It is rare that the owner of a private house prefers not to plant fruit trees on his property. Everyone usually wants to have an orchard - in the spring the trees delight with beautiful blossoms and aroma, and the fruits and berries from own garden They always seem much tastier than those bought in a store or market, and besides, you know that these are environmentally friendly products. In the art of Feng Shui, the image of a blooming orchard is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Planning a garden is a responsible matter; their growth and ability to bear fruit will depend on how correctly you plant the trees, so this task must be treated with great attention.

If you also want to grow vegetables in your garden, the layout of the garden and vegetable garden should be considered together. It is better to allocate space for the beds at the southern border, from north to south, this is better for crops growing in the middle zone. Some gardeners recommend placing beds from east to west. Behind the vegetable and strawberry (strawberry) beds there are fruit bushes - currants, gooseberries. Trees are planted behind the bushes, berries light for bushes shade from trees won't hurt, but vegetable beds should be in the sun.

An example of the design of vegetable beds - they do not have to be square or rectangular in shape, the original beds resemble flower beds

Before you start planning your garden, you need to take into account the following important factors:

  • What size is the area can be allocated for orchard. For trees with spreading crowns, a distance of 4 sq.m. will be required.
  • Terrain. For an orchard, flat terrain or a gentle slope would be ideal; cold air is retained in the depressions, excess moisture, these areas are unfavorable for fruit trees.
  • Soil analysis of your site. U fruit crops powerful root system, the soil must be fertile to provide it with good nutrition. Rocky, clayey, sandy soil not suitable for the garden. The proximity of groundwater has a negative effect on tree growth.
  • Availability of heat and light. For most fruit trees, it is important to have plenty of light and heat; in the shade they grow and bear fruit much worse. It should also be said about areas with constant strong wind - the wind interferes with normal pollination, dries out the soil, often damages crops and breaks tree branches. Can partially protect from winds high fence or green spaces.

Planning begins with a diagram on paper. If there is already a house on the site, you need to start planning from there. A scale diagram of the site, the contours of the house and other buildings, as well as places where trees already grow, are drawn on paper.

This area is protected from the wind by trees planted around it, which have already grown enough to provide protection

If the site has not yet been developed, the location for building a house is marked on the diagram. The layout of the garden on the site assumes the presence of a front garden. The house should face the street, leaving a strip of land in front of it for the front garden. Its size depends on the area of ​​the plot - for some it is only a meter, for others it is 6-8 meters. In a small front garden, flowers, raspberries and berry bushes are usually planted, in a large one - ornamental trees, flowers or several fruit trees at the discretion of the owners.

For large fruit trees - apple trees, pears, allocate a place in the north-eastern side of the site, between them and fruit and berry bushes - a place for smaller trees - cherries, plums.

An example of the layout of a garden and vegetable garden - the plot is divided into two parts. In the first half there is a house surrounded by a front garden and vegetable beds, the second half is an orchard with trees planted in rows

In general, it will be convenient to draw a plan of the site, mark on it all the existing buildings, the expected location of the garden and vegetable garden. On the site you need to mark holes for planting trees. Try to plant trees at a distance so that as they grow they do not shade each other. Clumped bushes and trees in the garden do not grow well; in addition, conditions are created for diseases of garden crops. Fruit trees have a powerful root system and must develop freely.

Advice. If your site is overgrown with wild bushes, there are stumps on it that need to be uprooted, do the necessary work and burn the woody debris. Collect the ash in a dry place; it will be useful when creating fertile beds.

Usually, the layout of an orchard involves planting trees in such a way that they do not shade the neighbors’ plots, but there are often cases when a tree grows right next to the fence, providing fruit to both the owners and neighbors, and no one has any complaints.

Today it is fashionable to give the beds an original shape, for example, a pizza garden. The highlight is that from the round bed in the center the rest ray out like slices of pizza, forming a circle

Raspberries, blackberries or berry bushes are usually planted at the borders of the site, which bear fruit well even in the shade.

Landscape and regular planning

Below we give examples of garden layouts for those who like order and clarity of form and for those who like it when the plants in the orchard are planted according to the same pattern, but create the impression of natural areas.

Landscape planning involves the arrangement of trees and other crops in a free order, close to natural. In such a garden, in addition to fruit crops, decorative crops are also widely used.

An example of a free garden layout - vegetable beds on the left and top, fruit trees planted in groups in the center and on the right

With regular planning, trees and shrubs, as well as vegetables in the garden, are planted in strict rows at the same distance. The planting pattern also has a strict geometric shape - a square for areas whose length and width are almost equal, and a rectangle for areas whose length is much greater than the width.

An example of a regular garden layout with a vegetable garden - clear geometry, the plot is divided into regular squares, rectangles, plants are planted in rows

Where are the best crops to plant?

These are trees and shrubs that grow well and bear fruit in your latitudes. For middle zone These are pears, apple trees (it is advisable to plant several trees of different varieties), different varieties of plums and cherry plums, cherries. Cherries and apricots will ripen in warm latitudes. Berry bushes– all varieties of currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries. If the area of ​​the plot is small, it is convenient to place shrubs around the perimeter.

If you plant several apple trees, among which there will be summer, autumn and winter apple trees, the fruits will delight you at different times of the year

An example of an interesting layout of a vegetable garden - paths diverge from a square of slabs in the center, between which there are beds, planted on each of the beds different cultures. Conveniently approach any of them

In vegetable beds nearby, you need to plant crops that grow well in close proximity to each other:

  • cabbage, cucumbers, peas;
  • white cabbage, dill, potatoes, onions, lettuce, celery;
  • tomatoes, peas, carrots;
  • horseradish, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage.

When you draw a diagram, decide which plants to plant and in what quantity, you can begin marking the garden on the ground, buy seedlings and prepare the soil.

Happy owners of their own land plots, be it a dacha or a private house, almost immediately face the problem of competent zoning of the territory. Now there are a lot of landscape design specialists, but our people are closer to planning a garden with their own hands. The house, garden and vegetable garden are their own, and here it is important to initially take into account all the nuances, because remodeling it will be problematic or even impossible.

Common types of planning

Advice: in the vast majority of cases, when designing a standard garden with your own hands, experts adhere to the proportions according to which residential buildings account for 10% of the territory, 15% is taken by the recreation area and outbuildings, 75% is given to plants.

Despite the apparent diversity, the planning of a garden plot can be done in four main ways.

  1. The most common is the rectilinear or parallel-perpendicular option. They choose it not because it has any special beauty, but rather because it is easier. Plus, this arrangement is subconsciously associated with order.

Important: parallel-perpendicular forms, in plan landscape design, create the effect of reducing space.
Therefore, planning can be carried out in this way garden plot 10 acres or more.

  1. The direct opposite would be the circular arrangement option. Let's say right away that this is a fairly specific method, and it requires certain knowledge in landscape design. An orchard and flower beds can be included in this way, but with a vegetable garden it will be more difficult.
  2. The diagonal arrangement can to some extent be called universal. Thus, it can be done as a layout for a garden plot of 15 acres or more. So is the arrangement on the standard six hundred square meters. The diagonal orientation creates visual volume and at the same time makes it possible to easily create a layout with your own hands different zones Location on.
  3. The fourth option can safely be called creative. There are no specific laws here; as a rule, it is a symbiosis of several types described above. Most often it is used in areas with incorrect configuration and broken perimeter lines.

Advice: before starting to implement your project, you must draw it on paper.
If you have purchased a ready-made site that already has some buildings and plantings that you do not plan to remove, you should mark them first and then proceed from the resulting picture.

Laws of rational distribution

Of course, it is much easier to plan the location of buildings, a garden and a vegetable garden on 10 acres; this is the very critical square area on which such landscape delights as an open pond or a separate children's playground will look appropriate. But owners of smaller plots should not be upset either; with the right approach, you can make a masterpiece out of any territory.

In any project, the house is the main object, attention is paid to it first, so you should start with it. The approach here can be twofold, depending on the overall focus.

If the site is being developed with the aim of growing a good crop and in the future it should become overgrown fruit trees and a rich vegetable garden, then it is better to locate the buildings on the outskirts. Moreover, from the north or north-west side, so as not to block the sun from the plants.

In an area intended exclusively for recreation, with lawns and flower beds, it is more reasonable to locate housing in the center or closer to the front part. In both cases, it is recommended to hide outbuildings in the depths of the territory; if this is not possible, then they should be decorated with shrubs or vineyards.

It is better to place a recreation area with a barbecue and appropriate furniture closer to the house; in small areas it is appropriate to make a covered terrace adjacent to the house; in large areas it is possible to arrange a gazebo. It will be more convenient to bring necessary communications. But, undoubtedly, such a zone should be hidden from prying eyes.

If you want to regularly receive good harvests and admire the beauty of your flower beds all season long, then all green spaces should receive as much sunlight. Also great importance has a diagram for planning an orchard and vegetable garden with your own hands, because the price of improper planting is the lack of a harvest.

Arrangement of an orchard

Let's assume that all the pains of creativity associated with arranging different zones at your dacha or in a private household are already behind you and the time has come to purchase seedlings. The most common mistake young owners make is the desire to plant more and more of everything.

But don't forget that fertile land not dimensionless and no more than 7 tall, fruit-bearing trees can fit on one acre.

Low or flat fit can accommodate up to 15 healthy trees and there will still be room for a small vineyard and shrubs. IN in this case it is much better to plant less than to invest money in quality seedlings, the price of which can be quite high, and after a couple of seasons, uproot the trees, because they develop poorly and interfere with the growth of neighboring plantings.

Review your list.

Think about whether you really need all the plants you plan to plant.

  • Sea buckthorn is certainly useful, but after the first harvest, interest in it drops sharply. Intensive growth, thorns and problematic harvesting will quickly discourage the desire to grow it; it’s easier to buy 1 – 2 jars on the market.
  • Cultivated low-growing walnuts are rare; in 80% of cases they will sell you regular ones. Its crown will cover a large area, and its roots can tear out a light strip foundation. It is appropriate in large areas or next to a permanent cottage, creating shade over the barbecue area.
  • Hazelnuts will take a quarter of a hundred square meters and will produce a lot of shoots.
  • One viburnum is enough; it is better to plant it on the outskirts, near the fence. The plant is unpretentious and tolerates shade well.
  • Chokeberry or chokeberry, not for everyone. The fruits are good for blood pressure, but this plant loves the sun.

Any plant reaches for the light, and until it reaches its goal, it will not bear fruit normally. Therefore, by planting a seedling in a deliberately shaded area, you thereby doom yourself to a lack of harvest, and the plant to eternal struggle. In this case, even the best grafted seedlings will not save you.

The size of the shadow is approximately half the height of the tree. An area where there is no sun for half a day or more is considered shaded. But don’t worry, you can place paths, design elements or flower beds in these places.

Important: trees planted near high walls will “shy away” from them and will need to be shaped.
The only exception is the southern direction.

If the goal is big harvest then it is better to form trees with a height of no more than 2 m, in some cases the height can reach up to 4 m. A comfortable distance between trunks should be twice the height of the tree, in other words, there should be at least 4 m between two-meter plants.

Try to place tree lines, vineyard trellises and rows of bushes from north to south. So you get additional opportunity landings between rows tall plants There are also low-growing crops; there will be enough sun for everyone.

A few words about the garden

Ease of movement in the garden is important. The comfortable size of the paths should be at least 40 cm. They should be comfortable not only to walk on, but also to bring in fertilizers or harvest crops.

Based many years of experience, we can safely say that the parallel-perpendicular arrangement of the tracks is inconvenient in this case. You will constantly trip over right angles and curse sharp turns.

The law works in vegetable beds: the shorter the path, the better. Therefore, feel free to combine diagonals, semicircles or any other configurations that are convenient for you.

The width of the beds may vary, but a good bed should be raised to a height of about 20 - 30 cm and edged with a border. The internal space is completely filled with fertile, fertilized soil.

Cabbage, root vegetables and some bush legumes like beds at least 1 meter wide. Beds for climbing beans, tall spreading tomatoes, cucumbers or melons can be made 60 cm each.

The mutual love or dislike of cultures should also be taken into account.

  • It is recommended to plant rhubarb, sorrel, perennial onions and horseradish separately from the general planting.
  • A variety of greens, such as dill, parsley, spinach, rucala and other salad greens, will find their place between the main beds.
  • Cabbage does not tolerate proximity to tomatoes, strawberries, onions or potatoes. Onions have a negative attitude towards legumes or turnips. Cucumbers do not need to be combined with tomatoes, rhubarb or carrots.
  • If we talk about a favorable combination, then legumes, corn and sorrel get along well with zucchini. Tomatoes love to grow next to parsley, beans, carrots or onions.

Important: do not forget about crop rotation.
Related plants should not be planted in one place for more than 3 years, after which redevelopment should be carried out.
Otherwise, land depletion may occur.

The video in this article reveals some of the secrets of landscape design and DIY garden planning.


The layout of the garden and vegetable garden on 15 acres belongs to the category of layout large territories. Unlike the miniature 6 acres, there is already room for creative thought to run wild. But we do not advise you to neglect the above recommendations; correcting errors may take a lot of time.

" Trees

Gardens and dachas of the new wave - stylish cottages, with a comfortable area for residents to relax, surrounded by beautiful landscape. A traditional dacha, the main function of which is harvesting, also necessarily includes a recreation area, lovingly decorated by the owners. It is for the spectacular design of a backyard area, a beautiful lawn, a children's playground, that ornamental plants and trees are needed, which are worth talking about in detail.

In addition to the natural aesthetic function of giving a person enjoyment of the beauty of nature, ornamental trees and shrubs are used by gardeners and designers to solve purely practical problems. Visual expansion too narrow, or too small plot. Decoration outbuildings, strengthening sloping areas and screes. Zoning the site, creating dividing screens between the vegetable garden and the garden area. Protecting the individual space of a small dacha from prying eyes, without erecting a fence.

Popular ornamental trees in the garden and country house

The current trend in gardening is a beautiful, fruit-bearing garden that does not require huge physical costs for care and maintenance of decorativeness. The beauty and unpretentiousness of trees is a priority; the practical benefits of plantings fade into the background. This explains the popularity of new forms of fruit and forest trees presented by modern selection:

  • compact standard trees with a spherical crown;
  • dwarf forms fruit and forest trees;
  • weeping forms;
  • columnar hybrids familiar trees.

An interesting novelty is the use of forest trees for decoration. summer cottage. For example, hornbeam seedlings are sold by nurseries at bargain prices. Hornbeam is great for creating hedges, decorative backdrops and walls.

To create spectacular compositions and edging lawns, trees of different heights are used:

  • tall (up to 6 m);
  • medium tall (up to 3 m);
  • short and dwarf trees(up to 1.5 m).

From tall trees the backdrop is being formed(wall, or focal point), which is complemented by lower trees and shrubs. The undersized ones form the foreground of the composition. Trees can be decorated with gravel, located on an open lawn, solo, or combined into relief, multi-tiered groups.

The tallest ones are planted in the background, then the middle ones. Low-growing trees and shrubs are located in front.

Recognized leader - coniferous trees

Mature plants require virtually no care. Coniferous plants are decorative all year round, including winter period. At the beginning of spring, many species bloom with bright lilac candles, reminiscent Christmas decorations . Then comes the time of active growth, the young shoots are much brighter than last year’s branches. During this period, all coniferous trees look especially elegant.

Spruce grows well in marshy soils, this is especially true for the Moscow region. Pine is drought-resistant, tolerates pruning well, which allows you to vary the height and decorative form. For low hedges and walls, we can recommend yew. Yew holds its shape well and does not require significant pruning.


Unpretentious thuja can be safely chosen as the main decorative element a garden that will unite plantings with a single plan. Thujas of different varieties will fit perfectly into a composition with low-growing shrubs, variegated and flowering trees.

In the nursery you can choose varieties of pyramidal, ellipsoidal, or spherical shape. Looks very interesting garden wall from thujas planted in a smooth line. This allows you to create an unusual twist on even a standard summer cottage plot.

For the middle zone, varieties and hybrids of Western thuja are recommended. Unpretentious variety Brabant is suitable for forming walls and scenes. A single thuja will grow wide; planting a thuja too close (after 0.5 m) will form a wall that is too low. Optimal distance between seedlings of the Brabant variety - 1 m. Interesting variety- Thuja Wagner, which has a rounded shape and is shorter in stature. Thuja loves showering, spraying, sprinkling.

Decorative maples

The most popular is maple Canadian, Sycamore, Norway maple with burgundy foliage. They are a great solo plant on an open lawn and are good in compositions and against the backdrop of hedges.

Norway maple or sycamore burgundy color

Like most plants with brightly colored leaves, ornamental colored maples prefer a sunny location. In the shade, the natural color will fade. Maple prefers fertile soil, with neutral acidity. Young seedlings should be covered for the winter. An adult plant of a frost-resistant variety will no longer require this.

Exotic for lovers


It can be formed as a bush, but it can also grow into a full-fledged tree with a picturesque crown. Blooming magnolia is an exotic sight; most varieties have a delicate, vanilla-like citrus aroma . Magnolia is strewn with large flowers (bud length up to 12-15 cm). The color scheme and shape of the opened flower differs quite radically among different varieties of magnolia.

The whimsical nature of magnolia is greatly exaggerated; for successful cultivation it is enough to follow a few rules. When planting magnolia, special attention should be paid to the root system and the choice of planting site. You need to buy magnolia with a root ball (in a plastic container), preferably in a nursery or garden center. When planting, try not to injure the roots of the seedling. Magnolia loves bright sun and does not tolerate drafts and winds. Optimal place planting - under the southern wall of the house, any outbuilding. It does not like calcareous soils, so such lands must be acidified with peat. There is no need to care for an adult plant, only minimal sanitary pruning. For growing in gardens in the middle zone, deciduous forms of magnolia and corresponding hybrids are recommended.

Young seedlings, even frost-resistant varieties, should be covered for the winter (mulch the roots and cover the crown with agrofibre).


The Japanese relative of the familiar cherry is famous throughout the world for its magical blooms. The growing conditions for sakura and magnolia are identical. Sunny place without drafts; neutral or slightly acidic soil. Like ordinary cherries, sakura will require seasonal spraying against pests, abundant watering, and significant pruning.

It is not necessary to buy sakura; it reproduces well by cuttings. This is much cheaper than buying a seedling. In August, the cuttings are grafted onto a traditional cherry (or sweet cherry) using the budding method (by eye, by bud).

Decorative forms of fruit trees

The familiar apple tree has many decorative subspecies that bloom more abundantly than ordinary apple trees. Blooming with scarlet flowers, the Ola apple tree is simply filled with flowers so that the branches are not visible.

Apple tree color Ola

Ornamental varieties are grown using familiar agricultural techniques familiar to gardeners for caring for traditional apple trees. Fruits - small (paradise) apples decorate the garden until late autumn. Yellow, red, purple - look great on branches. They attract birds to the garden modern version a natural solution to your pest problem. Apples of paradise make original jam. Especially interesting are the weeping forms, with variegated and colored leaves.

Decorative shrubs in landscape design

Shrubs in the garden technically perform the natural function of undergrowth. WITH aesthetic point view - shrubs harmoniously complement garden trees and flower beds, performing the role of middle management. This is a large class of diverse plants; let’s focus on especially popular species.

Junipers: type and variety of bushes

Emphasized decorativeness, a wide variety of shapes and varieties, the names of the most common are given below. By releasing phytoncides, junipers significantly purify the air. IN sunny weather a healing aroma hovers near such a plant. A common advantage of junipers is frost resistance. Bath lovers will benefit from young juniper branches, which are added to bath brooms for aroma.


Recognized varieties include juniper Variegata. Flat, with scaly azure needles and contrasting sand tassels at the end. The shrub is shade-tolerant, but in a sunny place the decorative tassels of Variegata will be brighter. An adult plant on a sufficient area will look like a lush flower bed.


An unpretentious plant of smoky color, prefers light soils, looks great in a composition with variegated hostas, ordinary and tree peony. Loves loosening and sprinkling of branches. When transplanting, the hole should be 2 times larger than the root ball. Junipers do not resist pruning, although they do not require obligatory pruning.

Between the bushes Cossack juniper should be at least 1 - 1.5 meters. In adulthood it is a spreading, lush bush.

Rock Sky Rocket

Tall blue juniper - Rocky Sky Rocket. In diameter up to 1 meter, in height up to 7 meters. It looks like a slender tree, vaguely reminiscent of a cypress.


Low juniper Glauka (up to 30 cm), can grow up to 3 meters wide. The powerful root system of this plant allows, if necessary, to strengthen the slopes. This suitable plant for the first plan of a garden composition.

Mint Julit

Fastest growing medium juniper— Mint Julit, reaches 3.5 m wide, up to 1.5 m high. Blue Carpet is an active aggressor and occupies a vast space. It responds to pruning with increased growth. This must be taken into account when planting, and can be used for your own purposes.

Barberry - adding bright accents

The interesting shape of the bush, delicate branches, bright foliage inherent in various varieties allows barberry to lead among colored shrubs. Blooms actively in spring. The crown is purple, red, lilac, light green in the summer, incredibly transformed in the fall. This is a real carnival of colors, from lemon to wine-colored foliage, scarlet clusters of fruits. Barberry berries are an excellent seasoning for pilaf and meat dishes.

Barberry looks great in single and group plantings. A front garden, an alpine hill, edging meadows - all these compositions can be successfully complemented by barberries of your favorite variety and color. Barberries of different heights (from 30 cm to 1.5 m) can be interestingly displayed in a prefabricated mixborder. Thunberg's barberry is good in combination with coniferous plants. The low-growing cushion-shaped barberry Green Carpet is used for rocky compositions in the Japanese style.

Grows well in an open, sunny place, not picky about soil. Does not tolerate stagnation of ground inputs When planting, barberry should be provided with a high-quality drainage cushion.

low growing shrub(up to 80 cm) in looks very exotic, blooms profusely with orange-red flowers. In summer and autumn it is decorated with fruits resembling apples of paradise. Used for flower beds and rose gardens.

Japanese quince grows well on light sandy loam soils and loves well-lit places. The housewife makes excellent jam from the fruits.

Red viburnum

A familiar shrub that never ceases to delight with its beauty and healthy berries. Viburnum is very good in bloom, in the fall it turns purple - yellow, red bunches of berries glow in the sun.

Kalina loves shady places, the bush can grow quite extensively. This property of viburnum can be successfully used to decorate outbuildings and blank walls of barns. Loves good watering, the soil for planting is mixed with humus (1×1). The ground under the viburnum bush should be mulched tree bark, this will help the moisture-loving plant to develop.

It grows wild in central and southern Europe, North Africa, the European part of Russia, mainly in its middle part and in Asia Minor. Rarely found in the west and north of Russia. Viburnum can be found in Central and Western Siberia, as well as in the eastern and northern regions of Kazakhstan. Viburnum viburnum does not grow in Central Asia and the Far East.

Familiar from indoor forms, Large-leaved garden hydrangea - a godsend for lovers of bright, active flowering plants. Large inflorescences (12 - 15 cm) bloom in July and remain on the branches until autumn. An adult wisteria bush is not tall (up to 1 m), it can reach two meters in diameter, this must be taken into account when planting. Large inflorescences come in white, greenish, crimson, pink and even blue.

Hydrangea loves well-lit places, but straight Sun rays are harmful to her. You will need moist, slightly acidic soil, abundant watering, and fertilizing. When planting, peat, sand, and coniferous forest soil are added to the soil mixture. By feeding hydrangea with iron supplements, amateurs achieve bright blue coloring of hydrangea inflorescences. It is advisable to mulch the tree trunk circle with pine needles and use slightly acidified water for watering. Hydrangea should be covered for the winter.

An interesting new product: columnar fruit trees

Compact, productive trees, strewn with fruits of the usual size, have charmed many gardeners. Columns bear fruit in the second year, take up little space, and are easy to care for.. The lifespan of such a tree is up to 15 years, in contrast to the usual longevity of ordinary trees of fruit and stone fruit crops.

What types of columnar trees are there?

Columnar apple tree - low-growing, dwarf (relative to standard) standard tree . Proven, high-quality varieties - Arbat (red apple of medium ripening), Bolero (winter), Gin (summer variety).

Seedlings of columnar trees are on sale the latest selection : plums, cherry plums, pears, peaches. The main problem is the instability of the variety. Dying of lower branches, changes in the shape of the crown (formation of a “broom”), freezing of growth buds, degeneration of the variety. There is outright fraud by sellers. If you decide to grow colonies, buy adapted seedlings from trusted regional nurseries.

On this moment, only the columnar apple tree can boast big amount varieties of sustainable selection. Other column-shaped new items can be purchased only at your own peril and risk.

Features of planting and caring for fruit trees

Columns are very comfortable for processing and maintenance, organizing drip, or spot irrigation. Adult height fruit tree- about 1.5 m, grown using conventional agricultural technology, like ordinary fruit and stone fruit trees . Depending on the variety, seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.4 - 0.7 m from each other. The distance between rows is 2 - 2.5 m. You will need seasonal pruning, pest control, fertilizing, loosening of the root circle.

After planting a one-year-old seedling, the plant will show its variety in the first year. To do this, leave 2-3 flower ovaries on the tree; it is better to remove the remaining flowers in the first year. The seedling needs strength to adapt to a new place and form a healthy root system.

Selection does not stand still; popular varieties are constantly being improved. Should I experiment with original new products, or choose a proven one over the years decorative variety is a constant temptation for the gardener. Based on their taste preferences, you can pick original decoration for your favorite garden.

Usually Orchard represents local area, planted in a strict geometric order. Proportions and rationality reign here, but there is often no room for decorative details. Is it possible to combine aesthetic pleasure and practical benefits? What restrictions exist? How to transform the design of an orchard so that it is not only a source of healthy fruits and berries, but also a complete place for relaxation?

The main obstacles on the path to beauty and ways to overcome them

Indeed, fruit plantings have their own laws necessary for high yield. Trees require regular care(whitewashing, spraying, pruning), which violates the aesthetic perception of the garden ensemble. Installing large design elements is inappropriate here, since access to each tree must be ensured. Most flowers feel uncomfortable in the shade of sloping branches. The need for watering and fertilizing also imposes its limitations.

Arch to the garden entwined with clematis

However, if you wish, there is always a way to get around these obstacles. Alternatively, a fruitful garden can be separated by an elegant hedge, decorated with an arch, gate or opening. A picturesque entrance in itself can create a certain mood. Another way to decorate garden area– dilute its formal style with decorative areas. In this case, it is worth considering which elements are most suitable for this purpose.

Mixborder near the garden fence

Decorative and applied elements of landscape art

Of the variety of landscape design techniques, there are always several optimal options that can transform an orchard beyond recognition, without complicating the work in it at all. They can be divided into two groups: small-sized garden structures and utilitarian green compositions.

Practical decoration small garden - original feeder

How to create a garden ornament using small architectural forms

Probably the most common attributes of a well-kept garden are alleys and paths. Their arrangement has not only design, but also practical benefits. The width of the objects directly depends on the size of the garden plot, and they can be made from anything: stone, cement, wood, brick, gravel and even bark. By playing with the shape and lines of the design, color, texture and rhythm of paving, you can get a complete garden composition, combining comfort and beauty.

Garden alley from ceramic tiles along the perimeter of the garden

If there is no recreation area on the site yet, or it is located quite far away, you should definitely include a gazebo in the design of the orchard. Capital structures may hinder normal development trees, so it’s better to limit lightweight structures made of steel rods, collapsible canopies or just a cozy bench located so that it offers a beautiful view of the fruit-bearing garden.

Cozy gazebo with landscaped surrounding area

Perhaps the territory of the garden plot is quite small, and there is no room for alleys and gazebos. In this case, you can refine it using flowerpots with indoor flowers or bird feeders. Today landscape designers offer the most unexpected ideas for such devices, with the help of which an original place appears in the garden, attracting feathered orderlies.

Lunch area for relaxation after work

How to decorate a garden with green spaces

In an effort to extract maximum benefit, when choosing an assortment of shrubs and trees, you should not limit yourself to their purely fruitful qualities. Many cultivated plants beautiful during the flowering period, which is worth using for additional decorative effect. Such shrubs, unusual in mid-latitudes, such as serviceberry, Japanese quince or dogwood, are distinguished not only by sweet fruits, but also by abundant, exquisite flowering, enriching the design of an orchard - photos confirm this fact.

Spectacular beauty – Japanese quince

Green carpet decorates the orchard

Daffodils near the tree trunk

A small pond with a mini fountain in the garden

Cones in the tree trunk area simultaneously serve as mulch

A good background for strict rows of trees can be a shady lawn with grasses that are resistant to poor lighting: fescue, bluegrass, ryegrass, bentgrass. Grasses grow slowly in a shaded area, so such a lawn does not need frequent mowing. Another option for additional landscaping is a beautiful design of the tree trunk circle. Both bulbous annual flowers and available material that will not interfere with watering and fertilizing are suitable for this.

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties; even a small harvest will be a worthy reward for your efforts!

Having your own garden is the dream of many people. And this is understandable, because “fruits and berries” grown on your own plot are a guarantee of quality products, a source of vitamins and a good replacement for sanatoriums and resorts. Construction of orchards start with choosing a location. The most illuminated and protected from cold winds area on the site is suitable for this. Planting an orchard should be planned in elevated places, especially if there is high level groundwater. If this is not possible, but groundwater are close, then you can plant fruit trees on specially filled hills, having previously equipped drainage system Location on.

Landing apple orchard- the process is quite labor-intensive. It requires taking into account many factors - the timing of crop ripening, the shoot-forming ability of trees, mutual pollination, harmony of different groups of plants and other wisdom. Therefore, if you want to have an excellent and properly equipped garden, but are not confident in your knowledge, then the best and “low-trouble” option in this case is to turn to specialists. It is especially important to follow technology when planting large fruit trees.

But if planting a garden is a desired independent action for you, then take some useful tips from us that will help you do it more thoughtfully. When planting an orchard, be sure to take into account the different ripening periods of crops. Namely, the apple trees in the garden should be of autumn, winter and summer varieties.

Leave a distance of at least four meters between fruit trees. It is advisable that they be arranged in a checkerboard pattern for better illumination crowns

It must be taken into account that plums and cherries have a very active shoot-forming ability. You will subsequently have to constantly remove the resulting growth. It is important to have at least 2-3 on the site different varieties cherries and plums.

Strawberries and strawberries must be planted in well-lit places so as not to lose a significant amount of the harvest. If you place them along winding paths, they will serve as an additional decoration of the garden.

Let “creeping” raspberries and blackberries grow in the far corners of the garden. Try to choose modern varieties these crops that do not produce active shoots.

Fans of original landscapes can get carried away by creating decorative garden in the garden. This refers to the cultivation of vegetables in which harvesting is relegated to the background, and the aesthetics of planting and the harmony of plant groups is to the fore.

In setting up orchards, various techniques are used to create compositions from vegetable plants, the same as from ornamental trees, shrubs and flower beds. This is a single planting of a spectacular plant against the backdrop of stunted relatives, and ribbon plantings, separating one ridge from another (for example, from curly parsley, lettuce) and higher borders of appropriate plants.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):