For many, the question of how to get rid of flies in the house becomes very acute and urgent. The dominance of these unpleasant, annoying and simply harmful insects can piss off even the most patient owner. And if you remember how many dangers the presence of flying insects in an apartment brings, then any means - folk or industrial - to combat them seem to be a real salvation for the whole family.

How dangerous are flies at home?

It is a well-known fact that flies are ideal carriers of various diseases. Flying into a house after going outside, flies on their miniature legs can carry deadly dangerous diseases: typhoid, cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis and even anthrax. It is impossible to control flies in the house: having sat on the product once, the insect already spreads pathogenic bacteria throughout it.

ADVICE! Insects should be dealt with immediately, without waiting for their real dominance. A fly that accidentally flies in can cause a whole swarm to appear, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

But not only real danger scares people away from these insects. Extremely annoying and unpleasant, flies of any size do not evoke any feelings in the average person other than disgust and hostility. Buzzing and happily perching on all available surfaces, flies spoil appearance homes with their mere presence, transforming cozy home or an apartment in a breeding ground for diseases.

Preventing the appearance of flies as a way to combat them

The question of how to get flies out of an apartment, which is relevant for many, is not the first one. An important task for the homeowner should be a process preventive control with these insects, because preventing a problem is always much easier than dealing with its consequences. To prevent flies from becoming a real danger to your household, you should follow these simple recommendations:

  • Cleanliness should be the basis of the household. Any unsanitary conditions are fertile ground not only for flies, but also for others no less. nasty insects. All food waste should be disposed of in a closed bin, which should be emptied as frequently as possible. Products should only be stored in closed containers or in refrigerator. Regular dry and wet cleaning will help prevent the appearance of unwanted “guests”.

ADVICE! In private households, the cause of the appearance of flies and fertile soil for their reproduction is often a cattle pen or barn for chickens Experts note that keeping these areas clean helps prevent the appearance and spread of insects.

  • Protecting the premises from external penetration can also be considered a prevention of the appearance of flies. Mandatory Mosquito nets on the windows during insect activity will help prevent them from entering the house.
  • For a private home, it would be appropriate to use such nets not only on windows, but also on doorways. Nets and curtains against insects are not very aesthetically pleasing, but they are quite effective.
  • Plants and herbs that repel insects can be used to protect your home. Bird cherry, elderberry or wormwood planted under the windows will reliable protection from stray flies. And in an apartment, to prevent the appearance of insects, a long-familiar geranium or exotic flycatcher. Branches of wormwood and tomato have a similar effect, which are effective even when dried: bouquets of such plants can both protect a room and decorate it.

Wormwood planted under the windows is a guarantee that flies will leave you alone. They don't like her bitter smell

The appearance of flies in the house will not make anyone happy: these annoying insects They annoy you with constant buzzing and flickering, leave marks (which are not so easy to get rid of) on furniture and wallpaper, and spoil food. But all these troubles pale next to the main danger posed by flies: they carry all kinds of infectious diseases, including typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and salmonellosis. Some individuals leave quite painful bites.

Methods of fighting flies are different: folk remedies and strong poisons, poisoned baits and elementary homemade traps, ultrasonic repellers and odorous herbs. If it’s not just one fly that’s bothering you, but a whole swarm, use the methods in a comprehensive manner.

Flies are most active in warm time year, starting in March. An adult can lay up to 2,000 larvae in just a month (the lifespan of an insect)!

Best Methods to Get Rid of Flies

Method Description Note
Traps Pour sugar syrup into the bottom of a glass jar (any size). Insert a cone rolled out of paper into the neck of the container (it should not touch the bottom). The simplest option from a plastic bottle

Fill the jar halfway with apple cider vinegar. Close the lid, having previously made holes in it, the size of which is sufficient for the fly to get inside the trap.

Spread long strips of paper or thin cardboard with very thick sugar syrup or a mixture of melted rosin (3 parts), any vegetable oil(1 part) and sugar syrup (1 part). Hang Velcro strips in areas where flies gather.

Having smelled the attractive smell and climbed into the jar through a narrow hole, the flies will not get back out.
Traps with attached insects look unsightly. Do not place them near heating appliances.
Poisoned baits Pour some jam, marmalade or sugar syrup onto a saucer. Add a couple of pinches of ground black pepper and mix well.
Ground black pepper is a deadly poison for flies

Similarly, use a mixture of water (1 glass), honey (10 grams) and saccharin (1 gram).

Both black pepper and saccharin are considered among the most effective home remedies for flies. Having tried the bait, the insect quickly dies.
Natural repellers Place pots with indoor geranium, basil, laurel, lavender, peppermint.

Use the same plants, but in dried form, as a filler for homemade flavorings - bags made of cotton fabric.

Hang bunches of dried tansy, wormwood, and fern over the windows. IN utility rooms(kitchen, pantry) place tied fresh tomato stems.

Place cinnamon sticks on windowsills, tables, and shelves.

Process wooden surfaces(frames, tables) with a rag soaked in the essential oil of clove, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, lemongrass.

Periodically turn on the aroma lamp, filling it with one of the oils suggested above.

To ensure that the bags always smell delicious, shake the contents periodically. Change the filler at least once every two months.
It is noteworthy that aromas that are pleasant to people, but unbearable to flies, also annoy other insects, for example, annoying midges.
Household repellers In utility rooms (where people are not constantly present), spray regular vodka from a spray bottle.

Wash the floors with water with the addition of purified kerosene (about 50 grams per 10 liters of water).

Among the folk remedies for flies: turpentine, 9% table vinegar. They are also added to water for washing floors and wiping other surfaces.

Despite the fact that these methods help to get rid of flies quickly, their effect cannot be called long-term. In addition, neither people nor pets like the strong smell.
Store-bought drugs Sprays (aerosols) show good results, the most popular of which is the good old “Dichlorvos”.
Dichlorvos is a time-tested remedy

Surface treatment preparations are made at home based on powders and granules that are poisonous to insects. Be sure to read the instructions and follow the dosage.

One of the most common recipes poisonous bait: mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and ½ teaspoon of chlorophos, dilute with water. Pour the poison into shallow containers (for example, saucers) and place them on the windowsills. After two weeks, update the bait.

“Crayons” are in demand because they are easy to use, but are only suitable for hard surfaces and are dangerous for small children and pets.

Fly plates for fumigators are considered safer. The only drawback is that one plate is usually not enough for long.

Before using the spray, place food in an airtight container. upholstered furniture cover with film. There should be no people or animals in the treated area! After a couple of hours, thoroughly ventilate the room and wipe all surfaces with soapy water.
Do not use strong poisons if there are animals and children in the apartment! Follow safety precautions: wear rubber gloves and a respirator. Use insecticides with caution in the bedroom and kitchen.
Modern devices Electric fly swatters and ultrasonic repellers have proven themselves well in the fight against insects. Such devices are not cheap, but they are absolutely safe for the family.

Mosquito nets solve most house fly problems

Prevention of the appearance and reproduction of flies in an apartment (house)

  1. Wash in a timely manner dirty dishes, without leaving it in the sink for a long time.
  2. Hide food left uneaten by pets.
  3. Empty the trash can regularly and do not allow it to overfill. Throw away any strong-smelling garbage (fish peelings, meat scraps) immediately.
  4. Rinse buckets and tanks with water diluted halfway with 9% table vinegar.
  5. Store food in airtight containers or the refrigerator. Bakery products are in the bread bin.
  6. Install mosquito nets on windows and doors. For country houses Special curtains are suitable, which consist of rustling ribbons that repel insects.

Indoor flies have long been considered one of the insects that are unable to live in the wild. Therefore, they have already deservedly been ranked among the variety that accompanies everyday life and human activity on an economic level.

A large number indicates that somewhere in the room there is a source of food freely available to them.

As a rule, getting rid of these annoying insects consists of 2 important steps:

  1. Getting rid of food residues and organic matter, which are feed for maggots.
  2. After the food source is destroyed, pest control should begin.

What kind of flies can live in the house?

There can be many indoors various types flies

These include the following varieties:

  • Mole- inhabitant of wardrobes for storing fur coats, woolen clothes and things made of natural fur. In addition to these places, they are very fond of kitchen cabinets, with their abundance of various cereals and pasta. Her butterflies are rather inconspicuous, very annoying with their fluttering, especially near the switched on light bulbs. The main harm is caused by the larvae, which feed on wool, fur, cereals, etc.
  • Carpet beetles- insects that have very small size. The larvae eagerly feast on all kinds of organic matter and can even eat toxic substances.
  • Pests of indoor plants. These include scale insects, whiteflies, springtails, and thrips. When insects appear in pots with indoor flowers white means it's one of them.
  • - insects that do not cause harm. They feed on leftover dust and pieces of paper.
  • Butterflies– small-sized flies that inhabit and develop well in accumulations of garbage and sewer systems. As a rule, they can most often be found in toilets and bathrooms. This is a group of insects that like to fly into apartments at varying intervals, but do not live there permanently. These include mosquitoes, flies, lacewings and many others. Insects indoor view You can’t name them, but they bring a lot of trouble.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

How dangerous are flies in a house or apartment?

They are carriers of many serious diseases. The reasons for this can be considered their habitat; as a rule, they love places where there is a large accumulation of garbage and dirt. The feet of insects carry dangerous microbes that remain on food.

What is considered very dangerous is that which is relatively a short time(on average – a month), 1 individual can lay great amount eggs, about 2000 (!). Such a huge offspring can cause maximum harm people's health.

Stories from our readers!
“We spend the whole summer at the dacha, there are a lot of mosquitoes, flies and midges. It is impossible for either adults or children to be in the house, much less on the street. We purchased a lamp-trap on the advice of our neighbors.

We use a lamp More than a month. We forgot about flying insects and often find ourselves in the evenings outdoors. We are very pleased with the result. I recommend to everyone."

What are flies afraid of?

They are afraid and don't like many things. This is especially true for strong-smelling herbs, plants, and liquids.

Incredibly, many people talk enthusiastically about plastic bags filled with clean water. You need to fill several bags, hang them in the room or in country house. Tested by many - the flies flew away immediately. This is explained quite simply; when they see their reflection in a bag of water, they get scared and immediately fly away.

And, of course, they are afraid of various devices designed specifically for their destruction. The means for their extermination include special chemicals and, of course, various folk methods.

Folk remedies

There are the following traditional methods fly control:

  • Vodka. This pungent drink is not at all attractive with its pungent smell. It is enough to spray liquid in places where insects accumulate, and they will leave their place of residence. However, this must be done with extreme caution and avoid contact with eyes.
  • Essential oils. Their choice is quite extensive, including lavender, mint, eucalyptus, lemongrass and many others. Nice smell People really dislike flies and immediately leave their favorite places. To do this, you can use an aroma lamp or in a ceramic bowl with hot water add a few drops of this magical remedy.
  • Carnation. This seasoning is distinguished by a strong, unique odor. To effectively scare away, it is enough to use about ten pieces of clove sticks. If you place them in a candy bowl, then the flies will not fly to this place at a fairly decent distance.
  • There is another simple one, but effective method: you need to cut the lemon fruit into 2 parts and stick clove sticks into one of them. Flies will be afraid to fly up to the place where the plate with this “treat” is placed.
  • Homemade traps. To get rid of flies, you can make your own traps for them. There are a lot of recipes for such devices. Here are a few of them:
    • With sugar. Prepare a sugar solution and pour it into a jar. Cover with a paper cone so that the edges do not touch the liquid. Flies love sweets very much and will penetrate through the cone into the jar, from where they will not be able to get back out. The jar can be closed plastic bag, also making several holes in them. The principle of getting into the jar is elementary. How to get rid of fruit flies in the house? Also using traps with added sugar. In addition, eliminate the source of their appearance - rotting fruit, dirt, dampness and large piles of garbage.
    • With beer. A can filled with beer will also work according to this principle. You need to cover the container in the same way.
    • With black pepper. Make a solution by adding sugar, syrup and hot pepper. Flies that feast on this treat will die within a few days.

In another article we discussed.

Herbs, plants and indoor flowers from flies in the apartment

In the fight against flies you can even use houseplants, as well as various herbs and plants, such as:

How to get rid of flies indoors?

From annoying flies You can get rid of it indoors not only by using proven folk remedies, but also modern means, which were made specifically for these purposes.


These are preparations for the professional extermination of various types of insects. In order to produce such compositions, biological and chemical components are used. They have different effects on pests and have either limited or widest spectrum impact.

Do they have different classes toxic effect:

  • the first is the most dangerous to human health;
  • fourth - has minimal toxic effects.


This drug is the most effective remedy from flies in the house.

Characteristic qualities are:

  • It kills not only adult insects, but also completely destroys all larvae and eggs of pests.
  • Complete destruction occurs within 5 to 7 days.
  • After treatment, it is valid for six months.

The drug is used to spray the areas of maximum accumulation. It has a slight odor and disappears completely after a few hours. Safe for people and animals. Used.

Agita 10WG

The product has the peculiarity that it contains a sex enzyme of flies, which attracts flying insects.

It also differs in the following factors:

  • Completely odorless.
  • Has toxicity to domestic fish and bees.
  • Can be used in any type of premises.

The drug has an effect on nervous system insects, which leads to their death. After 5-10 minutes of exposure, the flies begin to die. In addition, it can be perfectly used to kill cockroaches and fleas. It is produced in powder form, which must be diluted before use. Before treatment begins, animals must be removed from the premises.


Refers to poisonous drug, which has a paralyzing effect on insects.

Its advantages are:

  • Effective for 90 days.
  • Completely harmless to people and animals.
  • Both residential and non-residential premises can be treated.

The drug is manufactured as granules yellow color, which should be placed in places of accumulation. If necessary, they can be diluted with water and treated problem areas.

Minap 22

This drug has a universal effect on all types of insects, both flying and crawling. Its scope is different, it can be used in everyday life, in utility rooms, in hotels, etc. It has the appearance of a milky suspension, there is no smell.

The first signs of poisoning are noticeable after 2-3 hours, and complete destruction occurs after 24 hours. It belongs to the safest toxicity class (class 4) and is completely harmless.


This drug is used in premises of any type, from residential apartments to public catering outlets. It does not cause any harm to the health of humans and pets and is completely safe.

It is produced in a liquid state and packaged in bottles that should be diluted with plain water. Used as spraying of places where insects accumulate.


Refers to a microencapsulated product. In terms of its effects, it is completely harmless to people, but is guaranteed to kill entire populations of flies. The drug works for quite a long time. Even in a dried state, it has an excellent effect and for a long time flies simply do not fly into the treated room.

Calling the relevant services

Such work is carried out on on a paid basis, the cost for services varies by region, it is influenced by the degree of insect population and, of course, the area of ​​the room being treated.

Performer for each processing gives a guarantee, if it appears before a certain time, re-processing is carried out, but free of charge. Of course, this is also influenced by the attitude of the owner: this means the absence of accumulations of garbage, dirt, etc.

Stories from our readers!
"We have always used fertilizers and fertilizers in our garden. The neighbor said that he soaks the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."

To reduce the number of flies indoors, the owner must carry out the following preventive actions himself:

  • Block free access to the premises. A mosquito net must be placed on doors and windows.
  • Block access to food and do not leave crumbs or leftover food on the tables.
  • Containers intended for food waste must be constantly washed and treated with disinfectants.
  • Do not leave piles of unwashed dishes, this attracts flies.
  • Darken the room. If insects find themselves in it, they will try to fly towards the light source.
  • The oldest and easiest way is to always keep a fly swatter handy.


There are many recipes for destruction and prevention. a large number of. However, it is necessary for the owners themselves to try not to provoke the appearance: do not leave garbage and dirty dishes, do not flood indoor flowers when watering. Excess moisture causes very small flies to appear in pots.

By the way, many people ask the question: how to get rid of flies in flowers at home? The first thing to do is not to let them appear. If they have already appeared, then you can use our grandmothers’ recipe, except herbs, you can sprinkle the pot with tobacco, flies really don’t like this.

There are a lot of recipes, but each owner has his own proven method for destruction.

None of us like flies. They are the most common insects throughout the world. Russian natural scientists have counted about twenty thousand species of these insects. The undisputed leader Among all species, the housefly is considered. Everyone is familiar with this annoying insect. They are very fast and impossible to catch. They fly thanks to the presence of a powerful system of thorax muscles.

Scientists have found that the wings of the familiar housefly work at a fairly high speed, about two hundred strokes per second. Some species can flap their wings even faster. They have hind wings, which are called halteres, and thanks to these wings, she maintains balance and performs all the tricks without falling.

According to statistics, the fly is the cause of more than 100 hepatitis epidemics in Russia in the 19th century. Now, thanks modern medicine, this figure has decreased significantly. There are only about five epidemics per year.

You can become infected with the above ailments if there are foods available to insects. Any disease, if ignored, can cause irreparable harm to the condition.

In addition, the functioning of the stomach and liver will be disrupted, the patient will have problems with stool, and an increase in body temperature will be noted. In extremely severe cases, the stomach becomes covered with cracks and ulcers and the liver becomes enlarged.

To prevent all of the above from affecting you, wash your hands frequently, do not leave food exposed to insects, and watch what you eat. Folk remedies will help in the fight against these annoying insects. The recipes for the products are very simple, and you don’t have to pay a lot of money for them.

Super method of disposal - cheap and simple

Getting rid of insects using traditional recipes

The process of getting rid of flies is divided into several main stages.

1. Identifying and cleaning places where insects breed.

Try to always close trash cans and remove waste on time. Wash them with a vinegar solution; flies do not like this smell, and therefore will not fly there.

Another hot spot for these insects is the garbage disposal. Of course, it is not your responsibility to wash it. Just try to tie your garbage bags tightly when you throw out trash.

2. The process of getting rid of adults.

To do this, you can use repellents that are sold in stores. But you should know that they are dangerous, and also not exactly cheap. It is much more effective, safer, and also cheaper to kill flies simply by using “popular” means.

The most effective folk remedies

All of the following remedies have been tried for centuries. Our ancestors used them even before we were born.

Getting rid of flies using. Insects resist this smell. You just need to spray vodka in the house or wherever they live.

Application essential oils, for example, lavender, lemon will help you get rid of these unpleasant insects.

Cloves in the fight against insects. Place a few flowers on a saucer in the kitchen. Can also use clove essential oil.

You can also use homemade flavoring. For this you will need a couple of lemons and carnation flowers. Cut the lemons into two parts, stick flowers into each of them. Place them in a vase or on a plate and place them on the table.

Homemade Velcro. Prepare strong sugar syrup with jam and honey. Then cut some paper strips and soak them in the prepared syrup for a couple of hours. It is preferable to use kraft paper. After this, dry and hang in problem areas(where flies live most often).

Preparing a sugar trap. First you need to make a sugar solution. Then make a cone out of paper and insert the jar into it. Just so that the cone remains dry. Since flies love sweets, they will fly towards the smell, and once they fly into the jar, they will not be able to get out. This general principle all such traps. If desired, you can pour beer instead of sugar syrup.

Recipe for making poison. Take two spoons of sugar and one spoon of ground black pepper, mix them well. Sprinkle this mixture into small containers and place them throughout your home.

Plants are the best helpers

Not everyone knows about the existence of flowers that feed on these annoying insects.

As you can see, there are a large number of products that will help get rid of flies. Try it, it’s not hard, it’s safe and, besides, it’s practically free.

With the arrival of spring, not only the long-awaited warmth returns, but also annoying insects, such as flies. It would seem, what harm can a small creature whose length reaches a maximum of 1.5 cm cause? But they are carriers of serious and sometimes even fatal diseases. If you find them in your apartment or house, you must definitely use fly repellents that will help you quickly get rid of these insects.

What you need to know about flies

There are about five species of flies in nature. As a rule, they have a dark color; less often you can find yellow, green, and blue. These insects feed on the juice of fruits, plants, waste, human feces, and manure. They reproduce by laying eggs.

Among the flies there may be those that feed on blood. They pose a huge danger to livestock. After their bite, an adult healthy animal begins to get sick, and milk production decreases.

How dangerous are flies?

For humans, flies pose no less danger. They carry diseases such as:




  • conjunctivitis.

In addition, insects can carry strains of anthrax. This disease is fatal to humans. Therefore, it is important that everyone in the house has fly repellents that will help in the fight against these insects.

Where do fruit flies come from?

Except regular flies, there are fruit flies. They cause trouble mainly in summer period. In order for these flies to appear, a favorable environment is needed: dampness, rotten fruits and vegetables. They reproduce quite quickly.

In order to get rid of them, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance. If fruit flies have infested vegetables or fruits, the rotten fruits should be thrown out and the remaining ones should be washed in warm water, because insects could lay eggs on them. You can also use chemical repellents (aerosols, sprays).

If there are children or animals in the house, you can use more gentle methods. For example, in glass jar pour cold water, add a little there apple cider vinegar and dishwashing liquid. The smell of vinegar will attract fruit flies, and the soapy film will prevent them from flying away.

What to do if there are flies in your house or apartment?

Many people ask what repellents for flies can be used in the house? Don't forget that this closed space, so all sprays must be used with extreme caution.

The most common aerosol is Dichlorvos. It's quite simple to use. It is necessary to spray the spray in the room and close the room for an hour. After this, sweep away the dead insects and be sure to ventilate the room. Remember: on every fly spray it says detailed instructions, which you need to familiarize yourself with before using the product. Do not let the spray get into your eyes. It is better to carry out such spraying wearing a mask to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and poisoning.

There are home fly repellents that are practically safe, although they contain chemical elements. These are “sticky traps”. The tape is saturated with poison and a substance that attracts insects. Once a fly is caught in the trap, its body becomes paralyzed, it becomes glued to the tape and can no longer fly. Such traps are hung either in the center of the room or closer to the windows. Sticky trap quite effective. The advantage is that children and animals do not have access to the Velcro.

It should be noted that all of these fly repellents are quite effective and can completely eliminate the problem. But they should be used with extreme caution, following instructions and safety precautions. Especially in houses and apartments where there are small children.

The fumigator is ready to help

IN Lately popular means of repelling flies are fumigators. They are quite simple to use: just plug in a special adapter with liquid or a plate into the outlet - and you can completely forget about the problems of insects in the house.

One of these fumigators is “Boy”. Its action begins 10-15 minutes after connecting to the network and heating the rod. At the same time, it is completely safe for humans and animals in the apartment. Its cost is on average 50-70 rubles. This device is convenient to take with you on trips and travels. It doesn't take up much space and is very effective.

Are there any folk remedies against these insects?

Folk remedies It is recommended to use it against flies in the house only when it is not possible to use chemical aerosols and sprays. If there are already a large number of insects, such recipes may not always help.

So, in order to get rid of buzzing creatures, you can try the following:

    Place a few pinches of ground black pepper in a glass of warm, sweetened water. You can be sure that within a few hours you will find flies at the bottom of the glass.

    When washing floors, add a spoonful of vinegar essence or a little turpentine to the water.

    Eucalyptus on the window will be the plant that will completely repel insects.

    When rubbing furniture, you can drop a couple of drops of bay oil onto a sponge. Flies cannot stand this smell.

Remember, folk remedies for flies in an apartment are good only for preventive purposes or when there are not very many insects. If they have multiplied and there are a huge number of them, special aerosols and sprays will come to the rescue.

Prevention measures

Many people do not understand the serious danger that buzzing “guests” pose. Terrible diseases, sometimes fatal, are a strong argument in favor of getting rid of these insects. But it’s better to follow preventive measures than to then spend money on fly repellents:

    First of all, you need to keep your house and apartment clean, because it is known for certain that flies are bred in unsanitary conditions. Therefore, wet cleaning every week is simply necessary. Particular attention should be paid to garbage waste. There should be a specially designated bucket with a lid for them. Garbage should be disposed of regularly in street bins.

    For those who live in own home and has a farm Special attention should be applied to the barn and the place where livestock are kept. Onion flies They hatch in manure and actively lay eggs there. Getting rid of them is problematic. That's why better fertilizer immediately treat with a solution of vitriol or karphos.

    It is better to put mosquito nets on windows and doors.

    But to prevent fruit flies from appearing in the house, it is enough to keep a couple of pots of geraniums in the kitchen.

Such preventive measures quite effective. By using them, you can forget about such a problem as buzzing flies.

Remember, if you have insects, you must get rid of them. Folk remedies for flies in the house are good only when used chemical substances impossible. Currently, there are proven sprays and aerosols that have passed all the necessary tests. They don't provide negative influence on human health, while giving excellent results in the fight against flies.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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