Everyone who is faced with the installation of plastic windows for the first time asks the question “where to start?” So that the first installation of windows is successful, and you receive good result, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials on our website, which contain all necessary information for installation of plastic windows.

The first and most important work assigned to the measurer. Quite often, the customer is absolutely unaware of what kind of walls his house has and what is inside them. In this regard, a simple call with a description of your window for ordering required window won't be enough. The customer, of course, is able to inform about the parameters of the window opening, but only a professional worker with decent experience in this service sector can establish the entire scope of the upcoming work. Good specialist must have analytical skills, be aware of the future window design, and also have personal experience window installations.

Basic rules for taking measurements

Measurements for the future plastic window must be carried out as inside opening (indoors) and outside (from the street). The parameters of both of these measurements are critical to determine how deep the quarter is that the existing window opening has. After all, on final size windows are influenced by many factors.

One of the factors that must be taken into account when measuring may be the skew of the existing opening, in the presence of which the window size must be increased by the amount of the skew. To avoid the occurrence of through gaps between the window and the edge of the opening, the size of the PVC window should exceed the size of the external window opening by 3-4 and 1.5-2 centimeters in width and height, respectively. This result can be achieved either by increasing the overall size of the window structure, or by expanding the window. In the second case, additional profiles that snap onto the box will be used.

After determining the parameters of the future window, they must be compared with the control (internal) parameters of the window opening. When making such a comparison, any error that could have been made in previous calculations may be detected, an assessment will be made of how thick a layer of plaster will be applied on the internal slopes to compare the edges of the window, as well as whether it will be necessary to demolish the slopes when installing the window designs. It is obvious that the amount of such extra work should be kept to a minimum.

Taking measurements requires:

  1. Proper measurement of opening parameters.
  2. Accurate calculation of the dimensions of structures (overall and internal) that will be manufactured.
  3. Taking into account the size of the window sill, mosquito net, low tide.
  4. Agreement with the customer on the following:
    • what the window frame will be like;
    • choosing a window style and configuration;
    • color scheme for seals, binding and fittings;
    • select the type of glass unit;
    • determining the quantity, type, color and design that the roller shutters and mosquito net will have;
    • choice of material, color and dimensions for ebbs, slope and window sill.
  5. Works to unify the overall dimensions of future structures.
  6. Conscientious preparation of a sheet containing measurement data and recommendations regarding the installation process.

The most convenient way to measure an opening is a tape measure equipped with a digital display or a telescopic ruler; a regular 5 m tape measure with 18 mm tape can also be used. The opening may have quarters (protrusions from the outer part of the wall measuring ¼ of a brick inside the opening), or may not have them. You can most often find openings with quarters in city houses, openings without quarters - in country cottages.

The height of the opening is measured twice - on the left and right sides, while the width is measured once, at the bottom. If you have any doubts about the location of the opening contour elements relative to the horizontal and vertical, you must use a level to determine the deviation and correct all calculations.

The dimensions of the structure in an opening without quarters will be 2-4 centimeters smaller than the corresponding dimensions of the opening. In addition, the vertical dimension should after all be reduced by the thickness of the window sill, which in the future will be installed under the window frame.

Calculating the parameters of the opening with quarters and the parameters of the future window structure is a more complex process, especially in the case of measuring the opening of old windows and doors.

First you need to determine the thickness and height of the window sills, take measurements of the height and width between the outer quarters and the inner slopes of the wall near the window. The width that the future window will have should on average exceed the width between the outer quarters by 6 centimeters (3-9 cm). If the difference between the sizes is more than 6 cm, it would be advisable to use wooden (rough) extensions or PVC expanders. As for the height of the future window, it should be 3-6 centimeters greater than the vertical distance between the outer quarters. The amount of the frame extending into the lower quarter should not exceed 2 cm. The frame can extend into the upper quarter as much as the size of the mosquito net allows. If the vertical or upper quarter is missing, the entry into the vertical quarter will be 1.5 + 4.5 centimeters, and into the lower quarter 2 centimeters. 1 + 2 centimeters from the wall are left for insulation.

If necessary, measure the window with balcony door the parameters of the door and window should be measured, as well as Common parameters doors with a window. To calculate the width of the door, consider its lower part. The lower end of the door frame and the stone base should have a 1.5 +2 centimeter gap between them for insulation.

Height of structures arched type measure every 10-15 centimeters in width on one half.

If there are doubts regarding the method of sealing the window structure (for example, in the case of tight abutment of the top crossbar to reinforced concrete crossbar) you can use a hammer and a blunt chisel to remove the trim and knock off a small piece of wall material. This way you can avoid errors in the size of the future window.

It is difficult for a non-professional to perform all these measurements, which is why we recommend that youCall a surveyor for FREE and order the installation of plastic window designs on our website.

The dimensions of the sash must correspond to those indicated in the catalog window systems standards, and not exceed the maximum possible. The tilt-and-turn sash must be at least 40 cm wide. The size of glass accessible for washing on one side should be no more than 0.55 m, and the size of glass accessible on both sides should be no more than 1.00 m. A semicircular PVC arch can be at least 52 cm wide (bending diameter) .

When designing partitions for offices and glazing loggias, one should not forget that the movement of structural elements through any doors in the apartment should take place without problems. When taking measurements during construction or reconstruction of a structure, the weight and dimensions must be consistent with the project. Windows for a new house or cottage must be selected taking into account the style in which the building was built.

How to measure windows

Before, how to take window dimensions you need to take into account the fact that they directly depend on the size of the opening and its features. IN panel houses dimensions window openings standard brick houses may have openings whose dimensions differ by several centimeters from each other, or even have an arbitrary shape. In these cases, measurements must be taken with special care.

How to correctly measure a window in a building with a window opening that has a “quarter”

Before measuring a window in a building that has a quarter, it is necessary to ensure that it extends beyond the outer slopes (Fig. 1, A) by 1.5-2.5 cm from the top and sides. This standard is provided for in the recommendation “Carrying out measurements and installation of PVC windows” by T.R. 152-205, GOST 52749-2007.

How to measure window width correctly

Picture 1

It is necessary to add 3-5 cm to the width of the outer slope (less if there is a curvature of the wall). This is what will happen required size window.
If you are at a loss how to measure a plastic window correctly, please note the following:
The window should be slightly wider or equal in size between the places where the frame comes into contact with the slopes (Fig. 1, B).
The window should be narrower than the internal window opening (Fig. 1, C).
If the above conditions are not met with the question, how to correctly measure a window in a non-standard opening, it is better to contact a professional measurer who can assess the situation on the spot and identify the reasons for the discrepancy.

How to measure the height of a plastic window

Figure 2

In order to measure the windows in terms of height, you need to do the following: subtract 2 cm from the distance between the outer upper slope and the base of the window opening (Fig. 2, F). This distance is enough for the mounting foam at the bottom of the opening. You need to add 1.5-2.5 cm to the resulting size (Fig. 2, D) so that the window fits into the upper quarter. When using a base profile, which is a prerequisite when installing windows with ebb and sill, you need to subtract 3 cm from the obtained window size. If you do not know exactly how to measure windows correctly and doubt the obtained dimensions, you can use the fact that usually the value of D is equal to the height of the required window.

The dimensions of the window, both in width and height (if a stand profile is used), should be 3-8 cm smaller than the window opening. This is necessary for the installation seam. If the quarter is more than 5 cm and, accordingly, the foam seam is more than 4 cm, you need to use an additional profile.

How to measure PVC windows(in height) and to be sure of the correct dimensions, the following rules must be observed:

  • The size of the window, not taking into account the stand profile, should be less than the distance between the upper internal slope and the window sill (Fig. 1, E).
  • The size of the window together with the stand profile should be less than the distance from the bottom edge of the window sill to the top internal slope(Fig. 2, E+G).

When installing plastic windows, how to measure the size in the opening without “quarters”

If the window opening is without quarters, then the installation gaps should be 1.5-4 cm on each side of the window. For this:

  1. We subtract 3-8 cm from the width of the opening. This will be the width of the required window.
  2. We subtract 5-6 cm from the height of the opening. This will be the height of the new window (3 cm is occupied by the stand profile, the rest is needed for the mounting seam).

Consider the curvature of the wall.
If this is not enough, you can look how to measure a plastic window video. This video is presented on our website.

Attention! This instruction cannot accommodate all the nuances that need to be taken into account when measuring windows.

Window installation always begins with measuring the window opening. This procedure is the most important: the overall quality of the installation will depend on the correct measurement.

For this reason it is recommended this procedure entrust to professionals. But it won’t hurt to know how to measure windows correctly, because this will, at a minimum, help you determine how experienced the specialists who install windows are, and whether you should consider contacting another, more competent organization.

What are the consequences of incorrectly measuring a window opening?

Wrong taken dimensions window opening often lead to considerable problems. Eg, window frame there may be more opening, and this means additional expenses for expanding this very opening. Small windows will cause no less trouble. As a result of their installation, cracks may appear that will have to be filled. polyurethane foam, or solve the issue by increasing the slopes. Again, unnecessary costs, both time and materials.

In addition, such a window is unlikely to cope well with the functions assigned to it: protecting an apartment or house from cold air, precipitation, etc.

It is worth noting that from different types window openings depends on the approach to measurement. We'll talk about this further.

How to correctly measure quarter-quarter window openings?

Professionals say that it is most difficult to measure window openings with a “quarter” (photo 1). IN in this case means openings that have a protrusion of ¼ brick of the outer perimeter. This protrusion is necessary in order to protect the structure from falling out.

So, how to correctly measure windows that have such a protrusion. When taking measurements, it is important to take into account that usually these “quarters” are asymmetrical, their sizes may differ: for example, distortions are possible, both vertically and horizontally.

When measuring a window, specialists always follow the main rules (so that unnecessary problems do not arise during the installation process):

  • The size of the window frame should be such that it extends beyond the side “quarter” by about two to four centimeters, i.e. the frame should be wider;
  • the frame should extend beyond the upper wall of the opening no more than one and a half to two centimeters;
  • The window sill beam is made one to two centimeters higher than the bottom wall of the opening: this is necessary for trouble-free installation of the ebb.

The pictures show in detail how to measure a window with a “quarter”.

Figure 1: Measuring the width.

A – the width of the window along the slopes from the outside (add 4 cm to it);

B – the distance between the points where the internal slopes will adjoin the frame;

D – the actual width of the window;

C is the width of the opening from the inside.

Note: After measurements, it is necessary to check that width D is not greater than distance B and width C.

Figure 2: Height measurement.

E – window height without substitution profile;

F – height of the opening from the base to the upper slope (outside); 1-2 cm is subtracted from it for the gap, and 2-3 cm is added for the frame to go beyond the “quarter” from above;

G – height of the substitution profile

H – window height taking into account the substitution profile.

How to correctly measure a window without a “quarter”?

The presence of a “quarter” at a window opening is not always found. Such projections are usually not made in panels and wooden houses(photo 2).

Naturally, such openings require a different approach to taking dimensions. Let's name the basic rules for measuring such windows:

  • when measuring the opening, subtract from 2 to 10 centimeters from its width to leave space for installation seams;
  • There is usually only one horizontal gap - at the top; its width varies from 3 to 6 centimeters.

General rules for measuring windows for all types of openings

It is important to remember when measuring the window that the frame during installation should not rest against the opening, it should be slightly smaller. This gap, called the mounting gap, is necessary in order to leave room for natural expansion of the structure. According to the rules for installing plastic windows, the seam can be from 2 to 5 centimeters.

When measuring windows, it is important to remember that dimensions should be taken both indoors and outdoors.

When determining the width of the future window, we measure the opening at the top, in the middle and at the bottom, and select the smallest value. The distance for the gaps is subtracted from this number, the resulting value will correspond to the size of the frame. Height is also measured at several points (left, middle and right), and also from the very small value subtract the distance required for mounting gaps and substitution profile. The resulting difference is the height of the future horse.

The technology for measuring windows only seems simple. In order to avoid unnecessary errors, it is best to entrust the measurement of the window opening to professionals who can correctly calculate the frame dimensions even for the most non-standard openings.

Measurement of openings with a “quarter” (a quarter is a half-brick protrusion from the outer sides of a window, to which the window frame is adjacent) in width:

  • Since the window itself extends beyond the quarter by 1.5-2.5 cm from the side, you need to add 3-5 cm to the internal size of the window - this will be right size the window you will be buying.
  • Explaining the above: the actual size of the window will be slightly wider than the one you measure inside (in contact with the side internal slopes).
  • The width of the window will be less than the width of the opening with the window sill.

Now we measure the window height:

  • If measured from the outside, then 2 cm is subtracted from the height between the outer upper slope and the base of the opening for the mounting foam.
  • Next, 1.5-2.5 cm is added to this size so that the window can fit into the upper quarter.
  • If you have a window with a sill and a window sill, then subtract 3 cm from the resulting size, because we only need to know the size of the window.

When using a stand profile, the height and width of the window will be 3-8 cm less, which will be spent on mounting foam. Sometimes it happens that a quarter is more than 5 cm. In this case, an additional profile is used so as not to leave much space for the mounting foam.

Remember: the height of the plastic window should be less than the distance from the upper internal slope to the window sill. Together with the stand profile, the height of the window should be less than the distance from the upper internal slope to the lower side of the window sill.

If the opening is without a quarter, then you need to measure the window like this:

  • 3-8 cm is subtracted from the width of the opening.
  • 5-6 cm is subtracted from the height of the opening, 3 cm of which will go to the stand profile, the rest to the mounting foam.

Today everyone strives to make their home cozy and warm, as well as beautiful and functional. A significant role in this is played by the replacement of conventional wooden windows to their plastic counterparts. In fact, this is really advisable, because PVC structures, with single or double, and sometimes even triple glazing, can effectively cut off drafts, as well as excess noise, which is especially important in large cities. However, before ordering PVC windows from a manufacturer or installer, you should first make a correct and correct measurement of the plastic window itself, so that new design fit perfectly into the new place. Doing this is not at all as easy as it might seem, since you will need to take into account a number of recommendations and nuances given by real professionals.

General provisions and information: how to take measurements correctly for a plastic window

First of all, you need to know that the depth of the opening is initially determined, and only then everything else. It is very important to take into account all the nuances, without exception, otherwise you may later find yourself in a situation where the delivered window simply does not fit, and the installer, and even the manufacturer, seem to have absolutely nothing to do with this, because you provided them with the wrong dimensions yourself. Therefore, treat the work with full responsibility, so that the Dunno principle “it will do” does not become the reason for wasting money, because the design costs far from a penny.

Helpful advice

Measuring plastic windows with your own hands should only be done if the installer for some reason cannot perform such actions. It would be optimal to entrust such a complex and responsible matter to a real professional, and avoid many annoying misunderstandings and unnecessary problems.

So, the measurement of the opening for plastic windows should be carried out both from the inside and from the outside buildings. This is how the depth of the opening is determined. It often happens that when taking qualitative measurements, it suddenly turns out that your window opening has a very significant skew, then the dimensions of the final product will have to be increased, according to the measurements of the skew itself. Most often, such problems can be observed in panel buildings, where large slabs and blocks already come cast from the factory.

After you have already measured the window opening from the outside, you should also measure the inside of it, and then compare the results. This will help you take a sensible look at the situation, because ideally all the numbers should practically coincide, but if not, this will also have to be taken into account when making the final calculation. You can correct unevenness by installing plastic slopes, and experienced craftsmen It is not recommended to give up such accessories, as they perform many functions other than decorative ones. For example, they prevent the appearance of condensation and increased humidity, which can lead to the formation of black mold, which will be very difficult to combat later.

Windows with and without a quarter: how to measure plastic windows correctly

If you look at the static data, you can find out that most windows are equipped with special protrusions that prevent the window from falling out. It is these protrusions among builders that I invariably call quarters, and there is a reason for this special reasons. Of course, these protrusions can be of any size, but according to the rules, their length is six and a half centimeters, that is, a quarter standard brick, hence the name.

Not all architects are satisfied with quarters when planning buildings, and in general, in practice, as we know, everything turns out to be extremely far from ideal. The quarters may also be larger or smaller than normal, or they may be larger on one side than on the other. All this must be taken into account when figuring out how to take measurements of plastic windows for own apartment or at home.

  • A correctly measured window must be one and a half, or even two centimeters higher than the lower edge of the quarter. This is done specifically so that it becomes possible to place a special drainage system down, just under the frame itself.
  • The window should extend beyond the upper projections of the quarters no more than a centimeter and a half, and beyond the side ones, by four centimeters, or at most five.
  • Among other things, the window frame should under no circumstances touch the opening itself.

There should be a gap of at least four centimeters between the opening and the window at the bottom, and up to five centimeters at the top and sides. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to fill the gap with foam. It is worth making sure that the gaps do not exceed six centimeters, and if otherwise it does not work out, this is an exceptional case and you should consult a professional.

How to correctly measure a plastic window when taking into account a quarter

It is clear that for a correct calculation it is necessary to provide the correct dimensions for the width and length of the window. Moreover, it is necessary to start measuring all the parameters from the outside of the opening.

  • Since the window must extend beyond the bottom quarter by one and a half centimeters, it is necessary to add three, or even five, centimeters to the very width of the slope on the outside. The result will give the required size.
  • The width of the PVC structure should be slightly larger than the width with quarters, that is, the window itself must rest against the slopes. Thus, it is not difficult to understand how to measure a plastic window; you need to add four to six centimeters to the actual distance between the quarters. However, you need to pay attention to ensuring that the window fits into the opening, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.
  • The question remains of how to take height measurements for plastic windows, and there is also nothing complicated here. You need to take the distance from the top edge of the quarter to the base of the opening, and then subtract another two centimeters from the resulting number to get an assembly seam, which is absolutely necessary.

In the case where it is planned to install a window with a low tide, the result obtained from vertical measurement needs to be reduced a little more, by four or six centimeters. It is into this gap that the stand profile will fit. Thus, the window should be seven centimeters smaller than the opening.

It couldn’t be simpler: how to measure plastic windows without quarters

If quarters were not taken into account during construction of your house, then the calculation will be much simpler. And there will be much less fuss, and you can really save time.

  • To begin, take measurements of the window opening in width, and it is better to take several different heights. After comparing the results, you need to choose the smallest, and then subtract another two to four centimeters. The greater the spread in the width measurements you took, the more centimeters you will have to subtract for the final version.
  • Exactly the same manipulations must be repeated, measuring the window in height. However, here the number that needs to be subtracted from the result must be exactly at least two and a half centimeters.
  • It is worth taking into account that the lower edge of the window must be higher than the edge of the opening if you plan to install a drip to drain water, which can destroy all your work by penetrating the structure straight into the wall.

How to take measurements for a plastic window: don’t forget about the window sill

Everyone should understand that even by correctly calculating the size of the window, the matter cannot be limited. You need to understand that there is also a window sill for correct installation All its dimensions must also be calculated in advance. You must understand that the results will definitely differ from the dimensions of the old window sill.


You need to know that the thickness of old wooden window structures was standard - ten centimeters, at least in most cases. The width of the PVC structure is only 6.5 centimeters, that is, be prepared for the fact that there will be space left that will block the window sill.

All of the above means only one thing: the width of the new window sill will be no less than five centimeters larger than the old one. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away, especially if there is a heating device, or simply a battery. There is even a special building code, in which the batteries should not overlap by more than one third.

For correct measurement you need to calculate the depth, that is, in fact, the width of the future window sill, taking into account the overhang, which should not be less than one centimeter. Measuring the length of the window sill is also not at all difficult; you need to add up the width of the window opening and the openings on the walls, which may differ in various options. However, remember that it definitely cannot be less than five centimeters.

Having received something like this, it is enough detailed instructions, most likely, there should be no problems with the measurements. Moreover, if everything is done thoroughly and slowly, then they should turn out to be quite suitable. However, if you still don’t have complete confidence in your abilities, it’s better to turn to a real professional, who will then bear the responsibility himself.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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