Well, this character sure is warm. But for many people it is not at all obvious, whether their appearance colors are cold or warm.

Let's try to understand this difficult issue, and also see what our temperature affects.

First of all, to understand the temperature of your own paints, you need to clearly understand what warm and cold colors are. .

What does Warm and Cool color type mean?

If you remember, among the six leading characteristics in the rubric there are two: and. These are the people whose color temperature is obvious, it catches your eye first of all. Such people usually do not wonder what is warm and what is cold. They know this, perhaps from birth.

Below you see photographs of such obviously “cold” women. All their colors radiate coldness. There are no golden or reddish shades there and cannot be. It’s even scary to imagine such a woman dressed in orange or bright yellow. warm colors.

And in these photographs (below) there are frankly “warm” people. Their colors radiate warmth, immediately creating an association with sunlight or with natural “earthly” colors (the color of soil, greenery, etc.).

It is these people who can be classified as Cold or Warm color types, since their temperature is their key characteristic . They are categorically unsuited to even hints of someone else's temperature in the colors of their clothes.

But they also have other characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing the colors of clothing and accessories: clean, bright or muted, deep or light. It's just that if, for example, a fairly fair representative wears something dark, it will be less lethal for her than something warm, since her temperature is very obvious, and it is a key characteristic.

Very often this indicator color is warm shade yellow. On the face of those with cool colors, yellow often casts a yellowish shadow, and the face takes on a yellow tint (Anne Hathaway, owner of cool colors, below).
And this is what Anya’s face looks like in a cold red dress (second photo below) - we don’t see any jaundiced effect. On the contrary, her skin glows. Both photographs are not studio photos and are not retouched.

This does not happen to those with warm skin, since their skin contains more yellow pigment(carotene), and this color looks quite harmonious on them. It will suit some people more, others less, but there will be no “yellow face effect”.
Below, the face of “warm” Julianne Moore looks quite pink next to such a yellow dress.

Also, cold shades of pink (fuchsia, for example) and red (raspberry) can be indicator colors - next to clothes of such colors, the faces of people with warm colors often acquire a reddish tint, and a stunning “red nose” effect can occur.

If you find it difficult to determine your external temperature, try holding one of these colors to your face: warm bright yellow or cool fuchsia or crimson. If you can observe one of the effects described above, then perhaps this test will help you determine your temperature.

What to do if I am neither a warm nor a cold color type or I don’t understand anything at all

Not all people have such a pronounced temperature. Sometimes it’s really difficult to tell whether the colors of an appearance are cold or warm. The fact is that often the color of eyes, skin or hair is on the border between cold and warm, the so-called neutral color. Blue eye color, for example, is sometimes quite close to both a warm and a cool shade. Hair is also often dyed a different color from its natural color. And the color of natural hair is sometimes difficult to classify as warm or cold (neutral again!).

If this is your case, then temperature is NOT your leading characteristic. As a rule, in this case, it is more important for a person to focus on other parameters: depth (whether it is dark or light), as well as the brightness, purity or mutedness of its colors.
Often such people, when choosing colors that correspond to these characteristics, can wear some warm and some cold colors.

For example, Elizabeth Hurley's eyes seem cold, her skin color has a yellowish tint, which happens with warm skin, and her hair (she is dark brown) has golden streaks (highlights), which also gives the hair warmth. It's quite difficult to tell whether it's warm or cold.

Let's see how clothes of different temperatures behave.
In cool fuchsia, Liz looks organic, despite the warm reflections in her hair and warmish skin tone. The face did not acquire a reddish tint. Is Liz cold?

But the same can be said about the warm coral dress - again Liz is good.

And in a yellow dress she doesn’t have a “jaundiced effect”, which is also not bad. Is Liz warm?

It's hard to say.

She has bright eyes bright colors They suit her, so all three dresses look good on her, since their colors are quite bright, not muted.
You might like Liz better in one of these outfits, but in any case, you have to agree that none of them look disastrous on her.

For those who find it quite difficult to determine whether their appearance colors are cold or warm, it is still better to know that we most often tend to one or the other anyway. That is, you can look good in some color from cold palette, in some kind of warm, but if you apply the whole palette warm colors, suitable for you in other parameters (brightness, saturation, etc.), and then the entire palette of the same cool shades, then you will see that one of them suits you better. Therefore, it is still advisable to determine whether your color scheme is colder or warmer. How to do this, read below.

The main disadvantage of color typing according to the Winter-Summer system, etc. is that people are offered either frankly warm or frankly cold colors. But for those whose external temperature is not obvious, or is closer to neutral (and there are many such people), colors close to the warm-cold border are more suitable.

If you are a truly neutral type, that is, the colors of your appearance are close in temperature to neutral, to the border of warm and cold, then some colors will suit you more, either warm palette, or from cold, but, rather, not openly warm and cold, but close to the heat-cold border. In this case, it is important to pay attention to other characteristics of your paints (this is described above).

Tone and undertone - why warm skin can appear cold

... and vice versa. In general, a lot depends on the skin, and its color can sometimes be difficult to determine. The fact is that our eye detects skin tone, but the undertone is not always obvious.

For example, if Julianne Moore were not naturally red-haired, and did not have such a cosmic number of freckles, then, looking ONLY at her skin, it would be difficult to immediately determine her warmth - Julianne’s skin is very pale and reddish, which is often testifies precisely to the “coldness” of her tone.
Could you tell that this skin belongs to such a “warm” person?

Let's change the image scale. And here is its owner herself.

So, sometimes we are even deceived by our own eyes.
Imagine that Julianne has no freckles and is brown-haired. In this case, determining its temperature correctly with such skin would be problematic.

As you can see, determining the temperature in various “not obvious” cases can be really difficult. So what to do? After all, everyone would like to find those colors that will make their eyes sparkle and their skin glow!

Let's try to go the experimental route.

Determine warm and cold colors by comparison

First of all, I will share with you a few observations that may help you determine the temperature. As you will now see, everything is so individual that from general rules There are exceptions, but they can still help someone determine whether their appearance is warm or cold.


Warm: This type of hair usually contains golden or reddish tones. It can be hair of any color (from blond to brunette), but warm shades are present in such hair. It's about natural color hair, of course.
BUT: It’s hard to believe, but there are also red-haired people with cool colors who really suit cool shades - as a rule, they have cool-colored eyes (gray, cold blue) and fair skin.

Cold: Usually those that do not contain any shades of red or gold. Often black or dark brown(brunettes), brown with an ash tint or hair of a cool shade of brown (brown hair), ash blonde, light ash and ash blonde.
BUT: there are also “warm” people who have ash in their hair color, their hair can even be ash-blond - as a rule, such people have warm but muted colors.
So everything is not so obvious here, but still...


It is absolutely impossible to tell by color (that is, by tone - see above) - blue, gray, green, brown and even yellow eyes can be either warm or cold. Well, except that such gorgeous amber eyes of a red-haired character, as in the preview photo at the beginning of the article, can always be regarded as warm. :)

Obviously warm eyes come in grass green, amber, olive color, golden color, as well as light brown.
Obviously cold- steel gray, ice blue, deep royal blue, hazel and dark brown without any golden veins, rays, inclusions.

It is often possible to find that a person has warm colors if the eyes contain blue-green/blue-green undertones ( sea ​​wave). That is, it is impossible to say for sure whether these eyes are blue or green. This is often a sign of “warmth.” But again, not always.
Also, chameleon eyes are usually a sign of warm temperature - this is when the eyes change color depending on the lighting and/or clothing. But there are exceptions here too.
As a rule, those with a cool color scheme do not change their eye color.. If they are gray, then they are always gray, if they are blue, then they are always blue, etc.

Yellow and golden rays can also indicate “warmth” ( important: rays, as in the photo, not specks! specks are melanin, it does not affect the temperature) on the iris of the eye. Partial heterochromia in the form of orange and yellow-brown spots also indicates this.


This is the most difficult, for the reason described above (see about Julianne Moore).

However, general signs of warm skin the following (although this does not always work):

  • the presence of reddish or yellowish freckles,
  • peach color,
  • yellowish tint (in the absence of liver problems)
Signs of cold skin:
  • pinkish color (using the example of Julianne Moore above you can see that this, unfortunately, does not always work),
  • lilac skin color or blush,
  • bluish color,
  • olive color (this definitely indicates a cold temperature).
About the latter we can say this: olive itself, of course, as a color, is completely warm. But NOT when we're talking about about olive skin.
The fact is that initially the skin has a yellowish tint, since it contains carotene, which is either visible (with warm colors) or not (cold skin has less carotene).
What makes a color warmer? Adding yellow pigment to it.
What makes a color cooler? Adding blue pigment to it.

Now, if you imagine that blue was added to initially yellowish skin, what color will the resulting color be? That's right, greenish. Skin with a greenish tint is called olive. That's why it happens to owners.

We can say that olive skin looks warm (we know that olive is a warm color). This is your skin tone. But her undertone is blue (it is what turns yellow skin into greenish), and blue is cool color. Therefore, such skin is cold.

By the way, if you know for sure that Pure white suits you very well, then this most likely testifies in favor of cold color schemes. If you know that cream suits you better than white, then warm.

We determine warm and cold colors experimentally

If this description didn’t help you much, then all that remains is to follow the experimental path.
Here I can offer several options, you can try them all.

First you need to decide on other characteristics:

  • you have dark colors (hair / hair and eyes / hair, eyes and skin) - light - medium saturation
  • your colors are pure and bright - muted
To pass tests to determine warm or cold color, it is best to remove your hair (especially if it is dyed), you can tie some neutral fabric (white, beige, gray) on your head or wear a neutral shower cap. Neutral! Not into a flower! :))
You need to take such tests without makeup and without jewelry, if good lighting, best of all, during the day, and also without clothes, or in a neutral top with a deep neckline (preferably white, cream, gray).

Test 1. Lipstick

You will need lipsticks of different shades: a warm shade of red or pink (tomato, coral, peach, etc.), as well as a cold shade (red, lilac, berry, hot pink, etc.). It is better if the colors of these lipsticks match your characteristics (dark, medium or light, muted or bright).
See which shade, cool or warm, looks better on you.

If you don't have such different shades, you can buy some cheap option to carry out such a test. It is actually very effective, since the lipstick immediately develops, making it more warm temperature or cold you lean.

By the way, you can test lipstick not only on your lips, but also on inside hands (see photo above). This way you can also see how well its shade will “fit” your skin color.

If both cold and warm shades of “your” color depth and brightness suit you, then most likely you have a mixed temperature, that is, you are a neutral type. It is written about above.

Test 2. Veins

Look at the veins in your wrist when daylight: if they have a greenish, greenish-blue color, then this indicates a warm color, and if they have a bluish-lilac or blue color, this indicates a cold color.
You can compare the color of your veins with someone you know whose color scheme you easily identified (clearly warm or cold type).

Test 3. White and yellow metal

With your hair tied up (see above), sit in front of a mirror and put on a necklace made of white metal (silver, steel, etc.), and then yellow (gold, brass, copper, etc.).
If you like silver more on yourself, it looks more organic, then most likely you have a cold color scheme, but if gold suits you better, it’s warm.

The same test can be carried out with metallic fabric of silver and gold color.

By the way, you can put metal jewelry on your hand and see which metal will look more harmonious on your skin and better match its color.

If both metals go (or both don’t :))), then most likely you have a mixed temperature, or you are a neutral type. By the way, rose gold is often very suitable in this case.

Test 4. Fabric

Do the same with fabric or clothing (or you can also use sheets of paper), placing it close to your face in the neck area. Select several overtly warm and cool shades of the same color for comparison (for example, cool pink and warm coral/peach). Do not forget that for objectivity it is best to adhere to your other characteristics that you have already determined, that is, if you have light colors, then the fabric should be light, if deep, then deep colors, if bright, then bright, if muted - then muted shades.

It is best not to wear clothes of these colors, but to apply them. First, place, for example, a fabric with a cold shade, and on top of it - with a warm one. Look at yourself carefully. And then quickly remove the top fabric (or clothing), now you will see yourself in a fabric with a cool undertone. Usually, exactly at this moment of changing shades you can see most clearly how the color behaves next to your face.

You need to look at eye area: Does shadow appear under the eyes, do circles/bags become more visible? Or, on the contrary, does this color seem to disguise them?

Look at area around the mouth and chin: Has a shadow appeared there, reminiscent of male stubble? :) It sounds scary, but sometimes colors that don't match our temperature can cast a greenish shadow on our chin.

Look at overall face: Does your skin look smoother, fresher, and your face more rested? Or are all your features “erased”, blurred, and skin unevenness more pronounced?

You can also test with yellow and fuchsia(it is described at the beginning of the article). If your face turns yellowish next to yellow, then this indicates a cold color scheme, and if you blush from being next to cold pink or red, then, on the contrary, your colors are warm.

Also good for determining temperature white: if pure white suits you, the skin looks healthier, but in cream it becomes yellowish, then you have a cool color scheme. If cream suits you better than white, your face becomes fresher, and white “erases” it, as it were, then you have warm colors in your appearance.

In the photo below you can clearly see how color affects our appearance.
Below: the top two photos are warm shades of pink, the bottom two are cool pink and fuchsia.
It is noticeable that in warm shades this girl’s face becomes yellowish, and in cold shades it looks fresher.

Let's take deeper shades that suit her color scheme ().
Below: the top two photos are warm shades of red, the bottom two are cool shades.
It is also noticeable here that the face looks yellow in warm shades in the top two photos, but the cool shades in the bottom two photos do not leave their red mark on this girl’s face, the skin looks healthy.
All this indicates that she has a cold external temperature.

Below: the top two photos are warm shades of yellow, the bottom two are cool shades.
With the yellow indicator color, everything became completely obvious - in warm shades, the girl’s face came closer to the color of the fabric.
By the way, note that even a cool shade of yellow-orange (second photo in the second row) casts a yellow shadow on the face; in fact, there is no cold orange - the shade becomes cooler when adding red, but it is still warm. Apparently, she should stick to very frankly cold shades.

Test 5. Love

That's right. :) Your love for a certain group of flowers can also indicate your possible temperature.

Johannes Itten, a Swiss artist and color researcher and teacher at the famous Bauhaus school of building and art design in Germany in the last century, found that his students, given the same assignment, used either warm or cool shades of colors in their work. In 1947, he began to research this issue and found a correlation: warm shades were chosen by students with golden skin and warm-colored eyes, and cool shades were preferred by students with pinkish or lilac-colored skin, ashy hair and cool-colored eyes.

Itten concluded that people are naturally attracted to colors similar to their natural colors.

Look at the photo above to see what colors the red-haired baby chooses.

So, wear what you like and be happy!

I hope this one difficult question definitions of warm or cold temperature appearance you will be able to successfully resolve, which will allow you to choose the most advantageous colors for you, which will only decorate and delight you!

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People rarely think about the influence of color on their lives, but not only the perception of things, but also their mood, well-being and general condition depend on it. Therefore, so that nothing irritates or strains you day after day, you just need to choose desired color for home interior.

People spend most of their lives in their own apartment, so the colors of the walls and everything else are of utmost importance.

The main thing is not to make a mistake when renovating your apartment, because this is where people can truly relax and get distracted, and if the interior does not contribute to this, they will not be able to have a good rest. You can also just turn on your computer, and online home theaters will complement your relaxation.

You also need to take into account the fact that each person perceives all colors in his own way, therefore, when deciding on the main colors of the room, you need to take into account the wishes of everyone who lives in the apartment. Let's talk about the main colors; their description can help you decide on the final option.


For everyone, white color evokes associations with a clean and fresh room, cool air; white color is a symbol of health and happiness.

White color has many advantages, but one of the main ones is that white color reflects rays of light, due to this, every corner of the room becomes illuminated, and the room itself increases in size. For small rooms with poor lighting, white color - ideal option, he will be able to highlight a small kitchen or bathroom. The main disadvantage of both white and all light lights is its impracticality, especially when it comes to upholstered furniture light shades. Therefore, if your choice falls on a bright interior, then you need to keep in mind that cleaning should be frequent and thorough. The advantages of white also include the fact that this color is an excellent background for any bright details or bright furniture, it emphasizes them and draws all attention to them. White color has good energy - it is a symbol of purity, kindness and freedom. A white interior will always improve your mood and have a beneficial effect on your general condition. But there are rooms for which it is not suitable - bedrooms, for the reason that white color and the intimate sphere do not go well together.


When combined with black, any color becomes more expressive and bright, but there can be too much black in the interior only if there is a lot of light in the rooms. The passion for black can be combined with mirror surfaces; shiny or mirrored panels can be used. If there are unevenness on the walls, then with the help of black they can be hidden without resorting to major reconstruction. The black color absorbs light, so any unevenness can disappear. The color black represents sadness, but it also relieves fatigue. It is undesirable to get carried away with this color in the interior.


There are a large number of shades of gray; it is an excellent background for any interior items. Gray, along with white and black, is considered a universal color; it goes well with other colors. Gray is a neutral color, even a little boring, so it is not advisable to choose only it. Gray color is an excellent background for expensive or simply special interior details; against the background of light gray walls, expensive furniture or a beautiful painting will look good. One more thing - if you want to lose weight, then you can decorate the kitchen in gray tones, you will become less likely to go there. This color symbolizes prudence, caution and even mistrust. Perfect for those who love privacy. Gray is a great color for relieving stress, but can also cause boredom.


Many people associate the color red and everything associated with it with luxury, beauty and money. The color red can lift your spirits and cause excitement. If you choose all the shades well, then with the help of red you can decorate a hallway, living room or kitchen well, but you don’t need to decorate a bedroom or children’s room in red tones, since this color will not contribute to relaxation. If the interior is dominated by cold shades, then red can be used to dilute it, making it warmer and more cheerful. You should also not use red in the room of elderly people - this color can increase blood pressure. The color red represents joy, passion, can give strength to a person, stimulates and encourages activity.


Yellow is the warmest color, it is associated with sunlight, warmth, if the room is on the north side, then yellow will great solution. For people who lead an active lifestyle, a yellow interior is perfect - it adds optimism and lifts the mood. Psychologists say that warm yellow color can increase appetite, so yellow walls or furniture are an excellent option for the kitchen. Also, yellow color helps the development of intelligence and promotes the process of cognition, so it is also suitable for a children's room. excellent option, on yellow walls You can hang colorful pictures, it will cheer up your child. But there is also a yellow color that irritates and interferes. The color yellow represents joy, fun and tranquility. It is a certain antidepressant, gives vigor and increases optimism.


Orange liberates, spiritually and physically. Color should be conducive to communication, it creates a good atmosphere, an atmosphere of trust, it contributes to the development of any relationship. Orange color should be used in the interior where the whole family often gathers, in the dining room or living room. Along with yellow, orange also stimulates mental activity and can be used in a child’s room, school age or older. But there is no need to make orange the main color in the interior; it can cause aggression if there is too much of it. If you need rest, you shouldn't be in a room with orange walls. Orange color lifts the mood, gives a person self-confidence, helps to concentrate and start working.


This color, like gray, is neutral, but light tones are easier to perceive than dark ones. It is best to use brown color in furniture. Also, all shades of brown, from light to dark, are perfect for renovating a hallway, but you need to keep in mind that the lighting should be at high level so that the room does not seem small. The darker the furniture and walls, the brighter the light should be. In the decoration of the bathroom you can use peach tones, coffee color and beige color, especially if you add darker elements to the picture. But you don’t need to be zealous so that the color doesn’t eat up the space. Brown color represents reliability, strength, it gives rise to new fantasies. Great for the work area as it promotes wealth and represents wealth.


The blue color and all its shades are great for decorating a bedroom; these colors help a person relax and calm down, and take their mind off the hustle and bustle. Light blue can help make a space appear larger, so it is often used when decorating small spaces. When decorating a kitchen, it is better to avoid this color - all shades of blue and cyan reduce appetite, so you can choose it as the main color in the kitchen only if you want to lose weight or are rarely in the kitchen at all. A blue color that is too dark can spoil your mood and evoke sadness, so you need to be careful with it. The blue color symbolizes peace, spiritual harmony, and is suitable for insecure people who are looking for support in everything.


Purple color is considered one of the most unusual and mysterious, different people it is perceived differently - some people like it, but others depress it. Most often, this color is chosen by people who have philosophical inclinations; this color encourages long thoughts. Don't give this color main role. In living spaces, it is worth using light shades of purple, as darker shades can be depressing and spoil the mood. The color violet represents wisdom, mystery, and is believed to help achieve harmony.


The color green is considered beneficial for both the soul and body, as it is close to nature. Green color calms and helps to relieve all negative energy, eats up negative emotions, which is why you can often find this color in hospitals or community centers. A large room can be decorated using green. Green color helps to concentrate attention and can often be found in work areas. Also green Perfect for a children's room where a child lives and studies. Many people believe that light green color Great for bedroom decoration. You also need to be careful when choosing combinations; green goes well with green, oddly enough. Green color helps to find balance, harmony, it helps to be self-confident. Green color should be used by those who want to increase their income.

How to choose your color?

A few simple tips:

1. When choosing a color for decorating a room, you should pay attention to how your apartment is illuminated by sunlight; if the windows face south, then you should give preference to cold tones, and if to the north, warm ones;

2. If the ceiling in the apartment is too high, then you can visually lower it if its color is darker than the walls, and if the ceiling needs to be raised, then it should be lighter than the walls;

3. Too large a room can be reduced with the help of rich colors, warm and dark;

4. You can expand a too narrow room using light colors on the walls;

5. Using warm colors, you can, on the contrary, make a room smaller;

6. There is no need to fill a small room with dark furniture, nor should you decorate the room with dark curtains and carpets;

7. It is best to install doors in light colors; they look much better;

8. No need to use more than five various colors in the design of one room;

9. No need to make them the main ones bright colors, it is better to highlight individual details with their help;

10. Before you decorate the nursery, you need to carefully observe your child - he can tell you what color he likes best, it is best if the room is liked primarily by the child, and not by you.

The main thing you need to remember is that well-chosen colors are the key to a calm life and the opportunity to feel comfortable in your apartment.

What colors do you prefer?

After you have determined your color type appearance and learned theoretical knowledge about the color schemes that suit you, you should learn to separate the shades into warm and cold.

Many of us do not have an artistic education and at first glance are not ready to determine whether a shade is warm or cold.

There are many illustrations on the Internet that show the separation of colors by temperature.

But most of them show only pure colors, which are not so abundant in nature.

Separating colors too roughly will only confuse you. And such pictures will generally form an erroneous idea about colors, because it is wrong to think that the red-orange range is warm colors, and the blue-green range is cold.

How can you learn to determine color temperature?

First, you must understand that colors constantly flow into one another. That, for example, the color red can have both warm and cold shades.

Pure colors can only be found in pictures. In clothing, mixed colors, more complex and deep, are much more often used.

Compare these two shades of blue:

In the first picture, the blue is deeper and more saturated and does not have a white pigment, unlike the second picture, which really smells cold.

About any color, for example, cool purple, you can say “this shade is colder than the other.” Look at these two outfits. In the first photo there is more white pigment and the fabric itself gives the image a cooler tone.

Take a look at the red colors:

These examples show more clearly where the color is cold and where it is warm.

Basically, warm or cold undertones are given by the following shades:

Make the color warm: red, canary yellow or orange.

Cool: white, gray, blue, blue, black or lemon yellow.

When you have an outfit in front of you, for example, green, you shouldn’t immediately remember what color it belongs to. Try to see other shades in it. The first is cold, the second is warm.

Second example of green images:

The first is clearly warmer than the second. We hope you are already able to determine the color temperature.

But don't worry if it's difficult right away. Everything comes with experience.

Example of purple color:

As you can see, in the first photo the purple is diluted with a red tint, which immediately filled the color with warmth.

So don’t roughly separate colors and think that, for example, if you have a warm color type, blue doesn’t suit you. Just choose shades of blue with warm undertones. For cold color types it’s even simpler; you just need to whiten the warm color with white or darken it with black.

The material can also impart temperature to the color. Matte, suede fabrics add warmth, while shiny fabrics make colors cooler.

Why is the apartment cold, damp and drafty? To this question, many residents apartment buildings often they cannot find a clear answer. After all, the microclimate in an apartment depends on a number of factors. To keep the apartment warm, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving this problem, that is, take into account everything possible reasons heat loss.

Most measures for insulating an apartment are best carried out in warm time year. Get your sleigh ready for summer! If it was cold in your apartment during the winter, then you should not put off solving this problem until next winter!

In this article we will try to give some tips on how to keep your apartment warm at any time of the year.

  1. In order for the battery to heat the room more efficiently, it should not be closed with curtains or covered with anything.
  2. To increase heat transfer from the battery, you can use the old Soviet method. Insert a sheet of cardboard covered with metal foil between the wall and the radiator, lay aluminum insulation or paint the wall behind the radiator metallic paint. Heat rays from the radiator will be reflected into the room rather than heating the outside wall.
  3. You can paint the battery in dark color, then it will give off 5-10% more heat.
  4. If the battery does not heat, but the riser seems to be hot, the sections of the battery may be clogged with rust and the water pressure has weakened. After graduation heating season The battery needs to be cleaned.
  5. If there is a need to change the battery, do not rush into making a choice, consult with specialists. Very often old cast iron batteries They heat much better than new beautiful radiators.
  6. It often happens that the radiators are heated at full power, but the rooms are still cold. This happens especially often in corner apartments. To prevent the wind from blowing around the apartment, it is necessary to close the interior doors.
  7. Don't forget about the influence of color on people. Apartment interior in warm colors or paintings with summer landscapes subconsciously warm a person.
  8. It is necessary to check window openings for tightness. This can be done with a candle, lighter or light feather. Place the candle along the openings, where the flame “swayed”, there is an air flow (gap). To keep the apartment warm, it is necessary to insulate the windows. This can be done in various ways: plug all the cracks with foam rubber or newspapers, seal with masking tape, you can use more modern materials, for example, special insulation and sealants.
  9. If your apartment has old wooden frames, then replacing them with plastic double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heat loss in the apartment.

10. Large heat losses occur through the balcony or loggia. If the balcony is poorly glazed or even not glazed at all, then it will be very difficult to retain heat in the room. Installation on the balcony plastic double glazed windows will help keep the apartment warm.

11. Please pay attention to front door. If cracks are found, you can lay special insulation around the perimeter of the door.

13. If the glass in the entrance of your house is broken or the windows do not close, then cold air constantly enters your apartment and cools it down. You must contact the Housing Office or management company with a complaint from the residents of the house.

14. Residents of the first floor often face the problem of a cold floor, since in our ordinary houses insulation basements not provided. To keep the apartment warm, it is necessary to insulate the floors. However, most likely you will have to do this at your own expense.

15. In many houses, corners freeze in winter. In such corners you can see dirty stains and peeled wallpaper. To prevent this, you can seal the interpanel joints on the outside of the building. If the house has not been renovated for a long time, and many apartments have similar problems, it is advisable to contact the management company with a request to seal the seams in the entire house. However, if repairs fail (which often happens), you can hire a team of industrial climbers who will seal your apartment within a few hours.

Usually people start thinking about how to keep their apartment warm only with the onset of cold weather. However, many activities are best carried out in the warm season (replacing batteries, installing double-glazed windows, sealing interpanel seams).

If within winter period If you have definitely determined the reasons why it is cold in your apartment, then do not put off solving the problems until next winter.

The color design of a home has a significant impact on mood and performance; it can decorate our home and change the perception of its external and dimensional appearance.

The visual change in the volume of an object or room also depends on color. Colors cold colors are called receding, as the room becomes more spacious and colder in appearance. If the room is small, then it is recommended to paint it in green, blue, indigo, violet and other cool tones. Warm colors are called prominent colors. If the decoration of the room is dominated by warm colors, then the room seems smaller. This power of color can be used disproportionately in design. large rooms, high ceilings etc.

Protruding and receding colors can be used so that, due to them, rooms visually increase or decrease. For example, a small room whose walls are covered with light blue wallpaper gives the impression of more space. If the walls of this room are painted red or intense orange, it will become optically smaller.


Red is the most active color; it creates a feeling of warmth and spectacular interior. At the same time, a room designed in red colors will look smaller and lower. This color is suitable for the living room, office, hall, kitchen, but it is better not to use it in the bedroom. Red color is very active, with prolonged exposure it causes excitement, turning into aggressiveness, but in small quantities it gives energy.

Oh shades of red add mood to anyone color scheme. These could be pillows, vases or rugs. Red lampshades will soften the light and make the room warm, casting a cozy glow. If you are wary of using bright shades of red, use warm tones of terracotta and wood, they will create sophisticated, delicate combinations of this group of colors without any risk.


Yellow color gives a person a feeling of joy, it has a beneficial effect on mental activity, and helps improve performance. Yellow color is very rich and intense, so it is practically not used in its pure form - pure yellow is best used for accents. Since the Middle Ages, each color has been assigned symbolic meaning. Thus, yellow - the color of rye and gold - was considered the color of abundance and wealth.

The cheerful shades of bright yellow are a great choice for the kitchen. Pale yellow is a calming, relaxing color - a shade for a tranquil bedroom. Pale yellow can create a bright and fresh, spacious atmosphere even in a small room. Egg yolk color is an extremely vibrant color that is perfect choice when you want to make a room such as an entrance hall or living room as welcoming and welcoming as possible.


Orange color evokes joy, excitement, passion. When combined with white, orange gives a feeling sunlight. This color enhances and cleanses the effects of cool colors. It is used in the color of the lampshade, sofa cushions, curtains

As a warm shade of orange, it increases appetite, improves tone, and therefore can be used in the design of the kitchen and dining room. Vivid details orange color They look very stylish in the living room in combination with a lighter range of colors.

The combination of a noble shade - terracotta - with olive green and burgundy tones creates the style of an antique cabinet. And the combination of orange with blue and light blue is a reminder of a house by the sea.


Blue is the color of calm. Shades of blue are especially good for small spaces. The presence of blue in the interior always gives the room sophistication and nobility. This is the so-called strict color, which, along with other cool colors and shades, creates a business, work environment. Therefore, it is most often used to design a work space, such as an office.

Other rooms don't necessarily look cold. An electric blue color in the spirit of Matisse will create cozy atmosphere family kitchen. Blue and white make up classic combination, which always seems fresh. Pair accessories and colors with fabrics such as plaid or stripes to create a timeless sense of style. Create an attractive look for a room by using blue with orange as its complementary color.


The blue color evokes in a person a feeling of purity, freedom, calmness and tranquility. However, you must remember that an excess of blue color can cause a person to feel apathy and indifference. In addition, it contributes to the visual “cooling” of the room, so blue color is recommended for use in sunny rooms facing the south side and combine with warm colors.

The use of light blue color on the ceilings will visually make the room taller and more spacious, so it is suitable for the kitchen and bathroom. The combination of blue and brown shades gives the interior respectability. Mixing with sand and gold tones is romantic and vintage.


Green color is the color of life, unity with nature. It works well on nervous system, soothes the eyes. The color goes well with many other colors (yellow, black, red, brown, white, lilac and some others) and can be present in the interior of any room.

The color of green balances and calms; its pastel shades reduce a person’s feeling of hunger, so it is advisable to use it when decorating a kitchen. The ability to relieve stress and bring emotional balance makes green an excellent choice for the bedroom.

Depending on the shade, green can help you feel relaxed (mint or aqua), active (apple or lime), or hidden away in the woods (bottle green or olive).


Turquoise color is a kind of “chameleon”. It is perceived as blue next to blue and as green next to green. Usage turquoise color as the main background in the living room and its combination with a variety of accent tones of blue and green, creates a visually complex scheme that causes many illusions in our perception.

This cheerful aqua shade is a refreshing choice for the bathroom. It acts as a successful alternative to traditional blue color. This shade looks especially cool and clean when paired with classic white.

In color therapy, turquoise is characterized as calming. He can't get bored. That's why turquoise tones will be especially appropriate in the bedroom, nursery and any recreation areas where a calm, relaxing and peaceful atmosphere is needed.


Pink color relaxes and creates a light-hearted mood. In interior design, the color pink evokes a feeling of comfort, relieves obsessive thoughts, and creates a feeling of security.

The color is pink different shades, and their effect is of course different. Peach, coral pink, salmon pink, carmine pink and nude pink are perfect for bedrooms and lounge areas. More active shades such as neon pink, fuchsia and dark pink are good for the bathroom, kitchen, living room, and hallway.

About the basic rule of application pink color in the interior - dilute it with other colors, then the color will not be so cloying. If you add individual elements pink decor, then their color can be the brightest and most saturated. Even one element of this color can attract all the attention and be the main accent in the room.


Violet color puts a person in a solemn mood, but the abundance of color can cause discomfort. Therefore, purple must be diluted - use large quantity White next to shades of purple keeps them bright and fresh, especially when the room is filled with sun. Light tones of this color can visually make a room appear larger.

You can add shades of purple to the room with accessories such as bedspreads, rugs, pillows, curtain tassels. The more interesting their texture, the more meaningful the overall effect will be.

And the use of bright shades of purple is appropriate in the kitchen and bathroom. Wine shades can be used in the living room, dining room and office. It is better to decorate the bedroom in lavender and blue shades purple color.

Beige color

The black color has inner warmth, energizes positive energy and promotes the formation of spiritual harmony. He is able to expand the space small room and make the room several times brighter. It is suitable for any room: it is not conspicuous, can be combined with any colors, can mute bright shades and serves as an excellent backdrop for furniture and bright accessories.

Bed is friends with green and brown. For lovers of warm tones, combinations of beige with peach color or pink, and for those who like bright colors, beige in the interior will be a good partner for raspberry or lilac.

Gentle beige is especially popular in the bedroom: such a background will allow you to fully relax and unwind after a working day. Just don’t drown out the beige with bright tones - it’s better to emphasize it with calm, warm decorative elements.


White color is the color of purity, wisdom and health. It has many shades: color ivory, baked milk, natural cotton and linen, mother-of-pearl color. Playing with different shades will help create a sophisticated color scheme in the interior, which will not be monotonous.

The color scheme of combinations can be any. In an ensemble with beige, brown, terracotta white interior It will become cozy and peaceful. When you add bright blue, green, red details, it will be bright and memorable. The black and white combination is very expressive - more stylish option difficult to find.

Great importance in white interiors is given to the use of various materials and textures. Combinations of glossy and matte, rough and smooth surfaces, the contrasts of warm and cold materials in the interior acquire a special charm.


Gray color in the interior has become a kind of interior “measure of luxury,” success, and stable income. Gray is an excellent background color; it can not only be achromatic, but also have a tint - paints can have poetic names: white lead, linen, tinplate, lime, ash, white flint.

Whatever the combination of colors in the interior, gray will always be appropriate. It looks especially advantageous in combination with warm tones. Black and white photos or paintings in steel frames on the walls, silver-gray pillows or bedspreads, floor lamps or sconces, modern vases will either slightly dilute the excessive diversity of your interior or add a little coolness to it.

The wealth of shades allows you to use gray in the interior of any room: from a nursery to a study and bedroom.


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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):