Let's look at the issue of setting up Mail.ru mail on iPhone.

Using your mailbox through the basic iPhone app is very convenient. Communication here is carried out almost like via SMS. You will not miss anything important and will be able to immediately answer your interlocutor. Only the application can only send text. But you don't need to install additional applications. In order for everything to start working, you need to configure it.

One of the most popular email clients is Mail.ru, and we will talk about it. So how to set up Mail on iPhone?

Instructions for setting up mail

  1. Open settings and select "Mail, addresses, calendars"
  2. Select add a new account
  3. Now go to the "Other" section
  4. And choose to create a new color entry
  5. A window for entering data will open. Here enter your name, full email address, password, description and click "Next"
  6. Save the setting

Now try logging into the Mail application and see how everything works. If you see messages, then try sending something. If everything worked out, then the mail was successfully configured.

What to do if mail doesn't work?

In this case, you need to check if the settings are correct:

  1. Open your mail settings and click on your entry
  2. Select SMTP in the "Outgoing Mail Server" section
  3. In the host name, enter the address smtp .mail .ru and accept the parameters
  4. Make sure you have SSL enabled and the server port is 465
  5. Save everything here and go back
  6. Now go to the advanced settings section and check that SSL is enabled and the port is 993

After this, the mail should definitely work.

Video: How to set up mail (Gmail, Yandex, Mail.ru, Rambler) on iPhone, ipod touch, iPad?

Be sure to indicate your mailbox, which will subsequently be your login in the system. All Apple services will be linked to it - Find iPhone, iCloud, iTunes, App Store, etc. True, at first not much attention is paid to this. After all, the main thing is to start using the device as quickly as possible. And what kind of email account the account is registered in... it doesn’t matter!

But then the realization comes that too many things are connected with this particular Apple ID (purchases, downloads, backups), but no one remembers the email to which the ID was originally registered. This means you urgently need to change it to another one. How to do this? This is what we will talk about today.

Are you ready? One, two, three, let's go!

When is it necessary to change your Apple ID email and what is needed for this?

First, let’s talk about what might motivate you to undergo this procedure:

  • As I already wrote just above, in some cases the email is indicated anyhow - after all, the main thing is to register and start using the device as quickly as possible, and then access to it is lost.
  • If you don’t use your mail for a long time, it simply becomes inactive, and another person may register it in the future. And your Apple ID is still on it!
  • Stores often offer iPhone activation and setup services. At the same time, they register an Apple ID to their email address, and, of course, no one gives a password to it.
  • And in general, I personally recommend creating a separate mailbox for your Apple ID account and not posting it anywhere.

To change your Apple ID email address you need to:

  • Know your Apple ID password ().
  • Know the answers to security questions (ideally, if you don’t know, you’ll have to call technical support at 8-800-555-67-34).
  • Access to old mail is not needed.

That's it, it's time to get started!

How to change the e-mail associated with Apple ID?

From your computer, go to this page - manage Apple ID. Enter your Apple ID and password.

The main account management menu opens. In the right corner we see a button - change.

In the window that opens, select - change email address.

In the pop-up form, indicate the email that you would like to use as a new one for your Apple ID.

All! Your Apple ID is now linked to your new email. Please note that after this procedure, all devices will automatically log out of your account - you will have to log in again.

Why might I not be able to change my Apple ID email account?

In some cases, problems may arise when changing mail, here are the main reasons why this happens:

  • On all devices where the account is activated, you need to log out of it.
  • You can't change your mailbox to one that's already used as your Apple ID.
  • If your ID looks like - @icloud.com, @me.com, @mac.com then you cannot change it!
  • Problems with Apple's servers also cannot be ruled out. Various Apple services may not work for some time -

Finally, I would like to remind you that in order to avoid various problems, it is very important to constantly have access to the mail to which your Apple ID is linked.

Moreover, it is highly desirable that you and only you know it. Otherwise, an outsider can easily read the correspondence, look at the photo, and indeed absolutely all your data. Well, or “simply” block the device.

Therefore, be careful and careful. As I already advised, the best option would be to create a separate email account for your Apple ID and not use it anywhere else. After all, safety comes first!

P.S. Write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer and suggest a solution. A powerful and decisive “like” to the author for motivation :)!

The emergence of smart technology obliges owners to use all its capabilities to the maximum. A variety of various applications allow you to do not only without paper media (for example, a diary), but even eliminate the possibility of using a browser. Setting up mail on iPhone is not difficult, but it requires care.

Automatically set up mail on iPhone

Synchronizing mail for gmail, yahoo, outlook, aol, exchange mailboxes for an iPhone user is an easy procedure, since they are all used by their own or friendly resources. An email client is already built into the phone's operating system, which will allow you to avoid manually entering settings, but will automatically retrieve all the necessary data.

Already when you open the settings, you can see that the mailers listed above are highlighted separately.

Setting up any mailbox on iPhone, including setting up gmail on iPhone, starts with “Settings” => “Mail” => “Accounts” . Must click "Add account" and select the required mailbox. At this stage, you will need a username, enter your email address, password and a description of the mailbox.

After all the data has been entered, click "Further" , the mailbox will connect automatically. Configuring Russian-language mail servers occurs in a similar way.

Automatically set up mail on iPad

To synchronize your email account automatically on other devices, the scenario is different from the previous one.

If the email account is synchronized on an iPad, then the next step will require you to enter the phone number for this gadget. The phone must support 3G. You will also need your cellular data number. You can find out by going to the section "Settings" your postal service. The information will be located in the “ General" => "Details" => "Cellular data system number" .

Next, you need to select a communication service provider. If the communication provider is not indicated in the list, you will need to send a link to your email address, which is linked to your phone number.

You are then required to enter a password for your email account. Then the inscription appears "Confirmed" , and you can press "Ready" .

Additional mail settings

To make using your email account as comfortable as possible, after installation you can continue configuring the program. Using the “Mailbox Behavior” section, you can configure the correspondence of folders in a mailbox on iPhone to folders on the server. The “Where to move unwanted messages” section will allow you to create a move to the “Trash” or “Archive” folder. In order not to clog up your email inbox with deleted messages, you can ensure their complete destruction after a selected period of time.

It is best for messages to be transmitted over a secure protocol. This will require SSL to be enabled. In addition to password authentication, you can also use NTLM, MD5 Challenge response, HTTP MD5 Digest.

Additionally, you can synchronize the server port, path prefix and encryption standard. After providing the last parameter, all messages will be sent encrypted, so the recipient must have a digital certificate.

How to delete an email account

To delete email from your phone, you need to use the same algorithm as with synchronizing your mailbox. That is, log in through “Settings” => “Mail” => “Accounts” . Having selected the entry you want to delete, you need to click on it. Going to the next window, click “Delete account” => “Delete from iPhone” .

After confirmation is received, the entry will be deleted from the phone and messages will stop coming.

Hi all! In the era of widespread use of fast messaging services (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram are the most prominent representatives), fewer and fewer people use email. But this does not mean that everyone has forgotten about it and that it has forever lost its relevance. Nothing like this! Moreover, if you set up your mailbox correctly and correctly, then using it will be a sheer pleasure.

And the question immediately arises - how to do this? How to properly connect mail on your iOS device? Elementary. Just. Easily. Don't believe the author? Then get detailed instructions on how to set up email on your iPhone or iPad. It's time to start - let's go! :)

  1. Using the built-in Mail application.
  2. Using additional programs from a third-party developer.

Setting up a standard email client in iOS

Like any self-respecting smartphone (meaning iPhone) or tablet (iPad), there is already a pre-installed (no need to download it) program for working with emails; we just need to configure it correctly.

Click on the “Mail” icon on the desktop or go to Settings - Mail, addresses, calendars - Add account. The result will be the same - you will see this window:

If your email account belongs to one of the services (the whole thing is written about iCloud) that are indicated in the picture, then this is the simplest option. Click on the desired icon, enter your username and password, the operating system will do the rest for you.

But of course, in Russia, mail services from companies such as Yandex, Mail.ru, and probably Rambler are more common. If you are one of the majority of people who use them, then manual configuration will be required.

In the same window as in the picture above, click “Other” - “New account” (first line), the form opens:

  • The name is absolutely any, as you please.
  • E-mail - directly the address of the electronic mailbox.
  • Password - I think everything is clear, the password is for the email.
  • Description - additional information (personal, work, trash, etc.).

That's all if you use @yandex or @mail (and its derivatives - inbox, list, bk).

To configure @Rambler (and others - lenta, autorambler, myrambler, ro.ru, r0.ru) you will have to tinker a little. After entering the basic data (as written above), you will need to provide additional information:

  • Incoming mail server. Node name – pop.rambler.ru
  • Username and password are your email details. Important! Specify the username in full, for example, [email protected].
  • Outgoing mail server. Node name – smtp.rambler.ru

That's all, now your iPhone or iPad (all settings are identical) is ready to receive emails using the standard Mail program.

Third-party programs for checking mail on iPhone and iPad

For those who for some reason are not satisfied with the method described above, there are a huge number of applications for checking letters on iOS devices in the App Store (and there are several of them!).

I won’t be able to tell you about each of them, but I’ll highlight the two most popular among them and, importantly, free.

Adding an account and setting up mail on iPhone is done in two ways - automatically and manually. Which method is more convenient is up to the user to decide.

For users of popular email services, the Apple device can independently carry out the setup in automatic mode. You just need to enter your email address and password. This is done in the following sequence:

  1. In the “Settings” of the iPhone, a submenu of accounts opens, where the “Add account” option is selected. In earlier versions of the operating system, this button is located in the “Mail” section.
  2. In the list that opens, click the service whose account the user is going to add. If its name is not in the list, select the “Other” line, where the service is entered manually.
  3. Enter the postal address and enter the password for it. Clicking the corresponding button starts checking the added information.
  4. Email account details can optionally be displayed on the phone. After setting the display parameters, the procedure is completed by clicking the “Save” button.

Russian sector

If the owner of an iPhone prefers Russian space services, the standard application makes it possible to do this as well. In the already mentioned Mail settings section on iPhone – “Other”, the following steps are taken:

  1. In the “New account” item, fill in the information lines. The “name” can be anything; recipients of letters will see it as the author of the message. The “E-mail” field is filled in with the address of an existing mailbox. Enter the “Password” to access this mailbox and enter the corresponding domain in the “Description” section - Yandex.ru, Mail.ru or the domain of any other Russian service.
  2. Identification starts. When it passes, click “Save” and use of the service becomes available. If you still cannot receive and send letters, you will need to go through a few more steps.
  3. In the menu of the created account, select “Outgoing mail server”. To specify the primary server, sequentially press SMTP – “Not configured” – “Host name”. The last item is filled in in the form “smtp.example.ru”, where “example” is the name of the service being configured. By selecting “Save”, the primary server is stmp.example.ru.
  4. By clicking it, you should enable “Use SSL” in the options. The port value is set to 465.
  5. After saving the changes and returning to the account menu, you need to go to the “Advanced” section. SSL is also enabled here. The port value is set to 993.

Thus, you can add an account for the Russian sector, regardless of affiliation.

Selection of options

Almost always, the user does not need to manually enter parameters. If automatic regulation does not work, you may need to request the necessary information from the mail service.

The user will need to enter:

  • protocol (IMAP, POP);
  • port number of the incoming server (IMAP standard – 143 and 993, POP – 110 and 995);
  • encryption option (SSL, TLS);
  • outgoing port number (standard: 25, 587, 465).

This information will need to be obtained from the email service that the user plans to add to his iPhone. Other data required for manual entry should already be familiar and no special handling is required.

When accessing mail from multiple devices, it is preferable to choose IMAP. In this case, the data is stored by the mail server, so regardless of the access method, the user sees the full contents of the mailbox. If POP is used, messages received on one device will no longer be visible on the other.

Other additions to settings

According to the preference of the iPhone owner, it is possible to select the mailbox checking mode.

In the “Downloading data” section of the account, you can choose the items “Manual”, “Push”, “Sampling”.

The first option assigns the function of downloading mail to the user himself. Every time you need to read a letter on your iPhone, you will have to activate message updating directly in the application.

“Push” notifies you of the receipt of new messages in real time, which is essential when waiting for important letters. In this case, increased energy consumption reduces the battery life of the smartphone. Also, “Push” does not synchronize with all servers.

“Sampling” combines the advantages of the two previous behavior models. There is automatic downloading - it turns on only when the device is charging and a Wi-Fi connection is established. There is a manual download that is activated immediately when you enter the application, without the need to access it directly. And there is an interval mode in which mail is downloaded from the server at specified intervals. The shorter these intervals, the faster the battery charge is consumed.

Box liquidation

Removing any of the email accounts added there from your phone is even easier than adding it. It should be taken into account that all data associated with the deleted account will be lost.

  1. In “Settings”, select the “Mail, Addresses, Calendars” submenu, just like before binding an email address. In the list that opens, click the address intended for deletion.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, the user sees the “Delete account” option. But even by clicking on it, you still have the opportunity to change your mind - the system will ask for confirmation “Delete from iPhone.” If the decision is irrevocable, it is confirmed and all information associated with the box disappears.

The iPhone's focus on maximum convenience allows you to freely add and delete email accounts. But the user needs to be careful not to lose useful information when eliminating an extra box. Once deleted, this information can no longer be restored.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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