Today, the living room has slightly changed its original purpose and has turned from a room for receiving guests into a cozy place to relax. Lately, many people have had to work from home, so with proper zoning of the room, you can highlight there is space for an office in the living room. To create a workplace, you don’t need to do a complete redevelopment; it’s enough to use partitions for zoning, two-level floors or original color schemes. The living room should not become an office, so creating a work corner in it should be taken seriously.

Choosing the optimal place in the living room for the work area

First, let’s answer the question: why should you equip a space for an office in the living room? It's quite simple. In an ordinary apartment there is not much free space, so it is difficult to allocate a separate room for an office. In the bedroom, designers do not recommend decorating a work area, since this room should be a quiet, cozy place conducive to relaxation. The clatter of keys, computer lights and rustling papers don't quite fit into the functional definition of a bedroom.

Office in the living room. Modern solutions

It is because of all these factors that you have to choose the living room. It is necessary to take the location of the workplace very seriously, without disturbing the harmonious perception of the interior of the room. It is preferable to arrange a work area in the corner of the room or near a window. Very often a balcony is combined with a living room, turning into a full-fledged comfortable work area.

Such a modern, affordable, functional type of room decor as will make it easy to distinguish between work and rest areas. If you do not use partitions, then place your desk so that your back is to the TV.

When talking about which part of the living room to turn into an office, they focus on individual needs. Basically, a third part of the room is allocated for the work area. At the same time, there is an office-living room, where both zones are equal.

Design solutions for the living room-office. Photo

Classic living room-office

To decorate the walls, you can use one of the options:

— Make all the walls in the room the same.

— Mark a wall in the recreation area.

— Select the wall of the workplace.

Idea for a living room-office

Sand shades in the living room-office

As for the color scheme, calm tones are preferable, since the work atmosphere does not fit with flashy colors. When decorating a work area, use brown, chocolate, beige, and green shades.

Marsala in the interior of the living room-office

Selection of furniture for the living room-office

Dividing a room into zones involves choosing appropriate furniture for each area.
Furniture needed to create a workplace:
- desk;
- chair;
- shelf for books;
— a bedside table for documents;
- computer and other office equipment.
If usable space is limited, compact, transformable furniture is chosen.

The recreation area is usually equipped with:
- sofa,
- wardrobe with mirrors,
- modular cabinets or chest of drawers.

We recommend reading:
When decorating a living room-office, do not forget that this is still one room, so stick to the same style in everything, trying to find harmony. If you are doing repairs yourself, then on our website you can find. Various ideas and advice from designers will help you decide on the interior design of the living room and other rooms.

Whatever rooms are adjacent to the same room, they must be properly and tastefully decorated. Zoning rooms is a sensitive issue that involves many nuances. How to properly zone a living room and what to pay attention to first - read on.

Many designers inspire their clients to make changes in their interiors. After all, there are so many ideas for dividing rooms that it’s impossible to count them all. An excellent example of room zoning is modern restaurants, where the boundary between the lounge area and the dance area is very clearly drawn. Moreover, these zones do not conflict with each other in terms of style. In most cases, they are made in the same style and there is a certain element of space division in them. This could be a step, a decorative curtain, a fence made of fresh flowers. Of course, a living room in a private apartment is not a restaurant, but it is quite possible to adopt some ideas from restaurant designers.

When it comes to designing a zoned living room, it is important to pay attention to the ownership of the other half of the room. Is this a living room, office or kitchen? Depending on the chosen room, you can provide certain options for solving the problem. The most convenient option for combining rooms is a living room plus a kitchen. When receiving guests, you don’t need to go far for treats, and if something happens, you can easily go to rest in another room.

The main advantages of the living room-kitchen are as follows:

  • The illusion of large space;
  • Functionality of every square meter;
  • The hostess has more time to communicate.

There are also disadvantages:

  • there will be a smell of food in the living room;
  • Cleaning the kitchen happens more often than cleaning the living room; if the rooms are combined, the entire space will have to be cleaned.

If the decision to combine the kitchen with the living room is made, you should pay attention to the following design tips. Using a large amount of red and orange shades for the living room-kitchen will provoke an increase in appetite. To avoid provoking the housewife to consume extra calories, it is best to decorate the living room-kitchen in beige, light yellow, brown or white colors.

Opposite you can put a cabinet with shelves and space for a TV. Everything should be in harmony in color with the walls. Shades may differ by half a tone. In addition, zoning the living room-kitchen can be done using a bar counter. It is perfect for separating the living room and kitchen and will not distract guests from the conversation. The bar counter is ideal for storing dishes and can save space on bedside tables and shelves. The color of the counter should match the color of the walls in the kitchen and the shade of the tiles on the floor.

Seating area in the living room: how to design

As a rule, the relaxation area in the living room-kitchen is a place where people watch TV on a soft sofa, play with children, watch family albums, etc. Therefore, it should be somewhat different from the design of the second half of the room - the kitchen. One of the interior options for the living room-kitchen is a white and beige option. Where white is the color of the kitchen, and beige is the color of the living room. The warm shade of the furniture in the seating area promotes relaxation and communication.

If there is a window in this area, it is worth choosing light beige, milky or coffee-with-milk colored curtains made of loose, but not transparent fabric.

Let them flow and add airiness to the design of a divided living room. If the size of the room allows, you can install a set of furniture: a large sofa for guests and a closet wall with space for plasma. This will give some comfort to the room. The spacious room allows you to pay attention to accessories. A fluffy white or milky carpet, a lamp with an original design and a mobile coffee table will look good in the relaxation area. This design style is suitable for lovers of classic design.

If the windows in a room are positioned so that they illuminate only one part of the room, you should try to divide the room so that each part is illuminated equally. To increase the light, you can place a full-length mirror or glass cabinet in front of the window. In a narrow room that does not allow for a large amount of furniture, you should delineate the boundaries of the kitchen and the living room using kitchen cabinets, flooring or a bamboo curtain.

Living room zoning options: interior and main nuances

The living room is increasingly divided using sliding walls. This division system is quite simple and economical. The most suitable materials for this are glass and plastic. If you are creating a partition between the living room and bedroom, the glass should be frosted and opaque. An openwork partition is suitable for a small room. It is made to order from any material and is perfect for separating the living room and kitchen.

Dividing a room is possible using upholstered furniture. Most often, a large sofa acts as a partition, which is placed next to the light or with its back to it. A divided room opens up some possibilities for experimenting with color combinations.

For a large room, a combination of bright colors, such as yellow and blue, red and white, orange and brown, is acceptable.

Using bright colors you can highlight a particular area of ​​a room or wall. In a one-room apartment, zoning can be done using curtains, drapes or partitions. It is best to choose light natural fabrics that will carefully hide your personal space from prying eyes.

Zoning: walk-through living room and its functions

Most often, the living room in small apartments is a passage room. Few people will make a walk-through bedroom or office. A walk-through, soft living room can keep guests inside and prevent unwanted persons from entering the bedroom or office.

The walk-through living room is decorated in the same way as the living room-kitchen. It should be cozy and stylish.

The functional space of the walk-through living room depends on the footage of the entire room. If there is little space, then only the most necessary pieces of furniture should be placed in the living room, and it is desirable that they be transformable. What concerns can there be about space if a sofa can turn into a bed for guests or an unnecessary bedside table can be hidden into an armchair at the touch of a button.

Spacious room: zoning of a large living room

A large living room combined with a kitchen can be zoned using a podium. The ideas of dividing space by raising one zone are quite new and have been used recently. If the living room is on a raised platform, you can place a sofa with built-in storage drawers there. This will save space on the shelf for CDs and books.

A podium division of a room cannot have any disadvantages within a spacious apartment.

The location of the high zone is such that guests will not be disturbed by the fuss in the kitchen, the play of pets, etc. In the large space of the zoned living room, tall flowers in pots, decorative tall lamps, decorative coffee tables, and any bright accessories will look good.

Zoning a narrow living room: narrow does not mean cramped

The easiest way to create a zonal division of a narrow living room is by using different wall and floor finishes. Most designers offer the option of finishing the hotel area with bright, saturated colors, and the kitchen area with calm, cool shades. The floor in the kitchen area can be made of tiles to match the walls, and the hotel area can be covered with a carpet that matches the color of the furniture and walls. Interior decoration options may vary.

How to properly zoning a living room (video)

As you can see, there are a huge number of ideas for the interior. When choosing a suitable design, you should pay attention to the size of the room and your budget. After all, repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped.

Living room zoning options (photo)

Owners of city apartments are often faced with the fact that it is not always possible to allocate one of the rooms for an office. In this situation, some people prefer to combine several rooms in one. Therefore, the office is often sent to the living room or even the bedroom.

In order to figure out how to properly zone a living room with a workplace, you need to understand how best to arrange a table, a work chair and all the elements of the main room. It is necessary to achieve maximum functionality of the space. It's also worth considering whether a living room workspace in a modern or any other style would actually look good.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If we talk about placing an office in a hall, then in this case this room is optimal for placing a table and a chair in it for future work. The living room tends to have the most light, first and foremost. This is one of the important factors for comfort and prolonged stay at the workplace.

In addition, the living room is considered shared. If it does not belong to anyone, then in this case it will be possible to eliminate the risk of possible quarrels and scandals due to the fact that one of the household members wants to spend time in silence, but is forced to put up with the proximity of someone who works.

There is another interesting point: the interior of a living room with a workplace can be planned in such a way that the common space is not disturbed. Thanks to the correct zoning of the room, the table will fit perfectly into the overall interior. However, some disadvantages should not be excluded.

What to pay attention to

Again, returning to the fact that the living room is a room that does not belong to anyone, it is worth noting that it is in this room that guests most often stay overnight or sit. In the evenings, household members gather in this room to watch TV, which is often a source of rather loud sounds. In such a situation, not everyone will be able to feel comfortable and fully devote themselves to work. In addition, even if the person himself can abstract himself from the surrounding situation, the fact that he is working while a feast is taking place nearby will greatly confuse the guests present.

Therefore, looking at beautiful photos of a living room with a workplace, it’s worth weighing the pros and cons several times. The reality that you will have to face is not always reflected in the pictures.

If you decide to move the office to the living room, then you should pay attention to several important aspects.

Workplace location

It is best to place the table as close to the window as possible. First of all, this design feature of a living room with a workplace is explained by the fact that a person who is forced to work at home will receive natural light throughout the day, which is considered more beneficial for the eyes. In the evening, he can install a lamp there that will not particularly disturb other household members.

If you place the table in the center of the room, then the room will be incorrectly demarcated. This will create too clear and irregular boundaries between the two zones. In addition, the main objects are usually placed in the central part of the room, around which all other interior elements are built.

Such solutions are allowed if we are talking about a small living room with a workplace. In this case, it is worth paying attention to those tables at which several people can sit at once. For example, in the evening, one of the household members will read a book, while the other will do office work.

If it is not possible to install the table according to one of these methods and the only option is to sit with your back to the window, then in this case additional artificial lighting will be required.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some living rooms are equipped with a niche or have an irregular shape. In this case, a similar feature, which is most often considered a disadvantage of the room, can be used specifically for the workspace. If in the resulting empty niche you install furniture for work that was made to order (according to the dimensions of the recess), then in this case you can save a significant amount of space and not disturb others.

Also, many living rooms today are equipped with loggias. If you decorate it correctly, insulate it and thus extend the common room, then in this case the balcony can easily be used as a work area. Some loggias are small in size, so it is impossible to install a work desk in them. But you can also use a window sill. It is enough to install a wider panel on it, which is perfect as a table.

If, when decorating a living room with a workplace, you install a table along the wall, then in this case a person will always have a concrete surface in front of his eyes. Not everyone likes this. In addition, such decisions significantly narrow the corridor. If we are talking about a fairly spacious square-shaped living room, then very often in such rooms there is a fairly large amount of space left in the corners. In this case, you can either zone it or install the table in one of the corners (closer to the window). In this case, it will be possible not to particularly disturb the overall style of the room.

What kind of furniture should you prefer?

Looking at the photos of the design of living rooms with a workplace, you will notice that a standard table and chair are most often installed in this area.

Some complement this area with sofas and couches. However, you need to understand that this type of furniture provokes a person to think about sleep, so this significantly reduces performance. For a workplace in a living room in a modern style, it is best to give preference to light or, conversely, strict designs. It is also recommended to use transparent glass elements. In this case, the desktop will not look too bulky and the office will not burden the overall impression of the living room. It is better to choose modular furniture for the living room. In this case, it will be possible to place the elements more functionally.

Useful additions

If an employee has a lot of office supplies, then it is best to purchase a secretary. In this case, he will have a large number of boxes at his disposal to store all the necessary documentation. It is also worth installing, if the table is located next to the wall, then it is worth installing hanging shelves on it, as well as adding various drawers.

Many people very often lose the necessary documents. Therefore, if there is a wall next to the table, then you can install a cork board on it, on which the necessary documents are secured using buttons. However, this element of decor may confuse the employee a little, since in this case all his work will be constantly in front of the guests.

If we are talking about a large room, then in this case it is worth giving preference to folding desks with sliding elements. Thanks to this, it will be possible not to clutter the room at a time when a person is not working.


If we talk about what is best to sit on, then when decorating a modular living room with a workplace, you should give preference to classic chairs or computer chairs. If it is upholstered furniture, then it will be very difficult to work.

It is advisable to give preference to chairs with armrests and a headrest. They will help you not strain your back and neck during a hard day at work.

If we talk about the material, then in this case it is possible to use both plastic and wood. Some people prefer tables and chairs made of chromed metal. However, the main thing is that the style of the workplace does not necessarily have to fit into the overall interior of the living room. If the room is zoned, then in one room you can safely combine completely different lighting styles and colors.

Wall color

When creating a modular living room with a workplace, it is worth thinking about color schemes for this area. After all, a person will work for quite a long time. In this case, it is best to focus on the psycho-emotional state. For example, a blue tint helps you calm down and concentrate on the necessary details. If bright colors predominate (for example, green, yellow or rich peach), this will help you get creative. Cool shades help ensure focus. Warm colors, on the contrary, make a person more relaxed and prevent him from being completely immersed in work.


If there is not enough natural light coming from the windows, then it is recommended to use spotlights or install several table lamps. It is also not prohibited to use floor lamps, sconces and lamps that are equipped with special clothespins, thanks to which they can be attached anywhere.

The light should not be too bright or dim so that the eyes do not get tired quickly. It is worth choosing the right lighting for yourself. Some people prefer the cooler shades of fluorescent lamps, which make people feel more like they are in an office. He can concentrate. Others prefer softer lighting.

Space planning

In order to properly isolate the work area from the general rest area, you can use several design techniques. For example, you can solve the problem with:

  • Capital walls. In this case, the wall in the living room with a workplace almost completely divides the room into 2 isolated rooms.
  • Light partitions. They can be carved, made of glass or any thin materials. Thanks to this, there is an easy division of the room. At the same time, the person who is in the office feels quite comfortable and does not disturb the rest of the household.
  • Furniture. These elements can also be used very wisely. For example, today there are a huge number of different double-sided shelving units on sale.

Other layout options

Some go for more creative solutions. For example, you can deliberately highlight a work area and make it kind of the main highlight of the living room. To do this, you can create a pedestal and install a desk and chair on it. However, in this case, the person who will work will most likely not feel entirely comfortable.

If you don’t want to use walls or furniture to divide the room (or simply don’t have extra space), then in this case you can use different color schemes. If you paint part of the room in brighter shades, and decorate the work area in pastel colors, then in this case we can talk about another option for zoning the room.

In conclusion

The work area in the living room should first of all be comfortable for the person who will be working. Therefore, you should not chase fashion trends too much to your detriment. The main thing is to think about lighting and comfortable furniture.

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When renovating, we rely on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why the result so often does not live up to expectations.

website I have collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating the interior of a living room.

Your living room only has overhead lighting.

Lighting creates atmosphere and should take into account your mood, so a living room can't get by with just a chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system (table lamps, sconces, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or incorrectly sized carpet

Small rugs bring imbalance to the room, you should choose the right size rug for your living room. A large carpet will provide a visual expansion of the space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place a TV is on an empty wall. Do not install the TV opposite or near a window; this is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3–5 diagonals. Consider this when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material will match the upholstery of the sofa or chair. If the upholstered furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. For small-sized furniture, neat and small products are suitable, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to place the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do this - thereby you will visually increase the space and create comfort. A sofa near the wall in a spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will appear visually squat and cramped if you purchase furniture in dark shades. For a low living room, compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always with raised legs, are suitable. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you and test it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos are not hanging correctly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, a gallery on the wall is a great solution, rather than photo frames placed in all corners.

Large furniture

The most common mistake is to fill a room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a roomy corner sofa. For small living rooms, a double sofa and a pair of armchairs would be preferable.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have a rectangular room, then you can adjust it with the help of a cabinet or shelving unit, since the square shape of the room is most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since, by definition, the sleeping area should be further away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both areas is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that it is convenient for the hostess and there is enough light to prepare food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in one room.
  • Living room and office - the office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.

Previously, the living room was used mainly for receiving guests. It was rarely used for family recreation or as a workplace.

But now the situation has changed radically.

People of our time strive to maximize the productivity of their work with the help of the comfort that a personal account provides.

But what if you don't want to look for a separate room for your workspace?

An excellent choice is to allocate a work area in the living room. To do this, you will not need to completely change the renovation or layout of the living room. It is enough to use certain types of partitions.

But you should understand that creating a small office in your living room is not an easy task. Your actions can easily violate the fine line of comfort in your home.

To avoid this, you need to approach the matter responsibly.

Choosing the best place in the living room to organize a work area

It is worth understanding why the choice falls on the living room. In an ordinary modern apartment there is quite a bit of space for organizing a work area, and your bedroom will not contribute to comfortable activities and increased productivity.

Now we realized that the living room is the best option. But how to arrange the furniture and where to set up the small workspace itself?

The best place is near the window. And if you have a balcony, then combining it with a workplace is a very good solution.

If you locate your work area near a window, then there will be no problems with natural light.

But you should understand that it will be difficult to work in the dark or in bright sunshine.

It is necessary to take care of lighting with a table lamp or other bright light sources.

If you want to separate the work area from the rest of the living room, then use special partitions. They are quite easy to find in building materials stores.

If not, position your chair and table so that you are not distracted by the TV or other external factors.

Of course, the amount of space allocated for a workspace is purely individual, but it is recommended not to use more than a third of the living room space. Otherwise, you risk turning the entire living room into a study.

Choosing furniture for organizing a workspace in the living room

To make your workspace stand out from other areas in the living room, you should choose the right furniture.

It should be compact and meet your personal requirements, which depend on your type of activity.

Don’t forget about the mobility of furniture.

It should be quickly assembled and disassembled, because if you need to free up space in the living room, large and bulky interior items will get in the way.

Here is a sample list of furniture that can be installed:

Desk. Do not choose a table that is too large or small. It should be easy to understand. If you need to place a computer on it, then choose special types of such tables.

Nightstand. It will help you organize your documentation and hide unnecessary things from view.

Soft and comfortable chair. You should not choose an ordinary chair, as it is unlikely to fit into the interior of your workplace.

Let's summarize

A small workspace in the living room is a great choice for larger apartments because carving out space in other rooms is almost impossible.

But if you decide to organize such a “mini” office for yourself, then think about its layout in advance: will you separate this area with a partition or limit yourself to arranging furniture? Choose the furniture you need.

After that, do what you have planned. Now you will have a luxurious workspace that will increase your productivity without compromising the comfort of your home.

Photos of ideas on how to zone a living room with an office

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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