Aphids represent enough dangerous pest, since due to rapid reproduction it is capable of causing considerable damage in a short time. To prevent the death of plantings due to damage by these pests, it is necessary to have information on countermeasures. In particular, it is advisable to know how to get rid of aphids on currants.

How to get rid of aphids on currants

Symptoms of the presence of aphids on currant bushes differ depending on the variety of berry. As a result of damage by these pests, reddish swellings, also called galls, form on the leaves of red currant bushes. Due to the actions of this pest, blackcurrant leaves curl into a tube. When dry and hot weather favors the development of aphids, aphid colonies can cause significant damage to the crop. Therefore, upon detection of these signs, it is necessary to take measures to get rid of aphids on currant bushes.

Preparations for aphids on currants

The most effective way to get rid of aphids on currants are various types of insecticides.

It is worth noting that the listed products are more or less toxic to humans. At correct use their harmful effects are minimal, but nevertheless, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of drug residues entering the body when consuming berries from treated bushes. In order to minimize harmful effects It is advisable to get rid of aphids on currants in the spring, long before the crop blooms and begins to bear fruit.

According to the method of exposure to the pest, contact, intestinal and systemic insecticides are distinguished.

Contact pests infect pests when they come into direct contact with an insect. This type includes the drugs “Arrivo”, “Fufan” and “Karbofos”.

Intestinal ones affect pests due to entry into the digestive system. These include “Bi-58 new”, “Konfidor”.

Systemic medications make the plant sap poisonous to aphids. Due to the extended action (three weeks may pass from the moment of application to the onset of action) this type ineffective to get rid of aphids on currants.

Folk remedies for aphids on currants

Except chemicals To get rid of gall aphids on currants, you can use. Negative influence Such drugs do not have any effect on the human body, but in terms of effectiveness they are significantly inferior to insecticides.

In particular, as an option to get rid of aphids on red currants, it is recommended to burn leaves with signs of pest damage.

Spraying with an infusion prepared from 400 g of shag, 400 g of ash and 10 liters of water will help get rid of aphids on black currants. For the same purpose, you can prepare an infusion of celandine. This will require about 4 kg of fresh plants, which need to be filled with 10 liters of water and left to infuse for 24 hours. When using such an infusion, it is necessary to use respiratory protection and not allow the plant juice to come into contact with open skin, since the celandine juice is poisonous.

An onion infusion will help get rid of green aphids on currants. This will require 3-4 kg of green onion feathers, or 200 g onion peel. The specified amount is poured with water and left for 3-4 days, after which the affected plants are sprayed.

Also, some gardeners use a solution of soda ash in the proportions of one tablespoon of soda per liter of water to combat this pest. In order to increase efficiency, you can add a little to the prepared solution. laundry soap.

Summer is a period when you won’t envy summer residents. And all the work on the site must be carried out in a short time so that the harvest is good, and watering is not missed, and the plants are not forgotten to be thinned out. And then there are various pests that annoy us. Among them are aphids, which also attack currant bushes in the summer. If the plant has not yet bloomed, then chemicals will help. However, most often this pest makes itself known during the appearance of the first green berries. What to do and what means can be used to save the harvest of such tasty, aromatic and healthy berries?

Preventive measures

It is better, of course, to start the main processing of currant bushes during the period when the first green tips appear on them in the spring. Various drugs from aphids on currants (“Fitoverm”, “Commander”, “Aktelik”, etc.) is not a problem to find today. IN wide range They are offered in any specialized stores. But do not think that one treatment of currants against aphids will be effective. Spraying will need to be repeated when the first buds appear. Two more treatments should be carried out immediately before flowering and immediately after it. It is worth noting that after the first two sprayings, green aphids on currants will practically disappear, and the third treatment will scare away the moth, whose caterpillars envelop the berries in a thick web. Fourth spraying - preventative measure control of aphids and other pests on currants.

It is worth noting that gall aphids on currants are a consequence of the appearance of ants on currants. The appearance of these insects should immediately alert you, because ants use aphids as so-called cows. Helping the pests settle on the plant, they feed on honeydew, a sweetish liquid that aphids secrete after sucking the juice from currant leaves. If you destroy the ants, then the aphids will leave alone currant bushes. Fill all the ant trails ash solution or infusion of water with hot pepper.

Folk remedies

How to spray currants against aphids if time is lost and the leaves on the tops of the bushes are already curled? Summer residents have long been familiar with folk remedies that help get rid of pests. So, how to destroy aphids on currants and save the harvest. Below are methods to help resolve the issue.

Currant bushes that are attacked by aphids are best treated in the afternoon three times a week. Traditional methods do not give the same results as chemical drugs, but also harmful substances there won't be any in the berries. If after treatment the aphids have not disappeared, do not stop fighting them - the result will come, but later.

Also worth planting under currant bushes spice plants. The aromas of parsley, coriander, dill, parsnips, sage and these pests repel. But the proximity to corn beds is dangerous for currants, since aphids love them very much.

The aphid family is very extensive. The number of its representatives reaches 4 thousand. Currant bushes with red and white berries are most often inhabited by leaf gall aphids. As a result of the life activity of the pest, the leaves of the plant become covered with swellings and growths of yellowish and cherry color. They may also appear on its branches. Black currants are more attractive to gooseberry shoot aphids. Feeding on cell sap, tiny insects cause leaves to curl and wilt and buds to deform. Young shoots of currant bushes infested with pests become distorted and their growth slows down.

But this is not the only reason leaf aphids and other types of aphids are dangerous. A large colony of insects weakens the plant, making it vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. The natural result of their appearance in the garden is dangerous diseases. Unable to process all the juice they suck, pests secrete a sweet substance (honeydew, or honeydew). The sticky film on the plant prevents it from breathing, and besides, they quickly settle in it and actively develop various kinds fungi. It is because of aphids that white and red currants begin to suffer from black sooty mildew.

Contrary to popular belief, ants do not fight pests, but contribute to their dispersal, transferring slow and clumsy wingless insects to shoots that have not yet been colonized by them. The reason for this is the same honeydew. Ants love to feast on sugary substances. The appearance of hordes of these insects on currant branches is a reason to sound the alarm. Measures to combat aphids necessarily include the destruction of anthills located near infected plants.

Gentle methods of control

You can get rid of pests on currant bushes in different ways. When choosing a remedy, you must first take into account the degree of damage. If there are few plants affected by aphids, and the colony of insects has not yet had time to grow on them, they will come to the rescue folk recipes. Infusions made using them are safe for humans and animals, and they can be made from improvised means.

  • Wood ash. Add 3 liters to 2 glasses of substance hot water and dissolve 1 tbsp in the resulting mixture. l soap (liquid or laundry soap will do). You can spray currants with the resulting composition within a day, having first filtered it. The ash will perform two functions at once: it will repel aphids and provide the plants with nutrients.
  • Liquid soap (you can use any dishwashing detergent instead). 2 tbsp. l of viscous substance is dissolved in 1 glass of water. The composition is used immediately after preparation. To destroy pests, currants are sprayed with them daily. The product acts on the respiratory organs of aphids, clogging them and causing the death of insects.
  • Tobacco dust (shag). After pouring 1 liter of water into a container, add 100 g of dry mass to it. The mixture is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and kept over low heat for 1 hour. The cooled product is filtered and diluted with water, adding 300 ml of tobacco infusion to a bucket of water. It is better to spray currants with it from a spray bottle. Repeated treatment is carried out after 2 days. To enhance the effect, you can mix tobacco with wood ash. For 10 liters of water take 400 g of each substance.
  • Soda ash. To prepare a remedy for aphids, the drug is dissolved in water (1 tablespoon of the substance per 1 liter), adding a little soap to it.

Treating currants with herbal infusions brings good results. Some common plants repel aphids.

  • Celandine. Its tops can be used fresh (3-4 kg) or dried (1 kg). Fill the grass with 10 liters of water and leave it for 24-30 hours. Use the product after straining.
  • Dandelion. Its roots (200 g) or leaves (400 g) will help get rid of insects. In a container with vegetable raw materials add 10 l warm water. It will be possible to treat bushes affected by aphids with dandelion infusion within 2 hours.
  • Onions. Insects are repelled by the smell of its husk. An infusion from it is prepared for 4-5 days. Take 200 g of husk per 10 liters of water. Green feathers will also come in handy. A means for spraying currants is prepared from them in the same way, but the volume of plant raw materials is increased to 3-4 kg.
  • Hot pepper. Having crushed its pods, they are filled with water (1:10) and, after boiling for 30 minutes, left for 2 days. Then the composition is filtered. Before treating currants with it, the infusion is diluted (100 ml per 1 liter clean water). An aphid repellent can be prepared from orange or lemon peels, wormwood, tansy, and yarrow. They use the same recipe, but with one difference: there is no need to dilute the resulting composition.
  • Potato tops. After finely chopping it and pouring boiling water over it (the proportions should be the same), let the mixture brew. After 2 days, it is filtered and the currants are sprayed with it. An infusion of marigolds and tomatoes is prepared in the same way.

To save the garden from aphids, you will have to try. Insects live on the lower part of the leaves, so you need to spray currants so that poisonous compounds fell on her. The use of a spray bottle will increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Don't forget about safety rules. A mask on your face and rubber gloves on your hands will protect your skin and respiratory organs from harmful substances.

To prevent and combat infection, professionals fumigate black and red currants with dry stems of celandine. The tobacco-ash mixture will also repel aphids. The lower part of the leaves is powdered with it. It is recommended to do this when high humidity(after rain or watering). Ash is also poured under bushes from spring to autumn.

Biological and mechanical methods

In the early stages of infection, as well as after flowering, when the berries have already set and it has become dangerous to use chemicals, experienced summer residents prefer to fight against aphids on currants mechanically, removing pests from plants. For this

  • Carefully trim and burn damaged (twisted or blistered) leaves and shoot tips.
  • Wash off the insects with water by pointing a hose at the bush under strong pressure.
  • Squash aphids on the plant with hands wearing rubber gloves.
  • In the spring, infected buds are picked off and destroyed. This must be done while they have not yet blossomed. The buds in which the pest eggs laid in the fall overwintered differ from healthy ones in being larger in size and round in shape.

Despite the effectiveness of these measures, they have a significant drawback - labor intensity and the need for repeated treatments. Using them, you will have to carefully inspect the blackcurrant every day. When the young insects hatch from the eggs, the fight against aphids will begin again.

To protect plantings from pests, summer residents attract their natural enemies to their plots. Aphids have a lot of them, they are exterminated:

  • small birds;
  • ladybugs;
  • lacewings;
  • earwigs;
  • hoverflies.

Installing drinking bowls and feeders will help lure tits and sparrows. If you create beds with tomatoes and dill or a flower garden with marigolds, calendula, nasturtium, and cosmos next to currants, their smell will simultaneously repel aphids and attract beetles that eat them. A bad neighbor for a bush is corn. Pests love its succulent leaves. Having destroyed the corn plantings, they will attack the black currants.

Insects that hunt aphids can be placed on plants artificially. They are sold in stores specializing in organic farming, or at farmers' markets.

Useful in the fight against aphids and weeds. Insects love quinoa. If you leave several plants under the currant bushes, they will take the blow. Once the aphids are infested, the quinoa is pulled out and burned.

Chemical attack

For a large area of ​​damage, it is more advisable to use special preparations for aphids.

You can treat currants with insecticides:

  • "Aktaroy";
  • "Wofatox";
  • "Inta-Virom";
  • "Kinmiks";
  • "Confidor";
  • "Karbofos";
  • "Rovikurt";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Fury."

Due to the high toxicity of these products, you should work with them wearing a protective mask and rubber gloves. To achieve a sustainable result, 3 treatments are carried out:

  1. before buds open;
  2. after the appearance of young leaves;
  3. in summer (at least a month before the berries ripen).

Fighting aphids chemicals can only be safe if the manufacturer's recommendations are strictly followed. The duration of action of the product must also be taken into account. If the waiting period is more than 2 weeks, at the budding stage it can no longer be used against aphids on currants. In this case, it is better to use drugs biological origin(“Fitoverm”).

Chemicals are a salvation for summer residents whose plots are attacked by aphids every year. By treating blackcurrants with them at the beginning of the growing season and after another 2 weeks (the exact timing is specified in the instructions), you can forget about pests. Since aphids are capable of developing immunity to poisons used against them, the preparations must be changed. It's better to do this annually.

Prevention of infection

The appearance and rapid spread of aphids is a reason to wonder whether currants are being cared for correctly. Strong and healthy plants resistant to pests. The short proboscis of aphids are unable to penetrate their hard leaves, so insects do not settle on them, preferring to look for easier prey.

Prevention of aphids on currants comes down to the following measures.

  • Timely watering and fertilizing of bushes with low nitrogen content compounds.
  • Annual pruning, which involves removing old, dry, diseased, damaged, excess branches and root shoots;
  • Mulching the soil under plants.
  • Removing weeds.
  • Cleaning the trunk of exfoliated bark in which aphid eggs can overwinter.
  • Extermination of ants living under or next to a bush. Regular boiling water will help here. Having filled the bucket with it, it is poured onto the anthill. It is recommended to do this early spring. A shallow trench dug around the currant bush and filled with a sticky substance will limit the movement of ants.

Aphids do not like strong-smelling plants: mint, garlic, onions, parsley, coriander, basil. If you plant them next to currants, you don’t have to worry about insect invasion.

In autumn, the soil under the plants is slightly loosened, and with the arrival of spring, their trunks are whitened. For prevention purposes, you can treat bushes with buds that have not yet awakened with systemic insecticides, and spill the remaining solution onto the soil underneath them. This will enhance plant protection.

Getting rid of aphids that have settled on currant bushes will take time and patience. Best results in this difficult matter, summer residents are achieving integrated approach. Proper agricultural technology, execution preventive measures, attracting natural enemies of insects, planting around the berry garden useful plants will protect currant bushes from infection. If it was still not possible to avoid it, initial stages You can get by with more environmentally friendly physical, biological and folk methods of destroying the enemy. If they are insufficiently effective, they switch to heavy artillery - drugs with insecticidal action.

Gardeners who have great experience, they know that if red and white currants have red veins on the surface of the foliage, it is affected by hairy and red gall aphids. When rolling blackcurrant leaves into a tube, the need arises to fight gooseberry aphids. Favorable conditions for the spread of the pest are elevated temperature and dry air. About other reasons for the appearance of insects, principles of their destruction, popular folk ways and preventive measures, read the article.

The result of the life activity of insect colonies is yellowed and curled leaves of shrubs, deformation of branches, underdeveloped fruits and their further drying. It is also usually observed that a characteristic sticky film appears on the surface of the foliage, having white. It is also present on the buds.

As a result, the culture's resistance to virus attack decreases. Pests are most active in early summer. And the grown winged offspring are able to move through the air and continue to harm the bushes, piercing the leaves with their proboscis and sucking the juice from them.

General principles

When processing leaves, be sure to rinse them with water and blot them with cotton swabs. It is customary to spray the bushes with soap solutions together with ash. Well proven herbal infusions and decoctions that exhibit excellent insecticidal and phytoncidal properties.

For greater effectiveness, laundry soap is added to the decoctions at the rate of 35 - 45 grams per bucket of tincture water. Treatment of plants should be scheduled for the evening hours on dry days. Deserves the greatest attention inner side sheet plate. This is where they most often settle harmful insects. A week after the first treatment, it is customary to carry out the second.

Effective folk remedies

If a gardener finds aphids on currants, what folk remedies necessary to use?

  • The practical experience of many summer residents testifies to the effectiveness of a solution based on laundry soap. When preparing it yourself, take 300 grams of soap per 1 bucket of water. The soap must be ground first.
  • You can prepare a solution of ash. To do this, 300 grams need to be filled with 1 bucket of liquid. After you boil the mixture, add no more than 50 grams of any soap you have in your household.
  • An excellent choice among others popular measures The fight will be the use of potato tops. It needs to be crushed, poured warm water and leave for 1 hour.
  • The gardener will also come to the aid onions. You should grind it in an amount of 200 grams, then add 10 liters of water. When the mixture has infused for 24 hours, you can start spraying the bushes.
  • To prepare an infusion of garlic, you need to take 1 glass of it in crushed form. You will also need 1 liter of water. You need to infuse this remedy for 5 days. Shortly before scheduled spraying, it is necessary to dilute ready solution at the rate of 25 ml per 1 bucket of liquid.
  • Good preparations of natural origin are infusions of tobacco and shag. They need to be taken in an amount of 400 grams, filled with 1 bucket of water at room temperature. After 1 day has passed, you should strain the solution, dilute it in half with the liquid, and also add 50 grams of crushed soap.
  • Another great tool - pharmaceutical chamomile. You need to take 1 kg per 1 bucket of water. Leave for about 12 hours, then be sure to strain. Shortly before the planned treatment, dilute in a ratio of 1:3. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a little simple laundry soap.
  • Dandelions, which begin to appear everywhere with the arrival of warmer weather, can be used to eliminate insects. You will need to take 600 grams of flowers, pour them into containers of a suitable size with 10 liters of water. After soaking for no more than 3 hours, it is permissible to treat shrubs with the prepared infusion.
  • A good folk remedy can also be obtained from the dry stems and leaves of the yarrow herb. It is necessary to prepare 1 kg of raw materials, pour boiling water and leave in a water bath for 30 minutes. Before processing, the infusion is diluted, bringing its quantity to 10 liters. Then you should insist it a little more, and in a fairly dark place.
  • Some gardeners use an infusion of horse sorrel. To do this, take approximately 400 grams of grass per 10 liters of water. Don't forget to strain the product before use.
  • You can use celandine in an amount of 3 kg of foliage per fresh. It needs to be infused for about 1 day in 10 liters of liquid.
  • It is also possible to make a solution from 1 kg capsicum with the addition of 0.5 kg of dry pepper. All components are filled with 10 liters of water. Before use, you need to dilute 0.5 cups of pepper solution in 10 liters of water.
  • Sometimes a tomato solution is used. You need to take 5 kg of fruit, add boiling water, then cook for no longer than 30 minutes. After straining, add soap. The finished product must be brought to 10 liters by adding liquid.
  • It is recommended to pour 500 grams of marigold flowers into 1 liter of water. Then they are left in a secluded place for several days. Before use, do not forget to strain the infusion.
  • Do not throw away the remaining citrus peels after peeling them. It can be beneficial if you pour 100 grams of raw material into 1 liter of water. After waiting 3 days, you can start spraying your currants.
  • A decoction of alder leaves is also often used. 1 kg of them should be infused in 5 liters of liquid. After the solution has boiled for no more than half an hour, it needs to be cooled and can be used to treat shrubs.

Prevention of aphids

It is always better to carry out prevention than to be puzzled by the choice later the best remedy to get rid of insects. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to get rid of all weeds under currant bushes in early spring. Planned sanitary pruning also helps, in which all branches affected by various ailments must be removed.

Experienced gardeners attract beneficial insects using accessible methods, for which food is, for example, a gall type of pest. These are the well-known and peaceful ladybugs.

Scalding the bush with boiling water also gives excellent results. To beneficial insects wanted to settle on your site, they advise planting marigolds, yarrow, tansy and allisum near the currants. Some beneficial insects prefer to live in crops such as buckwheat and dill.

Video “Effective control of aphids”

In this video you will learn about effective ways control of aphids on plants.

Currants are not just delicious, but also incredible healthy berry. It contains many vitamins that are so necessary for normal operation body. But in order to get a rich harvest, you need to be patient and take a responsible approach to caring for berry bushes.


It is necessary to process currants for the first time after the buds have blossomed. The second time treatment is needed a month before the harvest.

The following drugs remain effective against aphids:

The most effective chemicals include:

In order for the poison to have the maximum effect, you must strictly adhere to the instructions that are in the package with the drug.

Folk remedies

There are a lot of recipes in the assortment of non-traditional compositions against aphids. Each of them is effective in its own way, so let’s look at each one separately.

Tobacco infusion

To obtain this product, you need to use 500 g of tobacco dust or shag, add 10 liters of water.

Leave the mixture for 2-3 days. Ready product filter, add 100 g of laundry soap, previously ground on a grater. Treat plants in the evening when the weather is clear. After the rain, repeat these steps again.

Infusion of marigolds

This decoction has shown its effectiveness against gall aphids. You need to take 10 liters of water and half a bucket of finely chopped marigolds. Leave for 3 days, and before use, filter the broth and add 50 g of laundry soap, previously crushed. But how to make fertilizer from an infusion of grass and weeds, and how to use such a product correctly, is indicated

To prepare the infusion, you need to use red capsicum. Take 1 kg of it, finely chop it, put it in a container and add 10 liters of water. Simmer on fire for an hour.

Remove the cooled mixture into warm place for a couple of days. The finished product can be used to treat bushes, just filter it before doing so. To make a working solution, you need to take 10 liters of water and 250 ml of concentrate.

A working solution made from red pepper can be used not only to combat aphids on currants, but also to combat slugs.

Infusion of tomato tops

Using tomato tops, you can get very effective remedy against aphids on currants. Take 4 kg of raw material, grind it thoroughly, add 10 liters of water. Simmer the composition over the fire for half an hour. Cool the resulting concentrate and place it in the refrigerator. Before use, to obtain a working solution, it is necessary to combine the concentrate and water in a ratio of 1:5. At the end, add crushed laundry soap.

Onion and garlic composition

Onions and garlic are so effective against aphids due to their pungent aroma. There are several proven recipes:

  1. Take 1 kg of finely chopped onion feathers, add 10 liters of water. Wait 6 hours, and then filter the infusion and use for spraying.
  2. To prepare the product, you can use pre-prepared onion peels. Take it in an amount of 500 g and pour 10 liters. Before using the solution, it must be infused for 5 days.
  3. Garlic infusion gives good results. Take it pre-crushed in an amount of 500 g, add 5 liters of water. Leave for a day, then filter and use as directed.

An infusion of onions and garlic not only effectively fights aphids on currants, but also increases the resistance of plants to pests and diseases.

In the video, onion infusion against aphids:

Ash and wormwood

Soda ash solution

To treat currants against aphids, you can take 20 g soda ash and fill it with 1 liter of liquid. This solution allows not only to eliminate aphids, but also fungus. But how to use soda against aphids on an apple tree, and what results can be achieved from using such a product, you can find out from the article

Infusion of celandine

To obtain the composition, take 4 kg of fresh grass. Finely chop it and add 10 liters of water. Before using the solution, it must sit for 24 hours.


To prepare the solution you must use pharmacy product. Take 1 g of herb, place it in a bucket and add 10 liters of water. Wait 12 hours and then dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3.


For this solution it is necessary to use the plant along with the roots. Take it in the amount of 600 g, pour 10 liters of water. Wait 3 hours, and only then you can start spraying.

Spraying should be carried out in dry and windless weather. Evening is the best time for this. Treat each leaf of the plant with the composition on both sides.


To prevent the development of aphids on currant bushes, you need to use the following simple tips:

  1. With the onset of autumn and again summer time perform sanitary pruning of bushes, as a result of which weak and affected shoots are removed. All cut branches must be placed in a bag and burned.
  2. Before the plant begins to actively grow, it is necessary to scald the bush with boiling water, using a watering can with a shower head.
  3. To get rid of aphids, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the ants. The fact is that they are carriers of aphids. Ladybugs, which need to be lured into the garden, will help get rid of them. . To prevent ants from crawling onto the bushes, it is worth wrapping the trunk of the lower branches with double-sided adhesive tape.
  4. Plants such as sage, marigolds, mint, garlic, coriander, calendula, and lavender should be planted next to currants. Due to rich aroma these crops the pest will not be able to settle on the site.
  5. As soon as the buds swell, you can fumigate the currant bushes with smoke from smoldering waste tires.

In the video - prevention of aphids on currants:

Features of the fight against different types of aphids


Green aphid

It is impossible to immediately understand the presence of pests on a bush. The fact is that the affected leaves curl and cover the larvae and adults. As a result, the growth of shoots stops, they become distorted, and if severely damaged, they can dry out. The larvae grow quickly. After just 2 weeks, a founding female is formed from them.

To combat green aphids, it is necessary to use insecticides. Treatment must be carried out in the spring, before the buds open. From traditional methods You can use any of the above recipes. All of them are effective against aphids, and some also help the plant recover. But how to spray cucumbers against aphids, and what the best and most effective means are, you can find out from this


Black aphid

To combat black aphids, it is necessary to use insecticides. Apply the treatment during bud break and in the summer if pests are detected. It will also be useful to know which ones are used first after flowering.

Leaf gall

Leaf gall

You can fight this pest using such folk methods as an infusion of red capsicum, an infusion of tobacco and tomato tops. But how to remove aphids from currants on your own and using the means available in the house is indicated

Aphids are a common pest that affects many vegetable and berry crops, among which were currants. Affected bushes must be treated immediately after symptoms are detected. But what to use for this - folk remedies or chemicals - each gardener decides for himself.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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