Our world has never been monochrome, it contains great amount tones and color transitions. Experts say that a person can distinguish about two percent of the shades of what is visible to the eyes of birds and some insects. Instead of an outdated and imperfect system of decomposition white light Based on seven basic color bands, artists, designers and makeup artists have developed their own table of warm and cold colors, because for painting and coloristics the energy of perception, tone and shades have long become more important than the color itself.

Why do you need a color chart?

To be precise, the seven basic, fundamental colors in nature exist only in our perception for our vision. Color science has actually proven that for the human eye there are only three basic color components - yellow, red and blue, plus an additional white. From these three components any color or shade can be obtained, and it can be made warm or cold by adding something more or less hot than the background color.

As a colorist, there is a clear division of colors into three groups:

  • Warm tones include yellow, red and orange;
  • The cold group includes blue, cyan, violet;
  • Green can be equally classified as both warm and cold, but, according to experts, the green color is a relative of white, that is, completely balanced.

For your information! This division into warm and cold is quite arbitrary; it would be easier to use the concept free energy. But the problem is that the shades of warm and cold content need to be systematized and, most importantly, selected for compatibility, based on human perception, and not on the basis of these devices.

A person does not have additional sensory organs with which one could try a shade “to the teeth”; all that remains is the receptor sensation of heat and cold, which we are trying to use when classifying into cold and hot bases.

Using a table of cool and warm colors

Practical application of gradation for cold and warm colors is based partly on human psychology on the basis of several rules of mutual influence:

  1. The definition of “cold” or “warm” occurs only on the basis of one’s own psychological experience and human stereotype. For example, white and blue are associated with ice and snow, so their combination can be considered cold;
  2. The contact of two zones of pronounced warm and cold color on one color field has a mutual equilibrium influence. For example, when blue and red colors come into contact, the first becomes softer, warmer, the second becomes emotionally piercing and harsher;
  3. Mixing color bases with each other with the addition of white allows you to control the visual color temperature.

For your information! Using the last two points, the table tries to describe the mechanism of how you can make the perception of a shade warmer or colder, since the associative method does not give a 100% result.

The same combination of white and blue can evoke completely different associations in different people. For some it's cold blue ice and snow, for others it's hot blue sky around the white sun. Therefore, we moved from psychology to the temperature of the color matrix.

How to change color temperature

The easiest way to illustrate the effect of changing color temperature is with the three most important colors to us, yellow, green and red.

For a warm yellow color, you can increase the temperature only by adding shades with lower energy, for example, red, as in the table.

Warmer than basic yellows include, for example, honey yellow, dandelion or sunflower.

To transition to cooler tones, add green or blue.

Red is warmer energetically than yellow, so its temperature is more difficult to control. Energy gradation different shades red is the most difficult to perceive.

To make a red color cooler, you have to shift its background towards violet using the addition of blue and gray.

Insulating red is much easier with the addition of yellow.

Green color changes according to temperature saturation much easier, since it can be obtained by mixing two components with different temperatures- yellow and blue. The procedure for imparting the necessary energy actually comes down to enhancing one of the color components.

Psychologists say that with the help of color you can influence a person, determine his character, and evoke a certain range of emotions. In the interior, thanks to the tint palette, sensations of cold or warmth are conveyed, the size of the room increases or decreases. Such techniques in home decor have been used for several years now. Cold and warm shades of colors are used both individually and in combination with each other. If you combine shades correctly, you can get an amazing result - a stylish room.

The main thing is that you can complete the decor yourself, without the help of designers or stylists. All you need is to show all your creativity and imagination, which will guide you in the right direction.

First, let's divide the basic palette into cold and warm colors:

There is also the concept of neutral shades. This category includes black, gray and white. In combination with other colors they look the same, that is, neutral. It is this quality that allows them to be combined with both cold and warm tones.

Before you buy paints and varnishes for room decor, study well color palette cold and warm shades. This will help create the right combination.

Most the best option for decoration small rooms Warm colors diluted with small elements of cold shades will serve. This combination will help you relax and calm you down. nervous system after a busy working day . At proper lighting

increases space.

If you are an expressive person by nature, choose cool shades of paint for wall decoration. The ceiling will look richer if you use warm colors for decoration. The combination can include bright and muted tones. This combination will give the room a special personality and also visually increase the ceilings. Today, finishing walls and ceilings in a single color scheme is very popular.

In this case, a play of shades is used, for example: from top to bottom there is a smooth transition from sky blue to light turquoise, then to a soft cornflower blue tone, which flows into a deep blue color. This decor will add mystery and lightness to the room. You can create a certain accent or unique charm to your home by painting the walls in two shades of the same color. It is better to decorate one with dark paint big wall

You should not choose cold tones of paint to decorate the entire room. Make sure that there are droplets of warm shades in the decor. They will bring integrity, harmony, calm and tranquility to the interior.

When choosing the color range of paints and varnishes for finishing walls and ceilings, be guided by: common sense. Think about which shade would be more pleasant for you to see every day? Don't follow fashion trends.

On video: what are warm and cool colors.

Decorating rooms in cold and warm colors

From the above we can conclude that cold and warm shades of colors must be combined with each other. In this case, you should remember two main rules: “Do no harm” and “Everything should be in moderation.” You can decorate rooms in different colors without disturbing the integrity of the home. How to do it? Let's look at a small example two-room apartment, which has a hall (also known as a living room), a bedroom, a kitchen (also known as a dining room) and a bathroom.

Hall (living room)

Due to the small footage, creating both a living room and a hall in an apartment is very problematic. You can solve the problem by dividing the area of ​​the room into recreation and eating areas. Cool paint colors are suitable for the living room, where there will be dinner table and a bookcase.

For a relaxation area use warm colors. These could be paintings in pastel colors, lamps with cream lampshades on the mantelpiece, light tulle and soft sofa with volumetric shapes. There cannot be clear boundaries between zones; they must flow smoothly into one another.


For the bedroom base shade It is better to choose from warm tones: light orange, beige, pale yellow or light green. As an accent, you can decorate the wall at the head of the bed with photo wallpaper or decorative plaster.

Choose furniture in light colors so that it does not seem like a “flashy spot” in the bedroom.

In general, the interior of the room should be relaxing and completely conducive to sleep. A complete atmosphere of warmth can be achieved through the play of light. Bedside lamps or sconces, as well as a chandelier on the ceiling will add intrigue and romanticism to the interior.

Kitchen (dining room)

The kitchen can also be divided into two sectors: for eating and a work area. For decoration, you can use two colors, for example, cream and purple. It is better to decorate the walls in light colors, and kitchen set it can be combined (that is, the cabinet fronts are purple, and the countertops are cream).

The combination of such shades as beige with light green, pale yellow with red looks interesting. Don't forget about such little things as flowers in bright flowerpots on the windowsill or a clock on the wall in a minimalist style. The wall opposite working area You can wallpaper it or decorate it with wild gray stone.


The bathroom and toilet can be decorated in a single color scheme with a smooth transition of tones. For finishing walls and floors, tiles are mainly chosen. Its shades are as varied as paint and varnish materials. Therefore, create an effect sea ​​breeze or sandy beach will not be difficult.

A white bathtub will become the main accent in the room. The tiles on the walls can be diluted with patterned tiles or the walls can be demarcated with a thin strip of frieze.

Experimenting with cold and warm shades flowers, you can achieve individuality in the design of your home. It should be taken into account that the interior should maintain the general style. Imagine how ridiculous a Provence style kitchen will look with a hall decorated in High Tech.

If for some reason you cannot choose your own color scheme for finishing, invite a stylist or designer for a consultation. Tell us which colors you like best and what you would like to see at the end repair work. In a short period of time (and for a fee), you will be presented with several designs. But don’t rush to hire a team of builders; most of the work can be done with your own hands and save a significant amount of money.

A variety of shades around us (2 videos)

Use of color in the interior (20 photos)

People rarely think about the influence of color on their lives, but not only the very perception of things, but also their mood, well-being and general condition depend on it. Therefore, so that nothing irritates or strains you day after day, you just need to choose desired color for home interior.

People spend most of their lives in their own apartment, so the colors of the walls and everything else are of utmost importance.

The main thing is not to make a mistake when renovating your apartment, because this is where people can truly relax and get distracted, and if the interior does not contribute to this - good rest will not work. You can also just turn on your computer, and online home theaters will complement your relaxation.

You also need to take into account the fact that each person perceives all colors in his own way, therefore, when deciding on the main colors of the room, you need to take into account the wishes of everyone who lives in the apartment. Let's talk about the main colors; their description can help you decide on the final option.

White color

Everyone has White color evokes associations with a clean and fresh room, cool air, white color is a symbol of health and happiness.

White color has many advantages, but one of the main ones is that white color reflects rays of light, due to this, every corner of the room becomes illuminated, and the room itself increases in size. For small rooms with poor lighting, white color - perfect option, he will be able to highlight a small kitchen or bathroom. The main disadvantage of both white and all light lights is its impracticality, especially when it comes to upholstered furniture light shades. Therefore, if your choice falls on bright interior, then you need to keep in mind that cleaning should be frequent and thorough. The advantages of white color also include the fact that this color is an excellent background for any bright details or bright furniture, it emphasizes them and draws all attention to them. White color has good energy - it is a symbol of purity, kindness and freedom. White interior will always improve your mood and have a beneficial effect on your general condition. But there are rooms for which it is not suitable - bedrooms, for the reason that white color and the intimate sphere do not go well together.

Black color

When combined with black, any color becomes more expressive and bright, but there can be too much black in the interior only if there is a lot of light in the rooms. Passion for the color black can be combined with mirror surfaces, you can use shiny or mirror panels. If there are unevenness on the walls, then with the help of black they can be hidden without resorting to major reconstruction. Black color absorbs light, so any unevenness can disappear. The color black represents sadness, but it also relieves fatigue. It is undesirable to get carried away with this color in the interior.

Grey colour

Shades of Gray a large number of, it is an excellent background for any interior items. Gray, along with white and black, is considered a universal color; it goes well with other colors. Gray is a neutral color, even a little boring, so it is not advisable to choose only it. Gray color is an excellent background for expensive or simply special interior details; against the background of light gray walls, expensive furniture or a beautiful painting will look good. One more thing - if you dream of losing weight, you can apply for gray tones kitchen, you will go there less often. This color symbolizes prudence, caution and even mistrust. Perfect for those who love privacy. Gray is a great color for relieving stress, but can also cause boredom.

Red color

Many people associate the color red and everything associated with it with luxury, beauty and money. The color red can lift your spirits and cause excitement. If you choose all the shades well, then with the help of red you can decorate the hallway, living room or kitchen well, but you don’t need to decorate the bedroom or children’s room in red tones, since this color will not contribute to relaxation. If the interior is dominated by cold shades, then red can be used to dilute it, making it warmer and more cheerful. You should also not use red in the room of elderly people - this color can increase blood pressure. The color red represents joy, passion, can give strength to a person, stimulates and encourages activity.


Yellow is the warmest color and is associated with sunlight, warm if the room is on north side, then the color will be yellow great solution. For people who lead an active lifestyle, a yellow interior is perfect - it adds optimism and lifts the mood. Psychologists say that warm yellow color can increase appetite, so yellow walls or furniture are an excellent option for the kitchen. Also, yellow color helps the development of intelligence and promotes the process of cognition, so it is also suitable for a children's room. excellent option, on yellow walls You can hang colorful pictures, it will cheer up your child. But there is also a yellow color that irritates and interferes. The color yellow represents joy, fun and tranquility. It is a certain antidepressant, gives vigor and increases optimism.

Orange color

Orange liberates, spiritually and physically. Color should be conducive to communication, it creates a good atmosphere, an atmosphere of trust, it contributes to the development of any relationship. Orange color should be used in the interior where the whole family often gathers, in the dining room or living room. Along with yellow, orange also stimulates mental activity and can be used in a child’s room, school age or older. But you don't have to do it Orange color main in the interior, it can cause aggression if there is too much of it. If you need rest, you shouldn't be in a room with orange walls. Orange color lifts the mood, gives a person self-confidence, helps to concentrate and start working.

Brown color

This color, like gray, is neutral, but light tones are easier to perceive than dark ones. It is best to use brown color in furniture. Also, all shades of brown, from light to dark, are perfect for renovating a hallway, but you need to keep in mind that the lighting should be at high level so that the room does not seem small. The darker the furniture and walls, the brighter the light should be. In the decoration of the bathroom you can use peach tones, coffee color and beige color, especially if you add darker elements to the picture. But you don’t need to be zealous so that the color doesn’t eat up the space. Brown color represents reliability, strength, it gives rise to new fantasies. Great for the work area as it promotes wealth and represents wealth.

Blue color

The blue color and all its shades are great for decorating a bedroom; these colors help a person relax and calm down, and take their mind off the hustle and bustle. Light blue can help make a space appear larger, so it is often used when decorating small spaces. When decorating a kitchen, it is better to avoid this color - all shades of blue and cyan reduce appetite, so you can choose it as the main color in the kitchen only if you want to lose weight or are rarely in the kitchen at all. A blue color that is too dark can spoil your mood and evoke sadness, so you need to be careful with it. The blue color symbolizes peace, spiritual harmony, and is suitable for insecure people who are looking for support in everything.


Purple color is considered one of the most unusual and mysterious different people it is perceived differently - some people like it, but others depress it. Most often, this color is chosen by people who have philosophical inclinations; this color encourages long thoughts. Don't give this color main role. In living spaces, it is worth using light shades of purple, as darker shades can be depressing and spoil the mood. The color violet represents wisdom, mystery, and is believed to help achieve harmony.

Green color

The color green is considered beneficial for both the soul and body, as it is close to nature. Green color calms and helps to relieve all negative energy, eats up negative emotions, which is why you can often find this color in hospitals or community centers. A large room can be decorated using green. The color green helps to concentrate attention and can often be found in work areas. Also, green color is perfect for a children's room where the child lives and studies. Many people believe that light green color Great for bedroom decoration. You also need to be careful when choosing combinations; green goes well with green, surprisingly. Green color helps to find balance, harmony, it helps to be self-confident. Green color should be used by those who want to increase their income.

How to choose your color?

A few simple tips:

1. When choosing a color for decorating a room, you should pay attention to how your apartment is illuminated by sunlight; if the windows face south, then you should give preference to cold tones, and if to the north, warm ones;

2. If the apartment is too high ceiling, then you can visually lower it if its color is darker than the walls, and if the ceiling needs to be raised, then it should be lighter than the walls;

3. Too large a room can be reduced with the help of rich colors, warm and dark;

4. You can expand a too narrow room using light colors on the walls;

5. With warm colors On the contrary, you can make the room smaller;

6. There is no need to fill a small room with dark furniture, nor should you decorate the room with dark curtains and carpets;

7. It is best to install doors in light colors; they look much better;

8. No need to use more than five various colors in the design of one room;

9. No need to make them the main ones bright colors, it is better to highlight individual details with their help;

10. Before you decorate the nursery, you need to carefully observe your child - he can tell you what color he likes best, it is best if the room is liked primarily by the child, and not by you.

The main thing you need to remember is that well-chosen colors are the key to a calm life and the opportunity to feel comfortable in your apartment.

What colors do you prefer?

Depending on the effect of paint on a person, colors can be classified into neutral, warm and cold. Warm shades are those that give us a feeling of light and warmth. These colors create a welcoming, cozy atmosphere and form interesting contrasts that highlight the individual taste of the apartment owners. However, if there is too much bright colors, then the eyes begin to quickly tire and people quickly become uncomfortable. So, how to learn how to properly use warm colors in the interior? Read about it below.

Apartment interior in warm colors

Depending on what color you choose, the style of your apartment will change. Thus, red color will fill the room with special energy and strength, creating a feeling of warmth and comfort. In the interior, scarlet color can be used for creative space; it encourages action and even stimulates appetite. In this regard, it is advisable to decorate the kitchen interior in warm scarlet colors.

A good analogue to red is orange. It attracts attention like a magnet, creates a feeling of movement and energy, but without suppression or overbearing. Orange can be used as an accent in the interior, or used to paint the walls in the living room/bedroom. However, in the case of the bedroom, the shade should be softer, closer to peach.

Another popular warm shade is . It gives people a feeling of joy and pleasure and fills the room with sunlight. In warm yellow tones often decorate the interior of the living room, thereby emphasizing their friendliness and desire to give guests positive emotions.

Looks very nice

Useful tips

Before you start learning all the secrets of keeping heat in the house, you should pay attention to how heat escapes from our home (percentage of all losses in a normal panel house):

* Walls and doors - 42%

* Ventilation - 30%

* Windows - 16%

* Basements - 5%

* Roof - 7%

How to keep your home warm

1. In the morning, open the curtains and/or blinds to allow sunlight into the house. Glass in a window allows light to pass in, but not back out. In the house, light accumulates, bouncing off walls and furniture, and eventually turns into heat.

2. Use thick (blackout) curtains at night to prevent heat from escaping through the windows. Without sunlight windows become your enemy. Create thick wallpaper to prevent heat from escaping.

* You can simply use a thick blanket to which a rod or stick is attached to maintain the shape.

Measure your window and find something solid, such as a stiff rod or strong stick, that you can then wrap the curtain around. You can also use an old curtain rod (if you have one).

*You can also use two pieces of thick fabric. There are instructions for this:

2.1 Prepare two pieces of thick fabric. Place both pieces of fabric one on top of the other with a pattern facing each other. Secure everything with pins and cut it so that the end result is a few centimeters larger than the dimensions of the window.

2.2 Sew all layers on three sides. On the last 4th side, sew a third of the entire length from each end (it turns out that there will be one unstitched third left in the middle). Use the unstitched part to turn the fabrics inside out.

2.3 Insert a rod into the hole and secure it with a stitch, and sew the fabric until the end.

* If the curtains are long and cover the radiators, then attach loops to the bottom edge of the curtain, and sew buttons in the middle of the curtain. This way you can string loops onto buttons, raising the curtains above the radiator.

3. Seal the old ones window frames to avoid heat leakage. You don't have to spend a lot - inexpensive sealant can be found in any hardware store. It will also take you very little time.

4. If you have bubble wrap left over from products that were wrapped in it, cut it to the size you need. It is worth noting that this film can be purchased separately. Spray a little water on the window and press the film against the window with bubbles - the water will serve as glue for the film, and there will be no stains left later. This way you can reduce heat loss by 50%.

How to make the floor warmer

5. Cover the floors with carpets. There is nothing more unpleasant than standing barefoot on a cold floor in the morning. In addition to a pleasant feeling, carpets also create an additional insulating layer, which prevents cold air from rising from the floor, which means your feet will thank you.

6. Use a sealant (cotton wool or foam, for example) to seal any cracks in the windows. After this, cover the cracks with strips of cotton fabric (the width of each strip is 4-5 cm). This will prevent heat from escaping from your home.

7. It is advisable to have thick, massive doors in your house that will keep you a lot of heat. You can also upholster an old front door with leatherette filled with foam padding.

It is advisable to plaster all cracks polyurethane foam. If you decide to install new door, then see if you can save the old one, because... two entrance doors create an air gap between themselves, and it insulates heat.

How to keep your home warm

8. Attach a sheet of foil behind the radiator and it will reflect heat back into the room with little heat escaping through the wall. It is worth noting that the gap between the foil and the battery must be at least 3 cm.

9. If for one reason or another you cannot attach a metal foil screen, try insulating the house from the outside. Order insulation end wall(as a rule, this is done with special plates).

10. Shower with open door(if possible). Warmth and wet air created during bathing will raise the air temperature throughout the house.

11. Dry things in the house. Just like swimming with the door open, this method increases air humidity, and you will feel more pleasant and comfortable.

Do-it-yourself home insulation

12. Rearrange the furniture

Can't afford to insulate your outside walls? Then try rearranging the furniture. For example, around the most cold wall put a large closet. But note that the sofa should not be placed near the radiator, because you will disrupt air exchange.

13. If you have cracked windows, be sure to replace them.

14. If you decide to bake something, leave the kitchen door open so that the heat of the oven and/or stove spreads throughout the house.

15. Last but not least, you can purchase a heater.

How to choose a heater

There are a few things you should know before purchasing a heater.

First you need to decide what you need it for. Based on this, you should choose how powerful the heater is needed. Find out the area of ​​the room (room). Regular apartment with ceilings of 2.75 - 2.8 m requires a heater with a capacity of at least 1 kW for every 10 sq. m.

A big plus will be the presence of a temperature and power regulator in the heater. There are several types of heaters:

15.1 Oil heater

How does he work:

Inside such a heater there are 2 or 3 heating elements that are used to heat mineral oil. This oil has quite heat boiling and when it heats up, heat is transferred throughout metal surface apparatus.

With the help of such a heater, the air heats up quite quickly, and besides oil heater does not dry out the air. It can be equipped with a thermostat, with which the heater turns off when the temperature reaches a set level.

15.2 Convector

How does he work:

Cold air is passed through the heating element and heated, and then exits through the grilles located in the upper part of the device. An additional source of heat is the convector body, which also heats up. But you should place the heater away from furniture, because... a warm case can ruin it.

Convectors can be mounted to the wall or placed on special legs. The device is quite safe, because his a heating element hidden inside the case. If the convector has a thermostat, it can operate continuously.

The only negative is that the heater warms the room slowly. It should be used to maintain the desired temperature.

15.3 Heat fan

How does he work:

Inside this heater there is a thin spiral that gets very hot. The heat created by heating the coil is distributed throughout the room using a fan.

The air in the room heats up quite quickly, and the device itself is easy to carry, because it's pretty light. Typically, a heat fan is used in offices.

But it is worth noting that the device dries out the air, which in turn is harmful to health. It is not advisable to use a heat fan where there is an asthmatic person. Another disadvantage of such a device is the constant noise during its operation.

15.4 Infrared heater (quartz emitter)

How does he work:

This device, unlike others, heats the objects around it, not the air. Further heating of the room occurs thanks to the heat emanating from heated floors, walls and furniture. This allows you to save electricity, because the device itself may not work, but the room continues to be warm.

If savings come first, then you should choose just such a heater. But you should know that infrared quartz emitters are the most expensive and require a specialist to install them.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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