Target: promote the development of cognitive activity of students, broaden the horizons of children; instill a love of reading fiction; develop a sense of responsibility and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: illustrations for works of art, a stopwatch or an hourglass lasting 1 minute, a typesetting canvas, kegs and a barrel, gifts for awarding.

Progress of the game

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and children. We are at the game “Lucky Chance”. It was a happy accident that brought us together today to think again, reflect on such an important issue as communication with works of art.

We dedicate our game to this topic. The main characters will be two teams.

Teams, please introduce yourself.

(There are 7 people per team, one is the captain)

Team "Why"

The motto is “We want to know everything.”

Team "Erudite".

Motto: “The book is our best friend”

Without her, it’s like without hands.”

Everyone introduces themselves by giving their first and last name. Music is playing.



Each team must answer as many questions as possible in one minute. For each correct answer she gets 1 point.

Questions for the “Why” team:

    “The poor priest gave up his forehead.” To whom? (Balde)

    Baba Yaga's home? (Hut on chicken legs)

    What is the name of Santa Claus's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

    Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince's wife? (Frog)

    The device on which Baba Yaga flies? (Mortar)

    What did Cinderella lose? (Glass slipper)

    Whom did the little robber give to help Gerda? (Deer)

    What got into Kai's eye? (Mirror Shard)

    What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”? (Snowdrops)

    Pinocchio's friend? (Malvina)

    Bear teaching Mowgli the law of the Jungle? (Balu)

    Is a cheerful person an onion? (Cipollino)

    The fox companion of the cat Basilio? (Alice)

    The boy who has the best friend in the world? (Baby)

    Uncle Styopa's nickname? (Calancha)

    The hero of a Russian folk tale traveling on a stove? (Emelya)

    Contents Scarecrows from the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz”? (Straw)

    Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka? (Gena)

    Who is Uncle Fyodor? (Boy)

    A wild animal with a fluffy red tail? (Fox)

Questions for the Erudite team:

    The organ grinder who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)

    Is he famous, is he famous, is he a doctor...? (Aibolit)

    Tsar from A. Pushkin's fairy tale? (Saltan or Guidon)

    The old woman's rat Shapoklyak? (Lariska)

    Great and terrible? (Goodwim)

    Tin Man's weapon? (Axe)

    The hero of a Russian folk tale who caught an unusual pike? (Emelya)

    Postman of the village of Prostokvashino? (Pechkin)

    Panther, Mowgli's friend? (Bagheera)

    Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella)

    Who said the magic words: “Fly, fly, petal, through the north to the east...”? (Zhenya)

    Who became the ugly duckling? (Swan)

    What magic remedy does Aladdin have? (Lamp with Genie)

    Who has Winnie the Pooh stuck in their door? (at the rabbit)

    Who got into Through the Looking Glass? (Alice)

    Which medicine did Carlson prefer? (Jam0

    What is the name of the fairy-tale hero who has big ears? (Cheburashka)

    In what city did Dunno live? (Flower City)

    “Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out” - the words of which fairy tale? (“12 months”

    What was the name of Gerda's friend? (Kai)

(Summing up)


"Dark horse"

I read excerpts from fairy tales and children's works studied at school. Each team takes turns. Which works are the lines taken from and who wrote them?

    “He had a poet friend who lived on Dandelion Street. This poet’s real name was Pudik...” (N.N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”)

    “He landed on the water and swam towards the beautiful swans.” (H.K. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”)

    “Carlo started whittling logs.” (A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key)

    “Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards Vadik. He shouted “Ai!” and jumped onto the sofa.” (N.N. Nosov “Living Hat”)

    "He's been fishing for thirty years and three years." (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

    Here are Fedorina's cats

Tails are dressed up,

We ran at full speed,

To turn the dishes.

(K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”)

7. I'm going. Quiet. I hear ringing

Under the hoof in the snow.

Only gray crows

They made noise in the meadow.

(S. Yesenin “Porosha”)

8. Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked at the street

Tolya sang, Boris was silent, Nikolai shook his leg.

(S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”)


"Troubles from a Barrel"

From the barrel, each participant takes out a question number written on a small barrel and answers (one from team I, one from team II, etc.). The captains don't come out. Questions from different areas.

    It is impossible to find either a beginning or an end? (at the circle)

    What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)

    What tree does a crow sit on during heavy rain? (for wet)

    With this item you can make wonderful things, or even kill the most terrible hero of Russian fairy tales? (Needle)

    Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the prince's wife? (Frog)

    The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans? (Ivanushka)

    What phrase ends the letter? (Goodbye)

    What human organ is called the “motor”? (Heart)

    Does a person have twenty of them? (Fingers)

    Where are four brothers under one roof? (In the table)

    A place where vegetables grow. (Garden)

    What does elk lose every winter? (Horns)

    A simple tool for drawing a straight line. (Ruler)

    Why does a goose swim? (From the shore)

“Troubles from a barrel” (for captains).

(they take out the barrels).

Add the required word:

    Fairy tale by Ch. Perrault “Red...” (cap)

    Fairy tale by Ch. Perrault “Blue...” (beard)

    Story by V. Oseeva “Blue...” (leaves)

    Magic story by A. Pogorelsky “Black...” (chicken)

    A. Kuprin's story “White...” (poodle)

    Story by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray...” (neck)

    Fairy tale by P. Bazhov “Silver...” (hoof)

    Fairy tale by H.H. Andersen “Wild...” (swans)

(summing up)

    “My mirror is my light! Tell,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

(A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”)

2. White birch

Below my window

Exactly silver. (S. Yesenin “White Birch”)

    Ay, Moska! I know she's strong

What barks at an elephant! (I. Krylov “Elephant and Moska”)

    My phone rang.

Who's speaking?

Elephant. (K. Chukovsky “Telephone”)

5. Who did the dishes run away from? (From Fedora)

6. In what fairy tale does the ogre turn into a mouse and the cat eats it? ("Puss in Boots")

7. What did the soldier cook the porridge from? (From an ax)

8. What did the Ant advise to the Dragonfly in the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”? (Dance)

9. Who wore a frying pan on his head? (Abstracted man from Basseynaya Street)

10. Who did the old man and the old woman sculpt out of snow? (Snow Maiden)


“You - for me, I - for you.”

The guys ask each other questions. Questions are prepared at home.

Guess the fairy-tale characters.

1. Grandmother loved the girl very much

Grandma gave her a hat

The girl forgot her name.

Well, guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood)

    Long unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He's called... (Chipolino)

    Calm down, calm down, evil witch,

Don't get your hopes up,

Meeting seven dwarfs in the forest,

Ours will be saved...(Snow White)

    He always loves everyone,

Who wouldn't come to him?

Did you guess it? This is Gena

This is Gena... (Crocodile)

    And I washed it for my stepmother,

And I sorted the peas,

At night, by candlelight.

And she slept by the stove.

As beautiful as the sun.

Who is this? (Cinderella)

    She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,

She showed skill in any matter.

A white swan swam in dance

Who was this craftswoman? (Vasilisa the Wise)

    He is cheerful and not angry

This cute weirdo.

The owner is with him, the boy Robin,

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special sense of smell for honey.

This plush prankster

Little Bear...(Winnie the Pooh)

    I'll tell you what, friends!

She was a frog.

If it weren't for Ivan the Fool,

If only she were a frog like that. (Frog Princess)

    She's as easy as walking on a tightrope

Will walk along a thin rope

She once lived in a flower.

Well, her name is... (Thumbelina)

    He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But there are no such people in this world

There is no one else.

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a tit,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot,

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it’s called... (Cheburashka)

(Summing up)


Fans sing ditties, dressed in costumes of fairy-tale characters.

1. Like a woman, like Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one


2. I'm mixed with sour cream,

I'm cold at the window.

Round side, ruddy side,

The bun rolled.

3. A cunning cheat,

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful,

And my name is Lisa.

4. Near the forest on the edge

Three of us live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

5. Long-eared mischief maker

I'm used to going to the garden

I started jumping around the beds,

I trampled all the cabbage.

6. I am a toothy gray wolf,

I click and click with my fangs,

In winter I am completely hungry.

Don't be afraid, I won't eat anyone.

7. Red Riding Hood me

Calls the kids.

I was walking through the forest

I was almost eaten by a wolf.

8. I am a cheerful Pinocchio,

My nose is sharp

My nose is long

And today at this hour

I sing songs for you.

All: Let's have fun together

We'll sing and dance,

To find yourself in a fairy tale

You need to call me!


"Race for the Leader"

The hourglass is set. Which team will have time to answer more questions correctly.

Questions for the “Why” team.

    Who spoke such magic words: “Sim-sim, open the door!” (Ali Baba)

    Who did the 11 brother princes from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale turn into? (Swans)

    What did the frog fly south on? (On the twig that the ducks were holding)

    Which literary character was a friend of the Marquis de Carabas Barabas from the fairy tale by C. Perrault? (Puss in Boots)

    Baba Yaga's home. (Hut on chicken legs)

    Which literary hero was deceived in the Land of Fools? (Pinocchio)

    The turtle who gave Pinocchio the golden key? (Tartila)

    What did the Crow hold in its beak in the fable “The Crow and the Fox”? (Cheese)

    Is the fairy tale “Spikelet”, which tells about the heroes Krut and Vert, Russian or Ukrainian? (Ukrainian)

    How did the Wolf catch fish in the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”. (tail)

    Who writes the books? (Writer)

    Who wrote the poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly.” (A. Barto)

    What is Leopold the cat's favorite expression? (Let's live together)

    What gifts did the donkey receive for his birthday? (Tail, ball, pot)

    How did Captain Vrungel, Lom and Fouquet make their extraordinary journey around the world? (On the yacht "Trouble")

Questions for the Erudite team.

    Who were the animals afraid of in Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach!? (Cockroach)

    Who saved the Fly - the tsokhotukha? (Mosquito)

    There are only three in this tale. Name this fairy tale. (Three Bears)

    Whose wing did the Fox break in D. Malin-Sibiryak’s fairy tale? (To Gray Neck Duck)

    What are the names of the three little pigs from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)

    The heroine of which fairy tale woke up from the kiss of the prince? (sleeping Beauty)

    What was the name of the girl who saw the Silver Hoof? (Daryonka)

    In which fairy tale did the girl see green grass under a snowy feather bed? (“Moroz Ivanovich”)

    From what fairy tale is the expression: “Staying with nothing”? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin)

    What did Brother Ivanushka play from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” from Baba Yaga? (Golden apples)

    Who rescued the Cockerel from trouble in the Russian folk tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”? (Cat)

    who wrote the poem "Rope". (A. Barto)

    A fabulous name for a tablecloth. (Self-assembly)

    In which fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("12 months")

    Who wrote "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"? (A.S. Pushkin)

(Summing up)

Awarding the winners.

"Happy Accident"

Game for 3rd grade students

"Happy Accident"


- attract children to intellectual games;

Summarize students' knowledge about autumn changes in nature; develop observation and attention; cultivate love for native nature.

    instill in children an interest in reading;

    develop imaginative thinking . Design:

    Posters with the name and theme of the event: “Happy Occasion”, “Hello Golden Autumn”

    Exhibition of drawings on the theme “Autumn”.

    A large barrel containing small barrels of waste.

    Scoreboard with game names.

    Tables for the host and players.

    Clock with second hand.

    Musical accompaniment.

Progress of the game

The call signs of the game “Lucky Chance” are heard».

Presenter (against the background of music). Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we will take a fascinating journey into the fabulous world of autumn. Yellow leaves are falling outside the window. The entire park is decorated with an autumn carpet. It's cloudy all around, but very beautiful. And we have gathered here to sing, play, frolic and amuse the beautiful Autumn.

golden grove!

and flies over the grove

flock of cranes.

under the clouds

the geese respond

with a distant lake,

they say goodbye until spring.

no laughter is heard

the song is cut off.

Our echo has fallen silent -


All tracks


paths over the glades

golden grove

with purple leaves!

A. Alien.

Leading: Today we are playing a game lucky chance", during which we will try to remember the signs of autumn and the natural world. And two friendly teams take part in our game. Let's welcome the participants. To my left is “Deciduous Plants,” and to my right is “Osenniki.” (Applause.) So, let's begin!

Leading. The game consists of several games, each of which has its own task. I announce the first game. ( The game calls are heard. The presenter opens a board with the inscription “Next. Further. Further.".) For a minute, I will ask the teams questions - first one team will ask some questions, then the other will ask others. The players' task is to give as many correct answers as possible.

Let's draw lots: who will start this game first. (Draw of lots.) The team starts first, and their opponents and all the fans are now testing their nerves for strength, because they all must remain silent, even if they know the answer. Everyone on the answering team has a vote, and I will choose the correct answer. If you guys don’t know the answer, then say: “Next!” So, is the team ready? ( Children's answers.) Our seconds (points to them) will keep track of time, and the counting commission ( points at them) - weight count of correct answers.

Questions for the first team:

    The biggest berry? (watermelon)

    What can't you bake bread without? (without crust)

    Who pulled the turnip in front of the Bug? (Granddaughter)

    In the garden it is long and green, And in the barrel it is yellow and salty. (cucumber)

    What flowers did Kai and Gerda grow? (Roses.)

    A fairy tale with fruit and vegetable inhabitants. (“The Adventures of Cipollino.”)

    Although I am called sugar,

But I didn't get wet from the rain.

Large, round, sweet in taste.

Do you recognize me? Ya (beets).

    The lady sat down in the garden, dressed in noisy silks. We are preparing tubs for her and half a bag of coarse salt (cabbage).

    Yellow coins fall from a branch. (leaves)

    What medicine did Carlson prefer? (Jam.)

    Red Egorka fell on the lake. I didn't drown myself

And he didn’t stir up the water. (Sheet).

    He is mustachioed and creepy. He hid the nucleoli in a pod - a saber-shaped fist. You won't be able to figure it out if it's dried out. It's called. (peas).

    In the garden bed, a solid, steep-headed man leaned on his side. (zucchini)

    The fields are empty, the ground is wet, the rain is falling, when does this happen? (Autumn)

    Wooden body

Clothes are torn,

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink,

Guards the garden. (Garden scarecrow)

    Carpenters walked without axes and cut down a hut without corners. (Stacks of bread.)

    Who helped Cinderella choose lentils from the ashes? (Birds.)

    It walks across the sky

The white clouds are driving.

Then the leaves rustle in the garden,

Then howls at night “U-u-u” (wind)

    Worth a cake

On one leg

Who will pass by

Everyone will bow. (Mushroom.)

    I suddenly wanted to cry -

Made me shed tears... (bow).

    What's that squeak? What's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I. (cabbage).

    In the garden by the path

The sun is standing on its leg,

Only yellow rays

He's not hot. (Sunflower.)

Questions for the second team:

    The tail is green, the head is red. This is a pointed one. (carrot).

    Which animal gives birth to babies during leaf fall? (At the hare)

    What did the fairy make Cinderella's carriage from? (From pumpkin.)

    Came without paints and without a brush. And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

    What kind of forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel.)

    Before we ate it, we all had time to cry. He made everyone around him cry, Even though he’s not a fighter, but... (onion)

    The bird that Thumbelina saved. (Martin.)

    Not visible from the garden, plays hide and seek with us. And no one would have found it, Yes, look, the little crest is sticking out! Pull tightly and it will come out. (turnip).

    Smallest bird? (hummingbird)

    In which fairy tale do winter and summer meet? (“Twelve to twelve months.”)

    What is more scary for birds: hunger or cold? (Hunger)

    Shaggy, dark purple, almost got wet from frequent watering. (beet).

    It is round and red, like the eye of a traffic light. Among vegetables there is no juicier. (tomato).

    Lots of apples, lots of pears

Vegetables are a heavy load.

Hurry up, load it up.

What is this? (Harvest.)

    Inseparable circle of friends

Hundreds of hands reach out to the sun.

And in my hands - a fragrant cargo

Different beads for different tastes. (garden)

    A rope stretched across the sky. (The cranes are flying.)

    In what flower was Thumbelina born? (tulip)

    They are waiting for me, calling me, but when I come, everyone runs away. (rain)

    I tried all summer:

Dressed, dressed,

And when autumn came,

I gave away all the outfits -

A hundred clothes

We put it in a barrel. (Cabbage.)

    He's not fragile at all

And he hid in a shell.

Look into the middle -

You will see the core.

It is the hardest of all fruits.

It's called. (nut).

    You dig a little under the bush -

Looks out into the light... (potato).

    It grows in the ground

Cleaned up for winter.

The head looks like a bow.

If you just chew

Even a small slice -

It will smell for a very long time. (Garlic.)

    Green branches grow in the garden bed,

    And there are red children on them. (Tomatoes).

    How many arrows

Grows in garden beds.

And shoot

Not for kids. (Onion)

Leading. While the counting commission is summing up the results of the competition, I announce a musical break.( Children recite poems about Autumn). Ubushieva Baina, Konaev Erdni will tell you their poems. Is the counting commission ready? Score of the first game. (Announces the score.) And we move on to the second game, which is called “ Troubles from a barrel».

Game " Troubles from a barrel»

The call signs of the game “Lucky Chance” are heard. The presenter opens the board with the inscription"Troubles from a barrel."

Leading. Now I will fool you a little with my fabulous tricks. Each team member will draw a barrel with a task number from my barrel. If in the first game our team started, now we start with another. In my barrel there is a barrel with a horseshoe drawn on it - this is "a special case" The player who gets the horseshoe gets prize. Having pulled out the barrel and listened to the task, the team can discuss for 20 seconds and give only one answer. If it is correct, then you earn a point, and if not, then the fans answer. Then the barrel is pulled out by a player from another family. And so on.

Class representatives take turns pulling out barrels with numbers and completing tasks - “troubles.”


1. What month is it?

“You won’t be able to travel lightly this month. You need boots, warm and waterproof clothing. Bird songs are no longer heard, forests and fields are empty. The loudest thing is the wind. He is the owner." (October)

2.What month is this? “Everything around is becoming piebald. The forest is striped, like the sides of a zebra. Half-winter - half-autumn, noon - half-evening! (november)

3. What month is it? “It's time for variegated leaves. The forest stands like a fabulous firebird. There are rustles, rustles, whispers everywhere. Birds fly away to warmer climes.” (September.)

4.What is this? Under the ground the bird made a nest and laid eggs. (Potatoes)

5. What is this? He threw one away - he took a whole handful. (Corn.)

6. What month is it? Spring, gloomy, evening of the year, fieldfare, golden month of the year. (September)

7.What month is it? Mudweed, deciduous, pre-winter, kiselnik, krutovert, wedding. (October)

8.What month is it? Breast, snowman, half-winter road, off-road vehicle, twilight of the year, die-hard, gates of winter, winter, chicken coop, jelly. (november)

When one of the players takes out the ninth barrel, the host announces the end of the game.

Leading. And this number (calls) tells us that the game “Trouble from a Barrel” ends. The following poems are read by Kicheneev Erentsen and Cherkasov Bair. Well, aren't the audience tired of sitting? Let's play? Well, everyone stand up and repeat after me.

School of garden scarecrows

The spectators stand in their places. The presenter is in the center. The players repeat the movements after the leader.

Leading. Now we will do a little warm-up.

Raise your right hand up and shake your hand.

Raise your left hand up and shake your hand.

Shake your arms, make a sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh noise.

Spread your arms to the sides, hum like airplanes


Wave your arms like a bird, shout



You graduated from the school of garden scarecrows

Game score “Troubles from a barrel”….

. (Announces the score of the game and the total score of the game. At this moment, noise is heard behind the scenes.)

Leading: Oh, guys, who came to us? I see, I see! The beauty came to our holiday.

In a dress made of yellow chintz,

Rowan beads on the chest

Rosehip earrings in ears

Expensive to look at.

What do you guys think, who came to us for the game? "Dark horse»? ( Children's answers.)

Game "Dark Horse"

Dark horse". Autumn is coming out

Autumn: Hello guys.

I'm good to everyone, pretty

You can't count the gold and jasper.

Apples, cones, nuts -

Everything is in my chest.

Children's answers.)


Autumn. Agree.



So, first questionChildren's answers:pea. )

second question. (Children's answers:cucumber . )

last question. Children's answers:apple )

Leading. (children sing ditties).Well, now it’s time for the decisive game, which is called "Race for the leader."

Game "Race for the Leader"

The call signs of the game “Lucky Chance” are heard. The presenter opens a board with the inscription “Race for the leader.”

Leading. This game is played according to the rules of the first game. The team is given one minute to think about each answer. And his team starts... Is the team ready? ( Children's answers:Yes. )

: Questions for the first team

    Which egg did the hen Ryaba lay first - a simple one or a golden one? (Gold.)

    What vegetable is ketchup made from? (tomato, tomato)

    What is the name of the girl from the snow? (Snow Maiden.)

    What did the mare trample in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (wheat).

    Soup with beets and other vegetables. (borsch.)

    A natural stream of water that flows along a paved channel. (river)

    Groom of the Fly-Tsokotukha. (Mosquito.)

    Winnie the Pooh's closest friend. (Piglet.)

    One color in winter and summer. (spruce)

    What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

    House for bees. (hive.)

    Who will reach the flower faster, a butterfly or a caterpillar? (butterfly.)

    Who did Alice run to Wonderland for? (Behind the rabbit.)

    The most hardy animal that can go without water for up to three weeks. (camel)

    Who did King Guidon turn into for the second time? (Into the fly.)

    What can be cooked, but cannot be eaten. (lessons)

    A natural phenomenon characteristic of autumn, when trees dress up in bright clothes and then shed them. (leaf fall)

    Which word has 100 consonants? (stack)

    Is the swallow a migratory bird? (Yes)

    Where does the cuckoo build its nest? (nowhere)

    Who is Cobra? (snake)

    Who has a bag under its beak? (pelican)

    A dish made from mashed or pureed vegetables. (mashed potatoes)

    Talking bird (parrot)

    Ivanushka's sister. (Alyonushka.)

Questions for the second team:

    How many people pulled the turnip? (Three.)

    Who was Cinderella's coachman? (Rat.)

    What berry is not eaten? (wolfish)

    The largest cat. (tiger)

    Vegetable dish. (salad)

    The type of precipitation characteristic of autumn. (rain)

    Onion boy (Cippolino.)

    What was the name of the wise jungle dweller in the fairy tale about Mowgli? (Elephant Hathi.)

    The pear is hanging, you can’t eat it. (bulb)

    Wooden boy. (Pinocchio.)

    What didn’t Mashenka allow the bear to sit on? (On a stump.)

    What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (for wet))

    Who did Kolobok meet first? (Hare.)

    What pet helped its owner become a marquis? (Cat.)

    The largest bodies of water on earth. (Oceans)

    Which word has 40 vowels? (magpie)

    What was used to poison the princess in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (Using an apple.)

    Which animal has a pouch? (kangaroo.)

    Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't talk)

    What is the name of the dwelling of animals dug in the ground. (Nora)

    Is the sparrow a migratory bird? (No)

    Does the fox hibernate? (No)

    What is the name of an elephant's nose that is fused with its lip? (trunk)

    Not a tailor, but with needles. (Hedgehog)

    They catch dragonflies and butterflies. (Net).

Leading. Well done, guys! Let's listen to Basang Kereev and Vova Markelov.

The counting commission sums up the results, awards prizes and certificates.

Leading. I think we had no losers today. I hope that after our game you will love nature even more in all seasons.

Game "Dark Horse"

The call signs of the game “Lucky Chance” are heard. The presenter opens the board with the inscription “ Dark horse". Autumn is coming out

Autumn: Hello guys.

I'm good to everyone, pretty

You can't count the gold and jasper.

Apples, cones, nuts -

Everything is in my chest.

And since I came to the “Dark Horse” game, the answers to my questions are in the “chest”. Aren't you afraid to fight me? ( Children's answers.)

Leading. Dear Autumn, we have our own rules in the game. Let's agree: you ask a question, which team answers correctly, and that team gets a point. And if both teams do not know the answer, then the fans will answer. Do you agree?

Autumn. Agree.

Leading. Then start, take out your “black boxes”.

Autumn(demonstrates the first “black box” to the teams and asks a question)

So, first question: With the help of an object located inside the box, one young man found himself a wife of noble blood. What lies here? ( Children's answers:pea. )

That's how smart they are! Then listen second question. (Shows the teams the second “black box”.) Here is a subject who listened to the advice of smart people not to go to the other side of his place of residence, as this threatened him with the loss of part of his body. Well, weak? ( Children's answers:cucumber . )

Right. Well, here's mine last question.(Shows the teams the third “black box”.) Here is an object that one bad lady used to take the life of a young girl. ( Children's answers:apple ) What smart kids! They know everything!

Leading. Yes, Mrs. Autumn, our children go to school, read a lot, and know fairy tales well. We continue our game, and you, Autumn, join the audience. And our children will sing ditties for you. (children sing ditties).

Three teams of 4-5 people each take part in the game. The participating teams have their own name. The game is played in 4 games. Before the game starts, it is decided which team will respond first. At the end of each game, the counting commission announces the final result of each team.

Each team takes turns rolling a game die (the die is made from a large cardboard box). Ones are written on four faces of the cube, a zero is drawn on one face of the cube, and a horseshoe is drawn on another. If a one appears on the top face of the cube, then the team receives 1 point for the correct answer to the question asked by the leader. If a horseshoe falls out, this means that the team is lucky, it has a “lucky chance” and for the correct answer to the same question it can receive 3 points. But if a zero appears, this means a changeover. During the first game, each team rolls the dice 7 times.

First game questions:

1. Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at the chess one).
2. What happened on February 31? (there is no such day).
3. The table top has four corners. One corner was sawed off. How many corners does the table have? (five).
4. Who saved the hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai).
5. What notes can be used to measure distance? (mi-la-mi).
6. How do day and night end? (soft sign).
7. In what fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? (“Twelve months”).
8. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge).
9. What two notes grow in the vegetable garden? (beans).
10. Name the author: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere”? (Krylov).
11. What doesn’t burn in fire and doesn’t sink in water? (ice).
12. Is it motley itself, eats green, gives white? (cow).
13. Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (which are worth it).
14. Name a children's humorous film magazine. (“Yeralash”).
15. What terrible beast is greedy for raspberries? (bear).
16. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May).
17. What birds cannot fly? (penguins and ostriches).
18. A product obtained from beets and cane? (sugar).
19. Underground Railroad? (metro).
20. Which state can you wear on your head? (Panama).
21. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (peat).

Game 2 “Troubles from a barrel”

The presenter brings out 6 multi-colored numbered barrels on a tray (you can use capsules from “Kinder surprises” and put question numbers inside them). The team that currently has the fewest points starts pulling the barrels. The presenter reads the question to the team, the number of which is indicated on the keg. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 2 points.

Second game questions:

1. With the help of this item, the main character of the fairy tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow).
2. She came to us from Andersen’s fairy tale. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Thumbelina).
3. Which fairy tale features animated fruits and vegetables? (“The Adventures of Cippolino”).
4. The toy is the main character of the book and cartoon, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. (Cheburashka).
5. With the help of this item you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill the terrible hero of Russian fairy tales. (Needle).
6. Under Tsar Ivan 1U, coins were issued that depict a horseman with a spear in his hand. What were these coins called? (Kopecks).

Game 3 “Dark Horse”

The presenter explains that he made a wish for one famous work. And in order to guess it, he will give clues to it. There will be five such tips. If any team recognizes the work after the first hint, then it will receive 5 points, after the second hint it will already receive 4 points, and so on in descending order. The team whose captain raises his hand the fastest begins to answer.


1. The main character of this work suddenly became rich.
2. She made many friends, for whom receptions began to be held.
3. They tried to kidnap her, but a young daredevil suddenly appeared and saved her.
4. The matter ended with a wedding.
5. The most valuable asset of the main character was the samovar.

Game 4 “Race for the Leader”

Each team is asked 20 questions in a row. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question the team does not give any answer, the presenter reads out the correct answer and asks the next question. The presenter begins to ask questions to the team that has fewer points.

Questions for the first team:

1. A cow as a child? - Calf.
2. Home car? - Garage.
3. “Measure seven times, once...” - Cut.
4. Astronaut suit? - Space suit.
5. Northern capital of Russia? - Saint Petersburg.
6. Which city flies? - Eagle.
7. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? - Filthy.
8. A car that counts other people's money? - Taxi.
9. Hero of folk puppet shows? - Parsley.
10. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
11. Father of the wooden boy? - Papa Carlo.
12. A plot of land for growing vegetables? - Vegetable garden.
13. Is water in a gaseous state? - Steam.
14. Simultaneous move of the king and rook in a chess game? - Castling.
15. The seventh letter in the word “electrification”? – The letter “i”.
16. Boxing ground? - Ring.
17. What does a hedgehog do in winter? - Asleep.
18. Is there an Orange Sea in the world? - No.
19. A day of fun, joy, celebration? - Holiday.
20. In Italian “tartufel”, and in Russian...? - Potato.

Questions for the second team:

1. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? - Hedgehog.
2. Dog's house? - Kennel.
3. The student's very first book? - Primer.
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport? – Stupa / Pomelo.
5. Baby goat? - Little goat.
6. Who said the magic words: “Sim, Sim, open!”? - Ali Baba..
7. Do our migratory birds build nests in the south? - No.
8. What goes on without moving? - Time.
9. Belts or ropes for controlling a horse in a harness? - Reins.
10. What key did Buratino receive from Tortila the turtle? - Gold.
11. A rectangle with equal sides is called... - Square.
12. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? - Christmas.
13. Which note is not needed for compote? - Salt.
14. Who speaks all languages? - Echo.
15. Place for a circus performance? - Arena.
16. Which vegetable resembles a space plate? - Patisson.
17. Who can lie on a board with nails? - Yogi.
18. Appears on the iron due to dampness? - Rust.
19. State emblem? - Coat of arms.
20. The fastest-footed bird? - Ostrich.

Questions for the third team:

1. Boy with a wooden nose? - Pinocchio.
2. City animal facility? - Zoo.
3. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? - Into the swan.
4. Hidden treasure? - Treasure.
5. The fruit that poisoned the princess? - Apple.
6. Chocolate covered ice cream? - Eskimo.
7. Does the chicken breathe in the egg? - Yes.
8. What can you see with your eyes closed? - Dream.
9. What size boots did Uncle Styopa wear? - 45th.
10. Place on the square for trade? – Bazaar/Market.
11. Break between acts in the play? - Intermission.
12. Does he show the way to ships at night? - Lighthouse.
13. Collection of geographical maps and tables? - Atlas.
14. Very confusing road? - Labyrinth.
15. Talking bird? - Parrot.
16. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput”? - Cabbage.
17. Which giraffe legs are longer: front or back? - Identical.
18. How many days are there in a leap year? – 366 days.
19. Postage sign? - Brand.
20. Horse symbol of good luck? - Horseshoe.

At the end of the fourth game, the total result of the game is calculated. All teams receive prizes based on their points. The winners receive medals in the shape of a horseshoe.



A little about everything


A flock of geese was flying: one in front and two behind; one behind and two in front; one between two and three in a row. How many geese were there?

« 2 »

« 3 »

« 4 »

Three sisters have one brother each. How many children are in the family?

Masha gave her brother half of the supply of candy and one more candy. She didn't have a single piece of candy left. How many sweets did Masha have?

5 and 11 haystacks were collected together in one field. How many stacks did you get?

Matroskin the cat cut the rope in 6 places. How many parts did you get?

Doctor Aibolit prescribed the hippopotamus to take 3 tablets a day. How many days will a pack of 10 tablets last?

“But in front of them is the sea -

It rages and makes noise in the open space.

And the tall one walks into the sea...

Now she will swallow Aibolit"




Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

What was the name of the boy who really wanted to study from the story of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy?





On a tram.

...on a broom.

They drive and laugh

They're chewing gingerbread"



Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky


Dunno had a friend who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with him for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made peace twenty times a day. Name the hero of the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.”




Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

How many wishes of the old man did the fish fulfill in the fairy tale of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin?

This is... page.

A fox walked along it,

Covering the trail with your tail.




Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

What continent do we live on?




Continue the folk sign

"Flowers smell stronger..."

before the rain

when they bloom

when will they be watered

She only has a tail in infancy, and then disappears




How many continents are there on our planet?

The sun is




On what basis are words divided into 2 groups:

forty chalk

tit house

cow com

dog spruce


living and nonliving

by number of words

by number of letters

The word prodigy comes from the German language. How is it translated?




Words with opposite meanings are




Find the extra couple of words




Find the extra word




Say it right!

No socks

No socks

Put the emphasis correctly


Intellectual game scenario for grades 7-8

Intellectual game "Lucky chance"

Author: Elena Leonidovna Zolotareva, teacher of biology and chemistry at MKOU secondary school in Oktyabrsky village, Zuevsky district, Kirov region.
This material is useful for class teachers working in middle management. The event is intended for grades 7-8. The game will help to reveal the intellectual potential of students.
Goals and objectives:
identification and development of intellectual, cognitive abilities, breadth of outlook of students;
increasing students' motivation for cognitive activity;
formation of a culture of interpersonal communication.
Rules of the game:
1. 2 teams of 6 people play
2. The game consists of 5 games
3. Teams prepare three questions in advance - answers to the other team
Equipment: multimedia projector, lotto barrels with numbers.

Progress of the game:

Game 1 “Next... further...”
Teams need to give as many answers to the questions as possible in two minutes. If they don’t know the answer, say “Next”
Questions for team 1:
1. How many piglets are there in the fairy tale about the wolf and the little piglets? (3)
2. Festive dish (cake)
3. A powerful vessel for sailing in ice? (icebreaker)
4. What is a globe? (Earth model)
5. Fantastic tales about the gods (myths)
6. The inner part of the Earth located under the mantle (core)
7. The highest mountains on earth (Himalayas)
8. How many degrees is a right angle? (900)
9. An imaginary line dividing the globe into 2 hemispheres (equator)
10. What are hieroglyphs? (signs-drawings)
11. What are small celestial bodies called? (asteroids)
12. Beginning of the river (source)
13. The largest island (Greenland)
14. Hearing organ (ear)
15. Which star is above the northern side of the horizon? (Polar)
16. Who wrote the fairy tale “Thumbelina”? (Andersen)
17. Where is the Piranha fish found? (In the Amazon River)
18. Who was the first to reach the South Pole? (Amundsen)
19. How many degrees are there in a circle? (3600)
20. Device for catching animals (trap)
21. Soft part of baked bread (crumb)
22. Steering wheel on a ship, airplane, combine harvester (steering wheel)
23. Animal Science (Zoology)
24. Solid milk product (cheese)
25. Small chess piece (pawn)
26. Ability to distinguish odors (sense of smell)
27. The most popular sport (football)
28. 1/60 of an hour (minute)
29. Selection of dishes, dishes (menu)
30. Dried grapes (raisins)
31. Morning meal (breakfast)
32. Grief, sadness (grief)
33. Side view (profile)
34. Location of control devices (remote control)
35. A herd of sheep (flock)
36. Animal food (feed)
37. The outer part of a tree trunk (bark)
38. Hand with clenched fingers (fist)
39. What is birch bark? (birch bark)
40. Which fish has eyes on one side? (at flounder)
Questions for team 2:
1. At what time did Cinderella’s outfit change? (at 12 am)
2. Cook on a ship (cook)
3. Father's or mother's father (grandfather)
4. The longest river in the world (Nile)
5. The highest point in Africa (Kilimanjaro)
6. Which bird does not hatch eggs? (cuckoo)
7. Who wrote the fairy tale Kolobok? (Russian folk)
8. Road with rows of trees on the sides (alley)
9. Place where tickets are sold (box office)
10. Road covered with asphalt (highway)
11. Organ of vision (eye)
12. The top layer of the Earth in which plants grow (soil)
13. Playing on ice with skates (hockey)
14. Large island off the coast of Africa (Madagascar)
15. Device for determining the sides of the horizon (compass)
16. Capital of Russia (Moscow)
17. Who made the first trip around the world? (Magellan)
18. What does the word “kangaroo” mean (I don’t understand)
19. Artificial channel filled with water (canal)
20. Water in gaseous state (steam)
21. The flour hero of the Russian folk tale (kolobok)
22. Warship (cruiser)
23. Continent lying in all four hemispheres (Eurasia)
24. Leaves and flowers woven into a ring (wreath)
25. Air movement in the horizontal direction (wind)
26. The blunt side of the ax (butt)
27. Third largest ocean (Indian)
28. Sea robber (pirate, corsair)
29. Established routine (mode)
30. Narrow thin board (slat)
31. Natural water flow of significant size (river)
32. Outline in the form of an elongated circle with the shape of an egg (oval)
33. Coarse, straight hair of some animals (bristles)
34. Science of natural phenomena (physics)
35. Remains of an unburned candle (cinder)
36. Place of confluence of the river (mouth)
37. Product made from minced meat stuffed into a casing (sausage)
38. Part of land surrounded on all sides by water (island)
39. Which neck has more vertebrae, a giraffe’s or a pig’s? (same number)
40. The arrival of which birds means the end of winter (rooks)
Game 2 “You - for me, I - for you”
The teams exchange prepared questions.
Game 3 “Troubles from a barrel”
Teams take turns choosing questions by drawing barrels with numbers, the numbers corresponding to the question number.
1. How long does it take for the globe to make a full revolution around its axis? (within 24 hours)
2. Which canal separates North America from South America? (Panama Canal)
3. What is a sphinx? (statue depicting a lion with a human head)
4. The largest bird in the world (ostrich)
5. What is the name of a source that periodically ejects hot water and steam? (geyser)
6. What is the name of the path along which the Earth moves around the sun? (Earth's orbit)
7. Which age is called the Stone Age? (all the time when the main tools were made of stone)
8. What is the name and surname of the Polish scientist who argued that it is not the Sun that moves around the Earth, but the Earth around the Sun? (Nicholas Copernicus)
9. What are all the changes that occur in nature called? (phenomena)
10. What are the fragments of comets and asteroids that fell to Earth called? (meteorites)
11. Magma poured onto the earth's surface (lava)
12. Device for determining the sides of the horizon (compass)
Game 4 “Hurry to see”
Paintings by famous artists are shown on the screen. You need to name the picture and the author.
Each team is offered 6 paintings:
1. I. Levitan. March
2. V. Vasnetsov. Alyonushka
3. V. Vasnetsov. Bogatyrs
4. Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa
5. V. Perov. Hunters at rest
6. V. Perov. Troika. (Apprentice artisans are carrying water)
7. I. Repin. Barge haulers on the Volga
8. A. Savrasov. The rooks have arrived
9. V. Serov. Girl with peaches
10. V. Surikov. Boyarina Morozova
11. I. Shishkin. Morning in a pine forest
12. F. Reshetnikov. Another deuce
Game 5 “Question and answer”
Each player is asked a question. If all six people answer correctly, the team gets an extra point.
Questions for team 1:
1. What is a jungle? (impenetrable thickets of trees and shrubs)
2. Who wrote “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg”? (A.S. Pushkin)
3. Name the natural satellite of the Earth (Moon)
4. Name the capital of the Old Russian state (Kyiv)
5. What kind of wood are matches made from? (from aspen)
6. Name the favorite delicacy of storks (frogs)

Questions for team 2:
1. What are savannas? (tropical steppes with tall grass and isolated trees)
2. Who wrote the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood?” (C. Perrault)
3. Without what gaseous substance can a plant not develop? (no carbon dioxide)
4. Which tree is most often used for firewood? (birch)
5. When is the sparrow’s body temperature lower: in winter or summer? (same)
6. What bird bears the name of the city? (Eagle)

Summing up. Awarding the winners.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):