Processing strawberries in the fall is one of the main stages of growing them. To an ignorant person it may seem that care is more important during the growing season. However, it is autumn processing perennial plants allows you to correct mistakes made in spring and summer, as well as lay a strong foundation wonderful harvest V next year.

This article will discuss all the operations that are part of the autumn processing of strawberries, their details, timing, and advice from experienced gardeners.

The main reason for autumn processing of strawberries is to increase the potential yield. Secondary reasons are concern for plant health, providing them with resources and protection.

In order for the harvest to be truly successful, it is necessary to carry out the following operations every autumn after the end of fruiting:

  • Watering plants;
  • Pruning, getting rid of dead tissue;
  • Treatment of plants against diseases and pests;
  • Fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • Loosening the soil;
  • Weeding beds from weeds;
  • Replanting and replacing old plants with new ones;
  • Soil renewal;
  • Preparing plants for wintering.

If all these operations are performed in a timely manner and correctly, any strawberry bed is simply doomed to a bountiful harvest.

The right time

When planning to process strawberries in autumn period you need to understand that this is best done in August and September. It is good to know about the time frame, but it is more important to be guided by the condition of the leaves and the plant as a whole.

Before wintering, the processes of vegetation and the creation of new shoots and leaves slow down in all plants. Old leaves rarely survive until spring, drying out and freezing, which is why they are pruned in the fall.

Another important factor when choosing the timing of processing - perform it before the onset of frost. This is important both from the point of view of the growing season (pruning) and from the point of view of preparing the beds for winter. Improper protection of plants in latitudes with negative temperatures can lead to their death in frosts.

Weeding and loosening

These two fundamental operations when growing any crop are more likely associated with the summer, but autumn weeding has long lasting result and most important.

When weeding, all weeds are removed from the garden bed; the cleanliness of the area must be monitored regularly. The ideal solution mulch will be used immediately after weeding; this will significantly slow down the growth of new weeds. Can be used as mulch various materials: dry branches, sawdust and wood chips. After the last autumn weeding, the next one will only be in the spring.

Loosening of the soil is carried out for better access nutrients and air to the roots of plants. You can loosen between the rows with a shovel, but not deeper than 10 cm; closer to the strawberry bushes, it is better to loosen the soil using a scoop or hoe.

Important! When weeding and loosening, do not cover the growing point of plants with soil. This is especially true for strawberries, the shoots of which grow almost at ground level. But you can’t expose the roots either, exposed roots- the cause of plant freezing.

Pruning for health

There is a dispute between gardeners - is it necessary to prune strawberries for the winter or is it not worth it? The correct answer is necessary, which is confirmed many years of experience enthusiasts.

There are two reasons for this:

The reasons are clear, but how to prune correctly without harming the plants? You shouldn't use a scythe - it's too rough and imprecise. The best assistant in this work will be a hand pruner.

You need to carefully collect all the leaves of the bush into a bunch with one hand and cut them off in one neat movement at a height of several centimeters from the growth point. After pruning, the treated plants will look like a bunch of green sticks. This is normal; even before the first frost, small young leaves will appear that will successfully survive the winter and begin to grow wildly in the spring.

Important! All leaves obtained as a result of pruning must be taken away and burned. If any pests remained in them, they should not be given a chance to survive.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is called fertilizing and is carried out almost all year round, including in the fall.

Strawberries respond well to all types of organic fertilizers:

  • Wood ash;
  • Mullein;
  • Horse manure;
  • Humus;
  • Chicken droppings.

However, she will not refuse inorganic ones at all; she will be happy with potassium salts or superphosphate.

You need to be very careful with feeding. Incorrect fertilizer concentration or incorrect application can be fatal to plants. Horse manure, mullein and humus can be added to the ground when forming new bed or spread in pieces between the bushes.

Rain or watering will deliver the necessary substances to the roots. Varieties such as Victoria, Temptation or Albion need to be fed once every 2 weeks during fruiting directly at the root.

You need to be more careful with inorganic fertilizers and chicken manure; concentration is very important here. Correct composition ready-made fertilizer based on potassium and phosphates is usually written on the packaging, and chicken manure will have to be diluted by eye in water in a ratio of 1 to 20. It is better to let the fertilizer brew for several days, and apply one liter to each bush by hand.

How to protect strawberries from diseases?

Strawberries are susceptible to quite a few diseases and pests. To preserve the harvest, you need to know them all and be able to deal with them.

The list of main strawberry diseases includes:

  1. Gray rot. Occurs under conditions high humidity, the causative agent is the fungus biotritis. It affects strawberries during all periods of the growing season. The berries and leaves become covered with dark gray spots, and sometimes a fluffy coating appears. It is treated with Fitosporin M and Alirin B.
  2. White and brown spotting(relatives of gray rot). They most often affect the leaves of the plant, its peduncles and petioles. It is treated with the same drugs as gray rot.
  3. Late blight. This disease comes in two types - chronic and transient. The only difference between them is the rate of withering and death of the plant. At chronic form the bush dies 2-3 years after infection. The drugs Gliocladin, Trichodermin, Trichocin or Planriz are used against late blight.
  4. Powdery mildew. It is the scourge of strawberries in wet weather and densely planted bushes. It can be distinguished by white plaque on the leaves, they curl up. Plants are treated for powdery mildew with Alirin B and Baktofit;

Pests Strawberries also have a lot, and these are not only insects:

It is better to treat all insect pests with insecticides, the use of which is strictly prohibited during the flowering season. A drug is used against snails and slugs, which is placed on the ground between strawberry bushes.

The worst thing is if a nematode is found in the garden bed. In this case, quarantine is introduced, all affected plants are destroyed by burning, the land under them is cultivated, and subsequently it is necessary to monitor the plants growing in this place.

Weed control

Weeds are natural competitors of strawberry bushes; their growth is very difficult to stop even with the help of herbicides, the application of which would not be recommended by any sane gardener or gardener. The most reliable way to control weeds is regular weeding. You can process the bed either manually or with a hoe.

To prevent the bed from re-overgrowing with weeds, the weeded areas are mulched, making access difficult sunlight to the ground. This proven method is used by many owners of strawberry beds.

A popular solution is to plant strawberries on agrofibre or film. In this case, the weeds have almost no chance. The choice of material depends on the climate and burial depth groundwater. Agrofibre allows air and moisture to pass through, but in terms of heat retention, the film shows better results.

Proper watering in autumn

In the fall, after the end of fruiting, the strawberry bushes are in a state of restoration, so good watering is the key to their excellent health.

The correct way to water strawberries is to water them at the roots so that all the water is absorbed by the plants. The previously applied layer of mulch will not interfere with the access of water to the roots.

It is best to combine watering with the application of liquid organic fertilizers, performing two useful operations at once and providing the plants with both water and nutrients.

Soil renewal

Any gardener at some point learns that growing a crop on the same piece of land for several years is wrong. This is explained by the fact that each plant consumes certain elements and substances from the soil, which greatly depletes it of these elements.

Other plants will feel just fine in this place, giving the opportunity to restore in the soil the content of substances that the first plant consumed.

When renewing the soil, 2 techniques are used:

  1. Recessed beds. Every 2-3 years, long beds half a meter deep are dug into the ground, in which the soil is thoroughly mixed with humus and other fertilizers. The finished bed, filled with renewed soil, is usually at ground level;
  2. Raised beds. The soil preparation technology is no different from the previous version, but the beds are formed above ground level.

Transplantation in autumn

Due to the nature of the strawberry growing season, it must be replanted every 2-4 years. During this period, fruit-bearing bushes age, their productivity suffers greatly, and the berries become smaller every year. Main reason autumn transplants– plant rejuvenation.

The best time for replanting is autumn, because at this time all plant processes slow down, the earth is not yet frozen. Before the first frost, the transplanted plants have time to take root and even the first shoots.

The transplant includes the following main steps:

  1. Preparing seedlings from your own plot or purchasing them.
  2. Proper preparation of beds and application of fertilizers.
  3. When forming holes for planting, it is best to keep a distance of 30 cm between them.
  4. Water the holes with water and plant seedlings in wet soil.
  5. Checking the height of the growing point.

It is better to sprinkle wet soil on top with dry soil.

Shelter for the winter

Properly covering strawberries in the fall for the winter means protecting them from low temperatures and preserving all plants until spring. Snow protects plants best from frost, but global warming makes its own adjustments and you can no longer rely on snow.

Experienced gardeners use artificial shelters, which are made from natural materials or from modern artificial surfaces.

The best natural plant protector from frost is coniferous spruce branches. No straw or tops will protect a plant as much as spruce or pine branches. Rodents do not settle in them and they do not cake until spring.

When using artificial materials for shelter, you will definitely have to attach a frame made of rigid wire. This is necessary to ensure that the material does not lie on the ground under its own weight, which will make its use pointless.

Properly covered and reliably protected from the cold, strawberries will certainly delight their owner with delicious berries in the summer.

It is not for nothing that strawberry is considered the queen among the berries that grow in our climatic conditions. And this is thanks to its exquisite taste and unique aroma, which most of us like so much. Special taste qualities strawberry's closest relative, the garden strawberry, or Victoria, as it is also called, has. Unfortunately, the ripening season of this beautiful berry is quite short - by the end of the first summer month it stops bearing fruit. However, at the same time, it also requires considerable labor effort on the part of the owner, and not only in spring and summer. Victoria also needs care in the fall. And this, in turn, is a guarantee that next summer on your personal plot There will be a wonderful berry harvest. Therefore, we will talk about what to do with Victoria in the fall.

At all autumn care for Victoria involves, firstly, mandatory pruning of bushes, and secondly, feeding it with fertilizers, and thirdly, preparing the plant for winter.

How to care for Victoria in the fall: pruning bushes

One of the most basic milestones in caring for garden strawberries is pruning. As a rule, the mustache and leaves of bushes are pruned. The need for this procedure is explained by providing the plant with rest after active growth and fruiting, which will lead to rejuvenation of Victoria and a gain of strength by next summer. In addition, such treatment of Victoria in the fall will help improve the condition of each bush. It is known that various kinds pests settle on the leaves. By trimming them, you will naturally improve the health of your strawberries.

Regarding how to prune Victoria in the fall, it is recommended to perform this procedure immediately in the fall in September. Use pruners, a sharp knife or scissors for this. It is important to cut the leaves at a level of 10 cm from the ground so as not to damage the growing point of the Victoria.

After circumcision experienced gardeners It is advised to treat the bushes with solutions against pests and diseases. It will also be very useful for the berries to weed the rows, loosen them and add fresh soil for the exposed roots.

How to care for Victoria berries in the fall: feeding

But autumn feeding Victoria strawberries need to accumulate organic and mineral substances and form new fruit and leaf buds. Victoria fertilizer should be applied in the fall after trimming the leaves and tendrils, that is, in September.

If we talk about what to feed Victoria in the fall, then humus, chicken droppings, and a barn are excellent for these purposes. Mineral fertilizers (potassium salt) are also used. Excellent growth for the kidneys is provided by feeding, for the preparation of which you need to mix 2 tablespoons potash fertilizers and nitrophoska with a glass wood ash, dissolving the mixture in 10 liters of water. This kind of chatter needs to be poured under each bush. After applying fertilizer, it is recommended to mulch the soil.

Autumn care for Victoria: preparing for winter

In areas where winter is always snowy, the Victorian cold is not terrible. But the lack of snow for plant bushes can be disastrous. That is why strawberries should be covered for the winter.

Ordinary straw is especially suitable for mulching. It is necessary to carefully and completely cover each bush. But if you don’t have straw at your disposal, you can use other materials. Fallen leaves, peat, tree branches or corn stalks - anything that can be found in your garden - can also be used as a covering cushion. In addition, quite often, to prepare Victoria strawberries for winter, they use purchased covering material - spunbond or lutrasil.

Thanks to this care in the fall, garden victoria the plant will accumulate strength and give you a tasty and rich harvest next year.

We are all looking forward to summer to be able to enjoy two delicious berries– strawberries and wild strawberries. Only in order to get a rich harvest from these plants, you need to pay attention to them and properly care for them.

In autumn, strawberries and wild strawberries need care and attention. Care is to prepare the plants for hibernation, give them the opportunity to safely survive the cold and frost. Proper autumn care will also contribute to a good harvest next year.

The main care for strawberries and wild strawberries consists of weeding, loosening the soil near the bushes, as well as proper fertilizing.

If everything is clear with the first two actions, then with fertilizing the situation is more complicated. It is important to know some nuances that will protect the bushes from damage.

Fertilizing strawberries and wild strawberries

You can feed berry bushes both in spring and autumn. But best time for this purpose – the period after fruiting.

How to feed berry bushes?

Berry bushes must be fed with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Many summer residents have a negative attitude towards mineral fertilizers, citing the fact that this is a “chemistry” that is deposited in the fruits. With a reasonable approach and the correct dosage, nothing bad will happen - all substances will be used by the plant for growth. The main thing is not to overdo it. Both types of fertilizers are necessary for the plant to the same extent.

1. From organic fertilizers, bushes can be fed with infusion of chicken droppings, mullein or slurry. Do not use pig manure for fertilizing. It is important to ensure that the solution does not get on the leaves or stems of plants - in this case, the bushes may “burn.”

2. Wood ash can be considered an alternative to mineral fertilizers in powders. It is an analogue of superphosphate and potassium salt. It is usually brought into the ground, but sometimes sprinkled on top to repel pests. If there is no wood ash, then you can use the above-mentioned fertilizers - superphosphate and potassium salt.

If fertilizing is carried out correctly, then next spring the plants will not need to be fed. However, if the bushes develop poorly, fertilizing should be repeated in early spring.

In the fall, it is important to prepare strawberry bushes for wintering. The greatest danger for them is frosts on “bare” ground, that is, without snow. This doesn't happen often, but sometimes it happens. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to cover the bushes.

Covering options for strawberries and wild strawberries

1. The ideal material for shelter is straw. It performs three functions - insulates, traps snow and serves organic fertilizer. You need to put straw in a dense layer between the rows of bushes.

2. If there is no straw, then a mixture of peat and compost will do. Before adding it, each berry bush needs to be lightly hilled. After this, you can safely pour the mixture under the bushes.

3. Another alternative to straw that is available to any summer resident is fallen leaves. Corn stalks and spruce branches are also suitable for covering; you can use coverings that are sold in specialized stores - lutrasil, spunbond.

Before leaving the strawberry bushes for the winter, it is necessary to hill them up, since the rhizomes (adventitious roots) can come out and be exposed. In this case, they will freeze, which means that fruiting will decrease. At the same time, it is important not to cover the growing point with soil or fertilizers - the place from which the leaves grow.

This preparation of strawberries will help the plants survive the winter safely and produce a good harvest next year. And in order for the harvest to be even richer, sweeter and better, fertilizers must be applied immediately after fruiting. Until autumn, the bushes will grow and acquire new leaves, which means the amount of harvest will increase.

Victoria - berry crop, present in almost every area. It is grown because early dates maturation, so that you can start consuming tasty and sweet vitamins as early as possible. The result pleases and brings satisfaction if all necessary preparatory work. One of necessary steps– treatment of Victoria in the fall.

Autumn care for Victoria helps the plant recover after active fruiting and prepare for winter. It consists of several activities: pruning, fertilizing, pest control, preparation for winter.

Trimming procedure

The plant gives a lot of energy active growth in the spring, then fruiting and after the end of this difficult period, it needs to rest and restore strength, which is why pruning is carried out. Cutting off the mustache and leaves also helps to rejuvenate the bushes and prepares for abundant fruiting next season.

Necessity autumn pruning Victoria is controversial. Its opponents argue their position by the fact that cutting leaves disrupts the process of photosynthesis, thereby the plant does not receive sufficient nutrition.

Pros for pruning:

  1. After pruning, carried out in the third decade of July or in the first half of August, new young foliage has time to grow, capable of withstanding low temperatures. You just need to help the plant with regular watering and fertilizing.
  2. During the growing season, reddish spots appear on the leaves, the edges of the leaves “rust” due to diseases or exposure to direct sun rays, pests manage to create colonies, so pruning leaves deprives them of nutrition and eliminates the source of infection. Health improvement is necessary to increase the vitality of Victoria - this is an undoubted fact in favor of pruning.
  3. Removing the leaves allows the plant to rest after fruiting.

Pruning of old Victoria leaves is carried out after the berries are fully harvested and in August (third decade) or early September, so that new leaves have time to grow before the onset of frost. It is easy to distinguish old leaves from young shoots - they are darker in color. At the same time, you need to cut off the antennae with rosettes, leaving the very first rosette for reproduction.

It is recommended to cut the leaves at a height of 10 cm, so that when cutting low, you do not damage the growth cup, where new leaves will begin to grow. Victoria helps to process it correctly necessary tools: scissors, pruning shears, knife.


Victoria must be fertilized after the last harvest and after pruning in the fall. Organic infusions will serve the plant well during this period. They can only be used diluted to a certain proportion.

Preparation and use of organic infusions:

  1. Mullein infusion - pour manure (1 part) with water (5 parts) and leave for 7-10 days. You need to stir the mixture daily. Use only in solutions (1:10), watering the ground around the Victoria bush.
  2. Infusion of greens - fill a container, preferably a large one, 1/2 full with grass, weeds, add fertilizer with nitrogen, fill with water and leave for fermentation for 10 days. Apply in a solution of 1:10, 1 liter per bush. This infusion, in addition to enriching the soil with nutrition, reduces its acidity.
  3. Infusion of chicken manure - mix equal parts of chicken manure and water, let it brew for 3 days. Use for watering the soil in a solution of 1:10.
  4. Ash infusion - pour ash (1/3 of a bucket) hot water(10 l) and stand for 2 days. Use for soil watering and spraying.

Pest treatment

Very often on Victoria you can see twisted and deformed leaves - this is the work of the strawberry mite. After harvesting the berries, pest control should be carried out in case of damage or for preventive purposes. You can prepare a home remedy for this:

  • warm (30°) water – 1 bucket;
  • liquid soap - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • burnt vegetable oil– 3 tbsp. l.;
  • wood ash and vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

The solution is suitable for cultivating the soil and spraying the plant not only in the fight against strawberry mites, but also other pests of Victoria.

During autumn processing of Victoria good result give the drugs Actellik, Titovit, Jet, colloidal sulfur in solution, metaldehyde granules (5g per 1m²). Metaldehyde is placed in places where pests accumulate.

Shelter for the winter

After all the activities carried out, all that remained was to cover the Victoria for the winter. There is no need to cover it too early - the bushes will simply dry out. This should be done when the soil freezes a few centimeters.

Shelter options:

  • cover the plantings with cut branches of raspberries and grapes, and spread spruce branches or sprinkle snow on top;
  • insulate root collar, covering it with sawdust, peat, humus, pine needles;
  • you can combine backfilling with sawdust, pine needles and covering with pine branches;
  • use agrofibre, covering the bed with it on top of the laid out branches of raspberries and grapes.

Important! When choosing a shelter option, you need to focus on climatic conditions.

Proper autumn processing of Victoria guarantees a delicious harvest healthy berries next season. A reasonable approach to any business always produces good results.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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