Carrots are a tasty, healthy and easy-to-eat vegetable. In winter, it becomes a truly irreplaceable source of vitamins and fiber. Read our article about the rules for storing carrots and how long you can store carrots.

To ensure that carrots do not rot, retain vitamins and remain juicy, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature and humidity in the storage area.

Storing carrots in winter

Carrots have thin skin, so during storage the vegetable can sprout, rot or freeze. If you have a cellar, basement, underground or garage pit that does not freeze in winter, then the question of where to store carrots does not arise. The most favorable conditionsconstant temperature air +1 °C and relative air humidity 90 – 95%. Also, it is better to limit air access to the storage area. In such conditions, the root crop can survive until the next harvest.

Before harvesting into the cellar, the root crops are dried for several hours. fresh air. At the same time, it is important to prevent drying out - the carrots should not become flabby after drying. Immediately after digging, the tops are cut to the shoulders, leaving no more than 1 cm of petioles.

Before storing carrots, they must be thoroughly dried.

In the cellar

Carrots can be stored in the cellar in different ways:

  • in boxes with thick walls and lids (no more than 20 kg). The boxes are placed on stands, 15-20 cm high above the floor and at a short distance from the walls, then filled with carrots;
  • in bags - root vegetables are poured into plastic bags (preferably no more than 20 kg) and, without closing them, placed in the cellar;
  • in sand - the carrots are sprinkled with sand, which will help them maintain their natural juiciness and prevent mold and rot from spreading. The root vegetables are placed in boxes, stacked like a woodpile, and sprinkled with sand so that the heads protrude slightly outward - this will make it easier to take carrots from the stack. The bottom of the box is covered with a two-centimeter layer of sand. It is important that the root vegetables do not come into contact with each other. Every year, sand needs to be harvested anew, since last year’s sand accumulates microbial spores, which can cause the new carrot crop to rot;
  • in clay - make a clay mash by mixing the clay with water until the consistency of thick kefir. Root vegetables are dipped into the mixture for 2 minutes, then removed and lightly dried in air. Instead of clay, you can use regular chalk, but this storage method will be more expensive. Once dry, the mash forms a durable case that prevents water evaporation and protects against rotting. Carrots in clay “cases” are placed in boxes. This technique allows you to almost completely avoid waste during storage, but it will be difficult to clean the vegetable - the dried clay will have to be washed off for a long time and thoroughly;
  • in sawdust – carrots are perfectly preserved in sawdust with a moisture content of 18-20%. It is better to use pine sawdust - they contain esters that are harmful to microorganisms. In such conditions, carrots are stored the longest - almost a year.

Another storage method is recycling. Do carrot juice, roll it into jars and enjoy the winter vitamins at least every day

In the ground

The most economical and reliable way storage for those who do not have a cellar, but have land plot, - just bury the root crops in the ground in the fall. The only downside to this method is that you won't be able to get the carrots out until the ground thaws. But early spring you will have the opportunity to enjoy surprisingly sweet and juicy carrots.

With the onset of the first cold weather, unwashed, slightly dried carrots are placed in a waterproof polyethylene bag and the neck is tied with a rope with a long end. In advance, while it is still warm, they dig a hole about a meter deep in the soil. The bag is placed at the bottom of the hole and covered with earth. The end of the rope should remain on the surface. In the spring, by pulling the rope, the bag is removed to the surface.

In regions with snowy and relatively mild winters (for example, middle lane) You can save the vegetable until spring right in the garden. To do this, do not dig up part of the crop, cut off the tops and fill the bed with coarse sand; the thickness of the sand layer should be at least 15 cm. The improvised storage is covered with polyethylene on top. In the spring, after the snow melts, the carrots can be dug up - they will remain fresh.

In the photo - Korean carrots, another way to preserve vegetables for the whole winter

Storage at home (in an apartment)

Carrots are stored in boxes with a capacity of no more than 10 kg. The boxes are placed on the balcony, and when the temperature begins to drop below 0 °C, they are wrapped in old clothes and blankets. And with the onset of frost, it is better to bring the boxes into the apartment.

How to store carrots in the refrigerator? Without washing them off the ground, place the carrots in a plastic bag and tie the neck, removing most of the air from the bag. No more than three to four root vegetables are placed in each bag. To prevent condensation from forming on the vegetables, do not close the bags placed in the refrigerator during the first day of storage. In this way, carrots can be stored for up to two months.

When storing carrots in onion skins to the bottom plastic box pour out a layer of husks, on top of which the root vegetables are laid. The husks are poured back in, carrots are placed, etc. The box is placed in a cold place: in an unheated pantry, on a glazed loggia. On frosty days, boxes standing on the loggia should be wrapped (with old blankets).

Without special labor you can save carrots in the freezer. To do this, it is washed, peeled, grated on a coarse grater, placed in plastic bags and placed in the freezer. In winter, as needed, carrots are thawed and used for cooking.

An excellent storage method is freezing. Peel the carrots, cut into cubes/slices/circles or grate and pack in bags convenient size. So, in freezer carrots will last all winter and will always be on hand

And finally: no matter how you try to store carrots in a cellar or in an apartment, if the variety is not intended for long-term storage, all efforts will be in vain. Carrots with a sharp, cone-shaped tip store well, unlike blunt-tipped varieties.

How to store carrots is a completely natural question, especially in autumn- winter period. Everyone knows about its benefits, but storing carrots causes some difficulties not only for beginners. That is why I decided to collect in this article all useful information about how to store carrots.

You've probably heard that theater begins with the wardrobe. So, like this, proper storage of vegetables begins from the moment they are harvested. Although, perhaps, even from the choice of a variety of a particular plant, not all varieties are stored the same. In the article I will definitely focus on these important points, how “when to harvest carrots” and what varieties of carrots there are for long-term storage. By the way, about the intricacies of growing these healthy root vegetables can be found out .

There are some subtleties when collecting this root vegetable and preparing it for storage. I will not talk about harvesting carrots on large plantations, since you are unlikely to sow your entire plot with carrots only. Let's talk about an ordinary underground beauty grown in a country house or personal plot.

Harvesting carrots and preparing them for storage

When should you harvest carrots? It's best to do this in good weather and when the soil is dry. This will reduce the drying time required before storing the root crop.

You can start harvesting after September 15, but since carrots are not afraid of frost, they can be harvested until mid-October.

Before removing the root crop from the ground, it is worth digging up the soil. For these purposes, you can use a shovel, but it is best to use a dull pitchfork, as they will damage the carrots less. If your soil is light, then after digging the root crops can be easily pulled out of the ground.

Then place the vegetables to dry. If the weather is dry, then a few hours is enough, but if the carrots were harvested on a rainy day, then it will take 1-2 days to dry.

After drying, we clean the carrots from any remaining soil, but so as not to damage them. Nothing bad will happen if there is some soil left on the root crops.

The next stage is removing the tops. We remove it almost completely, leaving only a few millimeters. We place these carrots for storage.

Another tip. For long-term storage, select whole, undamaged root vegetables. Use the rest in the coming months.

Alternatively, you can do something like this simple blank for winter:

How to properly store carrots

Among all vegetables, storing carrots, both industrially and at home, poses some difficulties. This is due to the fact that it is very demanding on storage conditions. They must be observed impeccably if you want to receive good result. By the way, did you know that it is better to store carrots and apples in separate rooms? Why this is so, you will find out from the article.

Conditions for storing carrots in winter
The temperature of the storage room should range from - 1 to + 2 degrees, and the air humidity should be close to 90 - 95%. Ventilation is moderate; air access to root crops should be limited.

These harsh storage conditions are due to the fact that even a slight increase in temperature, fluctuations in humidity and excess oxygen can disrupt the dormancy of carrots. Subsequently, it will begin to sprout, wither and rot.

But beets are easier to store (you can read about this).

Methods for storing carrots
Carrots are stored very well in cellars and basements, as well as in pits and piles that do not freeze in winter. Proper storage will help preserve it beneficial properties and reduce losses. There are several ways to store carrots, and I’ll tell you about them now.

Storing carrots in the basement
1st method– storage in small boxes.
It’s better to choose boxes that can accommodate no more than 20 kg of carrots. This storage method will help you save space for other vegetables. The boxes should preferably have thick walls and a lid. Carrots will be stored better in such boxes than in containers with holes. The boxes themselves should be installed on a stand, 15-20 cm high above the floor, and at the same distance from each wall.

2nd method– storage in pine sawdust.

Using this method, you can store carrots in the same boxes discussed in method 1. If you do not have suitable containers, you can store it in pine sawdust simply on shelves or in piles. To do this, arrange shelves or heaps at a level of 20 cm from the floor, which are covered with sawdust. Place root vegetables on the sawdust, which you also sprinkle with sawdust. Do the same with each row of carrots you place.

For long-term storage of carrots, you need to take pine sawdust. They contain essential oils, which prevent germination and the appearance of rot.

How to store carrots in the cellar?
Method 1 - pyramids or piles. It is best to store carrots in the cellar, folded into piles or pyramids. It is advisable that their height does not exceed 1 meter. Under bottom row pour sand in a layer of 2 cm. Then lay the root vegetables with their heads facing out and pour sand again, but 1 cm is enough. Do this with each row of carrots. Please note that you need to make sure that the root vegetables do not touch each other. Top layer sand, as well as sand on the sides of the pyramid or bead, should be sprinkled with water as it dries.

Method 2 - carrots in clay clothes. Storing carrots in winter is also possible in a clay shell. Prepare a thick solution of clay and water the consistency of sour cream, place the root vegetables in this solution for 2-3 minutes and dry. Make sure that the root crop is completely covered with such a shell. You can store carrots prepared in this way in open drawers or baskets

How to store carrots at home?
To store carrots at home, you will need dry onion peel. Place a layer of husks on the bottom of the box, then carrots, and so alternate almost to the top. As stated above, store only whole root vegetables. Place the box of carrots in a cool place in your home or apartment. If you store it on the balcony, then on very frosty days cover the box with a blanket or something similar.

How to store carrots in the refrigerator?
Unwashed carrots should be placed in a plastic bag (bag), rolled tightly and placed in the refrigerator. To make it last longer, it is better if you put 2-3 root vegetables in one bag. This will prevent excess air and moisture from getting into it. Before placing the root vegetables in the bag, chill them overnight in the refrigerator, uncovered. Otherwise, condensation will form and the carrots will begin to sprout and rot.

Shelf life of carrots
Of course, the shelf life of carrots depends on the chosen storage option.
These are the deadlines:

  • In plastic bags (in the refrigerator) – from 1 to 2 months;
  • In a clay shell (in the cellar) - until the new harvest (up to a year);
  • In sand (in a cellar) – from 6 to 8 months;
  • In pine sawdust (in the basement) - up to a year;
  • In closed boxes (in the basement) - from 5 to 8 months.

Varieties of carrots for storage

That's all I wanted to tell you today.
You now know how to store carrots in winter. Take note of the methods for storing carrots that suit you and eat these healthy vegetables until the new harvest. Well, in the spring, sow the seeds of carrot varieties that are suitable for long-term storage. It's better if they are different varieties. How do you store carrots?

P.S. Sowing carrots and “forgetting” about them until it’s time to harvest – is this possible? Yes, this is possible:

I advise, dear readers, not to miss the publication of new materials on this blog.

Root vegetables must be stored so that they do not wither, rot or sprout., otherwise the carrots will lose their taste and useful qualities. Effective methods and recommendations from summer residents will help preserve the juiciness and freshness of the vegetable. Let's find out how and where to store carrots correctly.

In a private courtyard (dacha) there is most often the basement is best place for storing vegetables.

Knowing the subtleties proper preparation, carrots can lie inside the basement until spring. Some manage to keep it until summer.

It all depends on the variety and preparatory work. The degree of preservation is influenced by the fact whether purchased carrots are stored in the basement or grown in the garden.

In apartment conditions, the root crop retains its qualities if place it on the balcony, where it is not cold, in winter or in the pantry. It also requires preparation and the right location.

In addition to preserving at home, options for storing root vegetables for future use are suitable here. For example, canned, dried or frozen.

A small amount can simply be placed in the refrigerator, where root crops can lie and not spoil for up to 2 months.

In the cellar

Traditionally, containers were not used to store carrots; they simply poured a bunch of sand and buried the root crops in it. Nowadays, this method is often abandoned, using plastic or wooden containers.

The bottom of the box is covered with paper or cellophane to prevent sand from spilling out. Paper will be preferable as it allows air to pass through. Pour a layer of sand on top, level it, if stones come across, remove them.

Lay the root vegetables in an even layer, leaving small gaps so that sand can spill in there without any problems.

Sand is sprinkled on top of the carrot layer. so that it is well covered. Everything is thoroughly leveled for the next layer of root vegetables.

Advice: Instead of sand, root vegetables can be sprinkled with sawdust or onion peels.

Alternate layers as much as the height of the box allows. If necessary, you can store several boxes, it all depends on the amount of carrots.

There is no need to cover the boxes with anything other than sand. Read about how to properly prepare root vegetables in the material below.

On the balcony

Before the onset of cold weather, the safety of vegetables can be ensured even on unglazed balconies. However it is better if there is a balcony protected from moisture and sun, where the temperature in winter is - 0 - 1 °C.

You need to store carrots in boxes, layering the layers with newsprint.. Cover the top of the box with cellophane and cloth; the root crops will have enough moisture and coolness.

Tip: instead of paper, you can use sand as in the basement version.

Freezing in the freezer

Almost all vegetables are preserved by freezing. carrots are ideal for this purpose. This method will save time on cooking, because the vegetable will be peeled and chopped.

Before putting it inside the freezer root vegetables need to be peeled and washed under running water . You can freeze carrots in different ways:

  • cut into cubes, rings or strips;
  • grate or chop with a food processor;
  • use a Korean carrot grater;
  • cut into cubes or whole.

The cutting method is selected individually based on personal preferences. For example, grated is suitable for frying, and in cubes and whole for carrot puree.

Chopped vegetables are placed in plastic bags or airtight containers for freezing. Placed inside chest freezer or freezer compartment. The only disadvantage when frozen is that vegetables lose 65-80% of their usefulness.

Important: you can store this way up to next harvest, this method will never fail.

Is it possible to store it in an apartment in the refrigerator?

Inside the refrigerator Root crops are able to retain their value and shape for quite a long period.

Carrots will feel comfortable on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator if you follow some rules:

  1. Prepare root vegetables correctly; do not wash them under any circumstances.
  2. Washed carrots are not suitable for long-term storage. If it is washed, dry it and place it in a plastic bag. Close it hermetically, then moisture will remain inside.
  3. In the case of unwashed vegetables, they need to be dried. Sort through to avoid rot and damage. Put it inside plastic bag and tie it to prevent air from entering.
  4. A special niche or shelf at the bottom of the refrigerator is usually used to store vegetables.

When you need to take carrots out of the refrigerator, open the bag, take as much as you need and close it back. At the same time, you should look to see if there are spoiled root vegetables inside.

If everything is fine, there is no need to worry. If putrefactive damage is detected, it is better to process or freeze such carrots.

In bags at home

If you place root vegetables inside a bag and store it in an apartment, if the vegetables are of high quality, they can stay like this for 2-3 weeks.

However There is no guarantee that they will not start to deteriorate. Everything may look good on top, but the inside of the carrots will begin to rot.

With this method, you need to regularly review the packages for putrefactive changes.

How to prepare carrots for storage

The preparatory moment is the most crucial, the shelf life of the vegetable depends on what and how the vegetable is stored.

To prevent mistakes, you have to adhere to strict rules:

  1. Never wash vegetables before storing them. The exception is freezing vegetables.
  2. Each root crop is carefully inspected, the slightest damage is rejected. It is better to use such root vegetables for preparations.
  3. The sorted vegetables are lightly dried in the wind. There is no need to over-dry or keep it in the sun for a long time. In this case, the carrot can be turned over from one side to the other.
  4. Store as described above with sand or place in bags.
  5. If you use bags, they must be strong and airtight. The bags can be tied or secured with tape.

Cleaning and preparing carrots for storage:

The quality and conditions under which the cultivation took place influence the quality of the food.. If the season was rainy or it was watered heavily, it may rot.

It happens that purchased vegetables are heavily treated with chemicals - this also affects their safety.

The best varieties for storage: Shantane, Moscow Winter, Vitaminnaya, Karotel.

Storing carrots causes enough trouble for summer residents. However, without proper conditions, this is difficult to achieve. If you do everything right, it will remain juicy and fresh until the next harvest!

Carrots are a type of agricultural crop that is universal in terms of use. It is used in fresh, for storage and processing. Late varieties and hybrids are grown for, which meet the following requirements:

  • correct shape of carrot root;
  • relatively high yield;
  • storage capacity.

Due to the low shelf life of table carrots when long-term storage part of the harvest may be completely lost.

To wash or not?

To wash or not to wash the harvest? It all depends on the total amount of carrots. If there are, for example, 10 buckets, then you need to decide whether there is time for this, power, water, a place for drying root vegetables. If everything is available, then you can start preparing root vegetables.

Clean carrots will last much longer than unwashed ones. The soil may contain pathogens of various diseases and rots.

Besides this, on a clean peel all damage is visible, even the smallest: wormholes, small cracks, scratches. Place the already washed and sorted carrots on burlap under a canopy.

Attention! You cannot dry it in the sun, as the root vegetables will lose moisture.

Read more about whether you can wash carrots before storing them and how to do it correctly.

Storage duration

If the washed crop will be in the cellar at a temperature from 0 to +3 ° C and relative humidity no more than 90%, then it will be 6 months.

More details about the shelf life of carrots can be found in.


Among gardeners in great demand The following varieties of carrots intended for storage are used:

Read about which varieties are best suited for storing carrots in winter.

How to preserve root vegetables for the winter at home?


  1. Wash root vegetables that are too dirty, place them under a canopy and dry them. Shouldn't stay on them excess moisture, since it negatively affects the preservation of the crop.
  2. Install boxes in the basement. You can fill them with sand or sawdust. Place carrots there. The boxes should be located at a height of 1 m from the floor. Instead of a box of sand, you can use plastic bags. Place them on wooden flooring. Do not tie the bags tightly, otherwise moisture will form inside them.
  3. The optimal air temperature for carrots remains 0…+5° with a humidity of 90%. Air circulation should be minimal.
  4. You can store carrots in the basement only if it is not flooded with water.
  5. If you don’t have a cellar, you can do without it. To do this, you will have to dig a hole in the ground, insulate it and fill it on top. With this method, the harvest can be preserved until spring.

Storage washed carrots in winter:


The process of storing unwashed carrots also has its own characteristics:

Just a note. When all the preparatory activities are completed, you have to decide on how to store unwashed carrots.

There are several of them:

  • In bulk. This method is one of the most effective. At the same time, the basement should not freeze in winter and become damp. In addition, place the carrots on a wooden flooring raised above the floor at a distance of 1 m.
  • In the sand. This method is labor-intensive, but the harvested crop is stored for a long time. Prepare wooden box, cover it with a layer of sand up to 3 m. Place root vegetables on top so that they do not touch. On top there is again a layer of sand, 1.5 cm thick.
  • In boxes and baskets. Cover the root vegetables with a thin layer of clay or slaked lime. The consistency of the solution should resemble sour cream (1 kg of lime or clay per 10 liters of water). To drain excess solution from carrots, spread them out for 1-2 days in a thoroughly ventilated area. Due to the resulting film, it is created reliable protection from rot and decay. Place the dried root vegetables in a deep, large box.
  • In plastic bags. Their capacity should be 30-35 kg. After filling the bag, do not tie it. It's just that when you breathe, carrots secrete carbon dioxide, which is an excellent protection against the development of diseases. Place the bags close to each other in the cellar. But most often this option is used for industrial storage.

Carrots are among the most popular vegetable crops, grown on a personal plot. Despite the undemanding nature of the plant, to obtain bountiful harvest It is important to choose the right variety and follow agricultural practices. In order for carrots to be stored well, you need to know which methods are the most effective.

Optimal storage conditions and periods

Every vegetable grower should know the rules for collecting root crops and storage conditions. How competently the preparatory work is carried out will increase the chances of saving this useful product, without which not a single first course can do.

To ensure that the collected root crops do not lose their taste and marketability for as long as possible, you need to:

  • Ensure carrots are stored at a suitable temperature. If you maintain it at zero degrees, you can slow down the metabolic process 10 times, which contributes to the long-term preservation of root crops. The vegetable is best stored at a temperature of +1-2°C; at +5°C there is a high probability of bud growth.
  • Create a normal level of air humidity in the room. This figure varies from 90 to 95%. If it is lower, the root crops will begin to wither ahead of time, and with excessive humidity, putrefactive processes will develop.
  • Choose the right crop variety. For better keeping quality, late-ripening varieties such as Chantane and Moscow winter are suitable. Early ripening varieties storage is impractical.
  • Don't neglect preparatory activities. In case of non-compliance with this paragraph harmful insects, which remain on the fruits after harvest, can destroy most of the reserves.
  • Eliminate excess oxygen supply to the storage facility.

Depending on the method of storing carrots, the terms may be:

  • 1-2 months when placing fruits in plastic bags;
  • 5-8 months when stored in closed containers in the cellar;
  • before harvesting the next harvest using pine sawdust or using a clay shell;
  • 6-8 months by placing carrots in sand in the cellar;
  • before harvesting a new crop, if left in the garden.

Regardless of the storage method, root vegetables must be protected from the harmful effects of pests. For these purposes, traps with bait are placed in the cellar, repellers are placed, and vegetable storage facilities are processed properly.

Often carrots and apples are kept in the same room, but this is not recommended, otherwise the shelf life of the collected root vegetables and fruits will be shortened.

Selection and preparation of root crops for storage

In order for carrots to last longer in winter, you need to properly approach the harvest and preparatory work. Varieties with late ripening trees are dug up in mid-autumn, before the onset of the first frost. Among the main signs indicating maturation early varieties, highlight the change in color of the lower leaves of the tops to yellow. The duration of their growing season does not exceed 110 days, after which this process stops.

To avoid loss taste characteristics harvested It is not recommended to keep it in the garden. Late varieties are also afraid of autumn frosts. When above-zero air temperatures during the day change to below-zero at night, there is a high probability of developing gray rot and deteriorating the ability of fruits to be stored for long periods of time.

There is no need to water the carrots before harvesting so that they do not crack and remain juicy. The tops are removed immediately, otherwise they deprive the root crops of all nutrients and moisture. The main thing is to unscrew it completely aboveground part to prevent its germination.

Rules for preparing carrots for wintering:

  • vegetables must lie on the floor for 3 hours outdoors in the shade. They should not be exposed to direct sun rays. During this time, the crop will have time to ventilate and dry;
  • then the carrots are transferred to a well-ventilated room where the air temperature is +10-14°C. It remains in such conditions for 7 days so that all minor damage and the root crops themselves can dry out. If there are specimens affected by rot, they can be identified.
  • The next step is to inspect the carrots and remove all low-quality fruits.

The best stored varieties are with high degree keeping quality, well ripened, without mechanical damage or disease. Before storing carrots, they should be cooled to a temperature of zero degrees.

If the harvest is small, it is washed and given time to dry. This simple technique allows you to rid root vegetables of pathogens.

How to store carrots

There are several methods that are suitable for preserving vegetables, the main thing is to know the characteristics of each. It is recommended to store carrots in pre-dried and disinfected rooms so that neither bacteria nor other pathogens destroy them. In the storage before bookmarking you need to carry out general cleaning, cleaning both the shelves and the floor if necessary.

Basement or cellar

Selected and sorted root crops will be able to remain in storage until the next harvest. basement, if you know how to store vegetables underground. First of all, you need to remove all last year's plant residues and sand in which the fruits were stored. It is advisable to carry out disinfection 1 month before planting carrots.

For these purposes they use slaked lime(1 kg) and copper sulfate(100 g). They are diluted in separate containers and then combined by pouring the first product into the second. In this case, you need to constantly stir the resulting Bordeaux mixture. It is used to treat walls and ceilings in the cellar and basement.

14 days after disinfection, the cellar is whitened with lime with the addition of vitriol. The room must be well ventilated and dry. Ideally, it will have an air temperature in the range of 0-3°C and a humidity level of no more than 97%. In winter when proper storage carrots in the cellar, it is possible to completely preserve all the root crops without loss of taste and commercial qualities.

In the refrigerator

You can freeze carrots in the freezer, but you must first grate them and place them in closed containers. If placed in its entirety, after thawing the structure will become so soft that it will be quite problematic to use. Therefore, carrots are stored in the refrigerator in their pure form and packaged in plastic bags. During the washing process, it is important not to damage the thin skin of root vegetables. To prevent them from being banned, the packages must remain open.

Alternatively, the chopped vegetables are wrapped in film and placed in the freezer.

In the entrance or on the balcony

Residents apartment buildings Those who have neither a basement nor a cellar can store carrots for the winter on the balcony or in the pantry located in the entrance. The main thing is that the air temperature is within 0°C, but not lower than -5°C. If it's too much low temperature, vegetables will freeze and spoil, and at high temperatures they will begin to rot or sprout. The prepared fruits are placed in boxes and wrapped in thick material, for example, a cotton blanket. They will remain in this form for 6-8 months.

How to store carrots at home

Based on the available materials and the volume of the harvest, each gardener chooses an acceptable way to preserve the harvest.

In the sand

For such a storage facility you will need loamy sand, water and wooden containers. This is one of the most common options among vegetable growing lovers who have cellars, underground spaces, and garage pits with cool air. To keep the substrate moist in the container, it is moistened with water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 1 bucket of sand.

Sand is poured onto the bottom of the box in a layer of 3-5 cm. Root crops are laid out in one row at some distance from each other, after which the substrate is poured. These manipulations must be carried out until the entire crop is harvested. Instead of boxes for carrots, buckets of dry sand are sometimes used.

In plastic bags

Carrots are often stored in such a shell at home. It is necessary to use bags with a capacity of 30-35 kg. You should not tie it, otherwise instead of the planned 3-5% damage to the crop, you will get 100%. To maintain normal humidity in plastic bags, they must be left in open form. The carbon dioxide that vegetables emit can protect them from the development of many diseases. Bags of root vegetables should be placed closer to each other. This great way for storage in industrial scale.

In the sawdust

Wood shavings effectively protect fruits from putrefactive processes and pest invasions, which are often the source of problems with the shelf life of root crops. They can also be used to store carrots in the apartment. To do this, fill a wooden container 8-10 cm with sawdust, spread the prepared harvest at intervals from each other and cover it with another layer of shavings of the same thickness.

Most effective way, according to gardeners, the use of sawdust from coniferous trees, which differ high level disinfection. They are also used for basement storage.

In the moss

Peeled and well-dried root vegetables in a cool place are placed in a box that already contains a layer of sphagnum (moss). The carrots are covered with it, then they are laid out again and the manipulation is repeated again. The same method is suitable for long-term storage of beets. Moss has peculiar preservative qualities that allow it to retain carbon dioxide inside. Compared to sand or clay, it is a lighter material that does not add additional stress to carrot boxes.

In paraffin

Washed and dried fruits are immersed in a container with molten paraffin, to which beeswax has previously been added for better elasticity in a small amount. This one is pretty unusual way allows you to preserve the taste and commercial characteristics of the prepared crop for 4-5 months, if you maintain the air temperature in the storage within 0-2°C. Carrots do not lose their freshness and usefulness; the structure of the pulp remains intact. original form.

Clay storage

The method involves the presence of boxes or boxes made of cardboard, water, clay and garlic. Considering that natural material It is distinguished by its ability to pass air well and retain moisture; it is often used for storing vegetables. Here you need to be prepared for the labor-intensive process. The clay is first sifted through a sieve, poured with liquid, and stirred until the consistency is like sour cream. The mixture is left for 3 hours, and during this time a solution of garlic is made.

Cleaned 10 heads spice culture passed through a meat grinder and diluted in two liters of water. The prepared carrots, whose leaves have been trimmed, are dipped in garlic, and then clay mortar, and dried. Root vegetables are transferred to containers and lowered into the cellar.

Long-lasting varieties

The choice of carrots plays an important role when it comes to storing vegetables for the winter. The duration of storage directly depends on the characteristics of a particular variety. The best shelf life indicators were observed in late-ripening or winter crops.

The list of popular varieties includes: Geranda, Cardinal, Valeria, Shantane, Grossa, Nantes-4, as well as Moscow winter, Losinoostrovskaya-13. Regardless of which variety will be planted, after harvesting the fruits must be dried and selected. Place the boxes in places with cool air and normal humidity For better storage vegetables

Carrots are a very capricious crop in terms of planting for the winter. But knowing the basic storage rules allows you to minimize this lack of tasty and healthy root vegetables.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):