This article describes methods for cleaning a microwave oven. Tells what rules exist when washing it. And also what to do to prevent subsequent contamination microwave oven.

Types of microwave oven interior coatings, care features

The outside of the microwave is fairly easy to clean. You will need a sponge, a rag and detergent. However, things are not so simple inside. Basically it all depends on the coating of the microwave.

There are several types:

  1. Stainless steel. This type of coating is not afraid of even very high temperatures. But there are difficulties in cleaning and washing this coating. Fat accumulates there for a very long time a short time and it is very difficult to clean. The best way cleaning in this case special means or steam We bring to your attention an article about that here.
  2. Enameled coating. Not a bad type of coverage. Typically, microwave ovens with this type of coating do not have high price. They have smooth walls, which in turn makes the cleaning process easier. The downside is that it is very easy to scratch the coating. And also after time, the oven loses its hardness and color. Cleaning this microwave is not difficult. The main thing is to do this carefully so as not to damage the enamel. After washing, you need to wipe the inner coating dry.
  3. Ceramic coating. This type of coating is very good. It is quite durable and smooth. Thanks to this, it is easy to clean and wash. But it is also fragile, and therefore it is better not to exert strong mechanical stress on it.

After studying this list, you can choose the most best option for every person.

Rules for cleaning a microwave oven

Before you begin cleaning your microwave oven, be sure to disconnect it from the power supply. Do not use steel wool, brushes, or similar items. They can damage the oven walls.

To remove dirt in hard-to-reach places, you can use a vacuum cleaner. It has a small and narrow nozzle. However, if you are afraid to take risks, it is better to take it to a specialist.

To make your microwave oven last longer, you should know the rules for cleaning it:

  1. You need to know what type of coating the microwave has. Because each coating has its own characteristics when cleaning and washing.
  2. Prepare the oven. Disconnect from power and place in a convenient place;
  3. Apply suitable for coating cleaning agent and leave for a few minutes;
  4. Rinse everything off with water;
  5. Wipe dry.

These are the rules for cleaning a microwave oven. You need to remember and start washing.

Stories from our readers!
“My sister gave this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the grill and wrought iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I didn't expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Cleaning a microwave oven with folk remedies

More and more people are turning to us for help folk remedies to combat any illness. Microwave cleaning is no exception. Folk recipes so many. Below is a list of the most popular remedies. All must be cleaned Appliances, including a coffee machine, if there is one in the house. Oh, you can find out here.

Lemon acid

You can use citric acid to clean your microwave oven.

For this you will need:

  • deep cup;
  • citric acid, packaging;
  • water.


  1. Fill the cup 2/3 full with water;
  2. Add citric acid there;
  3. Place the cup in the microwave;
  4. Set the highest power;
  5. Turn on for 10 – 15 minutes;
  6. When the oven turns off, you must wait another 10 minutes;
  7. Wipe the walls of the microwave with a cloth.

After all this has been done, grease and dirt will disappear without difficulty.

Baking soda

Baking soda is just as good at removing microwave grease and dirt. For this you will need:

  • deep bowl;
  • soda;
  • water.


  1. add soda to a bowl of water;
  2. Place in oven for 15 minutes;
  3. wait another 20 minutes;
  4. Wipe with a cloth.

The method is almost similar to the previous one.


Vinegar can clean even the oldest dirt.

You need to take:

  • deep dishes;
  • three tablespoons of vinegar;
  • water.


  1. Add three tablespoons of vinegar to a cup of water;
  2. Microwave at the highest temperature for 10 – 15 minutes;
  3. Wait 10 minutes;
  4. Wipe with a cloth.

Ready. The result will please anyone.

All these methods are the same. Their difference is only in the main component. Everyone can choose any method.

other methods

There are other cleaning methods.

For example:

  1. Cleaning with steam. You need to put a plate of water in the microwave and turn it on for 10 minutes. Then wait a little. The walls of the oven will steam, and it will be much easier to wipe with a regular rag;
  2. Cleansing with Fae. You need to take a sponge. Apply Fairy on it and lather well. Then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds, at the lowest power, so that the sponge does not spoil. Then use the same sponge to wash the walls of the microwave.
  3. Cleaning with laundry soap. Laundry soap is a lifesaver of the Soviet era. In addition to cleaning, it also disinfects the surface. Cleansing is carried out in this way: you need to wet the soap, foam it very well in water, so that the mass of water becomes quite dense. Then spread this mixture onto the inside walls of the microwave and leave for 30 - 40 minutes. During this time, the mixture will dissolve the dirt. When this happens, it will be enough to simply wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  4. Cleansing with citrus fruits. You need to take any citrus fruit and do the same with it as with the lemon.

You can choose any method that suits you.

The main thing is to do everything right.

Special chemicals

Special chemicals include ordinary household chemicals. IN given time There are a wide variety of detergents available. They are produced mainly in the form of sprays and gels.

They are very easy to use. Usually they need to be applied to the contaminated area and left for a few minutes. Then rinse off with a regular sponge. However, there is a disadvantage chemicals. They are very difficult to wash off.

Chemicals left on the walls of the microwave can leach into your food. For people who have allergies, or if they heat baby food in the oven, this method is clearly not suitable.

Cleaning stubborn old dirt

There are quite a few ways to cleanse old dirt.

Here are some of them:

  • Cleansing using vinegar. If there are stains on the walls of the microwave that are difficult to remove, you can use vinegar. It is necessary to make an acid solution. That is, fill a glass of water halfway and add two tablespoons of vinegar. Then put the solution in the microwave and turn it on at highest power for five minutes. After this, leave the glass in the oven for another 15 minutes. After which you can simply wipe it with a cloth. Even the oldest dirt can be removed without difficulty.
  • Cleansing using orange. It's simple and inexpensive way. You don't need to use the orange specifically, but its zest. The fruit perfectly neutralizes bad odors and cleans the walls of the microwave oven.

For one cleaning, the zest of one lemon is enough. The zest needs to be added to a deep bowl filled halfway with water. Then put it in the microwave and set the timer for 10 minutes. As the fruit heats up, it will begin to release essential oils and, combining with steam, they will be placed on the dirt and make them softer.

After 10 minutes have passed, there is no need to immediately remove the dishes. You should leave it there for another 15 minutes. Then calmly, using a cloth, wipe off the remaining dirt.

  • Cleaning using detergents. Any microwave cleaner will do. You will need to add a suitable detergent to a bowl of water and put it in the microwave for 10 minutes. Then wait another 10 minutes and wipe with a cloth.

Thanks to these methods, you can easily clean even the oldest dried dirt.

Eliminating unpleasant odors in the microwave

Microwave irreplaceable thing in the kitchen of any housewife. However, not everyone knows how to neutralize the unpleasant odor coming from a microwave oven. Eat various reasons appearance of this smell.

For example, during heating, soup spilled, something burned or splashed. The main disadvantage of the unpleasant smell is that it remains on other heated dishes. So, to eliminate the unpleasant burnt smell, you must first thoroughly wash the microwave oven inside and out. If you used the stove and didn’t keep track of your cooking, you can find out here.

Then take measures to eliminate the smell.

Basic unpleasant odors emanating from the microwave:

  • The smell of burning. This smell usually appears when something is burned or scorched in the oven. You can use lemon and water to get rid of this smell. You need to put half the fruit into circles in a microwave-safe cup and add a glass of water.

Place in the oven at the highest power and turn on until it boils. You need to boil for 5 - 7 minutes. Then remove and repeat the same steps with the second half of the lemon. You can also use vinegar to eliminate the burning smell. It is number one among odor eliminators. It is also an excellent disinfectant.

So, to neutralize the smell you will need a clean cloth, vinegar, and water. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and wet a rag with the solution. Use this cloth to wipe the inside walls of the oven. Wait a few minutes and wipe with a regular cloth soaked in water.

  • Smell after cooking. Sometimes an unpleasant odor occurs in a microwave oven due to heating food with strong odors in it. Such odors linger for a very long time in the microwave.

But there are still ways to deal with them. For example, you can use coffee. It neutralizes odor, replacing it with its own aroma. Natural coffee that has just been brewed will be more effective. However, if you don’t have it, regular instant one will do. Brewed coffee should be wiped down the walls of the microwave and left for two hours. However, don't add sugar; everything will become sticky. Then wipe with a regular cloth.

You can also use a soda solution. Baking soda can neutralize many odors. To do this, add 2 teaspoons of soda to 50 ml of water. IN ready solution you need to dip a cotton swab or cotton wool and wipe all the walls of the microwave oven. No need to rinse off. You need to wait a couple of hours, then repeat the procedure again.

  • The smell of fat. When heating food, be sure to cover it with a lid. If this is not done, food will scatter along the walls, thereby leaving fat on them. If the oven is not washed thoroughly after this, the grease ages and develops an unpleasant odor that permeates the entire microwave.

Salt can be used to eliminate this smell. It absorbs unpleasant odors. It is enough to take just one hundred grams of salt, pour it into any dish and put it in the microwave. You don't need to turn it on.

You just need to put it in and close it. After 8-10 hours, throw away the salt and enjoy the result. Activated carbon Also suitable for eliminating the smell of grease. It acts similarly to salt. You need to crush 5-7 tablets, put them in a bowl and leave them in the microwave for the whole night. There will be no smell in the morning.

  • To eliminate various odors, you can use regular toothpaste. You just need to spread it on the walls of the microwave oven and leave for about five minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

Preventive action.

To prevent old dirt and various unpleasant odors from remaining in the microwave oven, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  1. It is much better to always leave the microwave door slightly open after using the oven. This should be done for a few minutes. In these few minutes, the smell will dissolve and will not settle on the walls of the device.
  2. When heating food, be sure to cover it with a lid. This will prevent various pieces of fat from spilling from food, and will also prevent the smell from escaping from under the lid. All this on for a long time will extend the operation of the microwave oven.
  3. Can be cleaned once every 30 days inner surface microwave toothpaste. You can do this with a toothbrush. It is convenient for her to wipe the corners and hard to reach places. After this procedure, you need to wipe everything with a cloth soaked in water.
  4. It is worth checking how the fan in the furnace works. It affects air circulation. If it is damaged, unpleasant odors will linger in the device. However, if it works at the level, then there will be no smells.
  5. After using the device, be sure to wipe it. This should become a habit, then no stains will appear.
  6. It is better to clean the microwave inside and out twice a month.
  7. When washing you need to be extremely careful. Water should not get into the openings of the microwave, as this may cause it to break.
  8. Be sure to wash the outside of the oven, especially the back, where the grates are located. It accumulates on them a large number of dust, which can also lead to damage.
  9. Well, don’t forget about the glass plate. Washing it is no less necessary. Regular detergent will help in cleaning the plate.

By following the above precautionary measures, you can avoid various unpleasant odors emanating from the microwave oven and various contaminants. And then the device will serve very well long time. Everyone loves care and attention. And even a microwave oven.

During the process of heating food, splashes of fat and pieces of food fall on the inner walls of the microwave oven. Because of high temperatures they are firmly welded, and cleaning the microwave is easy wet cleaning fails.

How can I clean it? The walls of the microwave chamber are covered with a protective layer, so when washing you should not use aggressive agents that could damage it. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use hard brushes or steel wool. To care for the stove, it is best to use paste or liquid products

, sponges and rags.

Before cleaning the microwave, it must be unplugged.

A large amount of moisture inside the microwave can damage the mechanism. Sponges and rags should be wrung out well before use.

The glass oven tray can be washed like a regular plate or placed in the dishwasher.

The market offers many products specifically designed for microwave care. With their help, you can simply and quickly clean the internal surfaces of the stove at home. However, it is cheaper and safer for health to do without using household chemicals– available means cope with fat deposits just as effectively. Contaminants can be removed regular vinegar, laundry soap, soda or citrus juice.


For cleaning, you can take not only the lemon itself or other fruits - oranges, grapefruits, limes, but also their peel, and even dry citric acid - the result will not change.

Slices of fruit or peel are placed in a container suitable for use in the microwave and filled with water. If citric acid is used, then 1 sachet weighing 25 g is required per glass of water.

Place the solution into the chamber. The mode is selected based on the power of the device - different models they differ. The goal is for the water to boil. Leave the stove to operate for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination of the internal surfaces.

After this, it is better not to open the door immediately so that the splashes of fat are properly softened. During this time, be sure to disconnect the device from the network.

After steam treatment lemon water fat can be easily removed with a simple soft sponge. On final stage Wipe the camera dry with a clean cloth.

An additional advantage of such cleaning will be a light citrus aroma, if used. fresh fruit. After use citric acid there will be no smell left.


You cannot use dry soda when cleaning the microwave chamber - it can damage protective layer on its internal surfaces, thereby reducing the service life of the equipment.

But steam at a boil soda solution It will gently clean the inside of the microwave and will do a great job even with old dirt.

To do this, fill a half-liter container with water and add soda. You will need 3 tablespoons. Set the maximum heating mode for 10 minutes, after finishing work, disconnect the device from the network and wait another 15 minutes. Clean in the same way as when using lemon.

The disinfecting and cleaning properties of ordinary laundry soap make it suitable means for cleaning the microwave at home.

To do this, soap a soft damp cloth and wipe the oven chamber with it. Leave the soap suds for a few minutes to soften all dirt, after which all surfaces are washed well. This must be done carefully, but carefully, so as not to wet the mechanism parts.

If after such cleaning, when using the microwave for the first time, a barely noticeable burning smell appears, then, most likely, the soap was not completely washed off the walls.

Even strong greasy stains can be removed with vinegar, but after using it, its characteristic smell may settle inside the microwave.

When working, you should ensure that the room is well ventilated: open the kitchen door and window.

For 1 liter of water you will need three tablespoons of vinegar. A cup of liquid is placed in the chamber, the maximum heating mode is selected, the operating time is set from 10 to 20 minutes, focusing on the degree of contamination.

Afterwards, unplug the microwave and wait about another half hour for the steam that settles on the walls of the chamber to dissolve the fat well.

Then the softened dirt is removed with a sponge, wiped with a damp cloth, and wiped dry.

The listed methods may not completely clean a heavily soiled microwave. In this case, a more effective remedy should be used.

When using a soda-vinegar solution, you must open the window and door.

Per liter of water add 2 tablespoons of soda and 3 tablespoons of vinegar. The bowl of liquid is placed in the oven and the setting is set to maximum. 10 minutes after the liquid boils, stop the microwave and unplug it. In order for dirt to be washed off better, it is recommended not to start cleaning immediately, but to wait half an hour.

Removing unpleasant odor

Sometimes, even after cleaning, an unpleasant smell of burnt food or rancid fat remains inside the microwave.

Several tools available in every kitchen will help you get rid of it:

  • a handful of salt;
  • a few tablespoons of ground coffee;
  • powdered activated carbon tablets.

Salt and charcoal absorb well foreign odors, and the coffee will leave behind an unobtrusive pleasant aroma.

Any of these products is poured onto a saucer, placed in the oven chamber, the door is closed and left there overnight. The next morning the unpleasant smell will go away.

These are simple and available funds will help quickly return the microwave to cleanliness and eliminate bad odors, and the protective cap will prevent the appearance of grease splashes in the future.

Any microwave oven, if it is not wiped inside after each use, requires thorough cleaning. All the food that you cook or heat up releases vapors with fat, or even splashes with it when heated, leaving deposits on the walls, which dry out over time and, of course, become very difficult to remove. In this article we will tell you how to clean the grease inside a microwave easily and quickly, and also look at several effective methods that you can use at home.

All oven cleaning methods that we have selected for you do not require high costs and the use of expensive and harmful household chemicals, but nevertheless they are all very effective and save a lot of time and money.

The first way to clean the inside of the microwave. Every home should have regular table vinegar, which we use for household purposes, and this is what we will need for our first method, which many people know about, this is cleaning with vinegar, for this we will need:

  • 400-500ml water;
  • A plate suitable for the volume of water we need
    and suitable for microwave use;
  • Table vinegar 3-5 tablespoons.

Pour water into a plate and add vinegar. Stir and microwave for 7 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the plate and wipe everything inside with a sponge, napkin or cloth. There is a nuance here - very old and strong congealed fat You'll have to scrape it with your nails and the hard side of a sponge. Then wipe everything with a damp cloth and again, but this time dry. Vinegar will clean the microwave much faster than you will rub it with any chemicals.

Before wiping the inside of the microwave, make sure it is unplugged.

This method will help you quickly get rid of grease and carbon deposits at home, and with the same method you can wash the lid with which you cover plates by simply covering it with a plate of vinegar and setting it on the timer for 5 minutes.

Cleaning with soda

Knowing how to quickly clean the microwave from grease with soda, you can forget about special household chemicals and once again be convinced of the magical properties of soda. Let's collect what we need from the list:

  • Water 300ml;
  • Water plate;
  • Soda 3-4 tablespoons.

Add soda to a plate with water already poured into it, mix thoroughly and put in the microwave for 10-15 minutes at maximum power. After turning off, do not open the door for another 5 minutes, let the fat be saturated with soda steam. Then you can easily get rid of the fat with a napkin or sponge. If old body fat not softened, then repeat the procedure again and you can easily clean the microwave from grease inside, and use the resulting mixture of water and soda to wipe it outside, but without much effort.

Cleaning with citric acid

The method is similar to cleaning with vinegar, only this time active substance there will be citric acid. Dissolve one packet of acid in a plate of water and turn on the microwave for 7 minutes. We arm ourselves with a sponge or napkin and remove the fat that has softened inside from the walls. Then simply wipe with a damp cloth and let dry.

It is worth noting that citric acid not only cleans the microwave from grease from the inside, but also kills all unpleasant odors formed during the operation of the oven. The plate with the prepared mixture can then be placed in the refrigerator to remove odors in it. Below watch a video on the topic for clarity.

Video on how to quickly clean grease from a microwave

Introduce modern kitchen It's almost impossible without a microwave. With today's pace of life, an oven will help defrost food, reheat a previously prepared dish, and even cook delicious porridge or a wonderful omelette. But sometimes minor dirt and grease interfere with its operation. And only proper and regular cleaning of the microwave will return it to normal operation and make it a full-fledged mistress in the kitchen again.

What should not be washed

The inner surface of a microwave oven is usually made of ceramics. This means that using iron brushes or other coarse abrasives for washing will worsen the condition of the enamel. Scratches will appear where grease can easily penetrate. And in the future it will be much more difficult to wash off fat deposits.

Experts do not recommend using it for the inside of the stove. washing powder, cleaning abrasives such as Pemolux, Biolan, Comet and the like. The most the best means liquid and gentle.

Don't forget that the microwave electrical appliance. This means foam gets on the heating element and other devices working chamber, will lead to damage to the stove, beyond repair. Liquid dripping from the sponge may get on the grill or other elements. important devices. This will not happen if you wring out the napkins and sponge well, and if drops get on heating elements, dry them immediately with a soft cloth.

Lemon acid

There are many products that can be used to clean microwave ovens. There is no need to stock up on expensive chemical liquids and sprays. Look in your home, refrigerator, closet. There will definitely be a product there that will save the microwave from sticking soot and grease.

Citric acid works well on dried grease and dirt. The unpleasant aroma emanating from the device will disappear, and the original shine will return. Read a more detailed article about cleaning the microwave with lemon.

Mixture structure: citric acid – 1 tsp; water – 0.5 l. Add citrus slices if desired. Next steps:

  • Pour the mixture into a special bowl. Place it in the work compartment.
  • Leave for 20 minutes in the oven turned on at high power.
  • Wait 5 minutes after switching off.
  • Wipe the inner walls with a napkin.

Table vinegar

Thanks to table vinegar You can quickly and effectively clean the working chamber. Mixture composition: water – 0.5 l, 9% vinegar – 2 tbsp. spoons. The prepared solution is placed in special dishes, place on a glass tray and heat. Then wipe with a napkin. Read a more detailed article about cleaning with vinegar.

Baking soda

Cleaning the microwave with a solution baking soda, which can always be found in any home. It not only cleans the surface, but also disinfects it. The oven will be clean and sterile at the same time.

Mixture structure: Water – 0.5 l, baking soda – 1 tbsp. spoon. The solution is boiled for 15–20 minutes in a microwave-safe container inside the chamber. Detailed article.

Filtered water

Perhaps the method is the least expensive, but very productive. Completely suitable for removing grease and dirt from chamber walls. The steps of the procedure are as follows:

  1. A two hundred gram glass filled to one third is placed in a microwave oven.
  2. Heat for 7-10 minutes as usual.
  3. After switching off, wipe the inside surface of the cabinet without any effort.
  4. The steam will melt the fat, making it easy to remove.

Attention. To avoid burning your hands, allow the oven to cool before continuing with cleaning.

Liquid dish soap

Dish cleaners available in the house will help clean the dirty walls of the microwave from grease and soot.

Preparation of the composition: 1 glass of water, a few drops of dish gel. The diluted gel is placed in the working chamber and boiled. Cooled down household appliance wipe with a napkin.

Important. When boiling, a lot of foam is formed, which can overflow the edges of the glass. Therefore, choose large dishes, and pour liquids only halfway.


A good and safe composition for cleaning a very dirty stove is a glass cleaning solution. The microwave oven is disconnected from electricity before the procedure. Next, prepare the mixture in the following ratio: water - 1 part, glass washing liquid - 2 parts.

The total volume of solution should be enough to wash the oven walls on both sides. Moisten the sponge with the solution and wipe everything thoroughly. The dried fat is pre-soaked in the same liquid, and in 5 minutes it will spread. Finally, wipe the entire chamber well with a wet cloth.

Store-bought chemical compounds

How can you clean a microwave at home if the available means do not produce results? They will help chemical compositions from the shop. Both our and foreign industries produce many of these products, packaged in the form of a spray or gel. They help to cope with fatty deposits, rust and other contaminants. microwave cabinet. Each composition has its own nuances, but the main cleaning path is the same everywhere. The product is applied to the inner surface, including the bottom of the working chamber. Do this carefully, without touching the grilles hiding the magnetron. A sponge is used to apply the gel. After a quarter of an hour, the residue is washed off with a damp cloth and then wiped dry with a soft rag.

How to remove the smell

It's no secret that each product has its own smell, which accumulates in the oven. To eliminate unpleasant odors, special liquids (sprays) are sold. They spray the microwave from the inside and, closing the door, leave it overnight. In the morning, rub a soft cloth along the walls of the structure.

Another option that tells you how to clean the microwave from the smell from the inside. Mixture structure: water, detergent, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons. The ingredients are combined and processed in the microwave. The waiting period is 10–15 minutes with the door closed. After the procedure, the household appliance is left open all day or all night.

So that the household appliance does not have to be washed so often, some settings are used:

  • Cover the dish in the microwave oven with a special lid that will collect grease splashes. It is much easier to clean such a device than the entire microwave.
  • Every day, wipe the inside of the household appliance with a damp cloth or foam sponge. And after cooking or heating food, immediately wipe the walls from any grease and dirt that has fallen on them.
  • To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant aroma, you should put several tablets of activated carbon inside at night.

Microwave care

To household device worked properly, you need to take care of it and comply with all safety requirements for using heating devices.

  • Install the device at a distance of 85 cm from the floor, away from gas and electrical appliances.
  • For the microwave to function properly, it must be washed promptly and correctly.
  • Use ceramic or glassware with a tight lid without patterns or metal rims.
  • It is prohibited to turn on empty equipment to avoid shortening its service life.
  • It is not recommended to turn on the microwave oven in grill or convection mode if the inner walls are dirty or covered with grease. In this case, it will not be easy to wash off the hardened fat.

Even if you follow these simple conditions, you can maintain the functionality of your equipment for a long time.

Most scientists cannot agree on whether microwave ovens are harmful to human health. Their disputes are based on the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the activity of the brain, gastrointestinal tract, heart, and other organs. And most of them come to a positive conclusion.

And while scientists argue, life does not stand still, microwave oven remains an indispensable assistant, and requires attention and daily care.

The microwave oven took a long time place of honor in every kitchen. It is convenient and practical to use. There is one minus - during operation it quickly becomes dirty. The problem is dried pieces of food, residues of various liquids and seasonings, and an unpleasant odor. And grease stains remaining on the internal surfaces of the microwave are especially troublesome. Good news- you can get rid of even the most stubborn stains without any problems. The main thing is to know a few secrets. But first…

...Don't forget about safety measures

Is your microwave covered in greasy, unsightly stains? Don't despair! There are many useful tips How to clean the surface from grease. But before you start fighting pollution, read and remember the basic precautions:

  • Before cleaning, unplug the microwave and remove it from electrical outlet cord.
  • If the oven has been recently used, open the door and allow it to cool.
  • When cleaning the surfaces of the microwave, both inside and outside, do not use a lot of water. The sponge should be damp and wrung out. Avoid liquid flows so that moisture does not get on the sensitive elements of the device, for example, the ventilation hole, the power supply.
  • For work, do not use hard brushes, metal brushes or sponges. They leave scratches, which can later turn into cracks and cause the device to fail.
  • It is also not recommended to use harsh cleaning agents, abrasive and aggressive substances.
  • Under no circumstances should you disassemble the unit yourself, trying to get into hard-to-reach places for cleaning! Open the microwave and put it back together without negative consequences Only a specialist can.
    You can remove crumbs from inaccessible areas by using a vacuum cleaner with a narrow attachment.
  • After washing the microwave, you need to give it time to dry completely and do not plug it in immediately.

Effective ways to clean microwave grease

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of microwave cleaning products. But there are also proven traditional methods. They will require substances available on hand in every home.

Home methods for getting rid of fat:

1. Set up a steam bath in the microwave.

This is the fastest and economical option, since for cleaning you only need a container with ordinary water.
A small amount of water is poured into a glass container and placed inside the microwave. Select the operating mode: set maximum power for 10–15 minutes. The water should boil within 5 minutes. This allows the fat to melt. At the end of the cycle, you need to unplug the microwave and carefully remove the bowl of water. All that remains is to wipe the camera with a sponge. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

A little tip: a container is more suitable for cleaning this way. large diameter. Ideally, a wide and not very deep plate. Thus, moisture will evaporate more actively, covering large area cameras.

2. Lemon - not only healthy fruit, but also a reliable assistant in the household.

Efficient and universal method, allowing you not only to cope with burning, grease stains, but also to eliminate unpleasant odors. You can take any citrus fruit, not just lemon. To clean the microwave oven, both pulp and juice, as well as fruit peel, are suitable. In the absence of fresh lemon, you can use citric acid powder - the effect will be the same.

  • The cleaning method is as follows:
  • Pour water into a microwave-safe glass container.
  • Cut the lemon into pieces and place in a plate with water.
  • Place the container in the chamber and select the maximum operating mode.
  • The operating time is selected depending on the degree of contamination, from 5 to 15 minutes.
  • After turning off the microwave, wait 5 minutes and unplug the device.
  • Wipe the inner walls with a sponge, you can even moisten it in the used lemon solution.
  • Dry the unit.

Important: during the cycle it is necessary to monitor the liquid level, preventing it from completely evaporating.

3. Indispensable soda.

Baking soda works great on dried grease stains and other stains. To clean your microwave, follow these steps:

Prepare a soda solution: dissolve 3 tbsp in 0.5 liters of water. spoons of soda.
Pour the resulting liquid into a wide plate and place it in the chamber.
Set the power to maximum and the timer to 15 minutes.
At the end of the process, wait another 5 minutes for the vapors of the soda solution to settle on the walls of the microwave.
Turn off the appliance, remove the plate, wipe the inner surface with a sponge, removing dissolved fat residues.
Additionally, you can treat the walls with soda powder.

4. Vinegar - will remove dirt, disinfect the surface, and kill germs.

Vinegar is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio; you will need at least a glass of liquid. Pour the diluted mixture into a wide bowl and place it inside the microwave. Then they proceed in the same way as in the previous methods: wait for the mixture to boil, let it work for a short time and turn it off. At the end, clean the chamber of grease with a cloth.

Please note: when heated, vinegar releases a strong, pungent odor, so the room should be well ventilated during operation.

All these cleansing methods do their job well, but it’s still better to avoid heavy pollution microwaves. This will save both time and effort.

  • Cover the container with a lid or parchment paper while cooking. This will protect the walls of the device from splashes of grease. The lid must be washed after each use.
  • Liquid foods that need to be heated should not be poured to the very top. This will prevent the liquid from splashing onto the tray.
  • If the process of using the microwave oven has been long, it is recommended to leave the door open for ventilation.
  • Any stains, spilled liquid, or stuck-on pieces of food should be removed immediately upon completion of the cooking process. This will avoid the formation of old, persistent stains.
  • After each use, clean the inside of the oven using first a soft, damp cloth or sponge and then a dry cloth.
  • Due attention should be paid to periodic cleaning of the tray, as well as the bottom: remove all kinds of crumbs, wash off splashes.

By following these rules, you will not only enjoy the cleanliness of the device, but will also significantly extend its service life.

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