The smell of paint remaining after painting work indoors can cause a person to experience a feeling of irritation, discomfort, and even headaches and dizziness. In addition, if the paint in the house stinks, it is harmful to the health of the residents, therefore, it is better to get rid of the unpleasant smell as soon as possible.

Ideally, when painting objects in a residential area, you should initially select a paint that contains a minimum of harmful components and does not stink so much. You can now find suitable paint for interior finishing work in any hardware store, but when the moment has already passed, going to the store will be useless, and you will have to deal with the consequences of haste, economy, and thoughtlessness.

So, for example, even before you start painting, you need to cover with newspapers or rags all neighboring objects that paint may get on or drip on. The fewer sources of unpleasant odors remain in the room, the easier it will be to solve your problem. When performing indoor painting work, you should also remember your safety by ensuring ventilation and protection of the respiratory tract, for example, using a cotton-gauze bandage.

The smell of paint is not only unpleasant, but also harmful, which means it is necessary to show all responsibility and caution even before starting work ().

Paint stinks: what to do


If the room needs to be rid of the smell of paint as quickly as possible, it will have to be ventilated. In the summer there are no problems with this, but with the onset of cold weather such measures will certainly cause discomfort to residents. For the time of ventilation, for example, you could go for a walk or visit, lock yourself in another room so as not to sit in a cold room.

For effective ventilation, it is important to ensure the exit of air from the room, for which a system of outgoing drafts is organized (should be blown out the window and not into other rooms). If you have problems with drafts, connect a fan to help, which, again, should direct unpleasant air currents out of the window.

During ventilation, to prevent the smell from spreading to other rooms, it is better to close the doors. But the better the ventilation, the sooner you can be indoors without harm to your health.

Ventilation is the best way to get rid of paint smell and does not require any serious effort. Well, perhaps you will have to endure the cold a little (if we talk about autumn, winter or early spring).


Charcoal, which can be purchased in special stores, as well as ordinary household salt, perfectly absorbs odors. To use these products, it is easier to place the salt on several sheets of newspaper or bags, which need to be laid out in a room with. This approach will make it easier for you to remove any charcoal or salt that has absorbed paint odors once the procedure is complete. A rolled-up newspaper or bag of dirty salt or coal goes freely into the trash can.

It is clear that such salt can no longer be used in cooking.


In a room where the paint smells, it will be useful to hang out old rags or towels soaked in a vinegar solution diluted with water. After four hours, the hung pieces of material will have to be re-wetted until there is no trace of the smell of paint left. If the paint has already dried, but continues to emit unpleasant odors, you can wipe the painted surfaces themselves directly with a vinegar solution.


Onions and garlic chopped on a saucer can be left in a painted room. If your paint stinks, these measures will help eliminate the unpleasant odors with a little care. For example, the pungent odors of garlic and onions can both help and worsen the situation if you leave saucers with them near painted surfaces or bedding. These pungent odors themselves can both absorb and be absorbed into neighboring things, and therefore it is better to place them away from objects that may stink.


If the room smells like paint, you can try another method, which requires a large container of salted water. Volumetric capacity in this case does not mean deep, but rather open, providing maximum water surface area. In fact, this technique is reminiscent of the method described in point No. 2, where table salt was also used.

Since salt water will absorb paint odors, it is recommended to replace it at least once a day, renewing the salt solution.


If, after drying, the painted objects still emit unpleasant odors or smell of paint, they can be wiped with a mustard solution with the addition of ammonia. Well, or a vinegar solution, as we already discussed above. This will eliminate any remaining unpleasant odors and make your stay in the room more comfortable.


When paint stinks, folk methods recommend burning several candles in the room. At the same time, it is important to take care of natural safety so as not to cause a fire or combustion. It is better to place candles in deep glasses or vases or other deep containers, regularly monitoring the combustion process. After the candles burn out completely and the atmosphere of the room is ventilated, it should improve. The main thing is not to let this process take its course, since an open fire in a room is a natural hazard.


To combat “like with like,” it is wise to use other strong-smelling substances, such as perfumes, colognes, coffee, incense, and flavorings. The smell of stinking paint will be mixed or clogged with other strong odors, after which it will become easier to remove from the room.

The main thing is not to overdo it, so that instead of the “aromas” of paint, you don’t have to fight for a long time with the cloying smell of the same old cologne or perfume.

In any case, all these concentrated and mixed odors will have to be removed from the room by airing and ventilating the rooms.


After painting, there should be no extraneous sources of odor in the room.

We are talking about brushes and cans of paint, which need to be either washed or carefully packed in plastic, but it is better to take them outside the residential building. It is highly undesirable to wash leftover paint into the sink or toilet. It is unlikely that they will all pass through the drain channel, they will partially settle on the insides of the pipes, and will haunt the residents for a long time.

It’s better not to throw any soiled rags, old cans of paint, spattered pieces of newspapers, etc. into the trash can, where they will continue to smell like paint, but to remove them from the room, taking them immediately to the nearest trash container.

04/13/2018 0 1,055 views

The apartment after renovation evokes very pleasant feelings. But the air usually becomes heavy and a chemical taste is noticed. Let's consider how to get rid of the smell of paint in an apartment after painting? There is no point in waiting for it to disappear on its own. It will take hold in the room and will be felt even in drinks and food.

An unpleasant aroma can permeate all the furniture in the house. Therefore, it is worth acting quickly. In winter, before carrying out repair work, you should dry the air in the apartment with the heating and air conditioning turned on. This helps the paint dry faster. In summer you need to constantly ventilate the room.

Is it possible to completely remove the smell of paint from a room in a short time?

Even the most unpleasant aromas can eventually be stopped being noticed. This is usually what happens: a few days after the repair work, residents do not pay attention to it. However, the smell does not go away, it remains in the air and spoils the health of the owners.

It is worth understanding that the aroma of paint is the solvent molecules that float in the air. They are very toxic.

Often, residents begin to notice symptoms such as nausea, allergic reactions, headaches, and dizziness. If large surfaces are painted, serious harm to the body can be caused, including liver and kidney diseases, heart rhythm pathologies, and deterioration in brain function. Therefore, you should not neglect this task.

In summer and spring, you can remove the smell in 12 hours. In winter, it is worth putting in more effort, combining several methods at once.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?

Basic rules for solving the problem:

  • Painting work in the room should be carried out only for those objects that cannot be removed. These are frames, doors. Wall shelves should be removed and painted outdoors or on a balcony.
  • Upon completion of the process, it is necessary to remove painting supplies, cans, containers with solvent, rags and other items that give off an odor. There is no need to pour the water where they were washed down the drain. Particles will remain on the pipes, and solvent vapors will end up in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • It is worth getting rid of odors before bringing sofas, tables and other things into the apartment. Otherwise, it will saturate food and clothing.
  • Until the problem is resolved, it is forbidden to be in the room if you are pregnant or have asthma. You should also not allow children and pets there.

Special devices are used to eliminate odors after interior work - ozonizers, purifiers, air washers. However, they do not have a sufficient level of power to get rid of the smell in a large house. The cost of special installations is quite high, so purchasing it at once is not very profitable.

It is better to contact a company that professionally works with odor removal. They typically use ozonizers and dry fog generators, which remove solvent molecules.


The grounds from real ground grains should be placed in containers around the room. It will not only act as an aromatic agent, but will also absorb unpleasant odors. You can simply open a pack of ground drink and wait a while. The soluble form is not suitable for this purpose. The method is especially favored by coffee connoisseurs.

When a candle is lit, flammable compounds in paints and varnishes burn in the flame. This helps eliminate paint odors from furniture or neighbors. With its aromatic properties, the room will be fragrant. There are many types to suit every taste.

You need to light several candles. It is important to tightly close the doors and windows in the apartment and securely fasten them to candlesticks to prevent fire and spillage of paraffin on the surface. The procedure should take five hours. This is enough for the flame, along with oxygen, to burn the aroma from the paint fumes. Candles are quite cheap, so the method is not considered expensive.

Water tank

If the flame option is not suitable, place several large containers of water indoors for a couple of days. It will absorb solvent vapors. Compared to others, it is inferior in effectiveness, but is considered the safest.

You can use the following method:

  1. Prepare large terry towels, moisten with water and wring out thoroughly. If they are missing, they are replaced with sheets and cotton tablecloths.
  2. Hang the material around the premises.
  3. After a few hours, rinse, then return to their original places.

It is worth performing the actions until the smell is eliminated. Towels must be kept damp at all times. If they dry out and are not replaced, the solvent will evaporate again.

Onions with vinegar

Cut the onion into four parts, put it on plates, and place it around the apartment. The aroma of the vegetable will be much easier to eliminate. You can actually solve the problem even faster using table vinegar or vinegar essence. Mix the product (1 tbsp) with water (5 l), pour into several containers, and place around the house.

Treatment with a solution of a painted surface is effective. It is better to do this not with a cloth, but with a soft brush. The movements should be like a roller during the painting process. The method will get rid of the odor, and the areas where the paint has not had time to set will harden faster. If desired, replace vinegar with ammonia or dry mustard. In the latter case, dilute 2 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of cold water.

Instead of onions, it is effective to use garlic; it also has an intense smell. You need to act according to the given algorithm:

  • pass the vegetable through a fine grater to fill a rather large container;
  • distribute among plates;
  • put in every room in the house.

The problem should be resolved in seven hours. Salt can also act as a natural absorbent.

This is the easiest and most effective method that solves this problem. One open window will not be enough. An integrated approach is required, the actions of which are as follows:

  • reduce the humidity in the room;
  • increase air temperature;
  • create conditions for good ventilation.

It is necessary to ensure this not only during the painting process, but also the first day after repair work. Dry, warm air will make the paint dry faster, and the solvent will not be absorbed into the walls.

For ventilation, doors and windows should be opened to create a draft in the room. If you have a fan, you should place it next to an open window and turn it on so that the air is blown out of the apartment.

In the case where oil paints or enamels were used during repair work, intensive ventilation should continue for three days. Only then is it allowed to be in the room. Odorless paints and varnishes are water-based and can be easily removed within 24 hours. There are special products for applying to metal products that do not emit aromas.

Other methods

  1. Coal. Charcoal has been successfully used to get rid of any intense chemical odor. It should be poured into containers and placed around the apartment. With the help of its absorbent properties, it will quickly get rid of this problem.
  2. Lemon. Place the citrus slices around the room, wait 1-2 days and throw away. Unpleasant odors are reliably neutralized.
  3. Soda. This method is suitable in situations where the carpet has absorbed the aroma of paint. You need to sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the surface and vacuum it in the morning. This way, it will be refreshed and the odors will disappear.

Video: how to get rid of paint smell in an apartment quickly after painting?

Is it possible to prevent this problem during repairs?

You can protect your apartment from this problem in advance with the help of a number of tips:

  1. When taking a break from painting, you should place the roller or brush in a plastic bag, tying it tightly in a knot. You can use cling film for this purpose. This will prevent the spread of aromas throughout the apartment and prevent the brush from drying out. Then you need to throw away the bags.
  2. If you use a paint tray in the process, you should also remove it.
  3. The jar must be kept closed at all times. If possible, it is better to place it on the balcony or outside.
  4. To avoid the hassle of throwing away trays, you can use ice cream cans for this purpose.
  5. Draining the water where painting supplies were washed down the drain leads to negative consequences. Paint particles remain on the pipes, and the aroma continues to spread. There is also environmental pollution.
  6. There is a method for eliminating odors during the painting process. To do this, you need to pour vanillin into a jar (take 1 tablespoon per 4 liters) and stir thoroughly. This will not harm the quality, but if the product has already deteriorated, it is better not to use this method.
  7. When purchasing, you should ask the seller for the brand with the least amount of toxic fumes.

You cannot delay removing paint odors, otherwise it will be absorbed into the furniture and walls. Then it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. It is better to use several methods to get a guaranteed result. For example, open the windows, leave baking soda on the carpet, place citrus slices around the room, treat with vinegar.

The best folk remedies for quickly removing paint odor in an apartment or house

Carrying out even minor repairs in an apartment or house is always accompanied by the appearance of a paint smell in the premises. After all, painting walls, wooden frames or floors requires the use of strong-smelling paints, the smell of which remains for a long time. And when deciding how to get rid of paint smell in an apartment most effectively, you should remember some subtleties that will help you clear the air faster and enjoy the result of the renovation to the fullest, without headaches.

Read in this article:

Why should paint odor be eliminated quickly?

Some people not only tolerate strong odors, but may even enjoy them. However, it is the smell of paint, no matter how pleasant it may seem at first, that can significantly reduce the quality of life. Here are the reasons why you should clean the indoor air as quickly as possible after repairs:

  • headache;
  • manifestation of signs of allergy;
  • dizziness from excessive inhalation of chemicals;
  • with particularly high sensitivity of the body, the development of the initial stage of bronchial asthma is likely.

At the same time, it is quite likely that such an odor will appear even from hair and clothes, so those around you will also be able to “enjoy” the smell of the paint when communicating with you. Therefore, removing it as quickly as possible should be considered an important point for maintaining the comfort of both yourself and those around you.

Is it possible to prevent it?

This may seem impracticable, however, as practice shows, it is quite possible: it is possible to reduce the duration of the unpleasant “aroma” of paint. And there are several of them that can be listed.

Essence with vanilla scent

Just one spoon of this essence will give the paint a less pungent odor. You should not expect complete neutralization, but the harshness of the aroma will decrease.

You should be more careful with white paint.

But before adding the essence, you should check the degree of impact on the color itself in a small amount of paint: if there is no change in the color of the paint used, you can safely add the essence to its total amount.


Completely turning off the desiccant will reduce the moisture content in the room air. This will also make the air drier, which means it will reduce the degree to which the paint smells. This will also be facilitated by turning on the air conditioner at maximum power.

Wide open windows and doors

During painting, active air movement or draft will be created. And this helps to quickly remove unnecessary odors from the room. This same simple recipe allows you to quickly deal with air purification even after the painting process is completed.

However, if preventive measures were not taken or did not turn out to be very effective, you should apply tips for eliminating the strong smell of paint after finishing and painting work.

Basic methods for eliminating paint odors

  • It would be ideal, after finishing painting, to move to temporary residence with friends or relatives - this will avoid hypothermia in a draft and not get poisoned by constantly inhaling toxic fumes;
  • carrying out general cleaning of the room using such a simple product as food mustard: this spice, added to water for washing floors and other surfaces, does an excellent job of eliminating extraneous odors;
  • Installing open containers with clean water in the room will also allow you to quickly clean the air and absorb toxic odors.

Household air fresheners do not cope with the task of purifying the air; they will only temporarily relieve unpleasant sensations, because the smell of paint is quite persistent. Therefore, the use of the listed simple measures may be quite enough to avoid feeling serious discomfort from renovations carried out in the apartment with painting work.

Additional measures

Simple products found in any home can also help combat odors after painting. This should include lemons, which should be thinly sliced ​​and placed around the perimeter of the room: absorbing the unpleasant smell of paint, it releases its subtle aroma and makes the air fresher.

Chopped onions or garlic are also used: these spices absorb odors and at the same time disinfect the room. Airing will eliminate their specific aroma. After use, and they “work” for a day or two, chopped onions and garlic should be thrown away and not used for food.

Vinegar essence will remove the “amber” from paint if it is added to water for washing floors or other surfaces. And baking soda scattered on the floor or carpet will absorb the smell; after use, you just need to sweep it into a dustpan with a broom.

You can also muffle unpleasant odors remaining after repairs using the following substances:

  • natural coffee, poured into containers and placed around the perimeter of the room or brewed and used for drinking, will perfectly mask the aromas in the room. However, its effect is very short-lived;
  • scented candles will also temporarily cope with the problem, especially their fresh scents;
  • essential oils used during the combustion process in an aroma lamp will refresh the air well and give it a pleasant aroma.

Charcoal is also used as an absorbent, absorbing unnecessary odors. By placing it in the room, you can quickly feel the improvement in the air.

The listed measures will quickly restore the familiar atmosphere in the room and help remove the smell of paint.

The repairs are complete, but something seems wrong. There was a feeling of something unfinished. What is this? Flaws in the interior? Or is the furniture in the wrong place? Neither one nor the other - the smell of paint remained.

The issue of neutralizing it is most acute after all finishing work has come to an end. How to get rid of paint smell in an apartment? Is it harmful to health? How to protect yourself and your loved ones from its influence?

What is the danger

Unpleasant sensations in the body are the most common symptom of paint vapor poisoning. Due to lack of oxygen, heart rhythm may be disrupted. The heart will begin to beat at a faster pace. Confusion may occur. The reason for this is the harmful effect of paint fumes on brain cells.

In more severe cases, poisoning may occur. Prolonged stay in a painted room can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and hallucinations. Poisoning has other symptoms:

  • allergies, expressed in severe redness of the skin and suffocation;
  • headache;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • fainting.

What to do

So, you have completed the renovation, but the smell of paint is still there. It can be neutralized in very simple ways. The most popular are ventilation and the use of air conditioning:

  1. Ventilation will help cope with the unpleasant consequences of staining if it is possible to leave the room for at least a day. It is recommended to open all windows and doors located indoors. Leave them in this position for at least 24 hours. If there are no windows in the room, you can use a fan.
  2. In apartments that are equipped with air conditioners, they will help remove the unpleasant aroma. It is enough to turn on the ionization or air purification function.

If simple methods do not help remove the smell of paint in a room in a house or apartment, you can use what is at hand:

  • plant extracts;
  • coffee;
  • coal;
  • scented candles;
  • plain water;
  • sheets;
  • onions;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • soda;
  • humidifier.

Green helpers

Of the plant extracts, vanilla and mint essential oil may be most useful. They will work most effectively in separate rooms of the house or in a small space.

You need to take a small cotton swab, moisten it with the extract and place it in close proximity to the area that was painted. You can add the product to plain water. Place a bowl of water at a short distance from the object emitting the “aroma.” Experts recommend adding a few drops of plant extract to the paint. This way you can provide protection from the unpleasant odor of any paint, even oil paint. It is important to use high-quality extracts that are made exclusively from natural raw materials.


How can coffee help remove paint smell? It will absorb some of the unpleasant odors. You need to pour the grounds of natural coffee into several small containers and place them around the room. In this way, you can not only remove the consequences of repairs, but also fill the room with a pleasant smell.


Both regular coal and the kind sold in stores (for barbecues) are suitable. You will need several medium-sized containers. They need to be filled with coal and placed in all painted rooms. Coal is known for its adsorbent properties. It will quickly absorb the unpleasant odor that remains after the repair.

Aroma candles

Lighting scented candles will destroy all flammable compounds that have entered the air after using varnishes and paints. They will help freshen the air.

Plain water

Even water can help quickly remove paint smells. You need to fill several buckets with water. Place them throughout the room. The water will have to be changed more than once before the smell goes away.

How to eliminate paint smell using sheets? By the way, any fabric that absorbs moisture well will do. This could be, for example, a regular terry towel. Wet the fabric in water. Hang wet towels or sheets on the backs of chairs, doors and furniture. Sometimes the fabric needs to be rinsed in clean water and hung around the room again.


To get rid of the smell of paint, you can use regular onions. Cut several large onions into 4 pieces. Place the pieces throughout the house or apartment. What about the onion flavor? It is easier to remove than the smell of paints and varnishes.


Vinegar will also help quickly remove unpleasant odors after repairs. You will need several small containers. Pour a solution of vinegar and water into them. Place it around the apartment and leave it like that for several hours.

Lemon can also come to the rescue. Cut it into pieces and place them around the apartment. Let it sit for two or three days. After this, the lemon cannot be used for food - it must be thrown away.


Baking soda will help eliminate paint odors that have soaked into the carpet. It is enough to pour it on the product and leave it overnight. Afterwards, you need to thoroughly sweep away the soda with a broom and vacuum it. Baking soda will remove the odor and freshen the carpet.


On sale you can find special devices that humidify and purify the air in a house or apartment. It is enough to leave one such device in the room for several hours. It will be a good protection against fumes from paints and varnishes.


Are there ways to prevent paint smells after renovating your home? Yes, there are, and they are very simple:

  1. The range of paints is quite wide. Among them there are those that do not emit strong odors. These are, for example, water-based paints, which have a fast drying time (up to 4 hours). They are suitable for almost all surfaces. There are special paints for heating radiators. They will not emit odor while heating the room.
  2. Products that are too “fragrant” should be washed off from brushes and rollers outside or in a well-ventilated area. It is necessary to ventilate the apartment while working. In this case, vapors of paints and varnishes will not have such a strong effect on the body.
  3. Proper storage of tools and materials is protection against unpleasant odors after repairs. A cellar, barn or any other utility room is ideal for these purposes. If they are not there, you need to pack the containers with the dye as best as possible. Close the bottles and jars tightly with lids, carefully wrap them in plastic and tie them. Washed instruments should also be stored in polyethylene. You can choose a separate, well-ventilated room, such as a bathroom, for storage.

The remaining paint smell after repair is quite easy to remove. To do this, it is not necessary to use any expensive means and devices. You can make do with improvised means, such as coffee, lemon, vinegar or plain water. You can simply ventilate the room, but this will take a little more time.

The question of how to get rid of the smell of paint in an apartment arises immediately after finishing work or cosmetic repairs. After all, living where the “aromas” of paints and varnishes emanate is both unpleasant and harmful to health. To cope with this problem, you can use proven traditional methods or use modern technologies. Both technical devices and traditional methods are of two types - those that help get rid of harmful substances in the air of the apartment, and those that simply mask the odors of these substances.

The most common method of getting rid of odors remaining after painting is ventilation. Circulation is also necessary for faster drying of the paint layer, so it needs to be organized immediately after work. The simplest method is to open windows opposite each other to create a draft. You can open one window and turn on the fan.

If oil or enamel paint was used, subject to active ventilation, at least 3 days must pass before sleeping or staying in the room for a long time. Water-dispersed paints, including acrylic ones, dry much earlier and much more actively, which means they release “aromas” faster, which disappear in just a day.

Air purification using traditional methods

If you need to not only mask the heavy smell after painting, but also make the air in the room clean, you can use the following means:

  • activated carbon;
  • candles (regular, not scented);
  • several large pieces of fabric, such as sheets;
  • coffee.

Activated granular carbon must be divided into several containers and placed in the room. Regular, non-activated charcoal will not cope with the task of purifying the air; its pores are too large. They will be filled with moisture, and the microcracks of granular activated carbon retain harmful substances in a gaseous state.

Carbon can also be activated at home, however, its effectiveness will still be several times lower than that produced industrially.

Candles literally burn out harmful substances - volatile compounds that evaporate while the paintwork is drying. Of course, it is best to use natural wax candles, but paraffin candles are also suitable. You just need to light a few pieces in the room for two to three hours. At the same time, we must not forget that oxygen also burns along with harmful substances, so ventilation is necessary after such a procedure.

Ground coffee also absorbs unpleasant odors well. If the task is to remove the aroma of paint, then such a natural air freshener will be very useful. You just need to put the ground, or preferably freshly ground, coffee into small containers and place it in different places. After a day, the coffee needs to be replaced with fresh one, and the old one should be thrown away, since it cannot be brewed or drunk.

After renovation, you can hang wet pieces of fabric in the room - they will become filters for harmful compounds in a gaseous state. They need to be removed and rinsed periodically, and then hung up again. This is a fairly effective method, which is useful if you need to quickly clean the air, but ventilation is impossible for some reason.

Air washing operation diagram

Technical devices

The industry now offers various types of air purifiers, but not all of them can remove the smell after painting. The most effective will be photocatalytic and filter cleaners, as well as air washes. Filtering devices pass air through carbon or HEPA filters, which trap toxins (devices from BORK, IQAir, etc.).

The action of photocatalysts is based on photocatalysis: toxic substances, including volatile compounds, are oxidized and decomposed. However, the latter have a significant drawback. To operate effectively, the filter area of ​​the devices must total several m². That is, they do not provide cleaning of the area declared by the manufacturer. An example of such equipment is the Fresh Air Box purifier.

Air washers are devices with a kind of water filter. Toxic particles settle on wet discs and are washed off them into a container of water. Another type of these devices removes paint odor by air hydrofiltration: contaminated air passes through a dispersed zone, where it is purified. There are many manufacturers of this equipment, including Air-O-Swiss, Venta, BORK.

Odor absorbers

The action is based on the adsorption of “aromatic” substances. Such products are available in the form of aerosols that need to be sprayed indoors, or in the form of a gel in a glass or plastic container that needs to be installed in places with an unpleasant odor. These devices have proven themselves well; they really cope with various heavy odors, including the smell of paint.

Their main disadvantage is that the devices are designed to absorb gaseous substances in a small area. In addition, manufacturers do not indicate which area they are designed for. But if we take as a basis that a container with 50-70 ml of gel is designed for a car interior, then for a room of up to 20 m² with a large painted area, at least 10 such containers will be required. Another danger is that flavors are sometimes sold under the guise of absorbents, which is not the same thing.


If there is a residual faint odor in the room after renovation and ventilation, it can be removed with the help of aromatic substances. Scented candles or roasted coffee will do. A good way is to spread out fresh orange or lemon zest and periodically replace it with fresh one.

Another interesting way to mask amber from paints and varnishes is to make an orange pomander. True, you will have to take care of this in advance, at least two weeks before painting.

This fragrant ball is made as follows:

  • the orange is pricked with a sharp object;
  • rubbed with spices - ground cinnamon and anise;
  • Whole clove buds are inserted into the punctured holes;
  • the ball is placed in a dark place for two weeks;
  • tied with a ribbon.

Such a fragrant ball gives off a spicy-citrus fragrance for 5-6 months. The specified set of spices is not final; everyone can add or remove some ingredient according to their preferences.

The above tips will help get rid of the smell and clear the air in the apartment of toxins that appear when paint dries. In addition, these methods can be used to constantly maintain a fresh atmosphere in the room.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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