Good day everyone!

Today there are many various systems drip irrigation, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. After a long search, I settled on one option, which I would like to talk about.

To begin with, I want to say that I used to use special tapes with holes for drip irrigation. But according to various reasons, they failed very quickly, they simply became clogged with sand. It is quite difficult to wash them. I know many who immediately abandoned such systems. Today, the Internet offers porous hoses that can be buried in the ground, but reading numerous reviews, I realized that this system also has a lot of disadvantages, including, again, clogging with sand, which, when buried in the ground, you won’t even be able to understand Why are your tomatoes wilting? The system I am describing is easy to install and dismantle, and is also easy to wash when clogged. It consists of tees and special droppers, all parts are very easily connected to each other with a thin hose, and the size and number of drops can be easily adjusted by tightening or loosening the caps on the droppers. If you notice that one or more droppers have stopped working (this will be immediately visible by the absence of a damp spot under them), then you just need to unscrew the cap from the dropper and clean the hole.

The photo shows 1 set of drip irrigation and one disassembled dropper. But let's start in order, first I installed plastic container for 200 liters. Photo 2

Any barrel will do, you just need to install it on some elevation. Personally, I welded a special stand with a height of 50 cm. At this height, a pressure of 0.5 bar is created, this is quite enough for this system to work properly. You can also use a higher stand. I cut the tap into the barrel 5 cm above the bottom, and to purify the water supplied to the irrigation system, I attached a filter from a Karcher car wash to the tap. Its main advantage is its compactness, compatibility with the system, as well as the ability to be removed and cleaned. Such a filter can be purchased at any store that sells trimmers and chainsaws. I connected an adapter to the filter, through which I connected the entire irrigation system. The adapter is connected using a quick connector, it is easy to disconnect it and connect another hose in its place, or simply pour water into the watering can. Photo 3.

You can embed another tap into the bottom of the barrel to remove dirty water, but I think this is unnecessary, you can drain the remaining water from the barrel over the edge, and if you rinse the inside of the barrel with a brush before, then along with the remaining water you can completely drain the remaining sand. Although, of course, if a woman uses the system, it will be easier for her to use the faucet. By the way, it was because of women that I started drip irrigation, namely, I decided to make sure that my wife would no longer carry heavy watering cans around the hot greenhouse. Now, when you come to the dacha, you just need to turn on the pump and pump up a full barrel of water, during the day the water in the barrel warms up, and when you leave in the evening, open the tap and everything begins.

Photo shows 4 drip irrigation in action. The advantage is that watering occurs not in the heat of the day, but in the evening and does not require any time or effort. At the same time, no erosion of the soil is observed and this is natural, the pressure is very weak.

The impressions are extremely positive - now watering has become much easier:

    No time is wasted on this tedious task;

    Only what is needed is watered, i.e. territory directly near the plants;

    Watering at any time and in any weather;

    There are no costs for watering time if you use a container raised above the irrigation level by 0.5 meters (i.e. creating a pressure of approximately 0.5 bar),
    then watering will occur slowly, approximately 100 liters in 5 hours...

True, already during operation, some shortcomings of this system were revealed, which I had to slightly modernize. The main issue with any such system is the method of water supply. It is desirable that the pressure in the system be constant. In my case, when the barrel was full, the pressure was normal, and the whole system worked properly, but when the water level in the barrel decreased, the pressure of the water column also dropped, and then water flowed poorly to distant plants. Of course, you could connect the entire system to the water supply, but then you would have to water your cucumbers cold water, which they really don’t like. Therefore, get tied up in tap water I categorically did not want to and ultimately decided to adapt the remains of an old broken pumping station for my purposes. The pump at the station was faulty and, as it turned out, the rubber membrane had burst. I replaced the membrane with a new one, but decided not to change the pump, it is very expensive. I found another way to make it work in my favor. I installed my pumping station next to an existing tank, into which I placed a regular submersible pump, such as the “Kid”.

Using a regular hose and fitting, I connected it to the inlet of the pumping station; this was not difficult to do. The electrical wire from submersible pump I connected it to the contacts to which the station’s old original pump was connected. And although the power of a submersible pump is not as great as that of a standard one, it successfully copes with its functions, creating the required pressure in the receiver. I must say that the cost of such a pump is several times less, which, you agree, is not unimportant. After all the above manipulations, I installed the existing irrigation system, again using a fitting and ball valve, connected to the output of the pumping station. Having opened the tap and applied pressure to the system, I adjusted the operation of all the drippers and noted that they all began to work steadily throughout the entire irrigation cycle.

As you can see, I corrected all the shortcomings of this system, but managed to preserve all the advantages. By the way, I use my pumping station not only for drip irrigation; it would be stupid to use an expensive thing for just one specific task.

A watering hose is easily connected to the outlet of the pumping station; for ease of use, I made a reel for it, with which it can be easily unwound to the required length and, most importantly, just as easily reeled back. Now you can easily water in the most remote areas of the garden, you can also wash your car, and, if desired, the façade of your house.

An automatic watering system can be very simple, unpretentious and inexpensive, and every beginning gardener can do it with his own hands.

In this article we will tell you how to make an irrigation system at your dacha without the help of a specialist. But before that, here are some tips on proper watering of plants.

How to properly water plants in the garden?

What types of irrigation systems are there?

You are probably familiar with basic irrigation systems: a watering can and a hose. They are, of course, easy to use and cost-free, but that’s only at first glance!

Carrying a watering can (and it is not at all light) around the garden, you spend a lot of energy and effort. And if you calculate how much water is spent on irrigation using these methods, it comes out to a round sum of money.

Conclusion: a watering can and a hose are very expensive, considering that you can save on watering.

How? Let's talk about the automatic watering system again. We will not consider those that require significant costs. Let's focus on those that are accessible to a novice gardener. These are, in particular:

  1. Drip irrigation using pipes.
  2. Drip irrigation using plastic bottles.

Drip irrigation– a garden watering system in which water is supplied in small but regular portions to the “right” places.

Most often, drip irrigation involves getting water directly under the plant. Don’t think that the drops won’t moisten the soil: all the moisture goes directly to the root system.

To make drip irrigation using pipes, you will need little: a tank of water, one thick and several thin pipes, nozzles (for example, plastic part medical IVs).

The second option for drip irrigation requires almost nothing: just a few plastic bottles.

Which watering to choose?

Why do some summer residents prefer “pipe” irrigation, while others prefer “bottle” irrigation?

It all depends on the type of garden you have, the location of the beds, the number of crops and what you grow.

Bottle watering is suitable only for those plants for which root watering is recommended. In addition, it is convenient to use such an irrigation system only in a small garden.

If you have a large garden, a lot of crops and they only require watering of the root system, then the pipe option is for you!

Before you begin your drip irrigation installation, make sure your beds are parallel and your plants are close to each other. In addition, the garden should have space for big pipes- highways.

Do-it-yourself watering system at the dacha

Have you decided to make your own drip irrigation system? Don't be afraid, there is nothing complicated about it. In this article, we consider only those methods of watering a garden that everyone can do on their own.

Drip irrigation system using pipes

You will need:

  • a reservoir for accumulating and storing water (1.5-2 m above the ground);
  • large, dense pipe;
  • several thin pipes (10-15 mm), depending on the number of beds;
  • elements of the plastic part medical dropper(nozzles);
  • plugs for thin pipes.

Start small: measure each of your beds, then cut the thin pipes to size. Connect to the water tank big pipe- the highway, so that it lies perpendicular to the beds. Connect the pipe slightly above the bottom of the barrel/tank.

Experts advise choosing PVC pipes (a type of polymer pipe), they are dense, inexpensive and not afraid high temperatures. PVC pipe is suitable as the main pipe of your irrigation system. It is better to buy thin pipes for beds made of polyethylene - they are the most elastic and are also not afraid of frost.

Connect the thin pipes to the main pipe using starter fittings, having previously drilled the appropriate number of holes in it.

Lay the drip pipes parallel to the beds. Make several small holes in each pipe into which the elements of the drip system will be inserted.

The holes should be made directly near the root of the plant, which means how many plants there are, so many holes. WITH reverse side Insert plugs for each thin pipe.

Before testing your irrigation system, remove the plugs and “run” water through the pipes so you can more easily find out if your system is faulty. If you notice a flaw, fix it immediately.

Drip irrigation system using plastic bottles

The previous system doesn't seem too complicated and intricate, does it? If so, then this one will be even easier. To make it, you only need a few plastic bottles or containers.

You probably already understood the principle of operation of this system: holes are made in the bottle, drops from which fall under the plant.

However, even in such a simple system there are two options:

Even if you are new to gardening, you can easily make drip irrigation systems with your own hands.

You will need little: a few materials that can be bought at any specialty store, a desire to please your plants with a regular supply of water, and a little patience! We are sure you will succeed!

You can’t live in a summer cottage without water.
It is needed for domestic needs, but to a much greater extent - for watering the garden. Our author tells how he organized irrigation using PN D pipes.

At my summer cottage I have a pipe 0 100 mm centralized water supply partnership. It has an inlet valve for using water for the needs of the site. To reach all the plantings from it when watering, you need to have a hose at least 30 m long. Working with such a hose is not very convenient.

(click and enlarge)

For irrigation, many summer residents made wiring, laying additional pipe in the center of the site along the entire length. Branches with valves for irrigation and other needs are made from this pipe (Fig. 1). But I don't like this wiring diagram. With such a scheme, the pipe lying along the site becomes an obvious obstacle, and many summer residents have probably fallen more than once, tripping over it. The pipe is placed on the ground so that it interferes less with walking. If the pipe is metal, it quickly begins to rust. At the same time, maintenance difficulties arise: it is impossible to paint it well, and draining water for the winter is also problematic. If the pipe is plastic, it may suffer from mechanical stress.

Many years ago I had a system for distributing water along the edges of the site (Fig. 2). This scheme required more pipes, but also has a number of advantages. Firstly, the pipes do not interfere with anyone, since they are laid directly along the fence between the areas. Secondly, it is raised above the ground, which makes it easy to paint and fix leaks. Draining water for the winter is also no problem, since it is installed with an inclination to one side. And the raised pipe does not interfere with mowing the grass near the fence.

(click and enlarge)

This system has served us faithfully for 15 years. But the pipes began to rust. Many fistulas appeared, which I tried to weld or cover with bandages. But still thinking about a replacement metal pipes to others, more reliable and easier to use. I read on the Internet that HDPE pipes (polyethylene) are well suited for such purposes. low pressure). They are quite cheap and easy to transport by personal car. And most importantly, they are easy to assemble using fittings; there is no need to use welding or threaded connections.

In general, I calculated how many pipes and fittings were needed, purchased everything and got to work. The entire installation did not take much time. I still don’t know how reliable HDPE pipes are. how does she react to ultraviolet radiation and frost. But in any case, replacing defective parts will be much easier and cheaper than metal pipes. I first installed the pipe along one side of the site, and then, using the developed technology, along the second side.

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Irrigation system at the dacha - how to make it yourself?

Experts say that a self-made irrigation system at the dacha can work as efficiently as one installed by professionals. Water supply to garden plot is of particular importance since all growing crops require proper irrigation. Anyone can organize a country irrigation system, but this will require not only time, but also certain knowledge and skills.

What is the most optimal method of watering at the dacha?

Properly organized irrigation of plants in the garden plot is the key good harvest in the future. For the dacha, personal plots and private farms, there are several ways to irrigate the land:

Watering plants with a hose. So cheap and economical way perfect for small area. Irrigation occurs manually. Easy to install, just connect the hose to water pipe or pump. The method is not suitable for large territories, due to the inconvenience of pulling the hoses. Also, the watering hose quickly becomes dirty, which is neither convenient nor practical to use;

in the photo - watering with a hose

Gravity irrigation garden crops, can be furrow and estuary. The first method involves the flow of water through dug shallow trenches. In the second case, the plantings are completely filled with water so that it remains on the surface for some time. The methods are not suitable for all crops. The disadvantage of such techniques is the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil; the soil becomes heavy over time;

in the photo - gravity irrigation of a corn field

Sprinkling. It consists of irrigating the soil by spraying water over a large surface. To make such a structure in the country, you need to connect to watering hose sprinkler Install the hand structure vertically at a certain height. Water will be evenly distributed throughout the beds, the soil will gradually become moist. But not all crops can be irrigated using sprinkling, especially in hot weather. These types of waterings are good for lawns. Manual sprinkling for a large area is quite problematic, so many gardeners and summer residents use automatic watering of lawns;

in the photo - irrigation of the garden

Drip irrigation. Most best option watering plants, which has a lot of advantages and positive aspects. One of the main differences of this method is watering crops at the root, when water goes directly to the root system and the seedlings quickly absorb it. Irrigation can be done at any daytime, since there is no risk of plant burns.

in the photo - irrigating cucumbers using drip irrigation

Installation of an irrigation system - briefly about the most important things

Practical and rational method irrigation of crops summer cottages, counts drip system. Suitable equipment can be purchased at many specialty stores or made with my own hands. Important points, which should be taken into account when creating a watering structure:

  • Draw a horizontal projection of your site. Mark the beds where you are going to install the irrigation system;
  • On the diagram, identify all system components necessary for installation;

The photo shows an approximate diagram of a drip irrigation system

  • Mark the places where the pipes are intertwined and interconnected. Count it up required quantity connecting materials (taps, plugs, splitters, tees, start connectors);
  • Choose polymer pipes, they are easier to work with. The main advantage of such pipes is the absence of corrosion and affordability, as well as the possibility of using various fertilizers for watering plants;
  • In the absence central water supply To supply the plants with water, a large water tank is installed at a height of two meters. The container with water is covered from above from the sun and debris, which can get into the tank with the wind and clog the openings for the liquid supply;

in the photo - a drip irrigation system installed independently

  • Pipes and hoses are laid according to the designated pattern by laying them in the ground, on the surface or suspended. It is better to choose a dark, opaque material for ground use so that the water inside does not mold. For underground installation, hoses of any color can be used;
  • You should begin installing the irrigation system after marking all the beds on the site;
  • Installation of electrical controllers powered by autonomous batteries automates the water supply system;
  • Install water purification filters, this will help protect the system from blockages. Clean or change water filters periodically;
  • When starting the waterer for the first time, remove the end caps. When you make sure that the water is flowing clean, the irrigation system can be used.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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