Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

Did you notice a pack of rats in your dream? It’s true, such a vision can be accurately interpreted only taking into account the feelings, emotions experienced during the dream, and how you really feel about these representatives of the rodent family. After all, some people even think about beauties with horror, while others rank them among the smartest pets. So, why do you dream about a lot of rats?

Listen to your inner voice

In your midnight vision, did you notice a lot of small rat pups that seemed harmless? But the dream book warns: in fact, be vigilant and stay away from suspicious individuals and dubious activities. Which ones exactly? Your intuition will definitely help answer this question.

Any dream can be prophetic, that is, the events that took place in it will come true if you dreamed of white, tame rats.

Freud explains in his own way: why did you dream about hordes of rodents scattering in different directions? It turns out that such a plot can be a reflection of the failures, fiasco of the sleeper in his personal life, love.

The Ukrainian dream book describes a vision of rats and mice crawling into bed. Such a dream is a bad omen. For example, rodents on a bed promise shame and dishonor to a girl.

Big but not dangerous

Pastor Loff will tell you why you dreamed about huge rats. If the animals in the dream did not show aggression towards you and behaved reasonably, then do not worry, and in reality everything will be fine. In addition, upon awakening, you will unexpectedly find the correct answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time, the dream book promises.

The sorceress Medea explains a strange dream about how kittens turn into rats before your eyes. Such a vision precedes radical changes in the life of the sleeper. And the reason for all innovations will be a person who frightens the dreamer, but at the same time is attractive to him.

It's either hit or miss

A dream about many aggressive rats prophesies a series of troubles. And certainly a dark streak will drag on in the life of the one who slept and saw disgusting rodents in his favorite, sacred place.

Why dream about how you killed a whole horde of pasyuks? To ensure that all problems can be resolved and all enemies defeated. However, the same plot is interpreted differently by the Eastern Dream Book. In this oracle, this is a characteristic of a sleeper, famous for his intolerance of the shortcomings and weaknesses of other people. But we must remember that such adherence to principles and uncompromisingness can scare off even the most devoted comrades.

An excellent sign is a dream in which you see many rats without signs of life. Such a pestilence in a night phantasmagoria predicts victory for the dreamer.

Miller's opinion

Gustav Miller is confident that a lot of dead rats are proof that the sleeper can, knows how, when it is necessary to show wisdom, endurance, and composure to achieve his goals.

Set your priorities

There is a hint in the Esoteric Dream Book: why do you dream of many rats fleeing for their lives? Such a marathon in a sleeping state only reflects the dreams of the dreamer in reality. He tries to be in time everywhere and at once, takes on several things at the same time and, as a result, does not manage to do anything.

The dream that a pack of rats ran away quite far is a symbol of missed opportunities, lost time. What should someone think who, in a dream, was surprised to find rats circling around, as if on a leash? It turns out that this is valuable advice - the time has come to determine priorities and clearly outline goals.

By fur color

Did you notice a flock of white rats in your dream? Then in reality you will probably meet a spectacular lady. But an affair with her will bring nothing but troubles and problems. But for a woman, dreaming of black rats promises a relationship with a strong, charming man.

However, the dreamer should know that under the mask of a handsome man hides a despot, a ruthless aggressor, the dream book warns.

Who's to blame?

Many rodents, hostile and biting, can most often be seen in dreams by people who have driven themselves into a corner. In other words, they created most of the problems and troubles with their own hands. And you need to show the willpower to admit your mistakes and then correct them.

The situation is different when in a dream you are horrified that your home is infested with rats. This means that in reality it is difficult for you to get along with someone in your household; you constantly conflict with them, share something, argue. Be patient - this is the only advice the dream book can give.

Well, if rats in a night dream scurry around a cage in a confined space, then the sleeper in reality has fallen into the “trap” of his own delusions, false ideals, and illusory dreams.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

Why do you dream about a lot of rats? Rats are a temptation, a warning. The meaning of a dream in which there is large number, largely depends on the person’s attitude towards these rodents. If a person experiences a phobia of rats, then the interpretation of the dream will most likely be negative. If the dreamer does not experience any negative emotions towards these animals, then this may mean good news.

Interpretation according to different dream books

The meaning of the dream may vary depending on the chosen dream book.

A large number of baby rats

Many little rats talk about the dreamer’s expulsion from society, refusal to communicate, difficulties in interacting with people. If a baby rat follows on the heels of a person, this indicates the successful completion of some business, the beginning of a new era. If the little rats run in the opposite direction from the dreamer, this indicates the person’s inability to come to an agreement, compromise, or the loss of a friend due to a quarrel.

Another meaning of the dream is loss of control over the situation, assertion that some events will be decided without the dreamer's knowledge. It also indicates a need for rest and some peace, at least for a while.

Seeing a lot of tame, kind little rats means a large number of bright events in life, spontaneity, fun adventures. A woman's dream about white baby rats indicates an unplanned pregnancy. The white rat pups seen by a young girl foreshadow a meeting with an interesting young man who may turn out to be her betrothed.

Black little rats talk about the dreamer’s subjective attitude towards something, delusion, as well as family disagreements. If he dreamed of black rat pups, then he will soon have to make a serious decision about his personal life.

Seeing the birth of a large number of rat pups in a dream speaks of evil intent, deception that is happening right in front of the dreamer’s nose, but he does not notice it. The dream indicates the emergence of new enemies or obstacles.

Dead baby rats portend well-being and happiness. Stillborn rat pups indicate fuss, busyness, and chronic fatigue of a person.

Large rodents from night dreams are a symbol of betrayal, betrayal or lies. This information will help to more accurately determine why a woman dreams of rats. Only in rare cases do they become positive harbingers.

Why does a woman dream of rats in a dream: interpretation from dream books

According to many modern dream books, a rat promises many unpleasant minutes for the sleeping person. Miller’s work notes that an animal that appears in night dreams becomes a harbinger of minor quarrels or conflicts. They will not occur with close people, but, for example, with colleagues, neighbors, friends or just random passers-by. The incident could even lead to a fight.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the fair sex is told by rats from a dream that the husband has begun to look to the side. Treason has already occurred or will happen in the very near future. The plot of the dream in some cases suggests how the situation will be resolved. If the rat ends up being killed by the woman herself or by someone else, then the outcome will be positive. The wisdom and calmness of the sleeping woman will allow her to show herself with dignity and return her husband to the family.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, aggressive biting rats foreshadow unpleasant gossip from distant relatives. They can negatively affect a woman’s reputation as a whole.

Black, white rat

When interpreting a dream, you need to pay attention not only to its main plot, but also to small details, for example, the color of the rats you saw.

  • The black rodent is considered to be a symbol of a dangerous bloodthirsty enemy. Seeing a rat of this color in your dream is a very bad sign. The dream book suggests that you need to be more careful when choosing people for your immediate circle. The sleeper is too trusting and naive, which can lead to serious troubles in the future. Also, a black rat often symbolizes the negative attitude of his relatives towards the dreamer.
  • The white rat from a dream is an ambiguous symbol. It can mean both kindness and pure thoughts, as well as loneliness and internal discomfort. If a snow-white rodent speaks in a human voice in a dream, such a guest can be considered a harbinger of ill-gotten profits. A tiny mouse of the indicated color suggests that you should get rid of your own fears and doubts. You can confidently move forward without fearing anything.

Such visions do not bode well for anyone who dreams of them. Any dream book clearly deciphers the meeting of this animal as the beginning of troubles, anger and illness. Seeing a rat in a dream is always an unfavorable sign, but the exact meaning depends on the aspects and the plot.

The dream book also pays attention to who and when dreamed of this animal, where it was.

General value

A rat in a dream does not bode well. Seeing it anywhere, especially at home, means quarrels, troubles, anger or illness. The feeling after waking up and the nature of the appearance of the animal will help you accurately determine the nature of the trouble in a dream.

Seeing one big rat means you will encounter the enemy, his intrigues, gossip and major problems. In some cases, it may indicate an enemy who skillfully pretended to be a friend, but himself cunningly and cleverly deceived and got his way. It can cause you to lose money, your job, or suffer a lot of grief.

Sometimes this animal shows a face that is trying to make money at your expense, a cunning, deceitful or dangerous person, an enemy. Usually he is in the position of executive, but he is distinguished by his intrigue and can skillfully fool even his boss. The dream book personifies this animal with people if it is alone and large in size. The color of a rat may indicate the hair color of a particular person or enemy. After such a dream, you should be careful and not trust people, especially those whose infallibility you do not doubt. Because this animal is distinguished by cunning and great resourcefulness.

Very often, a rat symbolizes a rival or the wife of a beloved man. Sometimes she can be a thin woman with a bitchy character. They say about such people “what a rat.” You can recognize her by her cloying politeness and carefully polished appearance. After all, rats are distinguished by cleanliness and cunning. Sometimes a loved one’s connection with such a woman can open up unexpectedly, especially if she turns out to be your relative or friend. In some cases, it is the clever mother of her husband or loved one who interferes with her relationship with him. So after such a dream you should be careful with women, especially if you see a rat in a dress and heels. This is a direct indication of the gender of your main enemy, insidious and cunning.

Seeing a small but nosy rat in a dream means a quarrel, trouble or illness. It can mean a thief who will deceive you in the market, a cunning worker who charges more for work than the real cost, or a conflict. Seeing it in the market means deception and theft, in the workplace means a quarrel and a showdown with an employee, or, less often, with management. Sometimes it can mean a cunning and sneaky child who will end up in your house and harm you.

A lot of rats in a dream means an accident, trouble or illness. Sometimes they foreshadow a shipwreck, war or natural disasters, an invasion of harmful insects, an epidemic, but such visions are rare. Usually the case is limited to illness or a utility accident.


The location of this animal can tell about troubles and their nature.

Seeing a rat on the street, especially in the place where you usually walk, means a quarrel on the playground, a fight, or illness of an animal or child. If you see her in the sandbox, you should not take your baby there because of the danger of illness or injury. One mother saw in her dream a lot of rats in the park near the children's attraction, where they rode with the child on weekends. He caused a lot of anxiety; the woman could not resist the baby’s request and took him for a ride. And next to him sat another boy, with residual symptoms of an acute intestinal infection. As a result, her son returned home with a high fever and then had to be treated in hospital for a long time. Therefore, seeing a lot of rats in a dream means trouble or illness. Especially if they were running in a place they were used to walking. More often, such a dream foreshadows a major quarrel, fight or injury. The dream book always pays attention to the place of its appearance.

Seeing a rat in a market or in a store means deception, cheating or theft. After such a dream, you should be careful with your wallets and not be tempted by the beauty of the goods - you can buy fake jewelry or a low-quality item that you will regret for a long time.

A rat in a hospital or clinic means illness, and a lot of these animals portends a dangerous and fleeting illness, often requiring surgical intervention. More often it is a disease of the stomach or intestines, sometimes it is poisoning with meat or food.

Seeing rats running along the deck of a ship is a sign of a natural disaster, an accident due to which you will have to leave your place of work or home, a fire or evacuation. For a sailor to see the flight of these animals in a dream, it means an accident on the ship. So, if you are planning a trip by water, it is better to cancel it to avoid big trouble. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows illness, especially mass illness.

Seeing rats in the subway, basement or near water pipes means a utility accident, damage to the water supply, intestinal disease or poisoning. Especially if there was dirty water, a feeling of dampness and cold. Black or gray rats in a dream foreshadow troubles and dangerous diseases, even sometimes intestinal or stomach cancer. After such a vision, you should get yourself examined in order to detect and cure the disease in time. The dream book gives a negative meaning to such a dream.

A rat in someone else's house is an unpleasant person, an enemy, a brawler. Seeing a lot of them means your relatives are hostile towards you and you may have trouble communicating with them. This could lead to a fight at the holiday, which will end with the arrival of the police and a big quarrel. If the rat was alone, one of your relatives or friends is against you, or the dreamer will be very angry with him. The dream book foreshadows a quarrel or a great offense.

To see a rat in your bed in a dream means expect unpleasant news or betrayal by your lover or spouse. Often a friend, sister, or relative can be involved in it. But the dream book gives another interpretation of such a vision. Your lover may turn out to be a cunning, deceitful and treacherous person, and use it for his own purposes.

So you should be careful with your husband, because the truth may be revealed unexpectedly. The dream book will help you open your eyes to his plans.

A rat in a bag or briefcase - expect unexpected trouble. The dream book foretells an unpleasant surprise for you. Slip it to the enemy - to the collapse of his intrigues and plans. This man is about to be exposed.

Killing a rat means victory over the machinations of ill-wishers. Sometimes the dream book interprets this as a miraculous deliverance from a trouble or illness that you will avoid thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances. After such a dream, the machinations of enemies will bypass the dreamer.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):