and cats

What kind of business can you create without investment if you have a dog or a cat? If your pet is purebred, then you can make good money on breeding and puppies. For example, one Bengal kitten costs around $440. In this particular case, there are 3-4 kittens in one litter, and it is recommended that cats and dogs give birth no more than 1-2 times a year. Taking this factor into account, earnings will average $220/month.

18. Earning money on social networks

Advertising in your group

A profitable business without investment on the Internet is creating a community and placing advertisements in it. In order for your group to be in demand among advertisers, it must have an impressive number of participants. To attract people, regularly publish interesting information, hold competitions and advertise your community. Soon, once you reach 10,000 or more members, you will be able to start making money from advertising, and your monthly earnings will be up to $400.

Administration of someone else's community

Supporting a group often requires considerable effort and time; often group owners cannot cope with the required volume of publications on their own. For this, external moderators are brought in - this is a good business on the Internet from scratch without investment.

While doing this work, you will need to post fresh, relevant information on the community pages, maintaining the interest of existing members and attracting new ones. Income per month – 150 dollars.

Increase likes, subscribers, comments and reposts

How to start a business without investment in this area?

You will need create several pages on a social network and install programs that allow you to cheat.

Look for clients, specify exactly how many likes or reposts you need to get, set the desired number in the program and then it will do everything itself. Such activities can bring in about $170/month.

Like and repost

Not the most profitable, but stable option for a business idea without financial investments for beginners. by liking, reposting and subscribing to communities. Examples: or After registering on such a site and linking social networks, you will receive tasks, completing which you will receive a small reward. Earnings will be about $50-60/month.

19. Copywriting

Writing good text is highly valued nowadays. . You will need a computer, the Internet and the ability to express your thoughts consistently and competently.

To find customers Pay attention to special sites created so that copywriters and rewriters can offer their services, and customers can find exactly the person they need. Income per month – from 180 dollars.

20. Making paintings to order

The ability to paint pictures and portraits will help you open a home business without investment. By advertising your work on the Internet and charging a reasonable price, you can attract enough clients for this activity to become your main source of income.

To work you will need paints, pencils of varying hardness, brushes and high-quality canvases. One 20x30 oil portrait can cost up to $90. Earnings per month will be about $600.

21. Repairing small and large equipment

For those who know how to repair equipment, it is not difficult to answer the question of how to open a business from scratch without investment. You can accept equipment and repair it at home - clients will bring everything themselves.

To attract more clients, you can do free diagnostics. Repairing computers, phones, tablets and laptops will prove to be a wonderful source of income, especially after you gain popularity as a repairman in your city. The monthly income will be $1000.

22. Website creation and promotion

Every businessman wants to have a beautiful, convenient and visited website to promote their services and products. If you know how to write code to create websites and know the features of web design, then creating a business without investment and living off it will not be difficult. In addition to creating websites, their promotion is in high demand.

With the help of a special program, you can engage in website promotion and promotion, earning good money from it. The profit of such a business without investments is approximately $850/month.

23. Writing essays, term papers and dissertations to order

Students often resort to such a service as help in writing an essay or dissertation, and for you this is a worthy business without investing money. It is important here to do your job conscientiously and delve into the essence of the material being presented. If the work is completed in a short time, the price, and therefore your earnings, increases significantly.

Another the plus is that your potential clients can be located anywhere in the country and it is not at all necessary to live in the same city with them.

This area is an excellent platform to open your own small business without investment, which is well suited for students and mothers on maternity leave. Income per month – $330.

24. Atelier at home

Do you have a sewing machine and can you sew? Wonderful! It will not be difficult for you to open a small home studio, like a business from scratch without starting capital. Clothes in stores and boutiques are made to standards that are not ideal for everyone.

You will be able to offer the client tailoring according to his personal ideas and parameters.

The peculiarity of such a business is the ability to understand what exactly the client wants and work according to his vision.

In addition to making clothes, you can sew or repair things, which is also in demand. Income per month – 330 dollars.

25. Children's toys

Sewing, felting or knitting a beautiful doll, educational toy, building a small dollhouse are popular small business ideas. Familiarize yourself with the educational materials, develop a skill, hone your skills, and in less than a month you will become a master of a children's toy.

You can sell your goods not only independently, but also through shops and stalls, having previously agreed with the owner of the outlet. This option for a business idea without investment can generate income of about $310. per month.

26. Polymer clay

You can also consider a business in the city without investment, such as making jewelry from polymer clay. With proper advertising, beautiful earrings and necklaces of unusual shape will definitely attract your client.

It will take a little longer to hone your skills in this area, perhaps 2 or 3 months. You will need appropriate accessories, such as fasteners and clasps for making jewelry; they are sold in almost all fabric stores and are very cheap.

Promote your product via the Internet, receive positive reviews and expand your customer base. Income per month will be up to 200 dollars.

27. Soap making

Beautiful, fragrant handmade soap will help you make good money. Such a business idea without investments at home will not require many months of practice and special knowledge. Learning to make soap yourself is very simple. You will need a base in the form of regular baby soap, dishes and molds, dyes, various additives in the form of base and essential oils, as well as decorative elements such as flowers, coffee beans and ribbons.

Price for one bar of soap handmade items start from $2, and earnings from such a business can be up to $320 per month.

28. Making candles

To open a business without investment in a small town, you can make handmade scented decorative candles. You will need wax, paraffin or stearin, flavorings, wicks and utensils for cooking and decorating.

The technology and features of promoting your product are very similar to the soap making business. The same is true for the profitability of this home business.

29. Lunch delivery

A good source of income can be a business in the city without investment, such as delivering home-cooked lunches to your clients’ work. If you know how to cook, then it won’t be difficult for you to make a delicious business lunch. Perhaps at first you will encounter difficulties in the form of a lack of clients, but once you get one client in the office, you will have the opportunity to draw the attention of his colleagues - your potential clients - to the product you offer.

30. Writing books

Writing a useful and interesting book is not so easy, but if you have the talent of a writer, then this home-based business without investment is perfect for you. Write a book on a topic that interests you and look for a publishing house that might be interested in your work. After the contract with the publisher is concluded, your creation can be put up for sale and presented to the reader.

Since we are considering a business option without investments, and it is not possible to pay the cost of printing a circulation, your book can be successfully distributed in electronic form via the Internet. Income is approximately $170 per month.

31. Writing original songs and poems to order

If you are a musician and are drawn to poetry, then you will be able to offer your services as a writer of songs and poems, so for you, opening a business without initial capital will become a continuation of your favorite hobby.

32. House plants

Growing home flowers is a good home business idea without investment. Growing small bonsai trees, miniature roses and any other beautiful flowers is very profitable, because you can take sprouts of already mature plants to grow new ones.

Such flowers in beautiful ceramic pots will be in demand and popular, and will bring a stable income.

If you have pets, then you should take this into account and take care of the safety of your product. Among other things, you can grow plants suitable for human consumption, such as parsley, dill, mushrooms, etc. Profit per month will be about $260/month.

33. Advertising on windows and cars

An interesting option for a business idea without start-up capital is unusual advertising. You can rent out the windows of your house, your balcony, or your entire car as an advertising platform.

34. Outsourcing

Knowledge of accounting, law or IT can be a profitable venture. You can do accounting for small organizations remotely. The system administrator will work both from home and with periodic visits.

If If you serve several companies, your monthly earnings can be up to $530.

35. Business for a musician

The ability to sing and play a musical instrument represents a wide range of possible ways to create your own business from scratch without starting capital. In addition to performing compositions in crowded places on the street, which, by the way, is quite profitable, you can offer your services to bars and cafes that want to entertain guests with live music.

You can also perform at special venues with their original songs and later organize their own concerts and receive payment for tickets. You can also sing at events such as weddings, birthdays and parties.

With regular employment, a musician can earn about $380 monthly.

36. Translator

What kind of business without investments is relevant now? – of course, translation services. There is always a job for a good translator. This is especially true for those who know a language that is not taught in secondary schools.

Knowledge of Japanese, Italian and especially Chinese language will help you start a business without starting capital and earn about $400 per month.

37. Game on the stock exchange

Buying and selling dollars, euros and shares is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are a number of special sites that teach beginners for free and provide training programs so that you can practice without risking real money.

After training, you can buy several units of currency or shares and start monitoring the exchange rate. Over time, experience in this area will begin to work in your favor, and you will be able to make good money playing on the stock exchange. Income per month – 400-800 dollars.

38. Hotel for animals

For animal lovers, an excellent business without investment at home is to open a small hotel for our little brothers. Often, owners are planning a vacation with the whole family, or a trip to visit relatives, and they simply have no one to leave their pet with. Your services will come in very handy, and you will be a salvation in such a situation.

You can charge 3 - 4 dollars per night for one pet. Permanent residence of 4 animals in your mini-hotel will bring about $420 monthly.

39. Massage

What kind of business can you open without initial capital if you have a medical education? An ideal option for you would be a baby massage. In order to create this business without initial capital, you must have a desire to work with children. Every second child receives a recommendation from doctors to undergo a massage course. As a rule, it includes 10 sessions.

The cost of one session ranges from 5 to 17 dollars, depending on the complexity of the procedure. One session lasts from 30 to 90 minutes. Working daily with 3-4 children, you can earn up to $710 per month.

40. Network Marketing

Typically, network marketing involves the distribution of cosmetics or general merchandise among acquaintances and friends. A good option to open your own business without investing money, isn’t it? Communication skills and a lot of work colleagues won’t hurt here.

The company providing the product will train you and provide you with everything you need. For ease of sales, you will have a catalog with prices listed higher than the prices at which these products will be sold to you as a consultant. It is on this difference that your income will be based. By collecting orders and distributing them to your customers, you can earn $240 monthly.

41. Organization of joint purchases

The organizer of joint purchases is a good option for a business idea without initial capital.

You choose a wholesale company that sells something, it could be children's toys, stationery, clothing, teas or sweets, place an advertisement for an order, wait for the total order to increase to the amount or number of units of goods declared by the seller, and go to buy order.

This activity is associated with a number of risks(for example, the customer refused the product without paying for it), possible confusion at the beginning of your work, but do not be alarmed - the product that was rejected can be sold to someone else, and you will learn to cope with the distribution of a large flow of goods very quickly .

The income from each participant will be approximately $3, you can make up to 8 purchases per month. Total monthly income will be about $500.

42. Cooking or knitting school at home

Can you cook or knit? Invite anyone who wants to learn how to do the same! After all, learning to do this on your own is not so simple and quick, unlike learning under the strict guidance of an experienced teacher.

This is a simple and working home business idea without investment. Having 3 groups of 3 students and thus filling your work week, you can have an income of $240 per month.

43. Second hand

An interesting idea to create is to start making second-hand clothes. Used clothing is sold by owners for pennies and, often, whole bags; some are even ready to give it away for free. Buy some of these clothes, give them a marketable appearance and sell them at a small markup.

There are many platforms on the Internet for selling things for free, including used ones. Resale will be more successful if the product is presented in beautiful photographs and the price of the product is reasonable. Income per month is about $450.

44. Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Santa Claus with home delivery is simply incredibly popular on the eve of the New Year and on New Year's Eve itself. You can start working 2-3 weeks before the holiday itself, come to the children when their parents call, and give them gifts already prepared by their parents.

Knowing a few poems, a little acting skills, an appropriate costume and a willingness to act according to the situation will help you in this business. Working as Santa Claus is a seasonal income, but in 2 weeks and New Year's Eve itself you can visit about 35 families and earn about $1000.

45. Healing herbs

If you are looking for poor people at home, then you might like this option. Russian open spaces are famous for a huge number of a wide variety of herbs and plants that have healing, health-improving and rejuvenating properties. Collecting herbs such as celandine, string, chamomile, Ivan tea, yarrow and rose hips, subsequent drying and packaging in beautiful jars will help you organize your business without initial capital.

Over the summer you will be able collect and prepare enough goods to sell them throughout the fall, winter and spring. Collect herbs in sparsely populated regions of Russia and rightfully position your product as an environmentally friendly product and a product that brings benefits - this will help you quickly find your client. Income – $180-270 per month.

46. ​​Loader on call

When moving, strong hands are often lacking. You can offer your services as a loader and come on call when necessary. To get started, you just need to advertise and stay in touch. Monthly earnings from $170.

47. Design

Understanding the principles and rules of design will help you organize your business. Design can be different, from web design to choosing the color of wallpaper and decorative elements for living rooms.

This business is not seasonal and has stable demand in the market. Promote your services, expand your portfolio and do your work efficiently - let your clients recommend your services to their friends. Income per month – $270-400.

48. Decoration of residential premises

It is not easy to find a good repairman, and even more difficult to find one who would do it efficiently and inexpensively. If you have specific knowledge and experience related to repairs, then this is the way to make money for you. Laying laminate flooring, laying tiles, hanging wallpaper and hanging a chandelier is work that will be duly rewarded.

Improve your knowledge and skills, take on interesting orders. If you do not have experience, then experts recommend working for a while in a construction organization. Earnings per month - $1900-2500.

49. Rent and rental of housing

The option that an energetic entrepreneur will choose. You can rent a two or three-room apartment for a month, and rent out individual rooms daily.

The plus is, that you can take as many of these apartments as you can work with.

Minus– in order to generate income, you must always be on the lookout for new tenants. Another disadvantage is that you will not have documents for this housing, which means you will lose a certain number of vigilant guests checking the availability of documents for their own peace of mind.

Nevertheless, you can make good money in this business. $380 per month will be the income for a beginning entrepreneur who has rented 3 two-room apartments, with the cost of living in one room per day being 12 dollars.

50. Paid surveys

You can earn some money by taking surveys on the Internet. There are a number of websites that offer you the opportunity to take surveys and get rewarded for doing so.

The income from such activities will be small, but the work as a whole will not cause much trouble. This option is suitable as additional income. Income – 50-150 dollars per month.

Some useful tips for those who want to earn money without investments:

  • Beware of scammers. There are many projects on the Internet that promise fast and high earnings. Pay attention to the terms of the offer received, do not agree to purchase anything, or make a down payment “for the subsequent receipt of passive income.” If the proposed project causes you doubts, study online resources for reviews about this organization;
  • Always perform your service or work efficiently and on time. Nothing will attract new clients to you faster than a good reputation and reviews;
  • If you offer a product or service, then creating a group on social networks and your own website will help you attract new customers;
  • Goodwill. Be responsive and tactful, regardless of the field of your chosen business;
  • When using types of businesses without initial capital, such as making money on social networks, try not to violate the rules of the social network itself. Otherwise, your page may be blocked and deprive you of your expected earnings;
  • Expand. Don't stop there! Attract new employees to your business and become the manager of your own business.

In this article we told you about the TOP 50 best ideas. Now you know, without investment, and you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

In a financial crisis, when the number of jobs is declining, but at the same time the consumer and service sectors remain in demand, ideas or even businesses from scratch occupy the minds of ordinary citizens.

The desire to find opportunities for additional income is an important reason for searching for activities without capital investments. The benefit of such a business can be considered a minimal amount of risks, and if a person believes that he is strong in some area, then this will serve as an additional guarantee of the success of the new endeavor.

Business from scratch - does it happen?

No, such a business does not exist. In any case, you will have to invest:

  1. Education.
  2. If there is no education, time.
  3. And, in any case, great enthusiasm.

There is a point of view that all the proposed ideas for beginners are not a business, but a craft. But there are no other options with a zero start. If there is no money for hired workers, you have to be your own hired worker. And only with the growth of your business, your own skills, abilities and income, will it be possible to delegate some of your functions to someone else. Moreover, very often even “grown” small-scale businessmen are forced to create an adequate replacement for themselves over the years. This is the specificity of small business. Small business is a way of life. To dream that in a couple of years the gears will be turning without any of your participation is at least naive.

This material contains proven ideas in which you can still find your niche. Think about what your highlight is among the masses of the same, and go ahead. Each of these ideas fits perfectly into the “low start” requirements.

Types of businesses you can start without large investments

We will present at least 100 ideas that allow... There is no clear division into separate groups, but for a better understanding of the field in which you can go, we will accept a conditional classification by type:


Automotive business ideas

The best ideas in the car business include the following:

Earn money online

For women

Video review

This article from To Biz examines the newest ideas of 2017, and the authors argue that these ideas are indeed promising, work, but have not yet become too competitive.


The production sector includes a large number of different ideas, but you should be prepared that a certain amount of start-up capital will be required.

Creative ideas

Some business ideas may initially be results-oriented because they are creative and unusual.

Home business

You can also find ways to earn money while sitting at home. Most home ideas are related to the hand-made industry.

Ideas for 2017

Every year new types of business appear, designed to generate, albeit small, income and capable of meeting the needs of society.

Ideas in crisis

In the wake of the crisis, you should choose business ideas in areas that remain in demand even with the scarcity of potential clients.

Ideas for business in Moscow

It is difficult to surprise the metropolitan public, and the market is so saturated that ideas are required that are either not yet very developed or have competitive advantages.

Some examples of investments and payback periods for a business idea

The main thing that will concern everyone who decides to open their own business is the amount of investment and the payback period of the project.

Business idea Investment amount Skills Payback period
Tutoring ——— Knowledge in a specific field, diploma Depending on the number of students
Vending massage 1 chair 35 thousand rubles Not required 1 person - 100 rubles, per day throughput 10 people = 1000 rubles. 30 thousand per month. Payback in three months
Mafia game or similar Renting premises and organizing advertising (approximately 30,000) Not required Income per month 28,000, payback two months
Sewing clothes for pets Buying fabric, 1 meter = 300-500 rubles Sewing skills One ready-made suit costs from 1500 to 2000. Payback period is a month
Home beauty salon 30,000 rubles Knowledge of hairdressing 4-5 months

Opening your own business with minimal investment is real. The most important thing at the initial stage is to monitor the market situation, identify a niche area and draw up a business plan. Next you will need only persistence and desire to make a profit. You should not expect that the money will flow like a river; in the first months you will have to work hard.

Anyone can start a business without investment. You shouldn’t relax in this area, especially during the early stages of opening. What does it mean to get money from scratch? This is the implementation of ideas, projects that you came up with yourself, or took the advice of experts.

If there is no money, it’s time to start a business

Most people will find this call strange. How to start your own business without money, because it always requires investments? Yes, it is true. But investments can be different. Sometimes they are so insignificant that they can be considered zero. If the contribution is 1000 rubles for business cards and 1500 rubles for advertising in the newspaper, is that really a lot? The main thing is to develop a clear strategy and study information about future activities.

Where to begin?

How to start your own business without money, and even from scratch? Just like anyone else: grab an idea, sketch out a business plan (yes, without financial calculations, but you still need an action plan!), register a legal entity and start working. Getting started is the hardest thing. You need to have persistence and remarkable patience. There are a lot of stories about how people started their own business without money, and then reached unprecedented heights. For example, many reputable companies installing doors (windows, suspended ceilings, etc.) opened in a 2x3 meter garage, where a man who was fired from his job, out of despair, single-handedly made these very doors to order with his own hands. As you can see, achieving the goal is always possible, even within the minimum capital.

How do you understand a business without investments?

If you decide to open your own business from scratch, prepare for the restrictions. This is a lack of funds for renting premises, hiring staff, and promoting the enterprise. You have already started, so there is no need to despair. There is a way out - get down to business at home, organize the work personally. An advertising campaign can be carried out via the Internet - a marketing ploy through social networks. The situation is determined by a large number of positive aspects:

  • Minimizing opening costs.
  • Small businesses do not attract attention from government services.
  • You can close a business from scratch at any time if the goal does not live up to expectations.
  • Step number two - study the profit sector. You can consider various areas of activity. You should start your own business in the field of finance and trade with minimal investment. If this is not possible, it is better to choose the service sector. We take into account organizational nuances:
  • Where to look for clients - the optimal solution, information about activities on the Internet. Create a personal website, publish a catalog of services, and interest customers with interesting offers.
  • Attracting investments from scratch. The stages of starting your own business require expanding partnerships. The process will provide reliable protection and support for the stability of the enterprise. Show your business project to investors and reveal the main advantages of your idea. Here, the advantage is the profitability of the future project. It wouldn’t be out of place to add that you started your business without investments.

Starting your own business without money means laying the foundation for further success.

Money hobby

Starting your own business without investment from scratch is almost always based on skills, abilities, interests, and hobbies. As a rule, it takes the form of a small business with corresponding income. Therefore, you should not be under the illusion that we will now offer ways to earn one and a half million rubles a month without investing anything. Small businesses are promoted due to the personal qualities of the leader. The ability to use skills and knowledge will create conditions for the correct implementation of projects:

  • Staying calm in negative situations.
  • Maximum communication with potential clients and partners.
  • Organization of quality service.
  • Suggestions for improving activities.

You can gradually grow your business, but get ready for the fact that at the first stage you will be an employee, director, advertiser and courier all rolled into one, without even having a separate room for work. There will be no vacations or weekends either.

Examples of businesses with zero investment

So what business can you start from scratch without money? To begin with, let’s dot the i’s: owning a business without expenses is completely different from a huge factory or a chain of coffee shops.

If you have a professional camera, know how to use it and have a sense of beauty, then wedding photography is a business. If you have an idea of ​​telephone etiquette and organize dispatch at home, this is also a business. Do you know how to make beautiful, fragrant soap and are ready to cook a lot of it? And this is business!

Of course, it’s easier to start with the service sector. It's just an unplowed field here:

  • Repair services.
  • Consulting services.
  • Cargo transportation using our own transport.
  • Taxi.
  • Courier services.
  • Organization of holidays.
  • Interior design.
  • Hairdressing, manicure, pedicure services (at your own or client’s home).
  • Training (tutoring, teaching cutting and sewing or any other skills).
  • Cooking homemade meals.

Separately, you can highlight the search for clients for companies or specialists in a certain field. Earnings consist of a percentage of the order value. You can even team up with such a master specialist and open a company from scratch. He will work, and you will look for clients. And in general, intermediation is a good business option without investment.

However, with some ingenuity, you can also get into production. The above describes an example of the production of doors in a garage. In addition, you can grow plants or make certain accessories to order (jewelry, interior items, etc.). Sew and knit to order.

And this is not a complete list! In other words, when you think about your business, without having a penny of money, put aside dreams of a noisy office and the whirring of machines in the workshop. Be realistic and you will immediately understand what you can make good money on. And remember, for an enterprising person, from tutoring at home to opening a training center may not be one step, but not an abyss.

Work with your manager as a partner

Offer cooperation to your employer. If you like the direction, prepare ideas for the company. Actions:

  • Providing a ready-made business project in test mode.
  • Informing about possible investments.
  • Pros of working with your business idea.

An experienced leader will understand the benefits of cooperation and will allow the strategy to be implemented. Advantages of partnership:

  • Presence of a client base.
  • Foundation for the implementation of activities.
  • Possibilities.
  • No financial costs for an advertising campaign.

The main point is providing information to your manager. Everyone strives to increase the profitability of their enterprise, so new ideas will become the engine for leading positions. More arguments, and you will become not only an ordinary employee, but also a business partner.


Speaking about how to start your own business without money, it should be noted that starting your own business with credit money also falls into this category. And if you have a more or less serious amount, the scope for imagination, of course, is much wider. But you need to think ten times before deciding to take out a loan. Advantages of credit investments:

  • Providing the necessary amount to start a business from scratch.
  • Compliance with obligations on the part of banking organizations.
  • Possibility of non-cash payment of credit debt.
  • Loans are not without their drawbacks:
  • High interest rate.
  • Money for your own business is issued for a long period, plus, the bank limits the borrower from early repayment (the conditions are established by the financial structure, respectively, different banks have their own points of agreement).
  • Working with a lot of documentation.
  • Fixing the owner’s property (the bank has the right to demand real estate collateral for the issuance of loan funds).

To work and at the same time open another business, then credit funds are a good option. If you plan to quit as soon as the bank issues the required amount, but you have no savings, then you should not take out a loan. There may be no stable profit for the first two or three months, but stable expenses in the form of monthly payments, taxes and social contributions are guaranteed. Of course, taxes and contributions are not paid every month, but the amounts accumulate and you need to keep them in mind.

A business without money from scratch should be started thoughtfully and taking into account the risks and offers of competitors in the market. How to start an activity from scratch:

  • Reorientation of creative thinking. The basis of this point is the analysis of the success of the project. Focus on diligence and everything will work out.
  • Identifying strengths. Are you ready to take action? Pay attention to your strengths, this will be useful in the further development of your business.
  • The right approach to developing an idea.
  • Writing strategy in writing. This option allows you to focus on your intended project.
  • Combine the advantages of your idea into one whole and interest investors.
  • Mentally scroll through possible difficulties in your head and find ways to overcome the risks.
  • Rely solely on yourself; personal mistakes always serve as lessons in business promotion.

The first rule is to work with full dedication with a small profit, and within a year you will receive the desired income.

How to start a business from scratch without starting capital(answer from Vladimir Dovgan)

How to open a business from scratch: 10 useful tips from experienced entrepreneurs + 20 business ideas with minimal investment + 5 business ideas without investment.

In the era of the emergence of the capitalist system in our country (in the early 1990s), starting a business was much easier than it is now.

Yes, then there were also many problems (general lack of money, racketeering, lack of information and others), but the competition was not too great, the number of unoccupied niches was simply huge and with proper planning it was quite possible to start a traditional business (open a store, cafe or something similar ).

Today, it is no coincidence that so many budding entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a business from scratch, because joining the ranks of the entrepreneurial elite has become much more difficult.

Competition has increased, the number of unoccupied niches has significantly decreased, much more money is required to launch, and the startup itself must be novel and original in order to become profitable.

And yet business, as a way to achieve success and financial independence, cannot be discounted.

Every person who is thinking about how to open their own business wants to avoid the mistakes of their predecessors and dreams of launching a startup with minimal difficulties.

This can be achieved if you listen to the advice of experienced entrepreneurs who have already experienced this more than once.

10 useful tips for those who want to open a business from scratch:

    You should not try to open a business with credit money.

    Yes, you can borrow a certain amount from the bank or from your friends, but it should not exceed 50% of the starting capital.

    It is also advisable to think about collateral (the only housing is not an option).

    It is also very important not to spend a strategic reserve of money, for example, set aside for an operation for your mother or for higher education for a high school student.

    Start small.

    If you have absolutely no experience in business, then you should not immediately set your sights on a huge corporation.

    Start with a small startup and gradually expand it.

    Weigh everything carefully.

    You shouldn't try to start a business without careful thought.

    In addition to drawing up a business plan with specific calculations, you should think through various options for the development of the scenario (both positive and negative for you) - so, in the event of a loss, you will be left with minimal losses.

    Down with rose-colored glasses.

    Yes, you must sincerely believe that your business, opened from scratch, will become successful.

    But you can’t look at your creation through rose-colored glasses, without noticing its shortcomings and without trying to improve it.

    Study the theoretical framework.

    Before you take concrete steps to open a business, find out everything you can about the business you want to do:

    • market;
    • level of competition;
    • sales sources;
    • potential clients;
    • profitability;
    • main competitors;
    • methods of development, etc.
  1. Listen to professional opinion.

    It will be easier for you to open a business from scratch if you hear useful recommendations from entrepreneurs who work in the same field.

    If you cannot communicate with them in person, then look for suitable interviews on the Internet and in the press.

    Don't chase the firebird.

    Projects that promise “super profit” or “quick money” usually lead to complete collapse, because they are proposed either by dreamers out of touch with reality or by swindlers.

    Gain experience.

    Successful businesses from scratch can be opened by those entrepreneurs who have experience in this field.

    For example, if you decide to open a coffee shop, then it is advisable to work for several years in a successful establishment of this type in order to study it from the inside.


    In the first year after opening a business, make written monthly plans and analyze their implementation: what was done, what was not, why it was not possible, what should be changed, etc.

    And I think that there is no need to once again remind those who want to open their own business from scratch about the need to draw up a detailed business plan with specific calculations for your region.

    Help with drawing up a business plan can be found on this website:

    Be strong.

    You will never be able to open it if you give in to the first difficulties.

    Without them, the life of an entrepreneur is impossible.

How to open your own business with minimal investment: 20 ideas

If you have practically no savings to open a business from scratch, and you don’t want to take out large loans, then you can choose the path to becoming an entrepreneur, which requires virtually no capital investment.

To pass it, you must sell to consumers what you are good at doing yourself, naturally - they should need it.

That is, the easiest way to open a business with minimal investment is to start doing something yourself, using your existing real estate, land, equipment, etc.

If you arrange everything correctly and do not make a mistake with your choice, you will gradually be able to expand your activities.

To do business, you can open:

  1. Repair shop.
  2. Cartridge refill center.
  3. A small confectionery shop or a workshop for preparing lunches for offices.
  4. A workshop for making souvenirs, jewelry, bouquets of sweets and the like.
  5. Farming.
  6. Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.
  7. Mini-farm for raising birds, fish, insects or animals.
  8. A company for organizing holidays and providing animation services.
  9. An organization that will provide tutoring and write various types of scientific papers to order.
  10. Interior design studio.
  11. Office "Husband for an hour."
  12. Advertising agency.
  13. Consulting office.
  14. Knitting or embroidery workshop.
  15. Construction company (small-scale in the form of a team of builders and repairmen).
  16. Funeral home (without funeral goods store).
  17. Kindergarten at home.
  18. Auditing or legal company.
  19. Marriage Agency.
  20. Massage, hairdressing, manicure and pedicure salon, etc.

That is, to open your own business with minimal investment, you just need to figure out what exactly you can do well and start producing goods or providing services.

To reduce the amount of capital investment, at the initial stage you can do it in a small rented space without assistants.

If things go well for you, then you can think about expanding.

I will try to explain how this can be organized using an example.

How can a man open his own business with minimal investment?

Let’s say you are a handy man who knows how to do a little bit of everything: fix faucets, make cosmetic repairs, work with electrical wiring, cut locks, and repair equipment.

In general, he is such a jack of all trades that his wife cannot get enough of him.

You can easily implement such valuable skills and knowledge and think about how to open your own business with minimal investment.

For example, to provide the “Husband for an hour” service and/or repair equipment.

What is needed to open a “Husband for an Hour” business or an equipment repair service:

  1. Mobile phone, whose number you will indicate in advertisements to communicate with clients (today everyone has mobile phones, so you don’t have to buy a new device).
  2. Tools – handymen already have a pretty decent set of tools, so there’s no need to buy everything from scratch.
  3. Work clothes and shoes.

    A complete set can be purchased, for example, at the same second-hand store for a maximum of 1,000 rubles.

You don’t need an office, because you will provide the “Husband for an Hour” service on clients’ premises, and you can repair equipment right at home.

That is, capital investments will be minimal.

Now let's take a look at these signs:

NameAmount (in rub.)
Tools15,000 rub.
Workwear and footwear1,000 rub.
Other4,000 rub.

That is, in order to launch a startup, you need only 20,000 rubles - an amount that you can realistically save in a couple of months, without infringing on yourself in any way.

Now let's talk about profit.

If you work only 10 days a month, then your monthly earnings will be 21,000 rubles, which means you can easily return your initial investment.

How can a woman open her own business from scratch with minimal investment?

A friend of mine recently complained about how difficult it is to find a good seamstress.

She wanted to sew herself an exclusive skirt and even bought the fabric, but she couldn’t find a craftsman.

I thought: it’s true that official ateliers charge a lot of money for sewing a simple thing, but few people make money like this at home.

But the ability to sew well can be used to open a business from scratch with minimal investment.

After all, for this, capital investments are practically not needed at all - you already have a sewing machine and various accessories.

Well, let’s say you have to spend about 5,000 rubles on advertising, but that’s not that much money.

They can be easily returned within half a month if you organize your business correctly.

How to open your own business from scratch without investment: remember the main thing

If you are not the son or daughter of a rich daddy, if you are not the wife of an influential wealthy person, if you are not the kind of person for whom money does not matter much, and an unsuccessful startup is just a stage in life, then you need to think everything over as carefully as possible, before starting a business from scratch.

Here are 5 points that people need to remember who want to open a business from scratch without investment:

    To do business, you need to have a certain psychological attitude.

    Do you know how sports victories are achieved?

    Training - yes, physical parameters - yes, health status - yes, perseverance and character - yes, an experienced coach - yes, but the psychological attitude with which the athlete goes to the start is also extremely important.

    He must keep a clear head, control his nerves, be able to gather himself at the right moment and be psychologically stronger than his opponent.

    A businessman should do the same.

    Whatever business you decide to open, it is important to care about quality.

    Even if you produce inexpensive goods or provide low-cost services, they must be of high quality.

    Maybe not as superb as expensive goods and services, but you can’t cut corners either.

    This hackneyed phrase is still not outdated, because it well conveys the essence of any business.

    It is impossible to open a business without any investment.

    Yes, there are areas where you can get by with minimal capital investments, there are those where you need to spend millions to launch a startup, but you can’t do it without any money.

    Before you do anything, think about where you will get the missing amount:

    • credit;
    • sale of an asset;
    • searching for a partner;
    • applying for a grant;
    • earnings abroad, etc.
  1. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur.

    A little more than 10% of people who decide to open a business from scratch without investment achieve success.

    If you're having trouble launching a startup, entrepreneurship may not be the path for you.

How to open your own business without investment: 5 promising ideas

It is much easier to open your own business if you have start-up capital.

But for those who want to start a business, but do not know where to get money to launch a startup, it will not be easy to join the ranks of entrepreneurs.

And yet there are ideas that can be implemented with very modest starting capital.

Idea No. 1. Walking and training dogs.

If you get along well with animals, have experience as a dog handler, circus trainer, or something similar, then you can make money by walking other people’s dogs when the owners are busy, and by training them.

You don't have to buy anything to start this business.

But you will have to demonstrate your skills every day.

Your clients (both two-legged and four-toed) should be happy and recommend you to their friends.

With an established client base, if you open such a business without investments, you can earn from 50,000 rubles.

Idea No. 2. Cleaning services.

Both women and men can start this business from scratch.

You don’t need large investments, especially if you are not going to register as an individual entrepreneur and open an office.

You can clean residential, office and other premises either independently or as an intermediary for a team of hired workers.

The average cost of regular cleaning of an apartment is 2,000 rubles, a private house with an area of ​​up to 100 sq. m. – 3,000 rubles.

If you decide to open a business and provide cleaning services yourself, your monthly profit will be within 40,000 rubles.

If you act as an intermediary for several teams, then the amount of remuneration may be either more or less.

It all depends on the number of orders per month and the percentage you will take as an intermediary.

Idea No. 3. Real estate agency.

This is a business that you can open from scratch even within your own apartment.

You can conduct all negotiations with clients directly on the territory of the property that needs to be sold, in a cafe, or at home.

Better both in terms of advertisements in the media and on the Internet.

At first, you can do without assistants, being responsible for both the negotiation process and the transactions themselves.

But you won’t be able to do without transport, since real estate can be located even outside the city.

A good realtor in a large city can earn up to 200,000 rubles per month.

Idea No. 4. Dropshipping.

The essence of this business is intermediary activity between the wholesale supplier and the consumer.

You can start a business from scratch.

No investments other than a computer connected to the Internet are required.

The easiest way to find consumers is through the Internet.

You can work right in your home.

It will be easier to open and grow a business if you find wholesale suppliers abroad, for example, in China or the USA.

Earnings are directly proportional to the number of customers and the amount of their order.

Let me give you this example: one of my friends has been buying clothes from the USA through a dropshipper for several years now.

One day, a dropshipper admitted to her that even in the worst months, her income is never less than $100.

Idea No. 5. Rent out advertising space.

Today, people who have decided to open their own business from scratch are looking for new advertising space to build a customer base.

You can take advantage of this and place advertising material on your balcony, on the gate of a private house, on your car, etc.

The easiest type of business that can bring you either 5,000 rubles a month or 30,000 rubles.

The video below contains final tips,

to choose the right business niche and open your own business:

And, of course, to those who think how to open a business from scratch and to do everything according to the law, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

You will have to tinker with papers, fulfill the requirements of government services and pay taxes, but you will definitely not have problems with the law and will get more opportunities to expand your business.

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