Zucchini is one of the most popular vegetables that can be found in the gardening area. It is unpretentious in cultivation, and its fruits are used to prepare large number culinary masterpieces. In Russia, due to climatic conditions, zucchini seedlings are planted. Already grown plants are planted in open ground so that the fruits have time to ripen before harvesting.

Growing zucchini seedlings at home is not as scary and difficult as it seems at first glance. Even novice gardeners can cope with this task. But in any case, zucchini seeds and soil for them require careful preparation, and young seedlings need care and attention. Only if the required conditions are met will it be possible to grow strong plants which will bear fruit well.

When to plant zucchini seedlings

Planting zucchini seedlings is carried out in strict accordance with the varietal characteristics of the plants, and also depends on the climate of the region where they will be grown. They begin to plant zucchini seeds in April or May - a month before the seedlings move into open ground.

Selection and preparation of soil for seedlings

The best option for cultivating squash seedlings would be nutrient soil having a neutral pH or slightly alkaline environment. The soil mixture is prepared independently, or purchased ready-made in the store. In the latter case, the choice should be made in favor of soil for pumpkin crops.

Homemade soil is prepared from peat and turf soil with the addition of humus and sawdust (the ratio of all these ingredients is 5:2:2:1). It is recommended to mix the acidic substrate with a small amount of ash or chalk.

Preparing the soil involves disinfecting it. The easiest way is to spill boiling water on the ground - this is an excellent preventative measure against a disease such as blackleg.

The finished soil is placed in washed pots with a diameter of about 8-10 cm and a depth of about 10-15 cm. The container should have drainage holes. It is also convenient to use peat pots.

Seed processing and preparation

After the preparation of the soil and containers is completed, they deal directly with the seeds themselves. They undergo sorting, during which non-viable and empty instances are removed. To do this, seeds can be placed in salted water and see which ones float (those that float are unsuitable for planting; they are caught and thrown away).

Then the selected seeds are kept in water at a temperature of about 50 degrees for 5 hours. After such a “bath”, it is recommended to lower them for about 5 minutes in cold water. This measure is an excellent prevention against fungus.

Planting material can also be kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for about 20 minutes. After such treatment, it needs to be washed with clean water.

In order for the seeds to wake up, they need to be heated for up to 10-12 hours on a radiator or for several days in the sun. Next you need to start germinating zucchini seeds - for this planting material placed on a damp cloth. You cannot use gauze, as the roots will certainly get tangled in it and may break off. Germinated seeds require immediate planting.

Usually seeds bought in a store have already gone through all necessary preparation. This is indicated on the packaging with them. In this case, there is no need to prepare zucchini seeds for sowing.

Sowing seeds

Planting zucchini seeds for seedlings is done in a moistened soil mixture. To do this, the soil laid 2/3 in pots is spilled warm water. Each seed is placed lying down to a depth of 2-3 cm (usually 1-2 seeds are placed in one container). You should not plant zucchini vertically - they will not be able to germinate. Next, the seeds are sprinkled with soil and again spilled with water, and the container is covered with polyethylene.

Seedling care

Growing zucchini seedlings is a responsible task. If small seedlings are not provided with proper care at home after planting, then you may not expect a good harvest.

Before the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 18-24 degrees in the room where the container with plantings is located. Watering during this period is carried out approximately once every 7 days, with warm water.

As soon as the first sprouts appear above the ground, the film is removed from the container, and the containers with the seedlings themselves are placed in a bright and slightly cooler room. Optimal temperature- about 15-18 degrees during the day, and at night - about 13-15. When the sprouts become mature, the temperature remains at 17-22 degrees during the daytime and up to 13-17 at night.

The lighting should be stable and sufficient, so you can place the container on the windowsill. A screen made of foil and installed around the seedlings in such a way that it reflects the light coming from the window and directs it to the bushes will help increase the amount of light.

Air humidity must be maintained within moderate limits. If the room is too dry, then heating radiator a damp cloth is laid.

If there are 2 sprouts in the pots, then the weakest one should be cut off to the very root with scissors. There is no need to pull it out, since during such removal it can damage a strong plant.

Watering is done every 10 days. Water is supplied at the root; it should not fall on the leaves. Consumption - about a liter for 8 pots.

Approximately 7 days after the appearance of green shoots, the zucchini is fertilized. Fertilizing is done with urea and superphosphate, which are diluted in quantities of 0.5 tbsp. l./l warm water. The second fertilizer is applied 10 days after the first fertilizing; this time it is prepared from nitrophoska and ash (0.5 tbsp each), diluted in 1 liter of water. Any fertilizers are applied only after preliminary watering, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the root system of the seedlings.

If the zucchini has become significantly elongated during growth, then the crown of the plant needs to be pinched. It is also recommended to add soil to the container, this will allow the roots to develop more actively and form additional roots on the stem that has gone under the soil layer.

About a week before planting seedlings outside, it is recommended to harden them. To do this, containers with seedlings are taken out during the daytime. fresh air, first for a short time, and then leave for a longer period.

Planting zucchini seedlings on the site

Planting zucchini seedlings outside is done no earlier than the sprouts have 2-4 pairs of full leaves, that is, at the age of about 25-30 days. It is not recommended to overexpose the bushes, as they will begin to turn yellow and die.

When can you plant seedlings in open ground?

Zucchini is planted in open ground from May to July. The main thing is to evaluate varietal characteristics and timing of fruit ripening, as well as climatic conditions and choose the landing time according to these factors. The air temperature should be approximately 15 degrees.

To collect fresh fruits from different times and prolong the fruiting period, it is recommended to plant seedlings at different times, in parts.

Selecting a location and preparing the bed

A place well lit by the sun, but at the same time protected from the wind, is ideal for zucchini. Groundwater should lie low. The best soil for zucchini - one that contains a lot of humus, fertile. Plants will also grow on depleted soils, but abundant fruiting You can't wait from them.

Good predecessors for zucchini are potatoes, onions, tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, and various green manure herbs. But after cucumbers and pumpkins, this vegetable will not grow well and bear fruit. Even being close to them, the plant will have problems with growth and development.

It is not worth growing zucchini in the same place all the time. These plants quickly deplete the soil.

The preparation of the bed is as follows: 14 days before planting the seedlings, the soil is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet (about 25 cm). Then you need to apply fertilizer. This can be a self-prepared mixture of compost or humus, sawdust, ash (2 cups), superphosphate (2 tbsp), potassium sulfate (1 tbsp), urea (1 tbsp). This amount of substances is applied per 1 m2 of soil. You can fertilize the soil in autumn or spring.

How to properly plant seedlings in open ground

Zucchini seedlings are planted in open ground according to a certain scheme - usually it is given on the package with the seeds. It must be remembered that there should be 1-1.5 m between the rows of plants. free space. In general, more than 3 bushes cannot be planted per 1 m2, otherwise they will be cramped.

Planting takes place in cloudy weather. A small amount of ash and humus is placed in each prepared hole, and the holes themselves are spilled with water. The plant, together with a lump of earth, is removed from the container or placed in a hole directly in peat pot to the level of cotyledon leaves. Next, the hole is filled with soil, which is lightly compacted and mulched.

In case of threat of frost, plantings must be covered with polyethylene or plastic bottles.

Caring for zucchini on the site

Zucchini is not capricious, and care for open ground it's easy to follow them. It is only important to carry out the basic procedures - watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil.


It is necessary to water the zucchini at the root with water heated in the sun (22-25 degrees). The procedure is performed in evening time. During hot periods, you can water the bushes daily. Until the ovaries form, about 10-12 liters of water are spent on 1 bush. Grown zucchini with large leaves irrigate once every few days depending on weather conditions. The main thing is not to over-water the plantings. The frequency of watering increases from the moment the fruit appears.

Weeding and loosening

The airier the soil, the better it permeates warm air, which is important for the proper development of zucchini. To prevent a hard earthen crust around the plants, the soil is regularly loosened. The process is combined with weeding and weed removal and is done about 2-3 times throughout the entire season. Hilling is carried out no earlier than the plants have formed 5 leaves.


Zucchini loves fertilizers made from weeds. They are collected, placed in a barrel, filled with water and, stirring occasionally, infused for a week. Next, the mixture is filtered and diluted with water (1:8). Zucchini is watered with this infusion 14 days after planting the seedlings. Feeding is repeated after 7 days. The herbal infusion can be alternated with the addition of manure diluted in water (1:10) and infused for several days in the sun. Fertilizers are applied for the third time when the ovaries appear. Only this time in herbal infusion(10 l) add ash (1 cup) and superphosphate (1 tbsp.).

Zucchini is the “autumn bread of the summer resident.” Zucchini is pickled, salted and stuffed. They contain large number vitamins, minerals, sugars, proteins and carbohydrates. Zucchini is widely used in dietary nutrition. The plant is unpretentious, and even a novice gardener can grow it. To get good harvest When sowing seeds and planting seedlings in open ground, you need to focus on the average monthly temperature of your region.

What kind of vegetable is zucchini?

Zucchini belongs to the pumpkin family. These are annuals herbaceous plants, which have the shape of a bush, some varieties form lashes. The leaves are quite large, dark green, may have white or yellow spots. Inexperienced vegetable growers sometimes mistake them for signs of disease, but these are varietal differences. The stems and petioles are dotted with growths in the form of small thorns, which causes some inconvenience during harvesting.

Zucchini flowers develop according to the male and female type, are large in shape, and bright yellow in color.

Zucchini fruits are elongated and cylindrical in shape. They can be slightly curved, with slight ribbing. The shape of squash (a type of zucchini) resembles a star. The color is quite varied: white, light green, cream, dark green, bright yellow. Small milk-ripe fruits weighing from 300 to 600 g and 6–10 days old are used for food, processing and sale. Ripe fruits are harvested for seeds in the fall.

Zucchini is a dietary vegetable, has valuable nutritional qualities, contains a lot of sodium and potassium salts, contains coarse dietary fiber, a lot of plant proteins, vitamins, various minerals and sugars.

The appearance of the plant depends on the variety. Zucchini has carved leaves with prickly pubescence, with silvery streaks and stripes on the surface. The fruits are elongated, with poorly formed seed chambers, from light green to purple. Form a compact bush. Regular zucchini is light in color and has climbing stems.

Zucchini can easily be processed in any way. They can be fried, stewed, salted, pickled. It's delicious and healthy vegetable. Squash caviar- a product that almost everyone likes.

Young zucchini fruits can be eaten raw, but this is contraindicated if the gastrointestinal tract has high acidity.

We look at the climate graph of the region and determine the planting date

Zucchini is an unpretentious crop. Despite the fact that their homeland is in the tropics and subtropics, the plants thrive in our vast expanses with a difficult climate. When cultivating them, it is important to observe the timing of planting in open ground. The main requirement: the temperature must not be lower than +15 o Cduring the day and +10...+12 o C at night in the complete absence of the threat of morning frosts.

To collect early fruits, you need to sow earlier. But sometimes there is a danger of sudden cold snaps and morning frosts. In spring due to warm weather young crops can sprout vigorously, but just one short-term frost in the morning will destroy the young shoots.

What should you consider when determining the date for sowing zucchini? It is difficult to establish exact dates. It is only possible to roughly determine a period of several days, depending on climatic features a particular region. You should be guided by climatic graphs of average temperatures for each region.

It's easy to do, just type search query“Kuban climate graph” or enter the name of another area. The schedule simply determines when the required average daily temperature+15 0 C. Examples of graphs with a summary table for Kuban and the Urals are given below.

Climate graph of Kuban, which shows that average temperature 15 degrees Celsius occurs at the beginning of May

Each region has its own climate schedule. For example, the average temperature curve of the Urals differs from the Kuban.

The average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius in the Urals occurs in mid-May

Upon disembarkation garden crops It is necessary to focus on planting dates by region depending on the average monthly temperature.

Table: approximate dates for planting zucchini in open ground by region

After studying this table, a gardener can easily determine when to sow zucchini for seedlings. This should be done 25–30 days before planting them in open ground. Sowing work should not be carried out before the recommended date. If the shoots sprout earlier, they will die when it gets cold. If it lasts for a long time low temperature, then the seeds will lie in the cold soil for a long time and will produce frail shoots.

You can sow zucchini in 2-3 doses at intervals of 5-6 days. This extends the harvest period.

You need to prepare for a sudden change in weather and keep insulation materials close to the garden bed: plastic film or covering material, pegs, 15–20 pcs. bricks, lids and containers.

How can the lunar calendar help?

From the table it is clear that favorable periods for planting zucchini long - up to 20 days. There is a way to specify the landing time - this is astrological forecast determining the planting date according to the lunar calendar, which is compiled by experts for each year. Some consider this method unscientific, but experience has shown that it is worth focusing on the lunar calendar.

It is very likely that the Moon really influences the development of plants. It can “attract” to itself certain crops planted in the appropriate lunar phases, stimulate their growth, but can also “repel”, which is why plants can get sick and even die.

It is worth studying the Lunar sowing calendar for the current year.

Video: how to use the sowing lunar calendar

Let us give an example of how it is easy to specify using the lunar calendar exact dates planting zucchini. In Belarus, according to the table, it is necessary to plant the crop in the 2nd and 3rd ten days of May, since during this period a favorable average temperature is very likely. And the lunar calendar will specify: 14th, 15th, 24th, and 31st. At some point the temperature will definitely be 15 degrees Celsius.

Zucchini is easy to grow. The main thing is to plant them on time and provide proper care throughout the summer, and the harvest will please the owner.

Healthy, tasty, so juicy and tender - that’s all it is, zucchini. We are so accustomed to this plant that we cannot imagine our menu without it. In early summer everyone enjoys fresh zucchini, and in winter they enjoy canned zucchini. How to grow this vegetable at home? Very simple!

Zucchini is a type of pumpkin. It comes from America, and appeared on our territory in the 16th century. Zucchini contains a lot of fiber, as well as ascorbic acid, proteins and many other beneficial substances and vitamins. Being a dietary product, it is very useful for everyone, and especially for children.

There are domestic varieties zucchini and foreign ones. Both are very useful. The variety of varieties is huge; accordingly, zucchini differs in size, color and even nutritional value.


This variety ripens very quickly, almost 35-40 days after the start of germination. Vegetables are medium, oval, but slightly elongated, white. One fruit weighs from 600 g to 1 kg.

Gribovsky 37

Very popular variety, which gives more than 8.5 kg of yield per 1 m 2. The fruits are light green, ribbed at the stalk. One zucchini weighs from 700 g to 1.3 kg.

Golda F1

A hybrid characterized by orange, golden fruits. They reach 50 cm in length and 2.5-3 kg in weight.


This variety develops only a couple of short shoots. But the fruits are harvested 36-44 days after germination. This type of zucchini weighs up to 600-900 g, the surface is smooth and whitish.


This is an Italian variety, very high-yielding and early ripening. Has the ability to be stored for a long time and has good taste. The fruits are light green, cylindrical, 17-19 cm long and weigh 900-1700 g.


This is a variety of bush zucchini with high yield. Gives harvest after 43-62 days. The fruits have a slightly ribbed smooth surface, slightly narrowed towards the peduncle. Zucchini weighs 800-900 g.


Ripens very quickly - 33-34 days after the seedlings appear. It has fairly large fruits - 900-1600 g. It has excellent taste qualities, has tender flesh, juicy. Color – white, maybe cream when ripe.


Begins to bear fruit at 35-50 days. The bushes are compact. The fruits are ribbed at the base, cylindrical. Zucchini is characterized by a light green color with a net-like pattern. Weight can reach 500-600 g, and length – 15-18 cm.

Zucchini is good to grow both from seeds and using seedlings. They bear fruit well in open ground or in greenhouses. For experienced gardeners sowing zucchini is common. But it’s still worth knowing a few secrets.

When to plant zucchini seedlings

One of the conditions for success is right choice time to sow zucchini. These vegetables can be sown for seedlings around the end of April. In this case, the seedlings will have time to grow by the time it is warm enough to plant them in the ground.

Seed preparation

There are many ways to prepare squash seeds for sowing. The easiest way is to keep them in the open sun for a couple of days. You can warm them near the battery for 1.5-2 months, hold them for a day at 40 0 ​​C or 3 hours at 50-60 0 C. In a word, the seeds need to be warmed up, and for how long depends on the temperature. You can disinfect seeds using potassium permanganate, keeping them in the solution for 20 minutes, and then rinsing with cold water.

After this, the zucchini seeds need to be wrapped in a dampened cloth and polyethylene. They are placed in a warm place and ventilated several times a day. For better plant resistance, zucchini seeds can be hardened by keeping them in the refrigerator for up to 3 days on the bottom shelf.

Zucchini sprouts are very fragile. Therefore, it is best not to let them grow to 5 mm, but to sow the swollen seeds. In this state, by the way, they can even be put in the refrigerator for a while.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

Zucchini seedlings are sown in a greenhouse or pots. It is better to take separate containers 8-10 cm wide. Drainage is laid out at the bottom: sphagnum or sawdust deciduous trees. Next is disinfected soil; purchased soil or a mixture of peat and sand will do.

In one container you need to put 1-2 sprouted seeds to a depth of 3-4 cm. On top - a nutrient mixture. After sowing, the soil needs to be compacted a little. Then the pots are covered with film and left in a warm place. After the first shoots appear, the seedlings are placed in the sunniest window.

When the cotyledon phase begins, it’s time to plant the zucchini seedlings. To do this, the seedlings must be well watered within 1-2 hours. It is very important not to damage the delicate roots of the seedlings, including not leaving them in direct sunlight.

Next, the seedlings need to be grown at a temperature of 17-22 0 C during the day and 13-17 0 C at night. Watering should be done after 5 days, approximately 1 liter per 8 pots of seedlings, always with warm water. It is important to ensure that moisture gets under the leaves and not on their surface. Fertilizing is done a week after the first shoots.

Transplantation into open ground

You can transplant zucchini seedlings into open ground in late May - early June. Before this, you can carry out the procedure of hardening the plants. To do this, the pots are left on the balcony or near an open window.

Planting takes place at the age of 20-25 days. By this time, the zucchini should have at least 2-3 true leaves of a juicy dark color. The root system should already be white and cover the entire soil of the pot.

No more than 3 zucchini seedlings can be planted per 1 m2. It is necessary to leave a distance of 1-1.5 m between the rows. In all holes you need to put a little soil mixed with ash and humus.

Plants are planted together with a lump of earth, deepened to the very cotyledon leaves. After compacting the soil near the seedlings, water it.

You can plant zucchini only in cloudy but warm weather.

If there is a threat of cold weather, then you need to cover each bush with pruned plastic bottle, you can also cover the bed with polyethylene. After planting, 1 day later, it is advisable to loosen the soil in the area with zucchini.

Many people prefer to sow zucchini directly into the garden. This allows you to reduce the cost of effort and time, but the harvest will be no worse than when growing seedlings.

When to sow zucchini in the ground

This wonderful vegetable can be sown in open ground from early May to mid-June. The main thing is to make sure that all frosts have passed and there will be no more severe cold. Or cover the zucchini with film for the first time until the onset of stable heat.

Preparing the bed

You need to choose a site that is sunny and warm. It is important that no plants have previously grown on it. pumpkin crops. The choice of mineral and organic fertilizers depends on the quality and composition of the soil:

  • Humus is added to the peat soil, compost can be added (2 kg per 1 m2), clay soil (1 bucket per 1 m2), and 1 tsp is also poured per 1 m2. potassium sulfate, superphosphate, you can add 2 tbsp. l. ash. Then the bed needs to be dug up.
  • Clay soil is fertilized with peat, humus, and sawdust (2-3 kg per 1 m2). You can also add 2 tbsp. l. ash and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Loamy soil is fertilized in this way.
  • Sandy areas can be improved with peat, turf soil (1 bucket per 1 m2), as well as humus with sawdust (3-4 kg per 1 m2).
  • You can apply 2 kg to chernozems sawdust, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 2 tbsp. l. ash - all per 1 m2.

Seed preparation

Seed preparation is also of great importance. Before sowing in the ground, they can be left for a day in a solution of potassium humate. Then the seeds are placed in a piece of damp cloth and kept there for 1-2 days. The fabric must be constantly checked and moistened, not allowing it to dry out. At this time, it is necessary to store the seeds in a warm place - at a temperature of 22-23 0 C.

Sometimes zucchini does not germinate in open ground. Often the reason for this is their unsuitability due to long-term storage. So it is best to check the quality of the seeds about a month before planting. To do this, several seeds are kept in a damp cloth until germination.


When the soil and seeds are ready, you can start sowing zucchini. The holes are made every 5-6 cm. This optimal distance. 2-3 seeds are thrown into each at a shallow depth (4-9 cm), depending on the soil.

On light loams it is better to sow deeper, and on heavy loams - closer to the surface.

Insufficiently moist soil must be watered before sowing, after which light watering is also done.

It is important to mulch the surface, for which you can use compost, peat or humus with a layer of about 2 cm. Black film is also suitable for this. But it needs to be cut in time, as soon as the first shoots appear.

After the seedlings appear, only one should be left healthy plant. The rest need to be removed, you can transplant them somewhere else.

Caring for adult zucchini is simple and does not require much effort. It consists of the usual activities:

  • Glaze;
  • Feeding;

Zucchini does not need loosening and hilling, which can cause damage root system, and the plant will die.

To improve pollination, you can attract bees. 1 tsp dissolves in a glass of water. honey, after which the liquid is sprayed onto the zucchini flowers.


This plant needs moderate watering. But water must be poured at the root, and in no case on the leaves. Before the flowers appear, it is necessary to water once a week, 4-5 liters per 1 m2. After the fruits appear, the zucchini needs more moisture. Pour up to 10 liters per 1 m2 1-2 times a week, depending on how much hot weather. The condition of the fruit depends on water - cold water leads to rotting of the ovaries. When too much frequent watering sometimes the roots become exposed. Then they need to be hidden under peat with humus.


It is necessary to fertilize zucchini three times during the summer. The first is produced even before the flowers appear. To do this, take a solution of the special substance “Rossa” (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). A solution of mullein (0.5 l) and nitrophoska (1 tbsp) diluted in 10 l of water is also used. For one plant you need to spend 1 liter of solution.

The second feeding is done when the plant blooms. For 1 bush we use 1 liter of solution. It is very simple to prepare: dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. "Effekton" and 2 tbsp. l. wood ash.

When the fruits begin to ripen, it’s time for the third feeding. The preparation is the same as for the second one, but we dissolve Effekton-O with ash. Now the consumption increases: about 2 liters of solution are used per plant.

Don't forget about foliar feeding. Best to use special remedy“Bud”, dissolves 10 g in 10 liters of water. Consumption – approximately 2 liters per 10 m2. Such feeding is done twice every 10-12 days.


Zucchini is a rather lush and dense plant. To increase the yield, you need to thin it out a little. This will allow light and air to flow well to the fruits and flowers. It is necessary to remove yellowing leaves and 1-2 healthy leaves from the middle of the bush. This is done using pruning shears, at the very base. It is important to ensure that the zucchini does not lie on the leaves. This will cause them to rot and become unsuitable for storage.

Pests and diseases

Zucchini, like most vegetables in garden beds, are exposed to diseases and various pests. This plant suffers from anthracnose, as well as powdery mildew, white rot, etc. As for pests, this vegetable most often suffers from the sprout fly, which also attacks it melon aphid, spider mite.

There are several general rules that will help you avoid these troubles:

  • Alternation of crops;
  • Timely collection and disposal of plant residues and affected vegetables;
  • Disinfection of the soil or at least deep digging of the area.

It also helps to avoid diseases and pests correct processing seeds before sowing.

Planting zucchini, the secret of a large harvest: video

Fruit collection

You can start collecting zucchini when the first fruits grow. You shouldn't leave them for long. Young zucchini, no more than 8-10 cm thick, are most valued. They have underdeveloped milk seeds, and the pulp of such vegetables is tender and juicy.

It is necessary to remove zucchini in the morning, cutting them off together with the stalk using pruning shears or a knife. If the stalk has uneven, shaggy ends, the fruit will not be able to be stored for long and will quickly rot.

Old vegetables lose their nutritional quality. Their skin becomes hard and the seeds become denser.

How to store zucchini

Young zucchini must be stored refrigerated. At a temperature of approximately 0-2 0 C they can lie for about two weeks. After this, the fruits lose their freshness, begin to become rough, and even rot. Ripe vegetables are stored longer - up to 5 months. To do this, you need to leave them in a cool, dry, and high-quality ventilation. But you shouldn’t put zucchini in cellars; it’s usually too humid there - the vegetables will quickly rot.

To store zucchini, it is best to put it in a box previously lined with pine sawdust; straw is also suitable for this. Vegetables should not touch each other. Zucchini also stores well in the refrigerator. They should be placed in well-sealed bags and left in the vegetable compartment. You can store zucchini in your apartment for a while by placing it near the door to the balcony or rolling it under the bed – it’s dry and dark there.

What to cook - zucchini and chicken casserole

You can make a lot of delicious things from zucchini. Here is one of the simple and delicious dishes.

Zucchini and chicken casserole

For it you will need:

  • young zucchini (3-4 pcs.),
  • chicken breast (approximately 800 g),
  • 4 eggs,
  • 2 onions,
  • hard cheese (100 g)
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream
  • spices to taste

Chicken breast is washed, dried, cut into small cubes and marinated in sour cream, spices and mustard. Onions are fried in vegetable oil.

Grate the zucchini and squeeze out the juice after 10-15 minutes. Then chicken, onions, zucchini are mixed and eggs and spices are added. The whole mass is laid out in a greased form.

Bake for up to 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 0 C. 10 minutes before the casserole is ready, sprinkle with grated cheese. When the dish turns golden, it’s time to enjoy it!

Have a good harvest and bon appetit!

Among the most popular vegetables grown in the garden, it is worth mentioning zucchini. They are unpretentious and contain a lot useful elements and vitamins, from them you can prepare a lot of very delicious dishes, make preparations for the winter with them. The composition of these vegetables includes phosphorus and iron, potassium and magnesium, calcium. With proper care, zucchini will delight its owners excellent harvest, even if they are new to growing them.

When to plant zucchini seedlings in 2017?

If you live in southern regions country, you can plant sprouted or dry zucchini seeds directly into the ground. However, if you want to start harvesting as early as possible, it’s better sow seeds for seedlings in advance - at home or in a greenhouse. You can not plant all the seeds at once, but divide the plantings into intervals of ten days. Then you will have young zucchini with thin skin growing throughout the summer and early autumn. The time for planting zucchini seedlings must be calculated so that planting in the ground is possible in last days May or early June. You can, of course, plant them earlier, but then, most likely, they will have to be covered with film.

You should know that zucchini, like other pumpkins, do not respond very well to transplantation, and do not tolerate well when they are disturbed during growth. Therefore, seedlings should be transplanted very carefully, and in general it is better not to move adult plants anywhere from their place of constant growth. Zucchini can be planted in open ground in May, covered with film.

If first plant zucchini seedlings, then its age is usually 25-30 days. If the plants are overexposed, they will become very elongated and overgrown. Weaker plants will have a much more difficult time establishing themselves in a place of permanent growth.

If you stick to lunar calendar, then in 2017 the following days for planting are recommended:

in March - 3-4, 7, 8, 9 and 12-13 numbers,

in Aprilfrom 3 to 5 and from 8 to 9 numbers,

in May1, 2, 6 and 30 numbers.

Zucchini seeds begin to be prepared a month before planting in the ground. Seedlings ready for transplanting into the ground should by this time have a pair of true leaves. Planting zucchini seedlings should be carried out depending on the region, on average this is the period from mid-March to May 15. Focus on the climate of your region of residence. Young zucchini seedlings will not be able to withstand frost even at minus one. So it can only be replanted after the threat of frost has passed. IN middle lane This usually occurs after May 25th. If frosts are nevertheless expected, then the seedlings will need to be covered or non-woven material, either film or plastic bottles.

Planting seeds

The first step is to germinate the seeds. This is not necessary, but it is advisable, as it will improve the quality of seedlings and increase the number of seedlings. Seeds must be pickled in weak potassium permanganate for twenty minutes. After this, the zucchini seeds should be placed on a saucer, covered with damp gauze and placed in warm place. You can still cover the saucer plastic bag to prevent excessive drying. After a couple of days, the seeds will begin to hatch. Seeds should be planted in separate containers; it is best to take peat cups. This will avoid damage to the root system of young zucchini during transplantation. It is very important to keep the thin roots intact at the time of planting in the ground, and this can be done by planting the seeds in peat pots.

Having decided when to plant zucchini, it’s time to start directly sowing the seeds. What needs to be done for this and how to further care for the seedlings?

Here you will find a whole block of publications on this topic.

These are articles based on original technology from a Doctor of Biological Sciences T. Yu. Ugarova, And detailed description mistakes when growing seedlings of peppers and eggplants from T. A. Oktyabrskaya, where she simply and clearly reveals the secrets of mastery based on her many years of experience, and recommendations from a famous experienced gardener Sergei Dyakov, which offers us personal secrets, methods and ways of growing strong and healthy seedlings to obtain rich harvests.

Our articles describe in detail how to grow seedlings of vegetables and some other crops. Tables of sowing dates are provided vegetable crops, fertilizing and planting seedlings.

Among the most popular vegetables grown in the garden, it is worth mentioning zucchini. They are unpretentious, contain many useful elements and vitamins, you can prepare a lot of very tasty dishes from them, and prepare them for the winter. The composition of these vegetables includes phosphorus and iron, potassium and magnesium, calcium. With proper care, they will delight their owners with an excellent harvest, even if they are new to growing them.

If you live in the southern regions of the country, you can plant sprouted or dry zucchini seeds directly into the ground. However, if you want to start getting a harvest as early as possible, then it is better to sow seeds for seedlings in advance - at home or in a greenhouse. You can not plant all the seeds at once, but divide the plantings into intervals of ten days. Then you will have young zucchini with thin skin growing throughout the summer and early autumn. Zucchini planting time seedlings must be calculated so that planting in the ground is possible in late May or early June. You can, of course, plant them earlier, but then, most likely, they will have to be covered with film.

You should know that zucchini, like other pumpkins, do not respond very well to transplantation, and do not tolerate well when they are disturbed during growth. Therefore, seedlings should be transplanted very carefully, and in general it is better not to move adult plants anywhere from their place of constant growth. Zucchini can be planted in open ground in May, covered with film.

If you first plant zucchini as seedlings, their age is usually 25-30 days. If the plants are overexposed, they will become very elongated and overgrown. Weaker plants will have a much more difficult time establishing themselves in a place of permanent growth. If you adhere to the lunar calendar, then in 2018 the recommended dates for planting are 3-4, 7, 8, 9 and 12-13 March, in April you can plant from 3 to 5 and from 8 to 9, in May the numbers 1, 2, 6 are suitable and 30.

Zucchini seeds begin to be prepared a month before planting in the ground. Seedlings ready for transplanting into the ground should by this time have a pair of true leaves. Planting zucchini seedlings should be carried out depending on the region, on average this is the period from mid-March to May 15. Focus on the climate of your region of residence. Young zucchini seedlings will not be able to withstand frost even at minus one. So it can only be replanted after the threat of frost has passed. In the middle zone this usually happens after May 25th. If frosts are nevertheless expected, then the seedlings will need to be covered either with non-woven material, or with film or plastic bottles.

Planting seeds

The first step is to germinate the seeds. This is not necessary, but it is advisable, as it will improve the quality of seedlings and increase the number of seedlings. Seeds must be pickled in weak potassium permanganate for twenty minutes. After this, the zucchini seeds should be placed on a saucer, covered with damp gauze and placed in a warm place. You can also cover the saucer with a plastic bag to prevent excessive drying. After a couple of days, the seeds will begin to hatch. Seeds should be planted in separate containers; it is best to take peat cups for this. This will avoid damage to the root system of young zucchini during transplantation. It is very important to keep the thin roots intact at the time of planting in the ground, and this can be done by planting the seeds in peat pots.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):